First appointment with a gynecologist, how a gynecological examination is performed for adolescents

At what age is it better to go to the gynecologist for the first time?

Often girls do not know at what age they need to visit a gynecologist for the first time.
If there are no problems in the girl’s sexual development and no symptoms of painful diseases appear, then the first visit to the gynecologist can be postponed. If the girl does not experience discomfort, then her first visit to the gynecologist can only take place at the age of 13–15 years. It should be remembered that it is advisable to plan your first visit to the gynecologist after the onset of your first menstruation, which usually appears in girls aged 13 to 15 years. In some cases, the onset of the first menstruation may appear later than 15 years, at 16 or even 17 years. In most cases, such late periods do not indicate that the girl has any problems or gynecological diseases, but if periods have not arrived at the age of 15, then there is no need to postpone a visit to the gynecologist.

How to prepare for an appointment with a gynecologist

In order for the examination to go quickly and end with a diagnosis and immediate start of treatment or a doctor’s conclusion “You are healthy,” you need to prepare before visiting a doctor. Here are the basic rules:

  • For a routine examination by a gynecologist, choose the first days after menstruation, since most studies are best done in the first phase of the cycle.
  • A few days before the visit, you must stop taking antiviral and antifungal medications, after consulting with your doctor. If you were independently treated, for example, for candidiasis, and used advertised drugs without the recommendation of a gynecologist, several days should also pass before you see a specialist, otherwise the tests may give a false result.
  • You should avoid sexual intercourse two to three days before visiting the gynecologist.
  • It is not recommended to douche before visiting a doctor and use creams and gels for intimate hygiene. It is enough to wash with warm water.
  • Before taking it, it is advisable that the intestines are not clogged; if necessary, you can do an enema. This is especially important for virgins, whom the doctor examines through the rectum.

Before visiting your doctor, remember the date of your last menstruation, the length of your cycle, the time you started having sexual intercourse, and any gynecological diseases that you currently have or have had in the past. If you have laboratory test results that are less than a year old, bring them with you to your appointment.

When is it necessary to visit a gynecologist?

There are a number of cases when a visit to a gynecologist is urgent. A girl should definitely visit a gynecologist for the first time if:

  1. There was severe pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the girl’s genital area;
  2. If the girl started menstruating before the age of 9;
  3. You should also be sure to come to your first appointment with a gynecologist if the girl did not start menstruating before the age of 15;
  4. If a girl has painful and irregular periods, she should charmingly come to her first appointment with the gynecologist;
  5. It is also recommended to visit a gynecologist in cases where the cycle is not regular throughout the year;
  6. If, in addition to pain in the lower abdomen, there is itching in the genital area, if unhealthy discharge appears from the girl’s genitals;
  7. If a girl has recently taken antibiotics for treatment, then it is best to postpone a trip to the gynecologist for a couple of weeks.

It should be noted that many gynecological diseases, especially those that are in the first stages of their development, can be completely asymptomatic. Only an experienced gynecologist during an examination can notice the symptoms of gynecological diseases that occur without obvious symptoms. That is why it is very important to visit your gynecologist at least once a year, and it is better if you visit a gynecologist once every 6 months.

In the gynecologist's office: what a girl needs to know

Going to the doctor is always stressful, and a gynecologist can be the most terrifying specialist for a girl. If something goes wrong the first time, each subsequent visit will be difficult. Parents are also worried: will they examine their daughter in a chair, will they hurt her? Together with Libresse, we have prepared an educational program on how to choose the right doctor for a child, when to show the girl to him and how to prepare her.

When to contact a gynecologist?

A female doctor is needed not only during adolescence. For the first time, a specialist examines the girl in the maternity hospital. If nothing worries you, it is recommended to send the baby for examination at 3 years old and at 6-7 years old, before school. But a gynecologist may be needed earlier - for example, if a girl has inflammation of the vulva or vagina (these causes are considered the most common), synechiae or trauma to the labia.

When puberty begins - hair appears in the armpits and pubic area, breasts grow - an examination by a gynecologist will also not hurt. Doctors recommend going to an appointment at least once a year after your first menstruation. You can make an appointment with a gynecologist unscheduled. Try to convey to your child what symptoms you can tell your parents about (and this is not at all embarrassing!), and the doctor will be able to help:

  • vaginal discharge with an unusual odor or color;
  • pain or itching in the vagina or vulva area,
  • pain, heaviness in the lower abdomen,
  • burning when urinating,
  • rash in the labia area,
  • breast asymmetry or breasts that have not grown by age 14,
  • rapid growth of coarse, thick hair on the body, including on the chest and face (here it is also worth making an appointment with an endocrinologist),
  • very painful (yes, this is not the norm!) menstruation or its absence, irregular cycles,
  • first sexual intercourse.

The first menstruation is an important event in a girl’s life: she has finally become an adult. It is good if parents explain in advance that menstruation is an absolutely normal process that should not be ashamed. Even before visiting the doctor, it would be great to tell your daughter about the rules of hygiene during menstruation: regular, at least twice a day, washing with a special product with lactic acid and changing pads every 2-3 hours. You can choose pads together - this way the girl will know that they are divided according to thickness, length and degree of absorbency.

Libresse pads are perfect for your first period. The soft surface will not rub or cause discomfort. And thanks to the anatomical shape, the risk of leakage is minimal: you can safely answer at the board and play sports.

How to choose a pediatric gynecologist?

To prevent your first appointment from being a nightmare, you should start by choosing a good doctor. A good one is not only about a diploma, a doctorate and a dozen foreign courses, but also about tact and goodwill. Adult gynecologists still have a different profile: diseases in childhood manifest themselves differently, and the norms of physiological parameters also differ.

It’s good if friends recommend a pediatric gynecologist. You can also get an outside opinion by reading reviews about the doctor. Here's how to know you've found the right pediatric gynecologist:

  • he is not only a good professional, but also a psychologist - he will calm the girl down, explain what he is going to do, and answer all questions;
  • will not be in too much of a hurry during the inspection;
  • for all manipulations he will ask permission from the girl and her parents if there are accompanying persons in the office;
  • The examination on the chair will be as painless as possible.

What to tell a girl before going to the gynecologist?

For a girl aged 6–7 years. Remember the panty rule (baby should not be touched in areas covered by underwear)? Explain to your daughter that a gynecologist is an exception to the rule, and examining her intimate area in the presence of her parents is a natural and painless procedure that you should not be embarrassed about.

You don’t have to go into details - suffice it to say that in the future the girl will become a woman, and it’s good to take care of your health now, so as not to get sick and be able to give birth to a child when your daughter becomes an adult. Perhaps she will become curious about how everything works inside - this is a good time to talk about the uterus and other anatomical features in a toy or drawing, explaining the medical names.

For a teenage girl aged 12. At this age, a girl can go to the gynecologist alone, but for the first time it is better to take her mom or dad with her. Warn the girl that the doctor will ask a lot of questions, and even ask about sex - this is absolutely normal. And he will definitely clarify the date of his last menstruation (try to write it down in advance so as not to forget). If you send her to the office alone, try to discuss other important data in advance: about the characteristics of childbirth, operations and chronic diseases of the girl.

The daughter will be able to ask the doctor questions that concern her:

  • about physical development,
  • sexuality,
  • hygiene.

Before visiting the doctor, try to tell your daughter (not in a didactic tone, but in a simple confidential conversation) that there is nothing to be ashamed of: you can safely talk to the doctor about menstruation, breast growth and any sensations associated with the genitals, because this is her body and part of her life. If your daughter is still embarrassed to talk about such things, don’t shame her; special literature will help you prepare, for example, Elise Thiébault’s book “Menstruations - Your Personal Adventure!”

How is the inspection carried out?

If a girl is already menstruating, it is advisable to come for an examination in the middle of the cycle. It’s great if you tell your daughter in advance how the examination will go so that the doctor’s requests do not come as a shock to her.

Your gynecologist will spend most of your appointment asking questions to gather your medical history. The doctor may ask to see your breasts to evaluate breast development. During the examination on the chair, the doctor will insert a special children's gynecological speculum into the vagina: it will allow you to examine the internal organs without damaging the hymen. This process is absolutely painless.

But taking a smear for flora and infections can be a little unpleasant, but this way the gynecologist will be able to identify the disease in time and prescribe treatment. If your daughter is afraid of this procedure or the doctor behaves rudely, you can always refuse the examination.

The pediatric gynecologist may prescribe other examinations:

  • blood tests - general and biochemical,
  • Analysis of urine,
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs,
  • hormonal study,
  • visit to a mammologist, endocrinologist or urologist.

A trip to the gynecologist is just one component of a girl’s growing up, her acquaintance with her own changed body. It is very important to explain that there are no “shameful” or “dirty” processes in her body and, if something bothers her, you can safely share it with mom or dad. Libresse supports the trend of open conversations about the female body and launches the #StoriesVinUs project. Girls and women have the right to know more about their bodies and tell real stories about them. The first menstruation and menstruation after childbirth, trying to get pregnant and menopause - you can safely tell a grown-up girl about everything. And the new Libresse campaign video is designed to inspire and support all women - both mothers and their daughters.

How is a gynecologist examined for the first time?

The first examination by a gynecologist may consist of several stages. First of all, the gynecologist conducts an interview, that is, fills out personal medical information about the girl. Usually, the gynecologist asks a number of standard questions and will definitely record the girl’s complaints, pain, and painful symptoms, if any.

The next step is that the gynecologist conducts an external examination of the girl’s genitals, when the girl lies in front of him in a reclining position, on a special gynecological chair. Next, an intravaginal gynecological examination takes place. The doctor examines the woman’s internal genital organs and the walls of the vagina by inserting a special instrument (a speculum) into the vagina. Next, the doctor conducts a vaginal examination, which involves examining the vaginal area using both hands of the gynecologist. This way the doctor can determine the condition of the girl’s uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

As an additional examination, an ultrasound scan or ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs can be performed, which is carried out using a special apparatus.

During this examination of the pelvic organs using ultrasound, the doctor moves a special device over the abdomen, lower abdomen and sees the health status of the woman’s organs on the screen.

How to prepare a girl for a gynecological examination?

Gynecological examination of girls under 15 years of age is carried out only in the presence of the mother or other legal representative of the child (for example, grandmother).
The mother’s main task is not to be nervous during the examination and to prepare the girl for the procedure. Tell your daughter that you also regularly undergo examinations with such a doctor. This is necessary for health, so that nothing hurts inside. Explain that the doctor may want to see her in the chair. Explain how to sit on a chair correctly and where to place your feet. Say that this is the most common procedure.

Tell him that the doctor will talk to you and your daughter. Explain what questions he will ask and that you need to answer them without hesitation.

In any case, the pediatric gynecologist will perform an external examination to determine whether the mammary glands and external genitalia are developing correctly. To do this, the doctor will ask the child to lie on his back on the couch and spread his legs slightly (the so-called frog position). If previously, if there were complaints, the doctor performed an anal examination (a finger was inserted into the anus, and the doctor felt the abdomen with his left hand - in this way he examined the uterus and ovaries), but now increasingly the examination is carried out using gynecological instruments specially adapted for children, which do not cause discomfort. and do not violate the girl’s anatomy. A smear is taken from the child only from the outer labia, without inserting the stick inside.

For a teenage girl, the doctor will definitely ask when her periods began, when her last menstruation was, and how regular her periods are. In order not to forget anything, it is better to write the answers in advance and then read them to the doctor. The gynecologist must be informed that menstruation occurs with long breaks, or for too long, or with irregular breaks, that it is painful, etc.

Usually, for an examination by a gynecologist, you need a clean diaper or a small towel to put on the chair under your bottom, socks, so as not to walk barefoot to the chair and from it to the couch where the clothes are.

What should you bring with you when visiting a gynecologist for the first time?

For a girl’s first visit to the gynecologist, you should have the following things with you:

  1. Comfortable clothes. One of the main fears of a girl at her first appointment with a gynecologist is the fear of being half naked in front of the doctor. To lower your irritability threshold, it is better to come to your gynecologist appointment in a skirt and avoid trousers. The advantages of a skirt are that it can be easily and quickly raised without removal. You should also take clean socks with you to your appointment with the gynecologist;
  2. Gynecological kit (disposable), most often girls are warned that such a disposable gynecological kit may be needed at their first appointment with a gynecologist. This set can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. If an examination by a gynecologist takes place in a private clinic, then such a disposable gynecological kit will most likely not be needed. This element is mandatory for visiting a gynecologist if the first visit to a gynecologist will be carried out in a public clinic or institution;
  3. Before coming to an appointment with a gynecologist, a girl should not forget her personal towel and disposable diaper, so that she does not have to lie down on a bare chair for an examination;
  4. Don't forget about the rules of personal hygiene. Before visiting the gynecologist for the first time, you should definitely wash your face. It is also important to shave and use clean underwear. There is no need to do any douching, because... This may affect the picture the doctor sees of the woman’s health.

Preparation for inspection

You need to prepare for such an important event as your first appointment with a gynecologist. You don’t have to do anything supernatural; quite logical actions are required:

  1. You can take your mother, sister or friend with you to your first visit to the gynecologist if the girl is afraid or embarrassed.
  2. You need to make an appointment, specify the date, time and what documents will be required.
  3. It is better to conduct any gynecological examination not during menstruation; the ideal date is the first “dry” day after it.
  4. On the eve of your appointment, you should not have sex, douche, or shave your intimate area. These actions distort the results of examination and analysis.
  5. Washing immediately before visiting the doctor's office should not be done with soap.
  6. Do not use wet wipes containing fragrances or antiseptics.
  7. For the examination, you need to take with you a napkin (place it on the examination chair), socks, shoe covers, or slippers. It’s better to wear a skirt or dress - it’s more convenient.

Is it necessary to go to an appointment with a gynecologist if the girl is not worried about anything?

A gynecologist, like any other doctor, not only treats, but also prevents diseases. The doctor can identify the symptoms of a gynecological disease, the girl will have a better chance of a speedy recovery than if the disease is in an advanced form.

Do I need to shave before visiting a gynecologist?

For a specialist this does not matter in the slightest. However, it is advisable for the girl to take a shower before the visit and put on fresh underwear - this is much more important.

When is the best time to wash or shower?

It is advisable to take water procedures in the evening, just before going to bed. If a girl takes a shower before consulting with a gynecologist, then most likely she will wash away all the discharge that may indicate inflammation.

Can a doctor examine a girl if she is menstruating?

Girls often ask whether it is possible to go to the gynecologist during menstruation.

A visit to the gynecologist during menstruation is necessary only when the girl has painful symptoms or another significant reason that cannot be postponed and a visit to the gynecologist.

You can visit a gynecologist during your period, but it is better not to do this, since the examination will not be complete and the doctor will not be able to adequately assess the girl’s health. In such situations, the doctor will schedule a second appointment. If a girl is planning a routine visit to the doctor for the purpose of prevention, then it is better to wait until her menstruation ends. More information about what menstruation is can be found in the article: what are periods, the main signs and symptoms of healthy periods. An article about why unhealthy-colored discharge from the vagina appears and what such discharge, white, yellow, pink, green, brown discharge may indicate, the reasons for the appearance of unhealthy-colored discharge from the vagina may also be useful.

However, if something bothers a girl during her menstrual period, then you shouldn’t wait until it ends. In such situations, it is better not to postpone the visit and immediately make an appointment with a specialist.

What usually happens during the first visit to the gynecologist?

When the girl feels great and nothing bothers her, then during the first visit the doctor will simply talk to her. Here is a list of sample questions that a gynecologist may ask during a consultation:

Has your period started yet? When did this happen for the first time? How many days did they walk? Are your periods regular? Does it start at the same time every month or doesn't come for a couple of months in a row? When did your last period start?

Are you sexually active? Have you had any sexual experience? What contraceptives were used (condom or other means)? After sexual intercourse, did you feel any discomfort (abdominal pain, discharge or burning sensation in the genitals)?

In addition, the doctor can examine the girl in the chair on her first visit. There is no reason to worry. This does not mean at all that there is something wrong with the girl. The doctor just needs to check how correctly the genital organs are developing, in order to dispel all the reasons for worry. If a girl is very worried about this issue or is shy, then her mother may be next to her during the examination.

During the consultation, you should not be shy and you should ask any questions that may concern a young girl.

How does an examination take place in the gynecologist's chair?

The expression gynecological examination means examining a girl on a special chair. This procedure can confuse a girl, especially if this happens for the first time. In order for the doctor to conduct an examination, the girl needs to take off her underwear and lie down in a chair, while spreading her legs wide and placing them on a special leg holder.

It is very important that a sterile napkin is placed under the girl’s buttocks.

If this is a regular clinic, then the girl needs to take a sheet or towel with her, or even better if it is a sterile disposable kit that can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Before the examination, the doctor must wash his hands and wear sterile gloves. This is done in order to avoid infection.

During the examination, the doctor will have the opportunity to check how correctly and well the genital organs are developing. If the girl has not yet had sexual intercourse, then an in-depth examination will not be performed, since there is a possibility that the doctor will tear the hymen. The only thing a gynecologist can do is stick a finger into the anus. In this way, the elasticity of the vaginal walls, as well as the uterus and ovaries, is checked.

If a girl has not yet had sexual experience, but is concerned about vaginal discharge or genital itching, the doctor will examine the vagina and take a smear for flora. The examination is carried out with thin instruments so that the hymen is not damaged. And the vagina will be examined using a special mirror. Afterwards, the doctor will also feel the mammary glands.

How does the inspection process work?

In order to get rid of the fear of the unknown, it is enough to understand how a gynecological examination is performed:

  1. First of all, the doctor will ask you questions about your health, menstrual cycle and sex life. All questions are mandatory, their list is written as instructions for a doctor. There is no need to think that the doctor is interested in the patient’s personal life; this data is important for assessing health. Don't hide the truth out of fear or embarrassment. What young girls are most afraid to talk about becomes obvious to the gynecologist during an examination in the chair. For example, the presence of virginity. Any lie can distort the picture of the inspection. If there are complaints, it is necessary to describe them in detail;
  2. After the conversation, the patient’s blood pressure, height and weight are measured. In adolescence, the first appointment is accompanied by a breast examination;
  1. Then the doctor conducts an examination on a gynecological chair. First you need to conduct a visual examination of the genitals. Assess their appearance, the presence of rash, redness and other visible manifestations. During a visual examination, the gynecologist can already see the integrity of the hymen. Its presence determines the further procedure for examining girls. The cervix and inner surface of the vagina of girls who are sexually active are examined with a gynecological speculum. This is a completely painless process, but can be unpleasant if the muscles are tense. Virgins are not examined using mirrors.
  2. The next step will be a bimanual examination. In this case, the doctor presses on the lower abdomen with one hand, and palpates the inside of the vagina with a finger of the other hand. This study helps determine the location and size of the internal genital organs. For virgins, palpation through the vagina is replaced by palpation through the rectum;
  3. On the gynecological chair, a smear of vaginal discharge is taken, this is done during examination with a speculum. For virgins, a smear is taken from the vaginal opening. This test determines the presence of infection.
  4. After all the manipulations performed, the doctor makes notes in the medical record. If there are any problems, it may be indicated to undergo additional examinations and tests. Then a follow-up appointment will be scheduled.

The explanation of how an appointment with a gynecologist takes place looks very voluminous, although the process takes no more than 20 minutes from entering the office to leaving it.


When will your breasts be examined?

Examination of the mammary glands and breasts is necessarily the responsibility of the gynecologist at the first appointment. The doctor himself decides to examine the girl’s breasts before or after examining the girl’s genitals, but all gynecologists do this differently, some before and some after the main gynecological examination. An article about why my breasts aren't growing might also be helpful. In some cases, before the onset of menstruation, girls and women may experience severe pain in the chest, which can not only be a sign or symptom of the development of menstruation, but also indicate the development of a certain health problem, especially in the case of severe pain in the mammary glands. You can read more about this in the article: why chest pain appears before menstruation, the main and most common chest pain before menstruation.

How often should a girl visit a gynecologist?

If a girl feels great and nothing bothers her, then she can make an appointment with a gynecologist once or twice a year.

And don’t forget about disease prevention. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Aware means armed.” If you experience irregular periods or excessive vaginal discharge, abnormally colored vaginal discharge, severe pain in the lower abdomen, brown, yellow, white or black discharge, or itching in the vagina or external genital area, if you are worried about the frequent urge to urinate, these are all reasons to consult a gynecologist, which is dangerous to put off until later. You can read about the causes of pain in the lower abdomen in the article: why does pain appear in the lower abdomen during menstruation, what are the pathological causes of pain in the abdomen during menstruation.

The first gynecologist. How to prepare your daughter

Many women are familiar with fear, embarrassment and other unpleasant emotions that they have to overcome on the way to the gynecologist's office. For some, the psychological barrier is so strong that they decide to come to the doctor for the first time when they are already pregnant. Olga Latysh, a pediatric and adolescent gynecologist of the highest category at the ISIDA clinic (Kiev), tells how a mother should act so that her child does not develop such complexes.

Olga Alexandrovna, when should the girl’s first examination by a gynecologist take place?

Immediately after birth. Newborn girls must be examined by a pediatric gynecologist. During this first examination, the doctor can detect malformations of the external genitalia, and by palpating the abdomen, feel a tumor. On the first day, bloody discharge from the girl’s genitals is often observed, since the body is still affected by the mother’s estrogens. The pediatric gynecologist must explain in detail to the mother what the girl’s hygiene should be, and other subtleties of caring for the child.

When is the next scheduled inspection?

A girl must be examined at birth, upon entering kindergarten, and before entering school.

What are the indications for an unscheduled examination by a pediatric gynecologist?

There are many such testimonies. You should definitely visit a doctor if a girl develops secondary sexual characteristics or bleeding from the genital tract under the age of 8 years. In these cases, it is necessary to exclude tumors of the pituitary gland, ovaries, adrenal glands, as well as hormonal disorders. Diseases of the urinary system - cystitis, pyelonephritis, urinary incontinence after 2 years - are reasons for mandatory consultation with a gynecologist.

Indications for a visit to a pediatric gynecologist are redness of the external genitalia or the appearance of discharge (yellowish, greenish, bloody, brown, with an unpleasant odor or any other) in girls under 8 years of age. This could be an infection due to E. coli entering the vagina, or it could be a helminthic infestation - enterobiasis.

If something in the structure of your daughter’s genital organs seems unclear to you, you need to show the girl to a gynecologist. This may be synechia (fusion) in the area of ​​the labia minora - a problem that is relevant from birth to 5-6 years. The causes of synechiae are frequent colds, inflammatory diseases, diseases of internal organs, especially the urinary system, as well as overzealous hygiene (washing the child with soap, gels). A girl’s genitals can only be washed with water, and with baby soap – no more than once a week, otherwise the immune layer on the external genitalia will be damaged and the labia minora will begin to “glue together.” One of the causes of synechiae may be hormonal deficiency: until the age of 8, a girl’s ovaries are at rest and do not produce female sex hormones - estrogens. After 8 years, the ovaries begin to work, and rod flora appears in the vagina - the vaginal nurse.

What problems require contacting a gynecologist in adolescence?

A doctor must examine a teenage girl if, by the age of 13, she has not developed secondary sexual characteristics - breast growth, pubic and axillary hair, and also if by the age of 15 she has not started menstruation, or has begun but has not established herself within of the year. An irregular menstrual cycle can be a manifestation of polycystic diseases, sclerocystic ovaries, underdevelopment of the uterus and hormonal disorders. The sooner such disorders are identified, the easier it is to cure them. All these diseases can lead to difficulties in pregnancy in the future.

It is necessary to show the girl to a gynecologist if her menstruation is too heavy and prolonged. In case of juvenile (teenage) bleeding, it is necessary to stop the blood loss as quickly as possible, so you should not delay visiting a doctor.

For any pain in the lower abdomen in girls, you should definitely consult a pediatric gynecologist.

Should you be alarmed if a girl starts masturbating at an early age?

This should definitely alert you, and in such cases the girl cannot be scolded or in any way focus attention on this; on the contrary, she must be distracted from this activity. But first you need to conduct an examination with a gynecologist, because often children begin to masturbate against the background of pinworms - enterobiasis, or candidiasis, when itching appears in the genital area, and the girl, trying to get rid of it, encounters new pleasant sensations.

How to set up and prepare a girl so that she is not shy or afraid of the gynecologist?

If you accustom a girl to routine examinations with a gynecologist from childhood, then later she will not have to be embarrassed and get ready to go to the doctor. First of all, the mother should tell her that it is not scary or painful, that the girl will be placed on a couch or on a special chair and the doctor will look at how her nose or ear looks. After 5 years, the examination is carried out rectally: a finger is inserted into the rectum, and from above, pressing on the abdomen, the doctor palpates the uterus and appendages: ovaries, tubes. Before a rectal examination, you need to give a cleansing enema or give a laxative so that the rectum is empty, then the examination will not bring any unpleasant sensations to the girl.

Is there any discomfort if the doctor is a man?

A male pediatric gynecologist has the right to examine a girl only in the presence of a third party other than the parents. Typically, this third party is a nurse. Girls usually react normally to a male doctor, but if they don’t like something, they have the right to choose which doctor to go to.

Is it within the competence of a pediatric gynecologist to teach children the basics of intimate and sexual hygiene?

Nowadays, children get information from the Internet from an early age and often know the answers before they have questions. Despite this, girls often come to me for advice on various intimate issues, which mothers and girlfriends understand worse than a gynecologist. If parents accustom their child to mandatory annual preventive examinations, the girl gets used to taking care of her health from childhood, monitors the condition of her body and easily gets rid of diseases in the early stages.

Can a gynecologist find out that a girl is no longer a virgin?

Upon examination, the doctor will be able to determine that the girl is no longer a virgin and it will not be possible to hide this fact from him. In a situation where a girl has sexual relations, but does not want anyone to know about it, you should immediately agree on this with a doctor. In this way, the girl will establish a trusting relationship with the doctor: at your request, he will not inform his parents about this. However, this is only possible if the girl has already reached the age of sixteen. If she is a little younger, then the doctor must inform the parents about this.

Is it possible to deceive the gynecologist and hide the fact that I am no longer a virgin?

No matter how much the girl would like to, it will not be possible to hide the fact that the girl is no longer a virgin. Therefore, if a girl has a goal to hide such a fact, then you should immediately warn the doctor that you do not want to disseminate information about your non-virginity in advance. If a girl does not want to inform her parents that she is no longer a virgin, she should first notify her gynecologist about this and then he may not make any notes about the girl’s virginity or non-virginity.

Can a gynecologist tell (inform) a girl’s parents that she is no longer a virgin, that the hymen is broken?

According to current legislation, a gynecologist can inform a girl’s parents that she is no longer a virgin if the girl is not yet 15 years old.

If the girl’s virginity was broken later than when she turned 15 years old, then, at the girl’s request, the gynecologist can keep such information secret, that is, not disclose it. More detailed information about why a gynecologist, at the request of a girl, cannot disclose information about her virginity if the girl is already 15 years old, can be read in Article 54 of the law of the Russian Federation (Fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation).


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Fears and misconceptions

Teenagers in the gynecologist's office are very shy and even afraid. It is worth dispelling all fears and doubts:

  • The doctor’s actions do not cause pain;
  • All details of the conversation with the doctor will remain confidential. No one at school will know the patient's secret;
  • The doctor will not cause any harm to the hymen. This is clear if you know how the inspection is carried out;
  • Sterile instruments and gloves on the doctor’s hands will prevent infections from entering the genital tract;
  • A male doctor does not look at a patient as a sexual object, during his work he has seen many naked women, and for him they are just patients;
  • Condemning views and remarks from a doctor should not be a reason for embarrassment; this only speaks of the doctor’s unprofessionalism from the standpoint of medical ethics;
  • A timely examination will help maintain health and identify possible problems.
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