Hormonal drug silhouette endometriosis

Silhouette doctor reviews


To obtain a reliable and long-term contraceptive effect, gynecologists are currently prescribing a modern drug - Silhouette. The drug contains two active ingredients - ethinyl estadiol and dienogest. The combination of these active ingredients delays ovulation (maturation of the follicle and release of the egg), and also changes the properties of the inner wall of the uterus (endometrium), which makes implantation of a fertilized egg impossible). The tablets are taken according to the scheme for 21 days followed by a break for 7 days. One of the positive effects of Silhouette is a reduction in pain, as well as a reduction in bleeding during menstrual periods. The latter manifestation excludes the development of iron deficiency anemia. Silhouette can only be taken after being prescribed by a gynecologist.

Siluet as a drug for the treatment of endometriosis

Siluet is a hormonal, low-dose, monophasic drug that has a fairly wide spectrum of action. In addition to being a combined hormonal contraceptive-COC, it is used in gynecology and also for medicinal purposes. Due to the fact that it contains a unique progesterone-dienoges-2mg. This is a synthetic progesterone that has the effect of progesterone, but is devoid of its side effects, such as androgenic, mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid effects. It is also absolutely safe for long-term use and can be used for years without risk to health. Dienogest also has a number of therapeutic effects, suppresses the growth of the endometrium, and not only in the uterine cavity but also outside it, and also inhibits the production of its own hormones. Due to this, it is used to treat diseases such as endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disease of the pelvic organs, which is characterized by the formation and growth of the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) outside its cavity and beyond. It often affects women of reproductive age and causes a painful symptom complex of varying intensity and severity, as well as menstrual irregularities, infertility, and dysparenuria. According to the World Health Organization, the first-line drugs for the treatment of this disease are COCs. The drug Siluet has proven itself in the treatment of endometriosis from the best side. Since, thanks to its use in women, the menstrual cycle is completely restored, pain and other symptoms go away. There are certain regimens for taking the drug for this disease, the so-called prolonged ones - 21+7, 36+7, 72+7, which makes the disease less noticeable for women and helps improve their quality of life. Siluet is also used in complex therapy for treatment by surgical intervention using the laparoscopic method, to reduce foci of endometriosis, before and after surgery.

To prevent an unwanted pregnancy from occurring unexpectedly, it is necessary to carefully consider contraceptive methods. Hormonal contraceptives are ideal for these purposes. They have proven effectiveness. In addition to the main functions, these oral contraceptives have others. For example, taking them improves the condition of the skin and hair, normalizes weight, and eliminates hormonal imbalance.

In this article we will look at the Silhouette birth control pills. Feedback from patients and doctors will also be given.

Gedeon Richter Siluet tablets - reviews

In general, they found I have endometriosis. I heard about this disease, and knew that conservative treatment of unadvanced endometriosis includes oral contraceptives. I already had experience using them; at one time I drank Jess

(), and therefore, after learning my diagnosis, I was not upset, but simply decided that I would return to Jess again. But it was not there. My doctor said that Siluet is better suited for the treatment of endometriosis, because it contains another main hormone (Dienogest), and this is exactly what I need.

Siluet is a generic version of Janine (its cheaper analogue). It is believed that when it comes to medicines, it is better to drink the originals, because they undergo better purification of substances, etc., but this is not always the case. Sometimes an analogue differs only in that it was released later than the original, by a different company, and has other excipients. I'm the kind of person who would rather drink the original. I even specifically called the doctor and asked if I could drink Janine, but she said that Siluet was better. She justified this with its auxiliary substances and the fact that, according to her medical experience, complaints about Siluet are less frequent. This is especially true for breast pain and enlargement (this is rare with Siluet). I don’t understand this, because they are almost identical, but I believed it.

While everything is bad, I will unsubscribe weekly, as soon as it returns to normal, I will stop.

First week.

I took the first pill on the first day of my period. As a result, on the third day, my period ended completely, and I still don’t smear anything, etc. The first three days there were no side effects, as if I hadn’t drank anything. On the fourth day there was loose stool 2 times a day, on the fifth day - 3 times a day, on the sixth day - 4 times a day. All this was accompanied by rumbling in the stomach all day long and periodic pain (very severe). Plus, I started getting more motion sickness in the car (to the point of feeling faint), and one night I woke up from severe nausea. It didn't come to the point of vomiting. On the seventh day, I had loose stools only once, in the morning. Progress. During these 7 days, my entire forehead was covered with acne (although I have lived with clear skin for all of my 30 years). Overall, the first week was quite disappointing.

Second week.

The situation has improved, I no longer count the days until the end of my treatment to switch to Jess. I even think that I will stay on Silhouette, but just a week ago I hated it and considered it a huge mistake. Liquid stool almost left me, only 3 times during these 7 days. The stomach does not twist, does not hurt, although instead there is strong gas formation at night (precisely at night, everything is fine during the day). The acne on my forehead has not gone away yet (and there are no more of them), but they have become a little less noticeable. The nausea has almost stopped, sometimes in the mornings and evenings, but only a little and not every day. We'll see how week three goes.

Third week.

Everything has returned to normal. During this week there were no loose stools at all, nocturnal gas formation passed, nausea in the car decreased, acne from the forehead almost completely disappeared (there was a slight relief of the skin in the place where they were, but it completely disappeared after the chemical peeling).

Fourth week (withdrawal week).

Disappointed. During withdrawal, intestinal problems began again, plus 7 large blackheads appeared all over my face. I stopped feeling sick in the car altogether. My period started on the third day of cancellation and lasted for 6 days in a spotting form.

First week of the second pack.

After the first pill of the second pack, I woke up at night from nausea, could not sleep for a long time, felt nauseous. I scolded myself ten times for not switching to Jess. Plus, I was dying for three days with my ovaries - apparently, a break of 7 days is too much for them, they woke up and let’s work! These days I was bent over, everything hurt, from the lower back to the knees, and at the epicenter was the lower abdomen. Horror. This happened on the fifth tablet (it’s not for nothing that it is written that dienogest accumulates in normal concentrations after 4 tablets). In general, I can say that I suffered for the first 4 days (with the intestines + ovaries), and for the remaining 3 days I was absolutely healthy

and in excellent health.
TIME ever on Silhouette, and for
In general, I think that my adaptation is successfully completed (let's hope!). By the way, no pimples came out this time, neither small scatterings nor large elephants. There are still a couple that haven’t passed since the withdrawal week, but overall the face is clean. And yes: now I wash my hair not 3 times a week, but 2, and from wash to wash it’s clean!

Second week of the second pack.

That's it, comrades, I'm human again! HOORAY!!! All the side effects are gone, ALL

. I am an ordinary normal moderately healthy person with good health! If someone feels as bad on Siluet as I did (the same side effects) - I hope my story will support and help them hold on for a while. I really missed this, I read positive reviews and thought, “What’s wrong with me? It suits everyone so well, but I suffer.” I won’t post here anymore, know that I’ve returned to normal! Well, after the New Year I’ll go for an ultrasound and see how my endometriosis is doing. So I’ll write how Siluet influenced him and whether he influenced him at all. Bye everyone!

The mechanism of action of the drug and its composition

The medication has a pronounced antiandrogenic effect due to the action of two main and several auxiliary substances that are included in its composition.

Below is the composition of the drug “Silhouette” (reviews confirm its high effectiveness):

Ethinyl estradiol is a hormonal agent of the estrogen series (estrogen), dienogest also refers to hormonal substances (progestan).

These components have the following effects:

- slow down peristalsis in the fallopian tubes, that is, the muscle fibers do not contract as intensely, as a result, the egg cannot actively move through them;

- cervical mucus thickens, and sperm can no longer move into the vagina;

- reduce the level of androgens, as a result of which ovulation does not occur, and folliculogenesis is also disrupted;

- change the structure of the endometrium in the uterine cavity, which leads to the inability of the egg to gain a foothold in it.

Thus, a woman who takes Silhouette (reviews will confirm this) completely stops ovulation due to a decrease in androgen levels.

Indications for use

In what cases is oral contraceptives indicated? It is better to find out about this from a gynecologist. But most often they are prescribed in the following cases:

- to prevent unwanted pregnancy from occurring;

- in the presence of acne in a girl suffering from increased levels of androgens;

- with endometriosis (thickening of the layer that lines the uterus).

It is interesting to know that if we consider each component separately (dienogest and ethinyl estradiol), then they are used in the treatment of infertility, and their simultaneous work has a contraceptive effect. This is confirmed by the reviews available about the drug “Silhouette”.

Endometriosis and oral contraceptives

The drug "Silhouette" is often used in the treatment of endometrial proliferation. This pathology mainly affects young girls and women. In order not to solve the problem radically, namely with the help of surgical intervention, “Silhouette” tablets are prescribed (there are reviews on this matter). They have the following effects:

- reduce estrogen production;

- the endometrium can no longer grow outside the uterus;

- ovulation does not occur;

— foci of endometriosis atrophy due to regular use of the drug “Silhouette”, because blood circulation in them decreases.

The disease is completely cured by taking oral contraceptives, and the menstrual cycle is restored; there is no pain during sexual intercourse or during menstruation.

Contraception for fibroids


In the 21st century, women are increasingly choosing combined oral contraceptives (COCs) as a method of effective pregnancy control.

COCs have also found their place of use in gynecology for the complex treatment of uterine fibroids. Myoma is a hormone-sensitive tumor that, in most cases, is asymptomatic.

This disease occurs among women of different age groups, but the likelihood of developing a tumor is higher in women over 35 years of age.

Now the attitude towards combined oral contraceptives has changed dramatically, since it has been proven that they do not have a pronounced effect on the myomatous node. They are prescribed only as a means of prevention for women after myomectomy or for nulliparous women, so as not to start the growth process.

COCs do not affect the reduction in the size of the myomatous node, they do not contribute to the regression of the node. They reduce the likelihood of developing a tumor by 25-30% with their constant use. Their goal is symptomatic treatment and prevention. Our expert council uses in its practice only modern technologies and international protocols in the fight against a dangerous disease.

Advanced fibroid treatment clinics offer you a range of services for diagnosing and treating fibroids. Among all surgical treatment methods, uterine artery embolization remains the most successful and effective method, with minimal complications and relapses. This treatment method has been practiced at the European Clinic for a long time. Our specialists, Bobrov B.Yu.

and Lubnin D.M., have achieved the highest professionalism in this field of action.

Combined oral contraceptives for fibroids

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are drugs containing two components: gestagens and estrogen. According to the mechanism of action, they are close to the sex hormones of the female reproductive system.

COCs have several mechanisms of action:

  • Suppress ovulation;
  • Reduce the motor activity of sperm;
  • They change the chemical and biological properties of the endometrium, thereby making it impossible for the egg to attach to the mucous membrane;
  • They affect the microflora in the vagina (thickening mucus in the cervix), preventing further movement of sperm.

This class of drugs is the most effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Combined oral contraceptives are divided, according to the ratio of estrogens and gestagens, into three types:

  • Monophasic: 21 tablets containing an equal ratio of estrogen and progestin;
  • Biphasic: 21 tablets containing two different combinations of estrogen and progestin;
  • Triphasic: 21 tablets, varying in color, containing three different combinations of estrogen and progestin.

Triphasic COCs are the most optimal, but this is not the “gold standard” of treatment. Each woman needs an individual approach to treatment and choosing a hormonal drug. Our gynecologists prescribe hormonal therapy only in the presence of small fibroids - up to two centimeters.

Remember that COCs are only prevention; to completely eliminate the pathological process, our expert council recommends embolization of the uterine arteries. You can ask us any question you are interested in around the clock and receive advice by e-mail from the best specialists at our clinic.

Combined oral contraceptives for fibroids: the role of gestagens

Gestagens belong to the group of steroid sex hormones. The mechanism of their action is to suppress the processes of hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the muscle fibers of the uterus and trigger degenerative-dystrophic processes in the myomatous node, suppressing the work of the ovaries and mammary glands.

Gestagens are prescribed to women of reproductive and premenopausal age. However, despite all the hopes placed on the antitumor effect of these drugs, they did not live up to their originally intended effect. In most cases, on the contrary, they increased tumor growth.

How to use hormonal drugs for fibroids

The drug must be taken every day, at approximately the same time of day, for 21 or 28 days, depending on the drug: mono-, two- or three-phase. During the week after 21 days, the so-called “menstrual reaction” occurs. What makes it easy to use is that each tablet on the plate corresponds to a calendar day.

If the plate contains 21 tablets, then taking the drug should start on the first day of menstruation, and after the end, take a week’s break. During this period, there is no need to use other types of contraception.

If you have been prescribed a drug containing 28 tablets in its package, then it is taken continuously. Before taking, you should consult a gynecologist.

You can get a huge amount of information on our website or make an appointment.

Contraindications for use

The instructions for use for the drug “Silhouette” (there are a lot of reviews) indicate that there are certain conditions of the human body for which taking the medication is not recommended:

- For cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, thrombosis, severe arterial hypertension, hereditary tendency to thrombosis).

— Disorders of the liver (failure, hepatitis).

- For malignant tumors (which are located in the uterus, appendages and breasts).

- For sickle anemia.

- During pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are cases when pregnancy occurs simultaneously with taking the drug, then it is necessary to stop taking it. But if this happens, there is no need to worry about the effect of hormones on the fetus, since there is no negative impact. But during breastfeeding, it is better not to take birth control pills “Silhouette” (reviews confirm) since the active ingredients can affect the baby through breast milk.

— For severe headaches (migraines with neurological symptoms).

- For vaginal bleeding (especially if the cause is not clear).

This method of contraception is contraindicated in women who smoke, especially those over 35 years of age.

In cases where pathology is detected while using the medication, stop taking it and consult a doctor for advice.

Rigevidon for uterine fibroids - diagnosis, what it looks like, folk remedies, manifestations

A tumor of the uterus requires constant monitoring by both the gynecologist and the patient herself. In the early stages, the disease is not dangerous and may be asymptomatic. It is important at this stage to detect fibroids in time and begin appropriate treatment.

The consequences of an advanced disease are extremely dire. If a growing tumor is not treated for a long time, then you can get uterine cancer, infertility, disruption of the functioning of neighboring organs, acute inflammatory and infectious diseases and inhibition of all functions of the reproductive system as a whole.

Let's look at in what cases drugs are prescribed for the treatment of uterine fibroids:

  • Small myomatous nodes
  • Clinical manifestations are mild
  • Neighboring organs are functioning normally
  • There are contraindications to surgery

Injections and tablets for uterine fibroids are used according to a specific scheme. In each case, it is individual and depends on the woman’s age, the nature and type of tumor, concomitant pathologies and diagnostic results.

As drug therapy, experts prescribe:

  • Hormonal medications
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Immunostimulants
  • dietary supplements

Instructions for use

A woman with uterine fibroids should be more careful about her health, follow the rules of taking pills, so that the process has a positive effect on the organs, and pregnancy does not occur. Basic instructions for use:

  • Dragees are taken daily at a strictly specified time. More often, the appointment is made in the evening, for example, it is drunk before bedtime;
  • When the first day of menstruation occurs, they begin to use the drug;
  • The daily dose should not be exceeded;
  • If a woman vomits after taking a pill, the substances are not absorbed by the body, you need to take another pill;
  • A woman who has missed taking a pill should take the drug as quickly as possible so that the effect on the body does not disappear;
  • In situations where the pills are just starting to be taken, additional contraceptives are used during the first two weeks;
  • The occurrence of light intermenstrual bleeding does not interfere with taking the drug. If the bleeding is profuse, you should consult a doctor for advice.

We must not forget that hormonal contraceptives primarily prevent pregnancy, and are not a complete medicine. The drugs eliminate symptoms, alleviate the course of the disease, and can get rid of early-stage small tumors.

Combined oral contraceptives

By giving preference to these drugs, you can effectively reduce the symptoms of the disease, normalize the menstrual cycle, influence the reduction of fibroids, and also achieve the prevention of concomitant pathologies.

Contraceptives used for fibroids are of the monophasic type. This means that the main substances in all tablets of one package have the same dosage.

All COCs contain estrogen and progesterone (progestogen). Estrogen is responsible for the normal growth of the endometrium, and progestogen stops pregnancy. Modern contraceptives contain ethinyl estradiol as estrogen. Progesterone is presented as derivatives of 19-nortestosterone: Levonorgestrel, Dienogest, Gestodene, etc.

This group of contraceptives includes:

  • Janine is a contraceptive drug with antiandrogenic activity. The medication normalizes the menstrual cycle, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, prevents anemia, and increases the content of drugs in the blood. Analogues – Siluet.
  • Rigevidon is a combined estrogen-progestin contraceptive. Prevents the appearance of tumors, restores the menstrual cycle. Analogs in action are Yarina, Regulon and Janine, but the gestagenic component is different for everyone.
  • Lindinet 30 is a combined contraceptive with a gestagen-estrogen effect. Gestodene, which is part of it, is a stronger analogue of natural progesterone. Lindinet has a contraceptive effect and is used as a prophylaxis for gynecological diseases, skin rashes, and inflammatory processes in the mammary gland. Analogues - the drug Logest.
  • Yarina is a low-dose contraceptive with a gestagen-estrogen effect. Yarina normalizes the cycle for fibroids, blocks ovulation, reduces the pain of menstruation and the amount of bleeding. The drug is suitable for the prevention of anemia, endometrial and ovarian cancer. Has a positive effect on the skin and relieves swelling. Analogues - Midiana. Midiana is prescribed for severe swelling and heavy weight of patients when hormone levels are disturbed.
  • Jess is a monophasic contraceptive with antiandrogenic (positive effects on the skin) and antimineralocorticoid (reduction of edema, PMS, joint pain) effects. Analogues - the drug Dimiya.


Qlaira is prescribed quite often for uterine fibroids due to its high effectiveness, especially with concomitant endometriosis. It reduces the level of estrogen in the blood, prevents pregnancy, and can stop the growth of tumors.

Qlaira consists of natural hormonal components, which distinguishes it from other COCs. This contraceptive is prescribed to patients of reproductive age. During menopause, the use of the drug is not advisable. With long-term use, the medicine restores hormonal levels, regulates the monthly cycle, reduces the pain of menstruation and prevents the development of endometriosis.

The drug contains 2 hormones: estradiol and dienogest. These hormones suppress the ovulation process, preventing pregnancy.

Source: https://PlastikaPlus.ru/opuholi/siluet-pri-miome-matki-otzyvy.html

Side effects

While taking Silhouette birth control pills, certain body reactions may occur:

- headaches or migraines; rapid heartbeat;

- abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea;

- increase or decrease in appetite;

- decreased libido;

- problems falling asleep.

The most common unpleasant phenomenon is the occurrence of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as well as nausea and headaches. But for most women, they went away within a month and a half after taking the first pill.

The negative impact of smoking cannot be ruled out. Therefore, in order not to aggravate the side effects of Silhouette, you need to quit smoking, preferably long before taking the drug.

Side effects

Almost all hormonal contraceptives can have a negative effect on the female body, which is associated with the effect of the drug on all organs and systems. The most unpleasant side effects are:

  • regularly occurring headaches of varying severity;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased pain in the mammary glands in the coming days before the onset of menstruation;
  • weight gain;
  • psycho-emotional disorders, decreased sexual desire;
  • cramping pain in the leg muscles;
  • change in eating behavior (increased appetite);
  • increase in vaginal leucorrhoea.

Most of these problems occur in the first months of taking Siluet. However, this is not a reason to refuse treatment for endometrioid disease. After consulting with a doctor, you need to continue therapy, creating conditions to combat the unpleasant manifestations of hormonal drugs. Usually, after a certain period of time, all these problems disappear or become less significant. Great importance in the fight against excess weight is given to rational diet therapy, reasonable physical activity and proper water regime.

As doctors' reviews show, the use of an individually selected regimen for taking Siluet contraceptive pills will help a woman cope with the negative impact of endometrioid disease and preserve her ability to bear children. The best treatment option for endometriosis is a temporary cessation of menstrual function associated with pregnancy, childbirth and long-term lactation. However, if a woman has fulfilled her reproductive function and does not want to give birth, then everything possible must be done to effectively treat endometrioid disease. An additional positive effect of the drug is its effect on the skin, thanks to which some women can get rid of acne problems.


The instructions for the drug “Silhouette” (reviews confirm this) indicate that there are certain features of taking combined oral contraceptives. First of all, they must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-prescription is unacceptable, since uncontrolled use of hormones can harm the body.

After purchasing the drug, you must carefully study the instructions for use. It states the following:

— If a woman is just planning to start taking this medication, then this should be done on the first day of her period.

— If a woman has already taken another hormonal drug, then “Silhouette” can be taken one day after finishing the course of the previous drug.

- You need to take the pill at the same time every day. Drink with a small amount of plain water. The dosage of one tablet should not be exceeded.

— On each blister, arrows indicate the order of administration. It must be adhered to and not violated under any circumstances.

— If a woman had an abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy, then the contraceptive must be taken on the same day as the operation.

— In case of abortion or childbirth in subsequent trimesters, the contraceptive must be used 28 calendar days after surgery or natural delivery.

— There is no need to take breaks from taking hormonal contraceptives, this is not necessary. In this way, you can only harm your body by creating artificial hormonal surges.

- If you miss taking a pill due to forgetfulness, you must drink it immediately as soon as the woman remembers.

- If vomiting occurs several hours after taking the drug, you need to take the pill again, since the previous one has not had time to be absorbed.

This is what makes Silhouette birth control pills different. Reviews about them are mostly positive.

Before starting treatment, you need not only a consultation with a specialist, but also a complete examination of the whole body. This will help identify existing pathologies that prevent the use of oral contraceptives. The woman may also be pregnant, which needs to be clarified in advance.

Silhouette of a pill for uterine fibroids

01 August 2021 6083 0

In the 21st century, women are increasingly choosing combined oral contraceptives (COCs) as a method of effective pregnancy control.

COCs have also found their place of use in gynecology for the complex treatment of uterine fibroids. Myoma is a hormone-sensitive tumor that, in most cases, is asymptomatic.

This disease occurs among women of different age groups, but the likelihood of developing a tumor is higher in women over 35 years of age.

Please note that this text was prepared without the support of our Expert Council.

Now the attitude towards combined oral contraceptives has changed dramatically, since it has been proven that they do not have a pronounced effect on the myomatous node. They are prescribed only as a means of prevention for women after myomectomy or for nulliparous women, so as not to start the growth process.

COCs do not affect the reduction in the size of the myomatous node, they do not contribute to the regression of the node. They reduce the likelihood of developing a tumor by 25-30% with their constant use. Their goal is symptomatic treatment and prevention. Our expert council uses in its practice only modern technologies and international protocols in the fight against a dangerous disease.

Advanced fibroid treatment clinics offer you a range of services for diagnosing and treating fibroids. Among all surgical treatment methods, uterine artery embolization remains the most successful and effective method, with minimal complications and relapses. This treatment method has been practiced at the European Clinic for a long time. Our specialists, Bobrov B.Yu.

and Lubnin D.M., have achieved the highest professionalism in this field of action.


Action of COCs: regulon, silhouette, janine for uterine fibroids, reviews

In order to understand how hormonal contraceptives work, you need to understand what they are and their mechanism of action.

Hormones are biologically active substances that are produced by our endocrine glands: the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc. Their spectrum of action is varied.

They participate in basic metabolism, growth of the body, are responsible for behavior and support the function of other organs. But we are only interested in the hormones of the sex glands: estrogens and gestagens (progesterone).

It is these two groups of hormones that take an active part in regulating the monthly cycle.

The principle of action of all hormonal contraceptives is basically the same:

  • Suppress ovulation;
  • Prevents the egg from implanting in the endometrium of the uterus.

Daily use of COCs (Janine, Regulon, Silhouette) puts a woman's ovaries into a so-called “artificially induced” drug-induced sleep, as a result of which the gonads do not ovulate each new cycle.

The use of drugs such as Janine for uterine fibroids, or Regulon for uterine fibroids, helps reduce the intensity of bleeding during the cycle and shortens the duration of menstruation to one or two days.

The pain you feel during menstruation will become less pronounced, the cycle will normalize and become regular. In addition, taking combined oral contraceptives reduces the risk of developing ovarian and endometrial cancer.

They can prevent some causes of infertility, thereby promoting pregnancy.

Remember that you cannot take hormonal medications on your own, since any uncontrolled use of hormonal medications can lead to progression of tumor growth or disrupt the function of other endocrine glands.

Our expert council guarantees first-class and timely advice on any issue.

To do this, you just need to make an appointment, and all your questions about hormonal contraceptives and alternative methods of surgical treatment will be answered.


Contraceptives for fibroids: contraindications

Combined oral contraceptives for uterine fibroids are not always effective, and their uncontrolled use can lead to undesirable consequences for all body systems. Despite the large number of beneficial properties of hormonal drugs, there are a number of absolute contraindications to their use:

  • Woman's age >35 years;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (thrombosis, hypertension, stroke, heart attack);
  • Pregnancy or planning pregnancy;
  • Smoking;
  • Breastfeeding, period 6 months after birth;
  • Diabetes;
  • Liver diseases (tumor, hepatitis).

Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives can cause the so-called “menopausal syndrome”, which leads to obesity, osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us directly and get advice by e-mail.

Remember that COCs are not the only method of treatment; an alternative to hormones is less traumatic, effective and rapid embolization of the uterine arteries.

Source: https://karma-laws.ru/silujet-tabletki-pri-miome-matki/

Simultaneous use with other drugs

Is the use of Silhouette always permitted? Reviews confirm that interaction of the drug with other hormonal agents is unacceptable. Also, some medications cannot be taken during treatment with the drug in question. These include:

These drugs lead to bleeding from the genital tract, and the effect of contraception may be reduced.

Some medications, the action of which is aimed at reducing the clearance of sex hormones, cannot be taken together with Silhouette.

Indications for use

For endometriosis, Silhouette is prescribed to women:

  • at the initial stage of development of the disease;
  • during the period of preparation for surgical intervention for an illness in an advanced stage;
  • during rehabilitation after surgery to avoid possible consequences.

The gynecologist prescribes the dosage and duration of treatment with this hormonal drug to patients with endometriosis individually.

special instructions

If any side effects occur while taking combined oral contraceptives, you should immediately see a gynecologist and inform him about it. Perhaps he will prescribe another drug that will provide the desired effect without negatively affecting the body.

Why does the condition of skin and hair improve when using hormones? This question interests many. The fact is that sebum production decreases. As a result, the hair becomes less oily and acne does not form on the skin. But you shouldn’t take the drug just for this purpose. You should always remember about contraindications and side effects.

"Silhouette": reviews from doctors and patients

There are numerous reviews about these contraceptives. Doctors prescribe them not only for the purpose of contraception, but also for the treatment of various female problems. The tablets are generally well tolerated and side effects are extremely rare. Reviews from patients confirm this.

Many women like the condition of their skin after taking Silhouette, as well as the fact that pain during menstruation has stopped. Some people experienced worse headaches, but overall the reviews are good.

advised by 6 gynecologists in 4 cities.

Hello. I want to tell you about what worries almost every girl and woman now. How to protect yourself, especially if the man himself doesn’t want it and without harm to health. I used to take Tri-Regol tablets on the advice of a friend (I was 20), but I recently found out that taking them at that age is very harmful, and besides, I was forbidden to drink anything at all when I started being examined by a gynecologist because of abdominal pain. And she assigned me “Silhouette”, then I went to my paid gynecologist (she charges very expensively, but the ends always justify the means) and she also advised me to drink them. Then I went to my mother in another city, where I also went to see a gynecologist (I still couldn’t understand why I couldn’t get rid of the pain without these pills), but she also recommended them to me. And a friend (doctor) gave me a referral to the regional hospital, where I was examined by 2 more gynecologists, who explained to me that this is just the way my body works and during ovulation I experience severe pain and either strong painkillers or good contraceptives can save me from it , such as "Silhouette". And I agreed. And after I started drinking them, I noticed that not only the pain went away, but my skin also improved, acne disappeared, and my hair began to get dirty less often. In general, now I am once again convinced that they are the best!

Silhouette drug for uterine fibroids

Genitourinary system » Drugs » Silhouette drug for uterine fibroids

When treating uterine fibroids with medications, it is important to remember that medications are not always 100% effective. The gynecologist selects effective medications, depending on what caused the formation of fibroids.

Most often this is a hormonal imbalance, and here it is important to choose a remedy that will bring everything back to normal.

Thus, it is possible to stop the growth of the tumor and even achieve its reduction, and very small fibroids can completely regress.

When is conservative therapy prescribed, and when is surgery?

There are cases when it is preferable to choose conservative treatment of uterine fibroids without resorting to surgery:

  • small myomatous nodes;
  • clinical manifestations are mild;
  • neighboring organs are functioning normally;
  • there are contraindications to surgery.

Injections and tablets for uterine fibroids are used according to a specific scheme. In each case, it is individual and depends on the woman’s age, the nature and type of tumor, concomitant pathologies and diagnostic results. In what cases is it preferable to choose surgery:

  1. The size of the neoplasm is from 12 weeks or more.
  2. There are associated pathologies (endometriosis, ovarian cysts).
  3. Dysfunction of neighboring organs due to tumor pressure on them.
  4. Severe pain and bleeding.
  5. Active tumor growth.
  6. Risk of degeneration into cancer.

In these cases, surgery is mandatory, but drug therapy is used as supportive therapy - to prepare for surgery, and after it to restore the body.

Types of Medicines

Drugs for fibroids can be either primary or additional treatment. If the tumor is small, less than 2 cm, then medications can completely cure it.

As drug therapy, experts prescribe:

  1. Hormonal medications.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Immunostimulants.
  4. Dietary supplements.

All medications must be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. For any changes in her condition, a woman should consult a doctor.


These are products based on danazol and gestrinone. The following drugs are produced with these substances: Danogen, Danol, Danozol or Verodonazole and Nemestran.

  • The voice becomes rough
  • Body hair is actively growing
  • Severe acne appears

The appointment is carried out strictly as prescribed by the gynecologist. The duration of treatment is determined individually.


For macular fibroids, drugs based on gestagens can be prescribed. They are quite effective and safe. The pills stop the synthesis of estrogen in the body. But unlike antagonistic drugs, they act more gently.

Therefore, they are more often used as maintenance therapy. The most popular gestagens:

The drugs are prescribed only by a gynecologist. And they are taken under strict control, since in some cases the opposite effect occurs - the nodes begin to actively grow.


These drugs are quickly absorbed and affect progesterone. Reducing the effect of progesterone contributes to the regression of fibroids with sizes less than 4 cm. A well-known drug is Mifepristone.

Available in tablet form. It not only promotes the resorption of the node, but also reduces symptoms. Therefore, it is also used before surgery to remove fibroids.

The course of treatment and dosage regimen are determined by the doctor individually, depending on the type of tumor and its size. Contraindications: thrombosis, endocrine diseases, cardiovascular and renal failure.

Side effects - hot flashes. But they rarely occur.

Klaira for uterine fibroids

The drug Klayra is distinguished by the fact that it consists of hormones of natural origin. Recommended for young women of childbearing age. It is based on estradiol valerate and dienogest. Qlaira is prescribed by a doctor for uterine fibroids and endometriosis. One package contains 28 multi-colored dragees, which contain different ingredients.

Qlaira has an effect on a woman’s hormonal background, reducing the level of female hormone in the blood. The growth of fibroids stops; if you take the drug in full, the tumor may decrease in size.

You can take pills for fibroids according to the usual contraceptive regimen, starting from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle and without breaks.

Contraindications for use:

  • vascular diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • menopause;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • migraine in any form;
  • depressive disorders;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects include excess weight, acne, headaches, swelling of the mammary glands, and bleeding. As analogues of the drug, Novinet, Yarina, Regulon can be used.

I haven’t given birth yet, so the doctor prescribed me the drug Qlaira. After two months, the fibroids stopped growing. And after five it became smaller. I didn’t take breaks like with regular contraception, but everything was normal, the only thing was nausea and diarrhea in the first week. The doctor said that I could get pregnant in about a year and a half after finishing treatment.

Nuvaring is a vaginal ring with estrogen and progesterone, which doctors place both to shrink small fibroids and after surgery to remove the tumor. The product acts as a local contraceptive.

And it does not affect the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. It acts as a prophylactic against the recurrence of fibroids and the appearance of endometriosis.

The ring normalizes the cycle, reduces menstrual pain and does not lead to weight gain.

Source: https://ginekologiya-urologiya.ru/preparaty/siluet-preparat-pri-miome-matki

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