Why do periods end in the evening and begin in the morning?

Some interesting facts

Whatever epithets were used to describe menstruation, in ancient times one can find such names as “pike”, “shirt”, “regula”, “guests”, but in the slang of modern ladies they simply call them “deeds”, “red day”, “holiday”, etc.

All sorts of phenomena and mystical facts are attributed to menstruation in different regions.

For example, in some countries it is believed that a woman at this time brings only troubles: her touch can destroy a garden, spoil food, and even rust iron.

And some believe that on “these” days a woman’s magical chakras open and she is even able to put out a fire, and to do this she just needs to walk around the fire three times.

In part, this is all explained by the special hormones that the woman’s body produces.

Several organs are responsible for the regularity of the menstrual cycle, primarily the pituitary gland, brain, ovaries and uterus.

Violation of even one link can lead to serious deviations.

Total information

Menstruation does not always coincide with the beginning of the next calendar month. Since the period during which it occurs can range from 20 to 35 days, a woman should not worry about the fact that her period did not start early. In the first couple of years, young girls may experience a shorter interval between menstruation, which subsequently evens out and lengthens.

Menstruation is the main component of the entire menstrual cycle, the first day of which is considered the first day of the onset of menstruation. If menstruation begins, this means that the egg that matures during the cycle remains unfertilized, and the woman’s body again begins to prepare for a possible pregnancy. This is precisely the main biological goal of the entire cyclic process. You should know that the menstrual cycle is formed long before the first menstruation, so pregnancy before their manifestation is a completely understandable phenomenon.

In addition to the genital organs, the menstrual cycle also involves the brain, in particular the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and the hormonal system.

The hypothalamus controls the level of hormones in the blood, affects temperature, weight, digestive system and psycho-emotional state. The pituitary gland, for its part, controls the ovaries through hormones: it stimulates the process of ovulation - the maturation and release of the egg from the ovaries.

Mostly, girls begin their first periods at the age of about 10-14 years. However, with a physiological lag in the development of the body and a genetic predisposition, the first menstruation may come much later. The last menstruation occurs between the ages of 45 and 60 years.

If your period started a week earlier, is there any cause for concern?

A woman should take her cycle very seriously and clearly know when her period is due. But very often there are cases when the frequency is violated, and this cannot but cause anxiety.

Everyone knows that if your period is late, you can assume pregnancy, but we will try to figure out what causes the appearance of periods earlier than the due date.

There are many reasons why “business” may start earlier. For some, this may be a physiological feature, but for many, this is a serious reason to see a doctor.

There are a number of reasons that are practically harmless; this, first of all, applies to an isolated case when menstruation came a week ahead of schedule.

But if such changes occur quite often and the cycle is less than three weeks, this may be the result of a dangerous disease.

Menstruation caught by surprise at sea

Of course, it is best not to plan a trip to the sea during your period, but menstruation does not always start on time and therefore can become the most unpleasant surprise. Therefore, you should clearly understand what to do during your period if you start having it during your vacation in the sea.

If you nevertheless decide that no menstruation can interfere with a full-fledged sea holiday, then you can breathe a sigh of relief, since you can choose tampons as a means of protection, which can be used while swimming in the water.

However, it is worth considering the fact that if a girl is a virgin and has not yet learned what sex life is, then as a means of protection it is worth choosing special tampons that are equipped with an applicator. During menstruation, such a tampon can be used. However, you should definitely ensure that its size is minimal or has a mark of two drops.

As for women who are sexually active, they may need such a thing as a special menstrual cup, which does not leak and is effectively used during a sea holiday. You can swim with it and it is reusable, which is also very convenient.

As for using a tampon, it is worth considering that it should be replaced strictly after each bath. This is very important, since this means of protection, in addition to menstrual fluid, is saturated with water, which can cause infectious inflammatory processes.

Salty sea water is a beneficial environment that stimulates the human immune system and helps fight many diseases, however, it is worth noting that this liquid can contain large amounts of dirt and other waste products. Consequently, as already mentioned, a tampon that is not replaced in time can become a source of pathogenic microorganisms inside a woman’s vagina. As for how to replace this protector, you can change it in a beach toilet or in a changing cabin.

To increase the level of hygiene, you should make sure that before going to the beach you have a bottle of clean water or special wet wipes with you. This is necessary so that after removing the used tampon during menstruation, you can rinse the external genitalia or wipe them with a damp sanitary napkin. This action is also aimed at making you feel as comfortable as possible if you have your period during a summer seaside holiday.

To prevent the appearance of menstruation from causing you discomfort during your summer holiday, you should take into account the rules for swimming during this period:

  • The swimming mode should not exceed fifteen minutes. This is necessary to maximally prevent sea water from entering a woman’s body during menstruation;
  • During the first three days of menstruation, it is necessary to limit yourself from intense solar ultraviolet radiation. This is due to the fact that during menstruation, melanin production does not occur as usual and the tan may lie unevenly on the surface of a woman’s skin. Consequently, you will tan either in spots, or be white in some places and burn in others. Sunbathing during menstruation is recommended either before 11.00 or after 16.00.

The main causes of cycle disruption

The problem of menstruation appearing earlier than expected should always be considered comprehensively. One of the main reasons for irregularity is the emotional state.

  1. Failure of the hormonal system . Such a deviation can only be identified by undergoing a specialized examination in a clinic. The main signals of such a violation will be heavy, prolonged discharge with large clots, if this has not happened before. Very often, hormonal imbalance occurs in adolescence, as well as during menopause in mature women. Another factor in hormonal imbalance is oral contraceptives.
  2. Infectious diseases . If your period comes early and is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen and back, then most likely an infection has taken root in your body. Any infection in the body can cause cycle changes. This could be a cold, a sexually transmitted disease acquired through unprotected sex, diseases of the pelvic organs and other diseases.
  3. Stress . When a person is under stress or experiences constant nervous tension, his nervous system has a dilating effect on the blood vessels, while the activity of the uterus increases and there are all the conditions for endometrial detachment. This can cause bleeding. As a rule, when the cause lies in a malfunction of the nervous system, the discharge will be accompanied by a number of other symptoms. For example, tearfulness, aggression, nausea, irritability, etc.
  4. A sharp change in the living climate . If you have changed your climate zone, and in some cases even just your place of residence, be prepared that your “red days” may come several days before the predicted date. As soon as your body gets used to the new living conditions, the cycle will return to its previous course.
  5. Diet . Strict diets and sudden weight changes in any direction can also change the usual course of menstruation. Therefore, you should monitor your diet very carefully, and if you decide to urgently lose weight, seek the help of a professional nutritionist.

We looked at the causes of menstrual irregularities that are most common these days.

Depending on the characteristics of the body, disorders can be caused by intense physical activity, bad habits, the use of certain medications, violations of the position of the intrauterine device, and much more.

Learn to listen to your body! And under no circumstances self-medicate. Any irregularity in your cycle is a reason to visit a doctor and take care of the most important thing - your health!

Our ancestors were constantly consumed by anxiety about the future. Wars, robbers, wild animals, pestilence and loss of livestock made life dangerous and unpredictable; Almost every new day threatened to be a turning point, to destroy or plunge into poverty. Therefore, they tried to interpret every somewhat significant event as a warning, tensely wondering: what is this for? What does it promise? “Critical days” also fell into the category of signs. The appearance of menstruation seemed too mysterious to the ancestors, so that they could attribute everything to a boring physiological feature of the female body.

Signs of menstruation

The approaching period can be determined not only by counting the days, but also when the following symptoms appear:

  1. Swelling of the breasts, as well as increased sensitivity. Painful sensations are also possible.
  2. Hair Growth. For some women, just before menstruation, hair in the armpits and groin area begins to grow faster than usual. However, most often this symptom is observed in young girls.
  3. Dry mouth.
  4. The appearance of acne. Skin rashes are most likely to occur in women under 35 years of age. After this age, acne and pimples practically disappear as a symptom.
  5. The occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen and disorders of the digestive system. These signs appear a couple of days before menstruation and may accompany it at the very beginning.
  6. Discharge, or leucorrhoea. They become more abundant and even thick 5-7 days before the start of menstruation. If leucorrhoea does not cause discomfort, then, apart from using panty liners, nothing else needs to be done. If the discharge is accompanied by itching and redness of the skin in the perineum, you should consult a gynecologist - an infection is possible.
  7. Nervous excitability, or premenstrual syndrome (PMS). A woman becomes capricious, irritable, aggressive, or, on the contrary, becomes depressed. This symptom is accompanied by sudden mood swings, sweating, itching, swelling, nausea and weakness.

Waiting for menstruation occurs differently for every woman: some calmly endure the premenstrual period, while others experience multiple physical ailments and psychological discomfort.

Folk signs according to the start time of “critical days”

  • The onset of menstruation, falling in the morning, was considered a good sign and a sign of joy. This is explained simply: in the morning the sun rises, the rays of which drive away the evil spirits of the night, a new day begins and everything living and pure awakens to life. Naturally, any event that happened at this time automatically fell into the category of favorable ones. In addition to a good mood, the signs promised a new romantic hobby, a meeting with beloved relatives, or warm communication with a pleasant interlocutor.
  • The time from noon to evening is neutral - it does not bring great joy, but it does not predict disasters either. Life will flow smoothly, calmly, in harmony with loved ones and without quarrels with neighbors. However, there is still a possibility of small troubles occurring, so you should listen more carefully to your intuition before making decisions.
  • Evenings, especially long and winter ones, were a rather dull time for our ancestors. The day's work is done, it's early to go to bed, and all entertainment is spinning, singing and boring conversations with family or friends, because the peasant women knew neither books nor television. That’s why the belief didn’t give a good prediction: for the next month the woman had to be sad and languish from boredom.
  • The darkness of night often brings fear even to people with strong nerves. And menstruation, which occurred during this dark time, brought bad news to the mistress about separation from her beloved and loneliness. However, it does not have to become protracted and painful! You may have to go to another city for a few days or go through an emergency at work, during which you simply won’t have the strength to communicate. Nevermind! In any case, after a month the prediction will completely lose its power.

If the “critical days” fell on the night of the full moon, the woman could well be suspected of being a witch and began to look at her with caution. And the victim of superstitions himself had to look less at other people and livestock: no matter the hour, the evil eye will come!

Other causes of intermittent periods

Hypomenorrhea in adult women (intermittent periods) can be physiological and pathological. The first is associated with natural conditions (breastfeeding, pregnancy) and age-related changes (childhood or menopause). The second is due to the presence of diseases.

Late and intermittent menstruation is not always associated with gynecological pathologies. There are cases where cycle failures cause disorders of the central nervous system. Characteristic symptoms of pathological conditions of the central nervous system include constant headaches, migraines, inconsistency of movements, loss or decrease in tactile sensitivity, sleep disturbance, fatigue, disorders of speech and musculoskeletal functions.

Unstable bleeding, when menstruation is delayed and occurs with a break of 2-3 days, may be associated with disturbances in the formation of the reproductive system. There are often cases when women are diagnosed with an abnormal structure of the reproductive organ. Pathology can be congenital or acquired. The shape and size of the uterus changes due to poor blood clotting, hormonal imbalance, postpartum complications and under the influence of oral contraceptives.

Regular delays and intermittent bleeding at intervals of up to two days are often diagnosed in women with diseases of the endocrine system. Among them are diseases of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland and hypothalamic-pituitary system.


At the age of 12–15 years, girls' first periods begin. Hormonal imbalance during this period can cause unstable menstrual flow. During adolescence, slight delays and intermittent bleeding are acceptable. This is normal; when the balance of hormones is restored, short-term menstruation will stop.

Deviations associated with pauses during menstruation and intermittent discharge also occur in women 40–45 years old. The cessation and resumption of menstruation in such cases is one of the symptoms of diseases during menopause.

Physiological causes are not associated with pathological disorders and diseases. In addition to age-related changes, these include:

  • postpartum condition;
  • abortions;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • weak immunity;
  • previous colds and viral diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In all cases, menstruation returns on its own. If your periods do not return to normal for a long time and are accompanied by painful symptoms, visit a gynecologist.


The cycle in women depends on hormonal levels. The balance is often disturbed, menstruation brings surprises: once menstruation begins, it stops, comes at intervals, changes color and consistency.

Hormonal changes are not the only reason that causes unusual bleeding. Stable intervals during menstruation are observed in women with identified ovarian dysfunction. These organs are responsible for the production of estrogens, progestins and androgens. If there are no deviations, the most important hormones are involved in the fertilization of the egg.

Improper functioning of the ovaries causes intermittent bleeding and prolonged delays in menstruation. The menstruation schedule is disrupted, the development and growth of the follicle is disrupted, which makes fertilization impossible. Similar phenomena are observed with fibroids, endometriosis, the presence of tumors, polyps, adhesions and cysts in the uterus.

According to the date on which the menstrual cycle began

And that is not all! In order not to miss the events of the future, the beginning of menstruation was associated not only with the hour and day of the week, but also with the date. And then they tried to combine the resulting predictions:

  • Are all three the same? The probability of execution increases many times over.
  • Are you promised different but not mutually exclusive events? This means that one, and the other, and the third can happen.
  • Have you received exactly the opposite predictions? Contrary to the strict laws of mathematics, “plus” and “minus” will add up to zero, and no special changes will happen this month. Or the promised events will happen one after another within 30 days.

For those who know how to enjoy life, “critical days” are not a hindrance

1 - there is a wide light strip ahead, on which you will succeed in any planned projects.

2 - someone will cause negative feelings in you.

3 - discord and squabbles are on the heels! It is important not to allow yourself to be provoked into a showdown, as the consequences threaten to be extremely serious. And if the date falls on Wednesday or Friday, there is a risk of a huge quarrel with loved ones over sheer nonsense.

4 - you are “threatened” with joy and a good time.

5 - expect a nice present from your friends. Perhaps from life itself! Let's say that a lottery ticket accidentally bought at a bus stop turns out to be a winner. Or a person will show up, contact with whom was lost long ago. Or you will be unexpectedly approved for a new prestigious position.

6 - life will be complicated by people’s gossip. And here it is best to correlate the prediction with the day of the week. For example, menstruation, coming on a difficult and problem-filled Monday, can mean dirty gossip that will be spread about you and your loved ones, and on a frivolous Thursday - empty and kindly “scratching tongues” at get-togethers.

7 - you should pay attention to the needs of your significant other, or you will face problems in the relationship. Especially if your period began at night, at a time of melancholy and loneliness.

8 - the number of jealous people who are inclined to see vile betrayal in every carelessly thrown word. The morning hour and weekends mean a slight pang of jealousy, after which your feelings will only surge with renewed vigor. Evening, especially if it falls on one of the unlucky days, means the danger of a breakup. Don't provoke your pet Othello.

What superstitions say you shouldn’t do during menstruation

Even looking at cherries meant risking the future harvest!

In Rus', they tried to exclude a woman during menstruation from most household chores. The “bleeding” young lady was supposed to spend time in the women’s quarters, doing unhurried work that was not too significant for the well-being of the family, and it was undesirable to even communicate with her unless absolutely necessary. But not because the lady was considered unclean, as they came up with later! The Slavs believed: during menstruation, a special, incredibly powerful energy passes through a woman, which can cause harm to an outsider. Especially the representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, the lady herself these days was considered less protected from the attacks of evil spirits, and therefore was forced to exercise increased caution. Funny? And look at this belief with a modern look, supported by scientific and medical data! It turns out that the wise ancestors acted very correctly, giving their girlfriends the opportunity to rest during this difficult period.

  • Both young girls and married women were strictly forbidden to climb trees for fruit and work in the garden, so that the fruits would not dry out and rot from the unknown force raging within the young ladies. Agree, so far everything is reasonable: physical activity for abdominal pain is contraindicated.
  • It was not worth taking on the task of cooking; it will still taste bad. Which is also due to physiological reasons: on the one hand, absent-mindedness and fatigue, on the other, a change in taste sensations that women sometimes note during menstruation.
  • It was impossible to slaughter chickens and cattle - the blood would not subside for a month. The promised consequences, of course, now make me smile. But overall the ban is correct. Why expose yourself to unnecessary stress?
  • You shouldn’t knead dough, bake bread, or appear next to a barrel in which wine is fermenting or vinegar is stored: everything will turn rancid, fizzle out, and spoil. Here, as they say, no comments. Pure superstition.
  • Superstition also includes the prohibition of looking at a naked person. It was believed that the skin of anyone on whom a woman's gaze fell during menstruation would become covered with ulcers and rashes. However, it may turn out that this is how the ancestors tried to justify the ban on intimate relationships at the wrong time. And later it spread to the entire family as a whole: for example, the woman tried to delegate even the bathing of the child to someone else, less “dangerous.”
  • With the advent of Christianity in Rus', another one was added to the numerous prohibitions - on visiting church. And again, this is not at all connected with the supposed “uncleanness” of the young lady, but with the general prohibition of shedding blood in the temple, regardless of its origin. Ideally, even if you cut your finger on the edge of a candle stand, you should try to go outside as soon as possible. And even more so, a woman should not be present in church in the midst of “critical days.”

With a rather careful attitude towards a girl during her menstruation, the ancestors invented a very strange way to relieve her of illness. The mother or another married woman, who herself was “not bleeding” at that time, had to seize the moment and unexpectedly give the young lady a resounding slap in the face. It was believed that the pain should immediately subside and the state of health should improve... Oh, what a lot our ancestors suffered from such “treatment”!

Of course, not using the mysterious power that boils around a relative would be an irreparable omission for the ancestors! Menstruation blood was used to smear the threshold of the house to protect the family from illness and accidents. They sprinkled it on cattle to ward off the evil eye. And as soon as a woman during her menstruation walked around the house three times, there was no threat of fire, even if the whole village went up in flames. It is doubtful that the sign was effective, but they used it actively.

When is it necessary to have a conversation about your first period?

The physiology of the female body is designed in such a way that the onset of the first menstruation will be known in advance. About a year before the onset of menstruation, a girl experiences the following symptoms:

  • hair growth begins in the armpits and pubic area;
  • white discharge appears;
  • possible acne on the face, chest or back;
  • The curves of the figure are noticeably rounded.

These manifestations indicate that the sebaceous glands and sex hormones have become more active in the girl’s body.

The age that is considered normal for the first menstruation is 12-14 years. It is also worth noting that representatives of the modern generation may get their period earlier – at 10 years of age. Too early (before 8 years) or late (after 15 years) manifestation of puberty is a reason for a visit to the gynecologist, as it may indicate various pathologies.

When talking with your daughter, you should pay special attention to the following points:

  • Rules of personal hygiene. Explain to your child the importance of proper personal hygiene during menstruation. Talk about using pads and tampons. Please note that hygiene products should always be with you, as the cycle is just being established.
  • The occurrence of pain. Let your daughter understand that pain during menstruation is normal. Tell us briefly about the physiology of the process, without going into details. Light gymnastics will help relieve pain, which stimulates blood circulation. While heavy physical activity must be temporarily avoided.
  • Consequences of sexual intercourse. Many teenagers begin to be sexually active much earlier than their parents think about it. In order to avoid unwanted pregnancy or infection with sexually transmitted diseases, the mother should talk about the consequences of intimate relationships and the rules of contraception.
  • Monthly calendar. Tell your child about the need to keep a menstrual calendar.
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