Features of the course of stage 1 uterine cancer and prognosis for recovery

Cervical cancer is a common pathology among women of both childbearing age and menopause; it is diagnosed mainly during a preventive examination of a woman. This is due to the fact that the neoplasm is easily visualized during examination on a gynecological chair. In women who rarely visit a gynecologist, only an advanced form of cancer can be diagnosed. In order to contact the clinic in a timely manner, you need to know what the symptoms and discharge are for cervical cancer.

Characteristic symptoms

A woman often finds out about a cervical tumor by chance at a doctor’s appointment due to other complaints. The early stage is characterized by the absence of symptoms, and this is the insidiousness of this disease. For this reason, it is important to maintain regular visits to the gynecologist.

With pathological changes in the reproductive organs, a woman notices the following alarming signs:

  • Vaginal discharge takes on a specific color and smell.
  • Blood clots that are not associated with the menstrual cycle are observed.
  • Heavy, bloody smears occur after sexual intercourse, lifting a heavy load or other physical activity.
  • Disrupted menstrual cycle, lack of regularity.
  • Bloody discharge after menopause. This phenomenon is a signal of the formation of a malignant tumor.
  • Sudden heavy bleeding not associated with the menstrual cycle.
  • Pain in the abdomen, the lower area is pierced by acute pain.
  • A discharge of mucous consistency that has a specific odor and some blood.
  • White, jelly-like or foamy, watery mucus that looks like jelly occurs in the initial stages of cancer development in women. This is due to developing necrosis and inflamed lymph nodes in the area of ​​the reproductive organs.

If a woman notices unusual, specific discharge, she should contact the oncology center. Irregularity or disruption of the menstrual cycle also indicates a disruption in body processes. Too heavy and painful periods are one of the symptoms of the development of a malignant tumor.

Surgical tactics for cancer treatment and prognosis

One of the main methods of combating uterine cancer, even at the first stage of its formation in women, is surgical excision of the tumor. The scope of surgical intervention directly depends on the location of the cancer focus, its size, and the involvement of neighboring structures of the female pelvis in the oncological process.

Most often, complete extirpation of the uterus, its cervix, and appendages—ovaries and tubes—is indicated. In addition, the surgeon takes tissue samples from the lymph structures of the woman’s pelvis. This is required to determine the presence or absence of cancer cells in them.

Associated symptoms

In addition to vaginal discharge, cervical cancer is accompanied by other symptoms. The main signs of oncology are listed below:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Sexual intercourse increases the pain.
  • Heavy bleeding is accompanied by acute pain in the pelvic area, nausea, digestive tract upset, dizziness and muscle weakness. An increase in body temperature and pale skin are also noticeable.
  • Reduced performance, muscle weakness, fatigue.
  • Lack of appetite and noticeable weight loss.
  • With the spread of metastases in the body, swelling of the limbs and internal organs is observed. This is due to impaired blood circulation and fluid circulation in the tissues.
  • Formation of fistulas in the perineum, vagina and bladder. Fistulas can also appear in internal organs, creating obstacles to vital processes in the body.
  • The appearance of itching in the vagina and purulent formations. The appearance of sexually transmitted diseases is possible.
  • Urinary retention, swelling of the bladder.
  • Impaired kidney function, development of renal failure.

These symptoms indicate the likelihood of developing cervical cancer. If these signs are accompanied by specific vaginal discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a quality examination. Delaying and ignoring symptoms can be life-threatening. The earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to treat.

Preventive measures

Women who may be at risk for this disease are advised by doctors to undergo regular preventive examinations, use special medications, and undergo replacement therapy during menopause. It is necessary to take care of nutrition and weight loss.

Today's scientists have developed a vaccine that helps prevent the development of cancer, this is the first drug - Gardasil. You can also use barrier contraception. This method will help reduce the risk of cancer and prevent the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases and the human papillomavirus.

The preventive measures and examinations carried out will help to avoid cancer of the uterus.

Diagnostic methods

After visiting a gynecologist, if there are alarming symptoms, a woman is prescribed a series of procedures to identify a malignant neoplasm. First, the patient must tell the doctor in detail about the symptoms and nature of the pain, as well as the specifics of the discharge and the location of the lesion. The doctor should be informed about the duration of specific phenomena, the stability of the menstrual cycle and the regularity of sexual intercourse.

Further examination is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The cervix is ​​stained with a special marker, which appears only in areas with pathology that tends to develop. The procedure of curettage of the cervix is ​​performed to prevent dysplasia.
  2. A biopsy of the cervix is ​​performed, which is performed by taking a sample from the walls, for further laboratory and clinical research. Thus, cancer cells and malignant neoplasms are detected.
  3. Special smears allow you to study the depth and extent of tissue damage through detailed examination.
  4. Blood tests, computed tomography and MRI allow you to see a holistic picture of the disease in order to establish the correct diagnosis.

The attending physician prescribes an examination method based on the nature of the symptoms, the structure and abundance of vaginal discharge, as well as the patient’s health condition.

When to see a doctor

At the initial stage of oncology, a woman feels unusual discomfort, which tends to occupy and bother her. Vaginal discharge has a specific color and consistency. Weakness and impotence of the body will be explained by internal processes, the destruction of internal organs.

Having noticed the first signs of the disease or specific manifestations, you cannot ignore them or self-medicate! Delay can be life-threatening. It is important to make an appointment with a gynecologist immediately. The earlier the disease is detected, the higher the chances of cure. Timely diagnosis will help prescribe an effective method of therapy.

Disease prognosis

The prognosis, when stage 1 cancer is detected, is quite good with a five-year survival rate. How long the patient will live will depend on the timely diagnosis of the disease, the selected method of therapy, the age of the patient and the condition of her body.

If the disease is detected in time, then the five-year survival rate can reach 90%. We can say that this is a victory over cancer. Not every doctor can boast of results.

Causes of the disease

The following actions lead to the development of a malignant tumor in the female organs:

  • Early onset of sexual activity.
  • Random change of partners, sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Bad habits: smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Inflammatory processes affecting the reproductive organ, having a chronic form.
  • Insufficient cleanliness and personal hygiene of one of the partners.
  • Reduced immune resistance.
  • The presence of benign neoplasms, which without proper monitoring can develop into a malignant tumor.
  • Genetic predisposition, if there are patients with cancer of this localization in the family line.
  • Consequence of abortion or injury.
  • Overweight, obesity, impaired thyroid function.

The listed actions cause the development of oncology, malignant formation in the cervix.


Metastasis has many options and varieties that differ significantly from each other.


Virchow's metastasis is localized in the supraclavicular region of the neck and occurs against the background of gastric cancer. This location of the secondary cancer focus is determined by the direction of lymph flow from the abdominal cavity.

Malignant cellular structures rise along the lymphatic pathways precisely to the cervical lymph node; they cannot pass further, so they begin to form into a secondary tumor. Virchow metastasis can occur due to cancer of the liver, pancreas and other abdominal structures.


Such metastases are also characterized by lymphogenous origin and are localized in the ovaries. The share of such secondary tumors accounts for about 35-40% of the total number of ovarian metastases.

Krukenberg metastases are observed in malignant gastric, mammary glandular, intestinal or bile duct lesions, bladder or cervical cancer.


Schnitzler metastases are the spread of a malignant process to the perirectal tissue and perirectal lymph nodes.

Such metastatic formations can be palpated during rectal digital examination and present as painless lumps.

Most often occurs against the background of stomach cancer.


Metastatic tumors that form in bone tissue and promote the activity of osteoblasts are called osteoblastic. Against the background of increased osteoblastic activity, increased calcium deposition occurs in bone tissue, which contributes to their rapid growth.

Such metastatic foci occur against the background of mammary glandular, thyroid or prostatic cancer, sarcomas and lymphomas. The prognosis is mostly unfavorable.


Metastases of the solitary type are large-nodular single formations localized in the lung, brain and other tissues.


Osteolytic secondary formations are also localized in bone structures, however, their effect on bones is of a slightly different nature. They destroy bone tissue and activate osteoclasts, which leads to destructive changes in bones.

How to stop discharge

Bloody smears and discharge are a consequence of opening bleeding. Physical activity, lifting heavy objects, sexual intercourse, and constipation can contribute to it. Bleeding occurs due to poor blood clotting, due to a lack of platelets and destruction of the vascular walls. Often, bleeding in advanced stages of cancer is stopped through surgery and tumor removal. When bleeding occurs, there is a risk to the patient’s life, so it must be stopped. In case of heavy blood loss, death occurs.

If bleeding is reduced to spotting, the following methods are used:

  • Vaginal tampons impregnated with hemostatic agents.
  • Blood replacement therapy.
  • Use of vaginal suppositories.

If there is bleeding, call an ambulance immediately. Delay is life-threatening. Also, if you notice specific vaginal discharge, you need to contact a gynecologist to rule out pathology or prescribe the necessary therapy. White, jelly-like and foamy substances from the vagina are an alarming sign, often indicating necrosis and opening of the lymph nodes.

The duration of discharge depends on the stage of oncology development and disease progression. At stage 4 of cervical cancer development, heavy bleeding occurs, which can only be stopped by radical intervention methods. Also, vaginal discharge appears during relapse after treatment and therapy, after radiation therapy. Local remedies in the form of tampons and medicated sanitary pads will help reduce the amount of discharge.

Diet for stage 1 uterine cancer

A diet for stage 1 uterine cancer involves avoiding harmful foods. The relationship between poor quality food and increased risk factors for cancer has been proven.

Proper nutrition excludes processed foods, fast food, any canned food and food containing any artificial additives from the diet.

For the best effect, products should not be subjected to heat treatment, or should be done to a minimum. Preference is given to raw vegetables and fruits of bright colors, for example, carrots, beets, broccoli. All types of cabbage are useful, as well as legumes. Particular attention is paid to sprouted cereals. You should not eat heavy red meat; it is better to replace it with fish or poultry.

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