Cyclodinone for endometriosis: an effective natural drug

Endmetriosis is a gynecological diagnosis that can lead to big problems. Sprouted cells of the uterine lining pose a threat to any organ. The pathology causes hormonal dysfunction, which often leads to infertility and the development of serious diseases.

The basis of therapy is hormonal drugs, which have many contraindications and side effects. In addition, they are contraindicated for women with fibroids, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, diabetes, and arterial hypertension.

In this case, gentle means are selected. Cyclodinone for endometriosis is prescribed at the initial stage. This is a natural herbal preparation that has proven itself to be the best and has earned positive reviews from patients and doctors. Main characteristics - safe composition, unlikely side effects, good results.

Symptoms of the disease

Endometriosis is a common female disease in which cells in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) appear in unusual places.

Main symptoms:

  1. Increased volume and duration of menstrual bleeding.
  2. Dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse).
  3. Cyclic or constant pain in the lower abdomen (can radiate to the leg or groin area).
  4. Metrorrhagia (uterine bleeding during the intermenstrual period).

The disease may also be indicated by general weakness, dizziness, and increased body temperature during menstruation.

Indications for use

Cyclodinone is a non-hormonal herbal medicine - it contains only natural plant components. The main task of the product is to normalize the hormonal levels of the female body. The therapeutic effect is achieved by normalizing the production of gonadotropic (follicle-stimulating, luteinizing) hormones and optimizing the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

The main active ingredient included in the medicine is an extract of common twig, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, soothing, and disinfectant properties.

Thanks to its healing effects, it helps reduce prolactin, the excess of which provokes hormonal imbalances. Prolactin is the main hormone of the female body, responsible for reproductive function, regulating ovulation and the menstrual cycle. It also has a direct stimulating effect on proliferative processes in the mammary glands, enhancing the formation of connective tissue and causing expansion of the milk ducts.

Reducing the amount of the hormone leads to relief of the pathological effects. In addition, the medicine normalizes the balance of estrogen and progesterone in the body.

Indications for use:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • severe premenstrual syndrome (psychological lability, headache, migraine, constipation);
  • mastodynia, mastalgia (subjective sensations of discomfort in the mammary glands, accompanied by a feeling of engorgement, swelling, pain of varying severity).

Although the official instructions for use do not contain a word about endometriosis, Cyclodinone is actively used to treat it.

The drug is available in two dosage forms - drops for oral administration (a clear solution with a yellowish tint, with a pronounced herbal odor) and tablets (greenish-blue, biconvex).

The use of the medicine can eliminate the main symptoms of endometriosis - it normalizes hormonal levels, eliminates anemia, bleeding, and stops inflammatory processes in various organs and tissues. In addition, it increases the level of the body’s immune defense, which helps increase its resistance to disease.

In what form is it available, dosage

Cyclodinone is available in several forms:

  1. In the form of turquoise rounded convex tablets in a protective shell. Each contains a 4-milligram dose of common twig extract. You should take one tablet of the drug per day. The course of treatment lasts 3 months.
  2. In transparent brownish-yellow drops with the aroma of common twig fruit. A 100-gram dose of the product contains 0.250 g of extract of these fruits.

Always take your medication with plenty of water.

Treatment regimen

Despite the fact that Cyclodinone has a natural composition, it should be prescribed by the attending physician based on the diagnosis, taking into account the general health of the patient and the individual characteristics of the body.

Both forms of release have the same therapeutic effect. When choosing in what form to take the drug, you should follow the instructions, which contain the full composition (pay attention to the auxiliary components). For example, drops are an alcohol solution, so they are not recommended for use after treatment for alcohol dependence.

According to the instructions, the tablets are taken orally, one per day (in the morning, without chewing, with a small amount of water).

The bottle of oral solution must be shaken well before use to mix the contents. Take 40 drops 1 time per day (can be diluted with water or drunk neat).

After the symptoms disappear and the condition improves, it is necessary to continue treatment (the therapeutic course is 3 months without a break for the period of menstruation).

For endometriosis, a different treatment regimen may be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

It is worth considering that in patients taking dopamine receptor antagonists, a mutual weakening of the effect of the medications is possible.

Side effects

Possible occurrence of the following side effects:

  • Dizziness.
  • Headache (cephalgia).
  • Pain in the epigastric region.
  • Nausea.
  • Impaired consciousness up to auditory, olfactory and visual hallucinations of a transient nature.
  • Allergies.
  • Psychomotor agitation.

Since the drug artificially increases dopamine, the formation of pituitary adenomas is possible in the medium term.

Reviews of Cyclodinone for amenorrhea are positive in almost 100% of cases. It indicates a rapid restoration of the normal cycle and relief of the main symptoms.

Reviews about Cyclodinone for endometriosis are mixed. Some indicate the need for long-term use of the medication. This issue is resolved at the discretion of the attending gynecologist.

Review of Cyclodinone for polycystic ovary syndrome. As patients and doctors themselves say, the drug is good as a component of complex therapy.

Cyclodinone is used for many gynecological pathologies, but only as an auxiliary drug.


The drug is contraindicated for use in the presence of individual intolerance to any component included in the composition, or hereditary galactose intolerance. The medicine should not be used during pregnancy or lactation.

Cases of overdose are unknown. In most cases, Cyclodinone is well tolerated, but allergic skin reactions cannot be completely ruled out. Rare cases of transient psychomotor agitation, confusion and hallucinations have been recorded.

Price of the drug and its analogues

The drug is sold in almost every pharmacy without a prescription. The price of Cyclodinone depends on currency fluctuations and markups. The average cost of 30 tablets is 450 rubles, a bottle of drops (50 ml) is 400 rubles.

There are few complete analogues on the pharmaceutical market. As the main active ingredient, common twig is contained in the preparations Agnukaston and Prefemin. However, Cyclodinone has many drugs with a similar effect, despite the fact that their composition is different - Dismenorm, Mastodinon, Ginekokhel, Remens.

Composition of the drug

The “exclusive” active ingredient of cyclodinone is common twig. This plant is known for its healing properties, namely, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, disinfectant, and sedative.

It is filled with vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, trace elements, essential oils, and tannins. The balanced composition of twigs provides cure for a considerable number of gynecological diseases, including endometriosis.


Oksana, 32 years old: “I went to see a gynecologist about menstrual irregularities. They carried out an examination and it turned out that the cause was increased prolactin. The doctor prescribed Cyclodinone. I chose the release form for myself - it’s more convenient to take 1 tablet a day, especially since the drops contain alcohol. After just a month of treatment, the milk ducts were clear, but the course must be completed in full (3 months). After therapy my problems disappeared. No side effects were identified. A completely safe drug. I recommend".

Victoria, 40 years old : “Pain appeared during sexual intercourse with my husband, brown discharge with an unpleasant odor was observed. The doctor diagnosed endometriosis. Thanks to the fact that I sought medical help in a timely manner, there was no need for hormonal therapy. Cyclodinone drops became a salvation for me. Having completed the full course, I did not remember my past problems (the symptoms disappeared already in the first month of treatment).”

Elizaveta, 23 years old: “For me, every menstruation was a difficult ordeal - very painful, heavy, prolonged and irregular. On the recommendation of a gynecologist, I took Cyclodinone for 3 months. Everything got better - I began to tolerate monthly bleeding much easier, they acquired a clear frequency. The effect lasted 2 years. But recently, a hormonal imbalance occurred again due to the use of oral contraceptives. I’ve been taking the drug for a month now and I feel much better, my hormonal balance is returning to normal.”

Svetlana, 45 years old: “When treating endometriosis, I took Cyclodinone. After just 2 months, women’s health improved (chest pain disappeared, my cycle was restored, and I didn’t have sudden mood swings before menstruation). But I disobeyed the doctor, ignored the recommendations in the instructions and stopped taking the pills. As a result, within a month all the symptoms returned. I had to start the course again, after completing which everything worked out for me. This is the third year I don’t know what endometriosis is.”

Elizaveta, 38 years old: “I couldn’t get pregnant for almost 5 years. There were constant hormonal disruptions (increased prolactin, disproportionate balance of progesterone and estrogen). They treated me with everything - mostly hormonal drugs, which had no results, but had many side effects. On the advice of a friend, I went to another gynecologist, he prescribed Cyclodinone. And after 3 months, my hormonal levels improved. Within a year I completed 3 courses and became the mother of a girl. I recommend this drug."

Is it possible to take cyclodinone for endometriosis?

I took Cyclodinone tablets at the same time as Yarina to reduce prolactin levels and treat endometriosis on the recommendation of a gynecologist. Before this, I suffered from painful periods for several years, saving myself only with painkillers, which only temporarily relieved the pain, but did not eliminate weakness, fever and nausea.

At the time of starting to take Cyclodinone, the prolactin level according to the test results was exceeded 8 times. The second half of the cycle was long, although within the normal range - 28-33 days, each time there were heavy periods, the body was exhausted each time.

I took Cyclodinone according to the scheme written in the instructions:

The tablets should be swallowed whole, without chewing or crushing in any other way, but with a sufficient amount of water (at least half a glass). It is advisable to take the tablets in the morning.

Cyclodinone tablets should be taken for at least three months, without taking breaks during periods of menstrual bleeding.

After complete normalization of the condition, it is recommended to continue taking Cyclodinone for another 4 to 5 weeks in order to consolidate the therapeutic effect and maintain it for a long period of time.

Literally in the very first days of taking it, it became much easier - the anxiety and nervousness that accompanied the increased prolactin went away. I continued taking it until the end of the cycle, and then something happened that is also written about in the instructions, but is not described as a side effect:

If you develop weakness, depression, chest pain and menstrual irregularities while taking Cyclodinone tablets, you should immediately stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

While taking Cyclodinone, my period did not want to start at all. Again there was a long delay, and when they did start, they came very, very poorly, literally a few drops over a few hours. At the same time, a growing depressed state began, pain in the liver and general increasing weakness - there was a feeling that the body was very heavy, as if bags of sand were tied to the legs and arms.

In the end, on the third day of side effects, I decided to stop Cyclodinone, and my periods went as usual. Although - just as abundantly and painfully.

After this incident, I tried to take Cyclodinone again a few years later to improve my condition during menstruation, I thought that maybe my body had rebuilt itself and would help. But no, after 2-3 days of taking the same serious condition again. I did not experiment further with this drug. In the future, the herb red brush helped me a lot, which I still drink.

Therefore, if it was prescribed to you, you can try it, because... there are positive reviews about it and it really helps some people. And the fact that it lowers elevated prolactin is true. But for me personally, the side effects were too unpleasant, so I don’t recommend it.

Read other reviews about drugs for women:

Herb St. John's wort (an effective recipe for painful periods)

Red Brush Herb (very good herb for women's health)

Red Brush herbal tea (ineffective form)

Yarina tablets (hormonal drug)

Hormonal drugs are harmful to people with hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, serious kidney diseases, diabetes, hypertension and fibroids. When a woman suffers from one of these diseases, doctors prescribe natural herbal remedies. For example, cyclodinone is prescribed for endometriosis in the initial phase of its development.

Mechanism of action for endometriosis?

Cyclodinone eliminates not only endometriosis. It also copes with menstrual cycle disorders, lack of ovulation and infertility.

Composition of the drug

It is filled with vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, trace elements, essential oils, and tannins. The balanced composition of twigs provides cure for a considerable number of gynecological diseases, including endometriosis.

Contraindications and side effects

It is better not to use the product for people with:

  • severe allergic reactions to common twig, its fruits or any other components of the herbal medicine;
  • women carrying a child and breastfeeding.

It is also better not to use the drug for children under 12 years of age.

The fido product has the following side effects:

  • minor vomiting and nausea, minor spasmodic phenomena in the stomach and intestines;
  • small rash, hives;
  • fainting states, drowsiness, short-term headaches, increased irritability and excitability.

Symptoms disappear after a few days of use.

Result of application

Cyclodinone is able to eliminate all the main manifestations of endometriosis. Natural remedy:

Treatment of endometriosis with cyclodinone should begin when the disease is still in its initial phase. When the pathology is advanced, natural drugs become ineffective, and it is impossible to do without dangerous hormonal drugs. If you wait until the last stages of the disease, then you will have to go under the surgeon’s scalpel.

In what form is it available, dosage

Cyclodinone is available in several forms:

  1. In the form of turquoise rounded convex tablets in a protective shell.
    Each contains a 4-milligram dose of common twig extract. You should take one tablet of the drug per day. The course of treatment lasts 3 months.
  2. In transparent brownish-yellow drops with the aroma of common twig fruit. A 100-gram dose of the product contains 0.250 g of extract of these fruits.

Always take your medication with plenty of water.


Cyclodinone can be freely purchased at almost any private or public pharmacy. Its price is around 500-700 rubles for one pack of 30 tablets. 50 ml of medicine in drops is sold for 450-650 rubles.

Herbal medicines are an excellent alternative to synthetic drugs. But often their action is not enough for a complete cure. To get rid of pathology, you cannot do without regular consultations with a specialist, examinations and tests. The doctor will prescribe a different treatment if taking cyclodinone does not bring the desired result.

Cyclodinone for endometriosis and polycystic disease

Gynecological pathologies are diverse in nature. In most cases, they are caused by hormonal imbalances. Treatment of such pathological processes consists of symptomatic therapy, that is, elimination of manifestations, as well as etiological resolution of the root cause.

Among the common diseases of the female reproductive system are polycystic disease (the formation of many small follicles filled with exudate), endometriosis (the proliferation of cells of the mucous membrane of the functional layer of the endometrium beyond the normal anatomical position), and amenorrhea (the complete absence of menstruation for one or several cycles).


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