How to stay healthy after 50 years - the main rules

The fiftieth year of life is an important stage of life for every woman. Children finish basic education, begin to work full-time, some have already found their families, and often leave their parents’ home. There are new tasks at work, and as a result, old problems are aggravated... The body is not as stable as before, which further increases stress.

It should be emphasized that it is especially important to keep yourself in shape after 50 years , that is, after menopause or “andropause”, since this will avoid the typical health problems that arise during this period of life.

Below are some tips on how to take care of your health once you reach 50 years of age .

What colors should a woman choose after 50:

Red hair will only highlight the rash and pigmentation on your face even more.

If you have pale skin, avoid black hair to avoid giving your face an unnatural look. Focus on the natural shade of your face - cold ones go with cold ones, and warm ones with warm ones.

For skin with a pink tint, an ashy, light brown, golden sheen will suit. For aristocratic pallor, choose platinum tones and blonde. Apply highlighting to your strands. Light tints will reduce a woman’s age.

To look younger than your age, choose a paint shade 2-3 shades lower than your natural one.

All the shades of ashy will hide your true age, hide the first gray hairs, and add youthful freshness to your face.

Take care of your hair, lifeless strands will turn you into an old woman.

Women over 50 set records for excess weight gain! They will greatly benefit from the advice of a nutritionist, doctor, cosmetologist, psychologist and trainer.

Menopause: 10 questions that concern every woman

To date, many products have been developed that can help women during menopause.

Complivit ® Calcium D3 GOLD is a source of vitamins, minerals, and natural estrogen genistein, which are important for women during age-related hormonal changes.

Find out more about the complex.

During menopause, you should not refuse to take vitamins and dietary supplements, but before choosing, you should consult with a specialist.

Specialized biologically active complexes for women after 40 years of age may contain genistein. It has antioxidant properties and protects the cells of the female body from aging, including skin cells.

Symptoms of menopause include the occurrence of hot flashes and night sweats, dry skin, weakness, and a feeling of fatigue. This negatively affects the mood of women of the “golden” age.

One tablet Complivit ® Calcium D3 GOLD is a whole range of actions aimed at maintaining the health and well-being of a woman during menopause.

Find out the composition and price.

A modern woman after 45 years feels like she is experiencing a rebirth. As a rule, she has already built a career, her children have grown up - the time has come to reap the fruits of her labor with pleasure. A whole world of possibilities opens up before her. The main thing is to feel healthy and full of strength. To do this, you need to be on the safe side, because physiology comes into its own...

The menopause is surrounded by so many myths that women are often afraid of its onset. Meanwhile, this is a natural phase of development, for which you can and should properly prepare. Let's answer together 10 basic questions about menopause.

Advice from a nutritionist for a woman over 50:

At the age of fifty, unstable hormonal levels largely determine a woman’s behavior. In order to balance her behavior and not torment loved ones with mood swings, a woman of 50 years old should be careful about her lifestyle, and pay special attention to nutrition and physical activity.

It’s worth making a little effort on yourself, changing your diet a little, following the basic recommendations and you will receive a reward: a great mood, good health and an easy menopause.

The basic rule of nutrition for a 50-year-old woman is to eat little and often. This diet will relieve indigestion, flatulence and help quickly burn calories. You need to remember that it is frequent and small meals that speed up fat burning!

It should be taken into account that hormonal changes have a very strong impact on mood, so it is necessary to include “joy” foods in your diet, containing tryptophan and its derivative – serotonin – the hormone of happiness.

To produce serotonin, the body requires amino acids obtained from protein, which is found in meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, oats, bananas, peanuts, dried dates, pine nuts, and sesame seeds.

To keep your heart healthy

  • Check your blood pressure regularly. For patients over 55 years old, good numbers are: 130-139/80 mm. Hg Art.;
  • If you have high cholesterol, talk to your doctor about dietary options to reduce your intake of foods rich in animal fats and table salt. Talk to your doctor about whether you need to take cholesterol-lowering medications;
  • Monitor your health. Contact your cardiologist immediately if you experience chest pain, shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, or rapid heartbeat;
  • Keep a diary of your daily medication intake so you don’t forget or confuse taking medications when there are several of them. If you are not sure that you can handle it yourself, ask your relatives to monitor their appointment schedule;
  • Stay physically active! Move more, choose a comfortable walking pace and make it a rule to walk 30-40 minutes daily in the fresh air. Beware of hypothermia and overheating - choose days with a comfortable temperature;
  • Never cancel medications prescribed by your doctor. If in doubt, discuss it with your doctor.

Women over 50. Focus on these products!

But preference should be given to animal sources of protein, since plant protein is incomplete. In this case, fatty meats, fried potatoes, pastries and cakes should be excluded forever.

There is a lot of tryptophan in the following products (per 100 g of product):

rabbit meat – 330 mg, chicken breast – 290 mg, Dutch cheese – 790 mg, peas and beans – 260 mg, herring – 250 mg, full-fat cottage cheese – 210 mg, beef – 230 mg, eggs – 200 mg, buckwheat – 180 mg , carp – 180 mg.

How does menopause occur in women?

Changes in hormonal levels affect the physical and psychological state of a woman. Half of the female population experiences menopause easily, but the remaining 50% may experience pain and discomfort. At the same time, no one can accurately determine how long menopause lasts in women, since the occurrence of menopause is influenced by genetic factors, habits, and working conditions. But the symptoms are almost always the same:

  • skin redness;
  • hot flashes;
  • decreased libido;
  • profuse sweating;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • increased irritability;
  • insomnia.

Changes in the menstrual cycle

The regularity of menstruation during menopause and how it progresses directly depends on the functioning of the female body, her health, environmental conditions, previous operations, etc. For each woman, this process proceeds differently. At first, the discharge is irregular, disruptions may occur, and then menstruation stops altogether. The delay period can reach several months. Menstruation during menopause can occur in several ways:

  • The cessation is gradual. The discharge is scanty, the interval between cycles becomes longer. This condition can last from one to three years.
  • Abrupt cessation of menstruation. It may be painless.
  • Resumption of discharge after a long period. Gradually, the break will become longer and menstruation will completely stop.

How long do hot flashes last during menopause?

Many women tolerate menopausal syndrome easily, without experiencing any particular discomfort or pain. However, some representatives of the fairer sex do not feel well during menopause. The most common symptoms of the onset of menopause are considered to be hot flashes, which cause serious physical and psychological discomfort to a woman. Hot flashes are a momentary feeling of warmth, accompanied by heat and sweating. The cause of their occurrence is the dilation of blood vessels near the surface of the skin.

The duration and intensity of hot flashes in different women depends on individual characteristics. Some may experience them only for one year, others do not feel any discomfort at all, and others have to put up with them for many years. The duration of such phenomena can be from one to 2 minutes, in rare cases up to an hour. Gradually, the severity of such ailments decreases.

Doctor's advice for women over 50:

A woman after 50 should know that her body is losing ground in all areas. Therefore, your task is to help your body adapt to a new stage and keep it in shape.

Between 45 and 55 years old, most women experience the first signs of menopause. During this age period, degenerative changes in muscle fibers and their replacement with fat and connective tissue occur. In simple words, a woman loses her shape and “swims away.”

To smooth out and reduce all these processes, mandatory daily physical activity, stretching, and aerobic exercise are recommended. During exercise, all muscle groups should be involved.

It is necessary to conduct laboratory tests annually: check the blood for cholesterol, sugar, lecithin, a complete blood count and a general urinalysis.

After 50 years, there is a risk of cancer, so you need to regularly visit a gynecologist and have your mammary glands examined. Drink enough water, as water is the source of youth for the body's cells. Without water, waste accumulates in cells and vessels, and the development of diseases accelerates.

How to preserve memory

Our brain needs to be constantly trained , so it is important to introduce elements of novelty into life. Since we receive information through all the senses, they all must be involved.

  • Change your route more often, even if you go to the store;
  • Visit new places;
  • Meet people;
  • Acquire new skills: start learning a foreign language, learn poems and songs; learn a new sport or dance technique;
  • Try new dishes and learn recipes for their preparation.

It is important that the information is of high quality and positive :

  • Watch less TV: watching TV, as a rule, does not lead to improved memory and mood;
  • Read educational literature;
  • Listen to good music;
  • Go to the theater or watch live performances;
  • Be in nature more often and communicate with nice people.

The memory does not leave those who remain optimistic and desire to help. The secret of longevity lies in communication with loved ones and friends.

Advice from a cosmetologist for women over 50:

After 50, age-related changes occur on the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté: skin elasticity decreases, blood vessels become brittle. Nasolabial folds become more noticeable, skin texture changes, pigmentation appears, pores and capillaries expand.

The volume of adipose tissue is lost on the cheekbones and cheeks, the facial muscles weaken, as a result, “jowls” appear and the oval of the face changes. Therefore, regular care is important, not episodic.

Cosmetic products should include moisturizing, nutritional and vitamin components, substances that strengthen capillaries, and substances that protect against solar radiation.

You can prepare a homemade facial skin care product:

olive oil + yolk + white, which has lifting properties.

Honey is suitable for cleansing the skin if you are not allergic to it.

Stimulation of the facial muscles is also important, as the tone of the muscles and ligaments decreases, nasolabial folds and “bulldog” cheeks appear. Facial gymnastics and self-massage of the face will help. Remember, to achieve a good result, you need fresh air, good sleep, a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, otherwise neither careful care nor expensive creams will help.

Briefly about the stages of menopause

The first period is the stage before the last of menstruation, which usually begins after 40 years and lasts from 15 to 18 months. Its signs cannot be confused with anything, and they are as follows:

  • slow but systematic decline of ovarian function;
  • completion of ovulation;

However, even during this period before menopause, conception turns out to be problematic, there is still a need for protection. It should also be noted:

  • gradual increase in the periods between menstruation;
  • reducing their duration;
  • reducing blood loss at this stage.

Menopause is the 12 months that follow the last menstrual period. Most often, menopause occurs between the ages of 50 and 53 years. At this stage, there is an increased level of FSH, an increased risk of developing osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetes and obesity. These are the signs of this stage.

Postmenopause begins one year after the last menstruation. The hormone level at this stage is still elevated. All symptoms of menopause at this time cease to appear and go away altogether.

For a woman over 50 – advice from a trainer:

After 50, a woman begins a period of second youth - she still has enough strength and energy for a lot. And if you are not yet a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, then you can do it now, on your fiftieth anniversary.

At this age, hormonal function fades and a danger arises for the skeletal system - bone mass decreases every year by almost 1%. Regular exercise will help mitigate these irreversible processes.

In addition to 4 workouts per week, more intense and longer walks are added. Every day you need to walk 12,000 steps at a fast pace to accustom your heart muscle to stress.

Scientists have found that women who drink a glass of milk a day have high bone density, and those who drink a lot of coffee reduce their bone density.

How to remove an aging belly for a woman: 4 quick ways

To get rid of extra centimeters at the waist in the shortest possible time, you can use the following methods:

  1. Carry out preventive cleansing of the body.

It is not recommended to independently choose methods for removing excess fluid, waste and harmful toxins from the organs. It is better to seek advice from your doctor. The doctor will be able to recommend the most gentle and safe method of cleaning.

  1. Remove harmful foods from the menu.

Be sure to read: Getting rid of a big belly in the gym, proven exercises to remove belly fat and pump up abs for a guy

A large amount of fatty, fried, sugar-containing foods in a person’s daily diet certainly leads to an increase in body volume.

  1. Increase physical activity.

Sports activities should be given at least 15-30 minutes a day. It is advisable to use a moderate type of exercise: morning exercises, walking, slow running, cycling.

  1. Use massage.

Professional massage performed by specialists in a beauty salon. High-quality services are not cheap. To obtain a visible effect, 7-10 sessions will be required. Having studied the technique of massage movements, you can carry out the procedure yourself at home.

“It’s important not to forget about motivation. Without a clear goal, it is impossible to achieve the desired results.”

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