Features of treating fibroids with Indinol and Epigallate

Article last updated 12/07/2019

In modern medicine, there are many ways to combat uterine fibroids. The treatment method depends on the nature of the tumor, its size, the individual characteristics of the woman’s body and the desire to maintain the ability to have children. Education can be affected both with the help of drugs and through surgical intervention. Indinol is prescribed as one of the auxiliary treatments for fibroids.


Now Foods is the largest manufacturer of dietary supplements in the United States, whose products comply with GMP quality standards (a system of rules and regulations established for the production of drugs and dietary supplements).

There are many positive reviews from patients or those recovering after surgery, for whom Indinol has already helped, their health has improved.

“The combination of Epigallate and Indinol in treatment is effective in inhibiting the mechanisms of development of pathologies such as fibroids and endometriosis. The drugs affect all mechanisms of pathology development. Their effectiveness in oncological pathology has also been proven, since these drugs help to delay the development of blood vessels that feed the tumor. Epigallate and Indinol forte are effective drugs for the treatment and prevention of relapses of pathologies of the reproductive system in women.”

Over the past five years, research has been carried out by the Research Institute of Molecular Medicine MMA named after. I.M. Sechenov, the Influenza Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the All-Russian Scientific Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Treatment (VNTsMDL), and the result of these studies was the drug Indinol.

“Indinol and Epigallate are a reliable combination for maximum therapeutic and preventive effects for endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, adenomyosis, and uterine fibroids. These medications have pronounced anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant effects. This combination is also used to prevent complications after abortion and childbirth.


The drug Indinol Forto is recommended for daily use as a biological supplement as a means of prevention against the development of mastopathy. Due to its properties, it has a corrective effect on the functioning of the mammary glands. Its effectiveness as a means of preventing the development of relapses in the postoperative period has been proven.

This remedy is used as part of the complex treatment of uterine fibroids, as well as in the elimination of sexual dysfunctions in girls. Gynecologists consider this drug quite effective for the treatment of endometriosis as part of the main therapy with prescribed drugs.

Reviews from doctors about Indinol and Epigallate

“My doctor prescribed me to take indinol forte in combination with epigallate to treat breast fibroadenomatosis, and I was also diagnosed with endometriosis and uterine fibroids. I have been taking the drugs for about two and a half months. Everything would be fine if not for one side effect: diarrhea.

The time came in the summer, when I came to her with complaints about cycle irregularities and bleeding. According to the results of the ultrasound, it turned out that in just six months I had somehow managed to grow a new node of quite large size (more than 60 mm)! In addition, I was also diagnosed with endometriosis, which had not been observed before. The word “operation” was used for the first time.

"Indinol" is not intended for use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as those taking medications that reduce stomach acidity.

They tried to have a child for a year, but without success. In addition, pain began in the uterine area after about six months of diligent attempts. We finally decided to go to the doctor. Diagnosis: uterine fibroids. This fibroid fell on me like snow. the doctor said it was just a small benign tumor - a small nodule on the wall of the uterus, nothing to worry about. Just take some pills and everything will go away. And I almost lost my temper! Indeed, it’s just a benign tumor—what nonsense! But as it turned out later, it was really nonsense. In a word, they prescribed me to take this indinol - 2 tablets a day, with meals. And also epigallate in addition. I’m sitting, thinking, they’re stuffing me with these pills - I’ll lose my last ability to give birth! But I still drink - I hope something will come of it. I really wanted a baby, and my husband had been asking for it for a long time. I looked up on the Internet what fibroids are (I’ll attach the picture below) and almost fell out of my chair. I’m thinking, is THIS really what formed in my uterus? And fibroids, girls, are a terrible thing, I want to say - they say that if you don’t treat them, they can lead to infertility.

Contraindications and side effects

Although the drug is made on a plant basis, not everyone can drink Indinol. The medicine is contraindicated:

  • Under 18 years of age
  • If you are intolerant to the ingredients of the drug
  • During breastfeeding
  • During pregnancy
  • If you have allergies
  • With low acidity in the stomach
  • Galactose intolerance

Unlike hormonal medications, dietary supplements do not have a long list of adverse reactions. The instructions note that the use of Indinol may cause:

  • Weight loss
  • Menstrual irregularities. It may increase or, on the contrary, become shorter, both during use of the drug and after
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Increased concentration of eozonophils
  • Decreased creatinine levels

Studies have shown that if taken in the right doses, there are virtually no side effects. However, many note that the cycle is indeed changing.


We must pay tribute to the doctor: she did not make decisions and did not prescribe any treatment until she had conducted a fairly thorough examination, which, in addition to the standard set, included a pipette biopsy and tests for hormone levels in the blood. All four indicators (FSH, LH, Estradiol, Progesterone) were off scale compared to the reference values, but only can focus on the results . (For example, my relative, a doctor of another specialty, resolutely refused to comment on the results of the tests that I received in my hands some time before the appointment, saying that she did not understand anything about this, and we should take them straight to the gynecologist, or even better - to a gynecologist-endocrinologist). As it turned out at a doctor’s appointment, some indicators turned out to be normal for my age, and not at all elevated. Estradiol was actually very high, and the doctor suggested that estrogen was the reason for such rapid growth of the tumor.

I bought a set - two products in one box, but reviews will have to be written for each dietary supplement separately (in accordance with the site rules). Therefore, here I will tell everything in person, and I will write briefly about Epigallatus. It is difficult to understand which of the dietary supplements affected the situation - after all, I took them at the same time.

Here you can see two completely opposite opinions about the same problem and about the same drug. You can find other reviews about Indinol on the Internet, among which there are positive, neutral and negative opinions - take them all into account. But if your doctor advises you to take a drug, you should listen.


As I wrote above, 2 capsules of Indinol are prescribed for the treatment of any disease. The manufacturer also indicates that no side effects of the product have been identified based on clinical trial data. In this case, there is a so-called individual intolerance to the product. In some reviews on the Russian-language Internet, I read about some of them - most often intolerance manifests itself in the form of painful rashes. In such cases, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

I took these pills for a little longer than three weeks, if you count the period when I took it irregularly. But, of course, it helped just wonderfully. Firstly, there were no side effects, although the instructions included warnings like “menstrual irregularities” and “stomach pain.” I didn't have any at all. Maybe I lost my appetite, lost some weight - but is this really a side effect? This is, rather, a pleasant bonus.) In general, of course, I do not recommend skipping days or drinking irregularly - it takes much longer to treat, although, of course, it also works. Then, at the next examination, the doctor told me that this is a dietary supplement, not a medicine, so you can drink it without fear that I will harm any other organs like the liver or stomach. This calmed me down a lot. After two weeks, the pain disappeared completely and from that moment did not appear again, but just in case, I completed the course to the end. Now as for the medications themselves: indinol and epigallate, as the doctor said, are best taken together. One affects directly the tumor, and the other affects the immune system. The tablets are tasteless, so for people who don't like to take tablets, this will be a mitigating circumstance.)

Myoma: symptoms and causes of the disease

Uterine fibroids are considered one of the most common pathologies among diseases of the reproductive system. Some women live with it for years and don’t even know it’s there.

After all, a small node may not grow for a long time and not make itself felt. Others sound the alarm when the symptoms of a growing tumor begin to manifest themselves - affecting the ability to conceive a child, the menstrual cycle, excessive discharge, causing severe abdominal pain, problems with urination and bowel movements.

The causes of the disease can be completely different:

  • Due to termination of pregnancy
  • Inflammation or cysts on the ovaries
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • High concentration of hormones affecting the development of nodes

If during the examination the doctor discovers a tumor, you need to at least make more frequent visits to the gynecologist in order to monitor its development and determine the method of control: conservative, surgical or through microsurgical intervention.

The drug method is used when the fibroid does not exceed 12 weeks in size and does not bother the patient with various symptoms. There are two types of therapy:

Indinol reviews from experts and side effects

There were two options . the expensive hormonal Esmya (9,000 rubles per month, for starters - two months of use), or the complex of dietary supplements Indinol + Epigallate (“But you need to take them for a long time,” the doctor warned).

“My treatment with indinol and epigallate lasted for months. The doctor prescribed [medicine dose information removed] per day. I treated endometrial hyperplasia (overgrowth) with these medications, and my breasts became much calmer. Before treatment, I was worried about heavy bleeding during menstruation, sometimes with large blood clots. It's all over now. These medications are very effective and, most importantly, harmless to the body.


Reviews about Indinol are very diverse, both positive and more neutral. Since Indinol is still not a medicine, but a dietary supplement, some skeptical citizens do not trust it. The opinion was expressed that this is an old drug, long ago invented by the Americans, in one word “razvodilovo”, and not by our authoritative scientists. This statement is not supported by any arguments, the person simply read the instructions.

“Relatively recently, I was diagnosed with increased growth of the endometrium. For this reason, the doctor prescribed epigallate in combination with indinol for 2 months. The result is definitely positive, the manifestations of the pathology have practically disappeared. The doctor extended the course of treatment for another month.”

“Indinol” is a dietary supplement from Russia, the main active ingredient of which is indole-3 carbinol, which is capable of correcting DNA damage at the cellular level. According to doctors, indole-3-carbinol can also suppress the development and growth of cancer cells, but there is no scientific evidence for this.

Reviews from women

You should definitely consult your doctor before buying Indinol Forto; reviews from other women can help form a general opinion about this drug.

You need to understand that each body is individual, so after using a dietary supplement, some people are satisfied, since the fibroids are reduced, but for others, taking the drug was a waste of time and money.

“I had a relatively small fibroid - 3.5 cm. The gynecologist reassured me - she said that with such a size it was possible to do without surgery, and suggested trying medication treatment. I had a choice - hormones or dietary supplements. To be honest, I always treated the latter with distrust. I always thought it was some kind of scam, but the doctor assured me that many people drink and are happy. But I was afraid to take hormones because of the side effects.

I've had to take it before and it was hell. In general, I took Indinol and Epigallate for six months. The tumor became smaller by 1 cm. Then the doctor prescribed another three months. The node became smaller by another 3 mm. Now I regularly see a gynecologist. So far the tumor is not growing and it’s good.” Anna, 40 years old.

“Dietary supplements today, of course, scare many people due to widespread intrusive advertising. But I am a general practitioner myself, so my relationship with dietary supplements is selective.

Indinol and Epigallat were recommended by a gynecologist; I had 4 cm fibroids.

We decided to try starting treatment with non-hormonal drugs. I dug through a lot of information about these dietary supplements and consulted with colleagues. In principle, they are almost equivalent to medications, so I decided to trust them. What can I say? I've been drinking for 4 months now.

Price for "Indinol"

Some doctors prescribe Indinol, with a caveat: take it or not. Most likely, it will bring neither harm nor benefit. There is no experience with the use of the drug; perhaps it is aimed at long-term results, which we will only know in five years.

Instructions for use of "Indinol" are attached to each package of the drug.

Victoria, gynecologist

One of these remedies is Indinol, reviews of which are now so common when discussed on various women's forums. This dietary supplement contains dietary indole and is available in the form of gelatin capsules. Dietary indole is found in cruciferous vegetables (turnips, radishes, rutabaga and various types of cabbage). It has long been known that vegetables contain many substances that benefit the human body. At the end of the last century, scientists determined that constant consumption of cruciferous vegetables significantly reduces the risk of tumors of the breast, intestines and female genital organs.

What did I expect from using these dietary supplements?


Indinol should be stored in a cool, dark place for no more than 2 years. You can purchase the drug in pharmacies, where it is sold without a prescription.

The drug is available in the form of orange-white capsules, which contain indole-3-carbinol in an amount of up to 100 mg, as well as excipients, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, lactose, with a total weight of 300 mg.

Dietary supplements (BAAs) are playing an increasingly important role in our lives. Most of them are really beneficial, but the fact that in our country there is active advertising of dietary supplements as medicines is alarming. Such advertising by manufacturing companies does not explain to consumers of their products that these products should not replace medications, but should be used only for complex therapy or for prophylactic purposes.

As you can see, the recommended six-month course of treatment will cost you about 12,500 rubles. It’s probably not worth mentioning that in some regions of our country this is the monthly salary of an average employee.

Despite conflicting reviews about indinol, doctors' opinions about this drug are largely similar. Despite the lack of evidence about the true properties of indole-3-carbinol, which is the main active ingredient, drugs based on it are used in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the female reproductive system.

Olga, obstetrician-gynecologist

“I have been taking these two drugs for 5 months. At the same time, the mastopathy nodes have noticeably decreased, bleeding during menstruation has become less intense (I have fibroids and adenomyosis). The stomach also practically does not hurt. I started noticing positive effects after about 3 months of treatment. The only thing is that the skin on your face peels off a bit, and creams don’t really help. The menstrual cycle has shortened by about a couple of days.”

The only thing: for the drugs to be effective, they must be taken for a long time and regularly. I recommend to everyone. The side effect was slight discomfort in the abdomen, but even this is still much better than suffering later with advanced fibroids and endometriosis.”

Treatment of human papillomavirus infection occurs in combination with the use of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, two capsules twice a day, for a duration of 3 months.

“I took a three-month course of treatment with epigallate and indinol for excessively heavy menstruation. A diagnosis of endometriosis and fibrocystic mastopathy was made. The course of treatment with these two drugs really helped me, and the effect of the treatment lasted for about a year.

“When I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids, I fell into a terrible panic. I began to intensively study treatment methods on the Internet, including traditional ones. I even wanted to try leeches on myself. But my sister intervened in time, many thanks to her for this. Together with her, we went to a private clinic, where I was prescribed treatment with indinol forte and epigallate.

A little higher, I have already calculated the monthly costs of purchasing Indinol. At the same time, doctors prescribe this drug in combination with other medications, as a result of which the course of treatment can cost you many times more. Do you have similar amounts? If yes, then I am sincerely happy for you. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I don’t have that kind of money. Moreover, the thought is always spinning in my head that the effectiveness of Indinol has not been proven, and there is also the possibility that this supplement is not suitable for me.

“I was diagnosed with adenomyosis, uterine fibroids. I have been taking epigallate and indinol as prescribed for two months now. The menstrual cycle fluctuates: the first month the cycle was 25 days, the second – 27 (previously it was more or less stable 28 days). I have never had abdominal pain during menstruation, but now it feels like a bit of a pain. And the discharge has now become more abundant, even with clots, this is generally wild for me. After my period I’ll go to the doctor.”

Drug interactions

Indinol is available in capsules of 300 mg and tablets of 416 mg for oral administration.

Each capsule and tablet of the drug contains at least 90 mg of cruciferous plant extract - indole-3-carbinol.

Auxiliary components of Indinol are starch, lactose, magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose. The drug does not contain GMOs.

Capsules and tablets are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces or in polymer jars of 60, 90 or 120 pieces; There are 3 blisters in a cardboard box. Packaging of a polymer can in a consumer pack is also allowed.

Indinol Forto is available in the form of smooth, oblong, white capsules without a specific odor.

The drug is packaged in blisters and then in a box made of thick paper. Each package contains 60 capsules, the average cost of which is 2,695 rubles.

Indolecarbinol, which is the active substance of Indinol Forto, is not recommended for simultaneous use with drugs of the following pharmacological groups:

  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • hypoglycemic and antiarrhythmic drugs;
  • antiepileptic drugs;
  • preparations based on digitalis;
  • anticoagulants;
  • medications containing male or female sex hormones.

If a woman is taking at least one of the above drugs, then it is necessary to notify the attending physician who prescribed a course of therapy with Indinol Forto capsules.

Indolecarbinol affects cytochrome isoenzymes, so caution should be exercised when simultaneous use of drugs that are involved in metabolism with these substances. These include indirect anticoagulants, glucocorticosteroids, oral hypoglycemic, antiarrhythmic, and antiepileptic drugs. Dosage adjustments of digitalis and sex hormones may be required.

Indinol is available in the form of capsules, which are packaged in polymer jars. The jars, in turn, are placed in cardboard boxes. One package can contain 60 or 120 units of the drug.

Caution must be exercised when combining the supplement with medications whose metabolism involves cytochrome P450 isoenzymes. Dosage regimen changes may be required.

Indinol: instructions, price, reviews, analogues

“I have been taking epigallate + indinol for a month and a half. I can already note that my general condition has improved, I no longer feel pain in the ovaries. The only negative so far is the somewhat premature onset of menstruation (3 days earlier). The doctor prescribed me to take both drugs according to [information about the dose of the drug was deleted], a course lasting 4 months. The price, of course, is a bit high, but I hope it is justified by the effect.”

— 120 capsules — 2100 rubles (course of treatment — 1 month);

On the Internet, I read a huge number of laudatory reviews about Indinol and the same number of negative ones. I will give here links to two completely opposite ones:

Terms of sale and storage

The drug should be stored in a dry place, protected from the sun, where there is no access to direct sunlight and the ambient temperature does not exceed 25 ° C. Indinol Forto must be kept in a separate room where the medicine will not be accessible to children of all age groups.

Capsules should be stored securely protected from moisture and direct sunlight. The temperature at the storage location should not exceed 25°C.

The shelf life of the capsules is 2 years. Use of the additive after this period is prohibited.

Description of the drug


there is an effect of use, not a hormonal drug, no side effects

The capsule shell bears the inscription “Indinol”; capsules of an earlier release date do not have such an inscription. The drug is packaged in cardboard packs of 30 capsules each or in plastic bottles of 120 capsules in one such package.

We can say that everyone should try to maintain their health in any way available to them. If a dietary supplement has a positive effect on your body, then what else will you need? If supplements do not solve the problem, you can stop taking them and try an alternative solution.

When purchasing from the iHerb online store, each package of the product will cost you only $17 (about 550 rubles, depending on the dollar exchange rate), which is exactly 2 times less than the cost of Indinol and 5 times less than the cost of Indinol Forto.

April 20, 2011

It was not easy to stay the course throughout. At first, I constantly skipped one meal, then forgot the pills in another bag - in a word, I drank irregularly. But the pain subsided, quite strongly, even from irregular use, and menstruation returned to normal (before that I had an irregular cycle, the doctor also explained this as fibroids). To celebrate, I decided that I could stop stuffing myself with these medications and put the dietary supplements in a drawer. A week later the pain returned. My husband reacted unequivocally to this: he handed me a pack of medicines from the drawer in the kitchen and said that if I missed even one pill, he would go away. And even without his threats, I realized that I needed treatment urgently - I wanted to give birth, and I also read a lot of various forums - there girls wrote that if the disease starts, so many different things will need to be treated later - there will be no time for children! In general, I began to drink them with German precision.

I really wanted only one thing: for the knot to at least not increase in height - who wants to go under the knife?

Research results have shown that dietary indole contained in cruciferous vegetables can reduce the level of female sex hormones in the blood. Thus, when taking Indinol, reviews from those who have taken it show the effectiveness of its effect on the female body. The drug Indinol makes it possible to prevent the development of tumors from excessive amounts of hormones, and also regulates the menstrual cycle in case of too much estrogen production in the body in the case of premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, this drug is a good prophylactic that helps normalize the menstrual cycle.

“I took indinol with epigallate for 3 months to treat uterine fibroids. I took two capsules per day of each medication. The result pleasantly surprised not only me, but also my doctor.”

Angela, gynecologist

A drug called “Indinol Forto” from the same manufacturer is also produced, which contains 200 mg of indole-3-carbinol. This product is registered in the Russian Federation as a medicine, but it is not entirely clear on what this classification is based.

Over the past month, I have been simply tormented by flatulence, pain in the epigastric region, and terrible diarrhea. I try to eat right, especially lately; I don’t take any other medications now. In general, I have not identified any other reasons other than these two drugs. I had to stop taking these medications, since dealing with diarrhea is still fun. It’s just a pity that there’s still quite a lot of medicine left, and it’s not cheap.”

The raw materials for obtaining the main component of the herbal medicine Indinol, indinol-3-carbiol, were plants of the cruciferous family.

Each Indinol capsule contains 90 mg of active ingredient. Doctors prescribe to their patients 2 capsules twice a day for the prevention and treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, as well as for diseases of the genital area associated with the occurrence of the human papillomavirus.

“The administration of indinol in combination with epigallate gives quite good results in the treatment of pathologies such as mastopathy, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and many others. As a rule, patients tolerate these drugs quite well. Only some of them experience side effects in the form of gastrointestinal disorders, and some women gain weight. In general, these drugs, when used together, are much more effective than individually.”

The price of Indinol, in my opinion, in Russia is absolutely unjustified. How can you sell a drug that is considered a dietary supplement and whose effects have not been confirmed by scientific research at such exorbitant prices? Today, Indinol is sold in several versions:

The drug can cause side effects such as urticaria, nausea and spotting in the middle of the cycle, it is recommended to reduce the medication intake by 2 times.


Therefore, Indinol analogs of which are produced in many countries, gives good results in the prevention (including in case of relapses) of cervical cancer, since its development is mainly associated with the human papillomavirus. The instructions indicate the indications for use of the drug, these are: mastopathy, endometriosis, breast cancer, uterine fibroids, dysplasia and cervical cancer, ovarian cysts and human papillomavirus infection. Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor. It is recommended to take the drug for three months, 2 times a day, 2 capsules before meals. Indinol is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Use for menopause

Indinol forto is very popular among women for various reproductive disorders; this remedy has proven to be no less effective during menopause, having a multifaceted effect on the female body during a period of significant hormonal changes. Of course, you should not completely rely on the fact that thanks to the use of this dietary supplement it will be possible to completely destroy myomatous nodes or suppress the development of endometriosis, however, to ensure that the body, by increasing immunity, can begin to fight these diseases - this remedy is quite capable. A characteristic feature of Indinol is its ability to control the production of estrogen, preventing its level from exceeding. This is extremely important during menopause, as it serves as protection against the development of tumor processes in the uterus. In case of malignant tumors in the reproductive organs, this drug is used in conjunction with a course of chemotherapy.

Analogues of "Indinol": where to buy, price



quite expensive


Indoles are mostly found in cruciferous vegetables and every person should eat at least 900 grams of them daily. There are quite a few people who adhere to such recommendations. That is why manufacturers of dietary supplements began to actively market drugs containing indole-3-carbinol.

How I got to Indinol.

You can offset the shipping cost by using discount code JFM802.


Indinol Forto belongs to the pharmacological group of non-toxic drugs. The medication is taken orally, and the dissolution of the capsule with the release of the active substance occurs in the large intestine.

The constituent components of the drug penetrate the bloodstream, along with which they enter the tissues of the reproductive system and endocrine glands.

The final stage of metabolic breakdown of the drug components occurs in the liver. About 95% of the components of the drug are excreted by the kidneys along with urine. The remaining metabolites are eliminated from the body as part of the feces.

Instructions for use of "Indinol"

“The doctor prescribed me a course of treatment with epigallate and indinol for 6 months. I took 2 capsules twice a day to treat adenomyosis. During this time, the cycle became shorter and went astray. After finishing the course of treatment I had a severe sore throat. Perhaps it was she who provoked the bleeding. It all ended with glandular endometrial hyperplasia.”

"Indole-3-carbinol" can be bought in online stores in Russia, but the price will not differ from the cost of "Indinol" (on average about 1,300 rubles for 60 capsules).

If you've ever been interested in dietary supplements, you know that reviews about them range from enthusiastically positive opinions to negative ones. Why is this happening? The fact is that each person’s body is unique and different drugs and medicines act completely differently on each of us. For example, someone suffers from a terrible allergic reaction to antibiotics, while another takes them with or without reason, without feeling any discomfort. It’s the same with dietary supplements. Each of our bodies perceives nutritional supplements in a completely unique way. This is why dietary supplements do not receive the status of medicines - clinical trials do not lead to clear conclusions.

Take advantage of your undoubted right to inexpensive and high-quality products!

I decided to repeat the course of treatment again. In just a month, I gained about 6 kg of excess weight, plus heartburn appeared. I decided to slow down the treatment for now. But I would like to note that even after one month of treatment, my general condition has noticeably improved, and the manifestations of pathologies have decreased.”

The drug is not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance, as well as in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Indinol and epigallate are non-hormonal medications and biologically active additives (BAA). They are prescribed, as a rule, for the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the reproductive system in women. These drugs have antitumor, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

The Internet works wonders, and there is no point in arguing with it. Thanks to my perseverance, I found a product that suited me perfectly with its quality characteristics and, most importantly, price.

The drugs are popular among patients because they have a minimum of side effects, are easily tolerated, and most importantly, they are not hormonal drugs. These medications are intended for long-term use and may not be effective with short courses of treatment or insufficient dosages. Individual drug intolerance is quite rare.”


The dietary supplement Indinol contains indole-3-carbinol, which is the active ingredient.

There are a number of additional components presented in the supplement as auxiliary ones. Among them:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • lactose;
  • starch.

Indinol Forto (reviews from women are positive and indicate an excellent therapeutic effect that occurs after taking the drug) contains an active substance called indolecarbinol (with a concentration of 0.200 g in 1 dose). This biochemical compound provides the antiestrogenic and antitumor properties of the drug.

Auxiliary components of Indinol Forto are:

  • lactose monohydrate with a concentration of 0.140 g;
  • magnesium stearate with a mass fraction of the substance of 0.001 g;
  • corn starch (part of the capsule shell) in the amount of 0.095 g;
  • purified microcrystalline cellulose in the amount of 0.064 g.

Excipients ensure the preservation of the pharmacological properties of indole carbinol, and also contribute to its better absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

The main active ingredient of Indinol Forto is indole carbinol. Additional components in the drug include corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and lactose monohydrate. The dietary supplement is available in capsules with a dosage of 200 mg. One package contains 60, 90 or 120 capsules.

Capable of selectively acting on cells in the mammary glands that exhibit high activity. Leads to their death and prevents their rapid growth and proliferation. Indolecarbinol blocks estrogen-dependent cell stimulation and prevents the activation of other mechanisms responsible for the rapid growth of pathological cells.

Prevents the proliferation of blood vessels and the formation of venous networks. Prevents the development of neoplasms in breast tissue.

Indinol forte should be stored in a dry place, protected from sunlight. Out of reach of children and animals. The shelf life is indicated on the packaging and should not exceed 3 years.

Reviews from patients about the drugs Indinol and Epigallate

Three weeks later the doctor examined me and said that I was almost healthy. You need, they say, to drink them a little more for prevention - and everything will be fine. I nodded my head and took the course for another week just to be sure. The menstrual cycle has returned and there is no more pain. A week after the course ended, my husband and I resumed trying to make a baby.) Now I am already six months pregnant, everything is going well - we are expecting a boy, as we both wanted! In general, these tablets, although they are not medicine, save me from fibroids just like a charm! So I recommend it to everyone.)

Recurrent hyperplasia has disappeared, pain and engorgement of the mammary glands no longer bother me, my cycle has normalized, and the duration of menstruation has become 4 days instead of 10. My weight has not changed at all. Myoma growth has been stopped, adenomyosis is also present. Let's see how it goes."

This is what the packaging looks like, and the indications for use are written on it:

The cost of delivery of “Indole-3-carbinol” from Now Foods from the USA to Russia is from 4 to 12 dollars. In addition, you don’t have to buy just this product - the store has a huge selection of other nutritional supplements, products and cosmetics.


“I’ve been taking indinol and epigallate together for one month now. During this month I gained as much as 5 kg. The course of treatment was prescribed for 3 months, now I’m thinking: will I still gain weight as intensively or not, will I lose the extra pounds after treatment as easily as I gained. There have been no other side effects yet.”

True, I found information on the Internet that Indinol has been undergoing testing for several years, and the manufacturer plans to release a registered drug based on it. And quite recently such a medicine appeared: Indinol Forto.

The drug Indinol is used as prescribed by a doctor for diseases of the papilloma virus. diseases of the female reproductive system (fibroids, mastopathy, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis).


“I took indinol and epigallate for 5 months. True, the treatment also included duphaston for 10 days per cycle.

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I was diagnosed with fibroids 16 years ago during an ultrasound; the knot was not very large, about 25 mm. Of course, at first I was terribly upset, but this tumor did not interfere with my life, and I just regularly went to the doctor twice a year to be observed. The node was located in approximately one pore, and from time to time anti-inflammatory treatment was prescribed - for prevention, so to speak. For some reason, my doctor didn’t prescribe Indinol to me until now.


Indinol Forto (reviews from women confirm the positive properties of the drug) is a drug that has the ability to cause selective death of degenerated cells, which can form the basis of a cancerous tumor.

The active substance indolecarbinol has a modeling effect on the cytochrome system of the endocrine glands.

The process of formation of the cytochrome isoform occurs with further hydroxylation of estrogens in the second position and the production of 2-hydroxyestrone.

The metabolite, which is synthesized as a result of the above biochemical reaction, is an antagonist of the sex hormone receptor - estrogen. The activity of genes, the induction of which depends on the level of estrogen in the blood serum, is suppressed, and the tissues and cells of the female reproductive system are no longer stimulated by sex hormones.

A course of medication is indicated for the prevention and comprehensive fight against diseases caused by estrogen hyperactivity. Indinol also helps eliminate the feeling of pain in the glandular tissues of the breast in patients with mastodynia.

Reviews from patients and doctors about the joint use of the drugs Indinol and Epigallate

In any case, everyone decides whether to accept it or not on their own. If you do not have the opportunity to shell out that kind of money every month, consider possible analogues. At one time, one of them saved me from having to live on water for a month until my next paycheck.

"Indinol" as a dietary supplement is used to preserve healthy cells in body tissues and to normalize estrogen levels. According to the manufacturer, it is a universal remedy that corrects pathological processes in the reproductive organs of women.

And here is the authoritative opinion of the doctor, in which he calls the drug Indinol a unique remedy that recognizes cells with a “broken” gene program and starts the process of “suicide” of these cells. Those. the drug initially eliminates the cause of the disease and only then its symptoms.

For the treatment of mastopathy, Indinol is taken twice a day, two capsules for 6 months, for the prevention of the disease for 3 months, also two capsules twice a day.

When studying reviews among those taking Indinol, it is important to consider that in some cases its side effects are noted. Although the instructions for the drug indicate that it has no side effects, you need to know that dietary supplements do not undergo any clinical trials. Therefore, you need to be interested in the opinions of other patients. Many women indicate that taking the drug can contribute to weight gain. This is not at all surprising when the level of estrogen in the blood decreases. In addition, the duration of the egg maturation process may increase. Such exposure will create problems with conception. However, in any case, Indinol is a dietary supplement that is beneficial for the body.

There they told me that I could do without surgery, which I was terribly afraid of. After completing the course of treatment, the menstrual cycle normalized and the pain disappeared. Myoma, of course, hasn’t gone away, but it doesn’t remind me of itself at all.”

The second year after treatment was not as cloudless as the first, but still the condition was significantly better than before treatment. There were practically no side effects, with the exception of one, but significant one: I gained 10 kg of weight in just three months of treatment. Menstruation was regular, painless, moderate, I didn’t notice any clots.

I first heard about Indinol from my gynecologist two years ago. Then we discussed the treatment prescribed by the mammologist for fibrous mastopathy (Cyclodinone + a complex of vitamins with selenium), and my doctor said that “all of Moscow is now on Indinol”, that this substance, isolated from cruciferous vegetables, inhibits the development of tumors, and also I advised you to ask your doctor what he thinks about this. The mammologist said that for now the prescribed treatment was enough for me, and my heart calmed down.

I didn’t decide to try Esmiya, since I treat hormones with caution, but Indinol with the hitherto unknown Epigallate decided to try it anyway, although my husband (doctor) snorted loudly and claimed that dietary supplements were all bullshit, they had not undergone clinical trials.

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Features of the product

Indinol Forto, like its analogue in composition and spectrum of action - Epigallate, is a unique drug for the treatment of endometriosis. The active components of the drug help correct pathological processes of a hyperplastic nature that affect the organs of the reproductive system, uterine cavity, cervix, ovaries and appendages.

The medication is aimed at normalizing hormonal levels. It restores and regulates the correct and balanced process of production of the female hormone estrogen, excess concentration of which is the factor that most often provokes the development of the hormone-dependent disease endometriosis.

The uniqueness of the effect of Indinol is that its active components influence pathological processes independent of changes in the hormonal system, provoking the active spread and increase in the size of endometriotic lesions. The drug acts selectively on pathogenic cells without having any effect on the cellular structure of healthy soft structures.

The medicine is unique in that it has a positive effect not only on the organs of the reproductive system, but also normalizes the condition of the mammary glands, which, due to the development of pathology and hormonal imbalance, begin to enlarge and ache; pathological processes that are dangerous due to their complications can arise in them. If the active components of the product detect cells in the mammary glands that have a high probability of degeneration, they will destroy them, while healthy cells will not be affected.

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