Temperature during thrush - should it increase and why?

When unusual symptoms appear, people wonder if they may have a fever due to thrush. Fungal disease is not considered serious. Patients often ignore its first signs or try to get rid of them on their own without consulting a doctor. Although thrush causes many unpleasant sensations, few people know about its ability to cause serious complications.

Therefore, many continue to self-medicate, even when there are reasons for concern. Improper treatment often leads to the development of a chronic form of the disease and can cause its progression.

Temperature with thrush: causes and methods of reduction

The temperature during thrush may increase due to the inflammatory process developed against the background of infection, but not due to the disease itself. An increase in temperature is a signal that the disease has become severe. Properly organized treatment under the supervision of a specialist will stop the progress of the disease and eliminate the risk of recurrence of fungal infection.

First aid

How to improve your child's well-being

While waiting for a specialist, you can try to bring down the fever. The list of approved medications includes:

  • Cefekon (for children over 3 months);
  • Efferalgan (prescribed to babies who are already one month old);
  • Nurofen.

Important! In the first days of life, even healthy infants experience hyperthermia. You should resort to antipyretics only if the temperature with oral thrush lasts for a long period of time, bothers the baby, and greatly exceeds the critical level.

How to help an adult

We recommend using paracetamol-based medications: Ibuklin, Brustan. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated: Ibuprofen, Metamizole. No-Shpa is designed to eliminate stomach cramps.

When should you not hesitate?

  1. An infant or preschooler refuses to eat. The body temperature is elevated, the parents cannot identify the cause of the condition.
  2. Suspicion of yeast infection in a pregnant woman.
  3. If perineal itching and fever make themselves felt after unprotected sexual intercourse with an unreliable or new partner.

Sometimes with thrush there is a fever. However, hyperthermia can be caused by other factors not directly related to Candida fungi. Self-diagnosis and self-medication in this case are inappropriate, since already after 6-8 weeks from the onset of the disease it becomes chronic. Therefore, postponing a visit to a medical facility is inappropriate.

Is there a fever with thrush?

Thrush, a disease caused by yeast-like fungi Candida, should occur without a change in body temperature. These pathogenic microorganisms can colonize the genitals, intestines and oral cavity. An neglected condition can lead to complications, a weakening of the immune system, when various infections begin to penetrate the body, causing an increase in temperature.

The main clinical picture of thrush is not characterized by an increase in low-grade fever. In the initial phase, the fungal infection is localized - only the mucous membranes of the genital organs are affected. When the disease begins to progress, damage to internal organs occurs, as a result of which the body temperature rises.

Thrush and fever

To understand how candidiasis can cause fever, consider the case of a sore throat that is treated with antibiotics. To successfully combat the causative agent of the disease, a whole course of antibacterial drugs is required (from 5 to 7 days). During this time, not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial microflora die in the human body.

Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli inhabiting the body are responsible for controlling the progression of yeast microflora. The mucous membranes contain about 10% opportunistic organisms, the rest are beneficial. If a person takes antibacterial drugs, the composition of the microflora changes and the number of fungi increases. This leads to the development of thrush. The temperature in this case may appear against the background of general weakness of the body.

Thrush by itself does not cause an increase in body temperature. This symptom is characteristic of a complicated process, which is accompanied by inflammation of the internal organs.

If such changes appear in the body, you should not hesitate. Diagnosis of the cause and treatment must be carried out immediately. This helps prevent the development of irreversible damage to internal organs.

Why does the temperature rise with thrush?

An increase in temperature with thrush can be recorded in some cases, under the influence of certain factors:

  1. Progression of the disease. The temperature rises to 37 degrees, which indicates an inflammatory process in the body.
  2. Bacterial or viral infection. Against the background of a fungal infection, the body’s protective abilities are reduced, and the likelihood of other infections entering is increased. The temperature may rise to 39 degrees.
  3. Infection of the respiratory system. In advanced cases, there are cases of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the lungs and bronchi, which provokes the development of pneumonia and bronchitis.
  4. Damage to the urinary system. When Candida fungus enters the urethra, body temperature rises to 39 degrees.

With elevated subfebrile indicators, the fungal infection begins to become more active, since such conditions are favorable for its vital functions.

The temperature with candidiasis may increase when a patient with candidiasis:

  1. Constant stress;
  2. Menopause or pregnancy;
  3. Irregular menstrual cycle;
  4. Premenstrual cycle;
  5. Hypothermia or overheating;
  6. Chronic diseases of internal organs;
  7. Allergic reactions.

Differential diagnosis

In order to understand what exactly causes the increase in body temperature, the following changes with similar symptoms that could occur in the body should be excluded:

Rule out diseases with similar symptoms. For example, cystitis

  • Prolonged stressful situations.
  • Menopause or pregnancy.
  • Pre/post menstrual period.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, inflammation of the appendages/ovaries, sexually transmitted diseases).
  • Prolonged overheating of the body or exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Allergic processes in response to food consumption, climate change or unfavorable environment.

Due to the fact that body temperature can rise due to various factors, self-medication is unacceptable. Only a doctor can determine what kind of pathology in the body we are talking about and prescribe drug therapy, having previously eliminated the factors that provoke the disorder.

Temperature with candidiasis in a child

A child may develop thrush in the first days of his life. The cause of the disease is Candida fungi, which are present in the body of any person. Pathological proliferation of fungi occurs when immune mechanisms do not function. In newborn babies, the immunity is not yet strong; the child can become infected from a mother with candidiasis during childbirth, during feeding (when the child’s mother has mammary candidiasis). Premature babies and babies with a weakened immune system due to antibiotic treatment when teething are more susceptible to fungal infections.

The source of infection can be a dirty toy, a dirty pacifier, or an acidic environment in the child’s mouth.

The disease begins painlessly; after a few days, white dots appear in the baby’s mouth, gradually turning into a white coating. If left untreated, the plaque begins to turn gray or yellowish in color.

Candidiasis in a child can occur in mild, moderate and severe forms.

With proper treatment, the mild form goes away in 10 days. With moderate candidal stomatitis, the skin bleeds under a white coating, and the temperature rises to 37 degrees.

In severe cases, the body temperature rises to 38 degrees, the coating on the tongue becomes dense, the infection spreads to the walls of the pharynx and is difficult to treat.

An increase in temperature due to thrush in children is recorded in an advanced state of the disease, when the following are infected:

  • internal organs;
  • genitals;
  • genitourinary organs;
  • respiratory system.

General symptoms

Candidiasis is a disease characterized by the development of a fungus and, accordingly, refers to an infectious process. If the therapeutic effect on the fungus does not begin in a timely manner, then the symptoms of the pathology, including an increase in temperature, begin to complement the general signs of the disease.

Quite often, based on the first symptoms, thrush is mistaken for other pathologies of a viral or infectious type. In order to correctly establish a diagnosis, the patient needs to visit a specialist and undergo a medical examination.

Quite often, with candidiasis, only general symptoms are observed:

  • itching in the affected area (mucous membranes and skin);
  • discharge from the genitals;
  • pain in the lower back and epigastric region (with damage to internal organs);
  • the formation of plaque of various types in the affected areas;
  • the formation of ulcers and bleeding microcracks under plaque;
  • pain during sexual intercourse.

Since other signs are individual and depend on where the fungus is localized, many patients have the question of whether there can be a fever with thrush.

There is no clear answer to this question. Fever may occur in young children who suffer from a fungal infection during infancy. The cause of this pathological condition is the weakening of the entire body under the influence of inflammation. In adults, such signs are extremely rare.

Temperature in women and men

If a patient with thrush develops a fever, this means that an inflammatory process is developing in the body. Under the influence of various factors, fungal colonies begin to grow rapidly and lead to complications. The condition worsens when:

  • change of sexual partners;
  • failure to comply with hygiene standards.

The temperature with thrush in women can increase due to a number of painful conditions:

  1. Prolonged stress state;
  2. Menopause or pregnancy period;
  3. Postmenopausal period;
  4. Venereal diseases;
  5. Problems with the urinary system: inflammation of the ovaries, cystitis, inflammatory processes of the appendages;
  6. Prolonged exposure to the sun;
  7. Abrupt climate change;
  8. Allergic reactions caused by food, cosmetics, industrial and environmental conditions.

Basal temperature can increase in pregnant women due to hormonal background and this is considered normal.

In men, thrush is mostly asymptomatic, and therefore the stronger sex seeks medical help when the disease has already reached a severe stage. An increase in temperature is observed with the appearance of inflammatory processes. The complicated form of thrush in men has different symptoms, depending on which organs are affected by the fungal infection. The initial sign of complications of thrush is fever, increased temperature. If you observe a change in low-grade fever, you should urgently consult a specialist.


With candidiasis, fever and an increase in the temperature of the body in most cases are signs of the development of complications or another disease that is provoked by an infectious process. In addition to this symptom, the patient’s condition may be aggravated by painful urination, gastrointestinal dysfunction, etc. concomitant pathologies may also not be associated with fungal spread.

The yeast fungus Candida is present in the body of every person, but only under the influence of a number of factors can the infection be activated. As a rule, this is a weakening of the immune system. Moreover, the pathology develops more often in females than in males. This is due to the distinctive hormonal background.

An increase in temperature with candidiasis is often the result of a number of reasons:

  • constant stress;
  • menopause or pregnancy;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • premenstrual period;
  • inflammation of the internal genital organs and urinary system;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • allergic reaction.

Even on the basis of possible causes and existing symptoms, it is impossible to make a diagnosis and self-medicate. Treatment with antibiotics can only provoke an exacerbation. You should also pay attention to the list of contraindications and side effects for the drug used to treat thrush.

In certain cases, a rise in temperature in a patient with candidiasis may not be associated with this disease. This symptom is often a sign of completely different diseases that do not have a common clinical picture with fungal infection. In such cases, it is not recommended to pay attention to the manifestation of other signs that differ from the symptoms of Candida. You should also not take any medications until a diagnosis is made.

At what temperature does Candida fungus die?

The Candida fungus is able to tolerate unfavorable conditions and can easily adapt to a new environment. These pathogenic microorganisms multiply at temperatures from 21 to 37 degrees. Outside the body they remain viable. When the temperature rises, the fungus does not die, but only slows down the reproduction process. When the temperature drops, spore division continues. Candida fungi die only at a temperature of 60 degrees, which is why the underwear of people affected by a fungal infection should be boiled and then ironed with a warm iron.

How to reduce the temperature?

If you have thrush, the elevated temperature should be reduced with medications prescribed by your doctor to avoid exacerbation of the condition, since some antibiotics stimulate the proliferation of fungi. The temperature should be reduced if the mark on the mercury column reaches 39 degrees. It is correct to take the following measures:

  1. Go to bed in a well-ventilated room;
  2. If a child’s temperature is elevated, he should be kept from active actions;
  3. Drink more fluid. Fruit drinks, green tea, homemade compotes are useful;
  4. Do rubbing with a mixture of vinegar and water (1:1);
  5. Take antipyretic medications.

To bring down the temperature, medications are prescribed, the active ingredients of which are Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Paracetamol, Nimesulide.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the following examinations are carried out:

  1. Examination on a gynecological chair using colposcopy (women);
  2. Examination of a smear from the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina;
  3. Bacterial culture of a smear;
  4. Determination of the susceptibility of Candida fungi to antimycotic drugs;
  5. Determination of blood sugar levels;
  6. Gastrointestinal examination.

After confirming the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed including antifungal drugs and agents (suppositories, vaginal tablets, creams). In case of complicated candidiasis, systemic antifungal medications are used. Effective drugs for the treatment of thrush are:

In some complicated cases, complex treatment is prescribed in order to eliminate the developed pathology against the background of a fungal infection. Inflammation of the reproductive and urinary system may require therapeutic treatment for about 6 months.

An individual approach is required by expectant mothers carrying a child, since treatment of pregnant women should be carried out with extreme caution.

It should be remembered that temperature with thrush is not a sign of the fungal infection itself, but only signals complications and the development of concomitant diseases.

What to do to alleviate the condition

Having determined whether the temperature may rise with thrush, you should not go to extremes. Usually the increase is insignificant and does not reach above 37.5 C°. It is recommended to use special medications and procedures only in cases where the fever exceeds 39 C°. For fever caused by candidiasis, you should:

  1. Remove warm clothes and remove the blanket so as not to cause overheating;
  2. Do not take active actions, refrain from physical activity as much as possible;
  3. Ventilate the room and keep it slightly cool;
  4. Drink plenty of sweetened warm liquids;
  5. Take antipyretic medications.

To eliminate fever, medications based on aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc. are used. If a child gets sick and has a fever, parents should not give any medications on their own. In case of extreme heat and thrush, we can talk about the child’s critical condition. You must immediately call an ambulance or your treating pediatrician. Until the doctor arrives, the child must be undressed, given fluids and kept calm. Unlike drinks for adults, drinking liquid for children with candidiasis should not contain sugar at all. Sweetened drinks will provoke a change in the flora of the oral cavity to become acidic, this will only increase the rate of fungal reproduction.

Can there be a fever with thrush?

Thrush is a disease caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, or more precisely, fungi of the species Candida albicans.

These microorganisms live on the mucous membranes of the vagina, vulva, and they can also be found on the mucous membranes of the mouth and intestines. So they live in the human body and have high enzymatic activity and produce endotoxin.

And if such favorable conditions arise for them as: a decrease in the body’s immune forces, diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, or a woman was treated with antibiotics, glucocorticoids, cytostatics, or maybe she wore tight clothes or her favorite skinny jeans for a longer time, and these mushrooms began to actively grow and multiply.

Symptoms and signs of thrush

If fungi of the genus Candida multiply in the body, and at the same time release their waste products, then the woman begins to experience such unpleasant symptoms as: itching in the vagina and vulva, which can intensify at night, or with long walking and during menstruation; as well as burning and curd-like discharge, all accompanied by an unpleasant sour odor.

And the woman begins to suffer: she sleeps poorly, or maybe doesn’t sleep at all, and besides, the husband suffers, because the wife does not fulfill her marital duty due to severe itching and burning in the genitals; and there may also be a problem with urination.

Such pronounced symptoms, characteristic of acute vulvovaginal candidiasis, which we used to call the “warm” word thrush, are observed in 40-45% of our fair half of humanity!

However! It’s not always such torment! Fungi of the genus Candida can live in a woman’s body and not manifest itself with such terrible and debilitating symptoms that we listed above.

This condition of asymptomatic fungi living in the body is called candidiasis. It can occur in 10-20% of women.

Now, this “holiday” for mushrooms will be called recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis, but for a woman it will manifest itself as increased symptoms, and also the addition of dryness in the vagina, intense itching, up to severe scratching, atrophy and roughening of the skin of the genital organs. And such an “interesting” condition is observed in 10-15% of women.

Symptoms of thrush

With various infectious diseases, the temperature may rise, but with thrush the main symptoms are other signs. This is a white vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor and a cheesy consistency. It is because of the similarity in appearance with dairy products that the disease began to be called thrush among the people. When the disease occurs, the patient may experience itching, redness of the affected area, burning and pain. The most severe itching in women occurs when you sit on a chair and cross your legs. The discharge increases after a bath, during sexual intercourse and at night. Painful sensations are possible during sexual intercourse and washing.

The listed symptoms are not always pronounced with candidiasis. At first, they may not appear at all, then one at a time until the disease begins to actively progress. If the temperature begins to rise during thrush, this signals the presence of another infection or disease. This means that you first need to cure the underlying disease, and then deal with candidiasis.

What's next?

And then our woman goes to the doctor, this is in the best scenario, if she doesn’t meet some friend along the way who will tell her how to treat thrush without visiting a doctor.

So, the doctor will prescribe an examination that will reveal who caused the “sleepless nights” and the unpleasant sour smell. They will take an analysis by collecting vaginal discharge in order to detect yeast-like fungi in it.

Well, when it is confirmed that Candida is the cause of all the torment, he will diagnose vulvovaginal candidiasis, popularly called thrush, and prescribe treatment!

What will the doctor prescribe?

System tools:

  • Fluconazole, 150 mg, once orally;
  • Itraconazole, 200 mg, orally once a day, 3 days.

Local remedies:

  • Nystatin suppositories (vaginal or rectal) 1 suppository 2 times a day, 10-14 days;
  • Sertaconazole (Zalain) suppositories vaginally once, if symptoms persist, repeat after 7 days;
  • vaginal tablets Clotrimazole 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 days, or 1 tablet 1 time a day for 6 days.

Oral medications are not prescribed during pregnancy. Up to 12 weeks of pregnancy and during lactation during breastfeeding, natamycin is used, 1 suppository for 6 days.

After 12 weeks, intravaginal use of itraconazole, clotrimazole, ketaconazole, sertaconazole, tioconazole, ciclopirox, econazole is possible with caution.

These include:

  • probiotics (bifidumbacterin);
  • prebiotics (carrot powder, fructooligosaccharides);
  • eubiotics (Gynoflor E);
  • fermented milk products from the Activia line.

Increased body temperature

Well, what about the temperature, you ask.

Firstly, what is an increase in body temperature?

An increase in body temperature is the activation of the body’s defenses against waste products, toxins of various viruses and bacteria that enter the body.

The body tries to fight the “enemy” by raising body temperature, releasing protective substances to kill the “foreign” microorganism, creating unbearable conditions for it, increasing the temperature. Therefore, there is no need to reduce body temperature to 38.0 C.

But, at the same time, a person feels weakness, aches throughout the body, heat or, conversely, chills, loss of appetite, in general, general malaise, all this is aimed at protecting the body from foreign microorganisms.

By itself, thrush does not cause a rise in body temperature!

A woman may have an increase in body temperature when:

  • development of inflammatory diseases of internal organs;
  • before and after menstruation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • urinary tract diseases;
  • pregnancy and menopause and many others;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun.

A rise in body temperature can occur when thrush accompanies any inflammatory process in the body (cystitis, urethritis).

Fungi of the genus Candida, having a high adhesive ability, easily penetrate deep into organs and tissues, affecting the lungs and bronchi, and other organs, and, accordingly, there may be a rise in body temperature associated with these complications.

Therefore, when the body temperature rises and there are symptoms of thrush, it is necessary to differentiate, that is, to exclude viral infections, bacterial, protozoal, dermatoses, and allergic reactions. A combination of vulvovaginal candidiasis with these diseases is possible.

Fever in different types of illness

Affects the reproductive system. Accompanied by itching and burning in the area of ​​the affected external genitalia. Provokes narrowing and dryness of the vagina. Reduces the quality of intimate life: pain is observed during intercourse.

Important information! Representatives of the stronger half of humanity are less prone to thrush. However, it will not be possible to avoid infection if the pathology is diagnosed in a sexual partner. At the same time, you should not shift responsibility for the condition to the woman. The growth of yeast fungi of the genus Candida can even provoke mental stress.

Characteristic manifestations of the disease in men:

  • redness of the foreskin;
  • erythema of the head;
  • discomfort during ejaculation or sexual intercourse;
  • the presence of atypical inclusions in the urine;
  • whitish coating on the genitals;
  • erosion;
  • itching

If we are talking about a typical form of the disease, then the temperature with thrush in women and men does not change. Are symptoms of thrush and fever present at the same time? We can say that several pathological processes occur in the body at once.

Attention! Syphilis, chlamydia, herpes cause fever and can masquerade as genital candidiasis. Approximately 70% of people infected with HIV suffer from fungal yeast infections.

It looks like a whitish coating on the tongue, ulcers. Affects the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx. Able to transfer to lips. In severe cases, it provokes swelling of the lymph nodes.

With stomatitis, it is easy to answer whether there is a fever with thrush. Yes. Moreover, sometimes it reaches critical levels that are life-threatening.

The risk group includes children under one year old and elderly people. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics, birth control pills, and wearing removable dentures can trigger the onset of the disease.

Characterized by rashes. The formations become wet and have a bubble shape. Sometimes they look like psoriasiform plaques. The edges of the affected areas are clearly defined. The top layer of their skin gradually acquires a glossy tint. After the film is removed, erosion occurs.

The disease progresses dynamically. Papules tend to grow and unite. Children suffer from the disease worse, since their skin is less dense.

Possible localization:

  • folds of skin;
  • interdigital space;
  • armpit;
  • inner thigh;
  • head (the part where hair grows);
  • face (chin, cheeks).

Is temperature typical for such thrush? Medicine refutes the connection between dermatomycosis and fever. Local increase - changes affect only the areas of the dermis affected by the fungus - is observed extremely rarely.

Pathology affects internal organs. The gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and genitourinary systems are most often attacked.

The main signs of the development of the disease:

  • weakness;
  • migraine;
  • loss of appetite;
  • rashes;
  • profuse sweating;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • memory impairment;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the affected organs (problems with stool, shortness of breath, mucus in stool or urine, flakes in stool, frequent urination).

Manifestations that are relatively less common:

  • convulsions;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • impaired potency or unexplained increase in libido;
  • cough;
  • vomit;
  • spasms.

High temperature with candidiasis of this type is observed in almost all patients, regardless of the location of the disease.

Thrush in men

As for men, they can also have thrush.

Treatment of the partner, in the absence of symptoms, is not required.

However! If balanitis and/or balanoposthitis develops, local antimycotic drugs are prescribed in the form of Fluconazole cream or tablets 150 mg orally once. At the same time, the body temperature remains normal!

If complications arise and the infection spreads to the organs of the urinary system, accompanied by a rise in body temperature.

Pregnant women occupy a special place! After all, they experience a rise in body temperature associated with a physiological state, that is, pregnancy, therefore, if symptoms of thrush appear, it is necessary to undergo an examination to identify the causative agent.

Can there be a fever with thrush?

When a woman begins to show symptoms of thrush, her body begins to suffer from a number of unpleasant sensations. Often everyone knows that discharge from the perineum, smell and everything else are indicators of the onset of candidiasis.

However, not always discharge and many other similar symptoms begin precisely because of thrush, or it can simply become a concomitant disease with another ailment. Against the backdrop of all the most well-known symptoms, for some it is not completely clear whether there could be a temperature with thrush as one of the signs of the development of a fungus?

What to do at a high temperature during thrush

If low-grade fever has increased due to candidiasis, then it is not recommended to lower the temperature with pharmaceutical drugs until the level reaches 38 degrees. First of all, you should contact your doctor, who will determine the symptoms of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

It is imperative to adjust your diet. It is important to exclude sweet and yeast-containing foods and provide the daily menu with food containing microelements and vitamins. Such measures help strengthen the body’s protective functions, which helps cope with infectious and viral diseases.

Please note that the temperature may rise in response to medications used against thrush. That is why it is recommended to inform your doctor about the prescription of all medications used for treatment.

If primary allergic symptoms appear, therapy should also be discontinued. In this case, you must consult a doctor to prescribe another medicine.

Medical experts tirelessly warn about the dangers of self-medication. At first glance, thrush seems to be a harmless disease that can be cured, as the advertisement claims, by drinking just one tablet. An unprofessional approach to therapy can provoke the development of complications. You should also be wary of the transition of candidiasis to a chronic form. Do not neglect consulting a specialist, and use folk remedies only to alleviate the condition, and not for primary therapy.

Can a fever be caused by thrush? This question should be asked to your doctor. Each person is individual. The body can behave differently in a given situation. Doctors advise you to understand one thing for yourself - if you notice the primary symptoms of a particular disease, then you do not need to waste time, but go to the doctor in time to get advice and prescribe drug therapy.

Main symptoms of candidiasis

Some of the most common symptoms of thrush often include:

  • Itching, which, among other things, can intensify when walking, menstruation and before bedtime;
  • Discharge that has a sour odor;
  • Redness of the mucous membrane affected by the fungus;
  • Burning and pain during urination;
  • Ulcers and more.

However, the body can also increase body temperature, since temperature affects the scenario for the development of the disease. If we consider this symptom specifically, there may be many reasons for its occurrence, because often with candidiasis such manifestations are not noticed.

Reasons for rising temperature

Very often, experts note that if the first symptoms of thrush appear, but the temperature also rises, it means that there is another disease in the body that accompanies candidiasis. Often it begins to rise at the time of exacerbation of the disease, but these levels are not so high that the female body can completely fail. Marks of 37 - 37.5 degrees are the most common indicators.

Be that as it may, a number of reasons have already been identified that accompany the increase in temperature precisely at the time of the transfer of thrush:

  • Inflammation of the kidneys or ovaries;
  • Menopause;
  • Constant or frequent stress;
  • There is a possibility of fever during pregnancy;
  • Any concomitant diseases of the genitourinary systems;
  • Allergy.

It is imperative to remember that the temperature during candidiasis often rises only when the body experiences complications. These can be parallel developing diseases, prolonged treatment, active development of thrush and much more, which is why it is necessary to quickly undertake professional restoration of the body, supervised by doctors, and not independent attempts to correct the situation.

Does candidiasis always cause fever?

Raising the temperature with candidiasis is the exception rather than the rule. There are certain moments when the disease may be accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, but only up to 37-37.5.

This situation suggests that certain processes are occurring in the body that provoke minor inflammation. This could be simple hypothermia, stress, or an allergic reaction to a drug taken to treat thrush.

It cannot be said that the above symptom is the norm. More like a borderline state. You should immediately report this to your doctor.

It may only be necessary to replace the drug used in the treatment of the disease. But in some cases, a revision of the entire treatment protocol and the prescription of other medications that affect the associated pathology are required.

One thing is certain: thrush is not a simple disease. By itself it does not give a temperature. But even without this, it is necessary to carefully treat in order to avoid chronicity of the process and the occurrence of complications.

Thrush is a fungal disease that can affect the mucous membranes of a person, regardless of age and gender. The causative agent of the disease is yeast-like fungi of the Candida species, which is where the name Candidiasis comes from. Every person has this fungus in a healthy body, but not every person develops thrush.

In order for fungi to actively multiply, causing discomfort, they need a favorable environment. Most often, candidiasis begins against the background of reduced immunity, microflora disturbances, stress, long-term use of antibiotics, etc.

Infections associated with thrush

It is extremely unlikely that thrush, as such, will cause a rise in temperature, because thrush, showing standard symptoms for it, complements this whole picture with an increase in temperature if it is accompanied by a certain number of diseases.

Among them we can highlight:

  • Dermatoses;
  • Protozoal infections (they are caused by the appearance of protozoa in the body);
  • Many bacterial infections;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Viral infections;
  • Venereal diseases.

That is why, if symptoms of thrush appear, and the woman still feels weak and has a fever, this phenomenon should be a signal to urgently consult a doctor, since the situation may turn out to be much more serious than just the development of candidiasis alone.

Who to contact

Vaginal candidiasis is diagnosed and treated by gynecologists, less often by clinical venereologists. For skin rashes and scaly plaques, consultation with a dermatologist is appropriate. Seizures and plaque on the tongue are a reason to consult a dentist or periodontist. Men should make an appointment with a urologist. The child must be shown to a local doctor.

Note! The married couple should abstain from intimacy for the entire period of therapy, regardless of whether signs of the disease are observed in both partners or only in one.

Treatment process

Having figured out whether there is a fever with thrush, one can draw only one conclusion - it happens, but only in the case that this disease develops in conjunction with some other, possibly hidden, illness. If the temperature begins to rise, then you should consult a doctor to determine a complete list of current diseases, as well as their further treatment. A comprehensive range of actions to combat the disease is being carried out.

To do this, experts use:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Doctors select antibiotics that are suitable for a particular case, thanks to which they can restore inflamed areas, remove swelling, and also lower the temperature. But there is one peculiarity here - the temperature drops if its root cause was, after all, candidiasis, without concomitant serious diseases. If this is not the case, then you should not expect it to decrease;
  • Local preparations (antifungals), in the form of ointments and gels. This is an essential part of treatment, which will help defeat the manifestations of thrush where it is most pronounced. Itching and finally getting rid of burning and other unpleasant sensations can be eliminated with the help of such medications;
  • Fever-reducing medications. This is already an extreme move, because women’s bodies are different, so their reaction to treatment can also be different. If antibiotics and antifungal drugs were unable to lower the temperature quickly, then antipyretics may well be used in combination with them.

Of course, an illness that gives such an unpleasant effect with an increase in temperature is also treated without fail, otherwise in the future, against its background, as well as against the background of an organism weakened by a long-term illness, candidiasis may appear again and again.

If the combination of drugs used does not give the desired effect, another series of drugs can be used.


With the development of thrush, which has not spread throughout the body, the temperature remains normal. If there is an increase in it, then the inflammatory process has definitely begun to progress. The most common complication of candidiasis in men and women is urethritis or cystitis. The most dangerous consequence of the pathological condition is inflammation of the reproductive organs in women, as this can lead to problems conceiving a child.

In case of complications, therapy takes much longer and can subsequently cause frequent relapses. This is due to the fact that at elevated temperatures it is necessary to eliminate not only the infection itself, but also the consequences of its damage. Inflammation of the reproductive and urinary system may require therapeutic intervention from several weeks to six months.

Women carrying a child require an individual approach. This is due to the fact that in many expectant mothers the natural fungus is activated and under its influence the basal temperature rises. In addition, treatment of pregnant women for fungus can only be performed with the permission of a doctor.

An increase in temperature during thrush, as a rule, is not a sign of the disease itself, but only signals the presence of complications or the progression of concomitant pathology.


There is absolutely nothing complicated in taking preventive actions that will help you avoid future health problems. They can be used by any woman:

  • Adjusting nutrition through consultation with a doctor;
  • Hygiene support;
  • Support of immunity at a good level;
  • More frequent comprehensive examinations by doctors;
  • A new approach to selecting underwear can also be used;
  • Elimination of bad habits;
  • If the disease has arrived, then it must be treated until the end, and not until the symptoms disappear.

Thanks to a reasonable approach to treatment, as well as a careful attitude towards your own body, you will be able to rid yourself not only of thrush, but also of other diseases that can develop in parallel with it, adding to the most unpleasant symptoms an increase in body temperature.


https://mrgribok.ru/molochnitsa/temperatura-pri-molochnitse.html https://molochnica.online/priznaki/temperatura https://bezgribka.com/molochnica-i-kandidoz/mozhet-li-byt-temperatura- pri-molochnice.html

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