How to make time fly by quickly and interestingly? 11 ways

The female body is a rather complex system, with great interconnection between all organs.

Many girls and women, being in different age categories, complain to gynecologists about heavy menstruation. What is the reason and what affects the volume of discharge?

Is it possible to speed up the flow of menstruation?

Sometimes your period starts at an inconvenient time. And some days it’s difficult to do the things you love. If you have a date, a trip to the beach, or an important competition ahead, you can speed up the process of bleeding, thereby reducing your menstruation by 1-2 days. Doctors say that it is not dangerous if you do not do it too often and then give the body time to recover.

Complete cessation of menstruation in 1-2 days is rare. Most often, their abundance decreases, and in recent days only spotting remains. To make your period end faster, it is recommended to take measures in advance.

How to induce menstruation and is it dangerous?

The menstrual cycle is a well-functioning mechanism that obeys certain laws. Its possible correction can cause too negative consequences. Therefore, when wondering how to induce menstruation at home quickly, you should clearly understand this.

There are situations when the upcoming period coincides with an upcoming trip or important event. Fascinated by the opportunity to influence the course of events, the ladies are trying to figure out how to get their periods ahead of schedule and quickly get rid of the unpleasant duty. Both medications and folk remedies can help successfully. Hormonal contraceptive drugs have the greatest effect, but also danger. They regulate the level of estrogen and progesterone, and to call menstruation early, it is enough just to achieve the predominance of the latter. How to get your period early? A specialist can give the best answer, and he also selects the most effective drug. The following are most often prescribed:

1. Pulsatilla - homeopathic medicine granules contain only natural ingredients and know very well how to induce menstruation early. The doctor prescribes it only in the absence of pregnancy, and it is recommended to take the healing remedy for quite a long time - first to restore the normal cycle, and then for preventive purposes. The effectiveness of the product is significantly influenced by the daily menu - it is better to exclude chocolate, tea and coffee, and alcoholic beverages from it.

2. Duphaston is a hormonal drug that copes well with the task of quickly inducing menstruation if there is a delay - their onset is possible on the third day after starting treatment. The action of the product is based on replenishing progesterone in case of its deficiency. The course of treatment is also long, from two to four months. It is strictly not recommended to use it on your own, especially if you are pregnant. You may not get your period, but negative consequences are almost guaranteed.

3. Marvelon or Silest are progesterone analogues. The gynecologist prescribes medications for long and painful periods, as well as for their delay.

4. Norkolut, Utrozhestan and many other drugs can effectively answer the worrying question of how to quickly induce menstruation if there is a delay, but only a doctor should select the most suitable one for you.

Is it safe to speed up your period?

To make your period end faster, you can use dozens of different remedies: from physical activity to special decoctions of natural herbs. But there are rules that will allow you to use these methods safely. The physiological cycle is a complex process in which it is not recommended to interfere.

But if you really need all the discharge to end, you need to remember simple rules:

  • You can't speed up your period every month. All hemostatic methods are suitable for use no more than once every 4-6 months.
  • It is forbidden to take medications to stop bleeding if your cycle is irregular. In this case, a mandatory consultation with your doctor is necessary, even with a single attempt to speed up menstruation.
  • During inflammation in the body, you should not experiment with the cycle. At elevated temperatures, this can cause many complications. What to do if you are sick? Just wait it out, postponing all plans.
  • If the method used does not work, there is no need to try several others. All this can increase the load on the endocrine system, which sometimes leads to malfunctions of the entire body.

Why is it dangerous to induce your period?

To understand this, it is important to understand how menstruation works. While the female body is experiencing ovulation, the uterus is preparing to receive a fertilized egg and create the most comfortable conditions for further division and growth.

Under the influence of hormones (mainly estrogen and progesterone), the lining of the uterus - the so-called endometrium - becomes thicker, softer, looser so that the egg can latch onto and find nutrition

While the female body is experiencing ovulation, the uterus is preparing to receive a fertilized egg and create the most comfortable conditions for further division and growth. Under the influence of hormones (mainly estrogen and progesterone), the lining of the uterus - the so-called endometrium - becomes thicker, softer, looser so that the egg can latch onto and find nutrition.

If the egg is successfully fertilized, it descends into the uterus and settles in the prepared loose endometrium - fetal development begins.

If not, the egg dies. The thickened endometrium is no longer needed, and the body gets rid of it. First, the level of progesterone, on which the nutrition of the mucous membrane depends, sharply decreases. Due to a lack of nutrients, the endometrium withers and atrophies. The vessels that connect it to the uterus become thinner and eventually rupture. The bleeding that begins washes away the unnecessary layer of mucous from the uterus.

Around the same time, estrogen levels rise. In this case, it forces the uterus to contract, pushing out everything unnecessary.

As you can see, there are only two ways to induce menstruation:

Hormonal, that is, taking hormonal-based drugs that will create conditions for mucosal rejection

This method is good if you are preparing for some important event and have a couple of months left. Physically, that is, creating conditions under which the vessels connecting the endometrium to the walls of the uterus rupture. Neither the first nor the second method can be called absolutely safe

In the first case, you hit your hormonal levels, and the consequences of this are difficult to predict

Neither the first nor the second method can be called absolutely safe. In the first case, you hit your hormonal levels, and the consequences of this are difficult to predict.

In the second, by artificially causing mucosal rejection, you risk rupturing large vessels and causing uterine bleeding. Especially if there is a possibility of pregnancy.

And in general, before doing anything, consult a gynecologist.

Use of folk remedies

How to reduce periods using natural herbs? Nettle decoction or bay leaf infusion can shorten the process of menstruation. Before stopping bleeding during menstruation with herbal remedies, it is important to understand that the next menstruation may be heavier as the body tries to restore balance. For visible results, it is necessary to take herbs from the first days of the cycle, and if possible, then a couple of days before the appearance of discharge. If they have already begun, the decoction may not take effect immediately.

Nettle decoction is made from 3 tablespoons of dried leaf and 500 ml of water. The mixture is put on fire and heated for 20 minutes; the liquid should not be brought to a boil. Then the broth is left to infuse for another 30 minutes, and 50-70 ml is taken 3-4 times a day after meals.

A decoction of bay leaves is made from 10 g of leaves and 500 ml of water. The mixture is simmered under the lid over low heat for 1 hour. Then filter and drink 3-4 tablespoons every 2-3 hours. The taste is unpleasant, but it helps a lot to make your period go faster.

What else can I do to make my periods shorter? It is worth trying other infusions and decoctions: from burnet, water pepper and shepherd's purse.

Pharmacological ways to speed up menstruation

  • Take hormonal birth control. This method of interfering with the functionality of the female body is the safest. However, whether it will help you is not easy to say, because the reaction to it is completely unpredictable.
  • Take Postinor tablets or medications that contain progesterone. First of all, it should be noted that the first medicine is very strong and brings ambiguous consequences. It will really help someone, and menstruation will begin almost immediately after taking it (in half an hour to an hour), but for other women it will be completely useless or will cause heavy bleeding that lasts longer than usual.

Medicinal ways to shorten periods

If a woman's period lasts more than 7 days, the doctor may prescribe special medications that will shorten the duration of the discharge. But using them yourself is prohibited. “Duphaston”, “Norkolut” are hormonal drugs that are not designed to solve the problem of how to speed up the end of menstruation. These are medicines that are relevant in the presence of diseases.

With the help of oral contraceptives you can avoid the appearance of menstruation. They take them for 21 days, then take a break for menstruation, and then start taking the pills again. But if you don’t take a break, you won’t get your period. This method can be used no more than 2 times a year. There is also a possibility that instead of heavy bleeding there will be discharge, which can also ruin your plans. What can I do to make my periods less intense? Take the most appropriate contraceptives at all times, but choose the drug recommended by your doctor.

Vitamin C accelerates metabolic processes in the body, it can increase bleeding, and as a result, periods will end earlier. On the first day of your cycle, you can take a large amount of vitamin C, and this will shorten your menstruation by 1-2 days. You can also eat 3 lemons before the discharge starts, this will delay the cycle by a couple of days.

What is the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the changes that occur in the body of a woman who has reached reproductive age. The changes make it possible to conceive a fetus in a woman’s body.

This process allows you to get rid of the old and unnecessary layer of the endometrium, replacing it with a fresh layer. This is how a woman’s body works, namely the woman’s hormonal system.

What is noteworthy is that girls, being in the age category of 9-10 years, begin to argue about what time the menstrual cycle should begin and argue that the early onset of menstruation is an unfavorable sign, indicating that there are some disorders in the body. This is a misconception.

Firstly, it is necessary to remember that the body of any woman is formed at different stages of a girl’s growing up. Secondly, the hormonal system of every girl is different.

Judging at what age the appearance of the first menstruation is considered the norm is stupid and pointless. It is worth noting that menstruation can begin either at 9 years or at 10-14 years.

Such a phenomenon as menstruation is aimed, first of all, at conceiving a fetus, as well as at bearing it to term. Looking at the uterine cavity in more detail, it is worth noting that there is a mucous membrane inside.

During the period when the egg is already mature, the shell acquires a loose structure. The structure is necessary for the successful attachment of the embryo. Accordingly, why do women often rely on menstruation when determining pregnancy?

If the embryo does not attach to the loose membrane, bloody mucus comes out through the genital tract. This process is called menstruation.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The cycle consists of stages that determine what changes will occur in the body.

The stages are otherwise called phases:

  • Follicular phase . During this phase, the woman’s body begins menstruation and the maturation of a dominant type follicle in the ovarian area. This type of follicle later becomes an egg. During this phase, hormones that help to conceive a child, as well as hormones that block the process of conception, begin to work actively. The probability of conception during this period is quite low.
  • Ovulatory phase. During such a period, as is known, the egg begins to go through the maturation stage. The egg is able to rupture the membrane of the follicle and prepare for fertilization. The period of ovulation is the most favorable for conceiving a child.
  • Luteal phase . The period of this phase lasts from 11 to 16 days. During this period, the endometrial layer becomes more loose and ready for the attachment of the embryo.

How can you influence your periods?

Can a woman influence her menstruation in any way? Many women complain of heavy discharge, and there are also those who complain of scanty discharge. Is it possible to regulate the process yourself?


  • To speed up this process, you can use a medication method. You can use oral contraceptives, or use vitamin E, Dicinone, Vikasol.
  • If you need to shorten your menstruation by 2-3 days or no more, you can take calcium gluconate and vitamin C in the complex.
  • It is allowed to use traditional medicine recipes and use herbal tinctures . A decoction of nettle and burnet will also help reduce menstruation by a couple of days.
  • In addition to using various kinds of tinctures and medications, you can practice physical exercise. For example, the well-known “boat” also helps to shorten the period of menstruation. Yoga classes also contribute to this process.

As you can see, there are really many options for solving this problem. It is forbidden to do anything without a doctor's permission. Firstly, this is prohibited for those who already lack cycle stability. Secondly, it is prohibited for women after 40 years of age.

Is it safe to speed up your period?

For some reason, not all women are concerned about the issue of safety. You need to think about the fact that this is dangerous before using any medicine or tincture with exercises.

You need to understand that a woman’s hormonal system, first of all, is very fragile and causing a system failure, so to speak, will not be difficult. It is very difficult to replenish the necessary processes and get rid of hormonal imbalance.

Precautionary measures:

  • Such manipulations cannot be repeated several cycles in a row and on a regular basis;
  • Women over 40 years of age are prohibited from using methods to speed up menstruation;
  • It is prohibited to use such methods if the cycles are not stable;
  • Such methods may have a negative impact and aggravate infectious diseases;

Ways to make your period end faster

As you know, there are really quite a lot of methods and not all of them are safe for a woman’s health.

A way to reduce menstruation with medication

This method is perhaps the most dangerous of all existing ones:

  • Firstly , each medicine has a composition that is not suitable for every woman.
  • Secondly, the use of medications can lead not only to cycle disruptions, but also to disruption of the hormonal system. And as was said a little earlier, restoring it is not at all as easy as many ladies think.

Medicines can be in the form of medications or vitamin supplements. Of course, the safest method is to take vitamins.

Anyone understands that vitamins are not harmful to health than various medications that help stop bleeding, but are clearly not intended to stop menstruation.

Conventionally, medications differ from each other and are even divided into groups. Let's look at the main ones.

Oral contraceptives

With the help of oral contraceptives, you can not only shorten the duration of your periods, but even get rid of them for a month.

The drugs can adversely affect a woman's hormonal system.

Firstly, oral contraceptives consist of hormonal pills. Accordingly, taking them has a global impact on a woman’s hormonal system.

Hormones vary in phases. They can be either biphasic, monophasic, three-phase, etc.

The most common oral contraceptives include:

  • Single-phase contraceptives. This variety includes: Jess, Yarina, Diane-35. The drugs help to both speed up menstruation for their beginning and for their end.
  • Triphasic contraceptives. Such hormones are considered loyal in comparison with others. This is due to a reduced dose of hormones. These types of hormones are usually prescribed to women aged 30 years and older. The big advantage is that such contraceptives have the fewest side effects. Three-phase contraceptives include: Tri-regol, Triziston.

Diane-35 Jess Yarina Tri-regol


Contraceptives have another rather great advantage - protection against unwanted pregnancy. The percentage of protection quality is 99%. By taking contraceptives you don't have to worry about anything.

If the problem is the abundance of menstruation, then Ibuprofen and Ponstan . The drugs help not only reduce discharge, but also relieve pain syndromes inherent in menstruation.



In addition to all of the above drugs and a way to reduce menstruation or the volume of excretion, there is another common method - taking drugs that have a hemostatic effect.

The drugs are able to provide conditions for rapid blood clotting in the shortest possible time:

  • Etamzilat. The drug ensures the resistance of microvessels, which is important for the body. Thanks to this effect of the drug, it is possible to reduce the volume of discharge. This drug is applicable even when the uterine flow begins. It is highly effective and is usually commercially available in the form of ampoules for intramuscular or intravenous administration. With the exception of the liquid form of the drug, tablets are available in pharmacies for use by children.
  • Vikasol. This drug is an analogue of vitamin K in water-soluble form. The analog helps normalize blood clotting. The effectiveness of the drug is noted when taking the medication from the very beginning of the cycle.
  • Vitamins C and E. Vitamins C and E will be one of the best solutions if the goal is to reduce the volume of secretions. Ascorbic acid and other vitamins help normalize such an important process as blood clotting. It is quite possible that women who have disorders with an abundance of menstrual periods actually have diseases of poor blood clotting. This problem can be solved with the help of vitamins. This method is the safest in comparison with others.

Diet and exercise to change your cycle

Dietary nutrition helps reduce menstruation. How to stop heavy periods with food? 3-4 days before the body begins to rid itself of unnecessary formations, you can stop eating meat products. As a result, the discharge will be less abundant, and your health will not suffer. Thanks to a vegetarian diet, there will be no mood swings that often accompany women on such days.

To make your period end faster, physical activity is recommended. During the training process, blood flows to the pelvic organs, the muscles are activated, pushing out the epithelium. Exercising daily for 40 minutes every day during menstruation will reduce the discharge by 1 day.

What exercises should you do to get your period to end?

  • Jumping in place.
  • Squats without weights.
  • Abdominal exercises.

The load should be sufficient, but not excessive. If nausea, headache or dizziness occurs, it is recommended to abandon this method.

Medicines to speed up periods

Oral contraceptives

The planned approach of the arrival of regula can be carried out by those who regularly take oral contraceptives.
It is necessary to stop taking the drug several days ahead of schedule. The expected result will be the arrival of menstruation literally the next day after finishing taking the pill.

After such measures, it will be necessary to take additional measures to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and after resuming taking oral contraceptives, use condoms for 14 days.


Progesterone is a naturally occurring hormone. Pharmacological form – solution for injection (1%, 2.5%). Progesterone injections are prescribed as an emergency measure, which will trigger the onset of menstruation within 2-4 days.

This drug can cause excessive hair growth, disruption of the normal menstrual cycle and hardening of the skin.


The drug is based on dydrogesterone at a concentration of 10 mg per tablet. The peculiarity of the drug is its similarity to progesterone, which is a natural hormone.

Duphaston promises a pharmacological result similar to a natural hormone.

In addition, it is necessary to point out the guaranteed safety of this drug, in contrast to other synthetic progestogens, which can cause the appearance of excess hair, deepening of the voice, etc.

The active ingredient of the drug has a positive effect on blood lipids and does not affect blood clotting. In addition, dydrogesterone does not interfere with liver function and carbon metabolism in the body.

Duphaston is indicative for use not only to speed up the onset of menstruation. It can be prescribed for:

  • endometriosis;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • irregular cycle;
  • amenorrhea.

To provoke the arrival of the regulators in the early stages, Duphaston is taken as prescribed by the doctor in this regimen: for 5 days, 2 times. per day 1 tablet. Immediately after the end of the course, menstruation may begin.

Sometimes it happens that the regulation comes on the 3-6th day after stopping taking Duphaston or on the 3-4th day of the therapeutic course.


Utrozhestan is based on micronized progesterone obtained from raw materials of plant origin. The dosage form of the drug is gelatin capsules, vaginal suppositories. Methods of administration: intravaginally and orally.

One gelatin capsule contains 100 mg of pharmacological substance. The pharmacological effect of this drug is the suppression of the functions of estrogen, which initiates disruptions of the menstrual cycle.

In order to speed up the onset of menstruation, you need to start taking capsules on days 16-25 of the cycle. To make the regulation go faster, the daily dose determined by the doctor can range from 200-400 mg (the dose is divided by 2, for morning and evening administration). The method of administration of the capsules is also determined by the physician.

A distinctive feature of Utrozhestan is the possibility of vaginal administration.

Thanks to this, it can be taken by women who experience drowsiness as a side effect or suffer from liver disease.

Contraindications for taking this drug are oncological diseases of the genital organs and breasts, asthma, thrombosis, epilepsy, and uterine bleeding. The desired result should occur within 2-3 days.


Postinor is also an emergency remedy that is used after an act of violence, unprotected intercourse, etc.

The drug is very active, provoking exfoliation of the endometrium in the uterus.

After 3 days of taking it, “red discharge” occurs.

This drug should be taken in exceptional cases due to the side effects it has on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver.

Thrombosis, lactation and puberty are conditions that do not allow taking this drug.

Unconventional solutions to stop periods

Sex during your period can speed up the process. Active movements, strong excitement and the production of prostaglandin contribute to the completion of the process 1-2 days earlier. At the same time, the pain syndrome (if present) also decreases, improves mood and reduces stress levels.

How to safely shorten your period through sex? It is important to remember hygiene. Before and after intercourse, both partners must take a shower. It is recommended to use condoms during the process.

Sheet of paper + pen = fleeting time

Let me tell you a secret - all people are a little writers. It is unlikely that you will be able to write a novel, but you can try to express your thoughts on paper.

  • To make time fly by faster, you can write yourself a letter 5, 10, 20 years in advance. Writing letters to yourself is like repeating a speech in front of a mirror: fearless, easy and free. After all, in the future the letter will be read by a loved one - you yourself.
  • You can choose 5 random words and write them down. Then, including these words, compose a story. You need to write it with pleasure so that you like it.
  • It's never too late to start a diary. This is, by the way, a real challenge! At first it will be difficult to write down your thoughts and feelings, but it is important not to stop. Write what you think: “I liked this,” “I feel this,” “I want time to fly by quickly. I don’t know how to do this.” Write everything down, then you can burn it.
  • You can make your own top 10. Top 10 favorite activities, clothes, words, names, smells. By putting together tops like this, you can discover amazing things, like, “Oh, so I can fight sadness by smelling a cactus!”
  • The next secret is that we are all a little bit poets. As a child, many played a game where you have to write four words in rhyme on a piece of paper, and then add them to make a rhyme. It's weird, but all the more fun! For example, the words: “turtle”, “slug”, “dust”, “maniac”. And a poem:

Oh, poor, stupid turtle that I am!

Why do I need this huge slug?!

He will burn me, eat me, leaving no ashes,

Like an evil killer and a terrible maniac!

What to do to make your period go faster

You can influence the course of your periods . There are several ways to do this:

  • diets;
  • gymnastics;
  • folk remedies;
  • medicines.

In order not to harm yourself, consult a gynecologist. Perhaps he will give some advice and conduct an examination. If no deviations are detected, then it will be possible to begin adjusting the cycle. It is contraindicated to intervene during the menstrual cycle with the following deviations:

  • If he is already not stable. Intervention threatens even greater uncertainty with menstruation. It is advisable to first bring it back to normal, and only then influence the number of days.
  • If you are poisoned by food or chemicals, nothing should be done until your health is completely restored.
  • For colds and inflammatory processes that are accompanied by high fever, you cannot experiment with the cycle.
  • It is forbidden to influence menstruation too often. If you interfere with the process every month, this will lead to hormonal imbalance.
  • For any diseases of the genitourinary system, it is prohibited to influence the course of the menstrual cycle.
  • If you decide to influence your periods with medications, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

It should be noted that if any of the methods below do not work, you should not resort to the next one until complete victory. Perhaps your body resists and does not allow it to affect the menstrual cycle for some reason. Further actions will lead to disruption of the endocrine system.

Means for reducing menstruation

The best medicinal herb to quickly end the cycle is nettle . It enhances the contraction of the muscles of the uterus and thus accelerates the outflow of blood, and at the same time reduces the number of days of menstruation. chamomile, mint and valerian have this effect , and burnet has long been used as a hemostatic agent after childbirth. Prepare a decoction of any of the herbs listed and drink it throughout the day. It is important to consider that more than one liter of decoction per day cannot be consumed. Divide it into three doses and drink one cup before meals.

Take decoctions throughout the entire cycle, and start drinking them two days before the start of menstruation. A plant called shepherd's purse , taken in equal proportions with calendula , perfectly regulates blood loss. This composition can make heavy periods moderate, and scanty discharge more intense. You can buy a ready-made tincture of water pepper and take it according to the instructions.

Regular ascorbic acid regulates the cycle perfectly . If your period just can’t start, you take vitamin C in a double dose and after a few hours your period starts. Thus, you can speed up their appearance by one day if you start taking ascorbic acid three days before the usual start of menstruation.

Consume lemon during your period or squeeze lemon juice and drink. This way you will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and ensure the rapid flow of menstruation. They will become more intense, and therefore shorter.

Increase hemoglobin levels in your blood . Drink pomegranate juice or eat Hematogen.

What to do if your period does not end for a long time?

Often, girls try to find a way to finish their period faster, not because they have to go on vacation or to a long-awaited meeting with their loved one, but because their natural cycle is not stable, and their periods may not end for quite a long time. This threatens to decrease hemoglobin, which is fraught with consequences in the form of the development of iron deficiency anemia.

However, such a phenomenon as pathologically prolonged menstruation cannot be treated independently. It is imperative to visit a doctor so that he can prescribe the necessary examinations.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that intrusion into the sensitive reproductive system can lead to high health risks. You can take measures to speed up your periods only after permission from your gynecologist.

how to get your period back after losing weight

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