How to delay your period by a few days using duphaston

Absence of menstruation is a common sexual disorder in women of reproductive age. If you miss your period for more than a week, it is recommended to consult a doctor for a diagnosis, because such a long period of delay indicates a developing pathology or hormonal imbalance. Often, hormonal medications are taken to restore the cycle in order to get rid of irregular periods. If the menstrual cycle is constantly disrupted, then there is a point in correcting it, since ignoring the unfavorable condition that has arisen in the future will lead to the development of many diseases - polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, the appearance of many functional cysts. For an irregular menstrual cycle, doctors often prescribe duphaston. This is a modern hormonal medication based on the active progesterone component - dydrogesterone, which is used to correct hormonal levels in the right direction, as well as to equalize the imbalance between the levels of estrogen and progesterone. With the help of this drug, you can both delay the onset of menstruation and provoke its arrival when it does not occur for a long time. Many women are interested in how to take duphaston to induce menstruation and how is duphaston used to delay it?

Is it possible to delay your period for one, two or several days at home?

If a woman is healthy and her menstrual cycle is stable, then it is quite possible to “cheat” and delay the onset of menstruation at home. True, this should often not be done, since you can disrupt your menstrual cycle, and this is a direct path to gynecological diseases (fibroids, cervical erosion). The only exceptions are those cases when it comes to slowing down menstruation due to medical indications (heavy bleeding, anemia).

The following can help you cope with the task of deferment:

  • medications;
  • folk remedies.

Let's consider both methods in more detail below.

Side effect

Taking duphaston may be accompanied by a number of side effects.

  • First of all, during treatment with this drug, breakthrough uterine bleeding may occur, which is eliminated by increasing the dose of the drug.
  • Changes in the hematopoietic system and the development of hemolytic anemia are also possible (rare).
  • A number of women note the appearance of headaches or migraines, and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions (skin itching and rash, urticaria and, in rare cases, Quincke's edema) cannot be ruled out.
  • Possible liver dysfunction (weakness or malaise, jaundice and pain in the right hypochondrium).
  • And extremely rarely, duphaston provokes the development of edema of the extremities.

What to do to delay your period?

One of the simplest and most effective ways to delay the onset of menstruation is through medications, but they also have the greatest side effects. Therefore, every representative of the fair sex should think carefully about whether it is worth the risk, and before taking it, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Traditional recipes are less dangerous but no one can give 100% results. Since they help some representatives of the fairer sex, while others “remain offended,” as evidenced by discussions of funds from the people on various women’s forums.

How to delay your period by a day?

Female sex hormones are responsible for the entire menstrual cycle, so the delay depends directly on them. Taking hormonal products containing progestogen (progestins, gestagens) gives an almost 100% guarantee of no menstruation on time. These hormones can be found in contraceptives (birth control pills).

You need to start taking them from the middle of the menstrual cycle, and stop on the day when your period is due to begin. This method may cause a delay of up to five days. In cases of choosing a single-phase contraceptive to delay menstruation, you must take one pill per day. She will not be able to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, but on the day of the “planned” onset of menstruation, stopping these pills will give a delay of 1-3 days.

Menstrual cycle

The entire cycle is divided into three periods. In the first, the maturation of the main follicle begins, which is why the phase is called follicular.

In the second, under the influence of hormones, the egg is released. This usually happens about two weeks after the start of the cycle. At this time, the female cell is completely ready to meet the sperm. It should be noted that this entire process is “guided” by hormones. Regardless of whether the egg is fertilized or not, the uterus is preparing for its implantation.

The conclusion suggests itself: if the arrival of menstruation is associated with a decrease in the amount of sex hormones, it needs to be increased. The safest drugs for raising hormonal levels are contraception.

How to delay your period for a few days or a week?

The same hormonal birth control pills can eliminate menstruation for a fairly long period of time. According to the instructions, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy and not have a negative effect on the body, contraceptives are taken in courses with breaks. But if you drink them without stopping, skipping the recommended breaks, then you simply won’t have your period at all. The cycle will resume only after finishing taking the pills.

Gynecologists warn that taking contraceptive drugs without a break can negatively affect women's health, and do not recommend taking such drugs for more than 2 months.

Can Duphaston cause a delay in menstruation: consultation with a gynecologist

If there is a long delay in menstruation, you should see a doctor, who will first rule out pregnancy. If there is no pregnancy, then after carefully collecting anamnesis and complaints, the doctor determines the possible cause of the delay in menstruation.

  • In the case of the influence of external factors (stress, climate change, etc.), menstruation begins on its own after their effect is eliminated.
  • But in case of a continued delay of up to 10 days or more, it is recommended to take a blood test for hormones, and then begin drug treatment.
  • Duphaston to induce menstruation is prescribed in a dosage of 10 mg (1 tablet) twice a day for 5 days.
  • Menstruation begins after stopping the drug, or slightly before the end of the course.
  • A delayed effect is also possible, when menstruation “comes” 3 to 7 days after stopping duphaston.

If the patient complains of an irregular menstrual cycle and constant delays in menstruation, then she is prescribed a 3-6 month course of treatment with duphaston from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle. As a rule, after such a course of treatment, the cycle is restored.

Duphaston is a hormonal drug

The variety of pharmacological drugs today is quite different.

When choosing this or that remedy, it is necessary to take into account many nuances and the level of human health.

Increasingly, experts recommend using a product called Duphaston for the treatment of female diseases.

This type of medication acts as natural progesterone, since its chemical composition does not contain dangerous and allergenic components that could harm a woman’s health.

Before prescribing the drug, many women are interested in the question: can Duphaston cause a delay in menstruation?

The effect of the medicine manifests itself differently in each case, so before using this drug it is imperative to consult a gynecologist.

Duphaston is known as Dydrogesterone. It is considered to be similar in origin to synthetic progesterone. Based on these features, the greatest effect from taking the drug can only be achieved by taking it orally.

In this case, you need to take the tablet with purified water, without taking into account the peculiarities of eating. At the end of its metabolism, the drug is excreted from the female body along with urine after 3 days.

"Duphaston" differs from other drugs in the following positive properties:

  • Estrogenic activity
  • Androgenic activity
  • Anabolic activity
  • Glucocorticoid activity
  • Thermogenic activity

The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor

The characteristic features of the drug help protect the liver and kidneys from the negative effects of the chemical components of the drug. >

Stop taking Duphaston and its analogues 2 days before the expected end of menstruation.
Bleeding will resume after discontinuation of the drug. At the same time, it is possible to preserve the metabolism of carbohydrate and protein metabolism in the human body.

In most cases, a positive result can be achieved without reducing the manifestation of ovulation and changing hormonal levels.

Can Duphaston cause a delay in menstruation, treatment. A drug with this effect can only be prescribed for special indications by a gynecologist. Typically, taking Duphaston is recommended in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • Menopause, which occurs naturally or as a result of surgery.
  • Amenorrhea of ​​secondary origin.
  • Development of dysmenorrhea.
  • Actively manifested premenstrual syndrome.
  • Bifunctional bleeding (most often uterine).
  • Diagnosis of dysplasia, which was a consequence of a lack of lutein.
  • Ongoing pregnancy with an increased risk of miscarriage.
  • Repeated pregnancy with a previous miscarriage.
  • Intense headache and migraine.
  • Skin problems (severe burning, itching, small skin rashes). Hives also appear.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • A feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, rare pain in its lower part.
  • Sometimes jaundice may appear.
  • Breast swelling and increased sensitivity when touching the mammary glands.
  • Peripheral swelling.
  • Quincke's edema.
  • Decreased hemoglobin levels of a hemolytic nature (anemia).
  • Frequent changes in a woman's mood.
  • Development of depression.

The attending physician must warn the patient in advance about all possible troubles.

Quite often, unpleasant symptoms are mild in nature and do not cause severe discomfort to the woman.

In cases where the adverse reactions are unbearable and too painful, you will definitely need to consult a doctor again. You may need to stop taking the drug or replace it with a similar drug.

  • When the patient is under 18 years of age (children and adolescents).
  • The presence of an allergic reaction to the main component of dydrogesterone.
  • The likelihood of developing uterine bleeding that has not previously been diagnosed by specialists.
  • The presence of progesterone-dependent neoplasms.

When Duphaston is used to treat infertility, it is very important to restore the menstrual cycle in a timely manner.

In order to understand whether a woman has hormonal imbalances, she will have to regularly measure her basal temperature. This procedure is carried out in the morning, without getting out of bed.

Pregnancy test during delay

The question that women most often ask is “Can taking Duphaston cause a delay in menstruation?”

The answer is yes.

There is a trend that allows us to notice that in women who use the medicine for a long time, the hormonal cycle is disrupted.

However, upon completion of the course of treatment, these troubles disappear by themselves.

In the event that your period does not come, and pregnancy tests do not show the desired lines, you will need to undergo a special hormonal test (biochemical), as well as an ultrasound scan (ultrasound).

Remember that you can stop taking the medicine only on the recommendation of your doctor. Otherwise, the required therapeutic effect may not be achieved and time will be wasted.

It is important for a woman to tune in to a positive wave and have the support of her family, because a positive mood and emotions are of particular importance in a quick recovery!

Drugs and pills that delay menstruation

Medicine offers a whole line of drugs that can delay the onset of menstruation. True, their direct purpose is the treatment of certain gynecological diseases, but their side effect is a delay in the arrival of menstruation. With stable use of such drugs, the absence of bleeding lasts quite a long time. Let's look at such tools below.

How to take duphaston to delay your period?

Duphaston is a hormonal medicine that allows you to delay menstruation for up to a week. Remember that this is not a contraceptive drug, so you shouldn’t be careless about sex. Its main task is to solve the problem of endometriosis. It affects the uterine mucosa, which promotes increased production of progesterone.

To delay, you need to start taking Duphaston in the middle of the cycle, two tablets per day. The method is considered quite safe, since the components of the drug do not affect blood viscosity and do not provoke stagnation in the pelvic organs.

Vikasol for delaying menstruation

To delay critical days, Vikasol is taken 2 tablets per day. The drug is a hemostatic and specifically works on the formation of a blood clot to stop bleeding. It is impossible to use the drug for a long time for delay, since the blood of menstruation should, according to physiological norms, come out, and this drug helps to block them inside the female body. Over time, the plasma begins to decompose, provoking inflammatory processes.

Dicinone for delaying menstruation

Dicinone is prescribed to strengthen vascular walls, thicken lymph, and stimulate the appearance of platelets. It is used for bleeding, and women use dicinone to delay menstruation. But it should be remembered that Dicinone can cause side effects such as:

  • hypertension;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • rash;
  • numbness of the limbs.

Dicynone should be taken 5 days before the start of your period.

Utrozhestan for delaying menstruation

How to take ascorutin to delay your period?

In gynecology, ascorutin is taken for heavy bleeding during menstruation. This vitamin complex has a high content of vitamins P and C. If menstruation occurs with complications, then the drug is taken a few days before the start of the cycle, and then the course is continued for another 1-2 weeks. In healthy women, taking ascorutin causes a delay of about 4 days.

How to take Tranexam to delay your period?

Tranexam is prescribed to women with heavy, heavy discharge. But if the dosage is increased and more than 500 mg per day menstruation stops completely. You should be careful when using it, as the consequences can be unpredictable.

Norkolut to delay periods

Norkolut produces a targeted effect on regulating the menstrual cycle. It is prescribed to women if there is a delay in menstruation. If everything is fine with this, then it has the opposite effect. That is, starting to take Norkolut 14–15 days before your period can delay your “meeting” with them by 5–7 days. It is also quite often taken by women with heavy discharge during menstruation, as it helps reduce the amount of discharge.

How long can trimedat delay menstruation?

This drug is aimed at eliminating gastrointestinal disorders and has menstrual irregularities as a side effect. it can either delay or induce menstruation. As for the timing of the delay, everything is individual and depends on the duration of taking Trimedat.

How does duphaston work?

The active ingredient of Duphaston is dydrogesterone. One tablet contains 10 mg. A feature of dydrogesterone is its similarity in structure, chemical and pharmacological effects with natural progesterone. Since dydrogesterone is not a derivative of testosterone, it does not cause the side effects inherent in most synthetic progestogens derived from androgens (excessive hair growth or deepening of the voice).

Also, the drug does not have anabolic activity (does not increase protein synthesis and muscle mass), does not affect the production and metabolism of glucocorticoids and temperature, including basal temperature (for example, when taking COCs, there is no point in measuring basal temperature). Dydrogesterone supports the beneficial effects of estrogens on blood lipids, but differs in that it does not affect blood clotting. Also, dydrogesterone does not have a negative effect on carbohydrate metabolism and liver function.

Dydrogesterone replenishes the deficiency of its own progesterone in the body, that is, it promotes the “unfolding” of the second phase of the cycle - it loosens the endometrium, preparing it either for implantation of the egg or for rejection (menstruation). Thus, duphaston reduces the increased risk of endometrial hyperplasia or cancer due to excess estrogen, which is observed with long and regular delays in menstruation.

Can suppositories delay your period?

The use of suppositories can affect the menstrual cycle and cause a delay, but provided that the suppositories are aimed at stopping bleeding, help strengthen the vascular walls, or are hormonal.

How to delay your period with folk remedies

Not so long ago, all human diseases and physiological abnormalities were treated exclusively by traditional medicine. And today its recipes are widely used both as independent therapy and as an adjunct to conservative treatment. Let's consider options from the people that will help delay critical days.

Nettle decoction

The most popular method from our grandmothers, which helped delay the arrival of menstruation by several days. To prepare it you need to stock up on dry nettle herb. You can collect it yourself or buy ready-made herbs at the pharmacy.

For 0.5 liters of decoction you will need 5 tablespoons of chopped nettle. Boil the herb for 5 minutes and leave for 1-3 hours.

Drink nettle infusion as tea, starting from the middle of the cycle. Also, this remedy will alleviate the condition of women with prolonged, heavy discharge.

Lemon is a helper in delaying menstruation

lemon for respite , as it is rich in vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The concentration of this element in lemon helps delay menstruation by 2-3 days . Of course, not everyone can eat lemon without anything, so it is recommended to eat it with sugar or honey. This fruit should be eaten in increased quantities 5 days before the scheduled start of menstruation.

In other words, you can eat not only lemons, but also other foods that contain the maximum amount of ascorbic acid. But you should be warned that this method does not work for everyone, so do not be too upset if the discharge begins on time.

Water pepper decoction

Water pepper is a source of vitamin K, which is the main element that promotes blood clotting (thickening).

A decoction is made from the herb in the following proportion: 2 tbsp water pepper + 1 tbsp boiling water. Pour in the grass and let it brew.

You need to take this decoction 1/3 tbsp three times a day, 10–12 days before the planned start date of your period. The delay using this method can last up to 7 days.

Fees that can extend “clean days”

Women who want to extend the time without menstruation, but without using medications, should pay attention to the following herbal recipes:

  • mix the following herbs in equal proportions: yarrow, bloodroot, nettle, valerian (roots), burnet (root). The resulting mixture is brewed in the following proportion: 3 tbsp + 0.5 l of boiling water. Infuse the collection for 10 minutes and drink 200 ml 3 times a day. Start taking the appointment a week before the “red” date;
  • the second collection may provide a delay of 4–7 days . To begin, mix the herbs in equal proportions: mint, shepherd's purse, raspberry leaves. Apply 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture to a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and drink half a glass three times a day. You need to start 5 days before the “planned” date.


brief information

The drug, in addition to inducing menstruation, is also used for other indications (in case of progesterone deficiency):

  • endometriosis - duphaston is prescribed from days 5 to 25 of the cycle, 1 tablet twice a day;
  • insufficiency of the second phase (luteal) and treatment of infertility caused by it - from 14 to 25 days of the cycle, 1 tablet;
  • premenstrual syndrome - from days 11 to 25, one tablet twice a day;
  • irregular menstruation - from 11 to 25 days, take a tablet twice a day;
  • amenorrhea - in combination with estrogens (from days 1 to 25, once a day), duphaston must be taken one tablet twice a day from days 11 to 25 of the cycle.

If the endometrial response to the drug according to ultrasound is not sufficient (the thickness of the endometrium in the second phase does not reach 10 mm), the dose of duphaston is increased to 20 mg.

  • The drug should not be taken if you have Rotor and Dabin-Johnson syndrome
  • Duphaston is prescribed with extreme caution if there was skin itching during pregnancy.
  • It is also not recommended to take the drug while breastfeeding (it passes into milk).
  • And, of course, duphaston is not prescribed in case of individual intolerance to dydrogesterone.

What antipsychotics delay menstruation?

Recent studies have revealed that antipsychotic drugs (neuroleptics), which lead to an increase in the production of prolactin, can provoke a syndrome such as amenorrhea, in other words, the absence of menstruation. The group of subjects had the following indicators:

  • in 70% the discharge was scanty and the cycles were lengthened;
  • 30% had no periods at all.

This is due to increased levels of prolactin, which regulates reproductive function, cycles and ovulation. Therefore, when treating neuroses and other disorders, it is better to avoid such drugs and use drugs that do not increase prolactin levels.

Is it possible to delay your period for a month or several months and why is this dangerous?

To summarize, let's talk about the possible consequences of artificial delays in menstruation. Let us immediately note that the shift in the start date of menstruation in this cycle will lead to a longer period of discharge in the next cycle, and the volume of blood released will also increase significantly. The latter fact can cause the development of anemia.

Another terrible consequence of artificially delaying menstruation for more than a day can be a neurotic process in the uterus, and this threatens the development of cell necrosis and sepsis.

Any interference in the physiological process occurring in the body can provoke the appearance of serious diseases, therefore Before deciding on such an experiment, weigh the pros and cons.

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