What is the temperature during early pregnancy?

Body temperature during early pregnancy may be higher than normal.

In most cases, this condition in the first trimester is not a consequence of pathologies.

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the female body, which lead to a slowdown in heat transfer, resulting in an increase in overall body temperature. But women usually begin to panic, since infections at the initial stage of fetal development are very dangerous for the fetus. This behavior is not always justified.

It is necessary to know in which cases an increase in temperature is considered normal, and in which a pathology, in order to begin treatment in a timely manner or get rid of prejudices.

Temperature during pregnancy

The thermometer mark in a healthy woman can fluctuate between 36.6−37.7 degrees. The body reacts in this way to changes in hormonal levels. The rate increases in the second phase of the cycle during the production of the hormone progesterone, which manifests itself at the time of gestation and is responsible for the safety of the fertilized egg. Many women are interested in what temperature is considered normal in early pregnancy. Experts say that the norm is 37 degrees.

If a fever accompanies a low-grade fever, this could mean either a dangerous infection or a common cold.

Basal temperature

Basal temperature can tell a lot about the state of women's health. With its help you can:

  1. Determine pregnancy.

  2. The presence or absence of ovulation.
  3. Determine the most favorable days for conception.
  4. Assess the functioning of the ovaries.
  5. In the initial stages, monitor the development of pregnancy (12-14 weeks).

Basal temperature is measured in the following ways:

  1. Rectally (without getting out of bed immediately after waking up in the rectum).
  2. Oral.
  3. Vaginally.

The first phase of the cycle is considered to be the period from the first day of the menstrual cycle until the arrival of ovulation. Basal temperature should be between 36.2−36.8 degrees. But during the second phase it can be in the range of 37−37.5. The decrease in indicators begins 2 or 3 days before the start of menstruation. At this moment, the indicators may be 36.2−36.9. If there is no sharp drop in the indicator and it remains at around 37.5 degrees, then the woman will soon become a mother. The temperature will remain elevated during the first 4 months of gestation.

The hormone progesterone is needed so that the fertilized egg can attach to the uterine wall. When the level of this hormone increases, the body temperature also increases to approximately 37.3 degrees. It can be measured daily until the 16th week of pregnancy. The norm is considered conditional and should not exactly repeat the generally accepted schedule. A slight increase does not indicate the presence of pathology . In the early stages of gestation, the basal temperature may be as follows:

  1. In the third week - 37-37.7 degrees.
  2. On the fourth - 37.1−37.5.
  3. From the fifth to the eleventh the temperature is high, but it should not exceed 38 degrees. If this happens, contact a specialist immediately.
  4. In the twelfth week - 37-38 degrees.

Early promotion

An increase in body temperature in the early stages of pregnancy appears from the first week. This phenomenon in the first trimester is explained by the changes that occur in the female body. Heat transfer slows down, and the readings on the thermometer increase. Gynecologists recommend taking measurements twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. This is the only way to track the daily dynamics of changes. Body temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy rises to 37.2 degrees. And this can be considered the norm.

During the entire period of gestation, it can stay at around 37 degrees. And there is no need to knock it down.

In order to know the temperature of a pregnant woman in the first months, experts use three measurement methods:

  1. The temperature in the armpit should not be more than 37 degrees.
  2. Rectal readings should be within 37.5.
  3. Using an electronic thermometer, readings in the oral cavity are measured. The norm is considered to be 37.2.

If there are no deviations during pregnancy, then the thermometer mark is in the range of 37.1−37.5.

But a significant increase in temperature in the first months of pregnancy is considered unsafe. The main cause is inflammatory diseases, but it is also possible that there is a serious condition that requires emergency medical care. A body temperature of 38 degrees cannot be considered normal in the initial stages of pregnancy. In order not to harm yourself and your baby, call a doctor at home. All disorders that occur in the body during pregnancy affect the developing fetus.

Warm drink and healthy berries

With influenza and ARVI, the body needs a lot of fluid to recover. It is not recommended to drink boiling water, only warm drinks. You can drink tea or milk with honey, which contains a large amount of vitamins, micro-macroelements. Popularly known as a natural antibiotic.

Cranberries and fruit drinks made from them are also rich in beneficial properties. Contains up to 15 mg of vitamin C, and is actively used in the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system. Its price is quite high and does not grow everywhere in Russia.

Cranberry juice - a folk remedy to combat ARVI

Black currant has similar properties. It contains 200 mcg of vitamin C per 100 g of product, and is also rich in potassium 350 mcg and iron 130 mcg.

Linden flower tea is another representative of the natural doctor. Linden blossom contains ascorbic acid, flavonoids, phytoncides, essential oils and tannins. It is a natural antioxidant and has antiseptic properties, making it one of the best remedies for sore throat and diseases of the genitourinary system.

Ginger horse compote is an alternative to linden tea. Tea with ginger is suitable for the prevention of colds, but it is contraindicated at high temperatures. In addition, consuming ginger will help relieve fatigue and symptoms of toxicosis without causing harm to the developing body.

Raspberry, known since childhood. You can use the berries raw or frozen, or prepare compotes. If there are no berries during the period of illness, prepare a decoction of the leaves.

But viburnum should be used with caution. Despite the ability to reduce temperature, high blood pressure, the presence of large amounts of iron, which is so necessary during pregnancy, can only be consumed on the advice of a gynecologist. The fact is that it increases the contractile activity of the uterus. Which can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Why does the thermometer increase?

High indicators indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, ARVI and other diseases. The rise in the thermometer can reach 38.5 degrees. Along with this, symptoms such as pain in the sacrum, rash, swollen lymph nodes and others may be present.

In addition to fever, other cold symptoms may be observed with ARVI: headaches, runny nose and cough. In the initial stages, ARVI can lead to tracheitis, pneumonia, and otitis.

Hyperthermia in pregnant women with intestinal diseases is accompanied by stool disorders and symptoms of fever. But with diseases of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis), painful urination, general intoxication in the body, nagging pain in the lower back, and chills may be observed.

A skin rash in the first months of pregnancy indicates that measles, smallpox or rubella are present. Also, elevated numbers on the thermometer may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

Ectopic, frozen pregnancy

In addition to colds and inflammatory processes, the cause of elevated temperature is ectopic pregnancy.

The fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the fallopian tube, the cervix and begins to develop. These organs are not adapted to stretching, but the fertilized egg develops and increases in size, which leads to rupture of the fallopian tube. This phenomenon leads to bleeding, which poses a threat to the health and life of the woman. Usually the embryo dies earlier. The place where it is attached also begins to bleed. It does not stop on its own, and in the absence of proper medical care it can be fatal.

It is almost impossible to distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from a normal one. Particular attention should be paid to women who have pain in the lower abdomen or brown discharge. Due to the stretching of the fallopian tube, inflammation develops in the body. If you are sure that you are pregnant, then an increase in temperature is a reason to perform an ultrasound and consult a doctor.

Basal temperature chart for possible pregnancy

A decrease in basal temperature may indicate a frozen pregnancy. This pathology is characterized by the cessation of toxicosis, a drop in hCG levels and other symptoms of pregnancy.

Detection of a frozen pregnancy is necessary. A frozen embryo is not always rejected by the uterus; there are often cases when it is necessary to seek the help of doctors.


An increase in temperature is a protective function of the body. But if at the initial stage the numbers are greatly inflated, this can lead to serious complications. The first trimester is the period of formation of the baby’s organs, the formation of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. If you contact a specialist in time, you will be able to determine the cause and begin the correct treatment.

Reduced temperature

During early pregnancy, a reading of less than 36 degrees is considered low. This condition can be triggered by easily removable situations (stress, strain, overwork, insufficient nutrition of the mother) or various pathologies. If a woman’s nutrition is adequate, but her blood sugar level and thermometer reading are low, this indicates the development of diabetes mellitus.

The reasons for a low reading on a thermometer may be:

  1. Chronic diseases.
  2. Frozen pregnancy.
  3. Low hemoglobin.
  4. Past viral infections.
  5. Decreased immunity.

Why is high fever dangerous in pregnant women?

You should immediately consult a doctor if your temperature rises above 38 degrees during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. This poses a threat to the normal intrauterine development of the baby. The following pathologies may appear:

  1. Malformations of parts of the fetal body.
  2. Protein synthesis is disrupted, which reduces blood supply to the placenta. This phenomenon is fraught with a lag in the development of the baby’s brain activity.
  3. Intoxication of the expectant mother’s body can cause disruption of the child’s cardiovascular system.
  4. Severe toxicosis develops.
  5. The tone of the uterus increases.

If the mother’s temperature remains high for a long time, this can cause a miscarriage or a stop in the development of the fertilized egg, that is, a frozen pregnancy. Also, termination of pregnancy is facilitated by increased contractions of the uterus against the background of high temperature, the appearance of blood clots clogging the vessels of the placenta, or early abruption of the placenta.


Elevated body temperature can be cured using traditional medicine or medications.


You should be concerned about high temperatures if the temperature is above 38 degrees. If, along with this, there are other negatively affecting symptoms, then it is necessary to begin therapy immediately.

In this situation, medication should be taken. But they should only be prescribed by a specialist after examining the patient. You should not self-medicate, as many drugs have a negative effect on the health of the fetus.

Rules for prescribing medications in the first months of pregnancy:

  1. Antipyretics are prescribed only if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees.
  2. Experts often prescribe the simultaneous use of several drugs. Among them, antibiotics are also possible.
  3. A complex of drugs and vitamins may be prescribed that increase the protective function of the immune system.
  4. In severe cases, under the supervision of a doctor, it is possible to take medications that are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Medicines containing paracetamol are considered the safest and most effective in the early stages. But you should not take it more than 4 times a day. And all due to the fact that with long-term use it has a bad effect on the liver. It is also possible to take antipyretic homeopathic medications. These include “Viburkol”. It has a plant base and is administered rectally. You cannot prescribe the dosage yourself. This is only permitted by your specialist.

Indomethacin, aspirin, ibuprofen - these substances can have a negative effect on the condition of the fetus, and they also have many side effects.

Folk remedies that reduce fever

A safe folk remedy is wiping with vodka or vinegar solutions.

A tablespoon of 9% vinegar is diluted in 500 ml of water, its temperature should be 36 degrees. Rub the solution on the limbs, not missing the folds. You can put a dampened towel on your head. While wiping, do not wet the wounds. The solution is not used for cold extremities. After the procedure, you can wrap yourself in a sheet and drink warm tea. If the temperature increases, you can repeat the procedure again.

The vodka solution is prepared 1:1, with a dilution of pure alcohol 1:4.

Cold prevention

During pregnancy, a woman often experiences a runny nose, malaise and other manifestations of acute respiratory infections. And in such a situation there is nothing surprising. After all, her immunity is weakened. In order to avoid infection and complications, you must follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. You need to be careful and try not to contact sick people.
  2. There is no need to visit places where many people gather: city public transport, theatre, cinema, public institutions, where there is a high risk of contracting an infection.
  3. There is no need to neglect well-known and simple preventive measures.
  4. Ventilate the rooms in the house and carry out wet cleaning regularly.
  5. Spend more time in the fresh air, practice good hygiene and take more vitamins. This will bring results. Fresh air will help improve your mood.
  6. Rinse your throat and nose, wash your hands often.

It is important to remember that it is better to try to avoid diseases for 9 months than to deal with their consequences later.

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