Why can a condom break and what to do in this case?

A condom is not only one of the most reliable methods of contraception, but also a way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

After all, few people require a certificate from the hospital before starting an intimate relationship. Therefore, additional protection is simply necessary. But at the same time, no one is immune from unpleasant accidents, and one of them is a situation when a condom suddenly breaks.

How to act in this case to prevent unwanted pregnancy and infection with various diseases?

Why do condoms break?

The contraceptive is highly effective: 90% of it provides reliable protection against the penetration of male sperm into the vagina and uterus. Such protection is especially important during casual sexual intercourse and irregular sex.

There are several reasons why a condom breaks:

  1. Expired product expiration date.
  2. Active sexual intercourse.
  3. Manufacturing defect.
  4. Wrong size.
  5. Violation of the rules of application.

It is important to understand that the condom undergoes quality and strength testing before leaving the assembly line. However, its use should not imply excessive activity during sex. Condoms with an oily base break more often; it reduces the strength of latex.

How to warn yourself about the poor quality of a condom?

You can find out in advance whether the product will break or not. Firstly, the expiration date indicated on the packaging is not just numbers, but a real danger - an expired product will not even stretch as it should.

Secondly, you need to open the package with your hands, not with your teeth and scissors. Thirdly, use not a lubricant, but a simple cream or massage oil, which destroys the properties of latex. The condom loses its elasticity and breaks.

While putting it on, someone forgot to pinch the tip - the air bubble burst from pressure and friction like a balloon. It could only slip if the man put it on a moistened penis, or the condom was not fully deployed. By knowing and following the rules written in the instructions, you can prevent the loss of a condom and its rupture at the most inopportune moment.

How to prevent an impulse

You can purchase quality-tested products at pharmacies. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date and production date of the condom.

It is recommended not to be excessively active during intimate caresses and avoid experimentation in bed.

It is necessary to remove the condom with the utmost care. Wear the product before sexual intercourse. If the condom has not had time to burst and has not started to tear, but a crack has formed on the side, the man should not come. Sex should be stopped immediately and the penis should be carefully removed so that sperm does not enter the vagina.

What is the probability of pregnancy?

The highest probability of pregnancy is on the day of ovulation, three days before and three days after it.

At the beginning and end of the cycle, the possibility of conception is minimal.

But even if your period starts the next day after intimacy, this does not confirm the absence of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the hormones that are present in a woman’s body have prepared the body for the upcoming menstruation.

It is not uncommon for menstrual flow to persist during the first months of pregnancy.

Another factor that determines the risk of pregnancy is at what stage of coitus the condom broke :

  • Low chance - at the beginning or in the middle of sexual intercourse, when the man has not finished yet. The likelihood that sperm will enter the vagina is low - these are single cells that are released along with a man’s natural lubrication;
  • The worst thing is if the condom breaks at the end of the act or remains in the girl’s vagina, because... in this case, the seminal fluid is completely poured out;
  • There is a high probability of conception during the second sexual intercourse, because... sperm are found in large quantities on the surface of the penis, in the folds of the foreskin and inside the canal through which the sperm came out.

When to take a pregnancy test?

For best results, you should wait until the first day of the delay.

How do pregnancy tests work? They detect a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). HCG is present when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. The longer the egg is attached, the higher the hCG level.

After implantation, it may take several weeks for the hCG level to become high enough for the test to detect it.

Was the test positive? Wait a few more days and do another one. If you are not willing to wait, see your doctor and get a blood or urine test.

What to do if the condom bursts

In most situations, the condom does not burst - cracks form on its surface. Using a torn condom will prevent pregnancy, so you should not use a low-quality product.

Algorithm of actions after a product rupture:

  1. Sexual intercourse should be stopped.
  2. After the act, the male penis is wiped with a solution of Chlorhexidine.
  3. After intercourse, 2 ml of an antiseptic solution is injected into the urethra to destroy pathogenic flora.
  4. A woman needs to douche with lemon juice or boric acid to wash away sperm from the surface of the vaginal mucosa.

Once a latex tear is detected, it is recommended to use one of the following methods.

Condoms are the most common means of protection

Of course, contraception is an unspoken rule if the partners do not intend to have offspring in the near future, and especially if they have a short relationship.
The most popular means of protection are condoms. They help prevent the risk of unwanted pregnancy and protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms are effective in most cases, but failure to follow basic rules for their use can lead to damage to the condom.

Assess the risk of conception using the calendar method

Calculating dangerous days will allow you to find out whether there is a risk of conception. A woman ovulates on certain days in the middle of her cycle. At this time, a woman can become pregnant. Dangerous days are calculated by subtracting the number 18 from the shortest monthly cycle of the year. It is necessary to determine dangerous days, taking into account the beginning and end of menstruation. A woman should regularly check the accuracy of her monthly cycle, but it is still better to use a condom to prevent pregnancy.

If the condom breaks on dangerous days of the month, it is recommended to use postcoital contraceptives. If you have sexual intercourse on a safe day, the likelihood of conception is minimal. This folk method is used by women with a clear monthly cycle, when menstruation occurs exactly at the expected time.

What to do to avoid getting pregnant

The likelihood of getting pregnant if a condom breaks depends on the moment when this trouble occurred. If the condom ruptures after ejaculation, the risk of unwanted pregnancy increases significantly. What a woman needs to do to avoid pregnancy:

  • Going to the toilet to urinate is a preventative measure, but not a guarantee of success. For pregnancy to occur, only one sperm is enough.
  • Washing with soap. Many types of soap have a spermicidal effect, that is, they reduce sperm activity.
  • Douching with an acidic solution. For this purpose, you can use an aspirin tablet or lemon juice. Increased vaginal acidity leads to sperm death. It is not recommended to constantly use this method to eliminate unwanted pregnancy, since the acid can irritate the vaginal walls and disrupt the balance of the microflora of the mucous membranes lining the genital tract and cervix.
  • Taking postcoital contraceptives. If you take Postinor, Agest or Ginepristone tablets within 24-72 hours after sexual intercourse, the guarantee of preventing unwanted pregnancy is 98%. However, it is not recommended to constantly use these drugs, as they contain large doses of female sex hormones, which can lead to hormonal imbalance.

If a woman has taken hormonal drugs to eliminate an unwanted pregnancy, she needs to visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination. This step will ensure that the drugs do not lead to hormonal imbalance.

Emergency contraceptives

Modern hormonal contraceptives are very effective in preventing pregnancy. Young girls often use the drug Postinor. However, this medication is prohibited for use in some European countries. When using this drug, you should be extremely careful and be sure to take into account contraindications to taking the drug. Postinor is prescribed for rape to prevent conception. When using it, you should not drink alcohol.

In an emergency situation, the drug Escapelle is also used - an emergency contraceptive will help and eliminate the risk of conception after unprotected sexual intercourse. To terminate early pregnancy, the drugs Mifegin and Ginepristone are used. They should be prescribed to a woman only by a gynecologist.

If you have casual sex, it is recommended to get tested for STIs and AIDS. The possibility of sexually transmitted infection entering the body cannot be ruled out. It is necessary to undergo certain tests to ensure that there is no risk.

How to reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections if a condom breaks?

What can be advised to reduce the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection? The woman needs to stand up immediately to allow semen to flow out of the vagina. It is necessary to immediately wash the genitals thoroughly with soap. Be sure to douche with an antiseptic solution - potassium permanganate, boric acid, furacillin. Insert a suppository with Betadine into the vagina, treat the external genitalia with a solution of Betadine or Miramistin. To reduce the risk of disease, this should be done as soon as possible. After this, be sure to consult a dermatovenerologist and get tested. You should not self-medicate by taking antibiotics and other medications. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe the necessary medications.

It must be remembered: some diseases have a long incubation period, and they can only be detected through laboratory tests. The earlier the disease is identified, the more effective its treatment will be.

Actions of a man

When the condom bursts and ejaculation occurs, you need to not panic and calm your partner down. The sperm does not have time to quickly penetrate the uterine cavity, but the man must stop sexual intercourse, go to the toilet and empty his bladder in order to prevent infection of the urethra.

Hands must be washed with soap, after which you need to wipe the penis with an antiseptic solution. Usually a solution of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin is used for this. A small amount of this antiseptic must be injected into the opening of the urethra. This measure will prevent infection with STIs.

Advice from people who have found themselves in a similar situation

And finally, advice for those who do not want to suffer an emergency situation associated with a broken condom:

  1. Buy condoms based on their quality , not price.
  2. Buy condoms only from pharmacies. There their quality has at least some guarantees.
  3. When purchasing, check the expiration date. Expired condoms break much more often.
  4. Always follow the instructions for using condoms. Improper use may cause it to break and cause you problems.
  5. Sometimes condoms break because they are partially dissolved by the lubricant used in love games. Therefore, it is necessary to use only water-based or silicone-based lubricants. They are safe.
  6. Try to buy condoms with spermicidal coating: they will better protect against pregnancy by reducing sperm activity. Even if such a condom breaks, the risk of getting pregnant will still be somewhat less.
  7. Do not use two condoms at the same time. They may break due to friction between them.
  8. Don't rely only on your sexual partner. Remember that he is not at risk of pregnancy. If he suffers from frivolity and does not take safe sex seriously, take care of yourself. Make sure you have room in your purse for a pack of quality condoms. You may not be a fan of adventure and casual relationships, but if your partner forgot to provide himself with condoms or is too self-confident, do not hesitate to tell him “no” and offer condoms. By doing this you protect not only yourself, but also him.

How do you know if pregnancy is prevented?

After taking emergency contraception, girls are tormented by only one question: how to understand that the pills worked effectively? Unfortunately, you won’t be able to find out the result instantly. There are only two ways to check:

  1. After 10 days, take a test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Its level in the blood increases significantly if pregnancy occurs.
  2. Wait for your period “as planned.” If they arrived without delay, you can rest assured that the pills worked.

You can cast aside doubts and worries if you managed to take the pill within the first 24 hours. In this case, the percentage of effectiveness of the tablets is almost 95%, on the second day - 85%, on the third - 58%. It often happens that girls find out about the existence of modern emergency contraception drugs too late, when more than 72 hours have passed. In such a situation, you can take a pill, but the percentage of effectiveness is significantly reduced.

What are the main reasons for condoms breaking during intercourse?

Choose personal intimate protection products in convenient packaging.
Remember: the condom should not be opened using teeth or sharp objects. If you remove the packaging carelessly, you risk damaging the latex product itself. Why take another risk, leave this trick for adult film actors. Friction can also damage the integrity of the condom. If during sexual intercourse a woman produces insufficient lubricant, a special product should be used. Avoid traditional recipes: cosmetic oil, cream or Vaseline will not work for this purpose. Intimate lubricants are sold at pharmacies and are usually displayed near contraceptives. When purchasing this product, please ensure that it can be used with condoms.

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