How not to drink

It is widely known that the use of medications during pregnancy, especially in the first months, is contraindicated. However, in modern conditions, women are often prescribed special medications to achieve and maintain pregnancy. One of these drugs is Duphaston.

This is a fairly strong remedy that must be taken strictly according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. However, the drug must be discontinued with caution. How to stop taking Duphaston correctly? When should I stop drinking it?

Features of the medicine

The medication is presented in round tablets in a white shell, the main ingredient of which is dydrogesterone. This substance is similar in its structure and properties to progesterone, a hormone that is produced in the female body and contributes to the successful bearing of a child. The dosage of dydrogesterone in 1 tablet is 10 mg. The drug is sold by prescription, receives many good reviews and is considered safe for the fetus, therefore it is allowed at any stage of pregnancy.

When is it prescribed for pregnant women?

Most often, Duphaston is prescribed to expectant mothers with a threat of miscarriage, which is manifested by increased uterine tone and spotting. This situation is usually caused by a lack of progesterone, and Duphaston is designed to replace it. The drug begins to act within 2 hours after administration, eliminates dangerous symptoms and allows pregnancy to develop normally.

If a woman has already had early miscarriages in the past or her pregnancy has stalled, then after determining the level of progesterone in the blood and confirming its deficiency, Duphaston is prescribed even before conception. After a positive test, the medicine is not discontinued, but continues to be taken throughout the first trimester or longer. In such a situation, Duphaston will prepare the inner lining of the uterus for implantation and contribute to better consolidation of the embryo.

The use of tablets is also justified for various pathologies that affect the lining of the uterus, for example, endometriosis or fibroids. Such diseases can interfere with the attachment of the fertilized egg, so after treatment with Duphaston, the likelihood of pregnancy increases.

Another common indication for taking the drug is the IVF protocol. When using this artificial insemination technique, Duphaston increases the chances of implantation of the implanted embryos.

Duphaston for those planning pregnancy - proven effectiveness and safety

Today, this condition is successfully treated with the drug Duphaston, which is a synthetic analogue of endogenous progesterone. Therefore, Duphaston is prescribed very often when planning pregnancy and is successfully used.

Information about the drug

How Duphaston works can be understood by learning about the functions of progesterone itself. This hormone begins to be produced after ovulation in the corpus luteum of the ovaries and regulates the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Under the influence of progesterone, the uterine mucosa becomes loose, the composition of the mucus changes, and the number of capillaries increases. In this way, the uterus is prepared for the implantation of a fertilized egg .
If there is little hormone , then these processes are insufficient, and the egg cannot attach to the uterine mucosa. Then they talk about infertility associated with luteal insufficiency.

Progesterone deficiency is determined by a blood test , which must be taken strictly in the middle of the second menstrual cycle.

Confirmed progesterone deficiency is successfully corrected by taking Duphaston and gives many women a chance to give birth to a healthy baby.

Pregnancy and yoga: how to combine? Read in this article.

Rules for taking and stopping the drug

Duphaston is prescribed immediately after ovulation before the onset of menstruation . Its dose is determined only by the treating gynecologist, based on the results of tests and concomitant diseases in the woman.

Self-treatment with this hormonal drug is strictly prohibited and can lead to dire consequences (hormonal imbalance in the body, miscarriage during pregnancy, etc.).

Treatment is usually long-term, about 6 months. You should also not stop taking the drug abruptly. The withdrawal plan is developed individually by the gynecologist.

Many women are concerned about the safety of Duphaston, its side effects and complications. Let us immediately emphasize that Duphaston is a modern drug that does not have other hormonal effects.

Previously, when taking progesterone analogues, androgenic effects were noted - hair grew, the timbre of the voice changed.

Duphaston acts only on the receptors of the uterus, so women are insured against such unpleasant consequences. This drug does not affect metabolism, so weight gain is not observed when taking Duphaston.

For pregnancy planning, an important point is to measure basal temperature.

In the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature is approximately 0.4 degrees lower than in the second. A sharp increase in basal temperature indicates the onset of ovulation and favorable days for conception.

Duphaston does not affect changes in basal temperature, which is very important for choosing the most optimal day for conception.

Side effects

Duphaston is usually well tolerated, but like any drug, it can still cause some side effects. The most frightening thing is breakthrough uterine bleeding . But it is usually easily dealt with by adjusting the dose of the drug upward.

Sometimes Duphaston causes weakness, headache, abdominal pain, very rarely itching of the skin, urticaria, and peripheral edema.

If any of the described symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do you know how to determine pregnancy at home before a delay? Find the answer to the question in this article.

Rennie during pregnancy: instructions, dosage - in this article.

If pregnancy occurs

Another very important question is whether to continue taking Duphaston after pregnancy.

Many women think that the hormonal drug can harm the unborn child and stop drinking Duphaston immediately after positive pregnancy tests. This is comparable to a disaster and often leads to early miscarriage.

The fact is that
progesterone is a pregnancy hormone; it affects the proper formation of the placenta.
If you suddenly stop taking Duphaston, the uterine mucosa simply cannot cope with providing the egg with nutrients and the pregnancy will be terminated. It has been proven that Duphaston is harmless to the fetus, so its use continues during pregnancy under the supervision of the necessary tests and observation by a gynecologist.

Reviews and price

Duphaston can help many expectant mothers when planning a pregnancy; its price is around 450-550 rubles .
Reviews about taking the drug are in most cases positive. The main thing is to take it only as prescribed by your gynecologist and carefully read the instructions for this drug, because it is really necessary when planning a pregnancy.

So, we tried to cover all the questions that concern women regarding taking Duphaston to plan pregnancy. The drug was truly a breakthrough in this area and gave many families a chance to have a long-awaited baby.

What are the warning signs before childbirth? Read here.

Here you will read how you can lose weight after childbirth.

How is it used?

The tablets are taken according to an individually selected regimen, which depends on the reason for the prescription. For example, if an expectant mother suddenly develops symptoms of a threatened miscarriage, she needs to immediately drink 4 tablets, and then take 1 tablet every 8 hours until the condition returns to normal.

If a woman has previously had problems with pregnancy, she is prescribed Duphaston twice a day, one tablet, and when preparing for IVF, the medicine is often taken 10 mg three times a day. These are the most common uses, but they may vary for an individual woman based on her condition, age, progesterone levels and other factors.

How to stop drinking duphaston? Pregnancy and childbirth. Conferences on

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I was prescribed duphaston even before I →I was prescribed duphaston even before I found out that I was pregnant! 2 tablets per day. To induce menstruation. My cycle has always been irregular, they said you should drink it for 5 days and they should come! But they weren’t there for a week and I went and bought a test. I was sure that there was nothing and then there was a surprise! The doctor looked at it - 4.5 weeks! He also told me to take duphaston for up to 12 weeks. In my case this is necessary! But a week later I started taking 1 tablet... I read all sorts of reviews... someone even said that duphaston causes genetic changes in the child’s orientation... scary... and now I don’t know what to do! In general, I still want to go to the doctor so that they can look at me and tell me if everything is developing there! It’s too early to register, I don’t know where to go...12/19/2007 11:14:59, maffka

From whom:

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I took it until 14 weeks. one per day. D →I drank it until 14 weeks. one per day. Then they said to reduce it according to the scheme of 1 quarter per week. That is. at 14 weeks I started drinking 3/4 instead of the whole, at 15 half, now 1/4 and then not drinking at all.

Why is it being phased out gradually?

When a doctor prescribes Duphaston to a pregnant woman, he always draws the attention of the expectant mother to the fact that withdrawal should be slow and careful. Particular attention is required when stopping treatment if there is a threat of miscarriage, since abrupt cessation will threaten the resumption of dangerous symptoms and deterioration of the condition. If the drug is prescribed for infertility, it should never be stopped when the woman finds out that she is pregnant.

If you stop taking the pills without gradual withdrawal in the first trimester, this will increase the contractile activity of the myometrium and increase the risk of embryo rejection, which will provoke bleeding and miscarriage. However, even in the second trimester it is unacceptable to stop taking the medicine. Such actions can cause placental insufficiency, which can also result in termination of pregnancy. And therefore it is important to gradually discontinue the medication at any time.

How do you stop drinking Duphaston??? / Forum / U-MAMA.RU

She sat on it herself. I also had a desire to quit. The doctor scared the relative. It's better not to quit. And starting from week 18, reduce the dose.

:dada: I think I stopped taking it at 19 weeks, before that the doctor made scary eyes at every appointment and said under no circumstances to just stop!!!! And from 16 weeks, according to this scheme, they reduced it like mom, don’t worry, like 1 tablet 2 times a day, then half 3 times a day, then half 2 times a day, then a quarter 2 times a day, etc…… And every time she said that you’ll see that it’s not very good at the new dosage, go back to the previous dose in a week and try to reduce it again... All this is because after 16-20 weeks the placenta takes over the provision of this hormone, so once prescribed early, it is not canceled... Ekaterinburg mom I also have a question about duphaston. I was prescribed to drink it from the 16th day of the 10-day cycle, today I’m taking the last pill, so I’m thinking about continuing to drink or quitting. There seem to be indirect signs of pregnancy, although I know that this is not an indicator, but my breasts hurt when pressed, my nipples are sensitive, but I don’t really feel sick. In general, I don’t know %) is it worth drinking it or not, what if you’re still pregnant? What difference does it make whether it’s warm or cold outside when a little rainbow lives in your room all day?

When can I cancel?

Even if the expectant mother’s health is normal and there are no complaints, Duphaston therapy is not stopped before 12 weeks of gestation. While the placenta is still forming and has not taken on the task of producing progesterone, stopping the medication is fraught with an increase in tone and other dangerous changes. For this reason, the use of a natural hormone substitute, such as Duphaston, is indicated throughout the first trimester.

Since complete formation of the placenta usually occurs by the 16th obstetric week, the pills are discontinued in most cases at 16-20 weeks.

About the abrupt cancellation of duphaston, the cancellation of duphaston provokes a miscarriage - on

When she arrived with a delay, she decided that it was to stop duphaston and suggested waiting for either M or signs of B, and when I, on my own initiative, had an hCG test (negative), she sent me for an ultrasound... But I didn’t go... because... from the beginning of the delay, I started measuring BT, at 59 DC it was O (around this time they sent me for an ultrasound, I decided to wait), 12 days after it they came M...

I still haven’t figured out the reason for the delay... and I don’t know what to think about duphaston now... Today it’s 17 DC, judging by the BT schedule. It hasn’t happened yet... I don’t even know what to think...

Somehow I strayed a little from the topic, just emotions...

11:43 | 23 Sep 11

How to stop taking it?

The regimen according to which it will take place varies from woman to woman, as it depends on the dosage, the duration of pregnancy, and the indications for taking the hormonal substance. For some patients, the drug is discontinued within a week, while others need to carefully reduce the dosage over 2 or 3 weeks. If any warning signs occur when the dose is reduced, it is necessary to return to the previous dosage, at which the expectant mother’s condition was normal.

Here is one example of refusal to take Duphaston, in which a woman took the drug 20 mg per day during 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. When the doctor says that the dosage can be reduced, you must:

  • for three days, take a whole tablet in the morning and only half in the evening, that is, the total amount per day will be 15 mg;
  • for the next three days, reduce the daily dose by another 5 mg, taking half a tablet in the morning and another half in the afternoon;
  • then they refuse one of the doses, leaving only the morning dose of 5 mg or taking the drug in the evening at the same dosage;
  • after 3 days of taking 5 mg, they refuse the medicine altogether, but in some cases they take a quarter of a tablet for another three days.

If the daily dose was 30 mg, then withdrawal is carried out in a similar way, reducing by 1 tablet every week or by half every 3-4 days. If Duphaston did not help, and it was not possible to maintain the pregnancy, stopping therapy abruptly is also not recommended.

Such patients should reduce the dosage by 1 tablet per day. For example, if a woman took 3 tablets a day, then on the first day of withdrawal she should take 2 tablets, on the second day - only one tablet, and on the third day - half.

Not all women tolerate treatment with Duphaston well. In some expectant mothers, this medicine provokes unpleasant side effects or an allergic reaction. In such cases, the medication should also be discontinued, and an analogue that will be better tolerated should be selected instead. If a pregnant woman experiences symptoms of hypersensitivity or other negative reactions, it is best to consult a doctor to prescribe an appropriate withdrawal regimen.

It will involve not only reducing the dosage of Duphaston, but also starting to use its analogue, for example, Utrozhestan. This medicine in capsules contains micronized progesterone, therefore it is used for the same conditions and diseases for which Duphaston is indicated. In addition, it can not only be taken orally, but also inserted into the vagina, which is common among expectant mothers with severe early toxicosis or a negative reaction of the digestive tract to Duphaston tablets.

Other progesterone-based analogues are Prajisan, Iprozhin, and Krinon. Which of these drugs is best for a woman should be determined by the gynecologist who observes her during pregnancy.

There are mostly good reviews about the use of Duphaston in the first months of pregnancy. They call the drug effective, noting that after starting to take it, abdominal pain disappears, spotting and other symptoms of a threatened miscarriage disappear. Women who discontinued the medication according to the regimen indicated by the doctor confirm that Duphaston did not have any harmful effect on either their health or the condition of the baby when the dose was gradually reduced.

However, there are also negative experiences when pregnant women, without understanding or ignoring the specialist’s words, abruptly stopped taking the pills. This led to the appearance of bloody discharge, hypertonicity, and in some cases even to pregnancy failure at a later stage (18-20 weeks and later).

For information on the use of Duphaston during pregnancy, see below.

Question: I take Duphaston, which is a hormonal drug. You can’t throw him suddenly, can you?


-First of all, I want to note that Duphaston is a hormonal drug and ONLY A DOCTOR can prescribe it for you!! ! A doctor and no one else! This drug should not be taken on the advice of a friend or neighbor;

-ONLY A DOCTOR will prescribe a regimen for you based on YOUR (I emphasize, YOUR, characteristics, not your friend’s, body). Yes, there are similar regimens, but this does not mean that you can arbitrarily choose any of them;

- AS A RULE, Duphaston is prescribed to be taken every other day, after ovulation;

-If you have ideal hormones, this does not mean that the doctor prescribes Duphaston for you only because you would bring profit to the manufacturer. Duphaston is also prescribed when hormones are ideal (and I am an example of this);

— Duphaston does NOT suppress ovulation if you take it NO more than 2 tablets per day (I read this information on the manufacturer’s forum, but didn’t come up with it out of my head, so debate here is useless. And the confirmation of these words is my ovulation, which never happened happened and which occurred on the 4th day of taking Duphaston. As a result, a long-awaited pregnancy);

-Duphaston should be taken at regular intervals. For example, if you take your morning pill at 9 o’clock, then in the evening you should also take it at 9;

- frequent urination is a consequence of taking Duphaston;

-Before you stop drinking Duf at the end of the cycle, you must make sure that there is no pregnancy. For example, you can do a test. Even more reliable - take hCG;

-if there is a suspicion of pregnancy (REAL suspicions, not fictitious signs), then you can continue to drink Duf (my doctor said that in 2 days of stopping Duf the hormone will not drop sharply);

-If you take Duphaston no more than two tablets a day, your period will come (tested by some girls on the forum). Menstruation has arrived - we cancel;

-if the test is negative, then you stop drinking Duf according to the regimen prescribed by your doctor. According to information from the manufacturer's website, periods usually come 2-3 days after stopping the drug. In rare cases, menstruation will occur on the 10th day after discontinuation (you understand, each body is individual);

-If pregnancy occurs, you will need to drink Duf until about 12-16 weeks of pregnancy;

- in case of pregnancy, the drug is discontinued SMOOTHLY!! ! The dose is GRADUALLY reduced. You cannot suddenly stop taking a hormonal drug (even if your hormones are ideal);

-if you have a threat, tone, bleeding and the DOCTOR prescribes you to take 4 tablets of Duphaston, I beg you, don’t rush to the forum and ask “girls, the doctor prescribed me to take 4 tablets - isn’t that a lot???” . My dears, use common sense, if the DOCTOR prescribed it, then you need to follow HIS instructions. In the end, don’t be too lazy to pick up the annotation and read a couple of lines called “method of administration and dosage”. Believe me, EVERYTHING is written there. And if you don’t trust your DOCTOR, then how can you trust strangers from the virtual space? Think about it, they might give you such advice that you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Victoria Vika

it is not true


It can only be canceled by the attending physician. Don't quit yourself.

Cancellation of Duphaston during pregnancy

It is difficult to find a woman who, during pregnancy or during pregnancy planning, would not use any medications that are useful for the expectant mother and safe for her child. On the one hand, this makes it possible to give birth to a long-awaited baby. Recently, recurrent miscarriage has become a very common problem for women who want to have children. There are many reasons for this, but one of the main ones is a problem at the hormonal level.

As you know, a special hormone, progesterone, is responsible for pregnancy. Its function is indispensable in the body preparing for dramatic changes - bearing a baby. Firstly, progesterone helps the fertilized egg attach to the uterus, and also prepares the mammary glands to produce colostrum and milk. Secondly, it is thanks to progesterone that the uterus actively grows, while practically not contracting, which is extremely necessary for the body to accept the “foreign body” - the fetus.

Girls, who suddenly stopped drinking duphaston? - on

The gynecologist prescribed me to drink Duphaston 1t/2r per day, so I bought it, started taking it, then found out that they had prescribed a hormone. The doctor didn’t tell you how long to take it, she said you should take it for prevention, because... there were 2 turns 7 years ago. It made me feel very sick, I didn’t feel sick only when I was sleeping and eating, and a terrible bitterness appeared in my mouth. I took it for 6 days and quit because... It was unbearable, I didn’t drink for the 2nd day, the nausea went away, and the bitterness almost went away. But slightly, slightly in the evening I began to stretch my stomach. I read that you shouldn’t quit abruptly, the doctor didn’t warn you about this at all, so I’m very worried, maybe my stomach is tightening because of what I inspired myself to do! Who threw sharply - share your experience!

I was also told that I can’t, just reduce the quantity, I drink 3 rubles of 1 tbl.

19:13 | 01 Dec 14

They told me to drink until 15-16 weeks.

19:13 | 01 Dec 14

you are sick from toxicosis and not from duphaston. You need it, taking into account your past

19:13 | 01 Dec 14I haven’t drunk for 2 days - I don’t feel sick, and the bitterness in my mouth has practically gone away, even though I drank plenty of water.19:22 | 01 Dec 14

What is the dosage of the tablets?

I put utrozhestan 200 mg per day and stopped at 14 weeks. not gradually. and everything is fine with the baby.

but your deadline is different...

19:14 | 01 Dec 14 1 tab. morning and evening, 10 mg tablet 19:22 | 01 Dec 14

The dose is not at all large, but I wouldn’t quit because... up to 12 weeks progic is needed.

Go for an ultrasound and check if everything is fine. So go see a doctor.

Maybe nausea from B?

I took Duphaston until week 20 to allow the ber to develop.;) You can’t throw it down according to the scheme: 4 days - 1.5t, 4 days - 1t, 4 days - 0.5t. If you quit abruptly, the body may reject the embryo19:14 | 01 Dec 14You can’t throw it too quickly!!! Bleeding may begin, it's still a hormone! 19:22 | 01 Dec 14Yes, I’ve already read that it’s not allowed, but I took it for only 6 days, and there was no threat to me.19:25 | 01 Dec 14It is not necessarily prescribed when there is a threat, B is supported and depends on progesterone, and simply if at some point there is a lack of progesterone in your body, a miscarriage may occur19:29 | 01 Dec 14A your nausea would go away in 2 weeks. They usually drink duphaston for up to 12 weeks. Who cares already there?! According to indications 19:24 | 01 Dec 14I started feeling nauseous as soon as I started taking Duphaston, I had nausea for 2 weeks without vomiting, then it went away!!

A friend had mild toxicosis, she was prescribed to drink duphaston, the toxicosis intensified and she started vomiting, after 1 week everything went away!!! Duphaston is such a thing;))) you shouldn’t throw it away!!

19:28 | 01 Dec 14If I had known what this crap was, I wouldn’t have started drinking it at all, and the doctor didn’t even explain anything, be sure to drink it, she said so that the fetus would take hold, I feel so good now that I don’t even want to look at this crap19: 32 | 01 Dec 14I drank it, tangerines and sour sweets saved me from nausea... What should I do?! We must!!!19:38 | 01 Dec 14A Are you from Nara? Who is your doctor? (Just wondering)00:06 | 05 Dec 14What, is she a bad doctor?16:03 | 05 Dec 14 Well, I haven’t heard anything good about her.

You still haven’t started renewing duphaston?

16:04 | 05 Dec 14No, I didn’t, I haven’t taken it for about a week now, and pah-pah - everything is fine, I was happy for three days without nausea, and then Mr. toxicosis himself began (((((And he constantly! As for Troshina, the only doctor , who thought of taking hormone tests, sent her to MONIAG, read a lot of reviews, everyone wrote - she’s a rude person, after the first appointment I was also shocked by her rudeness, but then I was at the appointment many times - she behaved very well!16: 21 | 05 Dec 14 well thank God!

I don’t go to the residential complex, or rather, I haven’t gotten there yet and haven’t registered. I don't want to go there.

Are you 4 weeks obstetric (from your period)?

16:30 | 05 Dec 14No, from conception! I didn’t even count from menstruation, I think it’s still more correct to count from conception! 19:23 | 06 Dec 14Are you 7 weeks from your period or from conception?19:25 | 06 Dec 14From menstruation. This means the same period somewhere)) 19:57 | 06 Dec 14

I also took it off myself, stopped drinking it) now after all the horror stories I’m afraid, even though a week has passed

19:49 | 12 Jan 16

I stopped taking Duphaston at almost 17 weeks. It’s already been two days without him and ugh, ugh, everything is fine! I took it from the 5th week of pregnancy and finished it at the end of the 16th week. But I canceled it according to the regimen of my doctor, who is observing me. The initial dose was 2 tablets per day. I took 2 tablets for four days, then one tablet for three days, and that was the end of taking the drug. I thought that it would be an abrupt withdrawal, but then I asked my gynecologist friends and they said that my withdrawal from duphaston was not abrupt, especially since the dosage was small. And after 16 weeks there is no point in taking it, since the placenta is already formed and produces its own progesterone. And yet, after taking the medicine, my throat was sore.

19:51 | 16 Jun 15

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Mechanism of action of Duphaston

For the onset and normal course of pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother needs progesterone. Normally, it is produced in the ovaries, and during fertilization its concentration increases significantly. After fertilization, the function of producing the hormone is taken over by the corpus luteum until the placenta is formed, producing the substance in the future.

Duphaston is a drug whose main active ingredient is dydrogesterone. This substance belongs to the synthetic analogues of progesterone.

Duphaston is available in tablet form. Upon penetration into the gastrointestinal tract, the medicine is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. The maximum effect of the drug is observed after 2 hours. Dydrogesterone takes over the function of progesterone. It supports the onset of ovulation and helps prepare the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg in it.

After pregnancy, Duphaston provides the necessary concentration of progesterone in the woman’s body. Its action is as follows:

  • preparing the mammary glands for future lactation;
  • relaxation of the uterus;
  • ensuring stretching of the uterus;
  • maintaining internal processes aimed at producing nutrition for the fetus.

How to stop drinking Duphaston? —

Hello girls everyone! Can anyone tell me what?

They prescribed me to take Duphaston for up to 12 weeks, 2 tablets per day - I think, well, I’ll finish the last ones tomorrow... but today I had an appointment with a doctor (or rather a nurse, because my doctor went on vacation) and she told me (after consulting with another doctor) said that you can’t stop drinking them suddenly. They say in general they take duphaston until 16-20 weeks and if I want to finish, then I need to reduce my dose by half a tablet every week - so I don’t know what to do. I feel, one might say, normally (except sometimes for nausea) :))) but my tummy doesn’t seem to hurt, nothing hurts anywhere (only if I sneeze a lot) - everything is fine.

How is this correct? Has anyone stopped taking this drug?

PS This prescription “to drink duphaston for up to 12 weeks” was prescribed to me by a doctor from my planning center, where I was observed - maybe she knows better how much I need to drink than these local doctors?


Katya I was on the site 21 hours ago Russia, Izhevsk drank until the 16th and decreased by a quarter every week, i.e.
until about the end of the 18th week. I can’t say what will happen if you quit now... by 16 weeks the placenta will completely take over the function of the fading corpus luteum in maintaining pregnancy. This was the reason for the appointment not to cancel the appointment until 16 weeks. Ketrin I was on the site October 9, 2021, 09:22 Belarus, Minsk Well, they prescribed me exactly until 12 weeks - now I’ve started taking duphaston a quarter less - I’ll see how it goes if everything gud - I will continue to reduce it every week

Why do you need the drug before and during pregnancy?

Some women's bodies are unable to produce enough progesterone, making it difficult to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. Hormonal deficiency can occur as a result of chronic pathology, severe stress, or genetic predisposition.

Before the invention of artificial hormones, women with a lack of progesterone could not become pregnant. If pregnancy did occur, it ended in miscarriage. Duphaston gives many women the opportunity to safely carry a baby. It is prescribed both at the stage of pregnancy planning and after its onset. Before pregnancy, the drug is used to diagnose pathologies associated with hormonal imbalance:

  • lack of progesterone in the luteal phase;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • severe premenstrual syndrome;
  • menstrual irregularities or absence of menstruation for a long time without pregnancy;
  • miscarriage that happened.

Contraindications for use

The list of contraindications for taking the drug is small. The main warnings concern the body's possible reaction to the auxiliary components. Duphaston contains lactose, which can cause allergies. For this reason, it is contraindicated for people with lactose intolerance. Other contraindications include:

  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • severe pathology of the liver and kidneys;
  • malignant tumors during therapy or cured in the past;
  • intolerance to the main substance.


The female body is very fragile and vulnerable, especially during pregnancy. Any impact on it can have the most unpredictable consequences. Every medical drug has contraindications for use, and Duphaston is no exception.

Contraindications to the use of Duphaston:


  • individual intolerance
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug
  • lactase deficiency (inability to digest milk sugar)
  • malabsorption syndrome (when some nutrients are not absorbed by the intestines, but are immediately excreted from the body)
  • lactation period
  • tumors of the mammary glands and reproductive organs

Drugs such as Phenobarbital and Rifampicin can reduce the effectiveness of Duphaston. This fact should be taken into account when combining these medications.

An additional and important point: contrary to many opinions, Duphaston has a weak contraceptive effect. An excess of progesterone accumulated over time contributes to the inhibition of the pituitary gland and the gradual cessation of ovulation. This is another argument for maximalists.

Every expectant mother desperately wants to help her body and her unborn baby. However, a sense of proportion and the recommendations of a professional doctor should not be overlooked, especially when it comes to taking medications.

Side effects and possible consequences

Duphaston is a substitute for a natural hormone, the content of which is natural in a woman’s body (for more details, see the article: Duphaston: how to take a natural hormone substitute?). In this regard, side effects when taking the medicine are rare. These include:

  • headache;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin rashes;
  • stomach ache;
  • increasing the rate of destruction of red blood cells;
  • high sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • deterioration of liver function;
  • swelling;
  • uterine bleeding, disappearing after increasing the dose of the drug.

Some women noted that with long-term use of the drug, there is a tendency to significant weight gain. However, experts were unable to establish a connection between the effect of the drug and the woman’s weight change.

No cases of overdose were identified. When taking a large dose of the drug, gastric lavage is performed and symptomatic therapy is carried out. It is recommended to stop taking the medicine if tumors are detected, so as not to provoke their growth.

The most dangerous is abrupt withdrawal of the drug Duphaston. Completion of the course should occur gradually. The body needs to be given time to adjust to the independent production of progesterone. If a woman stops drinking Duphaston herself, the following may happen:

  • miscarriage or spontaneous birth;
  • placental abruption;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Question: is it possible to suddenly stop taking duphaston, and what are the consequences of this?

Yulia Egorovskaya

Most likely it is possible. If you are afraid to stop taking it right away, take half a dose for another couple of days.

Tatiana Kiseleva

Abrupt cancellation will not have any harmful consequences! The placenta itself should already secrete progesterone - “internal duphaston” But if it doesn’t secrete... That….


you go to a doctor’s consultation like this and ask me, they didn’t allow me to stop gradually reducing the dose, but to stop abruptly, you don’t know what this will lead to, think about the baby and yourself

How long does it take to stop treatment?

Until 12 weeks of pregnancy, the corpus luteum fully performs the function of providing the body with progesterone. Starting from the 12th week, the placenta forms and takes on the task of producing the hormone. However, the complete process of placenta formation can be completed by 16 weeks, and it will be fully strengthened by 20 weeks.

In this regard, the official instructions recommend stopping taking Duphaston after the process of placenta formation is complete, namely at 20 weeks. Doctors make a decision based on the diagnosis and condition of the patient.

Before 12 weeks of pregnancy, discontinuation of the drug is highly undesirable. As a rule, Duphaston intake begins to be reduced from the 16th week. However, if there is a threat of miscarriage, the medication is extended until the symptoms that pose a risk to pregnancy have passed.

If a woman has experienced miscarriages and premature births in the past due to a lack of progesterone, then the withdrawal of Duphaston may be postponed to a later date. Sometimes it is necessary to take the drug until the last weeks of the 3rd trimester. When discontinuing Duphaston, a woman is tested for progesterone concentration before completion of therapy, during the withdrawal period and after the end of treatment.

Question: I quit drinking Duphaston after a month...


Duphaston, as far as I know, is a drug of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the growth of the endometrium and the attachment of the embryo to the uterine mucosa (which prevents miscarriage), it is usually prescribed up to 16 weeks, it is by this time that the placenta matures and begins to produce progesterone itself (if it can be preserved before then) consider the time passed since the miscarriage) . But how well the baby is and whether everything is fine will only be told to you by the results of the ultrasound and the analysis of the fetal heart rate, so if you are very worried, go right now to the doctor (preferably a private and paid one) explain the situation and let the heart let you listen (it’s already good at your term knocks, you can hear it) you’ll immediately calm down, very therapeutic :) - good luck!

Svetlana Anatolyevna

brilliant. Barvo girl. You should register at 9 weeks, if nothing bothers you, or better yet, early. And you shouldn’t self-medicate during pregnancy at all.


Why did you decide that you needed to drink duphaston? I don’t want to offend you, so I won’t say anything further.


Do you always get treatment based on recommendations from friends and the Internet? And do you actually ask them about the consequences? Abrupt refusal of Duphaston can cause a miscarriage. But you may be lucky. However, I will say a platitude: go to the doctor.

Elena Kiseleva

There is no need to self-medicate, it’s better to go to the hospital so they will tell you exactly what needs to be done!!!!


There is no need to self-medicate, it’s better to go to the hospital, they will tell you exactly what needs to be done

Daria Timakina

register. If nothing bothers you, then nothing bad happens. healthy baby for you. I'm currently on duphaston and trying to get pregnant.

Treatment cancellation plan

The drug withdrawal regimen depends on the reason that led to its prescription, dosages during therapy, duration of treatment and the condition of the pregnant woman after taking the drug. Duphaston is withdrawn gradually. The dose and frequency of administration are reduced daily. The regimen is prescribed individually according to the decision of the attending physician. Below are sample drug withdrawal plans for various situations:

  • With several miscarriages in previous pregnancies and after artificial insemination. In classical treatment, 2 tablets per day are prescribed, taken at different intervals. Weaning begins at 16–20 weeks. First, the intake is reduced to 1 tablet per day over the next 7 days. Then, for 3 days, reduce the dosage by another half tablet. At the final stage, drink ¼ of the tablet for another 3 days.
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage. To maintain pregnancy, it is usually prescribed to take 1 tablet every 8 hours. After the disappearance of alarming symptoms, the dose is reduced to 2 tablets per day until the 18th week. Subsequent withdrawal of Duphaston is carried out according to the scheme described above.
  • After a spontaneous abortion. If the pregnancy could not be maintained, then abruptly quitting the course of Duphaston is also impossible. Hormone therapy must be completed gradually. The duration of completion of the course depends on the schemes that were used previously. For example, if the dosage was 3 tablets, then on the first day of withdrawal, take 2, the next day - 1, then reduce to 0.5, and on the last day of use, drink ¼ of the tablet.

Question: how should you stop drinking Duphaston?

Cranberry Kislyukina

Duphaston is an analogue of progesterone, which is produced by the corpus luteum in a woman’s ovary during pregnancy.

Progesterone is necessary for the formation of the placenta, the baby's place. It stops working at 12-16 weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to take progesterone-containing drugs before this period, otherwise abrupt withdrawal at an earlier date most often leads to miscarriage.

The best regimen is to remove 1 tablet per day at 13 weeks. A week later, 1 more tablet. Etc. It turns out that if you took 2 tablets a day, then by 15 weeks you stop completely, if you took 3 tablets, by 16.

Since progesterone is a synthetic hormone and is completely prohibited in Europe, it conducts a very active advertising campaign among doctors, which is why they can prescribe it for up to 20 weeks (my doctor tried to force it on me when I decided to drink utrogestan, this is an analogue , at 15 weeks, that I would start taking duphaston before 20 weeks, why, she couldn’t explain so clearly, but duphaston is mandatory until 20 weeks, having figured out the issue, I didn’t do this, and rightly so)

Yes, there are cases when progestron is needed more than 14-16 weeks - this is if the baby’s place is immature, the placenta is not developed enough, the cervix is ​​not strong. But all this can only be understood through ultrasound and examinations, and our doctors, without doing all this, feed us pills.


I haven't heard any plans. The doctor told me as much as I drank, and that’s it!

Zhanna Romanova

by week 16, leave one tablet at night

Ksenia Shestakova

yes, gradually!!!! these are hormones. the doctor should tell you how!! ! In general, remove 0.5 tablets.

Tiffany *********

I was prescribed to drink 2 times a day. Then the doctor gave me a treatment plan for taking Duphaston. three days at a time and that's it...

Elena Elena

According to the regimen that the doctor will PERSONALLY prescribe for YOU, and not be advised on the Internet... these are hormones... you are being treated...

Miroslava Happy

For a week, three times a day, for the next week, twice a day, for the third week, one tablet a day, and for three days you can drink half of it. that is, gradually reduce the dose. It is important.

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