How to be healthy as a woman. The main secrets of women's health.
Women's health - the origins of women's happiness, beauty and harmony come from it.
A healthy woman is a woman filled with energy, radiating light and warmth, attracting goodness, abundance and love into her life. 1. healthy eating.
We include sweets, milk and vegetables. The nature of a woman, according to Vedic knowledge, is very different from the nature of a man. We must live in harmony with our feminine essence, only then can we find true happiness. What should a woman eat? It is necessary to include sweets in your diet. Sweet food normalizes the functioning of a woman’s hormonal system, improves her mood, well-being and gives a feeling of satisfaction. This does not mean that you need to constantly eat fatty cakes and chocolate. Food can be sweet, but still healthy. Eat sweet fruits and dry fruits, prepare Vedic sweets. And remember: for sweet food to improve a woman’s health, it must be taken in the first half of the day.
Women should also eat more dairy products (but, of course, natural, not store-bought), as they are strongly associated with the energy of the moon, which gives us energy and maintains healthy hormonal levels. Vegetables also have powerful feminine energy, so they simply need to be included in your diet. It is better to consume flour to a minimum. And meat, fish and eggs should be completely excluded from consumption. They are woven from the energy of violence, murder and aggression, which is disgusting to the soft female nature. Thus, in order to follow her nature, be healthy and develop feminine qualities, a woman needs to eat more vegetables, dairy and sweet foods.
2. the right time to sleep. Nowadays it is customary to go to bed late, but it is in the first half of the night (until about half past twelve) that female hormones are produced when the moon rises. Therefore, it is better to go to bed no later than 22.00, and better - at 21.00. If the body sleeps from this time, over time, worries will disappear from your mind, you will find peace, tranquility, inner balance, stop being nervous and you will be able to accomplish more. It's better to get up between 6 and 7 am.
3. woman's clothing: skirts or trousers? Today many women wear jeans. Here it is necessary to talk about the flow of energy in the body: where it is tight, energy stagnates, and where it is free, it comes out. In men, the energy in the body goes up, which develops activity, will, and activity in it. Therefore, for men, trousers and a loose top are the natural form of clothing. For women it’s the other way around. It should be tight at the top and loose at the bottom. Feminine energy goes down, and this downward flow is associated with reproductive function. Therefore, the legs need to be closed, but not pulled together. Female beauty depends on the fullness of female hormones: if their level decreases, health and beauty also go away. Therefore, a woman should take care of her hormonal system and wear the right clothes.
4. the right attitude to work. A serious reason for a woman’s health problems lies in her education and attitude towards work. By nature, the female psyche is created for love: a woman’s mission is to love, show care, and create an atmosphere of warmth and happiness. For the health of the family, 70% of female energy is needed. A woman creates harmony in family life. Modern education has little to do with family and family values. It allows you to be active and businesslike in society and live “according to the Masculine Type.” As a result, the psyche becomes tense, hormonal functions are upset, and chronic depression appears, as the woman lives in contradiction to her true nature. There is no real happiness in a life where the main thing is a career.
5. habitat: home or society? A man is healthy when he is active and achieves goals, and a woman is healthy when she is emotionally satisfied. Excessive exposure to people, in public places wastes our strength, while at home we draw these strengths. Therefore, the natural environment for women is home, and for men - society. A man who spends too much time in the family becomes unhappy, and a woman who lives in the family becomes happy and healthy. A woman feels good when she spends most of her time in her home. She needs to walk barefoot, receiving energy from the earth, look at the sun, listen to the birds sing, and garden. This way she lives in harmony with nature and becomes healthy and friendly.
6. caring for your loved ones and your loved one. A woman's purpose is to decorate the world with beauty. Feminine energy must find a way out. An idle existence and idleness have never brought happiness to anyone. Therefore, you need to direct your energy to taking care of your loved ones and yourself. A woman’s calling is to give warmth, give love and affection. Cooking with love, washing with love, cleaning with love - this brings true happiness. When a woman takes care of a man, he has the energy to grow and develop, and his career takes off. In addition, it is important to monitor your internal and external state. A woman should feel like a flower, beautiful, perfect, loved. A man feels this and always goes home with inspiration and joy.
7. We develop feminine qualities. Many women lack feminine power. It is in the nature of a woman to be caring, kind and gentle. But these qualities do not develop at work. Therefore, we must learn to think, dress and treat people like women. Then our personal life will begin to improve, because men value us not for our ability to earn money and lead, but for our ability to be sensitive, fragile, affectionate, and obedient!
Tips on how to be healthy. Principles that allow you to maintain health for many years.
The famous proverb says: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”
Health is an important factor in the life of every person, because a healthy body allows a person to be strong and engage in any activity.
Ayurveda is an ancient science of health that teaches that a disease should be treated when it is not yet there, and not when a person is already sick. That is, it is easier (and, by the way, sometimes cheaper) not to get sick at all than to undergo treatment every time.
When a person is sick, it is very difficult to live a full life. Of course, there are exceptions when people rise above their illness and perform miracles. For example, A. Meresyev, who, having lost his legs, not only survived, but also continued his career as a pilot. There are, of course, other examples of those who, despite their limited capabilities (or increased needs?), have achieved success in life and reached their goal, but this is only the exception that confirms the rule.
That is why it is important to understand that taking care of your body is essential for living a full life and achieving your goals.
The ancient Vedic scripture says: “One should desire only a healthy life, that is, self-preservation, for the purpose of man is to ask questions about the Absolute Truth. Nothing else should be the goal of his activities.” Srimad Bhagavatam (1.2.10).
This means that a healthy body is a tool that helps us fulfill our destiny, and if we don’t take care of it, then it’s tantamount to going on a long journey by car and, for example, not changing the oil in the engine, filling it with poor quality fuel or not monitoring the condition of the brake system.
All this is because the car needs maintenance and, if we do not pay attention to it, it is unlikely to take us to our destination.
It’s the same with health, there are necessary things without which our body cannot be strong and resilient.
What you need to do to be healthy. 10 little tricks on how to become healthy?
People often wonder: how to become healthy? Usually, thoughts that you need to take care of your health arise during illnesses or failures in life. Health is usually perceived as physical health, that is, the coordinated work of all organs of the body, allowing you to live and fully engage in some activity. But the answer to this question actually lies deeper, because our mental and spiritual health is no less important than our physical health.
Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? To answer “Yes,” you don’t have to run marathons, diet, or do yoga. A healthy lifestyle, first of all, is constant work on yourself, your movement forward along the path of giving up harmful, negative things and habits and achieving harmony with both your body and soul.
A healthy lifestyle should not be perceived as a goal or as a big, serious choice in life. The best way to become healthy is to move in small, confident steps, gradually removing the factors that lead to illness. And as you see the changes taking place, you will strengthen your confidence that you are on the right path.
It is not necessary to radically change everything right away, since in this case there is always a chance of failure. You just need to start, little by little, a little bit. For example, during the day you can do a few simple actions that will gradually make your life healthy and harmonious.
10 little tricks to become healthy
- Start your day with exercise. All you need to do is get up 10-15 minutes earlier to start the day with morning exercises. It will help you wake up, energize you and prepare your body for a new activity. Anything will do - a regular warm-up, light jogging, yoga, qigong, stretching exercises, and so on. Read more about morning routines in the article Morning exercises and other ways to start the day well.
- Fuel your body only with natural, high-quality fuel. The most important meal of the day should be breakfast, which includes complex carbohydrates, fiber, proteins and healthy fats. The best foods for breakfast are vegetables, cereals, lean meats and eggs. A healthy, natural breakfast will help you maintain and improve your health and stay energetic throughout the day.
- Don't forget about tea. Natural tea contains antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on your immune system and heart, as well as reducing the likelihood of cancer and increasing metabolism. The healthiest teas are white and green.
- Drink cold water. It takes more calories to heat cold water to body temperature than to heat warm water. You can burn an additional 60-70 calories by simply drinking two liters of water a day. In addition, drinking plenty of water allows you to effectively remove toxins from your body.
- Breathe deeply. Deep breathing has a huge number of benefits. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, trains the lungs and saturates the blood with oxygen. It is very simple and, at the same time, effective.
- Avoid stressful situations, and if they arise, deal with them without delay. Frequent stress leads to long-term diseases such as ulcers, headaches, depression, and heart disease. As soon as a reason for stress appears, eliminate it; if that doesn’t work, occupy your thoughts with something pleasant: read books, chat with friends, go for a walk, think about good and pleasant things.
- Eat little and eat often. In order for the body to get used to spending calories only for current needs, without storing for future use, do not let it feel hungry. 6-7 meals in small portions are much better than 3-4 regular meals, but “to the fullest.” Frequent meals eliminate hunger and allow you to avoid overeating, while improving the process of digesting food.
- Add two healthy products to your menu and remove two harmful ones. This is the same principle of small steps. Once you get used to these new foods, add two more (removing the same number of harmful ones). Even if you don't adopt a completely natural diet, you will become significantly healthier.
- Have sex more often. Regular sex has great benefits for your health. It reduces stress, improves immunity, burns a lot of calories, strengthens the heart, muscles and blood vessels, ensures sound sleep... What can I say, you yourself know that sex is one of the best things in the world!
- Go to bed earlier (but taking into account the previous point
For a healthy, sound sleep, an adult needs about 7-9 hours, although many of us would consider it lucky to sleep through at least a minimum of this. Night gatherings with friends, TV, the Internet - there are many in the world things that delay our going to sleep. Meanwhile, it is during sleep that the body recovers, strengthens and fights diseases. Lack of sleep threatens weakness and drowsiness throughout the next day. We often fight this by taking large doses of coffee and energy drinks and We don’t even think that instead of all this violence, it’s enough just to give ourselves the opportunity to sleep.
Summarize. Using these little tricks, you can finally get rid of the question of how to become healthy and really become so. Your heart will become stronger, extra calories will gradually disappear, and clarity and clarity of thoughts will appear in your head. 10 little tricks on how to become healthy will help you take the first step towards your own health and happiness.
Women's health: what is important to know?
In the modern rhythm of life, with constant stress, overwork, fatigue and lack of time “for yourself”, it is very important to pay special attention to women’s health. The modern scourge of humanity is that we turn to specialists only when there is a problem. But this is the wrong approach. It is always easier to prevent body problems than to solve existing ones.
YJ talked with fertility specialist
Anastasia Smirnova
, head of the reproduction department at the Fomin Clinic on Dolgorukovskaya, and found out how to maintain a high level of women’s health throughout life.
What is “high level” women's health?
A high level is not an entirely true statement. As a doctor, I can say one thing: girls and women should be healthy. This means not constantly feeling pain in the lower abdomen, not suffering from heavy discharge with an unpleasant odor and having a regular cycle (even at 25, 37 and 43 days, but regular)!
What important periods for women could you highlight in terms of women's health?
Within the framework of women's health, 3 main periods can be distinguished: menarche (15-22 years), reproductive age (25-35), late reproductive or premenopausal period (35-40+).
How to maintain women's health at a high level in each of these periods?
1. The period of menarche
is characterized by the beginning of the menstrual cycle in girls.
And the first important point that is worth paying attention to is that it (the menstrual cycle), in principle, exists. In girls of this age, an irregular menstrual cycle is acceptable during the first 6-7 years from its onset. It can start earlier or later; delays of a month are also considered the norm. The main problem is that when girls encounter such a situation, they go to the doctor, who, in turn, may consider this a deviation from the norm and prescribe contraceptives - which is fundamentally wrong. Disruptions in menstruation at this age are the norm! And you don’t need to try to make it regular. Such failures do not harm the young body, do not develop into pathologies and do not require treatment with drugs. The best solution in this case is to simply observe. If we see that the situation, in general, is not developing very well, then we already plan treatment. The second important point is the beginning of sexual activity (and sexually transmitted infections). All girls have different experiences: some have one partner, others change partners frequently and in large numbers. Unfortunately, contraceptive methods are not always used. Girls who begin to be sexually active need to learn to listen to their body and do screening for 4 main infections: chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas and genital mycoplasma. And, of course, observe mandatory contraception. And here you can already choose: barrier contraceptives (condoms), oral (maximum effective), Pharmatex, spermicides. It is important to entrust the choice of contraceptives to an obstetrician-gynecologist, who will prescribe them only after carefully collecting tests. 2. Reproductive age (25-35 years)
For a woman in this period, it is important that the cycle be regular.
At this age, a failure, for example, for 14 days, is not considered the norm; you should pay attention to this and contact a gynecologist for examination. The second important point is the level of vitamins. At this age, pregnancy is most often planned and it is very good for the body to prepare for this in advance. It is necessary to bring the level of vitamins, cholic acid and vitamin-mineral metabolism in order when preparing for pregnancy, as well as cure gynecological problems (if any). At this age, some girls decide that their career is now more important and push pregnancy planning into the background. But heavy workload and increased stress levels greatly affect hormonal changes, which does not contribute to conception. Very often, patients who are building a career tell at appointments that they try to be sexually active only during the period of ovulation. But with such a level of stress and altered hormonal levels, this is truly problematic. The fact is that with constant stress, a woman’s level of prolactin in the blood increases and the body believes that the girl is breastfeeding, and since she is breastfeeding, ovulation is not needed. At such moments, the patient begins to worry even more and “drive” herself. The right decision is to turn off your head and give yourself a rest. The third important point is an active lifestyle. The body needs movement. From the age of 30 we begin to lose muscle mass, so physical activity in any form must be present. 3. Late reproductive age or premenopausal period (35-40+ years).
At this stage, it is very important to monitor hormonal levels and regularly visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist in order to understand how soon the menopause period will occur and how the active period can be extended. Which tests, in principle, should be taken regularly, and which are not necessary? Throughout all three important periods of a woman’s life, there are 2 tests that need to be checked once a year (provided that we are talking about a healthy woman): a cytology smear of the cervix and an ultrasound of the pelvis (screening). Using an ultrasound, we can monitor the condition of the pelvic organs (whether additional observation is required, etc.), and a smear shows the risks of developing cervical cancer. The sooner such signs are detected, the better.
But what about all the other tests that we take when visiting the clinic? Don't you need a lot of tests and a bunch of referrals to all the doctors?
There is an important point in medicine - overdiagnosis. You can always dig up something (those who search will always find, as we know). After a huge number of tests, the doctor cannot just let you go and says that something is definitely wrong and prescribes antibacterial therapy. The problem is that a healthy woman does not need such a huge sheet of drugs. This is the scourge of modern times. A good doctor is obliged to identify complaints and, based on the complaints, draw up a list of tests and treatments. Just going to a doctor’s appointment and saying that “I haven’t been in a long time, take all possible tests” is definitely not worth it. Otherwise, they will treat something that does not exist. And this is exactly what can cause problems.
How does a healthy lifestyle affect women's health? Can it be improved through nutrition and exercise?
I will say one word - MEASURE.
Everything needs moderation.
It is very important to have physical activity and normal caloric intake.
As a fertility doctor, I sometimes meet patients with a hyperstate (when a girl can name proteins, fats, carbohydrates and kcal in a portion on the plate in front of her with an accuracy of 20 kcal). By putting themselves into deficit and putting physical strain on themselves, girls lose menstruation and amenorrhea occurs (absence of a menstrual cycle for 6 months). The doctor cannot always understand the cause of this condition and prescribes false treatment. As a matter of fact, the lack of a healthy lifestyle also leads to problems. Therefore, it is very important that there is no preponderance in either direction: neither indifference towards one’s health, nor excessive preoccupation with it. There are excellent specialists - endocrinologists who conduct the necessary research and help in creating a diet and training regimen. The problem of modern man is that we go to the doctor only when absolutely necessary, when the problem already exists. But this is the wrong approach. In order not to harm yourself and your body, it is worth contacting in advance, and the doctor will tell you how best to eat and distribute physical activity.
As a fertility specialist, what myths about women's health do you often encounter?
As a rule, the most worried patients are girls 25-35 years old.
And this is where the impromptu begins. First, it is worth realizing that a regular menstrual cycle does not mean that pregnancy will occur. This is an important factor, but one of many. Secondly, many people believe that infertility is a woman's problem. But this is no longer the case. These are always problems for the couple, exactly 50/50. And thirdly, many believe that genetics plays a decisive role. For example, my grandmother gave birth at 47, my mother at 43, which means I can do it after 40. But this, unfortunately, is far from the case. Each organism and lifestyle is individual. And you should think about preparing your body for pregnancy as early as possible. The author is Anastasia Smirnova, a reproductive doctor, head of the reproduction department at the Fomin Clinic on Dolgorukovskaya.
Photo: Unsplash
How to restore women's health. How to restore hormonal levels and women's health
People often ask about how to restore a woman’s hormonal levels and support women’s health, how to use NSP products to normalize hormonal levels... In this article we will talk about just that...
Housekeeping, kitchen, everyday life and constant bustle – today takes up most of a woman’s time. Despite dishwashers, washing machines and powders, vacuum cleaners and all sorts of devices, the stress load on women has increased. Stress, constant fatigue, nervousness, exhaustion of the nervous system, poor health - have almost become the norm for a modern woman. Anyone who disagrees is probably just not a woman...
Have you met a woman in your life when, to put it mildly, she is too emotional, nervous, when her inner world is broken through by some kind of aggression, some attacks on others, nagging, when the woman is on her critical days or in a state of preparation for her critical days or is it already in menopause or before menopause that the whole team is pissed off?
Who has heard or seen when they say: “oh, she’s in menopause now and until she goes away, don’t touch her” or “don’t sign this auntie... she’s generally creepy now... three days will pass - and then come... »
As a result, the woman becomes the “enemy” of man...
The NSP company has three products that help restore a woman’s hormonal levels - these are C-Ex, NSP Wild Yam and EF C with Dong Qua. These products are also very important for maintaining the health of the female body.
And if you have ever caught yourself becoming an “enemy” of a person, then try the C-Ex product, which simultaneously gives strength to the nervous system and increases stress resistance (to unpleasant news, to weather changes, and to everything that happening around).
C-Ex is also good for mom to drink when there is real discord in the family, when the children are in their teens or older, but still react that mom is somehow “running over” them.
C-Ex is an ideal assistant in preserving the health and beauty of any modern woman; it helps restore hormonal levels, does not inhibit or excite, but harmonizes! Xi-ex has a rich composition that helps balance hormonal status and eliminate troubles associated with pre- and post-menopause.
The only problem is that not every woman notices that the problem is inside her...
What is good about Wild Yam NSP?
— this is the prevention of CANCER (breast, intestines); - detoxifying effect; - reduces spasms; - reduces stress load; — increases the resistance of the nervous system to stress; - reduces the activity of inflammatory processes; - Helps restore hormonal levels.
Wild Yam, compared to C-Ex, has a different herbal composition and therefore can be taken together with C-Ex or simply alternate products.
EF C with Dong Qua is a product that can be given to teenagers! When problematic skin during menstruation, painful menstruation, nervousness, etc. This product can be offered to a teenage girl.
Women's health and beauty
Human health - the state of the human body as a living system, characterized by its complete balance with the external environment and the absence of any pronounced changes associated with the disease. Only a healthy person has an objective state and a subjective feeling of complete physical, mental and social comfort.Women’s health plays a very important role for the harmonious development of society and for its very existence. There is no doubt that women's health is one of the most important factors ensuring the health of future generations. A woman’s health is an invaluable treasure, a guarantee that she will be a happy wife and mother. Therefore, women need to monitor the condition of their body and, if the slightest health problems arise or even prerequisites for their occurrence and development, they will quickly deal with them. This project is designed to help a woman always be healthy and beautiful.
On our website, every woman can find a lot of interesting and most importantly useful information that will always help her remain the most beautiful, charming and healthy. And even if you have health problems, here you can find a description of the most common female diseases and tips on overcoming and treating them.
Dear ladies, remember that only a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of various diseases will allow you to forget about visiting doctors for a long time, prolonging youth and beauty for a long time.
Many articles about women's health and beauty presented on our website are thematically distributed into several sections.
In the “Women's Health” you can find articles on:
- gynecology - this section discusses the most common gynecological diseases, treatment methods and tips on how to avoid their occurrence, and also learn what the science of gynecology is and what problems of women's health are under its jurisdiction.
- Mammology - very relevant information for our time is presented in this paragraph. Environmental pollution and declining health require women to pay more attention to the condition of the mammary gland, the number of diseases and pathologies of which is increasing from year to year.
- contraception—the basic methods and means of contraception, as well as their effectiveness, are discussed here. Properly selected contraception and its timely use will help avoid unwanted pregnancy, and also protect against many sexually transmitted diseases.
- abortion - when is an abortion allowed, contraindications and indications for it, types of abortions: all these questions can be found in this section.
- diseases - unfortunately, all people, some more than others, get sick less, which is associated with decreased immunity, the activity of seasonal viral infections, excessive stress on the body, the specifics of work, etc. Therefore, they are also given a place on this site. The section provides descriptions of common diseases and negative factors affecting health, as well as ways to combat them.
- massage - this section of the site is dedicated to massage - its techniques and types. A proper massage helps you feel better, maintains muscle tone and allows you to relax.
- varicose veins - according to experts, from 20 to 50% of the world's population sooner or later notice signs of varicose veins. Let’s try to figure out how to prevent its occurrence or at least reduce the negative impact of varicose veins on a woman’s health.
Health and beauty are two interrelated concepts. You cannot take care of beauty while neglecting your health. After all, a woman’s beauty is often the result of good health. Therefore, if you care about your beauty, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle that will help maintain your health, always be in great shape and look great.
On our website, we also could not ignore this topic - in the “Woman’s Beauty” there are many articles about keeping the body in shape, skin care, hair care and much more. The entire set of articles is divided according to thematic content into several large sections:
- cosmetology is a field of medicine that studies metabolic processes in the skin in order to learn how to regulate them and thereby delay the signs of skin aging as much as possible. This is a science that combines hardware techniques, the experience of doctors and specialized high-tech drugs. This section describes the most popular and sought-after cosmetic procedures. These are mesotherapy, phototherapy, photoepilation, various types of peelings, lifting and other methods of rejuvenation and stimulation of the skin.
- plastic surgery - almost any serious problems with appearance can be solved with the help of modern aesthetic (plastic) surgery. Which surgeries for correcting the appearance and volume of the body are the most popular and their effectiveness is discussed in this category of the site.
- laser surgery - in our time, a large amount of the latest, high-tech equipment has been invented to help plastic surgeons. And probably the main assistants to the doctor at this stage of development of plastic surgery can be called various lasers. The use of laser equipment in surgery makes it possible to perform most operations in less traumatic ways, while their time duration is significantly reduced.
- facial care - I would like to pay special attention to recommendations for facial care, because the skin on it suffers the most from environmental influences and therefore ages faster, and facial skin is also a kind of indicator of the health of the body. If metabolic processes or the functioning of any organs is not in order, then this is immediately reflected on the face in the form of pimples, blackheads, dry skin, redness and other blemishes. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to facial care, but do not forget about the entire body as a whole.
- body care - consideration of body care issues requires due attention. In this section, we will consider the rules for caring for the oral cavity, feet, hands and body skin, as well as recall the most common and simple means that benefit the skin: shower, bath, sauna, SPA procedures, etc.
- makeup is correct and appropriate makeup will always emphasize and highlight the beauty of a woman, the main thing is not to make a mistake with its color palette and choose high-quality cosmetics.
- hair and nails - articles on hair and nail care are combined into a separate section. Here you can find recommendations on hair and nail care, their treatment and restoration and much other useful information on this topic.
- diets and weight loss - proper nutrition is of great importance for good health and great mood. Everything depends on it, because the lack or excess of various substances in the body that enter it with food and water determines the overall health of the body, as well as its ability to resist the negative influences of the environment, stress and disease.
- fitness and sports - a healthy lifestyle consists of proper nutrition and exercise. Periodic physical activity is necessary both to maintain the health of the body and for beauty. By performing certain sets of exercises, a woman can exercise you will get rid of extra pounds and make your muscles elastic. But you should choose the right sets of exercises for which you practice. You must decide what you want from exercise: strengthen your heart, become flexible, lose weight. And only then, choose the necessary exercises that will help restore your health and beauty as quickly as possible.
- perfumery and aromatherapy - what are incense, aromatic oils, what is the difference between perfume and cologne - these and many other questions from the world of fragrances are discussed in this topic.
- tan - probably every woman dreams of a beautiful, even tan, because what else can highlight and emphasize beauty? In this section, we’ll look at what kind of tan there is, how to tan properly and admire it for as long as possible.
By following a healthy lifestyle and devoting enough time every day to your health, you can be sure that your beauty will not fade. But in addition to the beauty of the body, human health also includes such an important aspect as mental and social health .
The pages of our website provide information on how to maintain spiritual balance, be in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Several interesting articles have been published on the psychology of interpersonal communication between a man and a woman. After all, mutual understanding, patience, the ability to resolve conflict situations and listen to each other are so important for living together.
“Psychology” section consists of several subsections:
- psychology of relationships - communication and mutual understanding between two people sometimes poses a big problem. How to learn to perceive the thoughts and feelings of those who are close to you, to understand and come to terms with the fact that female and male psychology are very different, how to be more tolerant of others: we will consider in this part of the site.
- female psychology - women, as more emotional, vulnerable and more flexible from a psychological point of view, are more susceptible to mood swings and emotional breakdowns. Let's try to figure out how to always maintain peace of mind, be confident in yourself and not get upset over trifles, but cope with life's inevitable difficulties with dignity.
- psychological tests - for fun, test yourself and your relationship as a couple with a few interesting tests.
A separate section on the site talks about pregnancy - the most important and significant event in the life of any woman. The birth of a child radically changes her way of life.
In the “Pregnancy” , we will consider in as much detail and simply as possible such basic and important issues related to it as:
- planning - as most experts say: “you need to get pregnant as planned,” which means that long before conceiving a child, the couple should be prepared for the difficult and difficult period of pregnancy, the birth and raising of a baby. Before pregnancy, both partners need to undergo a full health examination and a number of measures to prepare the body for the upcoming conception. This is especially important for a woman, because during the nine months of pregnancy her body will have to cope with an increasing load and in a more active mode to provide the growing child with all the necessary substances, as well as to maintain her health against the background of hormonal changes and increased demands on it.
- pregnancy calendar - in this section of the site we will consider the development of pregnancy and the main difficulties and dangerous periods of pregnancy both for the unborn baby and for the woman’s health. Each period of pregnancy brings both its joys and sorrows.
- Childbirth is the most frightening period for most women. But good information about what a woman can expect during childbirth, what problems and complications may arise, as well as recommendations on how to cope with them or try to prevent their occurrence helps to reduce unreasonable fears and anxieties.
Dear women, take care of your health, and remember that health and beauty are inextricably linked. Only a healthy woman can be truly beautiful!
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How to maintain women's health. How to preserve women's health?
Doctors say that you should pay attention to yourself more often and take various measures to preserve your youth. Initially, you need to understand the veracity of the expression that during the first half of life, women accumulate various diseases, and only then try by all means to cure them.
If you do not want a similar scenario to develop, you need to take care of your health at a young age. This is the only way you can prevent the development of diseases in the future. What should you do for this? Watch your diet, be sure to prevent colds and control your hormonal levels. It is these tips that should help you in the future, that is, protect you from problems at an older age.
We will tell you how to maintain your health in middle age. We must take into account that the female body, unlike the male one, is much more complex. The state of health of the female body is determined by the proper functioning of the hormonal system. This concept includes the interaction of the two main female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) with other hormones.
When a woman reaches the age of 40-45 years, certain changes begin in her body. They mainly concern the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. This is due to the fact that the level of production of sex hormones in the body decreases. It is easy to notice such changes - problems with the menstrual cycle appear, that is, the body begins to prepare for a new stage - menopause.
Women's Health Clinic in Ufa
Clinic “Women's Health” (Ufa on Kirova): the official website for obtaining the information you are interested in is available around the clock -, where everyone can get information about the services provided by the clinic and their cost.
This is the largest reproductive center in the city of Ufa, located in its very heart, which gives every woman and man who has problems with reproductive health the opportunity to be examined, consult with specialists and, if necessary, receive appropriate treatment.
Clinic “Women's Health” in Ufa: the official website contains a list of services provided not only to the population of the city and region, but also to other countries. The clinic’s specialists will help you consult with the appropriate specialist: a gynecologist, mammologist, urologist or endocrinologist, and they also conduct IVF at a high level, carry out various gynecological operations, ultrasound diagnostics and other laboratory tests.
Clinic “Health of Women and Men”, Ufa, Kusimova Street 15/1 - another branch of the clinic, located in the Demsky district of the city, where the same assistance is provided to the population in maintaining reproductive health, and there is also the possibility of conducting 5D ultrasound on a high-quality device .
Clinic “Women's Health” (Ufa on Kirova): the telephone number for making an appointment is open daily from 8.00 to 20.00, except Sundays. To make an appointment here or for an ultrasound, call the toll-free number 8-800-775-6969 right now.
Clinic “Women's Health” in Ufa: the site contains a list of all the services that doctors carry out and provide, because in addition to providing assistance to infertile couples, there are other services for diagnosing diseases, genetic research, fetal medicine and others. Here you can see and take advantage of some of the promotions that the clinic runs regularly. Each of you can use the “question-answer” section, where you can either specific to a doctor or of a general nature. You can get an answer to your question as soon as possible.
Clinic “Women's Health” (Ufa): doctors conduct their appointments strictly according to schedule, and in order to receive advice from an appropriate specialist, you must make an appointment online or by calling the reception desk. "Women's Health" clinic Ufa - free phone number for appointments from any corner of Russia - 8-800-775-69-69. Many people simply go to the clinic and make an appointment at the reception desk. In order to receive the services of specialists and use them, the patient must have an identification document - a passport, and if he does not have one and the patient is a minor, then the consultation is carried out accompanied by parents or a trusted person (guardian).
The Women's Health Clinic (Ufa Sorge, 75) is also a branch of the clinic that provides outpatient care to the population.
Clinic “Women's Health” - reviews (Ufa) of patients who were able to give birth to a child and fulfill their basic desire - of course, positive, because only thanks to the professionalism of doctors, the availability of equipment and laboratory diagnostics, is it possible to achieve positive results. Unlike other reproductive clinics that provide assisted reproductive technologies to patients suffering from infertility, the percentage of positive results on the first try exceeds 55%, while the percentage of IVF quality on the first attempt in other clinics does not exceed 46%.
Clinic “Women's Health” - Kirova, 52, Ufa - patient reviews confirm that medical activities are carried out in accordance with treatment standards. Considering the multidisciplinary nature of the clinic, consultations are carried out by specialists from various fields with extensive work experience and clinical experience.
The clinic’s specialists approach each patient individually, because their main task is to preserve health and eliminate its pathology. Women are seen only by doctors with extensive experience. Their arsenal has all the necessary equipment to provide emergency care to a mother and child born here, and the clinic also receives specialists such as a therapist, endocrinologist, urologist, mammologist and obstetrician-gynecologist. As for diagnostics, in our clinic you can not only perform an ultrasound examination using expert-class devices, but also conduct an endoscopic examination, laboratory and functional diagnostics.
Most of the patients served here express sincere gratitude to the entire team, because thanks to the smooth work of the entire team, it is often possible to achieve a favorable outcome.
Of course, among the patients there are those who were dissatisfied with the result, of course this cannot be avoided. There are people who believe that when they come to a private clinic, the doctor is obliged to make a diagnosis without any additional diagnostic methods, and the additional costs for ultrasound or instrumental or laboratory examinations cause a number of discontent. In general, the population of Ufa, who used the services of the center, were satisfied, and came here again and again, telling their friends, relatives and acquaintances about it.
According to statistics, the clinic in Ufa occupies a leading position among all reproductive centers. To date, over 450 couples have been able to undergo IVF under the compulsory medical insurance policy, which significantly increases the center’s rating among others. Every month there are a number of pregnant women who want to be observed here, because in addition to the quality of the services provided, the clinic’s specialists are kind, responsive and humane, which is important in solving health problems.
If you are faced with a problem with reproductive health or the course of pregnancy, then you should contact us here and we can help in solving the current situation.
Video: Women's Health Clinic in Ufa
How to become as healthy as a bull. How to become a healthy person
How to become a healthy person is the topic of this article; knowing how to become a healthy person, you can make your health strong.
Take a look around. There are practically no healthy people left in the world. Everyone is sick with something. More and more congenital diseases.
A person doesn’t even know what real health is. People consider it normal to get the flu twice a year. But this is not natural. Everyone can become healthy, you just need to take responsibility for your health into your own hands and do something.
This article will tell you how to make your body thriving and healthy.
Human health depends on four main criteria in his life:
- thinking;
- breath;
- dream;
- nutrition.
It is important to think positively in life and be a cheerful person. Don't forget about humor and be simple. It is easy to accept unexpected events and overcome them. Don't think about the bad.
Imagine more bright moments, and even better, learn to see them around you. The interesting thing is that the more you think about the good and pay attention to it, the more it will be in your life. This is how the law of attraction works.
Therefore, make it a rule to think about the good and not dwell on the bad, remember less grievances and not be vindictive, laugh more and be positive.
After all, the main damage to health comes from negative thoughts, which make you angry, offended, angry, worried, worried, afraid, and hate. All these emotions, as a result of your thoughts, destroy your body, so bring more laughter, humor and positivity into your life and your body, on the contrary, will only be stronger and healthier.
The person doesn't even notice how he breathes. But if he can live without food and water for several days, then without air he will not last even a few minutes.
Breathing is your connection with the outside world; through breathing you become one with everything that exists. Pay more attention to your breathing.
By regulating breathing, you can regulate vital processes in the body and slow down the flow of thought, if, for example, it is negative. By paying attention to your breathing and slowing it down, you become calmer and more balanced, your mind becomes peaceful, and only in such a mind do great ideas come.
Pay attention to your breathing more often, breathe deeper and slower, this is another huge plus for your body. The deeper you breathe, the more your lungs are ventilated from dirty air and the more oxygen enters your body, the faster oxygen-enriched blood moves through the body, and the more cheerful you feel.
Sleep has a huge impact on your health. It's important to get enough sleep. Go to bed before twelve o'clock at night, then you will get better sleep.
Without sleep, a person will also not last long; thanks to sleep, the human body is restored and renewed.
You can learn more about sleep here.
Try to eat fresh and nutritious food. Eat less of any chemicals. Have a good breakfast and nourish your body with all the necessary substances. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Don't overeat too much, eat in moderation. Do not overload your stomach at night. Eat less fried food, do not harm the liver, more boiled food and fresh fruit. Don't get too carried away with sweets.
Eat three times a day. Avoid carbonated drinks and coffee, drink more good drinking water and green tea. All this is good for your body.
Thus, we can summarize:
Your body will be healthy if you bring balance to the four areas of your life - nutrition, sleep, breathing, thinking. Everything is in your hands, act.
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How to be happy. What is happiness?
In order to figure out how to become a happy person, you first need to understand what happiness is.
After all, happiness cannot be touched or described. In essence, it’s just a word that means that we feel good. But for some reason this is not enough for many. They are waiting for something so supernatural, significant, that it goes far beyond the scope of their natural experience, and at the same time this state should always exist!
Is this achievable? If you put the question like that, then it’s unlikely. It's better to think about something else.
How do you know when you are happy?
The lack of happiness in many people is that they simply do not understand what it is, and therefore are unable to recognize the good in their lives. Try answering these questions for yourself:
- What do you need to get to be happy?
- How should you feel?
- Why can't you feel it now?
When do we feel good? We feel good when our life becomes better. When there is something to compare with. For example, if we were very hungry and then ate something, then we feel that we feel good. Or when a person could not go to the toilet for a long, long time and suddenly this desire was satisfied, then he feels very good!
In order to feel happiness, it is necessary to have some kind of relative point with which we can compare.
Happiness is feeling that your life is better today than it was yesterday.
Note, not just so that our lives improve, but so that we feel this process and pay attention to it.
Many people, remembering their childhood and youth, believe that it was then that they were happy, although when they were young, they did not think so. Why is this happening? Because in our youth, many things really were better: our health was better, some positive dynamics were observed, every day we became smarter, stronger, received more rights, we had more opportunities. But in their youth, people do not pay attention to this and therefore do not feel happiness.
Only after losing their health do many people understand what a blessing it is to have health.
Only after losing love do many people understand what a blessing it was to have it.
Ovulation is the key to a woman’s well-being
Often women feel that understanding hormonal intricacies is too difficult, and these sensations themselves are so elusive that no one understands them until hair loss, weight fluctuations, problems with blood vessels, PMS or fertility force them to go to a doctor, but even then you are rarely lucky enough to receive information in an accessible form.
Many of us do not know that the processes accompanying ovulation are responsible for a healthy appearance, skin, hair, sleep, painless periods, amount of energy and mood. Just as many do not know that the suppression of ovulation, which is caused by birth control pills, is essentially chemical castration, and is inevitably associated with a host of health problems. That's why,