Causes and treatment of white discharge and itching in women

Vaginal discharge is completely normal, as is salivation, the production of gastric juice or other secretions. Under normal circumstances, these secretions play a very important role in the life of the body - they cleanse the genitourinary organs and also prevent the penetration of various types of infections. What is important is that the nature of the secretion secreted by the vaginal glands depends directly on age, hormonal status, sexual activity and a number of other factors.

Vaginal itching and white discharge

In most cases, normal discharge:

  • colorless or slightly whitish;
  • have a slight sour smell (although they may not smell at all);
  • not abundant;
  • characterized by a mucous consistency.

Discharge and itching - causes

But in some cases, vaginal discharge may indicate problems with the female genitourinary system, or, less commonly, the development of one of several possible gynecological diseases. One of the unnatural conditions for the body is vaginal itching and white discharge, which can be either copious, mucous, or cheesy. And if there are quite a lot of reasons for the appearance of ordinary itching, then in this case - that is, when white discharge also appears - there are only a few. As a rule, similar symptoms appear with thrush (another name for the disease is candidiasis) - a widespread fungal infection that affects the epithelium of the genitourinary organs and tracts. There are other options, but let's start with thrush.

Character of discharge and concomitant diseases

Natural secretions

When white discharge and itching appear in women, the causes of which are little known, female representatives experience bewilderment and anxiety. It is important to understand that vaginal itching and white discharge are not normal. Before finding out the cause of this condition, it is necessary to plunge into physiology.

One of the structural units of the uterine cervix are specific glands responsible for the secretion of cervical fluid, which protects the internal genital organs from pathogens and traumatic injuries. In addition, lactobacilli that produce lactic acid live on the walls of the vagina. This chemical compound creates protection against bacteria, viruses and fungi. If a woman is healthy, she can observe the daily release of a small amount of clear, odorless cervical fluid. If vaginal discharge becomes thick and white in color, this indicates renewal of the vaginal epithelium.

The consistency and color of vaginal discharge is influenced by hormonal changes in a woman’s body, and they can also cause itching. The most striking hormonal changes are observed during puberty, as well as during pregnancy. That is why young girls and pregnant women are faced with copious discharge of cervical fluid.

If vaginal discharge becomes thick and viscous, this indicates the beginning of ovulation. This is due to the process of liquefaction of the so-called mucous plug, which was located in the cervical canal.

If a woman of childbearing age is faced with the problem of delayed menstruation, and at the same time she observes uniform, thick leucorrhoea, then she is recommended to take a pregnancy test. Such a sign may indicate its onset.

Itching and swelling of the labia during pregnancy: what to do?

Itching and swelling of the labia during pregnancy

Almost every pregnant woman faces such a problem as itching and swelling of the genitals. And although in most cases such changes can be attributed to physiological, sometimes they can indicate that the expectant mother is not all right with her health.

Sometimes swelling and itching in the labia area is caused by thrush, vulvovaginitis, varicose veins or bartholinitis. That is why, if such symptoms occur, a pregnant woman should immediately see a doctor. After all, although these pathologies are not fatal, they can still cause harm to both the woman and her baby.

As for the treatment of such pathologies during pregnancy, in most cases doctors prefer to carry it out without the use of antibiotics. In view of this, if they see that the disease is in the very initial stage, they recommend treating it with antifungal, anti-inflammatory and regenerating ointments and gels.

Remedies to help get rid of the problem:

  • Troxevasin
  • Heparin
  • Tetracycline ointment
  • Chamomile decoction

Causes of pathological discharge

We can talk about the presence of pathological leucorrhoea if this discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and irritates the mucous membrane of the external genitalia, causing itching and redness. This condition is characterized by spontaneous onset and rapid progression. Pathological white discharge and itching may be curdled, liquid or foamy in nature.

The following factors can cause this pathological phenomenon:

  • Hormonal disorders in a woman’s body that occur as a result of taking tablet hormonal contraceptives, thyroid disease, as well as against the background of medical and mechanical abortions. Women with this problem complain that their external genital area is constantly itching;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system and pelvis. This category of diseases includes sexually transmitted pathologies (salpingitis, endometritis, oophoritis);
  • Hypersensitivity reaction to exposure to hygiene and cosmetic products. Many personal and intimate hygiene products contain alkaline components that disrupt the natural environment of the vagina. This process entails the entry and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

If an infectious inflammatory process has developed in the female body, then pathological discharge may be accompanied by such symptoms

  • Cutting and burning when urinating. In addition, the vulva and perineum area may itch;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Discomfort and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

With some sexually transmitted diseases, vaginal leucorrhoea becomes foamy and greenish-yellow in color. Characteristic itching occurs due to irritation of small nerve endings that are located in the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls.

Special attention should be paid to such a disease as candidiasis. The second name for this disease is thrush. This pathological condition is characterized by a fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa. Candidiasis is characterized by itching and a white, curd-like discharge. In addition to symptoms such as white vaginal discharge, the woman is bothered by intense itching in the external genital area. This phenomenon occurs as a result of intensive growth and reproduction of a fungus of the genus Candida. This microorganism can be transmitted sexually and through any contact of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia with infected objects (soap, towel). Exacerbation of candidiasis is observed with a decrease in immune status and a shift in the pH of the vaginal environment to the alkaline side.

Summing up

You should consult a doctor if you are bothered by itching and discharge.

We decided on two important points:

  • if itching occurs along with white discharge (and not on its own), then urgent help from a specialist is required;
  • self-medication is a common mistake that can lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition.

Classification of discharge

The separation of vaginal leucorrhoea is carried out in accordance with the location of the pathological process that caused this condition. In medical practice, the following types of leucorrhoea are distinguished:

  • Uterine. Pathological formations in the uterine area such as fibroids, polyps, and a malignant tumor can provoke white discharge from the vagina in women;
  • Tubal discharge. The cause of tubal discharge is an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the uterine appendages. This disease is called salpingitis. In addition, malignant neoplasms located in the fallopian tubes can provoke leucorrhoea;
  • Vaginal discharge. In this case, we are talking about leucorrhoea, accompanied by tingling, caused by traumatic damage to the vaginal mucosa during medical procedures or improper douching.
  • Cervical discharge. In some diseases of the endocrine system, a failure occurs in the mechanism of formation of the secreted cervical canal. Cervical scars, rupture and the presence of congestion can contribute to this process.
  • Vestibular discharge. Women suffering from diabetes may experience profuse vaginal discharge that is white and accompanied by itching in the intimate area. This condition is caused by overproduction of the sebaceous glands. Another common factor in the appearance of painful discharge is non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

The absence of any vaginal discharge is also not normal. This sign indicates the development of certain diseases of the reproductive system. The only time when this condition can be considered normal is during menopause. During menopause, the vaginal walls become thinner and produce minimal fluid. Pathological dryness occurs with the so-called atrophic vaginitis, characteristic of women with a lack of estrogen. This condition does not pose a danger to the female body, but makes it more vulnerable to pathogens of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Symptoms of gynecological diseases

Gynecological infections in women list and symptoms:

  • Candidiasis. Infection with fungi of the genus Candida develops frequently. It also has another name - thrush.
  • Gonorrhea. It is provoked by gonococci, special bacteria. Gonorrhea is severe and often causes adhesions in the pelvis. This is fraught with decreased fertility and problems with the reproductive system in general.
  • Chlamydia. Caused by chlamydia.
  • Mycoplasmosis. Mycoplasmas are a heterogeneous group of pathogenic microorganisms. Includes ureaplasma.
  • Gerdnerellosis. Gardnerella lives in the vagina of almost every woman. Infection with these organisms is also called vaginal dysbiosis.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Herpes is genital. It is provoked by a strain of the second type. It is extremely difficult to treat.
  • Papillomatosis. There are more than 500 strains of human papillomavirus. However, the treatment is the same.

Symptoms are also very similar for different diseases. The following general manifestations are distinguished:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen. They radiate to the pubic area, groin, thighs, kidneys and buttocks. The pain intensifies with urination, physical activity, changing body position, and sexual intercourse. The intensity of the pain syndrome varies from case to case: the more intense the process, the stronger the sensation.
  • Burning and itching when urinating.
  • Menstrual irregularities. It becomes excessively long or short and delays may occur. It is rapid in nature: the discharge is profuse, there is severe pain, which is not typical for the normal course of the process.
  • Discharge from the genital tract. A classic symptom of gynecological infectious diseases. The discharge varies from case to case. With gonorrhea, herpetic lesions, lesions with staphylococci and streptococci, they are brown, with an unpleasant putrefactive odor, and are abundant. With gardnerellosis, they are transparent or gray with a characteristic fishy odor. The remaining diseases described are manifested by light, odorless discharge.
  • Urinary disorders. The most common is pollakiuria. Frequent, unproductive urge to visit the toilet.
  • With secondary involvement of the urinary system in the process, symptoms from the kidneys or bladder develop (cystitis, urethritis, or pyelonephritis are possible).

Infectious diseases in gynecology are multiple. Only the most common ones are presented.

All gynecological diseases are divided into 3 groups according to the reason that provoked this or that disease. The first group includes diseases associated with the development of infection in a woman’s body. The second group includes pathology of the endocrine system and hormonal imbalance in the woman’s body. The third group includes diseases with the development of hyperplastic or dystrophic changes, a tumor process.

Symptoms of gynecological diseases are specific signs that are present only in diseases of the genital area. These include:

  • leucorrhoea - pathological discharge of a whitish color, as a rule, their quantity depends on the activity of the process.
  • bleeding that occurs outside of menstruation, and they can occur either in the middle of the menstrual cycle, or before or after it. Bleeding can be very severe, but it can be spotty or completely insignificant. Bleeding may appear immediately after sexual intercourse. All these symptoms must certainly become a condition for a mandatory visit to the gynecologist;
  • itching or burning in the genital area. They can manifest themselves to varying degrees. The burning sensation is insignificant, causing only slight discomfort. And it can be unbearable and painful when a woman causes serious harm to herself, trying to relieve the itching;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse, including pain and the inability to have sex because of this;
  • discomfort or pain during urination;
  • as a result of gynecological diseases, in some cases erosions or ulcers can be found on a woman’s genital organs, which indicates the presence of gynecological diseases;
  • Another symptom characteristic of diseases of the genital organs is pain in the lower abdomen, they can be of a very diverse nature, for example, bursting, pulling or pressing;
  • As a result of gynecological diseases, miscarriage or secondary infertility, and numerous miscarriages may occur.


An important task for medical specialists and the woman herself is to establish the root cause of painful discharge from the genital tract and itching. For diagnostic purposes, each woman with similar complaints is prescribed a list of the following examinations:

  • Gynecological examination, which includes bimanual examination of the woman and examination in the mirrors;
  • Colposcopy;
  • Bacteriological examination of smears from the cervical canal and vagina;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • Bacteriological blood test;
  • Analysis of the content of sex hormones and thyroid hormones;
  • Blood test for sugar;
  • Consultation with a gynecologist, endocrinologist and dermatovenerologist.


Infertility is the lack of ability of a couple (at the right age) to conceive a baby, while they are both actively trying to do so.

A couple is considered to be infertile if the woman has not been able to become pregnant within a year. This conclusion is only suitable for those who have regular sex life (regular includes acts that occur at least twice within seven days) and the couple has completely excluded any methods of contraception.

According to general statistics maintained by a health organization, just under 10% of couples are familiar with the problem of conceiving a child. Any person is characterized by two types of infertility:

  1. Absolute form of infertility. This form is characterized by complete and untreatable diseases of the reproductive system. It can occur in both men and women. Causes of the disease: medical removal of the gonads, developmental abnormalities, any trauma and some other cases.
  2. Relative form of infertility. This diagnosis is not critical, and can be eliminated under the supervision of experienced specialists.

The psychology of women with gynecological diseases plays an important role in their lives. The question of infertility, stress, worries, possible depression and anxiety disrupt the normal course of life and change the response to the question of a woman’s sexual function. This can lead to depression and hysteria. Classification of infertility:

  • primary, secondary;
  • physiological, voluntary;
  • temporary, permanent.

The main sign of infertility is the inability to conceive a child. Further, other causes and treatment of possible concomitant diseases are clarified.


Drug therapy for pathological discharge and itching from the vagina depends on the cause of the formation of this condition. The reason to seek medical advice is the appearance of copious vaginal discharge that is too thick or too watery in consistency and has an unpleasant odor.

Therapy for pathological discharge includes the use of medications for external and internal use, as well as alternative medicine techniques.

Drug therapy

To treat pathological vaginal discharge and itching, medicinal douching solutions, tablet forms of drugs, and vaginal suppositories are used. The selection of the name and dosage of the drug is carried out on an individual basis, taking into account the diagnosis and characteristics of the clinical case. Depending on the diagnosis, it is customary to distinguish 3 options for drug treatment:

  • In case of fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa, a woman is recommended to use antifungal drugs such as Clotrimazole and Nystatin. These medications are available in the form of vaginal suppositories. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, vaginal candidiasis is treated with less toxic drugs. Such medications include vaginal suppositories Pimafucin and Polygynax;
  • If a woman is prone to frequent exacerbations of candidiasis, she is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with tableted antifungal agents. These drugs include Flucostat and Orungal;
  • If the cause of pathological leucorrhoea is sexually transmitted diseases or other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, then the woman is prescribed a combined course of treatment, including antibacterial agents for internal and external use, bactericidal vaginal suppositories, as well as Miramistin douching solution;
  • If the cause of discharge and itching is bacterial vaginosis, then along with therapeutic douching, the woman is prescribed a course of treatment with probiotics. These preparations are of natural origin and contain live lactobacilli, which normalize the microflora of not only the vagina, but also the large intestine.

If brown and spotting discharge appears in the middle of the cycle, gynecologists recommend paying attention to the state of your hormonal levels. In this case, the woman needs therapy with hormonal drugs containing progesterone.


Itching of the labia in women can be avoided by taking steps for perineal hygiene:

  1. Keep your genitals clean and dry.
  2. After bowel movements, wipe the area from front to back to prevent bacteria from the anus from entering the vagina.
  3. Do not use special products (for example, vaginal sprays) that can disrupt the acid balance of the vagina.
  4. Do not use scented products (panty liners, soap).
  5. If the labia minora are itchy, use mild soap, prevent friction in the genital area by wearing natural cotton underwear and change it every day.
  6. Avoid unprotected sex.
  7. Be careful with toilet paper, as some brands contain chemicals and deodorants.

If a woman's groin itches after a course of antibiotics, she should regularly consume yoghurts rich in probiotics for several weeks.

Paying attention to intimate health is very important, but do not resort to self-medication, since any medications and traditional recipes must be used taking into account the patient’s medical history and his individual characteristics. A visit to a qualified gynecologist will relieve both intimate itching and unplanned unpleasant consequences

A visit to a qualified gynecologist will relieve both intimate itching and unplanned unpleasant consequences.

Preventive measures

Preventative measures can help avoid serious illnesses. Cotton discharge can appear in girls and women of any age. For this reason, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist at least once a year, this will help you closely monitor your health. If flakes are released, this indicates a disorder in the body. The following preventive measures will help avoid this:

  1. Select hormonal contraceptives together with your doctor after passing the necessary tests.
  2. Avoid promiscuity. Use protection if pregnancy is not planned.
  3. Avoid hypothermia and frequent colds.
  4. Take a course of vitamins and minerals, after consulting with your doctor. Vitamins will help support the body by strengthening its immune defense.
  5. Select high quality underwear.
  6. Avoid low-quality hygiene products.
  7. During long-term treatment with antibiotics, it is recommended to take drugs that help improve the microflora.
  8. Monitor your menstruation closely, paying attention to any cycle irregularities.
  9. On menstruation days, you should pay special attention to hygiene procedures.
  10. It is recommended to avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing.
  11. It is not advisable to stay in a hot bath for a long time.
  12. It is not recommended to use products with aggressive composition for hygiene.
  13. Avoid stress, nervous tension, and overwork.
  14. Lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits. In particular, from such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Methods of infection and types of infections

So, pathogens can be transmitted in the following ways:

  • through any sexual contact;
  • through blood (during blood transfusions, injections, dental procedures, manicures if sterility is not maintained);
  • transmissible - through insect bites;
  • oral-fecal or vaginal-fecal – through anal sex and/or neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • airborne;
  • through water;
  • contact (handshakes, etc.);
  • through everyday objects.
  • The sexually transmitted form is characterized by diseases of the genital organs, which are transmitted primarily through sexual contact. These are pathologies such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chancre, lymphogranulomatosis. Infection occurs exclusively from humans.
  • STDs, that is, sexually transmitted diseases. But this does not mean that you cannot become infected in other ways. Infection can also occur through blood. Diseases: HIV, AIDS, hepatitis B.
  • Diseases that occur due to infection by bacteria that are found in other internal organs. Any method of transmission: penetration into the genitals from other organs (respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, etc.), sexual tract, dirty hands, etc. Diseases: endometritis, colpitis.

For gynecological infection, the main treatment regimen is always used - antibacterial, that is, antibiotics are used that suppress the pathogen. The doctor must also prescribe auxiliary medications that neutralize the negative effects of antibiotics, prevent the development of complications, eliminate symptoms and support the body.

Medicines are taken orally in the form of tablets, injected and applied externally. External remedies and suppositories are aimed only at relieving pain, itching, burning and other manifestations.

What does drug therapy look like:

  • Antibiotics are prescribed depending on the disease and the type of pathogen. If bacterial vaginosis is detected, antibiotics with metronidazole or clindamycin are used. It could be Cleocin or Flagyl. For candidiasis, antifungal therapy is used: Diflucan, Monistat, Sporanox and Fluconazole. If there is a yeast infection, then preference is given to the drug Clotrimazole. Nystatin medications (Mikostatin), as well as Viferon, Macmiror, Terzhinan, Nystatin, Genferon, Polygynax, Acyclovir, Betadine, Iodoxide, can be prescribed. Hexicon is considered universal. For each pathogen, there is a specific drug, which is prescribed exclusively by the attending doctor.
  • While taking antibiotics, vaginal dysbiosis often occurs. In this case, appropriate means are used.
  • If there is an inflammatory process, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed.
  • Immunomodulators and vitamin premixes can strengthen the immune system.
  • If necessary, hormonal levels are corrected.

The minimum course of therapy is 3 days, the maximum is 15-20 days. If there are relapses, the doctor will prescribe additional treatment with vaginal suppositories, which lasts 5-6 months.

During the treatment period, you should not drink alcoholic beverages or eat sweets, as these products create a favorable environment for almost all pathogens.

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