Frozen pregnancy: symptoms and signs in the early stages

Discharge, depending on its type, can be both a signal of abnormalities in the development of the child and placenta, and a sign of adequate formation of the fetus inside the mother’s uterus. Of course, every woman dreams of becoming pregnant, and when discharge of any type appears, a feeling of anxiety naturally arises: is this normal, what should I do, and should I worry?

The problem of missed abortion is quite relevant for women after forty, as well as for those who conceived a child using the IVF method. It is in these cases that the risk of abnormal formation of the fetus inside the uterus increases several times, and the woman herself runs the risk of encountering pregnancy pathologies, in particular fetal freezing and abnormal formation.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages

How to recognize or detect a frozen pregnancy in the early stages is a very difficult question. Its complexity lies not only in symptoms, but also in psychological perception.

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Signs for pregnant women

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You can feel that the baby has died based on various symptoms, for example, discharge from the genital tract, elevated temperature, deterioration of health, and many other factors. Only these are just indirect signs of a frozen pregnancy, although they should alert the expectant mother and force her to contact her obstetrician for examination.

Now I will try to describe in detail the symptoms that can be used to identify a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester.

What measures are being taken?

If the diagnosis is confirmed and an arbitrary miscarriage does not occur, the woman undergoes an artificial termination of pregnancy with anti-inflammatory therapy. The method for removing a dead fetus will depend on the stage of pregnancy. In the first weeks, medical termination is possible using drugs that cause uterine contractions and voluntary miscarriage.

According to reviews from pregnant women with pathologies requiring induction of miscarriage, this is the most humane and painless way to clean the uterus for up to 8 weeks. Until 14-16 weeks - this is curettage or vacuum aspiration. The second and third trimesters are artificially induced labor.

Symptoms of frozen pregnancy in the first trimester

Signs, symptoms, observations and omens, all this is so subtle that sometimes a pregnant woman worries in vain, only making things worse for her child. Of course, you need to monitor your pregnancy carefully and attentively, eat right, it is advisable not to believe in superstitions for pregnant women, because they simply have not been proven in any way, but only cause worry and anxiety.

But when a woman feels unwell in the early stages of pregnancy, she begins to have discharge, then there is no time to accept grandmother’s advice; here it is urgent to call an ambulance.

And so, I propose to dwell on the discharge and find out what it is in this case.

Discharge during pregnancy: what should be normal?

As mentioned a little above, not all vaginal mucus is a symptom of pathological processes. Since from the moment of conception the hormone progesterone has the greatest influence on the functioning of the reproductive system, vaginal secretion begins to increase in women. During the normal course of pregnancy, this is a harmless mucous discharge that has neither color nor odor.

Over time they will become more liquid and transparent. Closer to the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, their color may become yellowish. This will be evidence that the body has begun to form a mucus plug. If the discharge of leucorrhoea does not cause you discomfort and is not accompanied by pain in the abdomen and ovaries, then you can quite calmly enjoy your interesting position.

Discharge from frozen pregnancy in the early stages

A dead embryo can be recognized by its genital secretions. Bloody discharge in pregnant women appears when the ovum is detached, but this case is not always associated with the death of the baby; there are other reasons for this.

But if the fetus is frozen, then the discharge occurs in several stages. The first couple of days the discharge is normal, or rather whitish in color. Then, when the embryo begins to gradually decompose, it affects the fertilized egg, and then, in turn, slowly begins to tear away from the wall of the uterus. At this moment, red streaks begin to appear in the whitish discharge, somewhat reminiscent of strawberry fibers.

After a couple of weeks, bleeding appears because the ovum is detached.

Dear women, at the first suspicious discharge, call an ambulance or seek hospitalization yourself. After all, in such moments, every second counts and perhaps your baby can still be saved.

Now I want to share my experience. When I suddenly started bleeding at work, and I was taken to the hospital covered in blood up to my toes, the doctor said that I definitely needed to clean it. Expectant mothers, I screamed so loudly in the hospital and said, I won’t give in until they give me an ultrasound, that I didn’t scream at them.

They told me that the ultrasound machine will work tomorrow, no one will do it for me today and, they say, if you want, lie down and suffer for the night. They gave me an injection and gave me IVs to prevent bleeding, after which I lay on the bed for almost a day and worried.

In the morning I had an ultrasound examination, and it turned out that the child was alive.

My advice is this: you don’t always have to completely trust the doctors, listen to your heart.

Thick and thin discharge during pregnancy

Liquid slime

  • During pregnancy, the level of the hormone that is responsible for fixing the embryo on the walls of the uterus increases greatly in the body of the expectant mother. Under the influence of progesterone, the body begins to produce very thick white-yellow mucus, which subsequently clogs the cervix
  • It is during this period that women begin to notice clots of colorless and odorless mucus on their underwear. If at the same time you do not feel any discomfort and pain in the back, abdomen and ovaries, then you can rest assured that everything is fine with your body. If the discharge develops an odor or begins to turn brown, be sure to see a doctor.
  • Closer to the second trimester, a woman's hormonal levels change again. This time her estrogen increases. This hormone makes vaginal secretion more fluid and abundant. Since this is a physiological norm, you should not worry

When does toxicosis begin in pregnant women after conception?

Nausea during a frozen pregnancy in the early stages can also give you some signals, the main thing is to know how it manifests itself. Toxicosis begins for everyone at different times and periods, and some expectant mothers are not familiar with it at all.

It so happened that nausea began to haunt you from the first days of pregnancy, then by its intensity you can determine that something is wrong with the fetus. In general, toxicosis appears after the fertilized egg moves into the uterus, which increases the concentration of the hCG hormone in the blood and also increases nausea. This is the history of this toxicosis in women.

In the first few days after the death of the baby, nausea may continue, but after the hCG begins to decrease, the nausea will disappear, and vomiting will turn into slight nausea. An abrupt cessation of toxicosis is also possible.

White curdled discharge during pregnancy and in the 2nd and 3rd trimester

Mucus caused by thrush

The main reason for the appearance of white cheesy discharge during pregnancy is simple thrush. Since the body of expectant mothers is usually very weakened during pregnancy, they develop candidiasis much more often than other representatives of the fair sex.

The most unpleasant thing is that due to the fact that pregnant women have very high hormonal levels and the environment in the vagina is changed, thrush is very difficult to treat. Moreover, in this case, the doctor cannot prescribe potent drugs.

Symptoms that indicate you are developing thrush:

  • Redness of the surface of the labia
  • Pronounced swelling
  • Severe burning and itching
  • Pain when urinating

Why pregnancy stalls in the early stages

It is already known how to identify, recognize and feel a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester; it remains to figure out why the fetus freezes in the early stages.

In fact, there are quite a few reasons why pregnancy falters; I advise you to familiarize yourself with the list.

  • ECO. If a child is artificially conceived, the risk of fading is very high
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Genetic disorders
  • The presence of male hormones in large quantities
  • Sexual and infectious diseases
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome
  • Wrong lifestyle and abuse of bad habits.

How to prevent ST?

A comprehensive examination before conception and treatment will help reduce the likelihood of developing pathology in the uterus after a frozen pregnancy. Inflammatory processes, infections - all this needs to be cured at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Diagnosis of the level of autoantibodies, determination and stabilization of the immune and hormonal status are mandatory. When planning to become a mother, a woman must accustom herself to the correct daily routine and nutrition, give up bad habits, and provide her body with multivitamins.

During pregnancy, a woman needs:

  • protect yourself from stress and anxiety;
  • take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • Healthy food;
  • maintain a sleep and drinking regime;
  • avoid physical fatigue and stress;
  • exclude treatment with medications contraindicated for pregnant women.

A blow to the stomach can provoke intrauterine death of a child, so it is important to follow road safety rules as a participant in road traffic and avoid dubious companies. To protect herself from infections that are dangerous to the health and life of the child in the womb, the expectant mother should avoid visiting public places. To avoid the consequences of pathology, carefully listen to the early symptoms of the body, signaling a possible risk of developing a problem, and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Consequences of frozen pregnancy in the early stages

Few people probably know what the dangers of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages are, but this is good, because I don’t want anyone to face such a disaster. As soon as you notice suspicious symptoms, act immediately, because your future life depends on your immediate reaction. There is no need to be afraid of anything.


  • Re-conception can be very difficult
  • Infertility
  • Diseases of the female chronic form
  • Psychological and emotional breakdown.


In some cases, negative consequences are possible after the drug procedure: uterine bleeding with pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, headaches, pressure changes, fever, allergies. In this case, the doctor prescribes medications to quickly restore the body.

The period of complete rehabilitation depends on the individual characteristics of the female body, during which she is able to recover from a stressful state and from hormonal shock.

Removal of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages

After reading the forums and reviews, you will most likely find some useful information for yourself, but just do not try to have an abortion yourself and provoke the release of a frozen embryo.

Removal of the embryo is carried out in several ways, including medication and vacuum.

I’ll start with the last option, I’m writing from the words of my roommate. The girl had three frozen pregnancies in a row and imagine her state when she again ended up in a hospital bed in order to maintain her pregnancy and finally become a mother.

During the vacuum process, the woman should prepare; a preliminary ultrasound is performed, after which a time is set. Before the procedure, a local anesthetic injection is given, after 30 minutes they are placed in a gynecological chair and a vacuum process is performed. The procedure is not pleasant, it feels like all the internal organs are being sucked out too.

My roommate told me that it is worth insisting not only on local anesthesia, which is done with an injection of Ketorol or another conventional painkiller, but also on the usual use of the drug Lidocaine, which is much more effective. And then I remember my hysteria, which I wrote about above, thanks to this I kept the pregnancy.

Sometimes you have to push and get your way.


Before any type of abortion, including medication, the doctor prescribes a number of tests:

  • Pelvic ultrasound, which helps determine the exact timing of pregnancy and the possibility of carrying out this procedure.
  • During a visual examination, the gynecologist identifies the presence or absence of pathologies of the reproductive system.
  • In addition, laboratory blood tests are also required to detect: HIV, hapatitis, syphilis, Rh factor and blood group, if this is not in the outpatient card.
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