What to do if your period is already in its third week?

The female body is a complex and finely tuned mechanism, where everything works like a clock, and all internal rules are strictly observed. If even a seemingly minor failure occurs, you need to consult a doctor. And the first alarm bell is a change in the nature of menstruation. If the amount of discharge has changed or your period lasts for more than two weeks, it’s time to sound the alarm.

The normal duration of menstruation is considered to be 3-7 days, with regard to bleeding. These are the boundaries that are defined for most women. The duration is set in the first two to three years after the first menstruation, and must fit within these periods. However, if you consider that the female body is an unpredictable thing, which is governed by many different factors, then moderately prolonged menstruation can be accepted as the norm.

Causes of long periods

  1. Methods of prevention Prolonged periods can be caused by the installation of an intrauterine device or the use of oral hormonal contraceptives. The nature of the discharge depends on the method of contraception - from the coil the discharge is abundant, from the pills it is scanty and looks like smears. In this case, the doctor warns in advance about this side effect, also specifying that this is possible in the first two cycles. If side effects continue into the third cycle, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.
  2. Hormonal imbalance associated with the transition period can cause: first menstruation, menstruation after childbirth, after breastfeeding, menopause. However, it is worth remembering that this is a temporary phenomenon and, despite the simplicity of the possible causes, the true cause must be determined by a doctor, as well as possible treatment.
  3. Endocrine system Prolonged menstruation can be caused by pathology of the endocrine system, diseases of the thyroid gland. It is recommended to visit an endocrinologist every six months to avoid such problems.
  4. Anemia or poor blood clotting causes long and heavy periods. Also, discharge of varying degrees of intensity can be caused by serious diseases of the cervix and genital organs, including cancer.

What to do if your period is already in its third week?

The female body is a complex and finely tuned mechanism, where everything works like a clock, and all internal rules are strictly observed. If even a seemingly minor failure occurs, you need to consult a doctor. And the first alarm bell is a change in the nature of menstruation. If the amount of discharge has changed or your period lasts for more than two weeks, it’s time to sound the alarm.

The normal duration of menstruation is considered to be 3-7 days, with regard to bleeding. These are the boundaries that are defined for most women. The duration is set in the first two to three years after the first menstruation, and must fit within these periods. However, if you consider that the female body is an unpredictable thing, which is governed by many different factors, then moderately prolonged menstruation can be accepted as the norm.

The first danger is blood loss, especially if the discharge is heavy (there are clots, you need to change the pad every three hours and tampons don’t help at all) and are painful.

The second danger is serious health complications, including miscarriage and life-threatening inflammation.

  1. Methods of prevention Prolonged periods can be caused by the installation of an intrauterine device or the use of oral hormonal contraceptives. The nature of the discharge depends on the method of contraception - from the coil the discharge is abundant, from the pills it is scanty and looks like smears. In this case, the doctor warns in advance about this side effect, also specifying that this is possible in the first two cycles. If side effects continue into the third cycle, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.
  2. Hormonal imbalance associated with the transition period can cause: first menstruation, menstruation after childbirth, after breastfeeding, menopause. However, it is worth remembering that this is a temporary phenomenon and, despite the simplicity of the possible causes, the true cause must be determined by a doctor, as well as possible treatment.
  3. Endocrine system Prolonged menstruation can be caused by pathology of the endocrine system, diseases of the thyroid gland. It is recommended to visit an endocrinologist every six months to avoid such problems.
  4. Anemia or poor blood clotting causes long and heavy periods. Also, discharge of varying degrees of intensity can be caused by serious diseases of the cervix and genital organs, including cancer.

Be attentive to your women's health and take care of the gift of Heaven - the opportunity to give a new life.

Menstrual bleeding for more than two weeks, much less a month, is a serious disorder in the body and a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Bleeding of this kind can no longer be called menstrual; it is dysfunctional uterine bleeding and there are many reasons for it, as well as age periods. These may include adolescence, the precarious years, childbearing years, and menopause. In girls, as a rule, this is a violation of the “hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian” system; in women of childbearing age, the causes lie in inflammation of the genital organs; in women during menopause, it is a violation of the regulation of menstruation.

  • Alternation of menstruation and bleeding, discharge for more than 1-2 months.
  • Signs of anemia are weakness, pallor, fainting, and lightening of the blood.
  • The appearance of dysfunctional bleeding after abortion, miscarriage, uterine fibroids, blood diseases, after an ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the appendages and other diseases of the reproductive organs is monitored with special care.

Treatment has two goals: to stop blood loss and to prevent its recurrence.

Stopping bleeding is achieved in two ways - hormonal drugs and curettage. In women during menopause, treatment begins with curettage in order to eliminate the risk of cancer. However, as in women of childbearing age, but depending on the nature of the bleeding, its duration and structure. After which hormones are prescribed. For girls, the situation is the opposite; they are prescribed hormones and only if they do not help, then curettage is performed.

In addition to hormonal therapy, other treatments may be used. Physiotherapy, intramuscular non-hormonal drugs, and vitamin therapy are prescribed.

To prevent recurrent bleeding, hormonal regulation of the cycle is necessary; they are usually combined with anti-inflammatory drugs and treatments for concomitant diseases.

Be attentive to your health and do not neglect visits to specialists.


The female body is a complex, but at the same time quite fragile, well-coordinated system, the work of which must be constantly monitored. This system undergoes many different processes, which include the menstrual cycle. Most often, it is menstruation that becomes an indicator that a malfunction has occurred in the body. The menstrual cycle (menstruation) is the period when a woman’s body sheds the inner layer of the uterus. Every month, in the form of bloody discharge, the remnants of the layer leave the body through the opening in the vagina.

A normal menstrual cycle lasts no more than 5 (rarely 7) days.

But it also happens that menstruation lasts much longer than expected - a week or more, this should be a reason to visit an antenatal clinic. Any disturbance in the menstrual cycle, be it an increase in duration or, conversely, a delay, can become a sign of a disruption in the body’s functioning.

When, for unknown reasons, menstruation lasts much longer than usual, a woman faces the question: is this dangerous? The answer is obvious, since an increase in the duration of menstruation can lead to:

  • to blood loss;
  • to health problems, including the formation of malignant tumors;

If menstruation continues into the second week, it is worth thinking about the possible causes of menstrual irregularities. It could be anything, so only a gynecologist can diagnose the true cause. Let's look at the most common causes of prolonged menstruation.

  1. Contraception. Menstruation that lasts more than a week is possible when an intrauterine device is installed or when taking oral hormonal contraception. With the IUD installed, your periods are abundant and have a watery consistency. When taking medications, menstruation resembles spotting. Having your period in the second week is a normal situation for several cycles after starting to take/install contraceptives. If the situation has not changed within 3 cycles, you should think about changing types of contraception, after consulting with a gynecologist.
  2. One of the reasons for the increase in the duration of menstruation to two weeks may be a hormonal imbalance. Basically, the so-called transition periods fall into this category:
      first menstruation;
  3. first menstruation after childbirth;
  4. first menstruation after abortion;
  5. menopause;
  6. The following external factors can also affect the duration of menstruation:
      increased physical activity;
  7. stress;
  8. exhaustion;
  9. overweight;
  10. strict diets;
  11. adaptation period during climate change;
  12. heredity;
  13. injuries;
  14. poisoning of the body with alcohol, nicotine, psychotropic drugs;
  15. gynecological diseases;
  16. non-gynecological reasons;

Undoubtedly, this phenomenon is temporary, but before drawing any conclusions, it is worth visiting an antenatal clinic.

  • Long periods that last for the second week may be indicators of pathology of the thyroid and endocrine systems.
  • Prolonged menstruation for more than a week may be an indicator of bleeding disorders.
  • If your period lasts more than 2 weeks, this may indicate: endometriosis;
  • endometrial polyps;
  • adenomyosis;
  • fibroids;
  • malignant tumors;

If menstruation lasts longer than usual, do not try to diagnose it yourself, much less treat the disease, as this can cause irreparable harm to your health.
Do not rely on advice you read on the Internet in various women's forums. Remember, no doctor will prescribe treatment in absentia, but will strongly recommend undergoing examination in a specialized one and “Vikasol” can stop heavy bleeding, but these drugs should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor after undergoing an ultrasound. Drop all prejudices and fears. Health comes first! As soon as something goes wrong, immediately seek qualified help, otherwise the situation may get out of control.

You shouldn’t risk your health and at the slightest “signal for help” you need to quickly respond to it, because the future is in our hands.

The female body is a complex and finely tuned mechanism, where everything works like a clock, and all internal rules are strictly observed. If even a seemingly minor failure occurs, you need to consult a doctor. And the first alarm bell is a change in the nature of menstruation. If the amount of discharge has changed or your period lasts for more than two weeks, it’s time to sound the alarm.

The normal duration of menstruation is considered to be 3-7 days, with regard to bleeding. These are the boundaries that are defined for most women. The duration is set in the first two to three years after the first menstruation, and must fit within these periods. However, if you consider that the female body is an unpredictable thing, which is governed by many different factors, then moderately prolonged menstruation can be accepted as the norm.

The first danger is blood loss, especially if the discharge is heavy (there are clots, you need to change the pad every three hours and tampons don’t help at all) and are painful.

The second danger is serious health complications, including miscarriage and life-threatening inflammation.

  1. Methods of prevention Prolonged periods can be caused by the installation of an intrauterine device or the use of oral hormonal contraceptives. The nature of the discharge depends on the method of contraception - from the coil the discharge is abundant, from the pills it is scanty and looks like smears. In this case, the doctor warns in advance about this side effect, also specifying that this is possible in the first two cycles. If side effects continue into the third cycle, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.
  2. Hormonal imbalance . associated with the transition period may be the cause. first menstruation, menstruation after childbirth. after completion of breastfeeding, menopause. However, it is worth remembering that this is a temporary phenomenon and, despite the simplicity of the possible causes, the true cause must be determined by a doctor, as well as possible treatment.
  3. Endocrine system Prolonged menstruation can be caused by pathology of the endocrine system, diseases of the thyroid gland. It is recommended to visit an endocrinologist every six months to avoid such problems.
  4. Anemia or poor blood clotting causes long and heavy periods. Also, discharge of varying degrees of intensity can be caused by serious diseases of the cervix and genital organs. up to cancer.

Be attentive to your women's health and take care of the gift of Heaven - the opportunity to give a new life.

Menstrual bleeding for more than two weeks, much less a month, is a serious disorder in the body and a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Bleeding of this kind can no longer be called menstrual; it is dysfunctional uterine bleeding and there are many reasons for it, as well as age periods. These may include adolescence, the precarious years, childbearing years, and menopause. In girls, as a rule, this is a violation of the “hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian” system; in women of childbearing age, the causes lie in inflammation of the genital organs; in women during menopause, it is a violation of the regulation of menstruation.

  • Alternation of menstruation and bleeding, discharge for more than 1-2 months.
  • Signs of anemia are weakness, pallor, fainting, and lightening of the blood.
  • The occurrence of dysfunctional bleeding after abortions is monitored with particular care. miscarriage, with uterine fibroids. blood diseases, after an ectopic pregnancy, with inflammation of the appendages and other diseases of the reproductive organs.

Treatment has two goals: to stop blood loss and to prevent its recurrence.

Stopping bleeding is achieved in two ways - hormonal drugs and curettage. In women during menopause, treatment begins with curettage in order to eliminate the risk of cancer. However, as in women of childbearing age, but depending on the nature of the bleeding, its duration and structure. After which hormones are prescribed. For girls, the situation is the opposite; they are prescribed hormones and only if they do not help, then curettage is performed.

In addition to hormonal therapy, other treatments may be used. Physiotherapy, intramuscular non-hormonal drugs, and vitamin therapy are prescribed.

To prevent recurrent bleeding, hormonal regulation of the cycle is necessary; they are usually combined with anti-inflammatory drugs and treatments for concomitant diseases.

Be attentive to your health and do not neglect visits to specialists.

No . Most likely this is not menstruation; menstrual periods usually last from 3 to 7 days. no more. Perhaps these are other gynecological disorders.

Disturbances may be associated with the functions of the ovary or with hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body, perhaps due to stressful situations.

If the bleeding lasts about 3 weeks, hospitalization is required anyway, not the usual treatment, but. will be better. if you go to a paid clinic.

Yes, usually in such situations. According to the doctor's prescription, "dicinon" . but - dicinone does not always give results; for a more effective result, a complex treatment is needed: “calcium gluconate” or another herb - for example, “nettle”.

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I had this happen. Only doctors stopped. you have problems with the second phase of the cycle - either it won’t start, or you won’t be able to stop it. We need to cleanse the uterus. This is done by doctors, the procedure is somewhat reminiscent of an abortion.

My strong recommendation is that you need not just a gynecologist, but a gynecologist - an endocrinologist. Because after stopping you will need to take hormonal medications.

My own celandine tincture helped me for several years, but then it stopped. Just celandine juice, without alcohol. First, drink 1 drop, then 2 drops, 3 drops, etc. up to 30 drops, and then descending. Just enough for two terms, then a break for a month, and again. I drank like this for 3 years.

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You have bleeding that has been going on for 3 weeks, and you go to the doctor on schedule? If I were you, I would put my feet up and run to the doctor, no matter when my next appointment is scheduled. Although, if such a doctor, then it would be even better to turn to another.

With bleeding lasting 3 weeks, they are put in the hospital under drips and, depending on the results of the examination, they decide to have surgery or not. Don’t wait for consequences that cannot be reversed, call an ambulance or go to the doctors.

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During menstruation, even in 5-7 days a woman loses a lot of blood and feels weak, and three weeks, in my opinion, is dangerous.

You should definitely see a doctor to rule out any unnecessary cause . Be sure to take vitamins with iron and eat well.

If you have such a feature of your body, this also happens, then usually, on the advice of a doctor, you drink drops for better blood clotting in order to reduce the number of these days. There are natural nettles.

Usually, if they expect long-term drinking, they start drinking after the third day of menstruation. This shortens them.


The body of every representative of the fair sex undergoes hormonal changes that are cyclical. This process begins with the first menstruation and ends with the onset of menopause. This article will talk about the fact that in some cases, menstruation has been going on for 15 days. You will learn further what to do in this situation. It is worth noting that there are several reasons for this pathology.

To begin with, it’s worth saying what menstruation is and how long it should last for a healthy woman. Menstruation is the process of rejection and release of the endometrium from the reproductive organ. It begins when fertilization has not occurred and pregnancy has not occurred.

Menstruation begins at approximately 10-16 years of age. Such discharge occurs every month and lasts from 3 to 7 days. With the onset of menopause, the menstrual cycle stops and the woman notes that monthly discharge disappears. All this is a variant of the norm.

Some women have to face pathology when menstruation does not come on time or is very scanty. It is worth noting that this phenomenon is not normal. In this case, you should quickly contact a gynecologist for an examination.

Also, sometimes situations arise when menstruation does not stop. Why is this happening? Medicine knows several reasons that can affect the menstrual cycle and prolong the bleeding period. In some cases, heavy menstruation does not require medical intervention. But if this phenomenon repeats regularly, then it is necessary to carry out examination and correction.

Depending on the cause of the pathology, the treatment method may be different. Let's look at the most common reasons why menstruation has been going on for 15 days, what to do about it? It is worth noting that the choice of a specific treatment tactic should be made exclusively by a gynecologist. Never make corrections yourself.

Why does my period take so long? Menstruation lasts 15 days or longer if the cycle has not yet fully established itself. If the first menstruation began relatively recently (up to two years), then this phenomenon may be a variant of the norm.

If a young girl has had her period for 15 days, what should she do? First, you should make sure that the bleeding is not excessive. If there is a slight smear, then you just need to wait for the moment when the cycle is established. However, it is worth informing your doctor about such problems. The doctor may recommend undergoing a small examination.

Some women come to the gynecologist with the following problem: their period is on the 15th day. Why is this happening? Often the cause of the pathology is hormonal imbalance. In this case, diseases such as endometriosis, polycystic disease and others may occur.

If a hormonal disease is detected and menstruation has been going on for 15 days, what should you do in this case? To begin with, it’s worth getting examined. Most likely, the doctor will give you a referral for certain tests that can reveal the level of hormones in the body. After this, you can begin the correction.

If the hormonal imbalance is minor, then conservative therapy will be sufficient, during which you will take medications that improve the functioning of the ovaries. These include the following medications: “Zhanine”, “Logest”, “Novinet” and others.

If endometriosis or polycystic disease is detected, surgical treatment is often prescribed. But in the absence of additional symptoms of the disease, a waiting period may be chosen.

If hormonal imbalance occurs due to diseases of the thyroid gland, then this organ needs to be examined. You may be prescribed medications to compensate for the lack of iodine in the body. Such drugs include “Iodomarin”.

If your period has been going on for 14 days or this problem has been bothering you for a longer period, then there is a possibility that your contraceptive method was chosen incorrectly. Bleeding often occurs while taking oral hormonal drugs or due to an intrauterine device.

If pathology occurs, what to do? Your period lasts 2 weeks when using birth control pills. In this case, it is worth understanding the timing of taking the hormonal drug. If you have just started using this method of protection, then such a restructuring of the body is possible. In this case, it is necessary to take into account how abundant the discharge is. In some cases, the doctor may replace the drug or completely prohibit the use of this method of protection.

When using intrauterine devices, it is necessary to perform ultrasound diagnostics during prolonged periods. Very often, this pathology occurs due to the fact that the product is simply not suitable for the woman. In this case, the doctor immediately removes the IUD from the woman’s body and selects an alternative method for her to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy.

Often menstruation lasts up to two weeks and longer in case of a pathological pregnancy. In this case, the fertilized egg is not fixed inside the reproductive organ, but in the tube or ovary. Less commonly, the embryo remains in the abdominal cavity.

Also, if there is a threat of termination of a normal pregnancy, bleeding may occur, which lasts for a very long time.

What to do if your period starts during pregnancy and it lasts for two weeks? First, it’s worth finding out the cause of the pathology. Diagnosis is carried out using an ultrasound machine.

In case of an ectopic pregnancy, the woman is urgently referred for surgical treatment, during which the embryo is removed. If there is a threat of termination of a normally developing pregnancy, the woman is prescribed complete rest and bed rest. Preservation medications are also prescribed. These include the following: “Utrozhestan”, “Progesterone”, “Duphaston”. In case of severe bleeding, it is also recommended to take special medications. Most often it is Dicinon or Tranexam, but sometimes other drugs are prescribed.

If bleeding is prolonged and severe during pregnancy, the fetus may be expelled from the uterus. In this case, the woman is recommended to undergo diagnostic curettage of the cavity of the reproductive organ.

Prolonged periods, which last two weeks or more, can be caused by certain pathologies of the circulatory system. In this case, most often a woman’s body does not have enough platelets, which block bleeding vessels.

Most often, with heavy periods that last more than two weeks, the fairer sex begins to feel not very well. In this case, the patient is admitted to a hospital and treated there.

In this case, medications such as Tranexam, Dexamethasone, Water Pepper Extract, Vikasol and others are prescribed. A blood test is also required to determine the platelet count. If certain results are obtained, treatment may be canceled.

If the bleeding does not stop in this case, then the woman is referred for curettage. Sometimes the endometrium grows into the muscular layer of the uterus and cannot separate on its own. Cleaning not only solves the problem of protracted periods, but also acts as a diagnosis of pathology.

Another reason why periods can last up to two weeks lies in erosion, polyps or cysts of the cervix.

If bleeding erosion is detected, a diagnostic colposcopy is first performed. After this, a treatment method is selected. Erosion can be eliminated by cauterization. For nulliparous women, gentle drugs are chosen, for example, Solkovagin. For those representatives of the fair sex who do not intend to give birth to any more children, treatment can be carried out using electrical devices.

A polyp or cyst of the cervix requires urgent removal, especially if bleeding occurs. In this case, the doctor expands the reproductive canal under local anesthesia and removes the pathological formation.

Now you know what to do if your periods don’t stop. Always consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine the cause of prolonged discharge and prescribe appropriate treatment.


I'll listen. I came out after the first birth, they cleaned it twice, because my period lasted for 3-4 weeks and did not stop. I was treated for a total of a year because they couldn’t find hormonal medications. Regulon arrived, after 3 cycles everything was in perfect condition and the doctor gave the go-ahead. Let's try now

Do a hysteroscopy and everything will be fine

glandular hyperplasia + polyp, they first prescribed Yarina +, it didn’t fit, then for 3 cycles of Duphaston, the ultrasound said that everything was fine. That is, treatment for 3 months. The reason was never found. Everyone blamed it on stress.

That’s just how I started drinking Norkolut for 3 days due to hyperplasia. Appointed for 3 months. Before this, I took Femoden for 3 months (there were side effects, especially at the beginning of taking it), but there was no positive result from it.

Hello, Doctor! I had my first attempt at IVF in the spring, unfortunately it flew by.

In August there was a hysteroscopy, there was a polyp in the uterus, they cleaned me. Based on histology, they diagnosed glandular cystic endometrial hyperplasia. The doctor prescribed me to drink duphaston from the 16th to the 25th day of the cycle... Do you think, doctor, is this drug effective for treating my endometrial hyperplasia? It’s just that many eco-women write that they are prescribed to drink Oka after hysteria.

The last international championships were June 18-23. Hyteroscopy was performed on June 27. there was discharge for 6-7 days. no one said that the 27th would be the first day of the World Cup. On July 13, discharge began. that this is MCH. Jess started drinking at 13. I didn’t drink after the hysteria because I didn’t know that it was the 1st day of MCH. I was late and it’s normal that I started drinking later. Diagnosis of glandular cystic endometrial hyperplasia. Thank you, I'm really looking forward to your answer.

Hello! Tell me, we did a hysteroscopy, the conclusion was an endometrial polyp against the background of mild hyperplasia. But at the same time, Visanne was prescribed, since there were small foci of endometriosis (on laparoscopy), will the drug Visanne reduce the growth of the endometrium and at the same time help with hyperplasia? Or should I take another hormonal complex along with Visanne?

There was hyperplasia. Here you can either drink oka so that the endometrium doesn’t grow so much, but with them it’s okay. They did a hysterectomy, plus correction with drugs. Six months later everything came back. Before the IVF protocol, I did a hysterectomy again, because without it there is no way, the endometrium is thick, uneven in places, so they prepared an ideal house for the children)

I have glandular hyperplasia, I’ve been on treatment for 3 years, I can’t get pregnant, and I can’t cure it in any way. I’ve already taken a bunch of pills, changed a lot of doctors (what were you prescribed for treatment?

I have a simple form of glandular endometrial hyperplasia without atypia. They’ll probably prescribe something later too

Diferelin 3.75 was prescribed 3 injections. Tomorrow I will do the 2nd one. On the 3rd injection we will begin to prepare for the transfer

It’s necessary to do a gister with the Russian Far East. A friend of mine did it, like ugh ugh everything was fine afterwards.

Yulichka, I have a similar situation. I myself was happy and walked around until I took the histology after the lapara. It says endometritis!

But it wasn’t even this that upset me more, but the fact that I was told in motherhood and childhood that you won’t be given a quota. The docks won't accept it because you had to go to the IR! and + treat endometriosis.

During the perinatal period, the doctor told me it was better to drink OKs continuously... Now, day 6 on them. 3 more packs to go. Everything was transferred to me too. Annoying is not the right word

But there's nothing to be done

Hello girls, unfortunately, I also encountered such horror. Our baby froze at 2-3 weeks, we had an ultrasound on Monday and were only glad that the egg had dropped into the uterus and was visible 3mm and everything was fine and after 4 days I started bleeding and the doctors discovered that there was a very small hCG and growth only 1mm, the day before yesterday I was cleaned, now I’m still in the hospital, I went through a huge shock, this is my first pregnancy. However, we didn’t plan it, because... While we were solving questions and problems, we tried for 3 months in the summer and nothing happened, and then we decided to wait, because... The financial situation changed, in general, when we found out that such a miracle had happened. We were very happy, although I was very afraid and thought about it. After all, we ourselves had been starving for a month, but we decided that everything would be and everything would work out. And here it’s very morally difficult, because before this I had never had any pregnancies, abortions, cleansings, or operations, and I’ve already become so attached, even in such a short period of time, to the baby

I blame myself for everything because I didn’t know about the pregnancy. I drank alcohol at my birthday party and smoked, although not a lot, but still, and took medications. Then a herpes broke out on my nose, I applied it. I also dyed my hair, although the doctor says that the dye has no effect. But as soon as I found out, I immediately started taking vitamins, my husband fed me fruit, we were so happy about this miracle, but now we are broken, my husband even cried. I am now in the hospital and there are a lot of girls with the same diagnosis, for some this is already the 2nd disease, I’m so scared girls, will I be able to carry the baby normally, it’s so painful, I’m afraid to go through this nightmare again. I was still very much frightened by the dream before this terrible day, I often have prophetic and significant dreams, and so on Tuesday I dreamed that I was bleeding, and since in reality I even confused the dream with reality, I was very worried, and in the night before I went to the hospital, that someone’s hand was lighting a candle in the church, I still woke up alarmed, and then bleeding began. I cried for 2 days, after the anesthesia I was generally hysterical, I felt like I had been to the next world. I really want a baby, but before I was constantly afraid, I always wanted to self-actualize, achieve success, and then children, but now I understand that all the financial difficulties and problems are not worth it when a new life is born in you. Now I’m trying to calm down and pull myself together, I probably need to undergo an examination, restore my body and immunity and try, but to be honest it’s very scary, questions constantly arise as to why this is so, feelings of guilt. I’ve been working with the materialization of thoughts for a long time and often very successfully, but this situation has crippled me, it’s very difficult to pull myself together and think about the good and believe in the best, although I understand that I’m 26 and I have everything ahead of me, it’s just somehow very difficult mentally. Girls, I wish you good health, be sure to recover and get pregnant again, an easy pregnancy and healthy babies.

Hello! I want to tell my story. After the test showed two stripes, I went to the LCD. But they told me that I needed to undergo an ultrasound. Like to confirm that there is a pregnancy. Because According to the appointment, the time was only two weeks later, so I had to wait for the ultrasound. My stomach and lower back were a little tight. But the doctor said that this is how it should be, that the embryo is growing. And then came the long-awaited ultrasound. They wrote that the charion is along the posterior wall with a transition to the internal pharynx. And uterine hypertonicity. Diagnosis of threatened miscarriage. But there is a heartbeat, which means you shouldn’t despair. The deadline was set at 7 weeks. They put me on sick leave in a day hospital and with another gynecologist. This doctor told me that they should have immediately taken a smear test for the threat (since I complained of nagging pain), sent me to take all the tests, and prescribed a suppository treatment. She told me to come in a week. A week later, the tests all came back good, and G. could not understand why the smear showed a threat of miscarriage. However, I already felt pregnant. The only thing is that there was no toxicosis. The stomach stopped pulling, the chest began to fill up. I said that I was fine, and the doctor told me to give me Magnesiumtron or Magnesium Thorne. I don't remember exactly. And they told me to come at the end of the week. She came at the end of the week. According to the timing, I should already be 9 weeks. And I was sent without warning to an ultrasound scan. And to my horror and misunderstanding of the gynecologist who saw me, the ultrasound showed that the fetus had frozen. Apparently this happened just the other day. They prescribed me a medical abortion. Everything went smoothly. And the question in my head is: how is this possible? at week 7 there was a heartbeat and the fetus was developed in size. And on the 9th everything stopped. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken this drug with Magnesium, 3 tablets a day? The cause of the missed abortion was never found. On the 16th I will go to an appointment and an ultrasound. The doctor prescribed me to take contraceptive pills. And she said that in half a year or a year you can try to get pregnant again. And I’m very scared that history will repeat itself...

Girls, double-check, even if they tell you that there can be no mistakes!


Menstruation for more than a month

Menstrual bleeding for more than two weeks, much less a month, is a serious disorder in the body and a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Bleeding of this kind can no longer be called menstrual; it is dysfunctional uterine bleeding and there are many reasons for it, as well as age periods. These may include adolescence, the precarious years, childbearing years, and menopause. In girls, as a rule, this is a violation of the “hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian” system; in women of childbearing age, the causes lie in inflammation of the genital organs; in women during menopause, it is a violation of the regulation of menstruation.

Treatment for this condition

Treatment has two goals: to stop blood loss and to prevent its recurrence.

Stopping bleeding is achieved in two ways - hormonal drugs and curettage. In women during menopause, treatment begins with curettage in order to eliminate the risk of cancer. However, as in women of childbearing age, but depending on the nature of the bleeding, its duration and structure. After which hormones are prescribed. For girls, the situation is the opposite; they are prescribed hormones and only if they do not help, then curettage is performed.

In addition to hormonal therapy, other treatments may be used. Physiotherapy, intramuscular non-hormonal drugs, and vitamin therapy are prescribed.

To prevent recurrent bleeding, hormonal regulation of the cycle is necessary; they are usually combined with anti-inflammatory drugs and treatments for concomitant diseases.

Be attentive to your health and do not neglect visits to specialists.

What determines the duration of menstruation?

A woman's menstrual cycle depends entirely on her hormonal status. Both sex hormones and hormones of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands play a decisive role. Depending on their concentration and ratio at each time, both the duration and nature of menstruation depend.

Normally, the duration of menstruation is 3-7 days, but if it exceeds this value, then you should consult a doctor, and the sooner the better. The fact is that the cause of prolonged menstruation can be a variety of factors, ranging from stress and hormonal imbalance to serious diseases of the pelvic organs.

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