How to bring your period closer with the help of jess

Jess is a combined modern monophasic preparation of oral contraceptives. Contains drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. Protection against pregnancy is achieved by suppressing ovulation, changing the quality of mucus in the cervix, and the properties of the endometrium. Jess can also have a healing effect for PMS: eliminating mood swings and emotional background; with it there is no enlargement and pain in the chest, no heaviness in the head. Drospirenone reduces the appearance of acne, oily skin and hair.

There are 28 tablets in a package. If the options are for three menstrual cycles at once, in this case one package contains 84 tablets. Composition of the drug Jess:

  • The first 24 tablets are active with hormonal components, taken during the first 24 days of the cycle;
  • The last 4 tablets are pacifiers, do not contain an active component, and the drug Jess Plus contains a metabolite of folic acid.

The basic rules for taking the pills are as follows: start taking pills from the first day of the cycle, with the onset of any spotting, if pregnancy is excluded; take a tablet every day at exactly the same time for 28 days; as soon as the package is finished, the next one should be started without any interruption, regardless of whether there is bleeding or not; if the package contains 84 tablets, then they must be taken continuously.

Jess in a flex cartridge with a Click dispenser

The use of Jess also involves taking only active tablets. In this case, you need to drink only the first 24, after which you immediately start a new package. Menstruation will not come until the girl takes pacifier pills. The maximum period without menstruation is up to 120 days without bleeding, after which you should take a break for menstruation.

For most women, change their character while using the pills The features are as follows (subject to strict adherence to the rules for taking pills):

  • your period comes exactly on the day of the week when the first pill was taken;
  • spotting begins on the 2-3rd day of taking inactive tablets;
  • menstruation is spotty, sometimes panty liners are enough;
  • Menstruation often becomes less painful.

During the first two or three cycles, a woman may notice periodic acyclic spotting. You should not worry, this is an adaptation of the body, which should normally take place with long-term use.

As a rule, in women who take Jess, menstrual-like discharge becomes regular even if previously they were at large or too short intervals, but only if the drug was correctly selected.

Normally, spotting or even moderate spotting is allowed outside of menstruation during the first three months. If this continues for a longer period of time, you should consult a doctor to decide on changing the drug or changing the dosage regimen.

The following violations are possible: menstruation arrived while still on active tablets (it is better to continue taking it; but if there are more than 6-8 tablets left in the package, and menstruation has already begun, and this repeats from month to month, you should consult a doctor); there are no periods, but all the pills have been taken (allowed for three cycles); periods are smeared for a long time - up to a week or even more; no changes (the woman does not respond to the drug, a replacement is necessary).

Read more in our article about taking the drug Jess and the features of menstruation with it.

How to delay your period for a week?

This can be done using traditional methods and hormonal drugs. Traditional recipes are not always effective, but they are safe. Hormonal medications work flawlessly, but can cause health problems.

Common ways to delay your period by a week:

  • Monophasic birth control pills
  • Progestins
  • Combined oral contraceptives
  • Hemostatic drugs

Progestins can be considered the safest; they have virtually no effect on the menstrual cycle. After you stop taking them, menstruation will begin in a few days.

How does it affect PMS?

One of the indications for prescribing Jess is severe premenstrual syndrome in a girl, even if she is not sexually active. By regularly using Jess, you can achieve the following results:

  • The skin becomes less oily and acne goes away.

Before and after long-term use of Jess

  • Swelling decreases. Pain in the mammary glands becomes less intense or disappears altogether. Weight fluctuations on the eve of menstruation become less noticeable. The woman feels better.
  • The severity of pain decreases. Taking hormonal drugs of this type contributes to the attenuation of ovarian function. Therefore, the pain in the lower abdomen, which previously preceded their arrival, becomes less pronounced.

In addition, many note a more balanced psycho-emotional state, the absence of mood swings, tearfulness and decreased performance disappear.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

All these effects from taking pills develop gradually, not always in the first month of taking them. After the normalization of the entire function and menstrual cycle, many girls decide to stop taking them, not knowing that with the end of taking all the results obtained will go away. If not during the first month, but in the second or third. The fact is that taking hormonal drugs does not affect the cause of the disorders, but only temporarily combats the manifestations.

How to delay your period by 3 days?

There are several ways to delay the onset of your period by a few days. Traditional medicine offers safe, but not always effective methods. It is usually recommended to use large doses of “water pepper”, ascorbic acid and nettle. If you want to delay the “red days” by 3 days, contact your gynecologist. He may prescribe the following medications:

  • Vikasol
  • Norkolut
  • Dicynone

These are hormonal and hemostatic medications. Dicinone forms blood clots, which causes menstruation to be delayed. But you can use the medicine no more than once a year.

Postponement of menstruation for Jess. Anyone who did it, please come in!

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