What traditional methods are effective for narrowing the vagina?

Every woman wants to know how to tighten the vagina at home. Loss of elasticity of intimate muscles is a rather delicate problem. Because of it, discomfort arises, the quality of sexual life deteriorates, which negatively affects the emotional state and health in general. Often this is a consequence of childbirth or the influence of age-related changes.

There are several ways to help restore tone and rejuvenate the vagina, regardless of the reasons that led to the stretching. Try VagiTonus vaginal tightening product. This is an excellent alternative to laser correction and surgery. Vagitonus gel not only tones muscles, but is also an excellent prevention of infectious diseases. It allows you to get high-quality and multiple orgasms, improve intimacy and enjoy sex.

Ways to restore elasticity

Modern medicine offers the following methods of narrowing the vagina:

  • plastic surgery or laser correction;
  • the use of suppositories, ointments and creams that cause muscle spasms (usually the effect is short-term);
  • a special set of exercises (suitable only for absolutely healthy women without contraindications).

Reducing the size of the vagina is a prerequisite for a quality sexual life. Due to loss of firmness and elasticity, it is impossible to have an orgasm. Against this background, women experience stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs and develop gynecological diseases. Subsequently, sexual desire disappears altogether, and family life becomes torture for both partners.

Indications for the need for vaginal narrowing

Many women face a rather serious problem in intimate relationships - a wide vagina. This happens more often after repeated births, and there are also cases when the vagina is naturally wide. During childbirth, the child stretches the walls of the birth canal, they lose elasticity, firmness and their former shape. Sometimes the original shape is not returned. The same problem happens during menopause. Hormonal levels change, the tissues of the female genital tract lose their elasticity, and organ prolapse and organ loss may even develop. Similar consequences can be observed after suturing ruptures that occurred during childbirth, as well as after surgical treatment of pathologies of the female reproductive system.

This situation interferes with enjoying your personal life, becomes the basis for mental imbalance, and sometimes a nervous breakdown. When the problem has not yet gone too far, you can try traditional methods of narrowing the vagina, which sometimes bring the desired result.

Vaginal tightening methods help women regain full pleasure during sex, increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones, and some drugs moisturize the female genital tract before intimacy.

Surgical intervention

There are two ways to narrow muscles using surgery:

  1. reduce the volume of the vagina by excision of its walls. The method is called colporrhaphy. It is carried out simultaneously on the front and rear walls. Allows you to restore muscle tone. Is a safe and reliable way. Does not leave scars or seams;
  2. reduce the entrance to the vagina. Suitable for women whose muscles are elastic, and only the entrance itself is widened. This is a simpler method compared to the first one. It is characterized by a fairly easy and short recovery period.

Only a doctor can determine which option should be used after a comprehensive examination.

A narrowed vagina solves more than just width problems

Expert comment:

“An increase in vaginal volume leads to the fact that a woman experiences little or no pleasure from sex. Achieving orgasm becomes a problem, its intensity decreases. At the same time, the partner also notes the loss of sensations.

But the problem of a wide vagina is not only a matter of a vibrant sex life.

On the one hand, lack of desire triggers a natural mechanism of decreased libido at the physiological and emotional levels. On the other hand, against the background of weakness of the vaginal walls, urinary incontinence develops when sneezing, coughing, physical activity, and prolapse of internal organs.”

Vladislava Gladysheva, plastic surgeon, specialist in aesthetic gynecology.

Platinental has many ways to solve all these problems: from effective non-surgical methods to surgery. Let's look at them in order.

Kegel exercises

Often, discomfort due to the expansion of the vaginal muscles in women occurs precisely after childbirth. This affects sexual desire and orgasm. At the same time, not only women, but also men feel the changes. Intimate muscles become much weaker after childbirth.

There is a special technique developed by Arnold Kegel, a world famous gynecologist. It helps restore the former firmness and elasticity of the muscles. The exercises are quite simple and every woman can perform them at home:

  • slow compression - gradual tension and retention of the vaginal muscles. It is necessary to hold for as long as possible;
  • “lift” – muscle tension. Light tension, count to 5, relax. Repeat with stronger muscle tension and relax again. Continue as long as you can;
  • pushing out - straining and gradual relaxation;
  • rapid contraction - quickly tense and contract the vaginal muscles.

This set of exercises can be done absolutely anywhere. After four weeks, the first results are noticeable. The vagina will become narrower and new sensations will appear during sex.

Special gymnastics

Exercises for training intimate muscles have been used for a long time. With their help, you can not only reduce the size of the vagina. They help enhance the sensations of sexual intercourse for both partners and make the woman’s orgasm longer. In addition, gymnastics is a good prevention of infectious diseases and various pathologies. And improving the quality of sexual life leads to increased self-esteem and self-confidence in a woman.

The best effect can be achieved by combining special exercises for intimate muscles with regular physical training. After all, everything in the body is connected, and it is more difficult to train one muscle than to increase the tone of the whole organism. But there are also special exercises for intimate muscles. The most famous now is the complex developed by A. Kegel. It is simple, does not take much time and does not require additional equipment. It includes the following exercises:

  • during urination you need to stop the stream, this needs to be done at least 20 times a day;
  • in any position of the body, strain the vaginal muscles for a few seconds, do 10-20 times a day;
  • tighten the vaginal muscles and sphincter quickly and often;
  • strongly tense your intimate muscles and simulate pushing out, as during childbirth;
  • It is useful to tense these muscles during intercourse; this will not only improve their tone, but also enhance sensations for both partners.

It is also helpful to perform other exercises to tighten the vagina. For example, during a shoulder stand, spread your straight legs to the sides and slowly bring them together.

Pharmacology and official medicine

Pharmaceutical preparations also help to increase the firmness and elasticity of the genital organs. These can be suppositories, ointments, tablets and gels. They must be used 20-30 minutes before sex. They usually consist of the following components:

  • zamaniha - increases sexual desire and rejuvenates tissues;
  • oak bark extract - increases elasticity;
  • ginseng root extract - renews muscles and stimulates blood circulation;
  • hyaluronic acid - increases the tone of intimate muscles;
  • Damiano - relieves hormonal imbalance.

The disadvantage of using such drugs is their short-term effect, high cost and the need to use immediately before sex.

Among cosmetic creams, the following options can be distinguished:

  • Naron cream - narrows the vagina, tightens muscles and has a healing effect;
  • She 9 gel – reduces muscle sagging;
  • Virgin Star cream - increases elasticity;
  • Vagitonus gel consists of natural ingredients and not only tightens muscles, but also heals the genitourinary system.

Laser vaginal reduction

Laser vaginal reduction is a hardware technique and is performed using a fractional carbon dioxide CO2 laser Eraser-C-RF.

During a 20-minute session, the laser selectively and very delicately removes microscopic areas of the epithelium. This procedure triggers the production of your own collagen and rapid renewal of the epithelium.

The results are stunning. The vaginal tissues are literally strengthened and tightened before our eyes. The mucous membrane becomes denser, more elastic, and more moisturized. This is one of the few procedures that causes contraction of the vaginal muscles, restoring their tone.

Recovery will take only 24 hours, and the effect of the procedure will increase over the course of several more weeks.

Particularly pronounced and long-term results are achieved by the consistent use of laser and injection procedures.


Traditional medicine is based on the use of natural substances that increase the tone of intimate muscles. The most popular options:

  • tincture based on mint, red wine and oak bark. Used topically 3 hours before sex;
  • inserting a slice of lemon into the vagina;
  • douching with manganese solution;
  • washing the vagina with turmeric decoction;
  • douching with alum decoction.

Such methods do not require much cost and can have a positive effect. Among the disadvantages is the risk of allergies, burning, itching and the development of thrush. Not always effective. To avoid harm to your health, be sure to consult your doctor before starting therapy.

What we use: oak bark, alum and more

For our women, we recommend oak bark to tighten the vagina. It contains tannins, which relieve inflammation and protect tissues from irritation. In addition, other substances (pentosans, peptides, flavonoids, organic acids) fight infections and promote tissue rejuvenation.

It is easy to prepare preparations from oak bark. The simplest recipe: pour boiling water over 50 grams of raw material and let stand for one hour. After filtering, use to soak a tampon, which is inserted into the vagina. You can keep the tampon for no more than 3-4 hours.

If this option is not suitable, you can safely prepare a bath with a decoction of oak bark. To do this, infuse half a kilogram of raw materials in 1.5 liters of boiling water. After infusion, you can add it to the general bath.

You can use another folk method. Burnt alum is also suitable for tightening the vagina. They have become popular not only among the people, they are also sold in pharmacy chains.

Alum is aluminum salts, another name is galloons. They look like white crystals. They really help, for this purpose they are diluted with water and used for their intended purpose.

Take 1 teaspoon of galun per glass of water and dilute it. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and insert it into the vagina overnight. The individual characteristics of the body force you to consult a gynecologist before such treatment.

Another simple, accessible method is douching with this solution. The effectiveness of using alum remains high. For douching you need an Esmarch mug and a douching bulb. All these devices must be treated with alcohol and then washed with boiled water. It is better to do douching after consultation with a gynecologist.

Alum is suitable not only for narrowing the vagina, but will also help get rid of problems such as thrush and speed up the healing of wounds after resection or other genital surgeries.

Taper balls

Special balls are the best remedy for narrowing the vagina. The devices are made on the basis of plant components and are called herbal. They tighten the vagina well and have an anti-inflammatory effect, while eliminating pain during the menstrual cycle.

The balls contain bamboo charcoal, gall oak and other exotic components. After using the product, the vagina narrows due to tannin and other astringents. There are no chemical or hormonal components in the balls, so contraindications are practically reduced to zero.

The product is inserted into the vagina one ball per week. If the entrance is narrow, you need to lubricate it with gel to avoid microtrauma. The balls are inserted 5 centimeters into the vagina at least six hours before sexual intercourse. The effect will last for two days. Even after you stop using the balls, the vagina will gradually narrow on its own.

Medicines to contract the uterus

The uterus is a unique organ, part of the female reproductive system. During pregnancy, it is able to increase its volume many times over, and after childbirth, the organ contracts just as quickly.

However, sometimes the condition of the muscular layer of the uterus requires drug support, in particular in cases where it is necessary to increase or decrease myometrial contractions.

Indications for use of drugs

I distinguish several pharmaceutical groups, which include drugs that contract and tonic the uterus:

  • To increase the tone and rhythm of contractions of the uterine muscles ( prostaglandins, Oxytocin );
  • To influence the tone of the uterus, stop bleeding ( Analgin-quinine, Ergometrine );
  • To suppress contractions ( No-shpa, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Papaverine ).

In what cases are contraction drugs necessary to correct the condition of the uterine myometrium? They are used in the early period after childbirth to accelerate its involution to a normal state, to reduce the risk of bleeding.

If bleeding has already occurred, the use of medications helps to quickly reduce its intensity due to artificial spasm of the uterine arteries.

Another indication is to stop bleeding from endometrial hyperplasia. After a medical or spontaneous abortion, blood clots may remain in the uterus, causing inflammation and other pathologies, so it is necessary to use means to contract the organ.

Opposite-acting drugs to suppress uterine contractions are aimed at preventing premature birth, treating algodismenorrhea, and suppressing myometrial activity during gynecological operations.

Their timely administration helps stop a miscarriage, or threatened abortion, and correct isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Medicines to correct uterine contractions

In gynecological practice, dosage forms such as injections and tablets for uterine contraction, intravenous and infusion solutions are used for these purposes.


The medicine is used to contract the uterus more often than other drugs for a similar purpose. Oxytocin is a synthetic hormone obtained artificially, the properties of which are identical to the natural hormone of the hypothalamus. It increases the excitability of myometrial cells, increasing the intensity and frequency of contractions.

Indications for use:

  • Stimulation of labor, including in the event of problems such as intrauterine fetal death, gestosis, post-term pregnancy;
  • Stimulation of uterine contractions immediately after natural birth, after cesarean section;
  • Prevention of bleeding after diagnostic curettage, abortion.

The drug is not used in cases of threatened uterine rupture and placental abruption, high blood pressure, transverse presentation of the fetus, cardiovascular pathologies and preeclampsia.

The drug is administered intramuscularly, intravenously and drip. During a caesarean section, injections are made into the wall of the uterus. When using Oxytocin, the following reactions may occur:

  • A sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • Allergy;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Bronchospasm;
  • Nausea.

When using the product, mandatory control of the frequency and intensity of uterine contractions is required.


The drug contains a combination of Oxytocin and Vasopressin and is produced from the pituitary gland of cattle. Most often used to stimulate labor. Indications for use:

  • Bleeding in the early postpartum period;
  • The need to induce labor;
  • Severe menstrual bleeding.

Pituitrin is not used for hypertension, atherosclerosis, myocarditis, during sepsis and when there is a threat of rupture of the uterine wall. Subcutaneous or intramuscular injections are used to administer the medicine.


Deaminooxytocin tablets for uterine contractions belong to the group of hormonal drugs; they are a synthetic analogue of pituitary hormones. The action of the drug is based on stimulation of the contractility of the myometrium and mammary epithelium.

One of the advantages of this drug is the possibility of use in women with high blood pressure, gestosis, and renal failure. Indications for use:

  • Slow reverse development of the uterus after childbirth;
  • Stimulation of labor activity when it weakens;
  • Stimulation of lactation.

The method of using these medications is very simple - a Desaminooxytocin tablet should be placed behind the cheek and kept there until it is completely absorbed.

The drug is not used for heart failure, abnormal presentation of the fetus, umbilical cord and placenta, threatened uterine rupture, fetal hypoxia and allergy to Deaminooxytocin.


This drug belongs to NSAIDs, it consists of the following components:


Reduces pain by inhibiting the formation of prostaglandins.


Strengthens contractions of the uterine muscles.

Analgin quinine is used to stimulate uterine contractions during childbirth and immediately after them, with weak labor, to induce artificial labor in case of fetal death or malformations, and in the treatment of algodismenorrhea.

The drug is highly toxic; it negatively affects vision and hearing, and can cause headache, tachycardia, urticaria, nausea and vomiting.


Used to stimulate contractions of the uterine muscles by constricting the blood vessels. Indications for use:

  • Weak labor;
  • Severe metrorrhagia;
  • Intermenstrual bleeding;
  • Metropathy.

Ergotal is not used for cardiovascular and liver failure, sepsis, hyperemia and thyrotoxicosis.


The drug stimulates the opening of the cervix, contraction of the myometrium, thereby causing labor. It is used in the form of infusion and in the form of injections that are given directly into the amniotic sac.

Indications for use:

  • Emergency termination of pregnancy in the 3rd trimester;
  • Stimulation of contractions;
  • Removal of the fetus during a frozen pregnancy.

Dinoprost is not used for cardiovascular and renal failure, inflammatory gynecological diseases, impaired blood circulation of the placenta, narrow pelvis and scars on the uterus.

When using the drug , rapid heartbeat, diarrhea, headache, spasm of the respiratory tract, and less commonly, uterine rupture may occur.


The drug belongs to the group of hormonal drugs. Ginestril inhibits the synthesis of progesterone, which protects the uterus from contractions during pregnancy. Indications for use:

  • Stimulation of labor during full-term pregnancy;
  • Therapy after fibroid removal;
  • Treatment of dysmenorrhea.

The drug is not used to resolve premature and post-term pregnancy, abnormal presentation of the fetus, gestosis, anemia and inflammation of the female genital organs.

Side effects are very rare. These are allergic dermatitis, nausea, cycle disorders, adnexitis.

Drugs to suppress myometrial contractions during pregnancy

Most often, correction of uterine contractions in this condition is required for uterine hypertonicity. This pathological condition occurs throughout the entire gestational period. Causes:

  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Tumors (fibroids);
  • Inflammatory process;
  • History of several abortions;
  • Depression, neurosis in a pregnant woman;
  • Physical and psycho-emotional stress;
  • Diseases accompanied by hyperthermia (flu, sore throat).

These factors can lead to early termination of pregnancy and fetal death. They are corrected with the following drugs:

  • No-spa to relieve spasms;
  • Corinfar, Nifedipine to inhibit the absorption of calcium into uterine cells, stimulating hypertonicity;
  • Indomethacin to suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins that contract the uterine muscles;
  • Metipred, Dexamethozone for hormonal correction;
  • Persen and other sedatives to normalize mental state;
  • Magnesium sulfate and calcium antagonists to relieve myometrial spasm and inhibit labor.

Any medications are prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the woman’s health condition.

Source: https://cistitus.ru/matka/preparaty-dlya-sokrashcheniya-matki.html

Consequences of changing the shape of the genital organs

Prolapse of the anterior vaginal wall causes displacement of the urethra and bladder. Changes in the position of the reproductive system organs lead to urinary incontinence to varying degrees. If the posterior wall of the vagina is lowered, the normal act of defecation is disrupted. Pathologies also increase the risk and incidence of inflammatory and infectious diseases.

In addition to the negative impact on health, vaginal dystrophy worsens the quality of intimate life. Weakened pelvic floor muscles and insufficient mucosal sensitivity reduce libido and sexual satisfaction. In addition, there is dryness, burning, and pain during intimacy. The expansion of the vaginal vestibule makes the appearance of the genital organs unaesthetic, causing uncertainty and psychological discomfort.

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