Treatment of polyps with natural remedies

Decoctions and tinctures for oral administration

A modern woman will not make complex mixtures of dozens of herbs.
Therefore, it is worth trying simple but effective recipes. The necessary components can always be purchased at pharmacies, and nettles and celandine can be obtained from summer cottages. But you should remember: it will take longer to undergo a course of treatment with folk remedies than standard treatment. You just need to tune in to this. But you won’t have to feel the side effects of the drugs.

Recipe 1

Grind 3-4 teaspoons of rose hips (fresh or dry), a couple of spoons of dry nettles or 10-12 fresh leaves, a spoon of black currant berries.

Brew a spoonful of the mixture in 400 g of boiling water. Leave until the broth has cooled, then strain it and drink throughout the day. You need to use it daily for a couple of months.

Recipe 2

Collect pine needles. Both young pine and spruce needles work well. You can use a pharmaceutical drug. The crushed pine needles are poured with water in an equal ratio of 1:1 and boiled for 40 minutes. After this, it is infused in a thermos for a couple of hours. Drink half a glass for 4 weeks, about a quarter of an hour before meals.

Recipe 3

Buy Red Brush - this popular “female” herb is sold in every pharmacy. A tablespoon of dry herb is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for about an hour until completely cooled, then filter.

Drink a tablespoon before meals for a month.

Recipe 4

Prepare the tincture of the Golden Mustache. You will need vodka or alcohol. You need to use young parts of the plant. Approximately 50 g of raw material is poured with 3 tablespoons of vodka. It is advisable to keep the tincture in a dark place. The bottle needs to be shaken periodically.

Drink the tincture according to the scheme. Start with 10 drops per 3 tablespoons of water and drink twice a day, half an hour before meals. A drop is added daily: on the 2nd day, 11 drops are measured per dose, on the 3rd – 12, etc.

The top of the “slide” is 25 drops. Then they go down, again gradually increasing the number of drops to 10 per dose. The course is repeated 5 times, with a break of a week.

Recipe 5

Celandine has a significant effect on polyps in the uterus.

Option 1. It is best to use a fresh plant, cut in the spring. The celandine is placed in a glass container, then poured with boiling water, the neck of the container is tightly sealed.

Additionally, the dishes are wrapped to maintain the high temperature longer. You can use a thermos. Leave for 12 hours. Drink three times a day, gradually increasing the dose: from a tablespoon to half a glass.

The course lasts 14 days, followed by 21 days of rest, and then the course is repeated.

Option 2. Grind the plant with a blender, you can use a meat grinder, or, as a last resort, finely chop it with a knife. The pulp should be placed in a dark glass container and left for two days.

During this time, the juice should stand out. It is drained and mixed with vodka or alcohol in equal proportions. You need to drink a teaspoon of tincture before meals - three times a day. A month later there is a ten-day break, then the course is repeated.

Recipe 6

Borovaya uterus is widely used in the treatment of female diseases. 5 tablespoons of dry herb are mixed with 0.5 liters of vodka and allowed to brew for at least three weeks. Take 15 drops per half glass of water for 20 minutes. before meals. The standard course duration is 4 weeks.

It’s even easier to make a decoction: 4 tablespoons of herbs per 500 ml of water, boil, leave until completely cool. Then strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Drink a tablespoon three times a day for a month.

✅Herbs used

When diagnosed with a “polyp of the cervical canal,” treatment with folk remedies helps to enhance the therapeutic effect of traditional drug therapy. In the treatment of polyps in the uterus with folk remedies, medicinal herbs and natural, natural ingredients are used to prepare decoctions that are used internally, as compresses and solutions for the douching procedure. Herbs and natural ingredients used:

In order for the treatment of endometrial polyp with folk remedies to give a positive result, it is recommended to use several recipes at the same time.


Celandine for polyps is one of the most effective plants, which helps eliminate the symptoms of the pathological process, helps normalize the menstrual cycle and prevent the development of complications. For polyps in the uterus, celandine is used to prepare the following recipes:

  1. Place young shoots in a liter jar, add boiling water and close the container tightly. Wrap the jar with thick cloth to create the effect of a thermos. Leave for 12 hours. Take the resulting decoction 3 times a day, first a tablespoon, gradually increasing the volume of the decoction until the amount of folk medicine taken reaches 100 ml. Course of application – 14 days, break for 3 weeks, repeat administration.
  2. Celandine for polyps is used to prepare a solution for douching: brew a tablespoon of the crushed ingredient with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Douching should be done once a day.
  3. Treatment of polyps with celandine and vodka: grind the young shoot in a meat grinder or using a blender, leave the resulting pulp for 2 days in a closed jar. After 2 days, mix the resulting juice in equal proportions with vodka. Take 3 times a day at a dosage of 1 teaspoon. The course of treatment is 30 days, break for 10 days, repeat if necessary.

The benefits of celandine in the treatment of endometrial polyps are undeniable, as confirmed by clinical trials.

✅Borovaya uterus

It is necessary to treat polyps in the uterus in a comprehensive manner, affecting not only the pathological formation, but also helping to restore all organs of the reproductive system. The boron uterus for uterine polyps has a wide range of effects on the reproductive system, helping not only to stop the signs of the disease, but also preventing the further growth of the pathological formation. You can cure an endometrial polyp in the uterus using the following recipes with boron uterus:

  1. Pour 5 tablespoons of the ingredient into half a liter of vodka and leave to steep for 21 days. The container must be shaken every day. How to drink? Once a day in a dosage of 15 drops 1 hour before the main meal.
  2. Throw 4 tablespoons of boron uterus into 500 ml of water, cook for about 10 minutes, leave covered for half an hour to brew, strain. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

How to cure nasal polyps at home without surgery

Traditional therapy has a number of ways to treat this disease using natural remedies. This treatment is much longer than removing a polyp in a medical facility, but it is effective. After surgery, polyps very often grow again, and after traditional medicine they disappear forever. How to treat nasal polyps at home? Here are the simplest and most effective recipes:

  • In a porcelain mortar, grind 15 g of propolis and 15 g of petroleum jelly, add 30 g of butter (unsalted). Mix everything, moisten a cotton swab with this mixture, insert it into your nostrils before going to bed, and leave until the morning. So 10 days in a row.
  • Place a piece of propolis in a metal bowl. Place on the fire, heat until smoke appears with a pleasant smell. After removing the pan from the heat, inhale the smoke through your nose.
  • Grind 15 g of dry anise herb, add 100 ml of alcohol, leave, shaking daily, for 10 days, strain. Dilute the tincture with chilled boiled water (1:3) and apply 10-15 drops to your nose three times a day. Continue treatment until the polyps completely disappear according to this scheme: treat for 2 weeks, rest for 2 days.
  • Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water 1 s. l. fresh chopped herb, cook for 10 minutes, when cool, strain. Twice a day, instill 2–3 drops into each nasal passage. It will take 20 days to cure polyps.
  • Brew 250 ml of boiling water for 2 s. l. dry crushed horsetail herb. Let it brew under the lid for 30 minutes, strain. Sip the infusion alternately through each nostril 7 to 8 times a day.
  • Dip a cotton swab into thickened natural honey and lubricate problem areas in the nasal cavity. Do this procedure three times daily. As a rule, after 20–30 days, polyps resolve.
  • For 10 days, alternately place tampons with hemlock tincture into the left and right nostrils for 5 minutes. It is not difficult to prepare a hemlock tincture with vodka at home, but be careful and careful - the plant is poisonous.

Celandine for nasal polyps

Most often and quite effectively in folk medicine, in order to cure nasal polyps in ordinary home conditions, remedies from celandine collected during flowering are used. Since the plant is poisonous, strictly follow the dosage; start treatment with small doses.

  • Rinse the flowering celandine bush (along with the root), dry it, and grind it using a blender or meat grinder. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass, let it brew in the dark for 4 - 5 days - the drops for nasal polyps are ready. Place 2 – 3 drops into each nostril three times a day. Drip for 10 days, break for 10 days. You can also instill freshly squeezed juice. Repeat this 4 – 5 times.
  • Brew 1 tbsp. boiling water 1 teaspoon dry herb (chopped). Let it brew under the lid for 0.5 hours, strain. Soak cotton swabs in the infusion and alternately insert them into the nasal passages for 15 minutes twice a day for 2 months. Then take a 1 month break and repeat the treatment.
  • Use the infusion prepared as described above to rinse your sinuses 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Mix 2 tsp. dry St. John's wort powder and 8 tsp. butter. Steam the mixture for 7 – 10 minutes, add 10 drops of celandine juice, stir. Place 2 drops of the mixture into the nasal passages 3-4 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Pour boiling water for 2 sec. l. chamomile and celandine, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Breathe in the healing steam 2 times daily for 10 – 15 days. Repeat treatment after a week.

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While the mucous membrane of a child or an adult expands, the nasal openings are partially blocked, and in some cases even completely. In this case, breathing difficulties arise, and a feeling of nasal congestion appears . also suffers from a runny nose , and sometimes pus comes out with mucus. Frequent sneezing appears , since the mucous outgrowth irritates the nasal cilia, and this is perceived by the nose as an unwanted foreign object. Sneezing is a natural defensive reaction. When connective tissue grows in the nasal cavity, then the functioning of the receptors is disrupted. In this case, the sense of smell is partially or completely lost . With the appearance of polyps, the required amount of oxygen does not reach the brain, resulting in headaches .

The nose is one of the organs that takes part in the formation of the voice, and when the passage of air is disrupted during polyposis, a characteristic nasal sound appears in the voice.

Nasal polyps

How to get rid of polyps in the stomach using folk remedies?

Traditional methods of treatment can be used in two cases:

  1. The polyp is benign, single and small in size;
  2. There are no pronounced disturbances in the digestive processes.

Traditional recipes for treatment

If the volume of growth is insignificant according to the results of the study, and also in the absence of various risks of serious complications, patients can try some methods of alternative medicine.

Some clinicians do not deny the effectiveness of traditional treatment methods, but recommend using them along with conservative therapy.

Treatment with baking soda

Soda is used to quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms, namely heartburn, sour belching, and stomach pain.

Soda must be taken on an empty stomach, and the recipe is prepared as follows:

  1. Dilute 1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water and drink it in small sips at a time. Next, you need to lie on your back and side to speed up the effect.
  2. Soda can be combined with table salt in a 1:1 ratio of 1/2 teaspoon and pour 300 ml of warm boiled water. The composition is drunk several sips at a time.

A course of taking such a drug can significantly reduce the size of the polyp. The duration of therapy should not exceed 5 days.

Oat based decoction

The benefits of oat decoction have been known for a long time, and the remedy itself is widely used by official medicine to treat many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cereal contains many useful substances, and the following effects are invaluable for the stomach:

  • enveloping the mucous membrane;
  • decreased stomach acidity;
  • regeneration of mucous membranes;
  • reduction in the volume of pathological growths.

To prepare the oat grains, they are carefully sorted, removing impurities and spoiled fragments. The selected seeds are poured with warm water and left for 3 days in a warm, dark place. It is better to use a glass container.

After the grains germinate, they are washed, dried and ground. The resulting composition is poured with boiling water and brought to a low heat for 5 minutes.

Next, leave until completely cooled. The mixture is drunk in one gulp several times a day. The infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days. The course of treatment is unlimited.


Viburnum has many advantages, which are often used in the therapeutic practice of conservative medicine. Viburnum berries are of particular value. To treat polyps, you can eat fresh or frozen berries several times a day.

You can prepare more complex recipes:

  • Juice. Make juice from fresh or frozen berries and drink 50 ml 3 times a day, after diluting it with boiled water to a volume of 100 ml.
  • Morse. Viburnum berries are boiled together with the twigs on which the inflorescences are located. They are boiled for about 2 hours, after which they are infused for 5 hours and filtered. You can add honey or sugar for taste.

Does stone oil cure growths?

The product is mined in rocky crevices. The composition contains multiple microelements, including antitumor components.

For treatment use the following recipe:

Stone oil (4 g) is dissolved in 2 liters of boiled water and taken 50 ml several times a day. With normal tolerance, the daily volume increases.

The medicinal composition should be drunk through a straw due to the risk of damage to tooth enamel. Treatment duration is 10 procedures.


Propolis is an invaluable beekeeping product, widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

The following recipes are prepared for treatment:

Dilute 1 tbsp in 100 ml of water. a spoonful of butter, add 15 g of propolis powder. Bring the mixture to a boil and stir for 10 minutes. Then they insist. The composition is drunk every morning and at night, 1 tbsp. spoon of composition. For taste, you can drink it with milk. 50 g of propolis is poured into 150 ml of alcohol and infused for a week, shaking the mixture regularly

Before use, it is important to warm up the infusion and drink 3-4 times a day. The medicine can significantly reduce the volume of the tumor.

Propolis can be purchased at any specialized network, and in finished form it is presented in pharmacy chains.

The course of treatment is determined by the severity of the disease. It should not be used by people with active peptic ulcer disease, as well as those with allergies to honey and bee products.

Monastic tea

Monastic tea is a herbal composition of multiple ingredients that have a complex effect on various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • medicinal calendula;
  • rose hip;
  • wormwood and horsetail;
  • chamomile, plantain and St. John's wort.

The tea also contains peppermint, flaxseed, yarrow, and marshweed. The herbal mixture can be purchased at any pharmacy chain and drunk instead of regular tea.

Two remedies against gastrointestinal polyps

First remedy. Infusion of celandine: 1 tbsp. l. dry celandine pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, drink 2/3 cup 40 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Course 21 days. Then a break of 7 days and a new course. At the same time, without a break, you need to drink a mixture of calendula and propolis tinctures (can be bought at a pharmacy) for the entire 2 months of treatment. Take them 20 minutes before meals, 1 tsp, dissolved in 50 ml of water, 3 times a day. 2 months is one course. If necessary, repeat the two-month treatment after 10 days. The second remedy is 6 tbsp. l. pumpkin seeds, 7 yolks and 0.5 liters of sunflower oil, heat in a water bath for 20 minutes - take 1 tsp. in the morning on an empty stomach for 5 days, then a break for 5 days, etc. until the product runs out.

The woman combined the first and second recipes and was able to cure polyps in the stomach and esophagus. 4 years have passed since then - no new polyps have appeared. (HLS 2011, No. 12, p. 31)

The same remedy, made from pumpkin seeds, vegetable oil and yolks, was recommended to the woman by an oncologist for polyps of the stomach and intestines. He said that if the product does not help at one time, make another portion. When bloody mucus begins to come out in the stool, a polyp is coming out. She began to treat her husband for polyps with this folk remedy, he did not have time to finish the first portion when the polyp that was in the intestines came out, an examination confirmed this. (HLS 2011, No. 13, p. 27)

Traditional treatment with a golden mustache

For the overall health of the body, a woman at the age of 72 began taking tincture of golden mustache. For 500 ml of vodka I took 17 drops and insisted for 21 days in a dark place. I took 1 dess. spoon 3 times a day after meals. After taking the tincture, she tore off a fresh leaf or a piece of golden mustache and chewed it, spat out the cake, and swallowed the juice. A year after the treatment I went to get checked; the polyps had been in the stomach for several years, but after treatment with the golden mustache they disappeared. Since then, she has been going for examination every year for 5 years - her stomach is clear. (HLS 2011, No. 12, p. 32)

How to treat stomach polyps with celandine

2 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the celandine and keep in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. (HLS 2011, No. 8, p. 39)

A man was found to have a polyp in his stomach and was offered surgery, but he refused it because he had no one to leave his sick wife with. I decided to be treated with celandine. I brewed 0.5 teaspoon of herb with 1 cup of boiling water, boiled for 2 minutes, drank 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. I was treated for a month. After a repeat examination, it turned out that the polyp had shrunk, but erosive gastritis had appeared.

The man found a recipe in the Healthy Lifestyle for polypous anacid warty gastritis. I prepared an alcohol tincture from propolis, pine nut shells, cinquefoil root, celandine herb, honey and aloe juice and continued the treatment. I took 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals. When I drank 500 g of the product, I went for examination again - no polyps or gastritis were found. A year later, the polyp appeared again, the man drank another portion of the composition - 500 ml, 7 years have passed since then, the disease has not returned. (HLS 2011, No. 4, p. 34)

The woman managed to cure a stomach polyp in 4 months with the help of celandine infusion. She drank it according to this scheme. I brewed 2 tbsp. l. for 500 g of boiling water. I drank 50 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. I drank for 3 weeks – a week off. I also took befungin, which is sold at the pharmacy. (HLS 2012, No. 1, p. 28)

Treatment with propolis

The following recipe helps cure polyps of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract: pour 60 g of propolis into 250 ml of alcohol, shake the contents of the bottle until the propolis dissolves. Leave for 7 days. Take 1 tsp. half a glass of hot water 1 hour before meals. Drink like tea, without letting it cool, 2-3 times a day. Avoid alcohol during treatment. (HLS 2011, No. 8, p. 39)

Another recipe with propolis

Polyps in the stomach can be treated with propolis. Take high-quality propolis, put a piece in the freezer, then crush it, dilute it in 1 tbsp. l. alcohol or vodka, or even better - in alcohol tincture of calendula. To make the propolis disperse better, you can keep it in a water bath. The result is a brown liquid, which should be drunk on an empty stomach 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course is 2 weeks, then undergo an examination; if there is a positive trend, continue treatment until the polyps disappear (HLS 2012, No. 6, p. 31, from a conversation with KMN, surgeon L. Sadovskaya)

Along with folk remedies and methods of treating stomach polyps, treatment of the gastric tract according to the method of Bolotov and Naumov (taking vegetable cakes, kvass with celandine) gives a good result.

✅Recipes for symptom relief

A uterine polyp is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - bleeding, abdominal pain, general weakness. To eliminate the symptomatic picture, the following recipes are used:

  1. Add 7 boiled chicken yolks to the pumpkin seeds (6 tablespoons) crushed in a coffee grinder, mix everything thoroughly and pour in half a liter of vegetable oil. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Take a teaspoon before meals once a day. Dosage regimen: take 5 days, 5 days off.
  2. For uterine bleeding, the following method is used - brew a tablespoon of crushed Canadian goldenseal root in a glass of boiling water, leave under the lid to infuse for a while, strain. Use the resulting decoction for douching every day before bed.
  3. Pour a teaspoon of black currant berries, 3 tablespoons of rose hips and 2 tablespoons of crushed nettle leaves into half a liter of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Leave for 40 minutes, strain. Drink the resulting decoction four times a day, 100 ml before the main meal.

All traditional medicine recipes must be approved by the attending physician, since traditional therapy may also have some limitations in use.

General concept of polyps, their types and treatment methods

The reasons for the formation of polyps in the uterus are not fully understood. The main risk factors include:

  • hormonal disorders (most often – excess estrogen);
  • chronic diseases (inflammatory, infectious);
  • endometrial diseases;
  • trauma (during childbirth and abortion);
  • systemic diseases: physical inactivity, hypertension, diabetes;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • taking antitumor drugs.

Among all the reasons, the main one is considered to be hormonal. There are two types of uterine polyp: on a thin or on a wide (like a mushroom) stalk. There is also a classification based on cellular structure (fibrous, glandular, etc.). Regardless of the type, treatment is possible without surgery. And it can be carried out using folk remedies; the effectiveness of such methods has been tested and proven (numerous reviews confirm this fact).

Despite the fact that the risk of degeneration into a malignant neoplasm is quite small (only 2% of cases), after identifying a polyp, the doctor must send the tissue for histological examination. This helps determine the patient’s management tactics. Benign polyps in the uterus can be treated without surgery. If the cells have degenerated into malignant ones, the tumor must be removed (read more about removal methods here).

Often the disease occurs asymptomatically, so it is important to undergo regular preventive examinations in order to detect and begin treatment in time. Signs of development may be:

  • any discharge (bloody, whitish, purulent or mucous);
  • pain caused by high uterine tone;
  • bleeding between periods or heavy bleeding during it;
  • cycle disruption;
  • anemia and symptoms accompanying it;
  • problems with fertilization (infertility) and pregnancy (threatened miscarriage or miscarriage).

Nutritional Features

For patients with polyposis, it is important to normalize metabolism in the body. Proper and regular nutrition is the key to your health

Reduce your intake of protein foods. We do not encourage you to completely give up meat - replace it with chicken breast or fish. Food should be slightly under-salted. It is advisable to replace salt with dried seaweed powder. Or eat a teaspoon of this powder daily. Sugar should also be limited. Canned food, pickles and smoked foods are not your food. Your food is fresh fruits and vegetables, any greens, berries - not jam, but fresh, in winter - frozen. Don’t forget about preventative treatment with viburnum in the fall. Carrot juice - we talked about it above, should be in your diet constantly. And be healthy!

General concept of polyps, their types and treatment methods

A polyp is a benign neoplasm with a clear localization. Depending on the location, polyps are distinguished:

  • cervix;
  • her body;
  • polyps of the cervical canal;
  • endometrium;
  • placenta.

The reasons for the formation of polyps in the uterus are not fully understood. The main risk factors include:

  • hormonal disorders (most often – excess estrogen);
  • chronic diseases (inflammatory, infectious);
  • endometrial diseases;
  • trauma (during childbirth and abortion);
  • systemic diseases: physical inactivity, hypertension, diabetes;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • taking antitumor drugs.

Among all the reasons, the main one is considered to be hormonal. There are two types of uterine polyp: on a thin or on a wide (like a mushroom) stalk. There is also a classification based on cellular structure (fibrous, glandular, etc.). Regardless of the type, treatment is possible without surgery. And it can be carried out using folk remedies; the effectiveness of such methods has been tested and proven (numerous reviews confirm this fact).

Despite the fact that the risk of degeneration into a malignant neoplasm is quite small (only 2% of cases), after identifying a polyp, the doctor must send the tissue for histological examination. This helps determine the patient’s management tactics. Benign polyps in the uterus can be treated without surgery. If the cells have degenerated into malignant ones, the tumor must be removed (read more about removal methods here).

Often the disease occurs asymptomatically, so it is important to undergo regular preventive examinations in order to detect and begin treatment in time. Signs of development may be:

  • any discharge (bloody, whitish, purulent or mucous);
  • pain caused by high uterine tone;
  • bleeding between periods or heavy bleeding during it;
  • cycle disruption;
  • anemia and symptoms accompanying it;
  • problems with fertilization (infertility) and pregnancy (threatened miscarriage or miscarriage).

Any of these symptoms is grounds for contacting a gynecologist for consultation. Treatment with any folk remedies on your own is not advisable; in such cases, the patient cannot evaluate its effectiveness. There is a risk of simply relieving the symptoms but leaving the problem unresolved. As a result, the disease will be advanced and treatment will not be possible without surgery. Folk methods at a later stage are not used as an independent method, but can be included in the general course.

Diet against polyps

Without a diet, neither drug treatment nor any folk recipes will get rid of polyps. Exact recommendations for its planning can be obtained from your attending physician. In general, a patient with polyposis must strictly limit the amount of refined and canned foods in his diet.

The salt and sugar content is also kept to a minimum. Vegetables are the best foods to combat any tumors in the nose. They are useful to eat in any form (boiled, baked, raw). All types of fruits and decoctions made from them are no less useful. It is recommended to include porridge in your daily diet.

Folk remedies for polyps

Why does mucous membranes grow? It is believed that polyps are an immunological reaction to changes in the body. As a rule, such growths indicate a decrease in the overall resistance of the body. Therefore, you need to look for the reason that caused the growth of polyps. Treatment of polyposis alone is ineffective.

What does traditional medicine offer?

There are two options - surgical removal of polyps and polypous growths or treatment of the underlying disease. After all, without finding out the cause of polyps, one can operate endlessly.

Algorithm of action to determine the diagnosis:

Contact a specialized doctor. Complete the necessary studies

Each organ will have its own set of tests - ultrasound, computed tomography, various studies of the stomach and intestines. It is important to determine the nature of the formation - benign or malignant. Choose a treatment method - traditional medicine or traditional methods of treatment.

Pay attention to the treatment with celandine. To treat polyps in any cavity, alternative medicine suggests using herbs, juice, or celandine decoction. But it is worth remembering that this is a poisonous plant

Moreover, all its parts are poisonous. It has a particularly harmful effect on the kidneys and liver, so such treatment is contraindicated for people with diseases of these organs.

Removal of nasal polyps

Let’s “walk” through the places where polyps grow. Polyps settle in the maxillary sinuses and ethmoid labyrinth. They provoke various inflammations in the nasal passages. Rinsing and drops will help reduce them.

Rinse the nose with saline or a solution of table or sea salt. Bottles of the finished drug can be easily found in any pharmacy. A salt solution is made at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per 250 ml of water. Rinse the sinuses twice a day using a syringe, the Dolphin apparatus, or simply suck it into the nasal passage.

Washing with herbal decoctions. You can use horsetail, chamomile, St. John's wort, and calendula. The technology for brewing any herbs is the same - for 1 teaspoon of dry raw materials, 250 ml of boiling water. Pour over the herbs and leave until completely cool. Rinse in the same way as with saline solution.

Celandine - used fresh. You need to squeeze the juice out of fresh grass. Place 1 drop into the nose 3 times a day.

In the gastrointestinal tract

The rectum is also a place where polyps often “settle.” To remove polyps using folk remedies, you can use celandine juice. But it is diluted in water in a proportion of 60 ml - 5 drops of fresh juice. Do a microenema with the solution at night.

For polyps in the stomach, drink 1 teaspoon of celandine decoction before meals. Gradually, the dose should be increased and brought to 1 tablespoon. The duration of the course is 2 months.

In any pharmacy you can buy tinctures of calendula and propolis. Dissolve 1 teaspoon in 50 ml of water. Take 3 times a day for 2 months.

Expert opinion

Polyps are excessive growths of body tissue that have teardrop-shaped, pear-shaped or flat shapes. The causes of this pathology have not been established, but scientists are inclined to the multifactorial theory of the development of the disease, which indicates that under the influence of external influences, replication processes are disrupted in a certain part of the human body.

Treatment of polyps can be conservative (observation) and surgical (removal of polyps and or parts of an organ if the growths impair its functionality). Folk remedies based on medicinal herbs help prevent the appearance of new formations, but they cannot neutralize existing ones.

Polyps in the uterus - treatment with folk remedies

Whatever method you decide to use, official medicine or folk remedies, you should first consult a doctor. Many recipes are harmless and cannot cause irreparable harm, but there are also unsafe methods of treatment. Carefully study reviews about the treatment of polyps with folk remedies. In addition, you need to make sure that it is still a polyp - a benign formation. And in any case, the cause of polyposis should be found. Having cured it, you will get rid of tumors.

✅Recipes for preventing complications

To prevent complications and prevent the pathological formation from degenerating into a malignant tumor, it is recommended to consume fresh viburnum berries daily. You need to eat several handfuls a day, chewing each berry thoroughly and separately. The course of treatment is 1 month. If it is not possible to use fresh berries, they can be replaced with frozen ones. Although the effectiveness of such a product will be somewhat lower and a longer course of treatment will be required.

Before curing a polyp in the uterine cavity using traditional methods, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination to determine the stage of development of the pathological process and the presence of complications. Treatment of polyps with folk remedies can be successful only in the early stages, when the growth is small in size. If there are complications or if the pathological formation has reached a large diameter, the only effective method is surgery.

Other means

Recipes for treating stomach polyps are quite simple and consist exclusively of natural ingredients. Turmeric helps a lot. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. turmeric, add to 1 tbsp. warm milk and drink the remedy 3 times a day. Turmeric has good antimicrobial qualities, which help to comprehensively fight existing infections and thus reduce the frequency and size of polyps in the stomach.

Baking soda is a fairly effective remedy. For this you need 0.5 tsp. Pour a small amount of boiling water over the baking soda until it sizzles. Then add cold water so that you end up with 200 ml of warm solution. Be sure to drink 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach. This remedy should be taken after each meal every 2 hours.

Traditional treatment for polyps in the stomach involves taking mumiyo. This remedy promotes active stimulation of regenerative processes, as it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound-healing effect. It helps normalize metabolic processes and also has a beneficial effect on the immune system and hormonal levels. Correctly selected dosage when taking mumiyo helps eliminate the causes that provoked the onset of the disease. To prepare the medicine, dissolve 0.2 g of mumiyo in 200 ml of water and drink daily for a month.

To treat adenomatous polyp of the stomach with folk remedies, viburnum is used. For 30 days you need to eat 1-2 handfuls of berries. Moreover, you need to eat them 1 piece at a time, slowly, chewing and swallowing. If the berry tastes bitter, then you need to wait until the first frost. Picked up by a little frost, viburnum does not lose its healing qualities.

You need to stock up on viburnum for the winter. To do this, you need to cut the berries along with the twigs and dry them. Then you need to prepare a decoction from a small handful of berries along with twigs, filled with 3 tbsp. water. Cook for 1 hour. Cool the finished product, strain, divide into 3 parts and take throughout the day. Daily use of viburnum decoction will prevent the possibility of polyps degenerating into a malignant tumor.

Treatment of hyperplastic gastric polyp with folk remedies is carried out using tea made from lilac. To do this, you need to cut 2 small branches of lilac, chop them finely and put them in a thermos. Then pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them and leave to steep overnight. In the morning, filter the finished medicinal product and drink 0.5 tbsp. before each meal. Treatment should be carried out for 2 months.

Treatment of stomach polyps with folk remedies is widely used. The most effective remedies help not only eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but also completely cure the pathology, as well as get rid of the provoking factor. Sea buckthorn oil and sea buckthorn juice have good healing properties. When preparing juice, you do not need to throw away the remaining pulp. You need to dry it, crush the seeds in a mortar, and then pour the whole mass with sunflower oil. Place the resulting product in a dark place for 1-2 months. Take the medicine 1 tsp. 3 times a day before eating. The course of therapy is not limited.

According to reviews, the symptoms and treatment of polyps in the stomach can be very different. Birch chaga mushroom helps a lot. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour cold boiled water over the dried mushroom for 3-4 hours. Then grind in a meat grinder. After soaking the mushroom, put the water in the refrigerator. Pour hot water into the resulting mass in a ratio of 1:5 and leave for 2 days. Strain the infusion and squeeze thoroughly. Then drain the remaining water after soaking the mushrooms. Take the remedy 3 times a day, 0.5 tbsp. 30-40 minutes before eating.

According to reviews, the treatment of polyps in the stomach with folk remedies is very popular, as these remedies are quite affordable and effective. This disease requires complex, timely treatment. Before using any product, you should consult your doctor to avoid side effects and complications.


Numerous reviews from women prove that treating uterine polyps with the help of folk remedies is quite possible, the main thing is to use them strictly according to the scheme, in the specified dosage.

Albina, 33 years old

During my second pregnancy, a polyp was discovered. He was small and did not grow, so after giving birth, when I stopped breastfeeding, the doctor advised me to start taking celandine. Of course, I didn’t want to take hormonal drugs, and I was skeptical about traditional treatment, but I took the risk. Celandine helped me, I drank it as a decoction. After 2 months, the polyp almost completely disappeared. Now I’m taking a short break and then I’ll repeat the treatment again.

Ksenia, 29 years old

Herbs have not yet helped me completely cure the polyp on the cervix, but it has decreased in size. She did not take any additional medications. I drink a decoction of celandine and periodically make suppositories with propolis. I'm happy with the result. Just don’t give up treatment to avoid a relapse. But now I know for sure that there is a sense in traditional treatment. The main thing is to start therapy as soon as the diagnosis is made.

What else do you drink for gastric polyposis?

In addition to herbal infusions and decoctions, you can try the following effective recipes:

  • Milk and butter. Add 2 tbsp to 1 liter of milk. spoons of butter and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. The mixture is cooled and cooled in the refrigerator. For taste, add honey and drink 1-ml every morning.
  • Honey, olive and lemon oil. Combine 0.5 liters of olive oil and milk, add juice squeezed from 2 lemons and half a tsp. honey. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and placed in the refrigerator until cool. Take 2 tbsp. spoons before meals. There are known cases of the disappearance of a small polyp.
  • Egg yolks and pumpkin seed. 7 hard-boiled eggs, separate the yolks, add pumpkin seed flour (raw materials crushed to powder), 0.5 liters of olive oil. The composition is brought to the boil over low heat for about 20 minutes, after which it is cooled and drunk 1 tbsp. spoon several times a day. The course of therapy is 5-7 days.

Gastric polyposis is a disease that can provoke functional disorders of all gastrointestinal organs.

It is important to understand that treatment with alternative methods is long-term and not aimed at quick results. However, within 5-7 days of treatment the symptoms should subside noticeably

If patients feel otherwise, they should consult a doctor and immediately stop self-therapy.

Another effective recipe for gastric polyposis is offered in this video:

The prognosis for gastric polyposis is usually favorable, subject to adequate therapy. In case of a burdened clinical history, with the risk of malignancy of the pathological growth, one should resort to known methods of treatment - surgery followed by medicinal recovery.

What to eat after removal of a polyp in the stomach, read our article.

You can make an appointment with a doctor directly on our website.

Be healthy and happy!

Decoctions for douching

Treatment of polyps using folk remedies can be carried out at home independently (after consultation with a gynecologist) using decoctions for douching. Most medicinal plants that are recommended for this diagnosis have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, and sometimes even hemostatic.

That is why treatment of a uterine polyp using traditional methods leads to periods of stable remission and complete recovery. The advantages of herbal remedies for topical use include:

  • no side effects;
  • the ability to select another safe product with identical properties if the need arises (for example, in case of allergic reactions);
  • good compatibility with drug therapy (douching with celandine for polyposis can be combined with the use of hormonal medications).

For douching, you can use not only celandine infusion. Calendula for uterine polyps is often used as part of preparations. Its flowers have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties; the ability of this plant to tone the uterus and heal wounds is valued, which helps in regulating the menstrual cycle. There are various preparations for douching, which usually use medicinal herbs such as sage, oak bark, yarrow, thyme, chamomile, chestnut, lemon balm, nettle and others.

Traditional methods for treating uterine polyps are quite diverse, and herbal remedies occupy a leading place among them. This is due to the necessary properties of plants to combat this pathology. Efficiency and accessibility are a pretty good combination, so there are many recipes for different infusions, decoctions, juices, they are taken orally or used topically.


Tampons as folk remedies for polyps in the uterus contribute to the rapid relief of unpleasant symptoms and the fastest cure, since the medicinal components penetrate immediately and settle in the endometrium. Recipes for preparing medicinal tampons:

  1. Chop the garlic clove, wrap it in several layers of gauze, and insert it into the vagina overnight. Duration of treatment – ​​10 days. It is not recommended to use this method for women prone to allergic reactions.
  2. Bake the onion in the oven without removing the peel, after cooking, remove the peel, cut the onion into small pieces, wrap in gauze, and insert into the vagina.
  3. A uterine polyp can be cured with sea buckthorn oil, which is sold in pharmacies - soak a cotton swab in the oil and insert it into the vagina at night.

When treating a uterine polyp, tampons are not used during menstruation.

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