Available for the treatment of borax in glycerin for thrush: all the pros and cons of method 1

More than 90% of women have encountered thrush or vaginal candidiasis at least once in their lives. Severe itching, hyperemia in the genital area, as well as pale vaginal discharge make it possible to clearly diagnose this disease.

Modern medicine offers patients a wide range of antifungal drugs; traditional medicine also makes its contribution to the treatment of thrush. One of the old and proven ways to combat vaginal candidiasis is to use borax in glycerin.

Borax in glycerin (sodium tetraborate) for thrush - how to use, reviews

Medicines for vaginal candidiasis do not have to be expensive.
An example of a cheap and effective remedy for topical use is borax in glycerin for thrush, pharmacopoeial name is Sodium tetraborate solution. The concentration of the active ingredient is 20%, the excipient is 80%. The price of a 30 ml bottle is 9-15 rubles.

Borax in glycerin is classified as an antifungal, but has a fungicidal effect against Candida. The expediency of use for thrush is justified by the antiseptic effect, i.e. on the labia and when it gets inside the vagina, borax in glycerin washes away pathogenic microorganisms, additionally forming a kind of protective layer on the mucous membrane.

In medicine, Sodium tetraborate is also used in the treatment of:

  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • upper respiratory tract infections;
  • colpitis;
  • certain STDs (trichomoniasis);
  • stomatitis.

It is prescribed for the disinfection of diaper rash and bedsores in adult patients.

Price and where to buy?

Difficulties with acquisition may indeed arise, since the substance is not as popular as suppositories, in which pharmaceutical companies invest a lot of money in advertising.

The medicine is bought in regular pharmacies, perhaps some pharmacies can make it to order. Most often they purchase it from online pharmacies. The price of a 30 ml bottle is 10-20 rubles.

The price of a package containing 30 g of solution ranges from 8 to 60 rubles.

Borax in glycerin: instructions for use for thrush

The drug is toxic (group 4), so it cannot be taken orally.

There are 3 ways of use for women

  1. Using a cotton pad soaked in a glycerin solution of borax, remove curd plaque from the labia.
  2. Vaginal irrigation is carried out, but only after douching with water or chamomile decoction.
  3. Tampons impregnated with Sodium tetraborate are inserted inside. The recommended duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

All of the above manipulations can be performed during menstruation.

Men make a kind of compress. A cloth soaked in the solution is wrapped around the genitals.

Due to toxicity, for children and pregnant women . For the latter, doctors sometimes make an exception (in the earliest stages). Children are often treated with it for stomatitis.

Contraindications also include renal dysfunction and tissue damage.

The required number of procedures is determined by the doctor. For mild cases of the disease, a three-course course is usually prescribed. For chronic candidiasis, local treatment is carried out in parallel with the use of systemic agents. Manipulations with borax will be repeated twice a day for a week or a decade.

Frequently occurring adverse reactions are usually allergic. Possible: burning sensation, itching, other signs of irritation of the mucous membrane. The drug is absorbed into the intestines, so long-term use can lead to: bowel problems, rash, nausea, hair loss.

The use of Sodium tetraborate is ineffective with simultaneous local use of clotrimazole. The drug does not combine well with phenol-containing agents, boric acid, and hormones.

There are no equivalent analogues. External agents that have a similar therapeutic effect: Chlorophyllipt, Methylene blue, but they are not used for candidiasis.


Since the product does not kill the fungus, and therefore does not eliminate the cause of the disease, borax in glycerin for thrush is not used as a single drug, but is included in the complex therapy of the disease and is combined with antifungal drugs.

If you treat thrush only with sodium tetraborate, there is a risk that some of the fungi will remain in the vagina and the disease will become chronic, which is characterized by relapses of up to 4 or more cases per year.

Sodium tetraborate for thrush in women can be used to treat the disease at home. But before starting treatment, you should not only become thoroughly familiar with the instructions, but also consult a doctor.

Borax in glycerin for thrush is used to lubricate the epithelium for superficial candidiasis and rinse for oral thrush.

Sodium tetraborate - instructions for use for thrush:

  • The frequency of use of the drug is 2-3 times a day.
  • In newborns, borax in glycerin is used for oral thrush to wipe the mucous membrane. To do this, soak a cotton swab or bandage wrapped around a finger in the solution and gently wipe the affected areas. With the frequency of use described above, the duration of the course is six days.
  • In adults, the course can vary from three days to a week, depending on the severity of the condition.
    Sodium tetraborate for thrush (vaginal candidiasis) is used to prepare tampons. Before inserting a tampon soaked in borax, douching is done with chamomile, warm boiled water or other means. For mild symptoms of thrush, a tampon is inserted for half an hour once a day. After removing the tampon and taking a shower, you should take a break. Women with recurrent thrush are advised to insert tampons twice a day.

Does borax in glycerin help with thrush: patient reviews

Young ladies write numerous laudatory reviews of the antiseptic in question. But, if you delve into the essence, it becomes clear that its main advantage is its low price. In a sample of 100 reviews, not a single sufferer boasted a complete cure with the help of borax alone. Those who are trying to save money, at a minimum, also drank Flucanozol. However, the curdled coating of borax in glycerine is removed for a long time.

Disadvantages noted by women:

  • difficulties arising during procedures (for example, tampons for impregnation have to be twisted independently, and problems often arise when removing them);
  • leakage of solution after use (gaskets do not help);
  • burning sensation in the vagina.

The scary thing is that, without reading the instructions, narrow-minded young ladies consider the drug absolutely harmless.

Unfortunately, there are no reviews for use in men.

Borax in glycerin for thrush, what do doctors think?

Doctors of the old school actively recommend Sodium tetraborate to patients, not only as an auxiliary, but also as the main means of treatment. Some would-be specialists even forget to warn about toxicity, after which zealous ladies suffer burns.

Only 20% of gynecologists allow vaginal irrigation with borax, but insist on preliminary douching with a solution of soda, a decoction of chamomile or sage.

Advanced doctors are more categorical. They consider the drug outdated and ineffective. Many simply do not understand why complicate the lives of patients, putting them at risk, if there are options, albeit expensive, but more effective and safe.

By the way, it has been proven that douching for thrush harms the microflora.

Instead of a resume, we note that a consultation with a doctor is required. Borax with glycerin for thrush in modern therapy is used only in combination with powerful fungicides. Independent experiments with toxic substances are strictly prohibited.

Boric acid and candidiasis in women

Candidiasis or thrush is a disease caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. This microorganism is a permanent resident of the genital organs and belongs to the opportunistic flora. As long as its amount is less than 10 5, Candida does not cause concern in women.

When the immune system fails: a cold, treatment with antibiotics, excesses in the diet, when pregnancy occurs, the fungus begins to actively multiply.

  • Pain, burning, itching in the genital area
  • Discharge from the genitals - curdled, viscous
  • Hyperemia of the mucous membranes
  • The smear reveals the presence of yeast and an increased number of leukocytes.

In the recent past, gynecologists prescribed douching with boric acid as part of the complex treatment of genital candidiasis. To prepare the solution you will need 1 teaspoon of boric acid and 1 liter of boiled water. Douching for thrush is carried out 2 times a day for 1 week.

Another option for sanitizing the vagina for thrush involves using a cotton swab soaked in boric acid. The solution concentration is standard - 5 g per 1 liter of water. The tampon is impregnated with the drug, inserted into the vagina and left for 3 hours. After 3 hours, a new tampon should be inserted. The course of treatment is 1 week.

A more convenient form of the drug is capsules. The suppository is inserted into the vagina at night. The duration of treatment for thrush is 7 days. Then they switch to maintenance procedures and use suppositories 3 times a week for 3 weeks.

Capsules with boric acid are ordered from pharmacies or made independently.

Use for pregnant and lactating women

If a woman is pregnant, she very often gets candidiasis.

This is due to a strong decrease in immunity during pregnancy, as well as due to the resistance of fungi of the genus Candida to many drugs. Candidiasis appears from new pads, soap, and the use of antibiotics.

And if you buy suppositories, tablets, ointments at the pharmacy, all this is quite expensive and has side effects. Thrush causes very unpleasant sensations, there is discharge, burning, and itching of the skin.

And during pregnancy, even suppositories cannot be inserted, in addition to Pimafucin, but it does not cure.

Can the medicine be used during pregnancy?

When treating the vagina with medication, Candida fungi are mechanically removed from the vagina.

The medicine has an effect on fungi, it deprives them of the ability to attach to the walls of the vagina.

Because of this, the fungus stops multiplying and subsequently disappears completely.

Often, in addition to candidiasis, a woman has other sexually transmitted infections.

A boron-based medicine destroys many harmful microorganisms and normalizes the balance of microflora in the vagina. Because of this, all the symptoms of candidiasis disappear.

Since the medicine is considered toxic in certain doses, it is therefore used very carefully, under the full supervision of a doctor. It is best to use a 5% solution, strictly following the written instructions.

Do not use this medicine if you have previously had hypersensitivity reactions to this medicine or others that are similar to this medicine.

During pregnancy, the medicine is used only after visiting the attending physician; he usually prescribes the drug in the early stages of pregnancy.

If your doctor has prescribed you to use the medicine during lactation, do not breastfeed your baby while using sodium tetrabotarate.

It is not recommended to lubricate damaged epithelium with the medicine, as the composition can penetrate into the bloodstream, and this will increase the risk of overdose.

When treating candidiasis, you should not use the medicine for cracks in the epithelium or chemical burns.

Whether it is safe to use the drug during pregnancy is entirely up to the attending physician; for example, if there is a threat of miscarriage, cervical insufficiency and many similar diseases, the doctor will prohibit the use of the drug.

Analogues of boric acid for the treatment of candidiasis

On the shelves of pharmacies there is a wide range of drugs used for thrush in women.

  1. Tantum Rose in sachets - manufacturer Angelina Francesco Italy. Active ingredient: benzydamine. Indicated for complex treatment of colpitis, vaginal sanitation before and after surgical interventions. The powder is diluted in 0.5 water. Douching is carried out once a day.
  2. Flucanazole capsules – PJSC Monform, Ukraine. System-wide antifungal agent. The active substance is fluconazole. Take 1 capsule on days 1 and 4 of treatment. If thrush is advanced, 1 more dose will be required - on the 7th day of treatment.
  3. Levarol suppositories – Nizhpharm, Russian Federation. The active ingredient is ketoconazole. It is also active against candida and other opportunistic flora. For thrush, 1 suppository is prescribed at night. The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days.
  4. Canesten 500 – vaginal cream. Manufacturer: Kern Pharma for the Bayer concern. The active ingredient is clorimazole. The drug is administered once at night.


To summarize: boric acid has an antifungal effect, but has a large number of contraindications and side effects. Not used to treat children, adolescents and pregnant women.

The duration of treatment with this drug is up to 3 weeks. At that time, the course of treatment with modern means lasts 1 - 3 days. Almost all of them are allowed during pregnancy.

Boric acid, although it was used by our mothers or grandmothers, does not automatically make it the best remedy for treating thrush.

Do not self-medicate, as candidiasis has similar symptoms to other infectious diseases of the reproductive system in women.

Borax with glycerin: instructions for use

Borax with glycerin has the medical name sodium tetraborate in glycerin. This is a very effective and inexpensive disinfectant for the treatment of candidiasis. Borax with glycerin can be purchased by anyone; it is freely available at pharmaceutical outlets. Before starting therapy, you must carefully read the instructions for use and consult with a specialist.

What is sodium tetraborate

Borax with glycerin or sodium tetraborate is a product with a bacteriostatic and antiseptic effect that effectively removes and inhibits the proliferation of fungus.
This drug is available in the form of a powder or solution for topical use. The active component of the drug has antimicrobial and antiparasitic effects. The composition of the anhydrous drug is enriched with glycerin, which optimizes the penetration of the main substance onto the skin and mucous membranes.

Sodium tetraborate (sodium tetraborate) the Latin name of the substance is Natrii tetraborati is a derivative of boric acid. The medicinal formula of the drug Na2B4O7 is a combination of boron and acid salts.

As an antimicrobial agent, tetraborate is often included in medications used to relieve inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Pharmacodynamics: the substance is beneficial only when applied to damaged skin and mucous membranes. Through them, it is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and further excreted through the kidneys and intestines.


Borax is produced, as a rule, in the form of a powder or solution, which contains 20% of the active substance. The composition of the product includes the main substance sodium tetraborate and an auxiliary component - glycerin.

Borax crystals do not dissolve in alcohol, so the substance must be diluted with water or purchased a ready-made solution in glycerin. This viscous liquid is a good solvent for inorganic compounds, so it is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Tetraborate can be sold in the form of an aqueous solution of 10 and 20 percent concentration.


Borax solution is an antiseptic that is used in the perfume, pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries. The active formula of the product is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity, vagina, and respiratory tract.

  • promotes the removal of fungal mycelium;
  • has antiseptic and bacteriostatic effects;
  • prevents the attachment of fungi to the walls of the vagina and stops the process of their reproduction.

According to the instructions, tetraborate can be used for damage to the mucous membranes of the pharynx, mouth, genitals, urinary and upper respiratory tract caused by candidiasis. A 20% solution of the substance is effective for disinfecting diaper rash and bedsores. Being a disinfectant and antiseptic, borax is indicated for use in:

  • stomatitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • cracks in the skin;
  • tonsillitis;
  • damage to the urinary tract;
  • stomatitis in newborns;
  • skin fungus;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • pyorrhea;
  • vaginal candidiasis.
  • colpitis.

Indications and contraindications for the use of borax

Before using borax in glycerin, you should read the instructions for use. Boric acid, especially dissolved in glycerin, is quite safe and non-toxic.

The medication can be used for children, pregnant women, and also during breastfeeding.

Borax in glycerin has the following indications for use:

  1. Inflammatory diseases, including those caused by fungi, diseases of the vulva and vagina, inguinal folds, perineum. This also includes candidiasis.
  2. Stomatitis or inflammatory processes of the mouth of various origins - fungal, atrophic, bacterial.
  3. Various inflammatory processes of ear, nose and throat diseases.
  4. Inflammatory diseases of the skin, fungal infections of skin folds, as well as use for preventive measures.
  5. Therapy and prevention of bedsores in bedridden patients.

There are also a number of complete contraindications when treatment with this drug is not recommended:

  • In most countries, the use of borax in glycerin is prohibited for pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding, since its active component can have a negative effect on the child.
  • Use in children under 18 years of age; when thrush appears in girls, it is recommended to select an alternative treatment option.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin in the perineal area and external genital organs precludes the use of this toxic agent: through cracks, borax can penetrate into the bloodstream and provoke a strong process of intoxication.
  • For acute inflammation in the vagina.
  • Personal intolerance to the drug.

Improper use of the drug can completely nullify the healing properties and cause damage to health.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Main advantages of the drug:

  1. The product is very affordable in terms of price. The price of a bottle of borax is no more than 1 dollar, which can be several times cheaper than other antiseptics and combination drugs.
  2. The product is non-toxic, easily tolerated and does not cause serious side effects.
  3. The drug can be used in problem groups of patients.
  4. The product is effective, especially in the gynecological field. Glycerin has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating itching and burning, and boric acid helps restore the acidic protective environment of the vagina, activating the growth and reproduction of beneficial lactic acid bacteria.

Among the disadvantages of the product:

  1. The remedy, due to its “antiquity,” has become difficult to find. Numerous pharmaceutical outlets do not have borax in glycerin; in some situations, the product has to be purchased to order at production outlets with a doctor’s prescription.
  2. When used locally, the product can provoke a burning sensation and discomfort due to the effect of acid on irritated mucous membranes.
  3. May have toxic effects with prolonged and frequent use.

Borax in gynecology, instructions for thrush

Before using the product, it is recommended to read the instructions for use. In gynecology, a 20% solution of borax in glycerin is used. The treatment regimen for vaginal thrush is selected by a specialist, taking into account the patient’s condition, medical history and the severity of the process. Before using brown glycerin for candidiasis, careful hygiene of the genital organs is required. After the vaginal walls are freed from plaque and discharge, therapy is carried out.


Often, the doctor prescribes douching with borax. The process must be carried out with a clean syringe; the tip must be boiled or treated with alcohol. In acute cases of candidiasis, borax therapy is carried out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. A woman may notice relief in her well-being within a day; complete recovery occurs after 10-12 days.

Douching with the solution lasts 15-20 minutes, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. The solution should be warm.
  2. The course of treatment for candidiasis does not have to exceed the period recommended by the doctor; longer use contributes to the formation of dysbiosis due to the leaching of the natural vaginal microflora.
  3. The solution should not be injected into the vagina under pressure; it must be injected carefully and smoothly, otherwise the infectious process is likely to be transferred to the internal genital organs.
  4. Devices for carrying out the procedure must be disinfected.
  5. If pain occurs, it is recommended to stop the procedure, calm down and, after a short pause, repeat douching.

Treatment of thrush in women

Yeast lives in the vagina constantly in small and harmless quantities. Uncontrolled growth leads to unpleasant symptoms. The woman experiences a burning sensation, severe itching, and redness of the mucous membranes of the vulva. A discharge resembling cottage cheese appears.

Lactobacilli maintain the pH level in the vagina and the number of Candida fungi at normal levels. Changing the balance leads to thrush. An infection can be caused by:

  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • treatment with corticosteroids;
  • diabetes;
  • increased estrogen levels.

Medical care and medications correctly selected by the doctor help to successfully cure the infection. Therapy begins with a visit to the gynecologist. Treatment for thrush is carried out at home. In addition to medications, they use available products that every woman has in her home.

Not every woman can get rid of a fungal infection. About 5% have a chronic form and experience “familiar” symptoms at least 4 times a year. Studies have been conducted on the use of the drug Fluconazole (Diflucan) for at least 6 months and based on the data it was found that the number of relapses decreased by 90%. How to cure a thrush infection at home so that it does not remind you of itself?

You need to see a doctor to:

  • establish the cause of inflammation;
  • choose the right medications for the treatment of thrush;
  • receive detailed instructions on how to prevent relapse.

At home, they resort to various ways to alleviate the course of the disease in women, first of all, quickly relieve unbearable itching and get rid of heavy discharge. Treatment for thrush begins as soon as the diagnosis is made by a gynecologist.

The drugs are selected taking into account the physiological state of the woman. Tablet forms are prescribed, which are taken orally, or, if a woman is pregnant, she is prescribed ointments and vaginal suppositories, taking into account contraindications.

Thrush in women causes unpleasant symptoms. The causes of inflammation and redness lie in the proliferation of Candida fungi. Waste from microorganisms causes itching, redness, and pain.

At home they do:

  • hygienic baths;
  • douching;
  • washing with prepared solutions;
  • intravaginal applications;
  • follow the recommended diet.

Thrush will quickly be brought under control if all conditions are met.

The method of use and dosage of sodium tetraborate depend on the location of the mucous membrane affected by the Candida fungus and the severity of the disease. Let's consider possible treatment options for thrush in women.

Application optionInstructions for use
Localization of the lesion: Vaginal candidiasis
  • Before inserting a tampon into the vagina, it is necessary to douche using decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage) or boiled warm water, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin.
  • Insert a tampon soaked in borax while lying down for 20-30 minutes.
  • For mild cases of the disease, it is recommended to carry out the procedure at night once a day. The duration of treatment is 3 days.
  • If symptoms of thrush in women are severe, borax should be used twice a day. The course of therapy is 7 days.
Lubricating the mucous membrane with a solutionPre-douche. Then wrap your finger in gauze, dip it in the solution and lubricate the vagina as deeply as possible.
  • Dilute 3-5 tablets in a liter of boiled warm water and fill a syringe with the solution.
  • The number of procedures and tablets used is determined by the doctor, based on laboratory data.
Localization of the lesion: Vaginal candidiasis
RinsingDilute a tablespoon of borax in glycerin in a glass of water, you can add salt (1 tablespoon).
  • You must first rinse your mouth with a decoction of medicinal herbs or any disinfectant.
  • Wrap your finger in gauze and lubricate the mucous membrane with sodium tetraborate solution.

To prevent recurrence of thrush, it is better to abstain from sex during treatment. The partner needs to undergo therapy if there are symptoms of the disease. If a man does not have signs of candidiasis, treatment is not carried out. Borax is not used during menstruation.

Use during pregnancy

Studies of the effect in women during pregnancy have demonstrated that it is absorbed by the mucous membranes in small quantities; therefore, it cannot penetrate into the bloodstream in large volumes and harm the formation of the fetus.

It is possible to talk about deposition after prolonged use, which is not observed in pregnant women. For this reason, local treatment of the genitals is not prohibited and the liquid is allowed to be used during pregnancy. However, you should carefully monitor the possible formation of allergies to elements of the drug. In addition, it is better to avoid using borax in glycerin in the first trimester.

The use of the drug for candidiasis in pregnant women is prohibited only when expectant mothers have erosion of the uterine cervix or have microcracks in the vaginal mucosa.

Borax for oral diseases, instructions

For oral candidiasis, borax in glycerin is used locally. Areas infected with fungus are lubricated with the solution. Therapy is carried out 2-3 times a day for 3-7 days, taking into account the extent of the lesion and the severity of symptoms. When treating brown candidiasis of the oral mucosa, it is necessary to adhere to clear guidelines:

  1. Before starting the procedure, you need to wash your hands well.
  2. Wrap a bandage around your finger (necessarily sterile).
  3. Soak the bandage in a solution of borax in glycerin.
  4. Treat the tongue from root to tip.
  5. Then coat the oral mucosa.
  6. The remaining liquid must be spat out; the solution must not be allowed to penetrate the gastric tract.
  7. Rinse your mouth with clean boiled water.

It is recommended to use a sterile bandage or cotton swab directly. Using cotton swabs does not guarantee the proper level of pressure to remove fungus.

In certain situations, crusts may form in the mouth. They complicate the effect of sodium tetraborate, but tearing off the crusts is prohibited. It is necessary to soften the crusts in advance using oil: a solution of vitamin A, flax and peach oils. If the lips become infected, it is recommended to apply boroglycerin: a moistened swab should be applied to the affected areas for 20 minutes.

In addition to fungal infections of the mouth, borax can be used for preventive purposes of re-infection in stomatitis of other origins (herpetic, after radiation therapy), at the stage of dental prosthetics, after surgery in the oral cavity and tooth extraction.

Taking into account the relative safety of the drug, borax can, with the permission of a pediatrician, be used in children at a young age, in whom oral candidiasis is quite common.

Mode of application

  • Description
  • How to use
  • Contraindications
  • Possible side effects

Borax in glycerin is an integral part of the pharmacological range. The sodium solution can be 20, 10 or 5 percent. Borax is used for more than just treating thrush. The product copes well with stomatitis, bedsores, fungi, tonsillitis and a number of other diseases.

Borax in glycerin is primarily a topical medicine. Possessing antiseptic properties, it is used in conjunction with other drugs. Some infectious diseases of the respiratory tract can be cured using a comprehensive method.

Borax in glycerin (sodium tetraborate) is prescribed by a doctor, and the dosage is monitored throughout the course of treatment. It is important to remember that the product is taken externally only. Other methods are not provided, and, moreover, are fraught with harm to health. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, because... the consequences can be extremely unpleasant.

Pregnant women suffer from thrush no less than non-pregnant representatives of the fair sex. A reasonable question arises: is it possible to use borax in glycerin during breastfeeding?

Disputes regarding this issue continue to this day. One side warns about the toxic properties of sodium, because. elements of the product are used as poison for insects. It also talks about the chemical harm of borax to the unborn, future fetus.

The other side makes its own argument - the effectiveness of borax in glycerin is quite high. But nevertheless, many are inclined to conclude that the product is not suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers. Of course, the solution is contraindicated for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive areas of the body.

Borax has a negative effect on open skin wounds. Therefore, if there are affected areas of the epidermis, you should wait until they are completely healed. Otherwise, the product will get on open damage, and it won’t seem like much!

Some people may experience anemia or limb cramps when using borax. Such cases should be reported to your doctor immediately. This also applies to moments when borax in glycerin delays the menstrual cycle or develops tremors.

Therapy lasts from 3 to 7 days, and these are only the minimum periods. They may be longer. Borax in glycerin should be ingested during each day of treatment. For mild symptoms, 1-2 treatments are sufficient.

Before using borax, treat the damaged area with a herbal decoction. Chamomile, calendula or sage are suitable as medicinal plants. You can also use potassium permanganate or warm water.

Prepare borax in glycerin, then moisten a tampon and insert it into the vaginal area. Taking a lying position (for convenience), time it for 30 minutes and let the product saturate the microflora of the sexual environment.

Sodium tetraborate affects only the lesion. Treatment is called local or situational, because Chronic thrush requires a completely different course of treatment. Borax in glycerin is no longer helpful here.

For sore throat or diseases of the oral cavity, rinsing with a solution is suitable. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and half a teaspoon of borax to a glass of water. Do not forget about the external method of treatment - treat the inflamed areas with a swab dipped in sodium of the drug.

The drug must be used for douching, lubricating the skin, rinsing, based on the diagnosis made by a specialist, 3 times a day. Instructions for using the product for children are based on the recommendations of the pediatrician.

In addition to medical use, sodium tetraborate is often purchased to kill cockroaches. In addition, you can use borax at home, for example, to make a children's toy handgam or slime (smart plasticine).

  • severe damage to the mucous membrane;
  • lactation;
  • serious and extensive skin damage;
  • bearing a child;
  • increased sensitivity.

For thrush

The drug borax is widely used in gynecology; it effectively helps eliminate candidiasis or thrush of a fungal nature. This requires long-term contact of the substance with the mucous membrane. You cannot self-medicate; therapy should be carried out by medical personnel. The method of using the substance is carried out in the following sequence:

  • first you need to treat the mucous membrane with herbal tinctures (oak bark, chamomile) or boiled water;
  • then a bandage tampon soaked in borax and glycerin should be inserted into the vagina for half an hour;
  • after just one use the patient feels relief;
  • To completely eliminate thrush, several sessions are required.

For stomatitis

The most common disease among infants is stomatitis. This disease is formed due to the proliferation of yeast-like fungi. The disease is characterized by a white coating on the oral mucosa. Adult men and women are often susceptible to stomatitis.

  • first remove the crusts on the ulcers using medicinal oils (rose hips, vitamin A, sea buckthorn);
  • Next, treat the affected surface with a gauze swab dipped in the solution;
  • then you need to apply the drug precisely to each ulcer.

For tonsillitis

A doctor can prescribe sodium tetraborate to pregnant women and children for tonsillitis. According to the instructions, it is necessary to treat the tonsils with a cotton swab soaked in the solution 5 times a day. This treatment should be continued for a week.

To prepare the solution, you need to add a tablespoon of iodized salt and a few drops of borax to a glass of warm water, mix everything well. This remedy perfectly relieves pain and redness of the throat, prevents the proliferation of microbes and removes purulent formations.

During pregnancy

The female immune system weakens during pregnancy, which often leads to candidiasis. However, the number of drugs approved for the treatment of thrush in pregnant women is limited. For quick healing, doctors can prescribe a woman an antifungal drug - sodium tetraborate.

The use of the drug during pregnancy should be under the supervision of a gynecologist. Only a doctor can determine a treatment regimen based on the individual characteristics of the patient. It is not advisable to use tetraborate during breastfeeding.

For newborns

Sodium tetraborate solution is an affordable and effective treatment for stomatitis in infants. Although due to its high toxicity, the use of the substance must be agreed with a doctor and not exceed the dosage.

As a rule, treatment of the surface of the mucous membrane in newborns with the drug is carried out using a gauze swab (the gauze must be wound around your finger and moistened in the solution); cotton swabs do not apply proper pressure - the fungus may remain on the surface.

First of all, I would like to note that the product is used exclusively for external use and it must be used exactly in the dosages prescribed by the doctor.

You should not arrogantly believe that by exceeding the dose you will improve the effect, as you can cause serious harm to your health.

Therapeutic effect

The high effectiveness of borax in glycerin for thrush is associated with the ability of the drug to neutralize fungal deposits and mycelium from the vaginal mucosa. The drug disrupts the vital activity of yeast-like fungi.

It is worth understanding the main purpose of borax in glycerin. First of all, this is an antiseptic solution that does not remove the immediate cause of the disease.

Therefore, you should not reassure yourself, thinking that with this solution alone you will neutralize the problem, because effective treatment should be aimed at eliminating the provoking factor.

Sodium tetraborate is distinguished by achieving two goals:

  • antiseptic effect;
  • bacteriostatic action.

Borax in glycerin is part of combination drugs that are designed to relieve the inflammatory effect in the upper respiratory tract due to its antimicrobial effect.

The medicinal solution will have an effect only when applied to damaged mucous membranes or skin. The substance is absorbed into the digestive system and then excreted through the kidneys and intestines within a week.

The package with the medicine contains detailed instructions for using the product for thrush. If there is scanty vaginal discharge, the procedure should be performed once a day. If the symptoms of the disease are severe, the genitals are treated twice a day.

Before inserting a tampon soaked in sodium tetraborate, you need to rinse the genitals with warm water and douche, using, for example, a solution of medicinal herbs (douching with chamomile shows high efficiency).

Reviews about the treatment

Dear readers, you can leave your review of borax with glycerin in the comments, your opinion will be useful to other users of the site!


I'm 9 weeks pregnant. Thrush appeared and I went to the doctor. The gynecologist prescribed this remedy. I barely found it, went to probably 8 pharmacies around the city, and in one, just a coincidence of circumstances worked out well, and the pharmacist sold the last stale bottle. The expiration date was good. I came home, decided to read the instructions and everywhere they write that it is not allowed during early pregnancy. But we are still in the first trimester, I don’t understand why the doctor prescribed it. I won’t use it, out of harm’s way.


Stomatitis appeared in the mouth. I rummaged through my medicine cabinet and found borax in glycerin. I remember that it seems to cure stomatitis. I read how to use it. I used it for a couple of days and nothing changed. The stomatitis was and remains in its place. I turned to the Internet again and realized that, apparently, this remedy only treats thrush on all mucous membranes.


The use of sodium tetraborate in the treatment of thrush shows remarkable results. The product is gaining positive reviews. According to those who have tried borax, after the second or third use, clinical symptoms decrease significantly, and in some cases disappear completely.

But, as you know, you can’t please everyone. There are also negative statements. They are associated with a lack of effect and the appearance of allergic reactions in the form of redness, burning, swelling and itching.

As a rule, these unpleasant side effects occur during the first use, and then they do not appear later. In addition, it is worth understanding that sodium tetraborate is not a panacea, but a treatment method that may not be suitable for everyone.

Each person’s body is a large individual, so what helped one person does not always bring the same result in other cases.

It is also worth considering the fact that the effectiveness of borax directly depends on the stage of the pathological process. If we talk about initially diagnosed acute candidiasis, then, as a rule, it responds well to treatment and exacerbations rarely occur.

So, borax in glycerin is a method of treating thrush, which is still hotly debated. You should not use the medicinal solution for self-medication; it is better to ask your doctor about its advisability in your case.

It is worth remembering that the result of the technique largely depends on the severity of candidiasis and the characteristics of the body. If you want to get rid of the disease once and for all, then follow all medical recommendations and do not forget that the problem should be approached comprehensively, controlling your diet, strengthening your immune system and maintaining intimate hygiene.

Remember, effective treatment begins with early contact with a specialist and accurate diagnosis!

All my life I trusted the advice of doctors, and I became acquainted with sodium solution for just such an occasion. As it turned out, the doctor knew what he was talking about and gave very useful advice. Sodium copes with any form of thrush, mainly oral or vaginal disease.

The product is used against candidiasis pathogens and other harmful fungi. From my own experience, I was convinced that borax in glycerin 20 percent infusion is not an expensive medicine at all. You can buy it for 20 rubles, and it will last for a long time. Well, the effectiveness of the product is very high, the antiseptic is what you need!

How to use borax in glycerin. The product helps with rinsing the mouth. Borax is used to treat infectious areas and disinfect the skin. Before applying borax, you need to douche with herbal infusions.

I used chamomile infusion, and only then sodium solution. The doctor wrote out a prescription: draw 10 ml of liquid with a syringe and insert it into the vagina. As soon as I injected the borax, I leaned back and lay there for half an hour. The product can be administered as a moistened swab.

I used sodium only before bed, and the doctor advised to do the procedure twice a day. But in the morning it didn’t work out; work got in the way. But 1 time a day was enough for me, although I had to stretch the course from 7 days to 10.

When I first used it, I felt a tingling sensation inside my vagina. I had to be patient a little. Only after treatment I learned that if it stings, you need to wash it off. Apparently I had small wounds in my vagina, otherwise the borax in glycerin would not have stung.

It’s good that I bought a pack of pads in advance, they helped a lot. During the day, the remaining borax came out of the vagina, but lingered on the pads and did not stain the underwear. Men also get thrush, and it is also treated with borax in glycerin.

Just don’t need to inject anything anywhere: the bandage is soaked in sodium and tied around the male organ for half an hour. But it’s easier not to tie it up, but to use regular cream, the thrush goes away faster, and there’s less fuss.

In general, sodium tetraborate is certainly an effective remedy, but it’s not that simple. The drug has side effects such as attacks of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and hair loss on the head. It's different for every person.

Borax is contraindicated for expectant mothers and nursing mothers. But some doctors recommend the remedy to women in the last stages of pregnancy.

The cost of sodium is quite affordable for the average person. If you have a lot of time for treatment, then this is even better.

Oksana R., Orenburg

At the beginning of my review I would like to say that opinion is not the final authority. I want to share my opinion regarding the effectiveness of the drug, which helped me and my friends.

Thrush is not dangerous, but quite an unpleasant disease. It is caused by fungi, the causative agents of candidiasis. They usually appear after illness, nervous system disorder, acute respiratory infection or overeating. Women suffer from thrush in the vaginal area, because bacteria are especially active there.

When something itches inside, it’s not pleasant... you want to scratch it, but you can’t, and you suffer. Even washing with water doesn't help. I’m already silent about white vaginal discharge, it’s a real nightmare! Unfortunately, men don’t understand us when we deny them intimacy... but how can you relax with thrush? No way!

Women are very familiar with this. In my case, candidiasis was present throughout the entire pregnancy. It would be nice if there were just inconveniences, we could at least somehow endure it. But thrush damages the internal tissues of the vagina and increases the risk of rupture during childbirth.

It’s good that I fell into the hands of an experienced midwife, who accompanied me throughout the entire period of gestation. Pregnancy is fraught with the fact that treatment options for candidiasis are significantly limited. Therefore, I had to be content with approved drugs and remedies.

In 40 weeks I had to try almost all known methods. When I had no more strength left and nothing helped, I had to seek help from a doctor. She listened to a portion of criticism that she was self-medicating and did not immediately inform her about thrush.

The product costs only 17 rubles!!!! Given our prices for medicine and the general standard of living, these are mere pennies. In general, I didn’t even suspect that such an effective remedy would be so cheap.

One bottle of the product contains 20% medicine and 80% glycerin.

A transparent but viscous liquid, somewhat reminiscent of ordinary water. There is also no smell, so there is no risk of allergies.

How to treat thrush

I’ll tell you about my method of treating candidiasis. I hope you find it useful too:

  1. The first step is to use a medical enema for the vagina, douching and baths for the genital environment. I used chamomile tea to smooth my skin.
  2. We are preparing a cotton-gauze swab, but there is no need to take the store-bought version, because... It absorbs liquids very quickly. We prepare a sterile bandage and cotton wool, after which we proceed to create a tampon ourselves. Peel off some cotton wool and wrap it in a bandage. Don't forget to leave a small piece of cotton wool instead of the string. We will use this tail to remove the tampon from the vagina.
  3. Soak a tampon in a sodium solution and insert it into the vagina. Buy a pack of pads - the product tends to leak over time. But daily ones won't work, so only use thick ones. It is optimal to carry out this procedure before bed; I personally did just that, because during the day I had other worries (yes, pregnant women have them too).

One of my friends used her fingers instead of a tampon, after douching the vaginal environment and thoroughly disinfecting the skin.

A week passed and the discharge stopped, but even better is that the infuriating itching stopped!!! The redness remained, but it no longer bothered me. After 2 months, I gave birth to an absolutely healthy baby, a girl, weighing almost 4 kg. There were no breaks, which I was very happy about!!

There is now a lot of information on the Internet that borax is a poison, toxin and other nasty things that poison the body.

But I think this: since our mothers and grandmothers did not have the opportunity to treat thrush with chemicals, and only borax was at hand, and at the same time raised healthy offspring and preserved their bodies, then the remedy does not cause serious problems, and all these horror stories are nothing more, than fiction.

Marina, Moscow

I'll start with the background.

I suffered from thrush for almost 2 years, and that’s a lot! I tried everything, from self-medication to visiting a doctor. I bought expensive drugs, but their validity period was from 2 to 14 days, no more.

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