Discharge after a vacuum, mini abortion, how long it lasts, types and types of discharge

Termination of an unwanted pregnancy using vacuum aspiration is performed during the first trimester, preferably no later than the 8th week. Unlike performing an abortion using the curettage method, with a mini-abortion the area of ​​damage to the uterine mucosa is insignificant, which means the risk of complications is less. A correctly performed vacuum aspiration procedure is a gentle mini-operation that ensures minimal trauma to the internal tissues of the uterus and rapid recovery of the patient. However, if after performing a mini-abortion procedure, a woman develops specific vaginal discharge, complications can be suspected. It is worth understanding in more detail which types of discharge are considered normal and which are considered pathological.

Types of abortions and discharge after them

The classic curettage method is the oldest method of interruption that has been officially approved. Artificial termination of pregnancy means that the fertilized egg is removed from the cavity. Until this moment, it represents a single whole with the structure of the genital organ. When this is done in the classical way - by scraping, pain and severe blood loss occur. Today, a classic abortion is performed if the gestational age is more than 8 weeks.

After an abortion, the discharge continues for about 10 days. At first it is scarlet blood in large quantities, even more than during normal menstruation. Gradually the quantity decreases and the color turns brown.

During medical termination of pregnancy, the fertilized egg is removed using strong hormonal drugs. They are taken for a while, then heavy bleeding begins. The red bloody discharge gradually becomes more abundant, and in the process the fertilized egg is released. Afterwards, blood is released until the next menstruation occurs. Over time, the volume of discharge decreases and the color turns brownish. This method can be used up to 5 weeks of pregnancy.

The use of the vacuum method is based on the use of special vacuum equipment, which creates pressure inside the genital organ and pulls out the fertilized egg. They use a plastic aspirate - the pressure is created manually, and if it is an electric vacuum, then a pump is used.

An abortion is carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparatory. They examine the organ, determine the gestational age, and rule out the disease. Treated with antiseptic agents.
  2. Anesthesia. Severe pain is not observed, but discomfort is present. Local anesthesia is used and injected into the cervix. During uterine contractions and manipulations with instruments, weakness, dizziness, and nausea appear. But this is all tolerable.
  3. A cannula is placed into the cervical canal. If the pregnancy is from 6 to 8 weeks, then this is done using special dilators.
  4. Abortion procedure. The cannula is connected to the syringe. Manipulations are carried out, as a result of which the fertilized egg is removed.

This method of termination of pregnancy is used in the early stages - from 5 to 8 weeks. Otherwise, efficiency decreases and there may be negative consequences. As a result, you will have to do additional scraping. This applies to both earlier and later dates.

Discharges are also present, but they are insignificant. From red to brown. They last 3-7 days, but can be observed until the next menstruation.

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Normal discharge

Each type of abortion has its own “normal” discharge. Their character is influenced by several factors:

  • gestational age;
  • woman's age;
  • accompanying illnesses;
  • recovery period;
  • general condition of the body;
  • doctor's professionalism.

Immediately after an abortion, slight bleeding is observed. They disappear quite quickly, and on days 3-5 they intensify again, become scarlet in color, and resemble menstruation. This is a normal phenomenon, since the body is cleansed in this way and hormonal changes occur. The discharge should be light and last from 3 to 6 days.

After this, the usual white discharge characteristic of the genitals is observed. At the end, menstruation appears. However, in some cases there is a deviation.

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Pathological discharge

Any change to the above situation is a deviation:

  1. No discharge. There may be cases of abrupt cessation of discharge, which is also extremely undesirable. This means that the uterus does not excrete the remains of the fetus, a spasm is observed, and blood accumulates inside the organ, which turns into sepsis. A doctor's consultation is required. The cause of this phenomenon may be a hematoma of the cervical canal, which does not allow the residue to escape. The process is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, increased body temperature, and deterioration of well-being.
  2. . The concept of heavy discharge is different for every woman. It all depends on the amount of blood that comes out during normal menstruation. However, if 2 large pads fill within 1 hour, it is considered bleeding. The cause may be incomplete rejection of the fertilized egg.
  3. Unpleasant smell. You should pay attention to the smell that accompanies discharge after an interrupted pregnancy. The presence of an unpleasant odor indicates a bacterial infection. The color of the discharge may be yellow. The infection enters the body not during the abortion itself, since everything is done sterilely, but after it. The cervix remains open for a certain time, and infection can quickly penetrate it. The risk of infection is present for 3-5 days after an abortion. Therefore, it is very important to maintain personal hygiene and take medications that prevent this.
  4. Heterogeneous structure. If clots, lumps, or streaks of blood are observed, the abortion was not performed completely.

Other deviations are possible. We need to understand exactly what they should be. Ask your doctor about this before the abortion, find out how long they will last when your next menstruation occurs. If something goes wrong, doubts or discomfort arise, you need to go to the clinic. It’s better if suspicions turn out to be in vain than to risk your health and life later.

Vacuum aspiration is the least traumatic method of terminating pregnancy in the early stages. Using special equipment (vacuum cleaner principle), the embryo is removed from the uterus under high pressure. The procedure is performed only in the early stages of pregnancy (usually up to 7 obstetric weeks - this is approximately 21 days of delayed menstrual flow). This procedure is also called a mini-abortion, since it is not performed under general anesthesia and there are rarely serious complications after it.

Discharge after vacuum termination of pregnancy: norm and pathology

Vacuum aspiration is a procedure used to terminate a pregnancy. Compared to curettage, this is a more gentle procedure. Mini-abortion using vacuum is considered a relatively safe and less traumatic method, but this operation involves surgery and requires postoperative rehabilitation.

Discharge always occurs after a vacuum, but it is different for all women. By color, character and intensity, they judge how well the vacuum abortion was performed and how the body is recovering.

Normal discharge after vacuum

The presence of discharge after vacuum cleaning is a sign of self-cleaning of the uterus. They are observed for a short time and begin immediately after the procedure. On average, the body recovers in 1–3 days, but much depends on the state of health and individual characteristics.

If the pregnancy was terminated after your period was supposed to start, the discharge lasts no more than 2-4 days. After a week, bleeding may return. This is normal and occurs under the influence of hormones. After a mini-abortion, progesterone production suddenly stops.

Some women may experience scanty discharge after vacuum aspiration for 6–10 days. This duration is due to the fact that the abortion was performed when menstruation was delayed on the eve of the critical days.


On the 1st day there is heavy discharge. During this period, the damaged endometrium is actively restored in the uterine cavity. After an abortion, primary bleeding is scarlet in color and of medium intensity, lasts no more than 3–4 days and may contain clots. These are the remains of the epithelium and fertilized egg. Over time, the volume and quantity of discharge decreases. They turn pale and become uniform.


One of the signs of a successful vacuum abortion is brown discharge. If they are odorless and the woman does not feel pain or discomfort, this condition is considered normal for the body. When interacting with oxygen, the blood coagulates and darkens, which is why the brown tint appears.

Usually such discharge lasts 2–4 days. In cases where they do not stop and the volume increases, it is necessary to see a doctor.

After some time, menstruation begins after vacuum aspiration. It is not always possible to determine the exact time of its onset, so we recommend reading additional information on this topic.

Pathological discharge

Copious discharge after vacuum termination of pregnancy is classified as pathological. If you have to change the pad every half hour, call an ambulance. The reason for this abundance may be poor cleaning. Sometimes the membranes of the fertilized egg remain in the uterus. This leads to inflammatory processes and requires repeated surgery.

You can recognize the onset of inflammation by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort, itching, burning in the genitals;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, chills, fever;
  • pain in the back, abdominal and pelvic areas;
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting.

Menstruation after vacuum cleaning returns to normal after about a month, but there may be deviations in the timing when atypical bleeding is observed instead of menstruation. Dangerous conditions include the presence of an unpleasant odor in the discharge and the heterogeneous structure of the discharge.

Another cause for concern is the protracted nature of the bleeding, when the discharge after vacuum aspiration lasts more than 4 days and has a color and consistency that is atypical for this condition.

After a mini-abortion, you need to pay attention to these characteristics of vaginal secretion. Any changes may indicate the onset of complications and the development of diseases.

Mucous leucorrhoea

After vacuum aspiration, the woman feels constant moisture in the perineal area. This effect is created by mucous leucorrhoea. They support healthy microflora and speed up rehabilitation.

This is considered the norm only in cases where the transparent whitish mucus is scanty in nature and is not accompanied by pain, itching or a pungent odor. After a few months, the discharge should stop. If this does not happen and the feeling of moisture does not go away, the development of blood diseases, thrush, tuberculosis, diabetes, and oncological pathologies is possible.


You can also be calm about yellow discharge after a vacuum abortion. They are observed due to injury to blood vessels during surgery.

Yellow color, absence of clots and odor are the norm for such discharge. They take several months to complete. During this period, it is important to monitor accompanying symptoms. A change in the consistency of vaginal secretions, the appearance of a strong odor and an increase in temperature may indicate active bacterial growth.

When there is no discharge during vacuum aspiration

Doctors consider the absence or sudden cessation of discharge after vacuum aspiration to be dangerous symptoms. After a mini-abortion, the uterus is restored. Damaged areas of the endometrium and injured vessels heal, and all excess is removed.

Natural cleansing is normal, when the remains of the fetus with blood come out on their own. If this process is disrupted, there is no discharge after an abortion. This is bad, as blood clots and spasms may form, preventing blood from flowing out.

It accumulates in the uterus, which causes congestion, inflammation and infection. Such conditions are accompanied by severe cutting pain in the abdominal area, high fever, and weakness.

Doctors usually explain how many days the discharge lasts after an abortion, why its absence is dangerous and what needs to be done in such cases. Women should remember the recommendations, be more attentive to their condition and not ignore the appearance of atypical symptoms.

Possible complications

After any abortion, the female body is weakened. Regardless of what week of pregnancy and how the cleansing was carried out, the process is associated with damage to the uterine epithelium. This leads to a variety of complications. The most dangerous include high fever and heavy bleeding. These are clear signs of an ongoing infection.

In the first days after a mini-abortion, the temperature can reach 37.5 °C. If the readings are higher, call an ambulance. It is not recommended to bring down the temperature using usual methods and means. Infections and inflammatory processes are often accompanied by weakness, nausea, and painful conditions.

Early complications of mini-abortions include menstrual irregularities. This happens often after surgery and the inevitable hormonal changes. Menstruation may begin later or earlier than expected. It takes several months for complete recovery.

Late complications after a vacuum abortion include miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, and infertility. Such consequences are very rare, but they are possible.

Rehabilitation period

On average, rehabilitation after vacuum cleaning lasts 2 weeks, but this period varies. Its duration depends on the woman’s age, lifestyle, the presence of chronic diseases, and the quality of the operation performed. Some representatives of the fairer sex need a couple of days to recover, while for others the condition returns to normal over many months.

To avoid serious consequences, women are prescribed bed rest. During this period, hot showers, alcohol, sex, visiting baths and saunas, and lifting weights are contraindicated. It is very important to maintain personal hygiene. It is recommended to use gentle products for daily washing, wear natural linen, and regularly change hygiene products.

The body’s recovery takes longer and is more difficult in cases where there is bleeding with an odor, prolonged brown discharge, and clots and lumps appear in the vaginal secretion. Rehabilitation with such complications requires treatment and constant medical supervision.

Source: https://TopGinekolog.ru/vydeleniya/posle-vakuum-aspiratsii

Features of vacuum cleaning

Discharge after vacuum cleaning, as after any gynecological operation, is a completely normal phenomenon, however, its nature must be strictly controlled. The norm is brown discharge immediately after surgery (lasting 1-4 days), later on the 3-4th day light bloody, but not copious, substances appear. If active bleeding appears or the discharge has a strong unpleasant odor, your body temperature has risen, and you experience pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Before the procedure, the woman undergoes a full examination, including: examination by a gynecologist, a series of tests, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and consultation with a therapist. During the operation, a small probe with a special attachment is inserted into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal. The doctor connects the probe to a device that creates a vacuum in the female genital organ, i.e. negative pressure. Under its action, the fertilized egg, which is not yet well attached to the wall of the uterus, is separated from it and enters the aspirator. The uterus was cleared of the fertilized egg without causing any serious damage to it.

The procedure is prescribed for:

  • termination of unwanted pregnancy in the early stages;
  • impossibility of further normal development of pregnancy (fading, fetal pathologies, etc.);
  • retention of the ovum during another method of abortion or placenta after childbirth;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • diagnostic need (biopsy, endometrium);
  • accumulation of fluid (serozometer) or blood (hematometer) in the uterus.


  • late pregnancy;
  • inflammatory or infectious diseases of the uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • a number of the patient’s diseases;
  • recent (less than 6 months ago) termination of pregnancy, by any means.

In total, the procedure takes 10-15 minutes. Recovery after it is 60-120 minutes.

How and in what cases is vacuum cleaning of the uterus performed after childbirth?

The human body has its own reliable self-cleaning mechanisms, but sometimes for various reasons they do not work. In this case, modern medicine has created methods of hardware intervention to avoid severe complications. One such method is using a vacuum aspirator to cleanse the uterus.

What is vacuum cleaning of the uterus?

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity (vacuum aspiration) is the removal of its contents along with the upper functional layer of the mucous membrane. For high-quality manipulation, a device called a “vacuum aspirator” is used.

It is a catheter, or aspiration tip, connected by a flexible tube to an aspirator. The mechanism uses a pump to create negative pressure. The powerful suction effect created by the aspirator allows you to collect and remove accumulated blood and particles of the contents of the uterine cavity.

An alternative to the hardware method is manual (manual) vacuum aspiration. It is carried out using a mechanical tube in which negative pressure is created by the force applied by the doctor.

Advantages of using vacuum aspiration:

  • Vacuum cleaning is considered a gentle method that minimizes complications in the form of an inflammatory process;
  • The cervix and the uterus itself are not injured, or these injuries are minor;
  • It is possible to carry out the procedure under local or general anesthesia;
  • Vacuum aspiration restores a woman’s reproductive health and the ability to conceive and bear a child without complications in the future.

The procedure is performed in a hospital by an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist. For local anesthesia, injections of analgesics are used, for general anesthesia, intravenous administration of anesthesia drugs is used.

The disadvantage of this method is that all manipulations in the uterine cavity are performed blindly. In addition, in most cases, the material taken cannot be used for detailed histological examination.

In what cases is the procedure performed?

Vacuum cleaning is not a frequently prescribed gynecological procedure; serious reasons are needed for its implementation. Indications for vacuum aspiration:

  • Frozen pregnancy in the early stages of fetal development (up to 12 weeks);
  • Spontaneous termination of pregnancy with incomplete removal of particles of the fertilized egg;
  • Incomplete delivery of the placenta after natural childbirth or after cesarean section;
  • Taking a sample of the internal contents of the uterus for microscopic or bacteriological examination;
  • Accumulation of blood in the uterus (hematometra);
  • Planned early termination of pregnancy (medical abortion);
  • Hydatidiform mole (growth of chorionic villi in the form of bubbles with liquid);
  • Volumetric bleeding from the uterus.

In some cases, the gynecologist takes a wait-and-see approach, not excluding the possibility of spontaneous removal of placenta and endometrial particles and blood from the uterus.

If a woman has a fever, increased bleeding, or signs of inflammation in the form of mucopurulent vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, vacuum aspiration is performed without delay.

Vacuum aspiration is contraindicated in case of bifurcation of the uterus and the presence of a septum in it, with tumors of any etiology, during pregnancy for more than 5 weeks, with ectopic development of the egg, or with a history of abortion within the previous 6 months.

How is the cleaning done?

To carry out the procedure, the woman sits on a gynecological chair. If the uterus is cleaned after childbirth, then the manipulation is carried out directly on the birth table.

Local or general anesthesia is required for vacuum aspiration, which involves forced dilation of the cervix, as this is the most painful part of the procedure. Postpartum cleansing in most cases is performed without anesthesia, since the cervix during this period has a sufficient degree of dilation.


  • The vaginal walls and cervix are fixed using dilators;
  • The genitals are treated with an aseptic solution;
  • Anesthetic injections are performed into the cervix and periuterine tissue; for general anesthesia, preference is given to intravenous anesthetic drugs;
  • The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina to monitor the progress of the operation, opens and dilates the cervix, if necessary;
  • The gynecologist uses a special probe to measure the distance from the entrance to the cervix to its fundus in order to calculate how far the aspirator catheter can be immersed;
  • An aspiration tube is inserted into the uterus and a vacuum is created in it;
  • The gynecologist fixes the aspirator tip in one position or rotates it to collect the desired material.

After a period of time determined by the doctor, the woman needs an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity to monitor the condition of this organ. If the study shows that there is no blood, placenta or fertilized egg inside the organ, then the cleansing was successful.

Features of vacuum aspiration in various conditions:

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity after childbirth.

If there are placenta particles, blood clots, and other atypical tissues in the uterus, it will not be able to fully contract after childbirth. After an ultrasound confirming the atypical condition of this organ, medications that contract the uterus or manual cleaning may be prescribed.

If these methods are ineffective, the woman in labor is prescribed vacuum cleaning. After aspiration, she takes antibiotics to prevent inflammation, and the woman undergoes antiseptic treatment of her reproductive organs. Breastfeeding will have to be stopped for the period of treatment, saving milk by expressing.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity during a frozen pregnancy or hydatidiform mole.

Fetal death may result in spontaneous abortion. If it remains in the uterus, sooner or later its decomposition begins, which leads to intoxication of the female body, to sepsis. Vacuum aspiration allows you to get rid of particles of the fertilized egg and placenta that were not exfoliated when the dead embryo was released.

With a hydatidiform mole, the contents of the uterus cannot be expelled spontaneously. Bubbles with liquid remain inside the organ and cause the development of a malignant tumor.

If a woman experiences hyperthermia after the procedure, careful examination is required to ensure complete removal of the foreign tissue. After cleaning, the woman must be prescribed a course of treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity after miscarriage.

The manipulation is carried out to remove placental particles after the loss of an embryo older than 13 weeks, or during a miscarriage between 6 and 12 weeks, when there is a possibility that blood clots and particles of the fertilized egg remain in the uterus.

Here, a wait-and-see approach is more often used, and cleaning is prescribed for severe bleeding and signs of acute infection.

Mini abortion.

Early termination of pregnancy is performed by aspiration of the contents of the uterus along with the embryo. The procedure greatly reduces the trauma and negative consequences for women’s health inherent in the traditional method.

Recovery after vacuum aspiration

Many women referred for vacuum aspiration are interested in how much blood flows after the procedure. Since the inside of the uterus is a wound after cleaning, there will still be discharge.

They may look like ichor or blood. Bloody discharge will last from 3-5 to 10-14 days. They are not very abundant and do not have an unpleasant odor.

If the bleeding intensifies, spasmodic severe pain appears in the lower abdomen, you should immediately seek medical help.

The menstrual cycle will improve in 35-43 days, because restoration of the endometrium begins to occur from the first day after aspiration. After the procedure, vaginal tampons cannot be used; the use of sanitary pads is permitted.

Some practical tips for women preparing for vacuum cleaning

Since vacuum aspiration is a full-fledged surgical procedure, an examination is carried out before the procedure. It includes the standard diagnostic minimum:

  • Blood test for infections: HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • General and biochemical blood test;
  • Coagulogram (determination of blood clotting);
  • Vaginal smear cytology analysis (PAP test);
  • ECG.

Immediately before aspiration, 6-8 hours before, you should not eat or drink , as otherwise complications will arise during anesthesia. For complete antiseptics, before the procedure you need to remove hair in the genital area and take a shower.

It is advisable to inform your doctor in advance about possible allergic reactions to medications.

Vacuum aspiration is a reliable method that avoids complications. At the current level of medical development, it does not have serious consequences for a woman’s reproductive function.


Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity from clots after childbirth

During childbirth, different situations happen. And in some cases, surgery cannot be avoided. When there is a bad contraction and does not come out, or the afterbirth does not come out well, blood clots remain, vacuum cleaning is used after childbirth. This procedure cannot be avoided, because sometimes a woman’s life depends on it.

With the modern level of medicine, this procedure is more gentle. It can also be used for diagnosis and treatment.

There is an opinion that vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is used only to terminate pregnancy, but this is far from the case. It is used for heavy bleeding, removal of clots, biopsy analysis, after a miscarriage, fetal death, to remove remnants of the placenta and fluid accumulations.

But today we will not consider all the situations in which this intervention is prescribed. Many young mothers are interested in why, after visiting the ultrasound room, the obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes curettage after childbirth. It would seem, what does the birth of a child have in common with this unpleasant procedure? But not everything is as good as we would like. Let's dwell on this issue.

Causes of discharge after a vacuum

You need to figure out which discharge is normal. Primary vaginal flows that are brown in color are the result of damage to the uterine tissue. The healing period depends on the individual characteristics of the body, and lasts from 1 to 4 days. Such discharge begins immediately after surgery. After they end, new ones appear, which can easily be mistaken for menstrual bleeding, but this is a response to hormonal changes in the body. Vaginal discharge includes blood and mucus. Gradually, the quantitative composition changes in favor of mucus. This is due to the completion of the healing stage of damaged tissue.


Serious complications rarely occur after vacuum aspiration and, therefore, the appearance of atypical vaginal discharge, pain, or fever indicates the need to immediately consult a doctor. If there is no discharge, then this is also a bad sign, possibly indicating a hormonal imbalance or other abnormalities.

In the next week after surgery, it is necessary to avoid physical and emotional stress. It is better to spend this time at home, calmly and freeing yourself from homework. It is the lack of proper postoperative rehabilitation that causes complications.

When there is no discharge during vacuum aspiration

Doctors consider the absence or sudden cessation of discharge after vacuum aspiration to be dangerous symptoms. After a mini-abortion, the uterus is restored. Damaged areas of the endometrium and injured vessels heal, and all excess is removed.

Natural cleansing is normal, when the remains of the fetus with blood come out on their own. If this process is disrupted, there is no discharge after an abortion. This is bad, as blood clots and spasms may form, preventing blood from flowing out.

It accumulates in the uterus, which causes congestion, inflammation and infection. Such conditions are accompanied by severe cutting pain in the abdominal area, high fever, and weakness.

Doctors usually explain how many days the discharge lasts after an abortion, why its absence is dangerous and what needs to be done in such cases. Women should remember the recommendations, be more attentive to their condition and not ignore the appearance of atypical symptoms.

Menstrual cycle after mini-abortion

Abortion is a serious physiological and hormonal stress for the body, no matter how it is carried out, which is why the menstrual cycle is disrupted. It is impossible to predict how long the discharge will be, when a new menstrual cycle will begin and how long it will take for the female body to recover and enter a normal physiological rhythm.

The beginning of secondary discharge after vacuum aspiration in gynecology is considered the beginning of the female cycle, but you should not expect that the next menstruation will begin at your standard time. Menstruation may start early or late.

After the abortion, the patient should spend 30-60 minutes lying on her stomach and under the supervision of a doctor. During this period, she may experience discomfort and pain. Further, such symptoms should disappear. Due to hormonal changes, a woman may experience mood swings, depression, irritability, and even a deterioration in general well-being, discomfort in the groin area and mammary glands.

If a mini-abortion was not done for medical reasons, but with the aim of terminating a pregnancy, then the doctor will probably prescribe contraceptives for several menstrual cycles. Sometimes an antibiotic is also prescribed. It is important to remember that after vacuum aspiration, the woman’s body recovers very quickly and the onset of the next pregnancy is possible even before the first menstruation begins after the operation.

The vacuum aspiration procedure is the least dangerous of all aborted procedures, however, it may have consequences that are worth considering:

  • partial retention of the fertilized egg (incomplete removal);
  • trauma to the inner surface or cervix with instruments, which can lead to bleeding;
  • introduction of infection;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infertility.

Rehabilitation period

On average, rehabilitation after vacuum cleaning lasts 2 weeks, but this period varies. Its duration depends on the woman’s age, lifestyle, the presence of chronic diseases, and the quality of the operation performed. Some representatives of the fairer sex need a couple of days to recover, while for others the condition returns to normal over many months.

To avoid serious consequences, women are prescribed bed rest. During this period, hot showers, alcohol, sex, visiting baths and saunas, and lifting weights are contraindicated. It is very important to maintain personal hygiene. It is recommended to use gentle products for daily washing, wear natural linen, and regularly change hygiene products.

The body’s recovery takes longer and is more difficult in cases where there is bleeding with an odor, prolonged brown discharge, and clots and lumps appear in the vaginal secretion. Rehabilitation with such complications requires treatment and constant medical supervision.


Why is a vacuum prescribed after childbirth? In fact, there are several possible reasons for the appointment. This is also a pathology of the uterus. To identify its nature, it is necessary to take samples of internal tissues. Indications include the need to cleanse, for example, the placenta, the uterine cavity after fertilization. And possible complications during childbirth (serozometer, hematometer, etc.) Whatever the reason for the appointment, it is worth remembering that you cannot refuse or delay this procedure, because complications from the reason for the appointment can be fatal.

Can a fertilized egg remain in the uterus after a mini-abortion? Yes, both completely and partially. If the fetus partially freezes in the uterine cavity, this procedure is repeated or a more serious procedure is performed. If the fetus remains completely in the uterus, then this indicates a fairly tight attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus (it is possible that the gestational age was incorrectly determined). In this case, another method of abortion is prescribed.

Vacuum aspiration (click to view)

What anesthesia is used for a mini-abortion? Most often, the patient is given pain medication and/or local anesthesia for the cervix. However, general anesthesia is sometimes used. With local anesthesia, pulling sensations are possible. However, recovery from general anesthesia takes longer, and it can take its toll on the body. But in each specific case the decision is made individually.

Should vaginal discharge have some kind of odor after cleaning? Discharge, of course, always has an odor, however, if it acquires a too bright and unjustified color or an overly strong, unpleasant odor, then this is a bell to see a doctor. This may indicate an infection has entered the uterine cavity.


How to determine that the abortion was successful? After 2 weeks, the patient needs to come for an appointment, where she undergoes an ultrasound procedure, which checks for the absence of remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. A repeat examination is carried out and it is during this period that it is possible to determine the success of the operation.

For many, the phrase vacuum aspiration is synonymous with terminating an unwanted pregnancy. However, this procedure is also performed for many medical indications. Moreover, more than one woman was saved from uterine sepsis and other complications using a vacuum. The procedure has a small list of contraindications and a low level of risk of consequences. This is what makes her one of the most sought after obstetricians and gynecologists.

In everyday life, abortion is understood as the artificial termination of pregnancy. The normal course of the period after an abortion is the key to successful recovery of the body after a traumatic intervention. An important question is how much blood bleeds after an abortion. This article is devoted to this topic.

Cleaning after childbirth: how does it happen, what are the reasons for scraping and the consequences of it?

Childbirth takes place in two stages - the birth of the child and the release of the placenta. If the baby's place does not come out on its own, there is a suspicion that parts of the placenta and membranes remain in the uterus, so curettage or vacuum cleaning is indicated.

This is a simple but rather painful procedure, as a result of which it is carried out after preliminary anesthesia immediately after childbirth, over the next 24 hours, the first or second postpartum months.

Why can’t you do without cleaning, and what are the possible complications after it?

In what cases is cleaning necessary after childbirth?

It happens that during childbirth the placenta comes out partially or remains completely in the uterus. In this case, the obstetrician immediately decides to manually scrape the uterine cavity or perform vacuum aspiration to clean the muscular organ. Before being discharged from the maternity hospital (on days 3-5), young mothers undergo a control ultrasound.

READ ALSO: How is the uterus cleaned with a vacuum after childbirth?

Failure to perform timely curettage will sooner or later lead to hospitalization. This is fraught with the following consequences:

  • uterine bleeding with a drop in hemoglobin levels, weakness, inability to care for the baby;
  • inflammation of the endometrium;
  • sepsis - a general infection of the blood, which leads to infection of the uterus.

If blood clots, parts of the placenta, remain in the cavity of the muscular organ, they decompose due to the activity of opportunistic microflora.

In addition, the remains of the placenta can interfere with the release of lochia and the final cleansing of the uterus.

Blood clots can clog the vessels of the uterus and break off after a couple of months, causing bleeding (more details in the article: why do blood clots remain in the uterus after childbirth?).

The best time to cleanse is immediately after giving birth. However, it also happens that it is prescribed 6-8 weeks after natural delivery or cesarean section due to the appearance of spotting or bleeding.

Cleaning technique

Cleaning the uterus after childbirth, while its throat is open, is the optimal period for intervention. In this case, manual cleaning is possible, which involves instrumental curettage under anesthesia. In some cases, vacuum aspiration is performed. After such a procedure, the young mother stays in the maternity hospital for 1-2 days.

If the obstetrician is sure that after birth the baby's place is completely out, a heating pad with ice is placed on the stomach. Then, every day at the clinic, intramuscular injections of oxytocin are given.

The substance provokes active contractions of the uterus, allowing the organ to quickly return to its prenatal state. In this case, the doctor feels the abdomen every day and inquires about the volume of postpartum discharge.

A control ultrasound before discharge shows whether curettage is necessary.

If, according to the results of a control ultrasound, cleaning after childbirth is necessary, the woman will stay in the maternity hospital for a couple of days. The procedure algorithm is no different from an abortion:

  • use of general or local anesthesia;
  • treatment of the external genitalia with antiseptics;
  • mechanical expansion of the cervical canal;
  • carefully removing clots and parts of the placenta from the uterine cavity using a sterile curette.

The uterus is cleaned for no more than 15-30 minutes; the young mother recovers gradually from modern anesthesia, without headaches or other side effects. To enhance uterine contractility, injections of oxytocin or similar drugs are indicated. Normally there should be no bleeding, only lochia. The volume of discharge will gradually decrease, and over time it will turn pale.

Cleaning the uterus can be replaced by lavage, which begins the day after delivery. The course includes 3-5 procedures. The task is to remove the remaining clots and carry out antiseptic treatment of the cavity of the muscular organ. The manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia after exposing the cervix using mirrors. Lavage is carried out in two ways:

  • Aspiration. A silicone tube is connected to the intravenous infusion system, through which a washing solution (antiseptic, enzyme, antibiotic, anesthetic) is pumped into the cavity. The contents are extracted using an electric aspirator through an expanded channel.
  • By gravity. Instead of a silicone tube, a rubber catheter is used. The contents of the uterine cavity come out by gravity.

Rehabilitation period and ways to speed up recovery

The recovery period after curettage is about 2 weeks and coincides with the rehabilitation period after delivery. The condition of the young mother is monitored by a doctor; his task is not to miss the onset of the inflammatory process.

During recovery, the use of anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antispasmodics and other drugs is indicated. The doctor selects the type of medications, their dosage and course of administration individually.

The weakened condition of the patient after childbirth, the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and general well-being are taken into account. During therapy, breastfeeding is temporarily stopped. Lactation is stimulated through breast massage and pumping.

This will help quickly establish feeding the baby after discharge from the hospital.

In order for the recovery process to be successful, the young mother should take into account the following recommendations:

  • do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, or take a bath for 3 months;
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • exclude swimming in open waters;
  • do not use tampons, only pads, which need to be changed regularly;
  • exclude intimacy and physical activity for 1.5 months.

If cleaning is carried out correctly and in a timely manner, there is no need to be afraid of complications. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations and be sure to undergo a follow-up examination.

Possible complications after curettage

The main criteria for a successful curettage:

  • absence of inflammatory process. what the ultrasound results confirm;
  • normal body temperature, which does not rise above subfebrile values ​​(37.5);
  • the general satisfactory condition of the young mother, slight dizziness and weakness are possible as a result of the interventions performed;
  • a nagging, mild pain in the lower abdomen that gradually goes away;
  • absence of scarlet bloody discharge; normally, lochia may be present - minor discharge that becomes paler over time and completely disappears within 6 weeks.

Complications and the need for additional medical intervention are indicated by:

  • severe uterine bleeding, in which sometimes it is necessary to make a decision about hysterectomy;
  • hematometra - absence of lochia after cleaning (indicates a poorly performed operation and accumulation of secretions in the organ cavity);
  • decreased contractility of the uterus;
  • an unpleasant odor of discharge is a sign of tissue infection;
  • high body temperature, feverish condition.

The doctor performs curettage after a cesarean section with particular care, taking into account the fact that the integrity of the muscular organ is compromised. For this reason, the uterus recovers more slowly and contracts worse. It returns to its previous state 2 weeks after birth, and the stitches take a little longer to heal.

Ultrasound on the 3rd day after surgery allows you to assess the condition of the muscle organ. Swelling of the postoperative scar may indicate endometritis, which is treated with medication.

Despite the fact that during a cesarean section, doctors carefully clean the uterine cavity, sometimes an ultrasound shows the presence of clots. If placenta particles or endometrial growth are detected, cleaning is performed under anesthesia.

It is recommended to plan the next pregnancy after 3 years.

Poor scraping can lead to health problems in the future. It negatively affects future fertility and leads to adhesions in the pelvic area. Subsequently, there may be difficulties with conceiving and bearing a baby, hormonal imbalances that lead to fibroids, cysts and other gynecological pathologies.

No one is immune from complications during manipulation. The risk of their occurrence can be reduced by having the operation performed by an experienced doctor using modern equipment. In this case, the endometrium will quickly recover, and a new pregnancy is possible in the next ovulatory cycle. During lactation it is difficult to miss, and if the spouses do not plan to have children, it is better to take care of contraception.

Source: https://www.OldLekar.ru/rody/posle/chistka-posle.html

Indications for vacuum cleaning in the postpartum period

Cleaning the uterus after childbirth, while its throat is open, is the optimal period for intervention. In this case, manual cleaning is possible, which involves instrumental curettage under anesthesia. In some cases, vacuum aspiration is performed. After such a procedure, the young mother stays in the maternity hospital for 1-2 days.

We suggest you find out how much bleeding after endometrial curettage

If the obstetrician is sure that after birth the baby's place is completely out, a heating pad with ice is placed on the stomach. Then, every day at the clinic, intramuscular injections of oxytocin are given.

The substance provokes active contractions of the uterus, allowing the organ to quickly return to its prenatal state. In this case, the doctor feels the abdomen every day and inquires about the volume of postpartum discharge.

A control ultrasound before discharge shows whether curettage is necessary.

If, according to the results of a control ultrasound, cleaning after childbirth is necessary, the woman will stay in the maternity hospital for a couple of days. The procedure algorithm is no different from an abortion:

  • use of general or local anesthesia;
  • treatment of the external genitalia with antiseptics;
  • mechanical expansion of the cervical canal;
  • carefully removing clots and parts of the placenta from the uterine cavity using a sterile curette.

The uterus is cleaned for no more than 15-30 minutes; the young mother recovers gradually from modern anesthesia, without headaches or other side effects. To enhance uterine contractility, injections of oxytocin or similar drugs are indicated. Normally there should be no bleeding, only lochia. The volume of discharge will gradually decrease, and over time it will turn pale.

Cleaning the uterus can be replaced by lavage, which begins the day after delivery. The course includes 3-5 procedures. The task is to remove the remaining clots and carry out antiseptic treatment of the cavity of the muscular organ. The manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia after exposing the cervix using mirrors. Lavage is carried out in two ways:

  • Aspiration. A silicone tube is connected to the intravenous infusion system, through which a washing solution (antiseptic, enzyme, antibiotic, anesthetic) is pumped into the cavity. The contents are extracted using an electric aspirator through an expanded channel.
  • By gravity. Instead of a silicone tube, a rubber catheter is used. The contents of the uterine cavity come out by gravity.

How is the procedure carried out?

The postpartum cleansing procedure is usually performed under anesthesia and is technically similar to an abortion after an unwanted pregnancy. To avoid painful shock, both general and local anesthesia can be used.

However, when carrying out vacuum cleaning, a woman may not be afraid of getting microtraumas and other similar complications, and therefore the procedure is carried out under local anesthesia - the patient does not feel pain, but may experience characteristic unpleasant sensations for curettage.

The operation takes place according to the following “scenario”:

  1. Preoperative examination of the woman’s genital organs - their external and internal treatment with antiseptics (ethyl alcohol and iodine)
  2. Gradual dilatation of the cervix using dilators of different diameters.
  3. A cleansing procedure during which all blood clots and afterbirth residues are removed. The vacuum is created using special equipment, the operating principle of which resembles the operation of a vacuum cleaner. During the cleansing procedure itself, “everything unnecessary” and the upper epithelial layer of the walls of the organ are removed from the uterus.

The procedure lasts about half an hour.

Rehabilitation period

The recovery period after curettage is about 2 weeks and coincides with the rehabilitation period after delivery. The condition of the young mother is monitored by a doctor; his task is not to miss the onset of the inflammatory process.

During recovery, the use of anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antispasmodics and other drugs is indicated. The doctor selects the type of medications, their dosage and course of administration individually.

The weakened condition of the patient after childbirth, the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and general well-being are taken into account. During therapy, breastfeeding is temporarily stopped. Lactation is stimulated through breast massage and pumping.

This will help quickly establish feeding the baby after discharge from the hospital.

In order for the recovery process to be successful, the young mother should take into account the following recommendations:

  • do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, or take a bath for 3 months;
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • exclude swimming in open waters;
  • do not use tampons, only pads, which need to be changed regularly;
  • exclude intimacy and physical activity for 1.5 months.

If cleaning is carried out correctly and in a timely manner, there is no need to be afraid of complications. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations and be sure to undergo a follow-up examination.

After cleaning, the uterus resembles an open bleeding wound, and therefore the woman continues to be under the supervision of doctors for several more days. At this time, she is prescribed individual drug treatment appropriate to the characteristics of her body:

  • antibacterial therapy (injections) - to prevent exposure to clots previously present in the uterus and possible infection;
  • taking medications that stimulate uterine contractions;
  • treatment of the external (if necessary, internal) genital organs with an antiseptic solution and drugs for rapid recovery.

After the cleansing procedure, a woman experiences discharge, which can last up to 10 days and resembles menstruation. The strongest ones are observed in the first hours after the operation, then they decrease, and after 5-6 days they change, becoming brown. By the end of the decade they disappear completely.

While there is discharge, a woman is contraindicated:

  1. Using tampons.
  2. Douching.
  3. Excessive physical activity and any sports.
  4. Lactation. This is due to drug treatment, which can affect the composition of milk and harm the baby’s health. In addition, the woman feels unwell and may not be able to care for the child. Upon completion of the course of treatment, the woman can resume breastfeeding.

At first, after cleansing, a woman may feel a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which decreases as the amount of discharge decreases.

However, if the discharge lasts longer than 10 days, has an unpleasant odor and a strange color, or is completely absent, then this should be brought to the attention of the attending physician.

Source: https://mamochka59.ru/vydeleniya-posle-vakuumnoy-chistki-posle-rodov/

What does bleeding after interruption represent?

Blood loss after an abortion is normal. On the day of curettage or vacuum aspiration, damage to the vessels of the uterine wall occurs. Any pregnancy is always accompanied by increased blood supply to the genital organs, so abortion is accompanied by heavy bleeding. If the period after the intervention proceeds favorably, then in the next few hours the heavy discharge will end.

The next stage of blood loss after an abortion is considered to be a normal menstrual-like reaction. This bleeding begins on days 2-4 and is similar to a normal period. The blood has a brownish tint and its volume per day is small. Sometimes such bleeding after an abortion has clots. This is considered normal, since the remnants of the fertilized egg come out of the uterus. A menstrual-like reaction should not exceed 10 days. A new cycle begins from its first day. The next period should come in 21-40 days.

The period after a medical abortion has some differences. In this case, there is no mechanical damage to the vessels. Blood loss after this type of abortion is similar to a normal period. However, the later the interruption with pills is made, the higher the risk of serious bleeding.

What kind of blood discharge after an abortion is dangerous?

Heavy bleeding after artificial termination of pregnancy can threaten a woman’s life. The amount of blood loss can be assessed independently. Normally, less than 4 maxi size sanitary pads should be used per day. The type of blood after an abortion is of great importance. The greatest danger is the release of scarlet blood. It is important to evaluate not only blood loss, but also other symptoms after interruption. The reason to seek medical help should be an increase in body temperature. Severe pain in the lower abdomen also cannot be ignored.

Factors influencing blood discharge after abortion

Any artificial termination of pregnancy is a serious trauma for the female body. Full recovery takes quite a long time. Discharge of blood after an abortion is a normal reaction of the genital organs to the intervention. It always takes some time for the inner layer of the uterine wall to return to normal. A number of reasons influence how much blood bleeds after an abortion. The most important factor is the type of induced termination of pregnancy. The timing of when it was completed also plays a big role. Other important points are the qualifications of the gynecologist, the state of the blood coagulation system, the presence of abortions and childbirth in the past, the age of the pregnant woman, and the presence of gynecological diseases.

The greatest blood loss is caused by a standard surgical abortion with curettage of the uterine walls. This intervention is performed for a period of 7-12 weeks. Vacuum aspiration and medications used to terminate a pregnancy usually result in less bleeding after an abortion.

Blood discharge after an abortion is associated with the duration of pregnancy. The more weeks a woman is late, the more blood she will lose after an abortion.

Diseases of the blood coagulation system generally predispose to prolonged bleeding. Large blood loss after interruption may be associated with similar diseases.

Repeated abortions and recent childbirth also contribute to heavy blood loss. Of the gynecological diseases, endometriosis and infectious diseases have the greatest impact on blood discharge after abortion.

Why does spotting appear after an abortion?

The causes of discharge after an abortion are due to the peculiarities of the procedure. During the process, the contents of the uterine cavity are mechanically removed or detachment and expulsion of the fertilized egg are stimulated (with medical abortion). As a result of this, the uterine cavity is cleaned, the upper layer of the endometrium is removed, which is normally rejected during menstruation. In the place where the attachment of the embryo was planned or has already occurred, after its removal, an area with gaping vessels remains. Which is the cause of bloody discharge. In addition, the entire rest of the inner surface of the uterus is “cleansed” as during normal menstruation.

What determines their intensity and duration?

The nature of bleeding depends on many nuances.

  • On the size of the fertilized egg. The longer the gestation period, the more intense the discharge, since with the gestation period the size of the uterus and the size of the developing “baby place” increase.
  • From the method of abortion. Vacuum aspiration is accompanied by minimal bleeding, while with medical abortion there is the most of it.
  • From the presence of gynecological diseases. If a woman has fibroids, they can interfere with the contractility of the uterus, resulting in more heavy and prolonged bleeding.
  • On the intensity of uterine contraction. The speed at which the uterus contracts after termination of pregnancy will affect the discharge. The worse it is, the more there will be, up to life-threatening bleeding.
  • From the quality of the procedure performed. If, after an interruption, even the smallest particles from the chorion or amniotic sac remain in the uterine cavity, this will lead to severe bleeding, which sometimes occurs many days after the procedure.

The main signs of the norm

It is important to understand why discharge occurs after an abortion, and what it should be like normally. The main characteristics are as follows:

  • no more than 14-16 days;
  • without large clots;
  • anointing from the fifth to seventh day;
  • should not be accompanied by a rise in temperature;
  • painless;
  • no unpleasant odor.

How much blood flows after an abortion is normal?

Medicinal termination of pregnancy provokes bleeding 3-4 days after taking the first pills. At first, quite a lot of blood is released after an abortion. The first two days the bleeding exceeds normal menstruation. Then the intensity of the discharge begins to decrease and completely stops within a week. Medical abortion after 7 weeks is sometimes accompanied by heavy bleeding. That is why gynecologists recommend hospitalization in a gynecological hospital in such a situation.

Mini-abortion is a conservative intervention. There may be some slight discharge on the day of the procedure. Then, on days 2-4, menstrual-like bleeding begins. This reaction of the body normally lasts 4-6 days.

After an abortion with curettage, quite a lot of blood is lost. Heavy bleeding continues for several hours. This is directly related to damage to the blood vessels of the uterine wall. After curettage, its entire inner surface is actually an open wound. The woman is under the supervision of medical personnel throughout the bleeding period. She is given medications that help contract the muscles of the uterus. The most common injections are oxytocin.

Then the discharge stops for a while. A menstrual-like reaction occurs on days 2-4. Its duration should not exceed 10 days. The longer the pregnancy, the more blood will be lost after the abortion. If the interruption is performed after 9 weeks, then there may be a small amount of blood discharge for another month after the intervention. Bleeding after curettage is not only considered normal, but is also a necessary stage of the recovery period. If blood is not released after an abortion, then something is preventing its outflow. Fluid accumulated inside the uterus provokes inflammation.

Prevention of complications in the period after abortion

To minimize damage to health after artificial termination of pregnancy, you must adhere to medical recommendations. Maintaining personal hygiene, taking prescribed medications and not having sex for 30 days will help restore the body. For the entire month, a woman should refrain from taking baths, lifting heavy objects, and avoid hypothermia.

Blood loss after an abortion can be replenished with iron-rich foods. The diet must include dishes from beef, liver, and eggs. Sometimes doctors advise taking special drugs against anemia, for example Sorbifer Durules or Fenyuls.

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There are two methods of vacuum aspiration (also called suction aspiration).

  • Manual vacuum aspiration
    . This procedure can be used approximately 5 to 12 weeks after your last menstrual period (early first trimester of pregnancy). It involves using a specially designed syringe to perform suction. This method is not available everywhere, but may be more affordable than machine aspiration in some geographic areas.
  • Machine vacuum aspiration
    . This procedure is a common method used in the first 5 to 12 weeks (first trimester) of pregnancy. Machine vacuum aspiration involves the use of a hollow tube (cannula) that is attached to a bottle and a pump that provides a gentle vacuum action. The cannula is inserted into the uterus, the pump is turned on, and the tissue is gently removed from the uterus.

Manual vacuum aspiration procedure

Manual vacuum aspiration

usually takes from 5 to 15 minutes. It can be performed safely in a clinic or doctor's office using a local anesthetic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen. The procedure includes:

  • You are placed on the examination table in the same position as for a pelvic examination, with your feet on the gynecological equipment and lying on your back.
  • The vagina and cervix are cleaned with an antiseptic solution.
  • A numbing medicine (local anesthetic) is injected into the cervix.
  • If necessary, a small instrument is inserted into the cervix to slightly dilate it. However, in most cases the extension is not necessary.
  • A thin tube is inserted through the cervix into the uterus. A hand-held syringe is used to suction tissue from the uterus. As the tissue is removed, the uterus will contract. Most women experience cramping during the procedure. The cramps go away after the tube is removed. Some women also experience nausea, sweating, and a feeling of weakness. But usually the symptoms are less severe than with machine vacuum aspiration.

Machine vacuum aspiration procedure

About 90% of all abortions occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Abortion rarely affects your ability to become pregnant in the future. So it is possible to become pregnant within a few weeks immediately after the procedure. Avoid sex until your body has fully recovered, usually at least one week. Use contraception in the first weeks after an abortion. And also condoms to prevent infection.

Depression may occur due to pregnancy hormones changing after an abortion. If you continue to have symptoms of depression such as fatigue, sleepiness, changes in appetite, or feelings of sadness, emptiness, anxiety, or irritability for more than two weeks, contact your doctor about treatment.

The hospital or surgery center may give you instructions on how to prepare for surgery, or a nurse may give you instructions right before your surgery.

Immediately after surgery, you will be taken to the recovery room where you will be monitored and cared for by nurses. You will likely stay in the recovery room for a while and then go home. In addition to any special instructions from your doctor, the nurse will explain information to you to help you recover. You'll go home with printed care instructions, including who to contact if problems arise.


Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is a simple, effective way to remove the fertilized egg in early pregnancy, extract blood clots after childbirth, and perform an endometrial biopsy.

There are two options for aspiration:

  1. Manual - a special syringe is used that creates negative pressure.
  2. Electric - the creation of a vacuum is performed by a device. Less common in our country.

After vacuum aspiration is completed, the obtained tissues of the uterine cavity must be examined. A woman may at any time be faced with a situation where she should undergo surgery. It is necessary to understand what MVA of the uterine cavity is, the benefits and consequences of the chosen procedure.

What does it mean about pathology?

  1. Bloody discharge with an unpleasant odor and accompanying discomfort indicate a complication.
  2. Yellow clots with the aroma of rotten fish will indicate the inflammatory process of bacterial vaginosis, which is accompanied by burning and itching of the vagina.
  3. A purulent and putrefactive odor indicates the development of an infectious disease due to the entry of pathogenic organisms into the microflora of the vagina and uterus during or after aspiration.
  4. Sexually transmitted diseases can cause complications. They are contraindications for abortion. Manipulation should be postponed until recovery.
  5. Increased temperature, chills and weakness will indicate inflammatory processes against the background of aggravated diseases.

If the listed characteristics of discharge appear after a mini-abortion and accompanying symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Discharge after vacuum aspiration is significant. Vacuum aspiration is an invasive procedure and belongs to the group of minor surgical operations. It is believed that MVA is less traumatic, but the vessels are mechanically injured. The patient must stay in the medical facility for at least 4 hours after the intervention. Bloody discharge is controlled: not abundant, with small clots, dark brown in color, gradually disappearing. The discharge resembles that of menstruation. On average they stop after 10 days.

Pathological blood loss after vacuum aspiration is considered to be soaking more than 2 large pads within 2 hours. Such allocations are unacceptable.

More massive bleeding is accompanied by loss of consciousness, a drop in pressure, tachycardia, dizziness, a feeling of excessive sweating and disorientation.

It is imperative to consult with a doctor when leaving the hospital: discuss possible complications, be prepared to return to the hospital, and arrange for help to get to a medical facility. If you experience symptoms of abnormal bleeding, persistent pain, fever, discharge in large clots or with a foul odor, or any deterioration in your health, you should seek medical help.

Discharge that lasts more than 10 days is a cause for concern. You should not try to stop the discharge in the form of bleeding on your own. It is possible that there is no discharge at all after a minor operation. You shouldn't be happy. Most likely, the uterine pharynx is spasmed - there is no release of blood clots. The uterine cavity gradually fills, causing unbearable pain. Painkillers will temporarily dull the sensations. Danger - high risk of septic complications. Treatment is required: an antispasmodic to relieve muscle spasms of the cervix, antibacterial therapy, repeated cleaning of the uterine cavity.

Rehabilitation period

In order for discharge caused by abortion to end faster and to avoid complications, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Try to stay in bed for a few days.
  2. Avoid taking baths and hot showers.
  3. Avoid drinking alcohol.
  4. Do not lift anything heavy, avoid physical and emotional stress.
  5. Sexual contacts, especially not protected ones, are unacceptable for at least two weeks.
  6. Wash yourself with gentle intimate hygiene products without dyes or fragrances.
  7. Wear only natural underwear.
  8. Take anti-inflammatory and antiseptic medications prescribed by your doctor.
  9. Visiting the sauna and swimming pool is strictly prohibited.
  10. Change your pads and underwear often.

Briefly about the main thing

Vacuum aspiration or mini-abortion is one of the most gentle methods of terminating pregnancy. It is very popular among women and professionals, as evidenced by reviews and posts on forums. It is used for frozen or simply unwanted pregnancy and is acceptable for up to 8 weeks.

The rehabilitation period lasts up to 14 days. Discharge after this type of abortion is a mandatory sign of a successful procedure. They indicate independent final cleansing of the uterine cavity. On average they last 7–8 days, disappearing periodically. The absence of discharged blood or its excessive amount, as well as the unpleasant smell of discharge and a specific color indicate a pathological complication. To avoid these and successfully recover from an abortion, it is important to follow preventive measures and monitor all changes that occur. Be healthy!


https://ovydeleniyah.ru/u-zhenshhin/posle-vakuum-aspiratsii.html https://topginekolog.ru/vydeleniya/posle-vakuum-aspiratsii https://mesyachnyedni.ru/vydeleniya/posle-vakuum-aspiracii. html

Indications, contraindications and complications

There are certain indications for vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity. Gynecologists name the following reasons for which it is necessary to perform vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity.

  1. Termination of pregnancy (unwanted, for medical reasons) up to 12 weeks.
  2. Incomplete abortion (spontaneous, after an unsuccessful attempt at medical or criminal abortion).
  3. Bubble drift.
  4. Hematometra.
  5. Remains of placental tissue after childbirth: spontaneous and surgical.
  6. Endometrial biopsy and study of organ biocenosis.
  7. Dysfunctional bleeding from the uterus.

There are certain contraindications to vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity:

  • pregnancy more than 12 weeks;
  • suspicion of ectopic localization of the ovum;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in the acute and subacute period;
  • acute form of inflammatory diseases of any localization, including infectious;
  • violation of the coagulation system;
  • uterine fibroids or abnormal development of the genital organs;

Possible complications:

  • rupture of the uterus or cervix;
  • hematometer;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • incomplete removal of the fertilized egg;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility.

Control questions

It is important to discuss the method of pain relief during manipulation. The following options are possible: psychological support, analgesics in combination with sedatives, paracervical blockade, intravenous anesthesia. The threshold for pain sensitivity varies from person to person; anesthesia should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

The issue of antibacterial therapy should also be addressed to prevent septic complications, which often manifest as pathological discharge. The uterus is a wound surface where infection can enter with a high probability of developing serious complications - endometritis, myometritis, salpingoophoritis. More often they use drugs from the group of protected penicillins and cephalosporins. It is advisable to conduct an allergy test before starting to take the medicine.

The second equally important issue is contraception. Having decided in favor of oral contraceptives, the patient takes the first pill on the day of the procedure. Having chosen an intrauterine device, it must be placed immediately after the procedure or 14 days after the ultrasound at the next appearance.

If there is discharge after vacuum aspiration, the spiral is not installed, but therapeutic measures are carried out.

The risk of perforation is reduced by the fact that curettage of the organ cavity is not recommended in routine practice.

The patient may feel painful uterine contractions several hours or days after the operation. Painkillers are allowed. Severe, unbearable pain that cannot be controlled with medications is a reason to go to the doctor.

Menstruation usually appears after a month to a month and a half. Two irregular cycles are allowed. Further violation indicates pathology.

Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity occurs almost without complications. However, there is an open rule - two weeks after the procedure, it is mandatory to see a doctor. During the examination, the gynecologist will clarify possible complaints, take a smear on the flora, conduct an ultrasound examination, and clarify the method of contraception. An ultrasound will show whether a complete abortion has occurred, whether there are signs of endometritis or blood in the retroperitoneal space. A second visit should not be neglected if there are no symptoms. It is better to make sure that the procedure went without complications than to treat them later.

Manipulation after childbirth

Vacuum aspiration after childbirth is used when parts of the placenta are retained in the cavity. Such surgical intervention is possible in the absence of a normal course of the postpartum period: the nature of the discharge has changed due to cervical spasm and the outflow of blood has been disrupted.

The most common cause of vacuum aspiration after childbirth is retained parts of the placenta. In this regard, normal involution is disrupted, the uterus cannot contract properly - bleeding continues. Accumulating clots undergo rotting - a focus of powerful inflammation is formed, the breakdown products of which enter the blood. If help is not provided in time, in order to save life from septic shock, the woman will undergo a radical operation - removal of the uterus.

It is urgent to remove the remains of blood clots, parts of the placenta and membranes. Vacuum aspiration after childbirth or hydatidiform mole is a vital procedure, without which recovery is often impossible.


The presence of complaints of infertility, menstrual irregularities, pain during sexual intercourse, the appearance of discharge not related to the cycle - require clarification of the cause. It is necessary not only to find endometrial pathology, but also to exclude a tumor process. The absence of changes during ultrasound allows young women to recommend vacuum aspiration of the endometrium. The technique is more gentle and is often performed under local anesthesia. The doctor first recommends taking painkillers and antispasmodics.

In medical institutions, the procedure is called pipel biopsy. If hyperplasia is suspected, proof of malignancy or its absence is necessary before undergoing myomectomy. A histological examination obtained by vacuum aspiration is performed. It is also used to determine the causes of infertility and prepare for IVF. Minimal preparation and accurate results are guaranteed.

Manual vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is a common method of assisting women. The advantage of the method over a medical abortion is a wider time frame, and over a surgical abortion it is less traumatic. The range of indications for use is quite extensive, and there are not many contraindications and complications. For your own reproductive health, it is useful to know about the methodology for providing MVA. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist: take prescribed medications, monitor discharge, control pain, and if the first adverse symptoms occur, return to the hospital.

Possible complications

After any abortion, the female body is weakened. Regardless of what week of pregnancy and how the cleansing was carried out, the process is associated with damage to the uterine epithelium. This leads to a variety of complications. The most dangerous include high fever and heavy bleeding. These are clear signs of an ongoing infection.

In the first days after a mini-abortion, the temperature can reach 37.5 °C. If the readings are higher, call an ambulance. It is not recommended to bring down the temperature using usual methods and means. Infections and inflammatory processes are often accompanied by weakness, nausea, and painful conditions.

Early complications of mini-abortions include menstrual irregularities. This happens often after surgery and the inevitable hormonal changes. Menstruation may begin later or earlier than expected. It takes several months for complete recovery.

Late complications after a vacuum abortion include miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, and infertility. Such consequences are very rare, but they are possible.

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