Menstruation after a miscarriage - when it starts early

When your period comes after a miscarriage, reasons for delay and heavy discharge

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Contents Popular articles on the topic of delay after a miscarriage Lack of menstruation after a miscarriage Read comments 20: Popular articles on the topic of delay after a miscarriage Read more Obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive medicine Delay of menstruation. An accessible guide to action All women experience a delay in menstruation. Is it always...

Lack of periods after miscarriage

Hello! I accidentally found this wonderful site, where everyone is like one big happy family :) I hope there will be a place for me among you. On January 28, 2010, I had a miscarriage at 4-5 weeks. My periods were irregular from the very beginning. But now, for half a year, the cycle, let’s say, has become more or less regular - 28-40 days. And more than 40 days have passed since the miscarriage and now I don’t know when to expect them. It feels like it’s about to happen, but something doesn’t come. If anyone has had a similar situation, please tell me. Thank you in advance!

Read 20 comments:

They will come. The hormonal background has changed, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to recover instantly. Wait until the end of the week and go to the doctor, just in case

Maybe they scraped it too well, the endometrium has not yet recovered. Did you do an ultrasound?

My cytology smear was not very good and they found type 31 papilloma. They prescribed treatment, after which I went to the doctor.

We definitely need to go to G. and get an ultrasound. Everything will be fine. Don't worry!

This happened to me 5 years ago, so I don’t remember it well. But M still came, albeit with a long delay. Don't worry, everything will definitely work out. Wait a little longer and if they still don’t come, then go to G - it won’t hurt.

Thank you, girls! :) I hope for the best.

It’s just that pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen is not the norm.. did you have any appointments with G. after everything? What about ultrasound control?

There was no appointment with the doctor after the prescribed treatment. They didn't do an ultrasound either.

Anastasya, we are truly like one big family here:). So welcome. It's very unfortunate that this happened in your life. This also happened to my friend recently. So her first M arrived after 3 weeks, and the next after 2 weeks. And until now the cycle has not returned to normal. G prescribed her OK for 3 months to restore her cycle. So it’s better for you to go to G. Good luck to you)))

Anastasya, I also had an early miscarriage. I’ll write everything I remember, I hope it will help you in some way. At the same time, inflammation of the appendages was detected. Treatment was immediately prescribed and I stayed in the hospital longer. The first period came after 40 days. During these 40 days, spotting appeared a couple of times, but after 3-4 days it went away, the doctor said that this was possible. The second ones were also slightly delayed in comparison with the usual periods, by 5 days. Then the duration of the cycle was restored. Upon discharge from the hospital, the doctor immediately warned that recovery would take from 3 months to six months, i.e. this is the norm. She advised me to measure my BT, and in the first 2-3 cycles, don’t be surprised if it fluctuates and the cycle is not regular. Once the cycle is more or less restored, measure 3 more cycles and see a doctor with these graphs. In the first cycle, BT generally jumped as she wanted, in the second too, but the second phase has already begun. Starting from the third cycle, everything began to return to normal - the graphs became more and more beautiful. And everything will gradually return to normal, but if something is really bothering you, it’s better to see a doctor, it won’t get any worse. By the way, about a year after the miscarriage, I became pregnant and gave birth to a wonderful baby, and I wish you the same. Good luck!


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The normal amount of blood loss during menstruation is about 150 milliliters (depending on the woman’s weight).

When the volume of menstruation is less than the indicated figures, this is hypomenorrhea. If it appears during the period of formation of menstrual function (during the puberty period of transformation of a girl into a girl), then this is not the norm, but also not evidence of a possible pathology in the female genital area.

If hypomenorrhea appears in a mature woman, this is a signal indicating a pathology of the internal female genital organs.

Symptoms and signs of hypomenorrhea

In addition to the symptom described above, symptoms of hypomenorrhea include menstrual flow that has a characteristic color - dark or light brown.

Another sign is traces of menstruation in the form of drops of blood. Hypomenorrhea is accompanied by a short-term period of menstrual flow - oligomenorrhea.

That is, there are periods, but they are scanty and pass in a couple of days, and not after 5 days, as expected.

Hypomenorrhea is accompanied by:

  • nausea;
  • possible headaches;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • painful sensations in the chest and lower back;
  • spasmodic, painful contractions of the uterus.

Some patients report heavy nosebleeds during this type of menstruation. In addition to the above-described symptoms of this disease, there is another one - a decrease in the production of estrogen and, as a result, a decrease in sexual desire (libido). The woman becomes frigid, she is either not interested in sex life at all or very little.

There is an asymptomatic and painless course of hypomenorrhea, accompanied by only a small amount of menstrual flow.

When a girl becomes a girl and during the decline of menstrual function (perimenopause) of a woman, hypomenorrhea is a normal phenomenon, indicating normal age-related changes. This is not a pathology. Hypomenorrhea causes concern only during the reproductive period of a woman’s life.

Hypomenorrhea and infertility during this period go hand in hand, so you should not let this disease take its course, but make sure of its diagnosis and begin adequate treatment.

Hypomenorrhea: causes of scanty periods

The development of this disease is determined by the physiological characteristics of women. Experts note that women who are too thin or too plump suffer from it more often.

Scanty periods are directly related to disruption of the structure of the uterus - the endometrium. When the endometrial layer located inside the uterus has not grown sufficiently, the volume of menstrual flow will be insignificant.

And the endometrial layer of the uterine cavity does not grow due to hormonal imbalances.

Factors causing the appearance of hormonal disorders (the root causes of hypomenorrhea):

  • taking hormones;
  • injuries and operations of the genitourinary system;
  • inflammatory process in the genitourinary system;
  • anemia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • weight loss due to heavy physical activity;
  • anorexia;
  • strict diets;
  • congenital malformations of the genitourinary system;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system.

After examination and clarification of the cause of hypomenorrhea, treatment is prescribed. Hypomenorrhea often appears after curettage. But after some time it goes away without taking medications.

Many ladies are interested in the answer to the question - is it possible to get pregnant with hypomenorrhea? Yes, you can. But without adequate treatment, the likelihood of becoming pregnant with hypomenorrhea is reduced.

Women should know that when breastfeeding, hypomenorrhea and even amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) is normal.


Hypomenorrhea is diagnosed using test results (vaginal smear), ultrasound, urine and blood tests for the amount of hormones during menstruation, after a detailed conversation with the patient. PCR diagnostics of genital infections will also be required.

In rare cases, a biopsy of the endometrial layer of the uterine cavity will be necessary. Only after such a list of procedures is an accurate diagnosis made and adequate treatment prescribed. After treatment of hypomenorrhea, conception will be one hundred percent if the woman has no other pathologies in the sexual sphere.

Treatment of hypomenorrhea

A medical specialist, represented by competent specialists, with the help of modern equipment and a testing laboratory, will carry out competent diagnosis and treatment of hypomenorrhea. Often, the correct use of Duphaston in the right dosages for hypomenorrhea is enough for the disease to recede.

Adequate and effective treatment depends on the results of tests and examinations. In the case where the cause of the disease is disturbances in physical activity, nutrition, or psycho-emotional state, treatment will consist of correcting such disturbances. Vitamin therapy, hormonal and antimicrobial agents are prescribed.

If the cause of the disease is a pathology of the genitourinary tract, a specific disease (the root cause) is treated and after its elimination, hypomenorrhea also goes away.

Medical doctors know first-hand what hypomenorrhea is; the center’s specialists have extensive experience working with this disease. Moreover, experience with positive results.

The center’s doctors will do everything to ensure that hypomenorrhea and conception in your particular case are compatible concepts.

Prevention of scanty periods

But treatment can be avoided. To do this, you need to do everything to avoid getting hypomenorrhea. This can and should be done through prevention.

Prevention of scanty periods consists of a healthy lifestyle, minor but constant physical activity (fitness classes, athletics).

Most of your free time should be spent outside, in nature, in the fresh air.

Stressful situations that lead to hormonal imbalances should be avoided. You can avoid reacting to emotional stress using relaxation techniques. You need to learn not to take everything that happens to heart.

Homeopathic medicines should not be taken in symbiosis with essential oils. Separately, these drugs are useful, but taking them at the same time can cause significant harm to your women's health. The result of this is a malfunction of the hormonal system.

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When do you get your period after a miscarriage?

Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion is the termination of pregnancy at different trimesters.
Globally, 15-20% of pregnancies end in miscarriages. And these are just the reported cases. Usually, they occur in the very early stages of pregnancy, and the woman is not even aware of her situation. And he accepts spontaneous abortion as heavy menstruation. And those girls who were confident in their conception want to know: when will their normal cycle be restored, and when can they try to have a child again. In this article we will try to give extremely accurate and specific answers to all questions.

First period after miscarriage

Menstruation after miscarriage

The first signs of spontaneous pregnancy loss are bleeding from the vagina and lingering pain in the lower abdomen. Such discharge does not come without pain and this is the norm for them.

The pain will accompany the girl until the fertilized egg disappears from the body. Then the spotting will remain and this will be the first period after a miscarriage.

Normally, after the start of menstruation, the cycle will be unstable and will recover, on average, after three cycles. You should expect your next period in 26-35 days.

It also happens differently when the next critical days after a miscarriage may be delayed by several days, or even weeks. Or vice versa, go without stopping. In such cases, consultation with an experienced gynecologist is required.

Menstruation after a miscarriage can behave differently, it all depends on the type of miscarriage.

It has the following pathologies:

  • Threatening.
  • Failed.
  • Started.
  • Incomplete.
  • And accomplished.

When the doctor determines what type of miscarriage a woman has, only then decides what needs to be done. Curettage may be required. Since remnants of fetal tissue may remain in a woman’s uterus, and this can lead to infection of the body.

Inflammatory processes or infection may develop. After this procedure, the nature of menstruation changes. They can be abundant, and even uterine bleeding may occur.

Therefore, it is important to take a closer look at them; if a woman changes the pad every hour or three, then we can talk about bleeding. In this case, hospitalization is required.

Heavy menstruation should decrease to normal with each cycle. If this does not happen, then you should be examined by a doctor to determine other diseases of the genital organs.

Definition and consequences of the phenomenon

A miscarriage is a spontaneous pathological termination of pregnancy.

Miscarriage occurs under the influence of several factors:

  • infection in the internal genital organs;
  • infection throughout the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • experienced severe stress;
  • weakened body after severe illness

Spontaneous abortion begins with severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen and back pain. The temperature rises, weakness, chills appear, and severe bleeding begins. With blood, the uterus pushes out the fertilized egg and placenta. In such a situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Bleeding may last about 10 days, give or take a few days. After the discharge stops, specialists should conduct an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity for the presence of fetal remains or placenta.

If, after an examination, particles were found in the uterus, the uterine cavity was curetted. The remnants of the fertilized egg are mechanically removed. These materials are sent for examination to determine the cause of spontaneous abortion.

After an early miscarriage and cleansing, doctors prescribe medication: anti-inflammatory, antifungal, painkillers, antibacterial medications, iron supplements, vitamins, observation by doctors, frequent checks of the uterus using an ultrasound machine. In case of severe bleeding, hemostatic drugs are prescribed that cause uterine contractions.

Possible problems after a miscarriage

Problems after spontaneous abortion

How much blood is released during menstruation? If this figure is mega large, then the girl needs to take care that she does not develop iron deficiency anemia.

Signs of this disease:

  • Weakness;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Constant drowsiness;
  • Pallor.

If these symptoms occur, you need to take a blood test. After the result, the doctor will prescribe iron supplements. How much to take will also depend on the test result.

If there is no heavy menstruation, then ultrasound control is done. Moreover, ultrasound is repeated every 7 days. This is done in order to prevent a threat to the girl’s life. If the uterine cavity is clean and there are no blood clots or they are insignificant, the doctor prescribes medications. For example, antiprogestins, prostaglandins, etc. All this time the woman is under the supervision of a specialist.

Situations where periods are scanty may indicate a problem in the uterus. After curettage, synechiae (adhesions) may form there. Such adhesions will further prevent conception, but can give false hope in the form of delayed menstruation.

In addition, scanty discharge may simply indicate a hormonal imbalance that appears as a result of stress. In order to find out the cause of such discharge, the gynecologist may refer you to examine the fallopian tubes using:

  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Hysterosalpingography;
  • Sonohysterosalpingography.

Basically, as statistics say, the uterus remains clean after a miscarriage. And in such a situation, menstruation is fully restored the next time.

Menstruation after a miscarriage is restored according to the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

The following factors may also influence:

  • In what week did spontaneous deliverance occur?
  • Causes of delayed fetal development in a woman’s body;
  • A woman’s well-being after an accident;
  • Whether or not there were additional operations to remove the fetus from the uterine cavity;
  • How long will the woman undergo treatment?

You need to understand that the female body has gone through a lot of stress. Especially if the miscarriage occurred after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Reverse recovery processes may occur with a significant delay.

General information

Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, under the influence of certain factors, spontaneous miscarriage can occur. Often, women recover for a very long time after this and have some concerns about whether the next conception will be successful.

How does a miscarriage occur? Source:

To roughly determine how long it takes for menstruation to begin after a miscarriage, you need to understand what types it is:

  1. Threatening;
  2. Started;
  3. Failed;
  4. Accomplished;
  5. Incomplete.

If a woman is sure that she is in an interesting position, and the period is short enough, the appearance of slight bleeding may indicate that spontaneous termination of pregnancy is not excluded.

If menstruation begins after an early miscarriage, then it is almost impossible to save the fetus, and the duration of the recovery period directly depends on the individual characteristics of the body. If such a situation arises, you need to go to a gynecologist who, if necessary, will prescribe appropriate therapy.

What is a miscarriage and how does it happen?

According to statistics, from 15 to 20% of all pregnancies for one reason or another end in miscarriage, that is, spontaneous abortion. However, according to experts, this figure is much higher. If a miscarriage occurs early, the girl may not even know about it and may mistake the signs of what happened for an ordinary delay in her period, and then for heavy menstrual flow. A miscarriage is considered as such only during spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks. In the period from 22 to 37 weeks this is already premature birth. As for when your period starts after a miscarriage, it depends on the type of miscarriage. The following are distinguished:

  • Failed - the embryo or fetus dies, but does not leave the uterine cavity.
  • Incomplete or inevitable - when acute pain occurs in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, accompanied by rupture of the membranes with uterine hemorrhages and an increase in the lumen of the cervix.
  • Complete - the embryo or fetus completely leaves the uterus.
  • Repeated – if spontaneous abortion in the early stages occurred at least three times.
  • Anembryony is fertilization without the formation of the fetus itself, sometimes accompanied by some symptoms of pregnancy.
  • Chorioadenoma - instead of an embryo, a small piece of tissue grows, gradually increasing in size.

Condition of the body and causes of miscarriage

The psychological and physiological state of a woman is of great importance for the successful course of pregnancy. Miscarriage can occur at different stages of pregnancy. It is a situation where a developing embryo cannot stay in the uterine cavity for various reasons. A miscarriage is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • bleeding

The appearance of bleeding is due to the fact that the placental bladder breaks away from the walls of the uterus and leaves it along with the embryo. It is very important that all remnants of the undeveloped embryo come out of the cavity. If this does not happen, then an inflammatory process and even sepsis may develop. In such cases, doctors carry out.

  • pain in the lumbar region

Inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs most often manifest themselves as pain in the lumbar region. This occurs because the nerve endings from the uterus extend to the spinal column, and if there is a deviation in the functioning of this muscular organ, they respond with pain in this area.

  • cramping pain in the lower abdomen

They are associated with cramps in the uterus. To push out the placental bladder, blood and remains of the embryo, it contracts.

If such symptoms are observed, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Spontaneous abortion is divided into the following types:

  • at the beginning of pregnancy

In this case, in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy. During this period, the woman’s body does not yet have time to fully adjust at the hormonal level. Therefore, this physiological stress will have a less traumatic effect on the reproductive system. After a miscarriage during this period, the woman’s body quickly returns to normal.

  • mid term

Pregnancy failure at 4-6 months seriously affects a woman’s body. The fruit is already almost formed. During this period, curettage is most often prescribed, since particles of biomaterial remain in the uterine cavity.

During this period, the baby is fully formed and miscarriage is often classified as premature birth with a live or dead fetus.

If there is a miscarriage in the early stages, the body can recover more easily, since hormonal changes have just begun to take place.

The causes of spontaneous abortion can be different; they can be divided into physiological and psychological.

Uterus after spontaneous miscarriage

Spontaneous abortion traumatizes the uterus, which can lead to massive bleeding that must be stopped. The inner walls of the uterus represent a wound surface. And the uterus itself is increased in size, even if the pregnancy was short.

Involution of the uterus, that is, its reverse development (reduction), occurs gradually. This process usually takes one month, during which healing and contraction of the organ occur simultaneously.

If cleaning has been carried out, adhesions may form in the uterine cavity, which will lead to a change in the nature of menstruation.

Pregnancy after spontaneous abortion

Pregnancy after miscarriage

Your period comes almost immediately after a miscarriage, but this does not mean that you can start planning for a child again. A delay in menstruation after a miscarriage indicates health problems. If your periods are very scanty, there may still be fetal particles left in the uterus and curettage should be done.

In general, it is not recommended to have sex in the first month, so as not to introduce an infection into the woman’s body.

So, first the doctor will have to find out the cause of spontaneous abortion.

  • Genetic problems of the embryo;
  • Ecological problem;
  • Alcohol, smoking, abuse of strong coffee;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Immunological or Rh factor incompatibility;
  • Past “youthful mistakes” (abortions, miscarriages);
  • Physical overload (lifting weights);
  • Problems after rough sex;
  • Delayed development of the embryo in the mother’s body due to the psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman;
  • Some medications can cause miscarriage.

Then treatment, in any case, will be aimed at stopping menstruation and preventing infections from entering the body. Next, the body will strengthen for the next pregnancy.

The woman will have to:

  • Monitor your basal temperature readings;
  • Go to an ultrasound specialist for examination;
  • Undergo gynecological examinations;
  • Take tests to determine infections in the body of a woman and her partner.

Conception after spontaneous abortion

When all indicators return to normal, then you can think about the next conception. Experts recommend that you start planning only after 6 cycles. The girl can try earlier.

It's all a matter of chance. Some manage to do this almost immediately and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby. And others try, but miscarriage occurs again. Moreover, the probability of being “out of luck” again directly depends on the interval separating a spontaneous abortion from the next conception. The shorter it is, the less chance you have of conceiving and bearing a child.

However, each representative of the fair sex is individual, so here everything is different. It’s better to have a good specialist to do everything right and tell miscarriages: no.

Menstruation after a miscarriage should be a signal for a woman to reconsider her lifestyle. A miscarriage is not a death sentence. Finding and eliminating the cause in time will lead to the desired delay and two lines on the test strip.

Sex life and pregnancy

When menstruation comes after a miscarriage, sexual activity can begin a month later (or one menstrual cycle). Since the walls of the uterus are still inflamed, the cervix is ​​slightly open, infection of the genital organs is possible.

After a miscarriage, the menstrual cycle will normalize for 2-3 months. Even if the cycle is restored the next month, you should use contraception during sexual intercourse. Doctors do not advise getting pregnant in the first six months after the incident. The woman’s body is weak, it takes time to recover, and if pregnancy occurs, the same outcome is possible. The uterus should also tone up. It is better to allocate this time to treat the reasons that caused spontaneous abortion, to restore and improve your health: go in for sports, improve your diet, give up bad habits, and walk in the fresh air more often. Pregnancy should be planned and prepared for.

If pregnancy does occur, you should not despair. Most likely, everything will be fine, the body is already ready for a new pregnancy. You need to see a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Any deviations from the norm during menstruation after a miscarriage that do not disappear after three months are a mandatory reason to visit a doctor. You need to carefully monitor changes in the body, respond to increases in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen. Complete the prescribed treatment and follow the recommendations.

Termination of pregnancy is a great tragedy for the whole family, especially for the woman and mother. But after what happened, you need to continue to live, you don’t need to let yourself go. It’s better, on the contrary, to pay more attention to yourself and improve your health. Consult with doctors more often; you should be more attentive to yourself. This will give you a greater chance of conception and a healthy pregnancy.

Menstruation after a miscarriage - normal, abnormal, full recovery of the body

The modern woman strives to be able to do everything and understand everything. Takes on household chores and earning money. At the same time, he completely forgets about his health and does not monitor his diet. There is simply not enough time for all this. But giving birth to a child is the main function of a woman. Under the influence of unfavorable external and internal factors, long-awaited pregnancies are increasingly ending in miscarriage. In addition to psychological trauma and constant torment, physical health problems are added. I want to make the second attempt as quickly as possible. At the same time, one important question is of interest: “When will menstruation be restored after a miscarriage, what should they be like?”

Helpful information

The cause of most STDs are viral infections that occur due to weakened immunity! The most common cause of immune suppression is PARASITES! It has been scientifically proven that there are parasites in every person and this is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • constant general fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • malaise;
  • periodic causeless pain in internal organs;
  • depression

If you have at least 2 of the symptoms listed, you may have parasites in your body! We recommend that you drink a course of antiparasitic tea, at least for preventive purposes.

Periods after first miscarriage

The peculiarity of menstruation speaks about the health and readiness of the female body for conception. It is difficult to predict when ovulation will occur. Theoretically, it happens like this: the moment of miscarriage is considered the beginning of egg maturation, after 14-16 days ovulation occurs. The nature of menstruation depends on the duration of the monthly cycle before pregnancy and the duration of menstruation. Normally, the duration of menstruation after a miscarriage is no more than 7 days. On average, critical days appear 26-35 days after a miscarriage. This does not mean that a woman will be able to get pregnant again in the same month. Complete normalization of the female body, the cycle as a whole, depends on many factors:

  • the period of pregnancy when the miscarriage occurred;
  • whether additional cleaning of the uterus was carried out or not;
  • the reasons for the miscarriage;
  • the state of the female body as a whole;
  • duration of hormonal treatment.

Miscarriage is considered early before 12 weeks of pregnancy. There are no particular adverse consequences for the physical female body. Significant hormonal changes occur after 16 weeks. A miscarriage at this time is equivalent to childbirth. Complete normalization of menstruation and restoration of the cycle will occur within 3 months. After the incident, an ultrasound should be performed. The doctor examines the condition of the uterus and carefully examines the organ. If it cleans itself, there are no clots, no additional mechanical cleaning is carried out. And your period will appear in 30 days. The delay can be up to 7, which is not considered a significant deviation from the norm. Subsequently, the cycle normalizes.

How does the procedure affect menstruation?

The uterine curettage procedure is the removal of the surface layer of the mucous membrane (the functional layer of the endometrium) from the uterine cavity. This procedure negatively affects the woman’s general health and injures the uterus, so it is performed only in forced situations.

The surface layer of the uterine cavity is the endometrium. It in turn consists of a deep basal and outer functional layer.

Basal is the basis for successful external growth. Each cycle, this functional layer grows, matures, and becomes thicker (at this moment a fertilized egg is attached to it).

If conception does not happen, then the overripe functional layer is torn away from the walls of the uterus and brought out - menstruation begins, and then the cycle of endometrial maturation is repeated again.

When menstruation resumes after curettage depends on the reason for which it was performed:

  • after diagnostic curettage, menstruation will be restored quickly - according to the usual cycle of 3-5 weeks (the procedure is carried out on the eve of critical days, which coincides with the natural process - the physiological restoration of the endometrium);
  • therapeutic curettage is carried out after the end of menstruation, when the functional layer itself has moved away, and the cavity can be cleaned more efficiently and deeper;
  • cleansing after a miscarriage, abortion or frozen pregnancy can take up to 5–7 weeks (recovery requires not only the genitals, but also the hormonal cycle).

Doctors use two methods of performing the procedure: vacuum (more painful, but less traumatic) and curettage (surgical cleaning with an instrument in the form of a spoon with an elongated handle). The second method often leads to damage during cleansing of the uterus, especially with atony or looseness of the organ.

The nature of discharge during menstruation

When performing mechanical cleaning, the discharge of the first menstruation after a miscarriage will be painful, profuse, with the presence of clots. You need to sound the alarm and seek help from a specialist when your period begins ahead of time, there is an unpleasant odor, or pain is present. This state of menstruation after a miscarriage indicates the remains of the fetus in the uterus. In the future, this threatens inflammation and sepsis. A repeat ultrasound examination is necessary. Unprotected sex in the first time after a miscarriage leads to infection and the onset of the inflammatory process. The epithelium on the walls of the uterus is damaged, the organ becomes open to infection.

Discharge during menstruation is considered heavy if it differs from previous periods. Compare with the monthly cycle before pregnancy. Every woman has her own concept of “abundant”. Heavy discharge for 7 days in large quantities is bleeding. This leads to weakening of the female body and anemia. Menstruation may be scanty. Which is also a cause for concern. If this pattern repeats within 2 cycles, you should consult a doctor. The reason for this is psychological stress, or the presence of adhesions. In the first case, antidepressants and sedatives will be prescribed. In the second, you will have to undergo more serious treatment. Adhesions prevent a new pregnancy from occurring. For the same reasons, a woman may find herself childless after the incident.

Definition and consequences of the phenomenon

A miscarriage is a spontaneous pathological termination of pregnancy.

Miscarriage occurs under the influence of several factors:

  • infection in the internal genital organs;
  • infection throughout the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • experienced severe stress;
  • weakened body after severe illness

Spontaneous abortion begins with severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen and back pain. The temperature rises, weakness, chills appear, and severe bleeding begins. With blood, the uterus pushes out the fertilized egg and placenta. In such a situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Bleeding may last about 10 days, give or take a few days. After the discharge stops, specialists should conduct an ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity for the presence of fetal remains or placenta.

If, after an examination, particles were found in the uterus, the uterine cavity was curetted. The remnants of the fertilized egg are mechanically removed. These materials are sent for examination to determine the cause of spontaneous abortion.

After an early miscarriage and cleansing, doctors prescribe medication: anti-inflammatory, antifungal, painkillers, antibacterial medications, iron supplements, vitamins, observation by doctors, frequent checks of the uterus using an ultrasound machine. In case of severe bleeding, hemostatic drugs are prescribed that cause uterine contractions.

The basis of effective treatment is finding out the causes of miscarriage

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must find out the cause of the miscarriage. Most cases occur before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Fading pregnancy and fetal rejection can occur for the following reasons:

  • genetic disorders of fetal development;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • immunological incompatibility;
  • presence of STI infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infection in the body;
  • past abortions;
  • taking certain medications;
  • stress and severe psycho-emotional state;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • rough sexual intercourse;
  • physical injuries, heavy lifting.

Late miscarriage between 16 and 22 weeks occurs due to inflammatory processes in the uterus. This threatens premature detachment of the placenta, stopping the production of necessary substances for the development of the fetus. Late miscarriage is caused by the presence of infections in the body and previous surgical interventions on the uterus and blood vessels.

Treatment immediately after a miscarriage at any stage is aimed at preventing bleeding and infection. In the future, efforts are directed towards strengthening the female body and restoring menstruation after a miscarriage. To be completed:

  • gynecological examination;
  • be tested to detect hidden infections for the woman and her partner;
  • Ultrasound;
  • measure basal temperature, draw up a chart.

It is advisable to plan a new pregnancy no earlier than 6 months after a miscarriage. You can have sexual relations after a month. During this time, the woman’s body should return to normal.

Doctors' recommendations

After a miscarriage, doctors recommend giving the body a rest. If conception occurs in the next 3 cycles from the moment of termination of the previous pregnancy, then there is a high probability of a repetition of the situation.

Important! After a miscarriage, you need to do an ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, check for hidden infections: mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, HPV, herpes.

If a spontaneous abortion occurs, doctors often prescribe oral contraceptives. You need to take the pills for 3-6 months. They are recommended to be taken to minimize the likelihood of pregnancy during this period and to avoid the development of hormonal problems.

Restoring the body to normalize menstruation after a miscarriage

Mechanical cleaning occurs under general anesthesia, less often local. Medicines are prescribed to prevent bleeding. The most harmless is a tincture of water pepper. Take 3 times a day, 10 drops. To prevent infection and the onset of inflammation, doxycycline is taken. 2 ampoules 1 time per day for 3 days. When body temperature rises. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

  • One of the reasons for unauthorized termination of pregnancy is hormonal imbalance. A woman should have her hormones tested. In such cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed. Usually birth control pills. Treatment lasts 1-6 months. Hormonal levels and the monthly cycle are restored. The drugs Regulon and Yarina are often prescribed. Under the influence of the tablets, spotting and spotting may occur for 2 months. If the hormonal balance is not restored, the monthly cycle is abnormal, long-term therapy is prescribed.
  • If the cause of termination of pregnancy is nervous stress, sedatives are prescribed to normalize menstruation after a miscarriage. Teas based on medicinal herbs, tinctures. The most harmless are valerian, motherwort, glod, Novo-passit. Peace, attention from loved ones, a loved one, good rest and sleep are the basis of therapy, the key to rapid restoration of the monthly cycle.
  • Proper nutrition, giving up bad habits. Many doctors constantly say that most health problems are caused by poor nutrition. Unfortunately, they pay attention to this only when problems have appeared. Smoking during pregnancy and drinking alcohol are one of the reasons for early and late abortion. These same bad habits prevent the normalization of the monthly cycle. In addition, the load on the intestines should be reduced. Fatty, fried, smoked foods, semi-finished products, chips, crackers should be prohibited.

To help the body return to normal, you need to pay attention to it. Observe how your periods progress for 3 months. Any cause for concern should be discussed with a gynecologist.

Sex life and pregnancy

When menstruation comes after a miscarriage, sexual activity can begin a month later (or one menstrual cycle). Since the walls of the uterus are still inflamed, the cervix is ​​slightly open, infection of the genital organs is possible.

After a miscarriage, the menstrual cycle will normalize for 2-3 months. Even if the cycle is restored the next month, you should use contraception during sexual intercourse. Doctors do not advise getting pregnant in the first six months after the incident. The woman’s body is weak, it takes time to recover, and if pregnancy occurs, the same outcome is possible. The uterus should also tone up. It is better to allocate this time to treat the reasons that caused spontaneous abortion, to restore and improve your health: go in for sports, improve your diet, give up bad habits, and walk in the fresh air more often. Pregnancy should be planned and prepared for.

If pregnancy does occur, you should not despair. Most likely, everything will be fine, the body is already ready for a new pregnancy. You need to see a doctor and follow his recommendations.

Any deviations from the norm during menstruation after a miscarriage that do not disappear after three months are a mandatory reason to visit a doctor. You need to carefully monitor changes in the body, respond to increases in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen. Complete the prescribed treatment and follow the recommendations.

Termination of pregnancy is a great tragedy for the whole family, especially for the woman and mother. But after what happened, you need to continue to live, you don’t need to let yourself go. It’s better, on the contrary, to pay more attention to yourself and improve your health. Consult with doctors more often; you should be more attentive to yourself. This will give you a greater chance of conception and a healthy pregnancy.

Menstruation after miscarriage - what you need to know?

Pregnancy failure is a serious hormonal shock to a woman’s body and menstruation will not come immediately after a miscarriage. During this period, the mechanism for regulating the menstrual cycle is launched, and a new egg begins to mature. When the first period comes after a miscarriage, it is necessary to analyze the nature of the discharge. Based on criteria such as the smell and abundance of fluid, the duration of the new cycle, the severity of PMS and how many days menstruation lasts, the gynecologist assesses the state of the woman’s reproductive function.

Possible complications

After a spontaneous abortion, a woman needs to closely monitor her health; during this period, many chronic diseases worsen, and new ones arise. After a miscarriage, the following complications may occur:

  • hormonal imbalance, malfunction of brain structures, ovaries;
  • development of infectious and inflammatory diseases due to activation of pathogenic microflora;
  • adhesive process, as a result of which the fallopian tubes become obstructed.

These reasons can lead to secondary infertility. You can avoid the occurrence of most complications if you control your condition, take prescribed medications, and consult a doctor if problems arise.

The nature of the first menstruation

The first menstruation after a miscarriage in 95% of cases changes its characteristics in comparison with menstruation before conception. Often a new cycle coincides with the previous schedule, but its shift is also considered normal. A change in the volume of blood released, the presence of PMS and other criteria are not a violation if the indicators fit into the medical standard.

Normal first menstruation and cycle after a miscarriage:

  • duration of menstruation – 3─7 days;
  • amount of blood – 90─150 ml (about 4 changes of pads per day);
  • the composition of the discharge is dark red or red-brown in color with no clots larger than 1.5 cm, without an unpleasant odor;
  • restoration of the cycle - within 3 months after spontaneous abortion;
  • PMS – moderate or moderate severity of symptoms;
  • the duration of the follicular and luteal phases is 14-16 days each;
  • ovulation is complete.

How long it will take for menstruation to appear depends on the severity of the woman’s condition after a miscarriage. According to the standard, gynecologists take the day of spontaneous complete abortion as the beginning of the follicular phase. With a favorable prognosis, the first menstruation occurs 24-35 days after pregnancy failure. Deviation of the nature of the following cycles from the norm is regarded by doctors as a sign of functional disorders and pathologies.

Cycle disruption - what the body warns a woman about

Irregular menstruation and delays sometimes seem like minor deviations from the norm. However, doctors advise that at the first alarming signs, consult a specialist, since these symptoms often indicate hormonal disorders and can sometimes precede much more serious diseases.

Violation of the hormonal function of the ovaries in medicine is called dysfunction. Marina Damdinova, a gynecologist at the Medlux clinic, told the news agency Chita.Ru what it is, what is the cause of the disease and how it threatens a woman.

What is the reason for the violations?

Dysfunction appears due to changes in the process of formation and release of hormones. They can be caused by complications after miscarriage or abortion, endocrine and gynecological diseases. Even those that have already become familiar and frequent - thyroid disease, endometriosis. Hormonal disorders can be congenital - due to genetic predisposition. For some women, this problem arises due to ovarian defects, stress, neuroses, treatment with certain medications, and even due to moving to another city.

What warns of dysfunction?

Ask yourself, how often do you go to the gynecologist? Usually there are always more important things to do, work, family, so even when real problems arise, many do not immediately consult a doctor. At the initial stage of dysfunction, the ovulation process is disrupted - menstruation is irregular and very scanty. There may be bleeding between them. Heavy and long periods can also be a sign of dysfunction. As well as a long delay in menstruation - over 35 days - followed by menstruation for more than 7 days. Or irregular frequent periods, following each other in less than 21 days.

But even here it is difficult to be sure. Dysfunction can be hidden not only behind cycle disorders, but also nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Or acute cramps in the abdomen, radiating to the lower back.

Emotional problems are often also a sign of hormonal imbalance. Irritability, the desire to cry for any reason, apathy, lethargy and drowsiness are reasons to go to the doctor.

Why is dysfunction dangerous?

The woman’s reproductive system is the first to respond to the occurrence of serious diseases. If you do not pay attention to cycle disruption, unusual pain or malaise in time, then harmless symptoms can have serious consequences.

Sometimes, with dysfunction, menstruation lasts so long and abundantly that anemia appears - the skin becomes pale, the heartbeat quickens, appetite disappears, weakness, drowsiness, dizziness and headache appear. Without treatment, this condition can lead to the cessation of menstruation for 3-6 months altogether.

But, what is much more dangerous, with ovarian dysfunction due to increased female hormones, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, malignant tumors of the mammary glands, and mastopathy can occur.

Only a doctor can reliably make a diagnosis. To diagnose ovarian dysfunction, you will have to undergo tests, ultrasound, and visit not only a gynecologist, but also an endocrinologist. For dysfunction, medications, physical therapy, and sometimes even surgery are prescribed.

The goal of all treatment is to restore normal hormonal levels for a woman.

To prevent the disease from becoming chronic, you need to avoid colds and consult a doctor at the slightest discomfort.

The Medlux clinic offers all diagnostic and treatment services for the treatment of menstrual disorders: laboratory diagnostics, ultrasound, drug therapy, physiotherapy, surgical treatment. Our specialists treat their patients with care and attention, which guarantees high treatment results.

How to reduce the likelihood of illness?

It is important to eat a balanced diet - do not eat too much fatty foods. It is useful to exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle. This will help prevent not only the appearance of dysfunction, but also the early decline of the reproductive system.

The nature of discharge before the first menstruation

After a spontaneous abortion, bleeding continues for up to 10 days and may resume briefly until the cycle periodicity returns to normal. This is a consequence of a pregnancy failure, which a woman mistakes for menstruation. The first full periods after a miscarriage without cleansing appear at least 3 weeks from the day of the spontaneous abortion.

Differences in discharge after pregnancy loss:

  1. Bleeding is characterized by a sudden onset, an abundance of fluid, scarlet-colored discharge, and the presence of loose clots up to 2 cm in size. It can periodically open in any phase of the cycle. Stops with therapy with hemostatic agents with a gradual decrease in abundance.
  2. Dangerous discharge appears after post-abortion bleeding stops. They are characterized by an unpleasant or fetid odor, dark brown and black color, slimy green-yellow inclusions, and the presence of large dense fragments.
  3. The first menstrual discharge begins and ends with a red-brown spot 4-5 weeks after the miscarriage. The characteristics of critical days must correspond to the norms of the menstrual cycle.

Is heavy bleeding dangerous?

Recovery is different for everyone. Bleeding may last up to 20 days - this is normal. It is often copious (5-6 pads or more per day), and there may be black clots in the discharge. The hCG level is 500 units.

  • Remains of tissue in the uterus. In this case, surgical cleaning or taking medications that cause rejection of parts of the fetus and placenta is necessary.
  • Molar pregnancy , in which there is no embryo in the uterus, but the body continues to produce the hCG hormone.

What secretions can be considered dangerous?

The gynecologist determines the absence of complications of a miscarriage by the number of critical days and the volume of menstruation. What secretions are considered dangerous?

A threat is posed by heavy periods after a miscarriage, in which a woman changes more than 4 pads per day or her critical days last longer than a week. They indicate incomplete spontaneous abortion, inflammation of the reproductive organs, and the onset of bleeding. Against the background of heavy menstruation for more than 3 cycles, iron deficiency anemia develops.

Scanty periods after a miscarriage are also dangerous. This is a symptom of cycle disorders (oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, and so on), tuberculosis of the reproductive system, anemia, stress, endocrine diseases, early menopause. After a spontaneous abortion, scanty periods also indicate adhesions in the uterine cavity, which provoke repeated failures in subsequent pregnancies.

Complications after curettage

Serious concerns arise when periods after cleansing have not started after 7 weeks. This indicates the presence of complications that can lead to bad consequences.

To find out the reasons why there is no period for a long time after the curettage procedure, you need to consult a gynecologist.

  1. Cervical spasm. Blood accumulates inside the cavity, which begins to rot, causing infections of the woman’s organs and genital tract, endometriosis.
  2. Hormonal failure. If curettage was performed after a failed pregnancy (abortion, miscarriage), then the restoration of the cycle is prevented by a high level of progesterone. Therefore, after an abortion, doctors often prescribe oral contraceptives to women - they help rebuild hormonal levels.
  3. New pregnancy. It is possible after 2 weeks.
  4. Scraping for medicinal purposes. Requires more recovery time.

If your period comes earlier than 14 days after curettage, this indicates bleeding. The uterus is probably loose after the operation and the blood vessels contract poorly.

The first menstruation after surgery often differs from the usual, but the second and subsequent times the cycle returns to normal (this applies to timing and volume). A failure indicates a serious hormonal imbalance.

Changes in the usual volume of menstrual bleeding can be caused by pathologies:

  1. Excessively heavy periods, with clots, and too long periods indicate uterine bleeding. If the pad has to be changed more often than once every three hours, this indicates insufficient quality of curettage, and heavy bleeding will lead to uterine atony. Endometrial polyposis (polyps are benign growths in the uterine cavity) is also possible, especially after termination of pregnancy.
  2. Scanty discharge with an unpleasant odor and unnatural color, severe pain may indicate endometriosis.

The earliest period to begin is after a diagnostic cleansing. If they come 3 weeks after the procedure, then this is normal, especially when a woman has a short menstrual cycle.

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