Bloody discharge during pregnancy

Pink discharge that looks like diluted blood is called ichor. This is a physiological fluid that the body produces to heal ulcers and wounds. Bloody discharge often comes out of the vagina during pregnancy, as well as

in many other conditions. Sometimes they are normal, but there are circumstances where they can be a dangerous symptom.

Ichor at the beginning of pregnancy

It is necessary to monitor how many days the bloody discharge continues, because it will begin on the day of conception, when pregnancy is not yet known. The maximum period is several weeks, and they should be insignificant in terms of the amount of mucus secreted.

At the beginning of pregnancy, such discharge is observed on the days of the expected menstruation. It is important to know that these days there is a threat of miscarriage. That is why you need to protect yourself from stress and physical activity. Particularly dangerous: 4, 5, 11, 12 weeks.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy

Vaginal discharge is common to every woman in her life. However, when pregnancy occurs, the nature of such discharge may change somewhat. Normal discharge should be thick and whitish during the first trimester, which is explained by the high activity of progesterone. In the second trimester, the discharge should be clear, as a hormone called estrogen comes first. One way or another, all women are probably aware that discharge interspersed with blood during pregnancy cannot mean anything good. If they appear, you need to urgently call an ambulance. What are the dangers of bleeding during pregnancy?

When is bloody discharge normal?

Discharge with ichor during pregnancy may be one of the normal conditions. In practice, such cases happen quite rarely, and this cannot please expectant mothers. As a rule, brownish discharge is nothing more than a harbinger of a threat of pregnancy.

However, this does not mean that you should worry in all cases without exception. Most often, bloody discharge within the normal range can be observed when we are talking about the early stages, when the woman does not even suspect that she is in an “interesting situation.” Around the middle of the second week after conception, the egg passes into the uterus, where it is deposited. In order to attach normally to the uterine epithelium, it needs to “scrape out” the cells, thereby making an improvised “mink”. This process is often accompanied by a small amount of brownish or bloody discharge, sometimes perceived by a woman as premature menstruation.

Egg implantation can last for several days, and the activity of this process is not always the same. It is considered quite normal for a situation in which small amounts of blood are noticed early on, which may recur only after a few days.

During the first trimester, bloody discharge may appear on the days when menstruation occurred before pregnancy. Not all experts agree with this statement. Now some of them claim that 4-5, 8-9, and 11-12 weeks can be considered so-called critical periods, which are characterized by an increased danger to the fetus. The bleeding that occurs at this time cannot be called normal.

Sometimes bloody discharge is observed at the end of pregnancy - it is at this time that the mucus plug comes off. With all this, mucus begins to be released from the vagina, and this can happen either as a whole “piece” or in small portions. It may contain small bloody spots. But you shouldn’t be scared, because the release of the mucus plug indicates that labor will begin very soon.

When bloody discharge is bad

You can be concerned if the bloody discharge is accompanied by any other signs or does not fit into any of the conditions described above. There are a huge number of pathological reasons for this situation:

Threat of miscarriage. If a threat appears, the embryo is rejected from the uterus, and this process is usually accompanied by the release of a certain amount of blood. This process may not be expressed, in which case the color of the discharge is brown or it is bloody. The vast majority of cases of timely seeking help in this situation indicates that it is possible to maintain the pregnancy. Moreover, you can even avoid hospitalization and follow some rules at home: avoid physical labor, abstain from sex, prevent any thermal effects on the pelvis and abdomen.

Frozen pregnancy. The embryo may freeze at an early stage, which provokes spontaneous abortion. Sometimes the situation requires the intervention of specialists. Confirmation of freezing can be obtained after an ultrasound scan, but even then there is no need to rush to act. In practice, there have been cases when, due to old equipment, such a diagnosis was made and completely healthy embryos were killed. Based on this, we strongly recommend double-checking the analysis results on several devices.

Ectopic pregnancy. It is bloody discharge that is considered one of the first and most important symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. As soon as suspicions arise in this regard, an ultrasound should be performed immediately. Confirmation of the diagnosis will mean the need to terminate the pregnancy, and the sooner this is done, the better.

Placenta previa. A low-lying placenta is called previa. Due to the fact that the placenta rubs against the cervix, small amounts of bloody discharge will be observed.

Placental abruption. Very often, when pregnancy is nearing the end, placental abruption occurs. The reason for this can be considered a tear that occurs at the placenta attachment site, which provokes the release of blood, and if the process is not expressed, then ichor will appear. This condition is considered dangerous and you will definitely need hospitalization.

Premature birth. When talking about the late stages of pregnancy, the phrase “premature birth” is used in relation to the threat of its termination. This process may be accompanied by secretions of ichor. You need to go to the hospital urgently, because an early reaction to what happened can often help prevent terrible consequences.

Cervical erosion. This is a fairly common phenomenon observed in gynecology, but it can only be cured after childbirth has taken place.

Sexual infections. During pregnancy, such a reason rarely becomes relevant, because usually a pregnant woman undergoes tests at the very beginning of the term, and after that she leads only an orderly sex life. But this option should not be completely rejected. Various infections are accompanied by different symptoms, including rashes on the genitals and anus, a feeling of itching and severe burning, an unpleasant odor coming from vaginal discharge, increased body temperature, etc.

What should I do?

Establishing the cause of urinary discharge during pregnancy with a high degree of probability is a task for a gynecologist, but he can say something for sure only after an ultrasound examination is performed. Ultrasound can help determine the attachment site of the embryo and detect its heartbeat. In addition, it shows the location of the placenta and other nuances that are important in this case.

As soon as you notice that bloody discharge has begun during pregnancy, immediately go to the doctor.

When should you call an ambulance?

Sometimes you need to do something urgently:

if, along with bloody secretions, the body temperature rises;
after bloody discharge bleeding begins; if severe pain occurs after bloody discharge and it radiates to the rectum. In any of these situations, urgently call an ambulance, and before it arrives, lie down and slightly raise your legs. Author of the publication: Margarita Shiryaeva

Pathological and inflammatory processes with a poor picture

If the process occurs with intense bleeding, you should urgently consult a doctor. Saturated blood discharge outside of menstruation indicates a pathological process. Separately, we should remind you about infections of the uterus and other female genital organs. With any inflammatory process in these organs, increased production of leukocytes begins. They fight infection, die and are excreted from the body.

If the inflammation occurs against the background of ichor, then the latter will mix with dead leukocytes. Most often, pink-yellow, yellow or green discharge in women is observed precisely for this reason. It is important to consult a doctor to determine the diagnosis, because the prescription of a specific antibiotic depends on it.


In addition, women experience green discharge during pregnancy. And they are also associated with infection, but now with a chronic one. At this moment, the woman’s immunity is weakened, and hidden diseases begin to manifest themselves. It is important that the treatment (and it should begin immediately) be prescribed by a doctor, since it is necessary to choose drugs that will not harm the baby.

The discharge observed in women after childbirth is called lochia. They are stained with postpartum mucus and blood, which is why they are pink. Lochia is secreted for no more than 8 weeks, often up to 6 weeks. Gradually they become white and have no odor.

Ichor during menopause: a dangerous prognosis

During menopause, bloody discharge should alert a woman. Normally they shouldn't be there. At the same time, many women during menopause turn to doctors with this symptom. At this age, a woman is more susceptible to dangerous pathologies than others. That is why you need to be attentive to the condition of the vagina and uterus, because a dangerous disease may initially be asymptomatic.

This applies to the following diseases:

- uterine fibroids

- endometrial polyps

- cancer.

During menopause, a woman can only have clear vaginal discharge in small quantities. Most often during this period, dryness and burning are observed, very little mucus is produced. That is why, in case of excessive mucus of yellow, pink or white color, a woman in menopause should urgently contact a gynecologist and have an examination. This especially applies to red mucus, with a lot of blood and clots.

Bloody discharge after, before and instead of menstruation

Any irregularity in menstruation depends on many factors, not always pathological. Climate change, stress, diet, and age-related changes in a woman’s body affect the nature of bleeding. It is necessary to keep a special calendar, where not only the days of the beginning of the cycle will be noted, but also possible urinary discharge.

For different health conditions, they differ in the time of their appearance:

  1. In addition to the reasons described, ichor instead of menstruation sometimes indicates a lack of progesterone. That is why a recurring phenomenon requires medical monitoring and blood donation for hormones. Sometimes scanty discharge is confused with hypomenorrhea - small menstruation.
  2. Ichor with mucus after menstruation can occur in women diagnosed with PCOS. With it, menstruation can occur once every six months. This cleanses the ovaries and uterus. Sometimes discharge after menstruation indicates benign formations in the organs of the reproductive system.
  3. Mucus with blood after menstruation indicates possible inflammation or formations in the internal genital organs.

Important! After or instead of menstruation, vaginal ichor sometimes accompanies women during menopause. This is associated with the decline of the functions of the reproductive system.

Intermenstrual serous-sucrose discharge resembles menstrual discharge in consistency, but contains clear mucus, remnants of epithelium, and clots. In any period of the menstrual cycle, analyzing them, we can say that there was a neoplasm (polyp, cyst) or an unsuccessful attempt at fertilization. The body has spontaneously cleansed itself, but you shouldn’t put off going to the gynecologist.

If you often experience ichor instead of menstruation, you should take a blood test for hormones, do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, a biopsy or colposcopy.

While taking hormones

Taking hormonal drugs has a positive effect on the condition of the epithelium of the uterus and other female organs. With very long-term use of hormones, the mucous membranes of the uterus, cervix and vagina can undergo changes, as a result of which cracks and microscopic bleeding appear. As a result, bloody discharge of a cloudy color and scanty character appears. You should tell your doctor about this at your appointment so that he can review the dosage of the medications.

In small doses, hormones have a beneficial effect on the epithelium and on a woman’s health in general. As soon as the mucous membrane heals, the discharge gradually becomes transparent and blood clots disappear. There is little white matter left in them if the organs are healthy. Now it is important to maintain this condition of the mucous membrane, and if the mucus changes color, consult a doctor.

Discharge when carrying a child

There are articles on the Internet devoted to the health of the expectant mother, many of them both friendly and downright scary. A woman in an interesting position should remember that pregnancy is a special time of life. At this time, she is responsible for the health of herself and her child. Any changes that occur in the body must be treated with attention.

Stress, heavy lifting, infection, and overly active sex life can cause urinary discharge during pregnancy. This sign should not be ignored, because it can lead to uterine tone and bleeding, and subsequently to miscarriage.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy in the very early stages may indicate the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. The process lasts no more than a few hours. Pink streaks of blood appear, but there should be no bleeding.

You need to pay attention to ichor during pregnancy, as it can become a dangerous symptom of the following conditions:

Risk of miscarriage

Until the 12th week, when the placenta develops, the fetus is relatively defenseless. In Western European countries, pregnant women are not even registered before this period. If drops of blood are observed, consult a doctor. Blood veins from the expectant mother will require bed rest and the use of magnesium-based medications.

Not developing (frozen) pregnancy

The diagnosis is made after an ultrasound scan. Experts advise passing it on several devices to eliminate inaccuracy.

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy, when the fetus is implanted outside the uterus. Odorless and light brown discharge during pregnancy is common with this diagnosis.

Placental abruption

Pink streaks of blood also occur with a low position of the placenta (previa). As the fetus grows, blood vessels rupture.

Placental abruption is possible in the last months of pregnancy. A clear tear at the placenta attachment site is accompanied by bleeding; if the process is not clearly expressed, bloody discharge appears.

Premature birth

If an ichor is detected before the 37th week, it is important not to make sudden movements and immediately call an ambulance. Timely visit to the clinic helps prevent negative consequences.

Do not delay contacting a gynecologist if, along with the ichor in late pregnancy, bleeding begins, pain in the lower abdomen radiates to the rectum, and body temperature rises. Before the doctor arrives, you must take a horizontal position with your knees slightly bent. Cold and hot heating pads are prohibited.

Bloody discharge during menstruation is considered normal if it is isolated in nature. This sign will indicate the onset of pregnancy or ovulation. Frequent cases of spotting between periods is a cause for concern. Sometimes she talks about hormone imbalance. Streaks of blood that appear should be a reason to visit your doctor.

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