Can there be an increased heart rate during menstruation?

Many girls have noticed that their pulse constantly jumps during menstruation. The week before menstruation and the first 2 days of menstruation are the hardest for a woman. She experiences painful sensations in the lower back and abdomen, she feels both hot and cold at the same time, and her pulse quickens. This is due to hormonal imbalances in the body. This often goes away after pregnancy and the first birth, which occurs due to the normalization of hormonal levels.

What is tachycardia

Tachycardia is considered to be an increase in the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle to 90 beats per minute or more (with a norm of 60 - 90 beats per minute). It is important to distinguish true tachycardia from the so-called “inotropic”, when an increased heartbeat is subjectively felt, and when counted, the pulse turns out to be within normal limits. This situation occurs when the pulse rate is physiological and the force of myocardial contractions is increased.

In addition, an increase in heart rate can be organic, if there are obvious pathological changes in the myocardium, and physiological (temporary) due to external factors. When tachycardia occurs during menstruation, most likely, we are talking about a physiological increase in heart rate.

Reasons for changing status

What are the causes of transient functional disturbances of heart rhythm during menstruation in women? These include:

  • Changes in hormonal balance throughout the menstrual cycle. The concentration of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s blood changes, and before the start of the cycle this difference reaches its peak. And given the fact that the levels of female sex hormones are indirectly related to thyroid hormones and the entire neuro-humoral system in general, we can conclude that tachycardia is caused by hormonal changes.
  • Immediately before the onset of menstruation, a woman’s psycho-emotional background becomes labile and sensitive. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that the autonomic nervous system has a stimulating effect on the beta receptors of the myocardium, which are responsible for the heart rate.
  • Due to the same fluctuations in the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood, a woman’s water-electrolyte balance may be slightly disturbed. This manifests itself in excessive thirst, swelling and increased blood volume. In the future, this can lead to changes in blood pressure (hypertension or hypotension), tachycardia and other malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.
  • In addition, there are a number of indirect factors that can lead to heart rhythm disturbances during the so-called premenstrual syndrome. As other symptoms of hormonal changes increase, such as headache, dizziness, nausea and discomfort in the lower abdomen, the woman begins to take a lot of necessary and not so necessary drugs to alleviate the symptoms. And for many of them, the possible side effects include “tachycardia,” and a vicious circle arises.

Thus, the causes of tachycardia before menstruation can be very diverse, and accordingly, they require an individual approach to treatment.

What is PMS and how does it manifest?

The condition of a woman before her period is very sensitive; she experiences more than 150 symptoms. But not all girls feel pain or mood changes; 25% do not feel discomfort. Premenstrual syndrome begins to appear a week before the start of menstruation. Scientists still cannot establish the causes of PMS. But there are many factors that contribute to the development of the syndrome, for example, smoking, abortion, genetics, lack of vitamin B6, extra pounds.

Doctors say that women experience dysfunction of water-salt metabolism, hormonal disorders and mental disorders that manifest themselves at the physiological level. Some of the symptoms that a girl experiences with PMS are as follows:

  • irritability and unreasonable anger;
  • vulnerability and defenselessness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • tachycardia;
  • nipple sensitivity;
  • pain in the lower back and abdomen.

What should a woman do?

First of all, you need to understand that just by feeling a rapid heartbeat before your period, there is no need to go to the clinic or get tested. This is due to the fact that such tachycardia is functional, temporary. Naturally, there are exceptions, but they are very unlikely, because the problem is most often encountered by young women and girls, and organic changes in the myocardium, which can lead to tachycardia, are mainly observed in older people.

An exception to the situation, that is, when an urgent visit to a doctor is required, is the presence of concomitant serious symptoms, such as loss of consciousness, chest pain, and the like. In addition, if a woman has a history of cardiovascular disease, rapid heartbeat during menstruation should not be ignored.

Having come to the conclusion about the functionality of heart rhythm disturbances during menstruation, the question arises, how to treat tachycardia and is it necessary to do it at all? Of course it is necessary. The fact is that when the frequency of myocardial contractions exceeds 80 - 90 beats, the heart muscle becomes exhausted and begins to work ineffectively. As a result, we get poor health, a negative impact on other organ systems and depression. However, there is no need to immediately resort to traditional pharmaceuticals.

You can start with a simple correction of your lifestyle and daily routine, especially if a woman knows in advance that she is predisposed to tachycardia before menstruation. The following rules must be followed:

  • You need to limit your consumption of coffee and alcohol as much as possible. These drinks have a scientifically proven effect on increasing heart rate. You can drink no more than one cup of coffee a day and only with milk; women prone to tachycardia should completely avoid alcohol.
  • The total amount of liquid taken during the day should be limited by 20%.
  • Reduce your consumption of table salt, as it tends to increase thirst and collects fluid in the tissues, which leads to swelling and a vicious circle.
  • If possible, you should avoid severe stress and emotional disturbances.

Peppermint tea with cinnamon and ginger helps calm the heart and nerves. You can also try taking a hot bath or listening to relaxing music. This helps restore balance and stabilize the heart rhythm. These methods work well if episodes of heart palpitations pass quickly and are of low intensity.

In the case of a persistent increase in heart rate to 80 beats per minute or more, appropriate medications must be taken. You can start with herbal medicine, like Phytosed or herbal sedatives. If the effect is insufficient, you can occasionally (in order to remove the unpleasant symptom) take heart medications such as beta blockers - Bisoprolol, Nebivalol, and so on. However, you need to take into account that they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

We recommend reading the article about heart pain during menstruation. From it you will learn about heart pain as a sign of PMS, as well as the causes of premenstrual pain in a woman.

Thus, we can conclude that tachycardia before menstruation is not an organic phenomenon that requires a mandatory visit to a cardiologist. However, it can have a negative impact on the heart and the entire body as a whole, so you cannot completely turn a blind eye to the problem.

Tachycardia during menstruation – Treatment of hypertension

  • 1 What is tachycardia?
  • 2 Causes of tachycardia in the premenstrual period
  • 3 Symptoms of PMS
  • 4 Features of the treatment of rapid heartbeat during menstruation
  • 5 Tachycardia during menstruation

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During the onset of menstruation, girls and women experience many unpleasant symptoms. These symptoms include tachycardia during menstruation, which can also appear with PMS.

Tachycardia before menstruation and during menstruation leads to exhaustion of the heart muscle, so if a deviation occurs, you need to consult a doctor and start treatment.


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What is tachycardia?

Tachycardia is a common cardiac arrhythmia characterized by rapid heartbeat. A person's pulse exceeds 90 beats per minute.

Long-term existence of tachycardia can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the heart, impaired contractility of the heart muscle and the occurrence of cardiomyopathy.

A person’s rapid pulse appears due to increased automatism of the sinus node, which sets the pace and rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle or ectopic centers of automatism.


Existing types of tachycardia are presented in the table:

PhysiologicalIt occurs as a physiological reaction to stimuli from the external environment. It appears in people without heart disease.
PathologicalAppears when there are disturbances in the functioning of the heart and causes a decrease in the amount of blood ejected.

Tachycardia before menstruation occurs for the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • changes in mental and emotional state;
  • changes in water and electrolyte balance in women;
  • as a side effect of medications taken by a woman to relieve symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

A woman’s sensitivity and pain during this period depends on her hormonal levels, or rather on the amount of certain hormones.

The following signs are identified:

  • the appearance of headaches;
  • swelling of the body;
  • dizziness;
  • stomach ache;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • weight gain;
  • pain in the back and muscles;
  • thirst;
  • prostration;
  • mood lability;
  • the appearance of constipation or diarrhea;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • pain in the mammary glands.

Features of the treatment of rapid heartbeat during menstruation

If a woman experiences palpitations before her period or other unpleasant symptoms, she needs to change her lifestyle and daily routine.

To do this, it is recommended to limit the consumption of caffeine-containing drinks as much as possible, as they increase the heart rate, reduce the amount of fluid you drink per day, and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

It is also necessary to limit the amount of salt and spices used in dishes. It is also necessary to establish a sleep schedule (sleep at least 8 hours), avoid stressful situations and do dosed physical exercise.

Tachycardia during menstruation

During menstruation, women often complain of rapid heartbeat. This is due to changes in hormonal levels, heavy blood loss during menstruation, which leads to anemia, mood lability, vomiting and diarrhea.

When tachycardia appears, women complain of dizziness, a feeling of lack of air and faintness. They also note the appearance of nausea, headache, chest pain and interruptions in heart function.

If such symptoms appear, you need to go to the hospital to see a doctor, undergo an examination and begin treatment.



pain before menstruation

At times, almost every woman experiences discomfort before her period. This may include painful sensations in the chest, depression, irritability, and acne on the face.

Contrary to popular belief, few women - less than 10% - suffer from very severe pain before menstruation (the so-called premenstrual syndrome), due to which they can lose their jobs and separate from loved ones.

Causes of pain before menstruation:

Is pain before menstruation a consequence of hormonal imbalance or is it due to psychosocial reasons? There is very convincing evidence that pain before menstruation is associated with hormones, since during the week preceding menstruation, the level of female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, changes (excess estrogen and lack of progesterone in the second phase of the menstrual cycle), and during menopause earlier monthly repeated symptoms disappear - hormonal theory .

The “water intoxication” theory explains the cause of pre-menstrual pain due to changes in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and high serotonin levels. Activation of the renin-angiotensin system increases the levels of serotonin and melatonin. Estrogens can also cause sodium and fluid retention in the body by increasing aldosterone production.

The prostaglandin disorder theory explains many of the different symptoms of premenstrual syndrome by altering the balance of prostaglandin E1. Increased expression of prostaglandin E is observed in schizophrenia due to changes in brain excitation processes.

The main role in the pathogenesis of pain before menstruation is played by disruption of the metabolism of neuropeptides (serotonin, dopamine, opioids, norepinephrine, etc.) in the central nervous system and associated peripheral neuroendocrine processes. In recent years, much attention has been paid to peptides of the intermedial lobe of the pituitary gland, in particular pituitary melanostimulating hormone.

This hormone, when interacting with beta-endorphin, can promote mood changes. Endorphins increase the level of prolactin, vasopressin and inhibit the action of prostaglandin E in the intestines, resulting in breast engorgement, constipation and bloating.

The impetus for the appearance of pain before menstruation can be abortion, tubal ligation, unsuccessful hormonal contraception, infectious diseases, pathological pregnancy and childbirth.

All these events that happen in the life of almost every woman can lead to the same “breakdown” - a decrease in the level of natural progesterone, which is produced by the ovaries in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Some researchers have studied the possible connection between premenstrual pain and thyroid dysfunction, seasonal affective disorder, and circadian rhythm disorders, which are treated with dosed, full-spectrum bright light.

But to this day, the cause of period pain remains as mysterious as it was in 1931, when obstetrician-gynecologist Robert Frank, MD, first used the term “premenstrual syndrome” to describe the cyclical psychological disorder that plagued his patients.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set of pathological symptoms that appear a few days before menstruation and disappear in the first days of menstruation. Premenstrual syndrome is mainly manifested by dysfunction of the central nervous system, vegetative-vascular and metabolic-endocrine disorders.

What diseases cause pain before menstruation:

Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome include irritability, depression, tearfulness, aggressiveness, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, pain in the heart, tachycardia, breast engorgement, swelling, flatulence, thirst, shortness of breath, increased body temperature. Neuropsychic manifestations of premenstrual syndrome are reflected not only in complaints, but also in the inappropriate behavior of patients.

Depending on the predominance of certain symptoms, neuropsychic, edematous, cephalgic and crisis forms of premenstrual syndrome are distinguished.

1. The clinical picture of the neuropsychic form of premenstrual syndrome is dominated by irritability or depression (in young women depression often predominates, and in adolescence, aggressiveness is noted), as well as weakness and tearfulness.

2. The edematous form of premenstrual syndrome is manifested by severe engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands, swelling of the face, legs, fingers, and bloating. Many women with the edematous form experience sweating and increased sensitivity to odors.

3. The cephalgic form of premenstrual syndrome is clinically manifested by an intense throbbing headache radiating to the eyeball. The headache is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and blood pressure does not change. A third of patients with the cephalgic form of premenstrual syndrome experience depression, pain in the heart, sweating, and numbness of the hands.

4. The crisis form of premenstrual syndrome is associated with sympathetic-adrenal crises. The crisis begins with an increase in blood pressure, a feeling of pressure behind the sternum, fear of death, and palpitations. Typically, crises occur in the evening or at night and can be triggered by stress, fatigue, or an infectious disease. Crises often end with profuse urination.

Depending on the number, duration and intensity of symptoms, mild and severe premenstrual syndrome are distinguished.

With mild premenstrual syndrome, 3-4 symptoms are observed, 1-2 of them are significantly pronounced. Symptoms appear 2-10 days before the start of menstruation.

With severe premenstrual syndrome, 5-12 symptoms occur 3-14 days before menstruation, and 2-5 of them are pronounced.

Why do I experience severe pain during menstruation?

Hello friends! Today I want to touch on a topic that will be of more interest to young women, since severe pain during menstruation is very common.

But it seems to me that it will also be useful for men to know what is happening in the body of their loved ones every month.

I want to tell you about the reasons and how to treat them correctly.

Severe pain during menstruation

It's no secret that a woman's body is unique, and it is fully adapted for procreation. The structure of the skeleton, the elasticity of tissues, the ability to recover, everything is harmoniously arranged for bearing and giving birth to a healthy baby.

By a certain age, girls’ reproductive system is fully formed:

  • The first egg matures.
  • Nutrient epithelium grows in the uterine cavity.
  • Progesterone production increases.

The body has prepared for fertilization. It remains in standby mode for about eleven days. During this time, if a new life has not been born, the epithelium loses its properties, and the egg is no longer able to perform its assigned function.

Therefore, the system works to reject unsuitable tissues in order to make room for the growth of a new environment full of nutritional properties for the next embryo.

Active production of prostaglandin begins, a hormone that regulates the contractility of the uterine walls. Trying to get rid of the old epithelium, the uterine muscles make contractile movements, pushing out everything unnecessary. These spasms of the uterine walls cause severe pain during menstruation .

In a healthy woman, unpleasant sensations during menstruation (sometimes strong) begin 1–2 days before the start of menstruation, are pulling and aching in nature, and are quite tolerable in their pain.

They subside on their own, without the use of painkillers. A slight discomfort during menstruation should not bother a woman. Excessive nervousness during menstruation will only increase the pain syndrome.

You should be concerned and seek advice from a doctor if severe pain during menstruation is accompanied by:

  1. Nausea and vomiting.
  2. Increased sweating.
  3. Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).
  4. Fainting.
  5. Severe pain in the groin.
  6. Headache.

Let's figure out why these symptoms appear.

Groin pain in women

If they become strong and unbearable, and at least some of the listed symptoms are added to them, immediately seek advice.

Unbearable severe pain in the groin in a woman during menstruation, along with nausea, tachycardia and dizziness, especially if this is accompanied by a nagging discomfort in the groin, indicate the development of fibroid nodes on the muscle tissue of the uterine walls.

Fibroid node - fibroma, does not pose a threat to life, it is a benign formation. But as they grow, they put pressure on the vessels and nerve endings in the uterus, thereby causing terrible sensations.

They will not go away on their own, and it is useless to suppress them with painkillers.

You will have to increase the dosage each time. You need to get rid of the source, then everything will fall into place.

Another reason may be contraceptives. Often, young ladies, without thinking about the consequences, buy contraceptives without a doctor's prescription.

Uncontrolled use of such drugs threatens hormonal imbalance, imbalance of the immune system and many other troubles.

A malfunction of hormones can add to all the previous symptoms, the most painful – headache. I want to talk about this in more detail.

Why do you have a headache before your period?

You remember that just before the onset of menstruation, changes occur in the hormonal system. Progesterone reduces its production, giving way to prostaglandin. This is why you get a headache before your period. Changes in hormonal levels are characterized by:

  1. Severe throbbing pain.
  2. Changes in blood pressure.
  3. Nausea, occasional vomiting.
  4. Intolerance to bright light.
  5. Increased sweating.
  6. Sometimes your arms and legs may become numb.

Now imagine that during such strong changes in the body, you take a contraceptive drug that is not suitable for you. You can cope with such a critical situation only with the help of a specialist.

Any woman should take care of her health, especially when it comes to her reproductive organs. This may later have a negative impact during childbirth. I will talk about this further.

And now, if you want to relieve severe pain during menstruation, and don’t yet know how to do it, click on the button:

Painful Menstruation. Menstrual Pain (doctor's advice)


What is tachycardia

Tachycardia is considered to be an increase in the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle to 90 beats per minute or more (with a norm of 60 - 90 beats per minute). It is important to distinguish true tachycardia from the so-called “inotropic”, when an increased heartbeat is subjectively felt, and when counted, the pulse turns out to be within normal limits. This situation occurs when the pulse rate is physiological and the force of myocardial contractions is increased.

In addition, an increase in heart rate can be organic, if there are obvious pathological changes in the myocardium, and physiological (temporary) due to external factors. When tachycardia occurs during menstruation, most likely, we are talking about a physiological increase in heart rate.

Reasons for changing status

What are the causes of transient functional disturbances of heart rhythm during menstruation in women? These include:

  • Changes in hormonal balance throughout the menstrual cycle. The concentration of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s blood changes, and before the start of the cycle this difference reaches its peak. And given the fact that the levels of female sex hormones are indirectly related to thyroid hormones and the entire neuro-humoral system in general, we can conclude that tachycardia is caused by hormonal changes.
  • Immediately before the onset of menstruation, a woman’s psycho-emotional background becomes labile and sensitive. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that the autonomic nervous system has a stimulating effect on the beta receptors of the myocardium, which are responsible for the heart rate.
  • Due to the same fluctuations in the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood, a woman’s water-electrolyte balance may be slightly disturbed. This manifests itself in excessive thirst, swelling and increased blood volume. In the future, this can lead to changes in blood pressure (hypertension or hypotension), tachycardia and other malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.
  • In addition, there are a number of indirect factors that can lead to heart rhythm disturbances during the so-called premenstrual syndrome. As other symptoms of hormonal changes increase, such as headache, dizziness, nausea and discomfort in the lower abdomen, the woman begins to take a lot of necessary and not so necessary drugs to alleviate the symptoms. And for many of them, the possible side effects include “tachycardia,” and a vicious circle arises.

Thus, the causes of tachycardia before menstruation can be very diverse, and accordingly, they require an individual approach to treatment.


If you have heart rhythm disturbances and accompanying symptoms, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary diagnostics. This will reveal not only the presence of arrhythmia, but also the cause of its occurrence.

The standard diagnostic method after a history and physical examination is an electrocardiogram. In some cases, a single examination is not enough, so they resort to daily monitoring - Holter monitoring. It allows not only to identify abnormalities in the functioning of the heart, but also to trace the frequency of their occurrence, duration, and connection with certain factors (physical activity, emotional outburst, night time).

To identify the cause of arrhythmia, a number of additional diagnostic methods are used:

  • Blood analysis. Of particular interest is the lipid profile (biochemical study), which allows us to identify the characteristics of fat metabolism in the body. A biochemical study is also carried out to study electrolytes.
  • Ultrasound scanning. In most cases, this method examines the heart and thyroid gland, but if necessary, the condition of other internal organs is also checked.
  • Computer or magnetic resonance imaging. Such studies are resorted to less often when abnormalities in the functioning of the heart are serious and it is necessary to conduct a detailed scan of this organ and other systems.

The data obtained during diagnosis are necessary to assess the changes that have occurred and the need for treatment. To select a drug, it is important to determine the type of arrhythmia and study the characteristics of the body.

What should a woman do?

First of all, you need to understand that just by feeling a rapid heartbeat before your period, there is no need to go to the clinic or get tested. This is due to the fact that such tachycardia is functional, temporary. Naturally, there are exceptions, but they are very unlikely, because the problem is most often encountered by young women and girls, and organic changes in the myocardium, which can lead to tachycardia, are mainly observed in older people.

An exception to the situation, that is, when an urgent visit to a doctor is required, is the presence of concomitant serious symptoms, such as loss of consciousness, chest pain, and the like. In addition, if a woman has a history of cardiovascular disease, rapid heartbeat during menstruation should not be ignored.

Having come to the conclusion about the functionality of heart rhythm disturbances during menstruation, the question arises, how to treat tachycardia and is it necessary to do it at all? Of course it is necessary. The fact is that when the frequency of myocardial contractions exceeds 80 - 90 beats, the heart muscle becomes exhausted and begins to work ineffectively. As a result, we get poor health, a negative impact on other organ systems and depression. However, there is no need to immediately resort to traditional pharmaceuticals.

You can start with a simple correction of your lifestyle and daily routine, especially if a woman knows in advance that she is predisposed to tachycardia before menstruation. The following rules must be followed:

  • You need to limit your consumption of coffee and alcohol as much as possible. These drinks have a scientifically proven effect on increasing heart rate. You can drink no more than one cup of coffee a day and only with milk; women prone to tachycardia should completely avoid alcohol.
  • The total amount of liquid taken during the day should be limited by 20%.
  • Reduce your consumption of table salt, as it tends to increase thirst and collects fluid in the tissues, which leads to swelling and a vicious circle.
  • If possible, you should avoid severe stress and emotional disturbances.

Peppermint tea with cinnamon and ginger helps calm the heart and nerves. You can also try taking a hot bath or listening to relaxing music. This helps restore balance and stabilize the heart rhythm. These methods work well if episodes of heart palpitations pass quickly and are of low intensity.

In the case of a persistent increase in heart rate to 80 beats per minute or more, appropriate medications must be taken. You can start with herbal medicine, like Phytosed or herbal sedatives. If the effect is insufficient, you can occasionally (in order to remove the unpleasant symptom) take heart medications such as beta blockers - Bisoprolol, Nebivalol, and so on. However, you need to take into account that they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

We recommend reading the article about heart pain during menstruation. From it you will learn about heart pain as a sign of PMS, as well as the causes of premenstrual pain in a woman.

Thus, we can conclude that tachycardia before menstruation is not an organic phenomenon that requires a mandatory visit to a cardiologist. However, it can have a negative impact on the heart and the entire body as a whole, so you cannot completely turn a blind eye to the problem.

Palpitations during menstruation

Heart pain during and before menstruation is considered one of the signs of premenstrual syndrome. It appears much less frequently than pain in the abdomen, chest, nausea, and intestinal upset.

Moreover, an alarming symptom may not appear every time, but periodically. In most cases, discomfort in the sternum has nothing to do with heart disease and goes away after menstruation.

What is the cause of heart pain before menstruation?

Manifestations of premenstrual syndrome

Almost all women are familiar with the feeling of premenstrual syndrome. But it manifests itself differently in everyone. In general, experts identify more than 100 symptoms. Hormonal changes in a woman’s body before menstruation entail a lot of consequences.

Literally every internal organ, all vital systems find themselves in a stressful situation. The nervous system, the vegetative-vascular system, is under particular stress. The heart is an organ that finds itself at the very center of internal changes.

In addition, pain in the left hypochondrium may indicate neuralgia, which has nothing to do with heart disease.

Causes of heart pain before menstruation

When the question was asked on the forum why the heart hurts before and during menstruation, most women left the answer: “This is the first time I’ve heard about this!” Although, in general, there is nothing strange about this.

  • All diseases come from nerves! When your heart hurts, it is recommended to be less nervous and avoid stress. Before menstruation, the nervous system is especially vulnerable. Unreasonable tears, mood swings, excessive impressionability, insomnia, fears. All this affects the functioning of the heart. Particularly impressionable females experience aching or stabbing pain. The first reason why an organ can hurt.
  • Before menstruation, the uterus prepares to shed the endometrial layer. Spasms are present in the lower half of the abdomen and are transmitted to neighboring organs. Vessels tend to expand, then sharply narrow. Lack of adequate oxygen supply to the heart leads to unpleasant sensations. Changes in the state of the vegetative-vascular system are the second cause of heart pain before menstruation.
  • During menstruation, the heart hurts due to iron deficiency and decreased hemoglobin. The situation is especially typical with severe bleeding. But it can occur after the 3rd day of menstruation, when menstruation is heavier than other days. Low hemoglobin is dangerous due to oxygen starvation. Internal organs are not able to fully supply oxygen to the heart. As a result, it starts to hurt. When menstruation ends, strength is restored and the pain goes away. Hemoglobin can decrease already on the eve of menstruation. Therefore, this is the third cause of heart pain before and during menstruation.
  • Low blood pressure on the eve of menstruation occurs in every 3 women. Dizziness, weakness, rapid heartbeat, increased fatigue, headache, nausea, pain in the heart area. These are all signs of hypertension. The fourth reason why the heart hurts.

External factors that make a woman worry, worry, and nervous contribute to the appearance of pain. If during the previous month there were unpleasant events. On the eve of your period, your heart will begin to ache. If pain appears every time, does not go away after the end of menstruation, or makes itself felt in the period between menstruation, it is recommended to see a cardiologist or gynecologist.

How to relieve a symptom

In the absence of organ diseases, you can cope with painful sensations on your own. Physical exercise, proper breathing, and sedatives will help with this. To remove pain, it is necessary to eliminate the cause. In this case, it is only possible to reduce the negative manifestations of PMS.

  1. When the heart hurts, there is dizziness and weakness. In some cases, all this ends in loss of consciousness. During the period of unpleasant sensations in the left side of the hypochondrium, it is recommended to drink Valocordin, Validol. The drugs have a sedative effect and help relax blood vessels. Better blood circulation.
  2. As soon as an organ begins to hurt in attacks, you need to sit or lie down, relax, and breathe deeply. Deep but calm breathing normalizes the functioning of the organ, and the heart will stop hurting.
  3. Shortly before the start of menstruation, it is necessary to introduce iron-rich foods into the diet. Then the risk of a decrease in hemoglobin will decrease. The most affordable products are apples, liver, meat, buckwheat porridge.
  4. Raise blood pressure with green tea, chocolate, and red wine. You can take a tablet of citramon, citropak, or any drug containing caffeine. As well as a complex of vitamins containing iron.
  5. If your heart hurts, you should take sedatives in the form of tinctures of motherwort, valerian, and glod. You can make a “cocktail” of these drugs. Mix 10 drops of each, wash down with water, tea, juice. Tea made from chamomile, lemon balm, and mint has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

It is imperative to adhere to a sleep and rest schedule. Go for walks and light jogging. Spend more time outdoors. Then your heart will stop hurting and other manifestations of premenstrual syndrome will decrease.

Sometimes, in addition to an impressive number of unpleasant symptoms, women are bothered by tachycardia during menstruation. It is important to understand how to properly deal with this disease or avoid it altogether. After all, such a symptom causes a lot of inconvenience and disturbs not only adult women, but also young girls from the usual rhythm of life.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Tabakov O.: “I can recommend only one remedy for quickly normalizing blood pressure” read more.

To quickly eliminate an attack of tachycardia, it is recommended to apply a cold towel to the forehead

What is tachycardia?

To understand what to deal with during the onset of critical days, first of all, it is worth understanding what tachycardia is and how to identify the first symptoms.

Tachycardia is considered to be a rapid heartbeat exceeding 90 beats per minute. Frequent attacks of increased heart rate reduce the work of the heart and contribute to the development of pathologies associated with the work of the heart muscle.

Therefore, the question seems especially important when it comes to repeated manifestations during menstruation.

Symptoms of tachycardia

The moment of the so-called attack is quite easy to trace if you are attentive to your own condition. The heart begins to speed up, breathing becomes more frequent, since at this time the actively working heart needs oxygen.

A person lacks air, which causes a feeling of panic and nervousness, pulsation in the temples and rapid pulse.

Such symptoms can appear even when a person is in low physical activity, for example, immobilized at a desk.


Causes of tachycardia in the premenstrual period

Tachycardia before menstruation occurs for the following reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • changes in mental and emotional state;
  • changes in water and electrolyte balance in women;
  • as a side effect of medications taken by a woman to relieve symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

Symptoms of PMS

The following signs are identified:

  • the appearance of headaches;
  • swelling of the body;
  • dizziness;
  • stomach ache;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • weight gain;
  • pain in the back and muscles;
  • thirst;
  • prostration;
  • mood lability;
  • the appearance of constipation or diarrhea;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • pain in the mammary glands.

Features of the treatment of rapid heartbeat during menstruation

If a woman experiences palpitations before her period or other unpleasant symptoms, she needs to change her lifestyle and daily routine.

To do this, it is recommended to limit the consumption of caffeine-containing drinks as much as possible, as they increase the heart rate, reduce the amount of fluid you drink per day, and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

It is also necessary to limit the amount of salt and spices used in dishes. It is also necessary to establish a sleep schedule (sleep at least 8 hours), avoid stressful situations and do dosed physical exercise.

Tachycardia during menstruation

During menstruation, women often complain of rapid heartbeat. This is due to changes in hormonal levels, heavy blood loss during menstruation, which leads to anemia, mood lability, vomiting and diarrhea.

When tachycardia appears, women complain of dizziness, a feeling of lack of air and faintness. They also note the appearance of nausea, headache, chest pain and interruptions in heart function.

If such symptoms appear, you need to go to the hospital to see a doctor, undergo an examination and begin treatment.

Tachycardia from menstruation

Sometimes, in addition to an impressive number of unpleasant symptoms, women are bothered by tachycardia during menstruation. It is important to understand how to properly deal with this disease or avoid it altogether. After all, such a symptom causes a lot of inconvenience and disturbs not only adult women, but also young girls from the usual rhythm of life.

Read also: Tachycardia and internal trembling

To quickly eliminate an attack of tachycardia, it is recommended to apply a cold towel to the forehead

Causes of tachycardia before and during menstruation

Sometimes heart palpitations may occur before menstruation, and not just during the menstrual period. You shouldn’t attribute this to PMS, especially if it happens regularly.

It is important to find out the reasons by visiting a doctor. It's possible that your heart palpitations are a symptom of a more serious condition.

Nevertheless, there are several common versions of why tachycardia appears before menstruation:

  • water imbalance;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • as a consequence of taking medications.

What to do?

If you experience rapid heartbeat, you should consult a doctor and also take general precautions:

  • Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee and strong tea as much as possible to reduce the load on the heart.
  • If the cause is water imbalance, it is important to remember how much water you usually take per day. If you manage to drink little water, you should increase the amount; perhaps the body does not have enough clean liquid. If you consume more than 2 liters, it is better to reduce the dosage, drink often, but not much.
  • During menstruation, avoid foods that are too salty and spicy.
  • Avoid severe stress, haste and excitement.

Exercises for tachycardia

When an attack of tachycardia has already occurred, it is important to cope with the manifestations of the disease in a timely manner and reduce the heart rate. The following exercises will help:

  1. Stand up straight, take a deep breath of air through your nose.
  2. Exhaling through your mouth, slowly walk forward looking at the floor, focusing on your walking legs. This will help you concentrate and calm down.

Yoga and meditation will help in the fight against tachycardia, which also helps relaxation and concentration, reducing the heart rate.

Prevention measures

A productive way to prevent attacks of tachycardia is to avoid living in a hurry. Many women do not notice how they rush everywhere and everywhere. This especially applies to residents of megacities, because it has been scientifically proven that they more often suffer from manifestations of PMS.

When in a hurry, the heart experiences increased stress. It is important to get enough sleep and limit yourself to caffeine-containing products, make a choice in favor of a balanced and healthy diet, and spend more time in the fresh air.

These simple but effective rules will help to significantly alleviate not only PMS, but also improve your health in general.

Read also: Catecholaminergic ventricular tachycardia


A large number of women, both during and before menstruation, have to deal with attacks of tachycardia.

The causes of such a symptom can be varied, but it is important if the disease manifests itself repeatedly to undergo an examination and identify the cause.

To avoid unpleasant sensations, during menstrual periods you should limit yourself from stress, caffeine and alcohol. The transition to a healthy lifestyle, plenty of vitamins and good sleep will be beneficial and will help avoid attacks of tachycardia.

What is tachycardia

Tachycardia is considered to be an increase in the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle to 90 beats per minute or more (with a norm of 60 - 90 beats per minute). It is important to distinguish true tachycardia from the so-called “inotropic”, when an increased heartbeat is subjectively felt, and when counted, the pulse turns out to be within normal limits. This situation occurs when the pulse rate is physiological and the force of myocardial contractions is increased.

In addition, an increase in heart rate can be organic, if there are obvious pathological changes in the myocardium, and physiological (temporary) due to external factors. When tachycardia occurs during menstruation, most likely, we are talking about a physiological increase in heart rate.

Reasons for changing status

What are the causes of transient functional disturbances of heart rhythm during menstruation in women? These include:

  • Changes in hormonal balance throughout the menstrual cycle. The concentration of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s blood changes, and before the start of the cycle this difference reaches its peak. And given the fact that the levels of female sex hormones are indirectly related to thyroid hormones and the entire neuro-humoral system in general, we can conclude that tachycardia is caused by hormonal changes.
  • Immediately before the onset of menstruation, a woman’s psycho-emotional background becomes labile and sensitive. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that the autonomic nervous system has a stimulating effect on the beta receptors of the myocardium, which are responsible for the heart rate.
  • Due to the same fluctuations in the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood, a woman’s water-electrolyte balance may be slightly disturbed. This manifests itself in excessive thirst, swelling and increased blood volume. In the future, this can lead to changes in blood pressure (hypertension or hypotension), tachycardia and other malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.
  • In addition, there are a number of indirect factors that can lead to heart rhythm disturbances during the so-called premenstrual syndrome. As other symptoms of hormonal changes increase, such as headache, dizziness, nausea and discomfort in the lower abdomen, the woman begins to take a lot of necessary and not so necessary drugs to alleviate the symptoms. And for many of them, the possible side effects include “tachycardia,” and a vicious circle arises.

Thus, the causes of tachycardia before menstruation can be very diverse, and accordingly, they require an individual approach to treatment.

What should a woman do?

First of all, you need to understand that just by feeling a rapid heartbeat before your period, there is no need to go to the clinic or get tested. This is due to the fact that such tachycardia is functional, temporary. Naturally, there are exceptions, but they are very unlikely, because the problem is most often encountered by young women and girls, and organic changes in the myocardium, which can lead to tachycardia, are mainly observed in older people.

An exception to the situation, that is, when an urgent visit to a doctor is required, is the presence of concomitant serious symptoms, such as loss of consciousness, chest pain, and the like. In addition, if a woman has a history of cardiovascular disease, rapid heartbeat during menstruation should not be ignored.

Having come to the conclusion about the functionality of heart rhythm disturbances during menstruation, the question arises, how to treat tachycardia and is it necessary to do it at all? Of course it is necessary. The fact is that when the frequency of myocardial contractions exceeds 80 - 90 beats, the heart muscle becomes exhausted and begins to work ineffectively. As a result, we get poor health, a negative impact on other organ systems and depression. However, there is no need to immediately resort to traditional pharmaceuticals.

You can start with a simple correction of your lifestyle and daily routine, especially if a woman knows in advance that she is predisposed to tachycardia before menstruation. The following rules must be followed:

  • You need to limit your consumption of coffee and alcohol as much as possible. These drinks have a scientifically proven effect on increasing heart rate. You can drink no more than one cup of coffee a day and only with milk; women prone to tachycardia should completely avoid alcohol.
  • The total amount of liquid taken during the day should be limited by 20%.
  • Reduce your consumption of table salt, as it tends to increase thirst and collects fluid in the tissues, which leads to swelling and a vicious circle.
  • If possible, you should avoid severe stress and emotional disturbances.

Peppermint tea with cinnamon and ginger helps calm the heart and nerves. You can also try taking a hot bath or listening to relaxing music. This helps restore balance and stabilize the heart rhythm. These methods work well if episodes of heart palpitations pass quickly and are of low intensity.

In the case of a persistent increase in heart rate to 80 beats per minute or more, appropriate medications must be taken. You can start with herbal medicine, like Phytosed or herbal sedatives. If the effect is insufficient, you can occasionally (in order to remove the unpleasant symptom) take heart medications such as beta blockers - Bisoprolol, Nebivalol, and so on. However, you need to take into account that they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

We recommend reading the article about heart pain during menstruation. From it you will learn about heart pain as a sign of PMS, as well as the causes of premenstrual pain in a woman.

Thus, we can conclude that tachycardia before menstruation is not an organic phenomenon that requires a mandatory visit to a cardiologist. However, it can have a negative impact on the heart and the entire body as a whole, so you cannot completely turn a blind eye to the problem.

Increased heart rate during menstruation

Normally, the human heart beats from 60 to 90 beats per minute. Exceeding this indicator even by a few units is called tachycardia. Tachycardia occurs during physical activity; it is a kind of adaptation of the cardiovascular system that does not require intervention. Tachycardia can also occur during fear or stress.

However, most often a rapid heartbeat hides some kind of disturbance in the body. These may include heart disease, as well as conditions such as:

  • heat;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • decreased hemoglobin level (with anemia);
  • thyroid diseases;
  • other.

Most often, tachycardia is one of the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome in women. Adolescent girls who are just beginning to develop menstrual function, as well as women approaching menopause, are more susceptible to such manifestations.

Against the background of increased emotional lability, frequent mood swings, and greater impressionability, episodes of rapid heartbeat may occur, which go away on their own and do not require any medication correction.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, many note a tendency to fluid retention. This is due to the action of progesterone. Due to the accumulation of sodium, the volume of circulating blood increases and blood pressure may increase. Compensatory tachycardia occurs.

In women who are approaching menopause, tachycardia may appear along with hot flashes, a feeling of heat, and increased sweating . At the same time, there may be surges in blood pressure.

The following conditions can cause tachycardia on the eve of menstruation:

  • existing anemia;
  • a pregnancy that a woman may not know about;
  • taking medications.

The following groups of women are susceptible to tachycardia on the eve of menstruation:

  • smokers, alcohol and drug abusers;
  • overweight;
  • prone to depression;
  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • emotionally labile;
  • having other somatic diseases (for example, arterial hypertension, VSD, etc.).

The main manifestation of tachycardia is a feeling of rapid heartbeat, many describe it as “breaking out” of the chest . At the same time, the following may occur:

  • flushes of heat to the face;
  • increased sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • unpleasant sensations behind the sternum, in the heart area;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakness that suddenly appears, fainting.

You can easily confirm tachycardia yourself. To do this, you need to check the pulse in the area of ​​the outer side of the wrist - in a minute or 30 seconds (in this case, the result should be multiplied by two).

Exceeding the number of pulse waves more than 90 indicates tachycardia. At the same time, various rhythm disturbances may occur - extrasystoles, interruptions in heart function.

They feel like non-rhythmic contractions/pulse waves.

If tachycardia has a physiological cause, it does not pose a threat to the woman’s health. However, to confirm this fact it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Tachycardia, which occurs against the background of some diseases, increases the risk of developing the following conditions:

  • formation of blood clots in blood vessels;
  • poor general health;
  • sleep and memory disturbances;
  • changes in the functioning of internal organs.

Minimum list of examinations for tachycardia before menstruation:

  • an electrocardiogram, but if the tachycardia is episodic in nature, then the ECG recording may not detect such disturbances;
  • Holter monitoring is an ideal option for detecting attacks of tachycardia and arrhythmia: a special device is placed on the body for a day, so even the slightest rhythm disturbances cannot go unnoticed;
  • Ultrasound of the heart is necessary to exclude congenital and acquired defects.

If any diseases are detected during the examination, treatment is carried out taking into account the existing pathology. Only a doctor can prescribe medications to correct heart rhythm disturbances . Self-administration is fraught with serious consequences.

The absence of obvious reasons for rhythm disturbance requires adjustment of lifestyle, nutrition, taking mild sedatives, herbal preparations:

  • Normalize your sleep schedule - sleep for at least 8 hours in a well-ventilated area, in silence.
  • Avoid stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.
  • Limit consumption of coffee and strong drinks during the second phase of the cycle.
  • Try to include less saltiness, smoked foods and other foods in your diet that will contribute to fluid retention in the body.
  • Walking in the fresh air in the morning or evening is beneficial. Nordic walking is also suitable.
  • With increased irritability and impressionability, it is useful to take sedatives - Valerian, Motherwort, Grandaxin. Magnesium preparations are effective - Magnefar, Magnesium B6 and others. If necessary, they can use medications from the group of antidepressants as prescribed by a doctor.
  • If tachycardia occurs during premenopause, it is advisable to prescribe drugs to correct hormonal levels, for example, Remens, Klimadinon and others based on black cohosh. Hormone replacement therapy drugs are also effective.

Read more in our article about tachycardia before menstruation.

Risk factors

The following groups of women are more susceptible to tachycardia on the eve of menstruation:

  • smokers, alcohol and drug abusers;
  • overweight;
  • prone to depression;
  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • emotionally labile;
  • having other somatic diseases (for example, arterial hypertension, VSD, etc.).

All these women need to devote time to preventing the occurrence of tachycardia and, in general, the severity of premenstrual syndrome.

Who has the same PMS?

I am 30 years old, my periods have been very painful all my life and I have always had PMS. The symptoms lasted for a week - bad mood, tearfulness, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This year, for the second time, I had PMS to the point where I just thought I was going to go crazy. Very similar to panic attacks, severe tachycardia, dizziness, fear, panic, I thought I was having a heart attack. I couldn’t even drink coffee because I immediately felt sick. The days began and all the symptoms gradually began to pass. Has anyone had this? experts

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Sheludyakov Sergey

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Dyachenko Elena Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist in training. Specialist from the site

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Lazareva Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Coach. Specialist from the site

Arzamastsev Dmitry Valerievich

Psychologist, existential therapist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Gomez Suarez

Psychologist, Psychologist-consultant. Specialist from the site

Filimonova Anna Vyacheslavovna

Psychologist, Accredited Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Pustovoitova Elena Yurievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

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