We save ourselves from sweat with the help of special pads

Sweating is a problem that affects not only men but also women today. It occurs due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands. It can be eliminated not only with the help of modern means, but also with the use of special gaskets (armpit liner). They appeared on the market quite recently, but have already gained popularity. At first glance, these simple products can solve the problems of sweat stains and white spots on clothes caused by deodorant.

Underarm pads - what are they?

Underarm pads are thin liners that are attached to clothing in the armpit area. They are well fixed to the fabric, and the absorbent part fits tightly to the skin. Thanks to the anatomical shape of the insert, you no longer need to limit your movements. Let's look at the main characteristics of sweat pads.

What types of sweat pads are there?

Underarm sweat pads are easy to use and very effective. They are used to get rid of sweat, odor and stains on clothes. The following types of armpits can be found on sale:

  • disposable;
  • for repeated use;
  • self-adhesive;
  • washable.

Cotton is mainly used to make sweat pads. It is considered a hygienic hypoallergenic material. Quite often, the inserts are impregnated with an aromatic substance. In addition to the type, this product is bottled according to color, there are liners:

  • white;
  • black;
  • beige (flesh).

The sizes also come in different sizes: small, medium and large. The armpits have two types of attachment to clothing or to the skin.

What's inside an underarm pad?

Underarm sweat pads are a fairly “young” product on our market, although sewn-on fabric pads have been widely used in our country for decades, which, after being “filled,” were sewn and washed. Progress has moved further and disposable inserts have appeared on the market, which are attached like a sticker to fabric. Underarm sweat pads consist of the following layers:

  • the bottom one is paper with an adhesive layer on the bottom;
  • in the middle there is water-repellent fiber on the paper, on top there is a layer that absorbs moisture;
  • The upper part of the liner is a non-woven, fleecy material.

Making gaskets with your own hands

It is not always possible to buy sweat pads for armpits in a store or pharmacy. In this case, you can do them yourself at home, because the smell of sweat is a pressing problem for most people. The issue becomes especially acute during the hot season. On a hot and stuffy day, there is not a person who does not suffer from excessive sweating.

The main purpose of hygiene liners is to reliably protect clothing from excessive sweat, so that a person always feels comfortable, confident and dry. Therefore, knowledge of how to make armpit pads with your own hands will be useful to many:

  1. First way . In order to protect clothes from moisture, white streaks and unpleasant odors, you can simply use a regular daily sanitary pad. To do this, you need to bend it in half and fix it on your clothes.
  2. Second way . You need to buy a disposable diaper. Then take a sheet of cardboard and draw a crescent-shaped blank on it. The average standard of the product is 14 cm in length and 7 cm in width. But before you start making armpit pads with your own hands, it is recommended to decide on the size individually. Using a cardboard blank, you need to cut out two parts. One more piece, but of a smaller size, should be made from a thin sanitary panty liner. It should be placed between the two main parts and carefully hemmed. The first underarm pad is ready. Then you need to make a second one according to the same scheme. It is recommended to use double-sided tape to secure the product to clothing. If the fabric is thick, you can carefully hem the overlay onto a shirt or dress.

DIY sweat pads for your armpits can be sprinkled with a mixture of baking soda and starch. To prevent an unpleasant odor, it is recommended to add one drop of your favorite essential oil. After this, the product can be used for its intended purpose.

It should be remembered that home-made underarm pads will help improve the condition of a person who sweats heavily, but only a factory-made product has the ability to absorb sweat abundantly.

For whom underarm pads will be a salvation?

Underarm sweat pads are recommended for use if a person suffers from excessive sweating. Quite often, this symptom appears when:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • stress;
  • physical activity;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland.

The inserts are completely safe, so their use has no age or gender restrictions. Sweat pads will be a salvation for pregnant and nursing mothers, as these conditions have many restrictions and contraindications. Inserts for teenagers will also “help out”, since during adolescence they experience a hormonal imbalance, which is accompanied by increased sweating.

When are earbuds needed?

No matter what products people use to fight sweat, sometimes you just need to soak it up.

Underarm pads are indicated in the following cases:

  • for hyperhidrosis - inserts improve the quality of life both when used independently and in combination with other means;
  • if you are allergic to deodorants, the absorbent surface of the liners is hypoallergenic, as it is made only from natural materials;
  • during puberty of adolescents;
  • in hot weather;
  • while playing sports;

    Hyperhidrosis contributes to loss of self-confidence

  • during long trips;
  • for important events associated with anxiety - for example, exams or conferences;
  • so as not to spoil clothes that cannot be washed - for example, fancy dress costumes, especially rented ones, evening dresses, expensive designer outfits for fashion shows.

In addition to the listed cases, sweat pads are also worn in everyday life: they will extend the wearing time of any clothing, including outerwear, for which stains are not as bad as an unpleasant odor.

Underarm sweat pads - instructions for use

The algorithm for using underarm sweat pads is as follows:

  1. Turn the item you plan to wear inside out.
  2. Place it on a flat, hard surface so that you can see the underarm seam.
  3. Remove the paper from the bottom of the gasket, releasing the adhesive part.
  4. Turn the sweat pad over so that the smaller part is on the sleeve, and the larger one “looks” in the opposite direction.
  5. Attach the gasket to the item and press it. Hold for 10 minutes so that it sticks well. It is better to carry out the gluing steps the first time, since the re-glued liner may not fix well and move when moving.
  6. After repeating the steps on the other side, the item can be put on.
  7. At the end of the day, remove the pad from clothing.

Tip: Sometimes, after removing the pad, a trace of glue remains on the clothing, so use tape to get rid of it. Glue the strip into place with glue and tear it off sharply.


  • Irina, 43 years old: “I have such a delicate problem as excessive sweating. But what worries me more is not the smell, but the moisture released. I have tried many deodorants, but they only eliminate the unpleasant odor. Then I was advised to buy anti-sweat pads. I used the company Stay Fresh. Products are presented in the shape of a shell. Thanks to its compact packaging, you can carry it in your cosmetic bag. Such pads have never failed me, I use them to this day.”
  • Anna, 24 years old: “I have been experiencing excessive sweating since I was 17 years old. What I haven’t tried: spray deodorant, dry, roll-on. I tried many manufacturers, but none of them gave me a positive result. I found a solution in disposable sweat pads. I attach them to my clothes and can walk around all day without worrying about wet armpits.”
  • Maryana, 34 years old: “I never thought that I would use sweat pads. This is a very convenient thing, thanks to which there are no sweat stains on clothes. Of course, they don’t get rid of the smell; for this I use my favorite deodorant. Thanks to a large assortment of inserts, I can choose those products that perfectly match the shape and color of my clothes. They are inexpensive, but the results are simply magnificent.”

Anti-sweat pads are popular products that have allowed people with excessive sweating to live a full life without worrying about wet armpits. Now you can look stunning and irresistible in any clothes and in any weather. Choose products that are optimally suited in shape, size and color. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the mask against acne marks in this material.

A short review of popular underarm sweat pads

The Finnish product “Helmi” is made from 100% cellulose, which perfectly absorbs secretions. The liner is hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types. Pack contains 6 pairs.

Domestic “Stop Agent” pads with silver ions, which help destroy pathogenic bacteria. Available in black and white, pack – 10 pairs.

The Chinese manufacturer offers anti-sweat pads “Magic Sweat”. Quite a budget product with good absorbency characteristics. The package contains 12 gaskets (6 pairs).

The Dutch company offers consumers “1-2 DRY” earbuds. They consist of natural fabrics and are available not only in white and black, but also have options for long and short sleeves.

“Pyrax” - the pad effectively absorbs moisture released during excessive sweating. The top layer of the product contains sheep wool, which contributes to better absorption of secretions. When used, the insert is attached with a special patch directly to the skin. The armpit is removed without problems or discomfort.


To meet consumer demands, manufacturers of armpit inserts offer many types for all occasions.

Gaskets are divided into:

  • by type of use - disposable and reusable;
  • by origin - factory and homemade;
  • by size - large, medium and small;

    Before purchasing, it is important to correctly determine the required size of gaskets

  • by type of fastening - adhesive to clothing, to the body or on straps;
  • by color - white, black or flesh-colored.

Helmi Stay Fresh earbuds

This Finnish brand is one of the most popular underarm inserts on the market, it has won the trust of consumers thanks to qualities such as softness, comfort, versatility and reliability. The composition of the products is natural , the shape is ergonomic, the adhesive layer does not leave marks on clothes after removal.

Connoisseurs of natural ingredients will love Finnish-made inserts

The aroma is fresh and unobtrusive. As a disadvantage, consumers often note that products of this brand are difficult to find on the open market. Indeed, Helmi Stay Fresh pads are rare in stores, but they are easy to find and buy online.

Magic sweat earbuds

Another Chinese product, good quality, budget-friendly, but not taking into account all user wishes. It does an excellent job of absorbing moisture, but many people note that the size of the liners is too large and their excessive density, due to which they stand out under clothing. The adhesive layer is not very reliable. This option is more suitable for outerwear and lined items.

Magic sweat underarm pads are not suitable for wearing with light clothing. The silver ions contained in these pads have an antibacterial effect

U-Dry earbuds

An environmentally friendly product from the UK, which also has many positive reviews. Inserts of this brand are suitable for both women and men, do not cause allergies, and are available in two sizes (L and M).

U-Dry pads may not be suitable for people sensitive to odor

The absorbent surface of the pad is white, which allows you to control the degree of its contamination, and the adhesive surface is flesh-colored, which makes it less noticeable under clothing. Users note only one drawback of these products: too strong aromatization.

How to use it correctly?

In order for the product to truly live up to your expectations and help you cope with an unpleasant problem, it is important to learn how to use it correctly. The inserts have two sides - soft and adhesive. If the product must be fixed on clothing, then the soft side will be in contact with the skin, and vice versa. The adhesive side is additionally protected by paper, which must be removed before use.

Each such axillary pad has a fold, which should be positioned clearly along the seam of the sleeve (in the armpit area). It is very important to smooth the liner well so that it sticks well. After use, the product must be disposed of. It is not recommended to re-stick it to clothing, as the adhesive properties will be lost.

If, to protect against increased sweating, you have chosen inserts that are fixed to the skin, you should first apply talc or powder to the armpit area for better adhesion.

Japanese earbuds

Compared to the products of the above-mentioned manufacturers, the inserts of the Japanese brand JEX “ASENE” stand out.

They are made from artificial silk and other synthetic materials, and at the same time their properties claim high absorption speed, reliable adhesion to clothing and antibacterial action.

Such products are no longer new to Japanese women.

The color of the gaskets is flesh-colored, thickness is less than 1 mm. Available in two versions: with a cooling or deodorizing effect in packs of 20 and 40 pcs.

They can be worn with or without sleeves. The disadvantage is the almost complete lack of reviews for these liners, which does not allow us to evaluate their true properties.

Where can I buy and how much do they cost?

You can buy underarm inserts at pharmacies or maternity stores, or order them online. You should choose the right option based on the brand of the product and the urgency of the purchase. Stay Fresh Helmi brand pads are extremely rare in regular pharmacies, but their price in online stores varies from 80 to 300 rubles. for 12 pcs.

The following brands are popular in city pharmacies:

  • U-Dry - 250-300 rub. for 14 pcs.;
  • 1-2 Dry - 450-500 rub. for 20 pcs.;
  • Stop Agent - 300-450 rubles. for 20 pcs.;
  • Minimax - 150-200 rubles. for 12 pcs.

Based on 1 gasket, Minimax products are the most affordable. The cost of a unit of the Japanese brand JEX “ASENE”, whose products can only be purchased on the Internet, is even cheaper - 540 rubles. for 40 pcs.

To save money on pads to help manage armpit sweat, your best bet is to use a popular co-purchase service. This will reduce the price of the product by 3-4 times. There will be a wait from ordering to receipt, but for a consumable such as disposable inserts, this is a smart choice.

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