Ovulation and causes of yellow discharge

The entire menstrual cycle of a woman is accompanied by the release of vaginal mucus. Its color, consistency and quantity constantly changes depending on hormonal fluctuations. Based on the characteristics of the discharge, one can assume the presence of diseases. Sometimes yellow discharge occurs immediately after ovulation. This indicates inflammation occurring in the organs of the reproductive system, or pregnancy. Since the type of mucus depends on the phase of the cycle, it is important to know what secretions during the normal functioning of the body are characteristic of the onset of ovulation, immediately during and after it.

Discharge is usually observed throughout the entire cycle

What kind of discharge should there be after ovulation?

Estrogen is responsible for the first half of the cycle, progesterone is responsible for the second. These hormones are responsible for the quality of fluid secreted during the month. When estrogen is produced, preparations for ovulation and fertilization occur. Progesterone is involved in the attachment of a fertilized egg, as well as in the rejection of the endometrium, facilitating the onset of the next menstrual cycle. These hormones play an important role in providing the eggs with everything they need and are also responsible for successful fertilization.

Why is there discharge after ovulation? Ovulation is a natural physiological process for a woman, and the nature of the discharge is an indicator of her condition. The nature of secretory activity after ovulation indicates the presence or absence of problems with women's health. The discharge after ovulation can be white, yellow, pink, bloody, or brown.

What does discharge indicate?

The production of yellow discharge during ovulation is often one of the symptoms of inflammation. The pathological process is caused by infections that penetrate the uterus. The most common cause is unprotected sex with a new partner who has become a carrier of the infection, as well as promiscuous sexual activity.

Douching at home is a conductor of pathogenic flora from the vagina to the organs located above.

Typically, abnormal discharge is not associated with ovulation and is present throughout the entire cycle. Even if a week after ovulation yellow discharge is produced in greater volumes, the gynecologist will suspect long-term advanced inflammation of the ovaries and possible disruption of their functioning. An unstable menstrual cycle is proof of this. In this case, it is almost impossible to determine whether the egg is mature.

During ovulation, the egg matures and is ready for fertilization.

But the presence of discharge during ovulation is not always a sign of infection. This is often the very first symptom of pregnancy.

White discharge after ovulation

White discharge is common. The norm is the secretion of a white, translucent substance similar to egg white. Abundant leucorrhoea, which is accompanied by a burning sensation and a characteristic odor, indicates some abnormalities. In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor, and also monitor the cleanliness of the genitals and nutrition.

If the white mucus has a grayish-green tint, this may indicate inflammation of the uterus and ovaries. As a rule, heavy discharge after ovulation still has a sour smell. Itching and burning of the mucous membrane is a reason to see a doctor.

What does the color say?

Discharge after ovulation on different days of the menstrual cycle has distinctive features and may even indicate conception that has occurred in the female body.

When a fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall, pinkish, brown and red marks may appear on the pad. The intensity of coloring of such discharge will depend on the number of blood streaks in the vaginal secretion.

White creamy and thick

Leucorrhoea, in which there is no microbial flora and leukocytes, is observed in virgins and women who are not sexually active. Also, white creamy discharge after ovulation is found in healthy women and contains a small amount of non-pathogenic microflora.

White, thick, creamy discharge can be one of the first signs of pregnancy and subsequently turns pinkish. Thick discharge acquires this consistency due to increased production of progesterone and occurs a week after ovulation.

White cheesy discharge is one of the main signs of vaginal candidiasis, the diagnosis of which requires confirmation by a doctor.


Brownish discharge after ovulation and before the onset of menstruation appears during implantation of the embryo into the uterine mucosa and may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, such discharge occurs during erosive processes on the cervix and requires consultation with a specialist.


Yellow discharge occurs with purulent inflammatory diseases that are sexually transmitted. For example, with gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. In addition, yellow discharge occurs after the ovulatory phase due to the predominance of the hormone progesterone.

Menstrual cycle


Pink discharge after ovulation occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy and is caused by implantation bleeding, which indicates implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall.

Transparent as egg white

Clear discharge like egg white after ovulation is considered normal and often occurs in the initial stages of pregnancy.

Brown discharge

7 days after the ovulatory phase, insignificant brown discharge may appear, which serves as a signal of a possible pregnancy. They can also be smearing.

See the article on this issue: Signs of pregnancy after ovulation.

But if secretory activity is delayed or disappears altogether, and then resumes again, this can serve as a sign of a pathological process. It is necessary to visit your doctor, as constant spotting brown discharge may be signs of adenomyosis or endometriosis.

Bloody discharge after ovulation

A week before your period, implantation bleeding , with the release of a small amount of blood. This can happen 6-12 days after fertilization; the discharge becomes spotting after ovulation, being one of the signs of conception.

Bloody discharge in the post-ovulatory phase is often a consequence of insufficient progesterone and hormonal levels, leading to termination of pregnancy and the inability to bear a child. As treatment, gestagenic drugs with progesterone are used, which are taken in the 2nd half of the cycle - Utrozhestan, Duphaston, Crinon. There is a separate article on this issue on our website - Low progesterone.

Bloody secretion in the second half of the phase may also indicate neoplasms in the internal genital organs, erosion of the cervix or hormonal imbalance. The reason for these signs lies in the use of hormonal contraceptives, especially intrauterine ones. It is important to know that if the discharge causes discomfort, then you need to consult a doctor and have tests done.

According to the consistency and nature of the discharge

The nature of vaginal secretion depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Normally it is odorless and transparent.


Most experts are of the opinion that mucous discharge is normal. They are formed from the secretion of glands located in the vestibule of the vagina and urethra. They do not bother the woman, do not bring her discomfort or pain.

Thin and watery

There should be no heavy watery discharge after ovulation. However, it is believed that their appearance may be associated with pregnancy. There are other reasons for such discharge, which include the following:

  • infectious;
  • allergic;
  • traumatic;
  • inflammatory.


Abundant white discharge after ovulation requires the exclusion of pathologies of the female reproductive system and infectious processes. If studies have shown the absence of such, the appearance of a secretion is often due to neuropsychic stress and overwork of the woman.

Yellow discharge

At the end of ovulation, many people observe yellowish discharge, which can occur under the influence of progesterone. By the shade of the discharge, you can determine the nature of the problem, if any. A light yellow tint is considered normal, indicating that there are no violations. The dark yellow tone of the discharge can also be considered safe, unless there is a strong unpleasant odor and elevated temperature. If such signs are present, then the following diseases are possible:

  • cervical erosion;
  • adnexitis;
  • salpingitis;
  • chlamydia, trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea.

Foaming yellowish discharge indicates hidden sexually transmitted infections that can lead to infertility. If the inflammation is not stopped, the process can become chronic.

What indicates pregnancy

Pregnancy can be determined by mucus if the following indicators are present:

  1. The secretion is released very abundantly and has a neutral odor.
  2. The grease has become a viscous consistency.
  3. Yellow discharge started a week after ovulation.

The yellow tint appears due to the penetration of blood veins into the mucus. Most often, a creamy or pink lubricant is produced. Yellow discharge as a sign of pregnancy is a natural physiological process indicating that the zygote has attached to the wall of the uterus. It is caused by a surge of progesterone (the hormone responsible for fertilization). Abdominal pain, unusual color and unpleasant smell of mucus should alert you.

From this video you will learn about what discharge can be a sign of disease:

Pink discharge after ovulation

To prevent unplanned pregnancy, many women use hormonal medications, which may have side effects. For example, some do not suppress ovulation, so pink discharge in the second half of the menstrual phase can be considered common. If they do not stop within 2-3 menstrual cycles, then it is better to change the contraceptive drug. Pink discharge can be due to a rupture of the follicle, as well as the release of a mature egg.

Heavy discharge of any shade after ovulation, which is observed over several cycles, is an alarming sign. Only an examination by a gynecologist can accurately determine the causes of this phenomenon, and the prescribed treatment can relieve unpleasant problems.

How does vaginal secretion change during the cycle?

Functions of vaginal discharge:

  • Protection from germs;
  • Cleansing;
  • Slipping during sexual intercourse;
  • Ensuring the transport of sperm to the uterus at a certain period for pregnancy.

In connection with the last point, the consistency of the liquid changes during the cycle:

  1. After menstruation - a minimal amount of thick and viscous secretion. The egg is not mature, so this structure prevents the sperm from moving higher. The cervical canal is closed by a mucus plug.
  2. On the days of ovulation, the transparent mass is sticky to the touch and resembles egg white. Test for egg maturation - discharge stretches between the fingers.
  3. Immediately after ovulation, the secretion becomes thinner, which ensures active movement of sperm.
  4. After 3-5 days, a dense, creamy discharge of a white or cream color will appear, which should ensure the closure of access to the uterus, where conception theoretically occurred.
  5. If pregnancy has not occurred, then on the eve of menstruation, the genital tract is cleansed with a watery liquid.
  6. When fertilization occurs, menstruation will not occur, and the discharge will become white, creamy and scanty.

Attention! We are all individual, so each woman has her own characteristics of vaginal secretion. Only sudden changes in the usual require attention.

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