On what day after menstruation can you get pregnant 89

Is it possible to have sex during your period?

Having sex during menstruation was considered reprehensible in ancient times. This was due to two factors:

  • the futility of sexual intercourse from the point of view of the birth of a new life;
  • a decrease in the attractiveness of a woman as an object of sexual desire due to bloody discharge and a specific odor.

People who are sexually active tend to avoid sexual intercourse during menstruation for these reasons. Some people see menstruation as a favorable period for satisfying their instinct. There are no visible benefits of intimate relations due to heavy bleeding for either the woman or the man.

The most unpleasant consequence of sexual intercourse during bleeding is the likelihood of infection for both partners. A woman has a damaged protective barrier inside the uterine cavity due to endometrial detachment and capillary bleeding. In a man, the likelihood of infection of the urethral canal with microorganisms that develop in the vagina during this period increases.

It is believed that during menstruation a woman cannot become pregnant. In most cases, this is true if there are no disruptions in the monthly cycle. In women with a minimal cycle length (19–21 days), sperm that penetrates the fallopian tubes during intercourse during menstruation can remain viable until the next ovulation.

If the period of intimacy coincides with menstruation, both partners need to make certain efforts to maintain hygiene:

  • wash the external genitalia with soap or intimate hygiene product;
  • use a condom;
  • immediately after sexual intercourse, take a shower and wash off the bloody discharge (for both men and women);
  • if sexual intercourse was without a condom, after a shower it is recommended to rinse the vaginal cavity and urethra by injecting a solution of Chlorhexidine.

When is it advisable to use the calendar method of birth control?

It is worth saying that even in the absence of the signs listed above, avoiding pregnancy by calculating “safe days” is a rather unreliable method. It should be used only when it is the only possible one:

  • For nursing mothers. They are not recommended to take regular oral contraceptives because of the hormones they contain. Birth control pills designed specifically for breastfeeding women are not 100% guaranteed. Lactation also does not protect against a new pregnancy; many women already have their periods during this period. And the combination of frequent breastfeeding and calculation of “dangerous” and “safe” days can give the desired effect;
  • For women who are prohibited from taking contraceptive medications and have contraindications to the use of other methods of contraception due to their health condition. We are talking about the impossibility of using an intrauterine device, caps, latex intolerance.

Sex every day: chance of getting pregnant

If a couple has unprotected sex every day, the answer is obvious - you can get pregnant at any time. This happens for the reason that due to the constant presence of sperm in the female body, the egg is necessarily fertilized.

Sometimes ovulation occurs spontaneously, which means another egg is produced. With regular unprotected sexual activity, there is a risk of conceiving this particular egg.

There is another side to this process. In a man who ejaculates every day, the quality of his sperm deteriorates. And as you know, for fertilization you need the best and only sperm that can repel other sperm and penetrate the protective shell of the egg.

If sex is protected or the couple uses interrupted intercourse, then in this case there is a 2% risk of pregnancy in the first case and a 50% risk in the second. The calendar method is 25% effective.

How to determine “safe” days

You should know that the calculation can be very approximate, and it is quite difficult to find out exactly what day after your period you can get pregnant. Taking into account the process of birth and maturation of the egg, its entry into the uterus, with a 28-30-day cycle, ovulation will occur on days 14-16. This does not mean that it is impossible to get pregnant during this entire period. The endometrial layer is already growing in the uterus, becoming looser for better anchorage of the embryo.

An important and sometimes decisive factor is the extraordinary vitality of sperm. They can maintain their capacity for several days, sometimes more than a week. If there are a lot of such active sperm in the seminal fluid, the likelihood of conception increases many times over. This means that with unprotected sex on days 6 or 7 of a 30-day menstrual cycle, fertilization is possible.

If a woman’s menstruation comes every 21-25 days, how quickly you can get pregnant after your period can easily be determined using the same parameters: 1-3 days after their end. It is during this period of time under these circumstances that ovulation will occur, and therefore conception is likely.

But this is not enough to be sure that pregnancy will not happen. A woman’s lifestyle and concomitant diseases can also play a role in the process and timing of ovulation. For example, problems with the thyroid gland cause changes in hormonal levels, which have an impact on reproductive function. Experienced women, when deciding how many days after menstruation they can go without protection, take into account, first of all, the nature of their menstrual discharge. But not only them. Those who rely on the calendar method of birth control also have to measure their basal temperature and regularly take pregnancy tests, since this method of avoiding conception cannot be called reliable.

An example of a table for constructing a personal basal temperature chart

Some physiological aspects of the cycle

Monthly bleeding is a physiological process that is nothing more than a failed pregnancy. A girl is born with a certain set of eggs, the maturation and release of each of them determines the woman’s menstrual cycle during the reproductive period. With the end of the cycle and the onset of menopause, a woman loses the chance to conceive and bear a child.

So, the egg leaves the ovary and prepares for fertilization. If it does not occur, then under the influence of hormones, rejection of the mucous membrane of the uterine walls begins. With expiration, not only a layer of mucous cells leaves the uterine cavity, but also an unfertilized egg. Menstrual bleeding differs from vascular bleeding - the blood is darker and does not clot, which is due to the presence of a fair number of hormones and enzymes in it.

The menstrual cycle provides a number of active substances produced by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries. The hypothalamus, as the supreme commander, starts or slows down their production, ensuring the necessary balance. The hormonal system works very delicately, for example, thyroid dysfunction can cause menstrual irregularities and cause unexpected pregnancy during menstruation.

Hormone levels are directly related to the onset of menstruation. During this phase, the pituitary gland actively produces follicle-stimulating and luteinizing active substances. These, in turn, force the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for preparing the uterus and mammary glands for pregnancy.

The entire menstrual cycle is divided into 3 stages:

  1. 1. Folliculogenesis. On the first day of menstruation, the process of desquamation of the endometrium of the uterus and the release of the main follicle begins. The uterine mucosa swells due to the filling of the vessels with blood and nutrients for the future embryo. The level of estrogen and progesterone drops to minimal concentrations, giving way to follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH, which stimulates the rejection of the uterine lining. Over the next 2 weeks, estrogen levels rise and the endometrial layer grows again. During the follicular stage, one of the ovarian follicles greatly increases in size, and then, under the influence of luteal hormones, comes out.
  2. 2. Ovulation. Luteinizing hormone (LH) promotes the maturation of the egg. The entire ovulation period lasts just over two days. It is at this stage, when LH reaches its maximum, that fertilization most likely occurs if the sperm approaches the egg.
  3. 3. Luteal phase. Lasts 13-14 days after the egg leaves the follicle. In its place, a corpus luteum forms, which secretes progesterone. It determines the active increase in the endometrial layer and the accumulation of nutrients for the possible introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. The ducts in the mammary glands expand, their sensitivity increases, even painful sensations. Before the onset of menstruation, the level of hormones drops, the body, as it were, conserves resources until the next possible conception.

It is in the absence of menstruation that a woman begins to guess about the onset of pregnancy. At this time, the body produces human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which prevents the endometrium from being rejected - leakage does not begin.

So, physiologically it is impossible to get pregnant during menstruation. But our body is controlled by such a fine system of settings that at the slightest failure any surprise can occur.

How to get pregnant quickly

Increasingly, for many, the question arises not about contraception, but how to get pregnant after menstruation. The problem of female infertility is relevant everywhere. Even with good health of both partners and full sex during ovulation, the expected pregnancy occurs in only a third of cases, according to medical statistics. A woman can bring the desired moment closer by taking the following steps:

  • Be examined by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Perhaps the problem is hormonal, so despite more or less regular periods, conception does not occur;
  • Check the functioning of the reproductive apparatus for the presence of infections. A common cause of infertility is, for example, adhesions in the fallopian tube caused by sexually transmitted diseases, which the patient has no idea about;
  • Forget the taste of tobacco and alcohol. This should be done not only by the woman, but also by her partner;
  • Establish normal nutrition. Diets that many women indulge in can reduce not only their figure, but also their ability to conceive. Menstruation can be irregular, which makes it impossible to calculate the moment of fertility. Exhausted by restrictions, the body is unable to take care of the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after the end of your period relates rather to the problem of contraception. A gynecologist can easily calculate that for a woman with regular menstruation in a 28-day cycle, starting from 6 to 21 days, the possibility of conception is reduced to 10%, and before and after these numbers it is no more than 6%. But those who do not want pregnancy to become an unpleasant surprise should choose, together with a specialist, a more reliable way to protect themselves. The most stable cycle can break down without warning. After all, the female body is a thousand little things.

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Is it possible to cum during menstruation - the consequences of unprotected intercourse

Modern medicine insists that there are no safe days in the cycle. Is it possible to ejaculate in the vagina during menstruation? To a girl? Does the doctor's statement mean that unprotected intercourse during menstruation will lead to pregnancy? Why were women of the previous generation confident that this could be done during menstrual periods?

How does the female body work?

Since ancient times, women have known about the “dangerous” and “safe” days of the monthly cycle. Ladies continue to use this natural method of contraception today. However, not everyone succeeds.

The result of incorrect calculations and assumptions is unplanned pregnancy, and as a result, numerous abortions.

The standard pattern of the menstrual cycle in women of reproductive age looks like this:

  • The first day of menstruation means the end of the previous cycle and the beginning of the next. A new egg begins to be born in the body. On the hormonal background, estrogen predominates.
  • The development of the egg occurs within 11–14 days. The stage ends with the release of the egg from the follicle. This period is called “ovulation”. It lasts approximately 24 hours. Only under such conditions is fertilization possible. A woman can become pregnant in the middle of her cycle, only within 1–2 days. Ovulation occurs on days 12–16 of the menstrual cycle. Depending on its duration.
  • After ovulation, the second phase of the monthly cycle begins, which lasts until the onset of menstruation. Significant changes occur in a woman’s body. A woman cannot become pregnant after ovulation.

At first glance, everything is simple to calculate. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, it is enough to calculate the day of ovulation in the middle of the cycle. And it’s certainly possible to cum during your period. Surprisingly, this is not the case!

Dangerous and safe days of the menstrual cycle

To determine when you can cum, you should take into account not only the characteristics of the female body, but also the male one. Each man's sperm differs in activity and viability. On average, after entering a woman’s genitals, they live for 3 days.

However, strong sperm are able to maintain their ability to fertilize for 7 days. This means that, being in the woman’s genitals before ovulation, they are guaranteed to fertilize the egg after it leaves the follicle. There are several ways to calculate favorable days for fertilization.

Here the question arises, what if ovulation occurs on day 10 for some reason? It turns out that you can also get pregnant on your menstrual days. And you can’t cum during menstruation.

Is it possible to cum during menstruation with a stable cycle?

The female body is the most mysterious structure. It is impossible to calculate with accuracy what will happen when. One can only guess. If the monthly cycle is stable, it can be assumed that ovulation occurs in the middle.

Then, during menstruation, a new egg is just being born. Pregnancy cannot exist by definition. Doctors came to this conclusion in the past and adhere to this opinion today. At the same time, non-standard situations are not excluded.

During the month, the female body is influenced by various internal and external factors that can change hormonal levels. Then ovulation occurs a few days earlier, later, or absent altogether. Based on this situation, ovulation can occur on any day of the cycle.

Cumming during menstruation is also dangerous for those who do not want to get pregnant.

Is it possible to ejaculate during menstruation if you have an irregular cycle?

A deviation of 10 days in the cycle in one direction or the other is considered normal. Ovulation should occur 12–16 days from the start of a new cycle. However, if the balance of hormones is disturbed, the date of release of the egg from the follicle is difficult to calculate. The facts are known.

When in one cycle two eggs developed fully at once. The second ovulation occurred precisely on critical days, which is the most favorable time for conception.

Thus, climaxing during menstruation is only possible if the woman is absolutely sure that ovulation in the previous cycle has completed.


Whether to cum during menstruation or not is an individual decision. Modern doctors have made it clear that there are no safe days in the cycle.

Women of the last century had them, when women had much less responsibilities and nervous worries, they moved more, ate high-quality food, and did not breathe polluted air.

The menstrual cycle of a modern woman is a real mystery for herself and doctors. You can get pregnant even during your period!

Is it possible to cum inside a girl after her period?

Let me start with the fact that this pregnancy was different from the first: I felt sick from the 6th week until the 16th, then heartburn, well, I won’t say anything about my general condition - I looked like a sloth who wants to constantly sleep and eat and not be touched by anyone and it is advisable for everyone to run around on tiptoe! I fell asleep at work, suffered from nausea, and my ability to work was reduced to 0, for some reason I didn’t want to “tear up,” “do everything,” “be the best,” etc., I really didn’t care at all! Hormones were playing, from time to time I did not let my husband get bored with my tears and snot... at first he immediately ran to calm me down, felt sorry for me, but when this began to happen often, he chose a wait-and-see attitude, and after crying, I myself asked for forgiveness for the fact that, as usual, I made a molehill out of a molehill. Well, in general, the pregnancy went well, all the tests were normal, the only thing that upset me was my son’s weight. I gave birth to a daughter of 3950, it was difficult, I really wanted a “usual” average weight, but it wasn’t fate... Although my weight at birth and my husband’s weight were just average, it’s not clear who the children are.

And then came my PDR on 07/08/2014 - I felt like a swollen and swollen hippopotamus, who had nowhere to grow, and who was no longer happy to look in the mirror, I was often asked (which constantly infuriated me) - do you have one person living there or two? I found out that the baby’s weight would be above normal at the 32nd week, then the uzist wrote in the conclusion that we were ahead in height, weight and other measurements by 2 weeks. At first I thought, maybe we’ll be born earlier? I really didn’t want to go until the 42nd week like with my daughter.

By the way, the PDR passed and we were never born. The training harbingers simply tormented me; I couldn’t sleep for half the night and walked around the apartment like a ghost. Then the 41st week came, and waking up on the morning of Monday 07/14/14 (oh, what a date!) I commanded my husband: let’s go, let them see how it’s going and maybe I’ll give birth faster. We arrived, went into the waiting room, a nice girl doctor looked at me, politely explained everything that I was only half a finger dilated, that nothing was ready yet, she sent me for an ultrasound (I immediately didn’t like this guy who was an ultrasound specialist, he was completely taciturn and gloomy, he didn’t say too much you can pull it out), in conclusion he wrote a weight of 4200, everything is normal, the girl doctor explained that because... I’m already 41 weeks, I have to go to their pathology, they will prepare my cervix. Even though I had the packages with me, I didn’t want to lie down and wait, I decided that if I didn’t give birth earlier, I would come on Wednesday or Thursday.

On Wednesday I didn’t make up my mind, but on Thursday morning, July 17, 2014, my husband and I went to the emergency room again. Then they began to process me, the whole process went quickly and effortlessly, again, nice people, no stress. We did not agree with the doctor, I was convinced by “knowledgeable people” that in this maternity hospital (prenatal center) all teams consist of specialists, whoever does not work for them, so you can completely rely on the team on duty.

They assigned me to the 4th floor, they said that there were no places yet, the maternity hospital was full, because... There are 3 maternity hospitals in Kyiv at the car wash, and everyone is brought here. But they promised that the ward would be there by lunchtime, they sat me with my bags on the sofa and told me to wait. I sent my husband to work, promising to call him a little, and slowly began to look around. Here (on the sofas) there were already two girls in labor, who had not yet been sent to the delivery rooms (as it later turned out, the discovery was small and they were working up the contractions). They oohed and aahed, one of them ended up there, I looked at them and felt sick, so my stomach began to swell.

Well, finally the nurse came and said that there was room for me and took me to the ward. There I met a girl whose water broke at 35 weeks, we got to talking and chatted almost until night about this and that. She was worried that her water had broken early and there were no contractions, and I was worried that I still wouldn’t give birth at my due date, well, everyone has their own sore subject... A girl from the next ward came to meet us and said, looking at me: “No one has been in this bed for a long time.” won’t be delayed, so keep that in mind,” I say, “thank you, I hope so.” And how she looked into the water...

On the same day, in the maternity hospital, they assigned me a doctor-intern (such a young boy), I was really afraid that he wouldn’t deliver me, but it was clear that he was a nerd and, in his part, kind of knew his business. He looked at me (I was a little shy, after all, the boy is 23-25 ​​years old, and I’m already over 30), said I was 1 finger dilated and sent me for an ultrasound. There was another guy here who was even more serious than the previous one and gave us a weight of 4500 +-300 grams. (and it turned out to be right!), then they sent me for a CTG (while I was sitting there on a fashionable chair, I began to feel my stomach pulling again), then the same intern questioned me while filling out the pregnancy history, in short, they wrapped me up and released me into the ward. In the evening, my husband arrived, we walked around the city a little, ate our favorite ice cream, chatted, and I went to the maternity hospital, and he went home to his mother-in-law and daughter.

It was very hot to sleep at night + mosquitoes, my neighbor and I could not share ownership of the window, I opened it (because of the heat) and she closed it (because of mosquitoes). And at about 3 o’clock in the morning I was lying asleep, I felt something flowing out of me, it seemed like my period was squelching, I went to the toilet, I saw blood and water, my pads were all wet, I took out my postpartum pads, new pads, washed myself and lay down again . I started to slowly stretch my stomach and even grab it, I think I’ll go and ask them to look at me again, what if labor starts? I went into the resident’s room, woke up the sleepy nurse, and we went to the maternity room. There was a man there again - a young, handsome doctor; I had to put aside my embarrassment and climb onto the chair. He looked at me, said that this was cervical discharge, this was the norm and not necessarily the beginning of labor, there was still no opening, he said to go to bed.

Frustrated, I went to bed, lay down, but the contractions did not let up, I began to grab stronger and stronger, in breaks of 7-8 minutes. I even managed to sleep, I was hot, I got up and stood near the open window, leaning out completely and looking at the inscriptions on the asphalt, curbs with thanks from happy dads to mothers who had just given birth. There were almost no thoughts, I understood that this was IT, and not some kind of training. It’s true that they say that you can’t confuse real contractions with anything, they just keep coming and going, during each contraction I breathed and used my hands from behind to massage my back (it was really easier). I didn’t let my neighbor sleep that night, I constantly ran to the toilet (I was flushed 4-5 times), plus I felt nauseous, I thought I was going to vomit, but it didn’t work out + the water kept leaking along with the bleeding.

At 7 o'clock in the morning I sent an SMS to my husband that we were giving birth and that he should not go to work, but come straight to me. At 8 he was already with me, he came into the room and immediately began to rush about: maybe you need some water, or maybe let me massage you, or maybe... My eyes were already cloudy, contractions were every 5-4 minutes and were not childish. Again I went to the nurse to take me to the maternity room, I say the contractions were private, but she was so busy, rushing around the department, she had a lot of things to do, and there was also a shift change, in short, at about 8.30 I got what I wanted from her. We went down to the same nice doctor, he looked at me, said the dilation was 6 cm, let's go give birth! (I also thought about giving birth to him, he was so neat and courteous, but unfortunately at 9 they had a shift change and my handsome doctor swapped for another). I also asked him - in my last birth the bubble did not burst on its own, because... it was flat, they punched it, maybe it’s necessary now? he replied that I am now in ideal labor and there is no need to interfere yet, everything is going as it should be!

Inspired by the ideal birth, my husband and I went to the delivery room and away we go... In our room there was everything (a ball, a chair, a rug, a transformable bed, a changing table with a lamp), except for a wall bars, so I was hanging mainly on my husband. A doctor came to meet us (again a man, but somehow my heart didn’t immediately go to him, I don’t even know why, that’s all) and a midwife (very nice). They looked at me and said everything was going well, let’s continue walking and left. My husband was constantly with me, my beloved, he understood my condition so well, massaged my back in time, gave me something to drink after a contraction, wiped me constantly with a wet towel, which also made me feel better, because in the intervals between contractions it seemed like I was switching off. Without him, I would have panicked, but he didn’t let me, he supported me, asked me to be patient, asked me to think about the baby.

At 10, our doctor came and looked at me and said that he would be back in half an hour and they would pierce the bladder, that it was time! I was happy, but as it turned out, I was too early to rejoice. They laid me on this fucking bed, and then the doctor saw my transverse suture...

a little background: 6 years ago I wanted to get a Mirena IUD (I was six months old at the time and I was terribly afraid of getting pregnant again - Stupid!), the doctor placed it unsuccessfully, as a result, I pierced my uterus, they cut me and stitched me up (there was no scar on the uterus as such) , the hole was very small, but the suture on the stomach looked like after a caesarean section). I won’t tell you how difficult it was psychologically for me to go through all this, how I blamed myself, then the doctor, then my husband and everyone else, but it passed, healed, and then I even managed to maintain breastfeeding and thank God!

I explained that it was as best I could, because... The contractions were already strong and I was simply not able to speak clearly during the contraction. He punctured the bladder, and at this stage this manipulation was no longer painful for me at all. The water was clean, which made me happy (term 41+3), the doctor left and then returned with the manager (my savior, to whom I will be grateful all my life!). They looked at me again, shook their heads about the large fetus, asked about the scar, and more doctors came in - the chief doctor and some other professor, each of them looked at me, climbing up to their elbows during contractions, and I just rushed around the bed and at the same time tried keep yourself in control and behave adequately - while breathing. The general consultation raised the issue of a caesarean section, but they still decided to give her the opportunity to give birth herself, despite the scar and large fetus.

And I was getting worse and worse and I was already starting to think about a caesarean section... I started to feel a blizzard - first to my husband, who begged me to be patient a little longer and everything would be over, then I pestered the doctor, asked him, but he also waved his head and said you’ll give birth on your own. At 12 o'clock we had a full opening, but the baby did not descend, I was not allowed to get out of bed and was told to lie on my side (this would make the head easier to enter the birth canal). It was HELL - lying on the bed in contractions, my husband continued to massage my back harder and harder, brought me water, wiped me with cold so that I wouldn’t pass out. I was already in despair, the contractions were tormenting me so much, and I began to push, put pressure in the butt, but the doctor did not allow me to push, and then I began to think about the baby, that he was even worse there, that I could harm him with my panic... I felt better and gave new strength. The doctor came in again and said that he would administer oxytocin so that the uterus would begin to push the baby out (the head dropped very slowly). Because of the oxycin, the contractions became incessant, and I began to go crazy, I cried and asked for a caesarean section... The manager came in, told me to get out of bed and allowed me to push, we tried standing, then they brought a chair - very uncomfortable, I dismissed it right away, and ended up pushing to hold it with both hands on the bed in half squats. Little by little I began to lower myself (why wasn’t I immediately allowed to be in an upright position? It seems to me that everything would have been faster...)

Then they moved me to the bed, a bunch of people came running, a pediatrician, a midwife, my doctor, the head, + the head doctor and a professor, and off we went, I was pushing, the doctor and the head held my legs, my husband tilted his head, the midwife was doing something chemical with the perineum, the doctor was still pressing on the stomach, as a result, with the fourth push, the head appeared, I was told to breathe and not to push, it felt like I was going to burst there, everything was so tense and here it was, relief - my baby - all blue, in lubricant, his They took him away and cleaned him up, I said why isn’t he screaming, they answer me: he’s breathing, don’t worry. By the way, he didn’t scream, he just snorted into two holes and that’s it. At this time the placenta was born by itself, I didn’t look there during the contraction, my husband says it looks like a liver...

All the doctor-professors waited while they weighed and measured the baby, everyone was wondering what the weight was. So, on July 18, 2014, at 3:50 p.m., our baby was born, weighing 4860 and 56 cm tall.

They put my treasure on my stomach, and I felt as if my stomach (from the bottom to the chest) was being torn into small pieces, I said - it hurts, my stomach hurts a lot!

I couldn’t think about the child then, there was no joy or relief, it hurt so much. Please take it away, it hurts me! The doctor was checking me at this time and began to sew, I shouted, give me painkillers, and he - I gave it ice-caine, I say it’s in the wrong place, my stomach hurts, in short, while he was sewing, I was writhing in pain that I had never experienced before. This sewing didn’t hurt me, but my stomach hurt like hell. To my question - why does my stomach hurt so much, he says - the uterus is contracting, that’s why it hurts. He stitched it up and left, and then the manager came in and asked how you were - I said sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouproro are are you you” I don’t know how she understood, but she would scream - Ultrasound here, prepare the operating room, I remember that taciturn guy-Uzist came, they were there quickly looking at something, deciding something, then they brought a gurney, put me on it and took me to the operating room, I was all the way I asked them for pain relief, which I couldn’t stand, and here’s the mask, the long-awaited anesthesia, and I’m passed out...

I woke up delirious, after the operation I kept asking - what’s wrong with me? when I moved away a little, they explained to me that the vessels of the uterus could not stand it, they began to burst, which caused severe bleeding. Girls, my sister had the same thing with her second child - a boy, he was born on 4500, she was also barely saved.

The manager performed the operation on me and said that the uterus was saved and everything was fine. To my question - can I still give birth? She looked at me like she was crazy and asked - the same one? and then she smiled and said - only cesarean and in 3 years.

Girls, if it weren’t for her, I’m afraid to even imagine what would have happened to me... I quickly pulled myself together, the condition of the child was more important to me, not myself, my scars would heal (I now have a cross on my belly from two scars), The main thing is that everything is fine with the baby!

And although my husband and I did not immediately feel the happiness of birth because of all this turmoil, now we seize every minute enjoying our long-awaited joy, our son, who, as I dreamed, is very similar to my husband! By the way, we planned that my husband would only be present during the contractions, but would come out during the process itself, in the end he saw EVERYTHING and even what I didn’t see, he told me later)) After giving birth, I lay in intensive care for another 4 days with the baby, and then we They transferred me to the postpartum ward, where I could stay with my dad and spend the night. During all this time, we have become very close and even closer to each other, I am glad that in both sorrow and joy, my husband behaved worthy of a man and a loved one! Thank you, Lord, for your husband, for your daughter, for your son)))

When can you get pregnant during your period?

There is a popular opinion that if you use the calendar method of contraception, then on some days the risk of conceiving a baby will be, and on others, including during menstruation, it will be practically reduced to zero. Women who use this method and have not seriously understood whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation are very likely to see two lines on a pregnancy test in the near future. Such representatives of the fair sex need to remember that each body is individual and often reacts unpredictably to stressful, even positive situations.

The result of changes in a girl’s usual lifestyle (for example, a planned trip, emergency work at work, mild illness, etc.) often results in changes in the menstrual period, and the spontaneous release of the egg occurs. At the same time, the woman does not notice any signs or symptoms, and no one constantly tests for ovulation. Under such circumstances, if recently, even during menstruation, there was sexual intercourse without contraception, and the egg came out of the follicle earlier, then by the end of this cycle the woman may notice the absence of menstruation.

A similar situation will arise if a girl’s menstrual bleeding is delayed for some reason. In this case, it is easy to make a mistake with the expected date of ovulation and conceive while being sexually active during the period of bleeding that is considered safe. Some women, answering the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation, believe that if you have sex in the last days, fertilization is possible, but in the first days there is really no such probability. This opinion is also erroneous, because it is impossible to know exactly the date of the next ovulation.

Especially often, sexual intercourse in the last days of bleeding leads to unwanted pregnancy, if the girl has a short (up to 21 days) or irregular cycle, or when menstruation is long - more than 5 days. Take a closer look at how the likelihood of conception depends on the regularity of your cycle in order to plan your personal sex life as accurately as possible.

Chance of getting pregnant during menstruation with a regular cycle

If a woman bleeds regularly, after regular intervals, she can calculate the expected days of ovulation so that at the time of greatest risk (at least a week before the planned release of the egg) she can begin to use reliable methods of contraception. So, if the menstrual period is 28 days, then it is believed that the egg matures on the 14th day of the cycle (possible deviation is 1-2 days). The likelihood of pregnancy due to sex during menstruation in such a situation is minimal. The shorter the time between cycles, the more the risk increases.

For these reasons, even if your periods are regular, it is possible to conceive a baby on such days, because no woman can accurately predict what the next weeks of life will be like after her last menstruation and how they can affect her body. If for some reason in one month ovulation occurs with a deviation from the usual line (even though there was no delay in menstrual days before), there is every reason to count on a positive pregnancy test.

The likelihood of getting pregnant during menstruation with an irregular cycle

If the peculiarity of a particular organism is that a woman does not have a clear periodicity between menstruation, she should not count on the first, third, or any other day of bleeding as protection from conception. You need to know that with an irregular cycle, ovulation always occurs at different times, and it is impossible to calculate when there are possible safe periods for unprotected sex. In this case, the woman should visit a doctor and at the appointment choose a method of contraception that will suit her lifestyle.

It will also be useful to know whether a woman can become pregnant during her period if she is breastfeeding. During this period, menstruation often appears irregular. In the absence of an established cycle, when a young mother does not know exactly when to expect the next critical days, she cannot only count on the fact that during sex during menstrual bleeding she will “carry away” and pregnancy will not occur.

When is it possible to conceive after menstruation?

Pregnancy after menstruation is quite real in some cases. Many women, not knowing the characteristics of their body or not attaching importance to them, found themselves expecting their future children during this particular period of time. This is possible under the following circumstances:

  • Irregularity of menstruation. This is typical for young girls who have recently started menstrual bleeding. In such cases, the cycle, and therefore the time of ovulation, may remain “floating” for a couple of years. It is simply unrealistic to calculate the days of egg maturation. Perhaps this is why there are so many teenage mothers in the world who mistakenly relied on the calendar method of birth control;
  • Short menstrual cycle. If it is only 21 days or less, the egg matures very quickly and becomes ready for union with the sperm immediately after menstruation;
  • Long periods of time. When the process of replacing the old endometrial layer drags on for up to 7-8 days, it is likely that by the end of this period a new egg will mature. The question, on what days can you get pregnant after menstruation, has an answer in this situation - on the first day;
  • Maturation of more than one egg at the same time. This occurs mainly in young, healthy women, although the reasons for this phenomenon are not exactly known. It has only been established that the factor of heredity plays a role here;
  • Bleeding mistaken for menstruation. This happens with inflammatory diseases of the internal female organs or too active sex. A woman may miscalculate the date of ovulation and mistake her “fertile window” for a safe day in terms of the possibility of getting pregnant;
  • Spontaneous ovulation. This inexplicable phenomenon means the maturation of the egg on any day of the cycle. Then conception can occur after menstruation. When you can get pregnant in such a case depends rather on the date of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Is it possible to get pregnant before your period?

Every month, the female body releases a mature egg that is ready for fertilization. This phenomenon, which occurs 12-16 days before the approach of menstruation, is called ovulation. Cycles are considered normal - both 28-day, with ovulation on day 14, and cycles ranging from 19 to 45 days - since every female body is exceptional, and there are no clear norms.

The ovulation process also has intervals. For some, ovulation occurs in the middle part of the cycle, for others at the initial or final stage - and this is also normal. A shift in the timing of ovulation often occurs in young girls whose menstrual cycle has not yet stabilized, as well as in women of “Balzac age”, caused by hormonal changes in the body.

In addition, after entering a woman’s body, sperm live and maintain their activity for another week. In addition, several eggs can mature in one menstrual cycle, which significantly expands the time range for conception.

From this we can conclude: getting pregnant before your period is real. Therefore, you should not rely on contraception using the calendar method.

Normal and unstable menstrual cycles

In fact, it is very difficult to correctly calculate the days and find out for sure whether a man can cum when a girl has her period. In a normal cycle, ovulation usually occurs on the 12th day and an egg is formed. It is then that the sperm has no possibility of fertilization. However, the female body is quite complex and regularly undergoes powerful hormonal changes. In this regard, the timing of ovulation may shift several days earlier or later.

An unstable menstrual cycle is not a pathology, but it can be caused by a hormonal imbalance.

In this case, it is impossible to determine exactly when the ovulation period will occur. In addition, it happens that during one period two eggs are born at once.

Cumming inside a girl during unstable periods is not the wisest step if you don’t want to have a child.

Irregular cycle

When considering whether it is possible to get pregnant on the 3rd day of your period, it is worth noting that this happens with an irregular cycle. If menstruation is not normal, it can cause unplanned conception. This situation is more likely if a woman's cycle is shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days. This indicates certain malfunctions in the body. Because of this, the date of ovulation is difficult to determine.

An irregular cycle indicates hormonal imbalances and disruptions. Because of this, some processes in the body do not proceed correctly. This leads to a delay in menstruation or, conversely, to too frequent menstruation. It is impossible to calculate at what time ovulation will occur. Sometimes it occurs from two ovaries simultaneously or with some delay. Because of this, one egg is already ready to be excreted from the body along with menstruation, and the second has just left the follicle.

It is extremely important to eliminate hormonal imbalances and establish proper functioning of the body before pregnancy. Otherwise, significant difficulties may arise during its course. This threatens both the fetus and the woman's health. You need to regularly visit a gynecologist and choose a contraceptive method with him. You may need to undergo complex treatment.

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