Why do you need a condom at the first pregnancy ultrasound?

Ultrasound examination is a common and safe diagnostic method. The examination is prescribed for patients of any age. Some ultrasounds require the use of a condom. This directly depends on the survey area. The ultrasound condom is aimed at protecting against infection. The rubber product is placed on the sensor. The condom also protects the device from human body fluids. You can purchase the product at any nearest pharmacy. The protective agent must be without lubricant. This is due to the fact that ultrasound uses a special conductive gel. It is important to choose the right condom for the diagnosis to be effective.

Some types of ultrasound require the use of a condom.

When is a condom necessary for ultrasound?

A condom is not always necessary for ultrasound examination. Survey areas requiring special protection, as well as their objectives, are presented in the table.

When is a condom needed?The doctor will ask you to bring a rubber product for the following diagnostic methods: • transvaginal ultrasound examination; • transrectal ultrasound examination. When examining any other areas, special protection for the sensor is not required.
Diagnostic goalsTransrectal and transvaginal examinations have the following goals: • identification of gynecological pathological processes; • detection of pregnancy in the early stages of its course; • detection of bladder pathologies; • examination of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles in men.

With such examinations, diagnosis is not made externally. The ultrasound device is inserted vaginally or rectally. Using an autoclave will not completely destroy all bacteria from the sensor. That is why they additionally resort to using rubber products.

A condom placed on the sensor protects the patient from infection of the genitals

Biological fluids contain viral and bacterial microorganisms. When using an unprotected sensor, they can easily pass from a previously studied person to a healthy person, who is inserted with the device without a condom first put on.

Latex products make it possible to make ultrasound examination as safe as possible. There is no risk of contracting genital infections.

Transrectal and vaginal ultrasound without a condom is not performed, since in this case the examination is unsafe.

How much does a condom cost for ultrasound?

An ultrasound condom is much cheaper than a latex product for protection against pregnancy and STDs. They are sold individually and in packs of 100 pieces. The price per piece varies from 3 to 12 rubles. The package can be bought for 500-1000 rubles. Viva condoms sell for 900-1000 rubles per pack. The cost of AZRI latex products is 500-600 rubles. Medical condoms are purchased only in pharmacies.

How is it different from a regular condom?

Ultrasound requires the purchase of special condoms that are designed for the examination. A regular product used during sexual intercourse will not work because it has significant differences.

Ultrasound condoms are available without flavoring

Standard condoms for ultrasound have a number of differences. The latex product used for diagnostics has the following characteristic features:

  • made from latex that is safe for health, does not contribute to the occurrence of an allergic reaction and does not provoke deterioration of health;
  • there is no additional lubrication, since a special conductive gel is used during diagnostics, which improves acoustic data;
  • There is no filler, so the product fits tightly around the sensor and provides maximum protection; has no folds, which means it does not interfere with ultrasound examination and does not impair acoustic data.

The listed factors distinguish a medical condom from a regular one. You need to purchase the product immediately before going to the doctor. The diagnostic tool is made from natural transparent latex.

A regular condom is not suitable for ultrasound

The length of the condom for examination is approximately 180 mm, and the diameter reaches 30 mm. The product does not contain fragrances.

Even if there is a tendency to develop individual intolerance, the product does not provoke an allergic reaction due to its complete hypoallergenicity.

Rating of the best ultrasound condoms

Disposable condoms for ultrasound screening are produced by various companies located abroad and in Russia. The most popular and high-quality products will be discussed below.

№1 Viva

The country producing sterile disposable condoms for ultrasound is Malaysia. The length of the products is 210 mm, and their width is 28 mm. Such condoms do not have any odor, and are also completely undetectable during the study. Before the start of serial production, Viva condoms underwent numerous tests for safety and quality, after which they were approved by WHO. Compared to their Russian counterparts, Viva condos are less common on the open market. The products have no contraindications. The cost of one product is 10 rubles. If you frequently visit the ultrasound room, you can purchase a block of disposable condoms containing 100 latex units.

No. 2 AZRI

This domestically produced option is quite popular. The length of the condoms is 190 mm and their width is 28 mm. The material for the manufacture of the protective product is durable transparent latex, which has a smooth surface and does not have a reservoir like regular condoms. By analogy with the previous company, AZRI latex condoms were approved by WHO. The main advantage of such products is their low cost. The price of one female condom for ultrasound is 10 rubles.

№3 MedUS

MedUS condoms are produced in China. The length of the products is at least 180 mm, the width is 28 mm, and the wall thickness is 0.06 mm. The cost of one condom for ultrasound is from 6 to 10 rubles.

№4 Visit

The German company visit also produces condoms for this diagnostic procedure. These products are distinguished by an increased level of safety and quality. The cost of a condom attachment for performing an ultrasound is 30 rubles.

How to choose the right one

Many patients did not even suspect the existence of medical condoms before the examination. It is first important to learn how to choose the right product. Typically, devices from different companies have almost similar indicators, so there will be no difficulties with the choice.

All medical condoms have dimensions similar to the sensor. Typically, doctors recommend giving preference to latex products from the following manufacturers:

  • A3RI;
  • "Viva";
  • "Visit";
  • MedUS.

When purchasing a medical condom, it is important to check its expiration date.
You can also buy a product from other manufacturers, but they are rarely found on sale. All condoms undergo rigorous testing.

Before purchasing, you need to make sure the packaging is intact. In addition, you should pay attention to the expiration date. If you wish, you can make sure that there is a quality certificate for the products sold in the pharmacy.

Typically, the choice of protection for the sensor depends on the financial capabilities and personal preferences of the patient.

It is extremely rare that a patient may be allowed to be examined with a regular condom if a specialized product cannot be found.

Condoms for ultrasound: photos, varieties

Condoms for ultrasound look like this:

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What condoms are available for ultrasound and how to choose an ultrasound attachment?

Rubber products (nozzles) for ultrasound have similar parameters. Their dimensions: length 18-20 cm, width (diameter) 2.8 cm, wall thickness 0.06-0.065 mm.

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The quality of products from different companies does not differ much. So feel free to choose any one.

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IMPORTANT: During storage, condoms should not be exposed to petroleum jelly, oils, organic solvents, petroleum products, phenols, acids and alkalis.

Popular brands of condoms for ultrasound: price

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Where to buy a nozzle (shell) for ultrasound?

Condoms for ultrasound are sold at the pharmacy. Just tell us at the checkout for what purpose you need a condom - and the pharmacist will select the right product for you. Or call a couple of pharmacies in advance so as not to run around looking for the right one. You can also purchase them at a clinic (hospital). Just keep in mind that prices will be higher there. And there may not be many options available. Therefore, you should take care of choosing a nozzle for the ultrasound sensor in advance.

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How is an ultrasound performed with a condom for men?

For men, only transrectal ultrasound is performed. In this case, the sensor is inserted into the anus. 2-3 days before diagnosis, you should review your diet. It is necessary to exclude foods that contribute to increased gas formation or bowel dysfunction.

During transrectal ultrasound, the patient lies on his side

In the evening before the examination, you should do a cleansing enema. You can't have breakfast in the morning. You will need to bring a snack with you that can be eaten immediately after the diagnosis is completed. Before entering the office, take an antispasmodic medication.

The man lies down on the couch sideways. Legs bend at the knees. The doctor puts a condom on the sensor and applies lubricant, which will facilitate penetration.

The resulting image is transmitted to the monitor. During diagnosis, there is no painful sensation due to the use of an antispasmodic drug.

Why you need a condom during an ultrasound, you will learn from the video:

Types of ultrasound examinations and methods of conducting

To assess the condition of the pelvic organs, transvaginal and transrectal examination techniques using ultrasound are used. Transvaginal ultrasound is not performed on pregnant women over 12 weeks, or in childhood . The main indications for this manipulation include suspicion of acute or chronic diseases of the urinary or reproductive system. The diagnostic procedure consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. The woman is on a special couch, lying on her back, with a small cushion placed under her lower back.
  2. The ultrasound room doctor places a medical condom on a hardware sensor, applies a specialized gel, and then inserts it into the vaginal lumen.
  3. Next, the condition of the pelvic organs is assessed, visualized on a special monitor of the device.
  4. After completing the manipulation, the doctor removes the sensor from the vaginal lumen, and the patient removes the remaining gynecological gel using dry wipes. Used condom must be disposed of.

Transvaginal ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is performed during menstruation only if there is an urgent need.

Transrectal examination is performed according to a similar algorithm, but the ultrasound sensor is inserted into the rectum. Transrectal ultrasound is performed not only for women, but also for men of various ages to assess the condition of the prostate gland.

3 days before the procedure, patients are recommended to follow a slag-free diet, which will minimize gas formation in the large intestine and cleanse it of remnants of digested food. The total duration of transvaginal and transrectal examination is 15-20 minutes.

How is an ultrasound performed with a condom for women?

Transvaginal ultrasound is recommended for women. In this case, the sensor is inserted into the vagina. The patient takes off her clothes, exposing her lower part, and lies down on the couch. The knees are pulled towards the chest.

The vaginal sensor is protected and a sufficient amount of acoustic gel is applied. The device is inserted into the vagina. The doctor smoothly moves the device.

The method does not require special preparation. You can take an antispasmodic drug first. Tell your doctor about any pain during the examination.

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