Delayed menstruation with IUD reasons

Many women have recently preferred to use an intrauterine device as a means of contraception. It does not require additional monitoring, and is administered by a gynecologist. The action begins immediately. If you want to get pregnant, it is enough to remove the intrauterine device with the help of a doctor. A man does not feel the presence of this contraceptive, so such a detail can be left secret. The list of advantages of the IUD can be endless, but sometimes there are complications.

If the IUD is on, but you are not menstruating, this is not necessarily a sign of pregnancy. Although it has been proven that even the presence of such a reliable remedy will not always protect against unwanted pregnancy. The cause of pregnancy may be a displacement of the drug from its place, descent into the cervical canal, or even prolapse.

Very often, such “failures” happen if the spiral is cheap and of poor quality, or if it was installed by an unqualified doctor without using the basic installation rules. By the way, a delay with the IUD can occur due to the individual structural characteristics of a woman’s reproductive system.

This natural remedy will 100% relieve pain during menstruation! If you guess what it is, you will get rid of it forever!

It is worth remembering that no method will provide one hundred percent guarantee of protection against pregnancy. Unless you use them all at the same time. The intrauterine device is no exception, and as the study showed, there is a 10% chance of pregnancy. But this is not even scary, because most often such a pregnancy turns out to be ectopic. The fetus begins to develop directly in the fallopian tube. If there is a delay in menstruation with the IUD, you should immediately consult a doctor, since an ectopic pregnancy can be dangerous to health and life.

In order to understand why you are late, it is best to buy a home pregnancy test. It is not expensive, and you can buy it at your nearest pharmacy. In cases where the delay is due to the IUD, and the test is negative, then pregnancy is unlikely to occur. Delay can occur for various reasons, and does not necessarily mean conception. Lack of bleeding can be caused by stress and anxiety, hormonal imbalance, taking antibiotics and hormonal pills, underweight or excess weight.

It is worth remembering that any delay in menstruation during the IUD is considered normal for up to six days. After this period has expired, you must consult a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound. This procedure shows not only the presence or absence of pregnancy, but also indicates the position of the helix.

If the absence of menstruation during the IUD still indicates pregnancy, then an abortion is not necessary, but only if the conception is uterine. The IUD will have to be removed, although in most cases it is left intact until delivery. Removal may cause a miscarriage, but if the IUD descends into the cervical canal, there is a possibility of infection. In any case, such a decision should be made by a specialist.

There are situations when the IUD is in place and menstruation is delayed in young girls who have not yet given birth. It can be caused by inflammation or internal disorders, since hormonal levels are not yet fully formed. It is not recommended to use such a contraceptive at a young age, otherwise there may be a risk of infertility. In any case, a delay in the spiral is not a reason to panic. You need to take care of yourself, visit a doctor on time, adhere to the rules for using the IUD, and then no violations will bother you.

The mechanism of contraceptive action of the intrauterine device

Intrauterine devices come in different types:

  • inert;
  • copper-containing;
  • containing gold or silver;
  • containing levonorgestrel - a synthetic gestagen.

Hormonal IUDs contain a container with hormones and have a principle of action similar to other hormonal contraceptives - suppression of ovulation, changes in peristalsis of the fallopian tubes. Intrauterine contraceptives change the structure of the endometrium, preventing the fertilized egg from implanting. Thanks to this effect, they can be inserted after sexual intercourse as emergency contraception.

Copper-containing coils cause aseptic inflammation in the uterine cavity. In the uterus, the number of leukocytes and macrophages increases, which destroy sperm.

Why is menstruation delayed?

A delay in menstruation is one of the indirect signs of pregnancy. IUDs have a high Pearl index, which indicates their reliability. Why, then, is there a delay in menstruation with the IUD, and can the absence of monthly bleeding be a symptom of gynecological diseases? First of all, you need to take a pregnancy test and, based on its result - positive or negative - judge the presence of pregnancy and the reasons for the failure.

If the pregnancy test is negative

If the pregnancy test is negative, the delay lasts more than 1.5 weeks and is accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen, the woman should consult a gynecologist. The cause of abdominal pain, fever, genital irritation, and purulent discharge may be an inflammatory process that has intensified due to the fact that the woman has an IUD.

If the test is positive

Is it possible to get pregnant if you have an IUD? Despite the fact that intrauterine contraceptives are considered one of the most reliable ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy, failures in their operation still occur.

If the IUD turns out to be of poor quality or the doctor installed it incorrectly, it may move into the cervical canal. The contraceptive effect decreases, ovulation occurs, sperm penetrate inside and fertilize the egg.

If a woman has an IUD, and a pharmacy express test for a missed period shows pregnancy, you need to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible. When an IUD is installed, implantation of the blastocyst may occur not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube, which leads to an ectopic pregnancy.

Reasons for the long delay

If after removal of the IUD there are no periods for more than 40 days, you should consult a gynecologist. Perhaps there is nothing wrong with this, and it’s just a matter of individual characteristics. In any case, it doesn’t hurt to find out the cause of the condition.


If there are no plans for pregnancy, then a couple of weeks before removing the device, it is recommended to abstain from intimacy or use barrier contraceptives. IUDs with an expiration date are no longer as effective, and the procedure itself can contribute to conception. After removal of the IUD, it is worth doing a rapid test to confirm or deny a possible conception. In addition to a normal pregnancy, there is a risk of an ectopic pregnancy. Using a spiral often leads to this. Because of the way this contraceptive works, sperm sometimes still fertilize the egg, but the fertilized egg cannot enter the uterine cavity. It attaches to the fallopian tube and develops in an unsuitable place. With an ectopic pregnancy, all the symptoms of a normal pregnancy appear. There is also a delay, but spotting brown discharge is possible. During sexual intercourse, discomfort is felt. Often the embryo dies, but in some cases it continues to develop and grow, which leads to a rupture of the tube. The resulting injuries cause severe bleeding and excruciating pain. Internal hemorrhage is possible, but then there is no discharge. If the condition is diagnosed early and there is no injury, vacuum aspiration is performed. If a rupture occurs, the affected tube is sutured or removed.

Inflammatory diseases

If you don’t have your period after the IUD, it’s possible that the lesions are infected. Injuries from device removal occur infrequently, but careless execution of the procedure can provoke them. Sometimes the IUD manages to grow into the wall of the uterus, and it cannot be separated without compromising the integrity of the tissue. Infection joins the wounds. Inflammations are characterized by cutting pain in the lower abdomen, fever, and chills. Sometimes green or yellow discharge appears. If the vagina is involved in the process, patients experience itching and burning. If a purulent focus is detected, it is opened surgically, cleaned and washed with antiseptic solutions. Antibiotics are also required.

Sometimes after removing the IUD you have to wait a long time for your period. But this does not mean that they will not come at all. In some cases, you just need to be patient. If you pay attention to your health and carry out the device removal procedure correctly, there should be no complications. But a visit to the gynecologist still won’t hurt. It will help to diagnose and treat pathology in a timely manner if it is present.

Is it possible to carry and give birth to a child with an IUD?

Pregnancy while using the IUD can be normal; the installed contraceptive is not an indication for abortion. It is also not necessary to remove the intrauterine device; the decision to remove the IUD is made by a gynecologist depending on the course of gestation. If there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, removing the IUD may cause a miscarriage.

Copper-containing coils do not have any side effects on the embryo. It is advisable to remove the hormonal IUD because it continuously releases small portions of hormones into the body. If the IUD remains inside the uterus, it does not come into contact with the baby. To prevent infection and complications, a woman will have to visit a gynecologist more often and have an ultrasound scan.


Many women have recently preferred to use an intrauterine device as a means of contraception. It does not require additional monitoring, and is administered by a gynecologist. The action begins immediately. If you want to get pregnant, it is enough to remove the intrauterine device with the help of a doctor. A man does not feel the presence of this contraceptive, so such a detail can be left secret. The list of advantages of the IUD can be endless, but sometimes there are complications.

If the IUD is on, but you are not menstruating, this is not necessarily a sign of pregnancy. Although it has been proven that even the presence of such a reliable remedy will not always protect against unwanted pregnancy. The cause of pregnancy may be a displacement of the drug from its place, descent into the cervical canal, or even prolapse.

Very often, such “failures” happen if the spiral is cheap and of poor quality, or if it was installed by an unqualified doctor without using the basic installation rules. By the way, a delay with the IUD can occur due to the individual structural characteristics of a woman’s reproductive system.

It is worth remembering that no method will provide one hundred percent guarantee of protection against pregnancy. Unless you use them all at the same time. The intrauterine device is no exception, and as the study showed, there is a 10% chance of pregnancy. But this is not even scary, because most often such a pregnancy turns out to be ectopic. The fetus begins to develop directly in the fallopian tube. If there is a delay in menstruation with the IUD, you should immediately consult a doctor, since an ectopic pregnancy can be dangerous to health and life.

In order to understand why you are late, it is best to buy a home pregnancy test. It is not expensive, and you can buy it at your nearest pharmacy. In cases where the delay is due to the IUD, and the test is negative, then pregnancy is unlikely to occur. Delay can occur for various reasons, and does not necessarily mean conception. Lack of bleeding can be caused by stress and anxiety, hormonal imbalance, taking antibiotics and hormonal pills, underweight or excess weight.

It is worth remembering that any delay in menstruation during the IUD is considered normal for up to six days. After this period has expired, you must consult a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound. This procedure shows not only the presence or absence of pregnancy, but also indicates the position of the helix.

If the absence of menstruation during the IUD still indicates pregnancy, then an abortion is not necessary, but only if the conception is uterine. The IUD will have to be removed, although in most cases it is left intact until delivery. Removal may cause a miscarriage, but if the IUD descends into the cervical canal, there is a possibility of infection. In any case, such a decision should be made by a specialist.

There are situations when the IUD is in place and menstruation is delayed in young girls who have not yet given birth. It can be caused by inflammation or internal disorders, since hormonal levels are not yet fully formed. It is not recommended to use such a contraceptive at a young age, otherwise there may be a risk of infertility. In any case, a delay in the spiral is not a reason to panic. You need to take care of yourself, visit a doctor on time, adhere to the rules for using the IUD, and then no violations will bother you.

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Reasons for missed periods with a negative pregnancy test

Symptoms of delay are purely individual. Some people don’t even notice that the next menstruation has not started until they look at the calendar. Others suffer from malaise, abdominal and lower back pain.

Often women let everything take its course, thinking that everything will “resolve” on its own. When buying a pregnancy test at the pharmacy and seeing a negative result, they blame everything on stress, not even realizing that they may have a serious gynecological problem.

Important! You should not self-medicate, as this can only worsen the condition. In this case, qualified assistance from a gynecologist is necessary. The doctor will conduct the necessary examinations and prescribe appropriate treatment, and if necessary, refer you to other specialists (endocrinologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist, neurologist and others).

Thus, it is not only pregnancy that causes a delay in menstruation. There are other reasons.

Taking medications

Currently, every second woman takes some kind of medication. But not everyone knows that some medications can lead to menstrual irregularities, in particular:

  • antidepressants;
  • antibiotics;
  • corticosteroids;
  • anabolics;
  • combined oral contraceptives (Lindinet, Zhanin, Yarina);
  • drugs that stimulate ovulation and improve hormonal levels (Clostilbegit, Duphaston);
  • cytostatics;
  • diuretic and antiulcer medications;
  • emergency contraception (Zhenale, Postinor, Escapelle).

Even thoughtless use of seemingly harmless vitamins can lead to such consequences.

If you attribute the delay to the use of medications, then discuss with your doctor possible withdrawal, replacement of the drug, or dosage adjustment.

Hormonal drugs that affect the menstrual cycle - gallery

Duphaston Postinor Lindinet


In response to stressful situations, of which there are quite a lot in a woman’s daily life (change of environment, work, worries, family problems, lack of sleep, etc.), the body mobilizes and tries to fight this condition. And first of all, the production of hormones responsible for processes in the reproductive system is disrupted, and menstruation stops.

In this case, you need to try to distract yourself from what is happening around you, reconsider your lifestyle, start devoting more time to rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day, and spend more time in the fresh air. The body needs rest.

Presence of a spiral

A delay in menstruation can occur if the intrauterine device:

  • was installed incorrectly;
  • moved from her place;
  • descended into the cervical canal;
  • fell out.

The intrauterine device often causes a delay in menstruation

Many who have an intrauterine device think that it was this that caused a delay in menstruation. However, not every woman knows that the presence of an IUD does not guarantee that pregnancy will not occur.

If you choose this method of contraception, visit your gynecologist regularly to prevent possible problems.

Overweight or, conversely, underweight

With excess weight (obesity of any degree), a hormonal imbalance occurs, which leads to a delay in menstruation. The same thing happens with dystrophy. Fluctuations in estrogen are observed in the body, the amount of testosterone (male sex hormones) increases, as a result of which hyperandrogenism develops, ovulation processes are disrupted and a disruption occurs in the menstrual cycle.

The critical threshold for the normal functioning of the reproductive system is 38–45 kg (depending on the individual characteristics of the body). With a BMI (body mass index) below 18, the risk of a prolonged delay in the menstrual cycle increases, which, in turn, can lead to serious consequences.

If you have problems with weight, reconsider your diet. Eat more raw vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamins and fiber. Contact a nutritionist to correct your diet and normalize your body weight. The body must receive a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates daily. If the incoming substances are not enough, then it immediately begins to signal this.

Lactation period

The absence of menstruation during breastfeeding is a normal physiological phenomenon that is not a pathology. The reason is the increased production of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates the functioning of the mammary glands. It suppresses the activity of the ovaries, as a result of which new follicles do not mature and an egg does not form. The duration of this period in each specific case may differ, as a rule, it varies from 1 month to 1 year. If, a year after giving birth, the menstrual cycle has not resumed and has not become regular, then this is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Gynecological diseases

The main causes of delayed menstrual cycle are gynecological diseases. Common reasons are:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome - characterized by a sharp increase in body weight, oily skin, excessive hair growth, bloating, diarrhea and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • oophoritis;
  • adnexitis;
  • corpus luteum cysts;
  • adenomyosis;
  • endometrial hypoplasia;
  • salpingo-oophoritis;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • tumor formations;
  • cystitis (accompanied by a delay of 2 days to 1 week, as well as frequent urination);
  • various kinds of infectious and inflammatory diseases (thrush, endometritis, etc.) - in this case, there is abundant discharge (sometimes bloody) of pink, yellow, brown or white color, itching and burning in the labia area, dizziness, nausea, elevated body temperature.

Each of the listed conditions requires appropriate examination and treatment, so you should immediately consult a doctor to rule out this or that pathology.


Menopause is characterized by the decline of reproductive function and the gradual disappearance of menstruation. This condition is not a pathology and is considered a normal physiological phenomenon for women. The average age of menopause is 50 years, but this figure can vary from 35 to 60 years. At first, menstruation becomes irregular and then disappears altogether.

Artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion) and other reasons

Various surgical interventions, miscarriages, and abortions can cause disruption in the menstrual cycle. In this case, a sharp hormonal change in the body occurs, and the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) is damaged. The processes of restoring the normal functioning of the reproductive system take some time.

The nature of menstruation when using an IUD

After installing the Mirena contraceptive, ideally your period should begin at the scheduled time. But it should be taken into account that the body has been subjected to a certain stress, so at first a slight delay is allowed, which should not exceed three weeks. If you don’t have your period after three weeks, you need to go to the hospital immediately. This may be a signal that, despite the installation of the IUD, conception still occurred.

Short delays can last for six months after installation, and they are dangerous for the body.

The first menstruation after installation of the IUD is usually characterized by increased intensity. Why is this happening? Firstly, stress after installation is accompanied by hormonal imbalance, and secondly, the contraceptive changes the composition of cervical mucus and the nature of the endometrium, which directly affects the amount of menstrual fluid. During this period, a woman can use more than one pad every 3 hours and painkillers to eliminate menstrual cramps.

At first, it is advisable not to use hygienic tampons, as they can interfere with the system’s adaptation and increase the risk of infection.

After a few cycles, menstrual flow returns to its normal appearance. Over the course of six months, bleeding may turn into spotting, which is harmless. They indicate that the body is becoming accustomed to a foreign device. There should be no associated pain.

If after several cycles your periods remain as heavy as the first time after installing the contraceptive, you should consult a doctor. A similar phenomenon may indicate side effects of Mirena, which indicates that the body does not accept this contraceptive.

Often women complain about the cessation of menstruation six months after installing a contraceptive. If the delay lasts for more than two weeks, the first step is to do a pregnancy test or a blood test for hCG. The intrauterine device reliably prevents unwanted pregnancy, but all possible options should be taken into account, in addition, there have been cases when the device has fallen out unnoticed. If the reason for the lack of menstruation is not pregnancy, then there is no reason to worry. Mirena hormones block the growth of the endometrium, which is why there is nothing to come out during the expected period. This is not dangerous for a woman’s body. After removing the IUD, menstruation will return within a couple of months.

Consequences of using a spiral

So, what could be the consequences after inserting an intrauterine device? Be prepared for the following side effects:

  • Minor discomfort in the lower abdomen or even aching pain. Usually occurs immediately after the installation of a contraceptive. If such problems persist for a long time, then you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps the spiral is positioned incorrectly or it does not suit you. In any case, the specialist will deal with your problem and suggest either changing the IUD or completely abandoning this method of contraception.
  • Prolongation of menstruation and blood loss. Most spirals have such side effects, in addition to therapeutic ones;
  • IUDs do not protect against sexually transmitted infections;
  • Ingrown spiral.

If the terms of use of the contraceptive are not observed, and the woman continues to use it for many years after the expiration date (10, 15 or even 25 years), then the device can grow tightly into the wall of the uterus. Then it may be difficult to remove it.

Long-term wearing of an IUD is an indication for hospitalization in a hospital, where under intravenous anesthesia you will have the IUD removed and diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity.

Menstruation after removal of the IUD

The course of menstruation after removing a contraceptive is an indicator of the impact of the IUD on the female body. Much depends on how long the product spent in the uterus. The longer it was in the cavity, the longer it will take for the endometrium to recover.

It will take from 2 weeks to several months to normalize the cycle and complete rehabilitation of the body. This depends on the period of use of the intrauterine system, the age and health of the woman, the degree of thinning of the uterine lining and other factors.

Irregularity of menstruation after removal of the IUD is often associated with complications. Infectious and inflammatory diseases are considered the most dangerous. Any abnormalities, including hormonal disorders, affect not only the regularity of discharge. The nature and duration of menstruation may change. This leads to large blood losses and deterioration of health.

How does the nature of menstruation change after the installation of a non-hormonal IUD?

After the insertion of an intrauterine device, the body takes time to adapt to the contraceptive. We'll look at which ones below.

First menstruation

In most patients, the nature of bleeding changes - it becomes intense and prolonged. This occurs because the IUD irritates the endometrium. Menstruation becomes so heavy that a woman has to use more than 1 pad for 3-4 hours. A nagging pain in the lower abdomen and weakness appear. Sometimes you have to use antispasmodics to relieve discomfort.

In 3 months

During the first month after installation of the IUD, the woman’s body adapts to the foreign body. Menstruation remains abundant and long. There is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen. According to reviews, on average, the duration of menstrual flow increases by 1-2 days. Don't worry: this is a normal reaction of the reproductive system to the introduction of a foreign object into the uterine cavity.

After installing an intrauterine device, spotting and spotting between periods cannot be ruled out. This is also a symptom of the reproductive system adapting to a contraceptive. If they last more than three months and do not disappear, you must definitely visit a gynecologist.

In 6 months

During this period, menstruation returns to its physiological norm. Menstruation may be more abundant, but does not exceed the acceptable limit. In some cases, the pain is stronger than before the contraception was introduced into the uterine cavity.

If the bleeding is very heavy and prolonged, you should consult a gynecologist. The IUD may need to be removed because its side effects outweigh its contraceptive effectiveness. If the IUD is not removed in time, anemia develops.

What to do in case of cycle disorders due to a non-hormonal IUD?

For moderate cycle disorders:

  • If spotting between menstruation or light bleeding occurs during the first 6 months after installation of a non-hormonal IUD, treatment is not carried out. This is a completely normal phenomenon and does not pose a danger to a woman.
  • If you complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, etc.) are prescribed in a short course (3-5 days).
  • If there is continuous bleeding, pathology of the pelvic organs should be excluded. An examination by a gynecologist, colposcopy, and ultrasound are indicated. When a disease is detected, its treatment is indicated. The question of removing the coil is decided individually and depends on the diagnosis.
  • If there is a significant disruption to normal life due to bleeding, removal of the IUD is indicated.

If there is heavy or prolonged bleeding:

  • During the first six months after insertion of the IUD, prolonged or intense bleeding may occur, which does not pose a danger to the woman. No treatment required.
  • If the woman’s general condition worsens, anemia develops, or bleeding increases, removal of the IUD is indicated.

Gynecologists point out that the use of copper-containing coils quite often leads to menstrual irregularities in the form of spotting or bleeding. Such symptoms occur in the first 6 months and often become the reason for removing the IUD. Various medications can be used to combat cycle disorders, but their effectiveness is questionable.

Restoring the cycle after removing the spiral

After removal of the IUD, most women do not lose their periods. Common changes: a reduction in their number, which can be explained simply - the impact of the foreign body on the uterine cavity stops, and bleeding becomes weaker.

If the IUD was removed during menstruation, their next arrival is possible exactly on schedule. However, a shift in menstruation in time, or slight delays, may also be possible. The risk increases if you remove the device without having your period. The reason may be insufficient growth of the endometrium and difficulties with its rejection.

After removal of the hormonal intrauterine device, there is likely to be a slight fluctuation in hormonal levels, due to which there may also be a delay in the next menstruation. If the cycle has gone wrong before, this reaction of the body almost always occurs.

You should consult a doctor in case of a positive test result, absence of menstruation for more than 2 months, severe pain during menstruation, purulent or green clots in the discharge, and other disorders.

Removing the spiral

The gynecologist places the IUD for a period of 5-7 years. The need to remove the IUD is associated with the following risks:

  • ingrowth of the product into the uterine mucosa;
  • development of the inflammatory process;
  • reproductive dysfunction.

It is recommended to insert and remove the IUD during menstruation. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the cervix during menstruation. It is advisable to remove the IUD in the last days of menstruation

Removal of the IUD without menstruation is carried out if indicated. When a doctor places an IUD, he informs the patient about possible adverse reactions of the body to a foreign body. In such cases, you can remove the IUD without menstruation.

Attention! If the product is removed before ovulation, the possibility of conception should be taken into account. A woman needs to think about another method of contraception

Common reasons for removing an intrauterine device are:

  • replacing a used one with a new one;
  • the need for surgery or other gynecological treatment;
  • switching to another type of contraception;
  • desire for pregnancy;
  • a device that is physically inappropriate.

Often, one week before the planned removal procedure, the doctor advises to refuse sexual intercourse or start using barrier protection if the woman does not want pregnancy. The reason is the increased risk of conception after removal of the IUD, since a small number of sperm may be present near the cervical canal and penetrate into the uterine cavity.

You should go to the gynecologist’s office on the penultimate day of your period; the IUD is usually removed when menstruation has not ended. This makes the device easier to fold and slide out, and the soft walls of the uterus, contracting, help push it out. In the absence of menstruation, the contraceptive is removed in urgent cases, and the discomfort felt is slightly higher.

In most cases, menstruation does not go astray after removal of the IUD, however, sometimes there is a risk of slight irregularities. Possible complications are likely when part of the spiral grows into the mucosa. In this case, the device must be removed using hysteroscopy or laparoscopy. As a result, damage to the endometrium occurs. Bleeding and subsequent cycle disturbances are possible.


There are a number of contraindications that do not favor the use of an intrauterine contraceptive:

  • pregnancy;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • infectious pathologies of the internal genital organs;
  • precancerous and cancerous formations in the cervix;
  • malignant tumor in the breast;
  • do not use a contraceptive immediately after childbirth or abortion;
  • abnormalities of the reproductive system;
  • jaundice, liver cirrhosis.

Severe diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis, arterial hypertension, stroke, as a rule, may be a contraindication. Only after additional examination can the doctor approve the use of Mirena.

A history of ectopic pregnancy is not considered a contraindication to the use of the IUD, but you should be aware that ectopic pregnancy is a very rare undesirable consequence of installing a contraceptive. This complication is characterized by nausea, vomiting, lack of discharge, severe pain in the abdominal area, weakness, and dizziness.

If you have symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance. Untimely intervention can lead to a tragic outcome.

Causes of heavy and prolonged menstruation

The first periods after installation of the IUD are scanty. An increase in discharge is observed from the second month, heavy menstruation should end by the end of the third, when the hormonal levels stabilize. If the course of your cycle follows a different scenario, your periods take a long time, and their volume does not decrease, visit a gynecologist. There is a possibility of complications developing. The most common include:

  • damage to the uterus;
  • displacement of the contraceptive into the abdominal cavity;
  • anemia;
  • bloody and purulent discharge;
  • risk of developing inflammatory processes.

When agreeing to use an intrauterine device, a woman should know how many days her period lasts while wearing the IUD, what is its intensity and how the condition changes with possible complications. Spotting and cramping pain in the abdominal area indicate incorrect positioning or displacement of the contraceptive product.

Prolonged periods, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, indicate the onset of inflammation in the reproductive system. Excessive brown blood loss with increasing pain is a common sign of intrauterine pregnancy.

It is important to understand that all problems of the reproductive system do not go away on their own, and without the participation of a doctor it is impossible to identify the cause of atypical behavior of menstruation after the IUD.

There are several reasons for heavy menstruation. A separate article on our website will tell you more about them.

Reasons for the delay of critical days

A delay in menstruation after installation of the IUD is not a pathology. The regularity of the cycle will be restored over time. Much will depend on the quality and composition of the installed product.

Normalization of the cycle with the hormonal intrauterine system is faster. Delays in menstruation are more common with metal-containing products. When a failure is accompanied by severe pain, the contraceptive is removed ahead of time.

If you haven't had your period for more than two weeks, take a pregnancy test. If there is no discharge for a long time, conception should not be ruled out. The spirals move from their place, descend into the cervical canal and simply fall out. This is unlikely, but this happens due to the poor quality of the product, improper installation or the individual characteristics of the female body.

Full physiological recovery after installation of an intrauterine contraceptive occurs after 3 months. If during this time the cycle has not returned to normal, and delays in a negative pregnancy test are accompanied by painful symptoms, contact a gynecologist.

Women about problems with the menstrual cycle

Delays are normal as long as they are irregular. I had a delay of more than two weeks 2 months ago. I took tests almost every day, and everything was negative. Still, I waited for my period, and after it ended, I decided, just in case, to get checked by a gynecologist, since I considered it abnormal. The gynecologist said that everything was normal and explained that this happens, it can be influenced by various factors - climate change, nerves, stress, lack of sleep, colds, etc.


I haven’t had a period for a year and a half at a height of 161 and a weight of 47 kg. I was 25 years old. As soon as I reached 50, that’s it, they came.


Girls, but I don’t understand why, I was under a lot of stress (then my parents had problems in the family, and I was very worried, cried every day...), so my period these days started a whole week earlier and lasted only 2 days (although it usually lasts 6-7 days), and after that there is already a delay of 2 weeks.


I've been drinking Janine for 8 months, and during the next withdrawal my periods didn't come. I should have started a new pack of pills, but I didn’t. There was a delay of 3 weeks, I took 3 tests on different days - the tests were negative.


I take Duphaston from 16-25 days. I drank it for a month without any problems, but for the 2nd month after taking Duphaston my periods did not come. I took tests and they were negative.



Heavy periods

An increase in the amount of discharge after removal of the coil is possible in rare cases. Normally, heavy bleeding is possible on the first day of the onset of critical days. This picture is explained by the individual characteristics of the location of the endometrium and the cessation of the influence of the spiral on it. If the bleeding becomes more and more profuse over and over again, in order to exclude the possibility of illness, it is better to consult a doctor. One of the common reasons for increased menstruation is the development of uterine fibroids.


Is the IUD delaying your period - is it a sign of pregnancy? Unfortunately, even such a reliable method of contraception as the intrauterine system can fail. How to suspect this “failure” in time and does the absence of menstruation on time always indicate the birth of a new life?

If you have an intrauterine device (IUD), you can get pregnant, most often if it moves from its place, sinks into the cervical canal, or falls out completely. And often this is not due to poor-quality IUD or improper installation, but to the individual characteristics of a particular female reproductive system. Doctors are not at all surprised by the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant if the IUD is in place.

The easiest way to diagnose your condition is to take a home test. You can purchase it for an amount of 15 rubles or more at any pharmacy. If there is an IUD, most likely there is no pregnancy. After all, a delay in menstruation can be due to a variety of reasons, and not always related to conception. Menstruation may be absent due to hormonal imbalance, stress, taking certain medications, lack of weight, etc. In this case, it would be best to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. In this way, it will be possible not only to accurately say whether conception has occurred, but also to see whether the spiral is in the uterus and in the correct position.

If so, is it possible to keep the child or is it necessary to have an abortion? You can keep the baby if the pregnancy is uterine (and not ectopic). The problem is that an IUD that remains in the uterus or is removed will cause a miscarriage. This risk is high in the first half of pregnancy. Another important issue is the need to remove the IUD from the uterus in case of pregnancy. This must be done if the IUD has descended into the cervical canal, since there is a very high risk of infections from the vagina, and in this case it will not be possible to give birth on your own. If the IUD is in the cavity, the doctor must independently weigh the pros and cons. If the threads of the spiral are not visible in the vagina, it will be dangerous to try to pull out the spiral using a special medical instrument; a pregnant woman should not expand the cervical canal.

There are many known cases of pregnancy with an IUD installed in the uterus. It cannot harm the child, since it is located outside the membranes. The IUD is removed or comes out on its own during childbirth.

If a woman does not want to keep the baby, she can have a surgical abortion, during which the fertilized egg and IUD will be removed.

Hello Nina.

Reliability of a pharmacy pregnancy test

First, you need to understand the pregnancy tests you took. Firstly, the weak appearance of the strip in the pharmacy test, which indicates that the result is positive, i.e. pregnancy is present, almost always indicates that the test is faulty. Improper storage, violation of instructions for use, and in general this is an unreliable diagnostic method can lead to damage to the test.

A second test that shows a negative result also does not completely guarantee that you are not pregnant. The best way to diagnose pregnancy in the early stages, when neither the doctor nor the ultrasound specialist can see practically anything, is a blood test for a special hormone that is produced from the first day of fertilization of the egg.

Is pregnancy possible with an intrauterine device?

There is not a single contraceptive method in modern gynecology that would provide a 100% guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Even the most reliable methods of protection leave from 0.1 to 5% of possible risks. Installation of an intrauterine device is, of course, a highly effective method of contraception, but in exceptional situations or when certain risk factors occur, pregnancy is still possible.

Quite often, women turn to doctors with suspicions of pregnancy, but at the same time they have an intrauterine device. After diagnosis, conception is confirmed, and this happens due to the fact that the spiral moves out of its place. Individual characteristics of the female genital organs, incorrect initial installation or low quality of the contraceptive may well lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of this method of contraception. By the way, gynecologists are not even surprised that patients with an intrauterine device who become pregnant come to them.

Considering that you installed the spiral 2 years ago, during this time it could well have shifted. Even if pregnancy is not confirmed, you need to visit the doctor at least once every six months for an examination so that the gynecologist can identify possible problems in time. Regular visits to the doctor are required in cases where a woman with an IUD is sexually active.


What does the absence of menstruation while using an IUD indicate?

When a woman does not have her period, a natural question arises: why did they disappear? Many people worry that unplanned fertilization has occurred. There's really no need to worry. The reason for the absence of menstruation for up to 3 months is considered to be hormonal changes and ovarian dysfunction. Such features occur if other factors are excluded: pelvic inflammation, sexually transmitted infections or conception of a child.

If a woman is worried about the disappearance of her periods, the first step is to rule out pregnancy. To do this, it is worth purchasing a rapid test to determine the “interesting position”. If the test gives a positive reaction, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. If several repeated studies show a negative result, we can conclude that fertilization has not occurred.

Experts say that when using a hormonal intrauterine device, menstruation may normally be absent for up to 3 months. If this period is exceeded, it is recommended to visit a female doctor to rule out diseases of the genital organs. The doctor will prescribe appropriate tests and studies that will help determine the cause of the disappearance of menstruation.

After installation of an intrauterine device, many women notice a change in the nature of menstruation. Sometimes the changes do not go beyond the norm, but in some cases they can be manifestations of a serious pathology. To prevent health problems, you need to carefully monitor your menstrual cycle, and if various abnormalities appear, immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

Read more: 30 facts about the intrauterine device.


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Hello Nina.

Reliability of a pharmacy pregnancy test

First, you need to understand the pregnancy tests you took. Firstly, the weak appearance of the strip in the pharmacy test, which indicates that the result is positive, i.e. pregnancy is present, almost always indicates that the test is faulty. Improper storage, violation of instructions for use, and in general this is an unreliable diagnostic method can lead to damage to the test.

A second test that shows a negative result also does not completely guarantee that you are not pregnant. The best way to diagnose pregnancy in the early stages, when neither the doctor nor the ultrasound specialist can see practically anything, is a blood test for a special hormone that is produced from the first day of fertilization of the egg.

Is pregnancy possible with an intrauterine device?

There is not a single contraceptive method in modern gynecology that would provide a 100% guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Even the most reliable methods of protection leave from 0.1 to 5% of possible risks. Installation of an intrauterine device is, of course, a highly effective method of contraception, but in exceptional situations or when certain risk factors occur, pregnancy is still possible.

Quite often, women turn to doctors with suspicions of pregnancy, but at the same time they have an intrauterine device. After diagnosis, conception is confirmed, and this happens due to the fact that the spiral moves out of its place. Individual characteristics of the female genital organs, incorrect initial installation or low quality of the contraceptive may well lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of this method of contraception. By the way, gynecologists are not even surprised that patients with an intrauterine device who become pregnant come to them.

Considering that you installed the spiral 2 years ago, during this time it could well have shifted. Even if pregnancy is not confirmed, you need to visit the doctor at least once every six months for an examination so that the gynecologist can identify possible problems in time. Regular visits to the doctor are required in cases where a woman with an IUD is sexually active.

If there is no pregnancy, then what is the reason for the delay?

Delayed menstruation is not always a sign of pregnancy, because this can be caused by a lot of disorders and factors that a woman encounters in the course of her life. It is currently difficult to assume anything specific without examination and analysis due to the complete lack of information. For example, hormonal imbalances, lack or excess of weight, strict diets, emotional overload and chronic stress, taking certain medications, diseases of the pelvic organs - all of this individually or in combination can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle and subsequent delay of menstruation.

It is best to start diagnosing disorders with a gynecological examination and ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Such diagnostic methods will allow the doctor to determine whether the device is positioned correctly and whether it still provides protection against pregnancy, as well as to identify possible disorders and causes of delayed menstruation, if this is not related to conception.

The main risk in your situation is not that you may be pregnant, but that you may have an ectopic pregnancy, in which any pregnancy test from the pharmacy will show a negative result. This occurs quite often with the type of contraception that you have chosen, so do not hesitate to visit your doctor and make sure that everything is in order.

Sincerely, Natalia.


Is the IUD delaying your period - is it a sign of pregnancy? Unfortunately, even such a reliable method of contraception as the intrauterine system can fail. How to suspect this “failure” in time and does the absence of menstruation on time always indicate the birth of a new life?

If you have an intrauterine device (IUD), you can get pregnant, most often if it moves from its place, sinks into the cervical canal, or falls out completely. And often this is not due to poor-quality IUD or improper installation, but to the individual characteristics of a particular female reproductive system. Doctors are not at all surprised by the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant if the IUD is in place.

The easiest way to diagnose your condition is to take a home test. You can purchase it for an amount of 15 rubles or more at any pharmacy. If there is an IUD, most likely there is no pregnancy. After all, a delay in menstruation can be due to a variety of reasons, and not always related to conception. Menstruation may be absent due to hormonal imbalance, stress, taking certain medications, lack of weight, etc. In this case, it would be best to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. In this way, it will be possible not only to accurately say whether conception has occurred, but also to see whether the spiral is in the uterus and in the correct position.

If so, is it possible to keep the child or is it necessary to have an abortion? You can keep the baby if the pregnancy is uterine (and not ectopic). The problem is that an IUD that remains in the uterus or is removed will cause a miscarriage. This risk is high in the first half of pregnancy. Another important issue is the need to remove the IUD from the uterus in case of pregnancy. This must be done if the IUD has descended into the cervical canal, since there is a very high risk of infections from the vagina, and in this case it will not be possible to give birth on your own. If the IUD is in the cavity, the doctor must independently weigh the pros and cons. If the threads of the spiral are not visible in the vagina, it will be dangerous to try to pull out the spiral using a special medical instrument; a pregnant woman should not expand the cervical canal.

There are many known cases of pregnancy with an IUD installed in the uterus. It cannot harm the child, since it is located outside the membranes. The IUD is removed or comes out on its own during childbirth.

If a woman does not want to keep the baby, she can have a surgical abortion, during which the fertilized egg and IUD will be removed.

Hello Nina.

Reliability of a pharmacy pregnancy test

First, you need to understand the pregnancy tests you took. Firstly, the weak appearance of the strip in the pharmacy test, which indicates that the result is positive, i.e. pregnancy is present, almost always indicates that the test is faulty. Improper storage, violation of instructions for use, and in general this is an unreliable diagnostic method can lead to damage to the test.

A second test that shows a negative result also does not completely guarantee that you are not pregnant. The best way to diagnose pregnancy in the early stages, when neither the doctor nor the ultrasound specialist can see practically anything, is a blood test for a special hormone that is produced from the first day of fertilization of the egg.

Is pregnancy possible with an intrauterine device?

There is not a single contraceptive method in modern gynecology that would provide a 100% guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Even the most reliable methods of protection leave from 0.1 to 5% of possible risks. Installation of an intrauterine device is, of course, a highly effective method of contraception, but in exceptional situations or when certain risk factors occur, pregnancy is still possible.

Quite often, women turn to doctors with suspicions of pregnancy, but at the same time they have an intrauterine device. After diagnosis, conception is confirmed, and this happens due to the fact that the spiral moves out of its place. Individual characteristics of the female genital organs, incorrect initial installation or low quality of the contraceptive may well lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of this method of contraception. By the way, gynecologists are not even surprised that patients with an intrauterine device who become pregnant come to them.

Considering that you installed the spiral 2 years ago, during this time it could well have shifted. Even if pregnancy is not confirmed, you need to visit the doctor at least once every six months for an examination so that the gynecologist can identify possible problems in time. Regular visits to the doctor are required in cases where a woman with an IUD is sexually active.


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