How to make a gynecological tampon with dimexide at home

According to modern gynecologists, problems with women's health can be eliminated with accessible and inexpensive means. For inflammatory processes that occur in the genital organs, treatment can be carried out with one of the universal remedies. Dimexide in gynecology helps to cope with bacteria, fungi and viruses that cause itching, pain, burning, and menstrual irregularities.

Useful properties of Dimexide

In the first half of the 20th century, Dimexide was used as an industrial solvent. The medicinal properties of the drug were discovered by a research group led by Dr. Stanley Jacobson. The results showed that the sulfur compound, the active component of Dimexide, may have medical benefits.

Sulfur is involved in many organic processes, supports proper metabolism and helps produce new cells. In addition, the substance actively fights pathogens of infectious viral diseases and performs the following functions:

  • Dilates blood vessels.
  • Relieves swelling.
  • Eliminates inflammation, itching, burning.
  • Stimulates immunity.
  • Strengthens muscles and joints.
  • Blocks the production of prostaglandin, due to which swelling and inflammation disappear.
  • Reduces the volume of vaginal discharge - signs of the disease.
  • Facilitates the penetration of other drugs.

For what diseases are tampons with Dimexide prescribed in gynecology?

Doctors see the effectiveness of tamponage in the treatment of thrush, vulvovaginitis, cervicitis, cervical erosion, salpingitis, and adnexitis. The drug is used for inflammatory processes that affect the external genitalia and complications of the postpartum period.

As a rule, Dimexide is prescribed for the treatment of fungal, viral and bacterial diseases of the reproductive system. For preventive purposes, it is used against malignant neoplasms and to restore health in patients who have undergone radiation therapy.

Useful information about the drug

The concentrated drug contains the antiseptic dimethyl sulfoxide and is sold through the pharmacy chain in glass containers of 50 or 100 ml.

The drug actively affects the areas of the body affected by the disease, stopping:

  1. inflammatory process;
  2. pain syndrome;
  3. dissolves blood clots;
  4. inhibits pathogenic microorganisms;
  5. stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues.

In gynecology, dimexide is used in the treatment of diseases of various etiologies. An important condition for using the drug is to follow the doctor’s recommendations in case of:

  1. cervical erosion;
  2. inflammation of the vulva and vagina;
  3. follicular, paraovarian, endometrioid ovarian cyst;
  4. inflammation of the cervix;
  5. candidiasis;
  6. postpartum infection.

The medicine also activates the rehabilitation process after surgery and radiation therapy. It should be noted that dimexide solution is less aggressive compared to injections and tablets. Local therapy can also be carried out to prevent inflammatory processes of infectious origin and treat infertility and endometriosis.

How to make medicinal tampons with Dimexide

When prescribing tampons with Dimexide, an attentive doctor will definitely tell you how to do the procedure correctly. High concentrations of substances are dangerous for delicate genital organs, so the drug is diluted to avoid burns.

Recommended proportions are 1:4 or 1:5. Lower concentrations of the final product are also allowed, where the medicinal liquid accounts for 10–30%. The finished solution has a slight garlic odor.

How to dilute Dimexide with water for medicinal tampons:

  • A solution of 10% is 18 ml of water to two milliliters of concentrate.
  • 30% solution - take 14 ml of medicine per 6 ml of water.

There are other schemes for achieving the desired concentration, but only two options are suitable for tampons - 10% and 30%. The medicine is diluted with boiled water. Raw liquid cannot be used.

Now let's look at how to make the tampons themselves and soak them in water with Dimexide.

You will need a little material - these are sterile bandages, cotton wool and threads. Put sterile gloves on your hands and begin making tampons.

An oblong tampon is made like this:

  1. A strip about 20 cm long is cut from the bandage.
  2. Roll up a piece of cotton wool, imitating the shape of a cylinder. The diameter of the pad is 3 cm.
  3. The cotton cylinder is fastened with thread and wrapped in a bandage.
  4. The product is taken by the edges and tied tightly, leaving a “tail”. When it comes time to remove the tampon from the vagina, you will need to gently pull on this part.

The scheme for creating a round tampon is different:

  1. A ball of cotton wool is rolled until a tight ball is formed.
  2. The workpiece is impregnated with a medicinal solution and wrapped with gauze tape.
  3. The edge of the product is hidden inside and the tampon is tightened with thread.

Tampons soaked with liquid usually swell and cause discomfort. The following steps will help you avoid this. The cotton wool is tightly bandaged and secured with thread. Be sure to make a “tail”, otherwise there will be difficulties with removing the tampon from the genital tract.

How to dilute and use Dimexide and Lidaza

Tampons with Lidaza and Dimexide are used to improve blood circulation in the pelvis and quickly restore the mucous membrane. Dimexide is diluted with Lidaza in a ratio of 1:3. This treatment should be prescribed by a gynecologist. Too much concentration of Dimexide can cause burns.

For therapy, an aqueous concentrate with 10-30% of the drug is used. The water must be boiled. To get a 10% solution you need to take 2 ml of the drug and 18 ml of water. To obtain a 30% solution, you need to take 6 ml of water and 14 ml of medication.

To make a tampon, you need to take a little sterile cotton wool and 20 cm of bandage. Cotton wool is placed in the middle of the bandage strip and 2 knots are tied along the edges. The ends of the bandage will help you remove the tampon. The procedures are carried out 2 times a day, morning and evening.

Medicinal mixtures for tampons with Dimexide

Given the property of Dimexide to increase tissue permeability, it is often combined with other medications, for example, with Vishnevsky ointment.

This option destroys pathogenic microbes, reduces pain, and extinguishes the inflammatory process. In case of cervical erosion, candidiasis, cyst, as well as inflammation of the ovaries, the gynecologist will definitely give instructions for the use of Dimexide with Vishnevsky's liniment.

In the presence of these diseases, the drug is also combined with Dioxidin, Novocaine, Lidase, and antibiotics.


Dimexide tamponade with Novocaine is prescribed for rapid relief of pain that accompanies gynecological diseases.


Dimexide and Lidaza for placing tampons are mixed to prevent the development of adhesions.

Before inserting tampons with Dimexide into the vagina, they are impregnated with the prepared solution using a syringe. The product is inserted deep into the vagina, not forgetting to leave a “tail” on the outside, and the time is remembered. After 10 hours, the bundle is removed. After 4 hours, a new tampon is inserted.

How many days can you use tampons with Dimexide? The duration of therapy is always determined individually. The standard scheme prescribes a 10-day period.

Side effects and contraindications

In general, treatment of gynecological diseases using tampons with Dimexide does not cause complications, which is confirmed by numerous reviews from patients. The product effectively relieves inflammation and brings significant relief already in the first days of use, if the solution was prepared taking into account all the recommendations.

If the concentration of the solution is increased without consultation with a specialist, Dimexide may cause side effects:

  • Sleep disorder.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Drying of the skin.
  • Constipation/diarrhea.
  • Increased skin pigmentation.
  • Burning and itching in the vagina.
  • Swelling of the internal genitalia.
  • Narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi.
  • The secretion of the sweat glands, urine and salivary fluid acquire the smell of garlic.

If unfavorable symptoms occur, as well as in the presence of bloody discharge after therapeutic tamponage, treatment is stopped and immediately sent to a doctor for consultation.

When considering the option of treating diseases of the reproductive system with Dimexide, it is necessary to study contraindications to its use.

How can you replace Dimexide?

Dimexide does not have 100% structural analogues. Then what can replace this drug if it is impossible to use it? Medicines with another active ingredient can come to the rescue. So, what can they offer you at the pharmacy:

Analogs of Dimexide - table

Name of the drugRelease formActive ingredientIndicationsContraindicationsFrom what age can it be used?Average drug price
Propolis-DNrectal suppositories
  • propolis;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide
  • inflammatory processes of the genital area;
  • inflammation of the rectum;
  • in complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections
  • intolerance to individual components of suppositories;
  • intolerance to bee products;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period
approved for use from 18 years of agefrom 250 rubles
Dolobenegel for external use
  • sodium heparin;
  • dexpanthenol;
  • dimethyl sulfoxide
  • swelling;
  • hematomas;
  • bruises;
  • injuries;
  • neuralgia
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • open wounds near the application of the drug;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • intolerance to individual components of the gel
approved for use from the age of fivefrom 250 rubles
Fuzimetointment for external use
  • dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine;
  • fusidine sodium
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • burns;
  • deep wounds
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs;
  • intolerance to individual components of the ointment
approved for use from 18 years of agefrom 120 rubles
Pulsatilla compositumsolution for intramuscular administration (it can also be used externally)
  • cortisone acetate;
  • sulfur;
  • pratensis pulsatilla
  • lactation failure;
  • lactostasis;
  • injuries;
  • bruises
individual intolerance to individual components of the drugapproved for use from 18 years of agefrom 80 rubles

Dilution of the solution

How to dilute Dimexide before use? The drug should not be used in its pure form, as it will cause a burn to the inner lining of the vagina. The concentration of the solution depends on the symptoms.

To properly dilute Dimexide with water, you must observe the following proportions:

  • 10% solution – 18 ml water/2 ml concentrate;
  • 20% solution – 8 ml water/2 ml medicine;
  • 25% - 6 ml of water/2 ml of drug;
  • 30% - 14 ml/6 ml;
  • 40% - 6 ml/4 ml;
  • 50% - the volume of water is equal to the amount of the drug (5ml/5ml);
  • 90% - 2 ml water/18 ml concentrate.

Dimexide for tampons is a 10% or 30% solution. For dilution, use only boiled water.

How long can the diluted solution be stored? The product is stored in a cool, dark place in a glass container under a hermetically sealed lid for up to 3 days, although doctors recommend preparing fresh medicine each time.

Important! Before determining the right proportion of the product for yourself, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Forms of release and composition of Dimexide

The main component of the drug is dimethyl sulfoxide, which has an antimicrobial and anesthetic effect. Its concentration and list of excipients depend on the form of release:

  1. Liquid concentrate 99%. The product is in dark bottles of different volumes - from 40 to 120 ml. Used to make a solution.
  2. Gel 25 or 50%:
  3. purified water;
  4. carmellose sodium;
  5. nipagin;
  6. nipazole

The substance dimethyl sulfoxide is found in Propolis-D suppositories. Suppositories consisting of Dimexide alone are not produced.

The product has a yellowish tint and a strong garlic odor.

Tampons with dimexide and other drugs

The drug increases tissue permeability to other medications. For this reason, an antiseptic solution is often combined with other drugs.

With Vishnevsky ointment

Tampons with Vishnevsky ointment and Lidaza eliminate inflammation and speed up recovery. In addition, the drug is combined with painkillers and antibacterial solutions (for example, Novocain or Dioxidin).

Tampons with Dimexide and Vishnevsky ointment destroy pathogens, relieve inflammation, and reduce pain. A similar mixture is used for inflammation of the ovaries, erosive lesions of the cervix, cysts, thrush, etc.

With Novacoin

A hygiene product soaked in a solution of Dimexide with Novocaine is used to quickly eliminate painful sensations.

With Lidaza

Tampons with Dimexide and Lidaza are prescribed when the likelihood of adhesions increases. A hygienic bundle soaked in Dimexide with Lidaza normalizes blood circulation in the pelvis, promotes cell renewal, and restores damaged tissue.

With antibiotics

To treat inflammatory diseases of a bacterial nature, Dimexide and antibiotics in the form of a solution (for example, Gentamicin) are used.

Magnesia in gynecology for inflammation

When dealing with ovarian inflammation, it is important to follow an integrated approach to treatment. The main link in eliminating the disease is drug therapy.

Most often, the doctor prescribes Terzhinan, Diclofenac, Trichopol, Tsiprolet, Polygynax or Ceftriaxone for inflammation of the ovaries.

This choice of drugs is due to the fact that oophoritis is caused by various pathogens that enter the abdominal cavity in various ways, for example:

  • during unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • during surgical interventions (abortions), other gynecological manipulations;
  • when installing/removing the fallopian device;
  • through personal items (for example, towels);
  • through the bloodstream from adjacent organs and systems (for cystitis, urethritis, appendicitis);
  • infection in swimming pools, baths, saunas, etc.

Antibacterial therapy

Drugs in this group should be prescribed only after laboratory tests have been carried out to determine the type of pathogen. But the fact is that most modern drugs have a complex effect on pathogens of different groups. Therefore, the following are most often prescribed.

You can learn more about treating ovarian inflammation with antibiotics HERE.


Ceftriaxone has a bactericidal effect on the cell membrane of microorganisms during inflammation of the ovaries. This third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic is available only in powder form for injection, so its use at home is difficult.

But the advantages of the drug are significant: it can replace a lot of other antibiotics, affects most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and has also proven itself in the treatment of chronic salpingoophoritis (with this form of the disease, microorganisms develop resistance to many antibiotics).

A special feature of the drug is that it can also be used for syphilis, although this disease is treated with penicillins. But if penicillins cannot be used for any reason, then Ceftriaxone is a backup treatment option.

Another absolute advantage is that this drug is acceptable during pregnancy, but not in the first trimester.

Amoxicillin for inflammation

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic of the penicillin group, which is highly effective and well tolerated, as well as a minimal list of side effects.

Treatment, as in the previous case, lasts no more than a week, one tablet 3 times a day.

An analogue of Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, can be prescribed during pregnancy for inflammation of the ovaries, but only if the benefit to the mother exceeds the potential harm from the drug to the fetus.


Tsiprolet for inflammation of the ovaries is an antimicrobial drug of the fluoroquinolone group. Available in both tablet and injection form.

It has very few contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation, as well as vascular pathologies (atherosclerosis, hypertension).

Tsiprolet is prescribed from 250 to 500 mg 2-3 times a day for 7 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the disease, as well as the pathogen that caused the inflammatory process.


Trichopolum for inflammation of the ovaries is not prescribed individually, but in combination with an antibiotic from another group.

This is an antimicrobial and antiprotozoal agent that well “restrains” its own opportunistic microflora. That is why this drug is auxiliary.

Metronidazole for inflammation

The main component of Trichopolum is the antibiotic metronidazole. Previously, pure metronidazole was prescribed, but it has many side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dizziness and other manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system.

In this regard, metronidazole is currently rarely prescribed, although it is a cheaper analogue of Trichopolum.

Suppositories for local treatment

Along with oral antibiotics, local treatment is mandatory. Vaginal suppositories are used for this. They destroy pathogens at the local level, thereby accelerating recovery and stopping the inflammatory process. The following drugs are the most effective and safe.


This is a combination drug that is used in gynecological practice to treat bacterial and fungal infections. It also has weak antiviral activity.

Particularly effective against Trichomonas, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and anaerobic microorganisms. Since it contains nystatin (an antifungal component), it can be used to treat thrush.

Terzhinan is popular because it has virtually no contraindications. Among them are only those under 16 years of age and allergic reactions to any components of the drug.

Clotrimazole for ovarian inflammation

Antimycotic (antifungal) agent that is effective against various fungi: dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi, which include candida, which causes thrush, as well as dimorphic fungi. Clotrimazole is produced only in the form of preparations for external use (suppositories, gel, ointment), and can be used in conjunction with antibiotics.


A complex drug that acts simultaneously as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. It is especially effective for vaginitis of mixed etiology and thrush, since Polygynax suppositories contain nystatin.

Hexicon for inflammation

It affects many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, treats chlamydia and ureplasmosis, as well as sexually transmitted diseases - syphilis, gonorrhea, which also cause inflammatory processes in the pelvis. Hexicon is usually well tolerated, and side effects include itching, burning in the vagina, and allergic reactions.

What is more effective: suppositories or injections? Read the article “Suppositories for ovarian inflammation: vaginal, rectal”


Immunomodulators for the treatment of adnexitis and/or oophoritis are used only when the disease is protracted, is a secondary symptom of sexually transmitted diseases, and also if it has become chronic.

To maintain immunity, both synthetic drugs (Cycloferon, Viferon) and herbal products are used. One of the most popular herbal ingredients for boosting immunity is Echinacea. The drug is available in the form of lozenges and alcohol tincture.

Echinacea for inflammation of the ovaries has an antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect, significantly increases the body's immune response, due to which the infection is cured much faster. Echinacea is also able to remove toxins from the body that are formed as a result of bacterial activity.

Magnesia for inflammation of the ovaries

Magnesia is magnesium sulfate. Since this microelement is not synthesized by the body on its own and is easily excreted at the slightest stress or infection, its additional intake is simply necessary.

Magnesium is a good antispasmodic, therefore it reduces pain.

Magnesium is widely used in gynecology for the treatment and prevention of pain caused by infectious diseases (adnexitis), during pregnancy with increased uterine tone, as well as to alleviate the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.


Phytolysin is a drug in the form of a paste for oral administration. Direct indication for use is urinary tract diseases (cystitis, urethritis, etc.). Therefore, Phytolysin is prescribed only if oophoritis/adnexitis appears as a complication of urinary tract infections.

Phytolysin has a natural herbal composition, including a number of essential oils - orange, pine, mint, sage. Helps eliminate infection and relieve inflammation. There are cases when the inflammatory process appears during pregnancy.

This happens because, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the ureters dilate, thereby facilitating easier penetration of infection. In this case, Phytolysin is also used, since it does not have any negative effect on the fetus.

The drug Fitolysin can also be used during breastfeeding.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

How are tampons with dimexide used in gynecology?

How to properly insert tampons with dimexide into the vagina? The finished medicine is taken with a syringe and poured into a homemade hygiene product. After this, it can be inserted deep into the vagina, so that the free edge is on the outside.

How long should you use tampons? The hygienic product is used twice a day, each package is removed from the vagina after 10 hours. This will be the daily dose of the drug.

How many days should I use medicated tampons? The duration of the course is determined by the doctor for each woman individually. But on average, therapy lasts 10 days.

If bloody discharge appears after using a therapeutic tampon, you should immediately stop therapy and consult a doctor.

Magnesia injection for inflammation in gynecology

Contents of the article:
Magnesia is a broad-spectrum drug. Its main component is magnesium, which is necessary for the development of the body and maintaining the normal functioning of many processes in it.

The drug is taken orally in several ways, in the form of a powder, which is dissolved in water and drunk.

And also with the help of droppers and intramuscular administration, both of these methods are more effective, since absorption into the blood occurs more quickly.

The drug magnesium in ampoules acts on many systems in the body, has a calming effect, reduces the appearance of seizures, and helps with problems in the body's metabolic processes. In large doses, it has a depressing effect on the central nervous system, leading to sleep, drug intoxication, and problems with the respiratory system.

Magnesia in ampoules is used in gynecology, diets and various departments of medicine. Can be taken orally or intramuscularly. Intramuscular administration is a rather painful method, and sometimes side effects occur.

Only specialists prescribe magnesia, determining a dose that will not harm the patient. When injected intramuscularly, a hematoma can form and even cell death may occur, so it is better to give the injection in special treatment rooms.

The drug is administered using long and thin needles, mixing it with novocaine or icecaine so that the injection is not so painful. It is better to warm the ampoule slightly to body temperature. The injection is placed in the buttock, and when dividing it mentally into four parts, it must be placed in the upper outer quarter.

The injection site is first disinfected with an alcohol solution or chlorhexidine. The needle is inserted sharply until it stops, then the administration of the drug itself begins very slowly, about 2 minutes.

The injection can be done in two ways:

— prepare two syringes with drugs, first inject a solution of novocaine, then, without removing the needle, change the syringe to a solution with magnesium and inject it;

- mix novocaine and magnesia in one syringe, using a 1 to 1 ratio of solution in ampoules.

The patient should not move, it is better to be in a supine position, so it is not recommended to administer such injections yourself.

If a hematoma occurs, you can attach a cabbage leaf to it and draw an iodine grid.

If you are allergic to substances, you must inform your doctor.

It is important to remember that magnesia in ampoules should only be prescribed by your doctor. And the drug itself must be administered by a specialist, because Overdose can be very dangerous for the female body.

Magnesia is used comprehensively for weight loss. Use as a laxative or bath solution. The mixture for bath procedures is prepared in the following proportions: magnesium 30 g, sea salt 0.5 kg, table salt 0.5 kg. But the use of baths is not possible for diseases:

- colds, cough, runny nose, fever;

- high blood pressure;

- diseases of the genitourinary system;

- neoplasms in the body;

Magnesia is also used in the treatment of problems in women such as:

- normalize heart function;

— speed up the metabolic process;

- in combination with anesthesia to improve the effect;

- during pregnancy to relieve uterine tone to prevent premature birth.

Magnesia is widely used in gynecology, especially to relax the uterus during pregnancy, when it becomes hard, stone-like and can displace the fetus, that is, premature birth will occur in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, or miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Signs of uterine hypertonicity may include pain in the lower abdomen.

They can occur periodically without disturbing the woman much, but the presence of any pain during pregnancy should alert the expectant mother and be a signal to visit a specialist.

If severe abdominal pain or bleeding occurs, you must immediately call for help or immediately go to a medical facility.

When prescribing magnesia, the doctor will indicate the dose to be administered; it cannot be exceeded, since the drug is also received by the fetus through the mother’s blood. Therefore, all side effects from an overdose of magnesium in ampoules will also be observed in the unborn child.

That is, you cannot use magnesia on your own; only under the supervision of doctors in the right doses will the medicine help the patient and not harm.

And if your stomach hurts in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, in the final stages of fetal development, then you can read about the reasons for the appearance of such a problem in the article: 36 weeks of pregnancy and your stomach hurts, the lower abdomen pulls and hurts, reasons.

When administering the drug intravenously, you may experience feelings of heat, increased sweating, and dizziness. Therefore, magnesium should enter the body as slowly as possible, drop by drop.

While the dropper with the drug is in place, it is necessary to prepare a device nearby so that you can go to the toilet, since it increases the diuretic effect.

If the symptoms are very strong, you should call a nurse.

During pregnancy, magnesia can also be used as a laxative for constipation or a diuretic for severe edema. The solution for the dropper is prepared in a ratio of magnesium sulfate 250 mg per 1 liter of water.

When combining magnesia with other drugs, a decrease or, on the contrary, an increase in effects is possible, so it is important to combine the treatment correctly:

— with peripherally acting muscle relaxants increases the effect of the substances;

- with nifedipine - leads to muscle weakness;

- with anticoagulants, cardiac glycosides, phenothiazines - the effect of drugs decreases;

— with ciprofloxacin – antibacterial ability increases;

- with tobramycin and streptomycin - the antibacterial effect decreases;

- with tetracycline antibiotics - the effect of antibiotics is reduced and absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is reduced.

The magnesium preparation is not used with such drugs as: calcium, barium, strontium, arsenic salts, carbonates, procaine hydrochloride, phosphates and bicarbonates of alkali metals, tartrates, salicylates, hydrocortisone, clindamycin due to their incompatibility.

Magnesia also has contraindications for use:

- low blood pressure;

- acute renal failure;

- a few weeks before and after childbirth;

Magnesia is used to treat constipation in children. Magnesia is usually used in powder form, less often administered intramuscularly or intravenously if the diseases are pathological. When using the powder, you can drink it or do enemas, under the supervision of a specialist. The calculation of the norm is based on the patient’s age, 1 gram per 1 year of life.

For children under six years of age, the drug is used under the close supervision of a specialist and is calculated more carefully by him.

If a child takes any medications, even just a vitamin complex, it is imperative to tell the doctor about this so that there are no cases of overdose or incompatibility of components.

Symptoms of an overdose of magnesium in ampoules:

- allergic reaction when increasing the dose;

- lack of oxygen, breathing is difficult;

- lethargy, apathy, lethargy. In case of severe overdose, coma and lack of reflexes may occur;

The antidote in case of overdose is calcium. The calcium supplement must be injected slowly into the body intravenously. They are also treated with drugs that normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and cardiac system.

The price of magnesia is inexpensive, varying between 50 rubles. for ten ampoules of 25% solution. The price was valid at the time of writing, therefore, in order to find out exactly how much magnesium in ampoules costs, it is recommended to contact a pharmacy.

Please note that the use of magnesia is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. For all complaints about your health, especially during the period of bearing a child, you must undergo an examination by a specialist who will prescribe the correct treatment with the drug and determine its method of use and the dose of magnesia.

Do not self-medicate to avoid harm to your body. When pregnancy occurs, take special care of your body, give up bad habits, eat right, spend more time outdoors, rest more often and do not overwork. Be sure to see a gynecologist throughout your pregnancy.

The health of your child depends on this, remember this.

Hello. I am a nursing mother. The child is already 4 months old and I have never had problems with my breasts. But yesterday one breast began to hurt very much, it became impossible to touch it. Some kind of compaction has appeared and visually it looks larger than the other.

It is very difficult to feed the child, and in general any movement causes severe pain. We are now visiting my husband’s parents, the nearest hospital is far away. My mother-in-law advises me to treat my breasts with magnesia.

I already agree to everything, as long as everything returns to normal, but I don’t know how to do it correctly, please tell me.

Hello, Nastya. Judging by your symptoms, you have developed milk stagnation (lactostasis). The condition is very painful and uncomfortable for the mother, but at the same time the baby may not receive the required amount of milk. To relieve symptoms, you can actually use magnesium-based compresses.

To do this, you need to take a clean cloth, maybe a bandage or cotton wool, and moisten it in a solution of magnesium in ampoules. Squeeze lightly and apply to the sore chest, wrapping it with film or a dry cloth on top, leave until completely dry. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to feed the child. Make sure that the compress does not get on the nipple area.

It is important to remember that such treatment can cause allergies, so before starting it you should do a simple test - apply a couple of drops of magnesia to the inner bend of the elbow and see after 10-15 minutes, if the skin does not turn red, then you can use this method to treat lactostasis. Magnesia will reduce swelling and reduce pain.

And thanks to its antispasmodic effect, it will help relax the walls of the milk ducts.

Good afternoon. Tell me how to properly use magnesia as injections? The doctor advised my grandmother to give intramuscular injections of magnesium if her blood pressure was very high. If something happens, I will have to do it, so I want to know in advance what the features are. Thank you in advance.

Hello. For injections, use a ready-made solution of Magnesia in ampoules. It should be remembered that such injections are very painful, so Magnesia should be mixed with Lidocaine or Novocaine.

The medicine must be injected deeply enough, the needle must be at least 4 cm long. Before giving the injection, you should warm the Magnesia to body temperature. The drug should be administered as slowly as possible, over at least two minutes.

The patient should be in a horizontal position and in the most relaxed state.

Hello. Please tell me, is it possible to use magnesium in ampoules to dissolve bumps from injections? After kidney treatment, my mother developed quite painful infiltrates that cause severe discomfort. I heard that you can get rid of them using magnesium, but I don’t know how to use it. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Hello. Indeed, magnesia is a fairly effective means for resolving infiltrates after intramuscular injections. To do this, you need to take a small piece of clean cloth and moisten it in a magnesium solution.

After this, the compress is applied to the injection site; the top should be covered with film or compress paper and a dry, warm cloth. All layers are secured with adhesive tape. This compress must be changed every 2-3 hours as it dries.

A contraindication to this treatment is an allergic reaction, so before using it you should definitely conduct an allergy test.

Good afternoon. My name is Mikhail, I am 38 years old.

I have been periodically suffering from constipation for quite some time now, I have tried quite a lot of remedies, but, probably, I have already become accustomed to most of them, and they do not always help.

I recently heard that sometimes magnesium can be used for this problem. I have it in my medicine cabinet in the form of a solution, in ampoules. Will this be suitable? And how to use it correctly?

Hello, Mikhail. Indeed, Magnesia for constipation is quite an effective remedy.

Magnesium sulfate is generally well tolerated, but you should consult your doctor before using it to avoid serious complications.

In addition, it should be understood that this drug is not suitable for long-term treatment and can only be used occasionally. To do this, open the ampoule and mix its contents with 100 ml of clean water. The resulting mixture is best taken at night.

Hello, is it possible to take magnesium in ampoules if there is severe renal impairment?

Hello Alina, with this pathology you cannot take magnesium in ampoules. It should also be noted that in addition to severe renal impairment, contraindications to magnesia include hypermagnesemia, hypersensitivity, myasthenia gravis, severe bradycardia or atrioventricular block.


special instructions

Tampons with Dimexide are prohibited from being used in the following cases:

  1. Hypersensitivity to dimethyl sulfate oxide.
  2. Poor blood circulation in the brain.
  3. Myocardial ischemia.
  4. Impaired kidney or liver function
  5. Ophthalmological diseases (for example, glaucoma).
  6. Pregnant and lactating women

Can medicated tampons be used during menstruation? It is not recommended to treat with Dimexide during menstruation, as the likelihood of adverse reactions increases. The use of the medicinal product is allowed only to persons over 15 years of age. After 60 years, therapeutic tampons are used under the supervision of a doctor.

The main component may cause an allergic reaction, so before using the medication you need to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a couple of drops of the solution to the elbow. If after 30 minutes there is no reaction, then the medicine can be used according to the instructions.

Contraindications to treatment with Dimexide

Dimexide has a number of contraindications. The drug is strictly prohibited for children under 12 years of age, elderly people, pregnant and breastfeeding women. It can cause premature birth or miscarriage. The drug can be passed on to the baby from the mother through milk, negatively affecting health. Dimexide is also prohibited:

  • for disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • for strokes;
  • in case of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • for ophthalmological problems.

The main component can cause an allergic reaction; before using the drug, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test to Dimexide. To do this, apply a small dose of the drug to the arm in the elbow area. The appearance of itching and redness indicates the presence of individual intolerance. It is prohibited to use the product.

Do not use a tampon with Dimexide during menstruation.

Side effects

If there are contraindications or an independent increase in the dosage of the solution, negative effects are possible:

  • narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, shortness of breath;
  • itching, swelling and burning in the posterior vaginal vault;
  • dizziness;
  • dryness, inflammation of the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased skin pigmentation;
  • saliva, urine, sweat smell like garlic.

If such symptoms occur, you need to stop taking the medication and consult a gynecologist.

Reviews from women

Reviews about tampons with Dimexide in gynecology are mostly positive. It is noted that this is an effective remedy for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Women's condition improves after just a few days of regular use.

In order for the therapy to bring only benefits, you need to consult a gynecologist before using the medicine. The patient must follow all recommendations regarding the use of Dimexide.

Dimexide is widely used in gynecology. Its active substance is dimethyl sulfoxide. Tampons with Dimexide are used to treat infections.

The drug is available in the form of a gel and concentrate. For gynecological purposes, it is customary to use the second option. The concentrate is a clear liquid that has a garlicky odor when diluted. If the drug is not diluted first, it can cause burns. In addition, the drug is a strong allergen; first you need to apply it to a small area of ​​skin. If there is no reaction, then it can be used.

The medicine has the following properties:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. The active substance suppresses biologically active substances that cause inflammation. As a result, swelling, itching and burning, and redness disappear.
  2. Painkiller. Dimethyl sulfoxide blocks the sensitivity of nerve endings, dulling pain.
  3. Disinfectant. Destroys pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Thrombolytic. Accelerates the healing process of tissues and organs.
  5. Promotes the penetration of other drugs into tissues, enhances their effect.


Dimexide is a transparent concentrate that, when diluted, emits a distinct garlic odor. It is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, autoimmune and dermatological, injuries and postoperative complications. In demand in cosmetology.

Tampons with dimexide are used in gynecology for diseases caused by protozoan microorganisms. Reduce swelling of tissues and discharge from the genital organs, relieve pain, relieve itching. Often used with Lidaza, aloe, Vishnevsky ointment - due to its ability to penetrate deeply into tissues.

Properties of Dimexide:

  • suppresses biologically active substances that cause inflammation in body tissues;
  • accelerates the healing of affected organs;
  • dissolves substances of different structure and origin - salts, hormones, alkaloids, vitamins;
  • easily penetrates into the blood through intact skin. Its molecules are detected in the blood 5-6 minutes after its use;
  • promotes the activity of antibiotics, to which microbes are already “accustomed”;
  • increases the body's resistance to low temperatures and radiation exposure: inflammatory and infectious diseases of the vagina, cervix, external genitalia (erosive lesions, cervicitis, vulvovaginitis, adnexitis, ovarian cyst, thrush);
  • postpartum complications;
  • restorative therapy for patients with cancer – as part of complex treatment.

Indications for the use of tampons in gynecology

Tampons with Dimexide are used in gynecology to treat:

  1. Erosion is a disorder of the mucous membrane of the cervix (cervix). A benign pathological process that comes in different types. In some cases it can lead to cancer.
  2. Candidiasis (thrush), that is, an inflammatory disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida.
  3. Colpitis or vaginitis. This is an inflammatory lesion of the vaginal mucosa caused by various microorganisms.
  4. Cervicitis is an inflammatory process of the cervical mucosa. It is divided into two types: exocervicitis (affects the exocervix - the vaginal segment of the cervix) and endocervicitis (inflammation of the endocervix - the inner lining of the cervical canal).
  5. Endometriosis. With this disease, endometrial cells appear in atypical places. For example: in the ovaries, in the fallopian tubes, on the bladder, as well as on other organs and tissues.
  6. Adhesive processes. This is a pathological condition in which cords form, causing pain and disruption of the internal organs.

Dimexide is indicated for restoring the body after surgery, childbirth, and irradiation of malignant neoplasms. In addition, the drug is used as an adjuvant that enhances the effect of other drugs.

Tampons with Dimexide should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. The dosage, duration of treatment and how long you need to keep the tampon in place depend on the disease, the age of the patient, as well as the individual characteristics of the body.

Patient reviews

Marina, 35 years old, Vladivostok: “For the treatment of thrush, the gynecologist recommended using tampons with these agents. This is an effective treatment, after which the candidiasis has disappeared.”

Tatyana, 27 years old, Moscow: “Last year, pain appeared in the lower abdomen, I went to a gynecologist, and after an examination he diagnosed cervical erosion. Treatment with oral medications and tampons with Lidase and Dimexide were prescribed. After a course of complex therapy, the erosion disappeared.”

Demixide is one of the budget medicines that is widely used in many branches of medicine. The active components of the drug have analgesic, thrombolytic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. In gynecology, tampons with Dimexide are used. With their help, many diseases are treated and the effect of other medications is enhanced.

Technique for making a tampon with Dimexide

Tampons with Dimexide are prescribed by the doctor after collecting anamnesis, tests and diagnosis. Prescribing treatment yourself can harm your health. The gynecologist will tell you what proportions of the medicine are needed, how to make a cotton swab, and how long it should be inserted into the vagina.

A high concentration of Dimexide will cause a burn on the mucous membrane; it must be diluted. For different diseases, different ratios of water and solution are used. Typically an aqueous concentrate with 10-30% medication is used. The water must be distilled or boiled. The finished solution has the smell of garlic.

It must be diluted with water as follows:

  • to obtain a 10% solution you need 18 ml of water and 2 ml of Dimexide;
  • for a 30% solution – 6 ml of water and 14 ml of the drug.

Pharmacy tampons will not work. They are created to absorb moisture, and medicinal ones are designed to introduce a solution. Making a tampon yourself is easy. You will need:

  • about 20 cm of sterile bandage;
  • a little sterile cotton wool.

When making tampons, it is better to wear sterile gloves. If they are not there, you must wash your hands thoroughly to avoid introducing infections and microorganisms. Form a small ball or cylinder out of cotton wool, about 3 cm in diameter. The cotton wool is placed in the center of the bandage strip, then two tight knots are tightened. If you do not tie it tightly, the tampon can greatly increase in size from the medication and its insertion will be problematic. There is no need to cut off the tails of the bandage; they will help remove the medicine. It is important that there are no threads on the surface of the package; they need to be cut or wrapped inside.

The finished tampon is dipped in the medicine and inserted into the vagina. Most often, a course of medication is prescribed for several days, morning and evening or at night. Can be stored in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. It is recommended to prepare the solution before use.

How to make tampons

First of all, it is worth noting that for the treatment of the vagina, ovaries, appendages and cervix, tampons must be made independently, and not bought in a store. The fact is that sanitary tampons are designed to absorb, this is completely unsuitable for treatment.

Making tampons with your own hands is not difficult; for this you will need a sterile bandage, cotton wool, and scissors treated with alcohol. It is necessary to cut a strip of bandage equal to 15 cm, and roll a small ball out of cotton wool. Then wrap the cotton ball in a bandage and tie it so that you get a head with a long tail. The finished tampon must be soaked in Vishnevsky ointment and placed in the vagina overnight, and removed in the morning.

With Vishnevsky ointment

Tampons with Dimexide and Vishnevsky ointment are effective for inflammatory processes in the vagina, ovaries, cervix and appendages. The ointment is used for recovery after operations, as it activates regeneration at the cellular level, destroys pathogenic microflora, and normalizes the vaginal environment. It has a resolving effect on neoplasms and cysts, eliminates obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Use is prohibited in case of acute infection, kidney disease and individual intolerance to the components.

Doctors' opinion

Doctors have different opinions regarding the use of tampons with Dimexide, because they may not be suitable for every woman. Before using the drug, the patient must undergo tests and undergo a sensitivity test.

Tampons with Dimexide are used as an additional method of treatment. As an independent remedy, they are less effective.

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