Why did my period suddenly stop after 2 days?

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that accompanies a woman throughout almost her entire life. The total duration of the reproductive cycle is 25-32 days, menstrual bleeding usually lasts from 3 to 7 days.

Due to various circumstances, representatives of the fairer sex may encounter a phenomenon such as oligomenorrhea. In gynecology, this term means too short a period of menstrual discharge, when it lasts 2 days or less.

Another name for this pathology is rare menstruation. And although only 2-3 percent of women are affected by it, many want to know why this disorder occurs.

Why does your period last 2 days: possible reasons

All existing reasons why periods are shorter than usual are divided into:

  • physiological;
  • pathological;
  • suspicion of pregnancy.

To independently understand the cause of this situation, it is recommended to take a closer look at all possible risk factors.

If your period is 2 days, can you be pregnant?

The first thing that any woman of reproductive age who is sexually active suspects is pregnancy. If your period lasts 2 days instead of the usual 5 days, then there is reason to think about possible conception. It is known that during pregnancy there can be no period. Most likely, they are easily confused with bloody discharge of another etiology.

To distinguish real menstruation from bleeding during implantation of the fertilized egg, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Number of allocations. When an embryo is implanted, a woman notices only a few drops of blood on her underwear.
  2. Duration. Implantation bleeding may not occur at all, or it may be short and unnoticeable. It lasts 1-2 days.

If the discharge is heavy but lasts for several days, this is a reason to make an appointment with your gynecologist. In addition, a distinctive feature of the onset of menstruation will be inclusions in the discharge.

Physiological reasons

All the reasons why menstruation lasted for two days can be divided into 2 groups:

  • formation of the menstrual cycle;
  • approaching menopause.

These physiological reasons are not dangerous for the girl, because they indicate the occurrence of natural processes in the body. If the reason for short periods is related to the establishment of a cycle or menopause, then there is no need to worry - you can visit a gynecologist and take preventive measures.

Pathological causes

If your periods have become shorter than usual, then the reasons for this situation may be hidden in various pathologies. Oligomenorrhea can be divided into primary - this includes congenital diseases and abnormalities of the reproductive system; and secondary - this includes other factors that served as an impetus for reducing the duration.

The main reasons for short menstruation of a pathological nature:

  • disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • taking hormones;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • lactation;
  • heavy loads;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • frequent stressful situations.

If you have a history of at least one of the listed factors, you should listen to your body and visit a doctor. An experienced gynecologist will advise how to get rid of the primary causes when menstruation begins to last fewer days, and will also prescribe a course of treatment for the pathology.


The course of treatment for oligomenorrhea is usually prescribed and monitored by a gynecologist specializing in endocrinological problems. In addition to specialized medications, restorative therapy has a huge impact on the process of healing from an illness:

  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • physiological medical procedures;
  • proper nutrition;
  • stimulating the body's immune system;
  • acupuncture.

In addition, the patient must take pharmacological drugs containing synthesized hormones as active substances. For example, estrogen can help a woman ovulate. This normalizes menstruation in cases where monthly bleeding lasts 2 days or less.

To get rid of the disease, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary, during which point diathermocoagulation of the ovaries is carried out (that is, their exposure to high voltage current). The procedure in most cases ends with a positive result, but it is contraindicated for those girls who have not yet had children. The fact is that the scar left after the described exposure can cause complications during the birth of the baby.

Is 8 days period normal or not?

Some women are faced with the fact that their menstruation lasts eight days, and they often ask the question: “Is a period of 8 days normal or not?” According to statistics, the average duration of critical days lasts from three to seven days, but if menstruation lasts eight days, and the discharge is spotting and not abundant, then this is also considered a variant of the norm. But, if the bleeding lasts more than eight days, is profuse, painful and with clots, then you should immediately seek help from specialists. Menstruation for 8 days or more is a symptom that should not go unnoticed and ignored, because it is often the first sign of the development of any pathology in the body.

If your period lasts 8 days, your doctor should find out the reason. If this is a teenage girl whose cycle has not yet been established, and the debut of menstruation was no later than a year ago, then in this case such violations are possible, because there is still a physiological imbalance in the body, which is not immediately restored for everyone. The reason to consult a doctor in such cases is that your period lasts more than two weeks.

Menstruation is 8 days: their reasons are very diverse, but among them a special place is given to:

  • postpartum period
  • post-abortion period
  • after an ectopic pregnancy
  • perimenopausal period
  • using hormones as contraception
  • presence of an intrauterine device in the uterine cavity
  • environmental actors. Among them, a special place is given to stress factors, physical activity, mental stress, improper rhythm of life and nutrition, as well as the presence of excess body weight
  • Athology of the endocrine system is often accompanied by menstrual irregularities in the form of prolonged menstruation.
  • A separate group of reasons that cause heavy periods is poor blood clotting ability
  • detection of infectious or inflammatory changes in the reproductive organs is also often the cause of long periods.

Only through timely contact with specialists, early diagnosis and timely treatment is it often possible to eliminate the cause without consequences for the body. If a woman does not seek help from specialists for a long time or independently uses all sorts of methods to stop bleeding, then in this case the likelihood of complications developing is high.

Under what circumstances should you visit a doctor?

The question of why your period lasts only 2 days can only be answered accurately by a doctor after an examination and the necessary tests. This can be either normal or a sign of illness. If unbearable pain appears during menstruation, you should seek help from a gynecologist - this may be a sign of the development of a severe inflammatory process. Among the main menstrual cycle disorders are:

  1. Amenorrhea. Under such conditions, there is no menstruation at 15 years of age or later.
  2. With hyperamenorrhea, there is copious discharge of blood from the genitals - more than 90 ml.
  3. Hypomenorrhea is characterized by scanty bleeding during menstruation.
  4. Dysmenorrhea is a pathological condition that provokes the development of unbearable pain during menstruation.
  5. Oligomenorrhea is a disease in which menstruation occurs very rarely - once every 4 months.

At home, it is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own, so if any deviation from the norm occurs, you should contact a gynecologist and tell him about all the unpleasant symptoms that caused discomfort.

Physiological factors for the appearance of menstruation twice per cycle

Having studied the comments and reviews of various women, we can conclude that repeated periods within a month are discouraging and make you worry about your own health. However, such a change does not always mean the presence of gynecological pathologies. Sometimes this is just a physiological reaction of the body to the reproductive health of a particular woman.

For physiological reasons, periods can be repeated 2 times a month under the following conditions:

  1. A woman has a short menstrual cycle - 18–21 days. In this case, not even a month passes from the end of the last menstruation to the beginning of the next. Using the calendar method, you can calculate the average duration of your own cycle and if it is usually short, there is no need to worry. However, if the length of your cycle has suddenly decreased, this is a reason to visit a doctor.
  2. Stress, sudden lifestyle changes or climate change can cause changes in cycle length and menstruation twice a month. This condition is not a deviation if it is one-time in nature.
  3. Installation of an intrauterine device causes hormonal changes that take time for the body to get used to. Usually the adaptation period takes several months, and then the cycle returns to normal. Immediately after implantation of the IUD, minor bleeding may appear for 2-3 days, which is not menstruation. After the procedure, you must constantly monitor your doctor and inform him of any changes in your cycle.
  4. Taking hormonal contraceptives also requires an adaptation period of up to 3 months. Since the effect of such contraceptives is to suppress progesterone and produce synthetic estrogens, the formation and death of endometrial layers may occur more often than usual and lead to unscheduled periods.
  5. At the beginning of puberty. During the first years after menarche, serious hormonal changes occur in the teenage body. Teenagers' periods are often irregular and may come twice a month. This does not always require treatment, but you need to constantly monitor the girl’s well-being, the abundance of discharge, and regularly see a gynecologist.
  6. In women of mature age, hormonal changes during menopause lead to a gradual decline in reproductive function. Menstruation may not come for several months or, conversely, come twice in a short period of time. During this period, the woman needs to be observed by an experienced specialist, since the body with such changes is predisposed to the development of gynecological pathologies.
  7. Recovery after childbirth or termination of pregnancy is stressful for any woman. The first period after such events comes 1-1.5 months later, but the menstrual cycle takes much longer to improve.


Short periods are not always a consequence of pathology. Failure of the body can be caused by various reasons. Let's look at them.

During adolescence

Can periods last 2 days for young girls? After menarche - the first menstruation, the formation of the cycle continues for two years.

At this time, discharge may have different intensity and frequency. The reason is an unstable hormonal background. All this is a variant of the norm. It is likely that as the reproductive system matures, oligomenorrhea will go away.


If a woman is planning to conceive, she is attentive to her reproductive health. Otherwise, she may mistake the onset of pregnancy for normal periods.

When the egg is fertilized and the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, so-called implantation bleeding occurs. The reason is minor damage to the endometrial blood vessels.

To avoid wondering whether you might be pregnant, you can take a test. But this takes more time, and immediately after conception the result is often negative.

If scanty discharge continues for more than two days, smear, this may be the beginning of a miscarriage. You need to go to the clinic.

After childbirth and abortion

The process of childbirth or artificial termination of pregnancy leads to a serious hormonal surge. It takes time for the body to recover.

If a woman does not breastfeed after giving birth, her period begins. In the first months, they are usually short - up to two days, scanty. This is the norm.

After a few cycles, menstruation will be restored and become longer.


The lactation period is characterized by the production of the hormone prolactin. If there is enough of it, there is no menstruation.

In some cases, hormone synthesis is reduced and light, short periods begin. This occurs, for example, when a woman introduces complementary foods to her baby.

The beginning of menopause

After 45 years, the natural decline of reproductive function begins. During premenopause, the production of sex hormones decreases and the nature of the regulation changes.

The discharge is not as abundant as before and does not last long. The process is accompanied by a decrease in libido. This means that after a year or two, menstruation will stop completely and menopause will occur.

Weight loss and diets

The desire to lose weight sometimes causes undesirable consequences. Why is this happening? Hormonal metabolism and estrogen synthesis are affected by the amount of adipose tissue. If there is less of it, a deficiency of sex hormones occurs and, as a result, menstruation shortens and becomes scanty.

When following a diet, it is important to ensure that the body receives all the necessary vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. An unbalanced diet is a common reason why periods last two days when losing weight.

An unbalanced diet is a common reason why periods last two days when losing weight.

Other factors

Other reasons also influence changes in the duration of discharge:

  • Taking oral contraceptives. They contain hormones that affect the functioning of the body. Menstruation may become scanty and short.
  • Navy. Installation of an intrauterine device to prevent unwanted pregnancy can also change the nature of the regulation.

Other factors:

  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • anemia;
  • inflammatory, infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • disruption of ovarian function;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Video about normal discharge

The main causes of menstrual irregularities

Only after diagnosing the patient will the doctor find out why menstruation lasts 2 days. There are several reasons why periods are so short, namely:

  • systematic stress;
  • strict diet and hunger strike;
  • when anorexia nervosa occurs, scanty discharge during menstruation is often observed;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • somatic disorder;
  • neuropsychiatric illness;
  • anemia;
  • insufficient amount of elements in the blood - hypovitaminosis;
  • surgical intervention in the pelvic organs;
  • mechanical injury;
  • congenital anomaly of the uterus;
  • incorrectly selected oral contraceptive;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • infectious disease;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • lactation.

Only after a thorough medical diagnosis can a specialist identify the factor that provoked the occurrence of such a pathological condition.

What to do if you have a long period?

If a woman does not know why her periods take so long, why menstruation does not stop for more than 2 weeks, then such symptoms may also have reasons such as: lack of sleep, poor quality food, consumption of alcohol and nicotine separately and together can have a detrimental effect on hormonal balance. Metabolic disorders and the resulting excess weight also harm the hormonal regulation of the reproductive system. Therefore, not only for the sake of striving for the ideals of beauty, but also for the benefit of their own health, women are recommended to control the amount of fat in the body through proper nutrition, move more, and play sports. Additionally, this will help improve the functioning of the heart, musculoskeletal system and improve overall well-being, especially if a woman is engaged in sedentary work.

To summarize, we note that painful menstruation and large blood loss can be affected by abortion, miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. To exclude diseases when menstruation lasts more than 12 days, you should consult a doctor. If your cycle length increases due to long periods of more than a week, you should visit a gynecologist. Possible causes of the disorder may be gynecological diseases or thyroid dysfunction. Contraceptives that are unsuitable for the body, which result in disruptions in the cycle, should be replaced in consultation with a doctor.

Gynecological and tumor diseases that can cause bleeding are an undeniable reason to visit a gynecologist. In any of the described cases, self-medication is strictly contraindicated.

When should you see a doctor?

If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant and experience unexpected bleeding, you should call an ambulance immediately.

In other cases, it makes sense to first look at the dynamics and consult a doctor if there are strange things in the next one or two cycles. Be sure to keep track of your cycle and any unusual changes if any (such as sleepiness, fast or low heart rate, weight loss or gain, unusual hair growth, acne, etc.). It is convenient to do this in a special application for tracking your cycle.

All this information can help your doctor make a diagnosis.

Examination and treatment for scanty periods

If a woman’s menstruation is abnormal, there are deviations, including in the volume of discharge, then a mandatory examination is necessary to determine the cause. Scanty periods may indicate serious pathologies in the body, leading to infertility or the inability to bear a child during pregnancy. In some cases, scanty periods are a symptom of cancer of the uterus and ovaries.

Warning: Often in the early stages, signs of cancer are similar to those characteristic of ovarian dysfunction. Therefore, early examination and detection of malignant processes is of great importance.

Taking into account the woman’s age, the nature of the menstrual cycle, and the presence of side symptoms, the doctor, if necessary, prescribes an examination. A blood and smear test is done to detect inflammatory processes and determine the type of infection affecting the genitals. A colposcopic examination is performed to see polyps and endometrial growths. A blood test is taken for hormones. Ultrasound and computed tomography methods make it possible to examine the condition of the tissues of the uterus, ovaries, and pelvic organs, to detect areas of hyperplasia and the formation of tumors.

In some cases, treatment is not required (for example, if scanty periods occur during puberty or lactation). If a woman does not have serious pathologies, it is enough to adjust her diet, change her lifestyle, take vitamins, and sedatives in order for her periods to return to normal. A special massage and aromatherapy are prescribed to relieve nervous stress and improve blood supply to the uterus. Hot foot baths a week before your period help to enhance menstruation.

In case of hormonal disorders, medications are prescribed to restore the balance of hormones. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antifungal agents are used if infections are detected.

To normalize your periods in the absence of pathologies, you need to be in the fresh air more often, move more, quit smoking, and be less nervous. Folk remedies, for example, onion broth, help fight scanty periods. To prepare it, take one medium onion per 2 glasses of water. Drink before breakfast. Infusions of tansy and calendula (2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water) help.

The situation when menstruation lasts 2 days often does not surprise girls: many of them consider a short period to be the norm, without worrying about possible pathologies and abnormalities. To understand whether a girl can be pregnant with such a short duration of menstruation, it is necessary to understand the causes of the phenomenon.

Menstruation after therapy with Duphaston

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You should visit a doctor to determine why your period is taking 2 days. The reason may be due to the medication you are taking. As medical practice shows, hypomenorrhea is often observed after taking Duphaston.

Like any hormonal drug, Duphaston affects the functioning of the female body. Doctors do not recommend using the drug on their own, since only a gynecologist can select the appropriate treatment regimen and dosage. Buying hormonal medications on your own without a doctor’s advice is life-threatening.

If bloody discharge is observed during treatment with Duphaston, this indicates that the endometrium is beginning to actively grow. If critical days do not occur after discontinuation of the drug, then, most likely, successful conception has occurred.

Menstruation lasts 1-2 days - why does this happen?

When it comes to menstruation, everything is individual. For most people, their periods last from 3 to 5 days. Even a duration of 2 days or as many as 7 is considered normal.

If your period suddenly becomes much shorter, there are various reasons for this.

Thyroid diseases

Thyroid dysfunction causes the body to produce too much or too little of the hormone. This hormone plays an important role in your menstrual cycle.

The most common symptoms of such diseases include:

  1. weight loss or weight gain;
  2. trouble sleeping or feeling very tired;
  3. heartbeat faster or slower than usual.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

With PCOS, the body produces more male sex hormones than usual. This type of hormonal imbalance can stop ovulation. Other symptoms of PCOS:

  1. excess facial hair;
  2. fatigue;
  3. lower voice;
  4. mood swings.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (POP)

VTO ​​is a type of infection that occurs when bacteria enters the vagina and spreads to the uterus and upper genitalia. This infection is usually transmitted through sexual contact.


When a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, implantation bleeding can occur. This light bleeding is light pink or dark brown in color. Most often it lasts from 24 to 48 hours.

Implantation bleeding usually occurs approximately 10-14 days after conception.

However, it does not happen to all pregnant women.

Ectopic pregnancy

One of the first signs of an ectopic pregnancy is vaginal bleeding accompanied by pain in the pelvic area.

The fact is that the fertilized egg grows in the fallopian tube, which leads to its rupture.

If you experience symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, seek medical help immediately:

  1. severe pain in the abdomen or pelvis, usually on one side;
  2. fainting or dizziness;
  3. abnormal vaginal bleeding;
  4. rectal pressure.

Hormones and contraceptives

Hormonal birth control pills can thin the uterine lining. In addition, intrauterine devices sometimes cause shorter, lighter periods.


High levels of stress can affect your hormones. This, in turn, affects your menstrual cycle.

If you're under a lot of stress, you may have irregular periods or no periods at all. Your cycle will most likely return to normal once your stress levels decrease.

Excessive physical activity

If you don't balance the amount of energy you burn with enough calories, your body won't have enough to keep all its systems running.

As a result, the hypothalamus, an area in your brain, can slow or stop the release of hormones that control ovulation.

Symptoms of the disease

Scanty discharge that lasts less than 2 days does not bother some women, because the symptoms of hypomenorrhea are almost invisible. The main and probably the main symptom of the development of this disease is considered to be a significant reduction in menstrual flow by half, or even three.

Basically, menstruation in this case looks more like a dark brown smear or drop-shaped red spots found on underwear. If a woman does not pay appropriate attention to her health, she may skip this moment altogether and not mistake this discharge for menstrual discharge.

This type of pathological manifestation of menstruation, like its other types, often occurs in parallel with a deterioration in the woman’s general health. They are based on increased fatigue, lethargy, frequent dizziness, pain in the mammary glands and nausea, which can even develop into vomiting, regular nosebleeds, frequent mental and neurological breakdowns.

But the most significant symptoms are still painful sensations in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of spasms, nagging pain in the lower back, which are sometimes characterized as intense. With such pain, libido naturally decreases, which also occurs as a result of a decrease in the amount of the hormone estrogen in the blood.

Why is oligomenorrhea dangerous?

If menstruation constantly ends on the second day after the start, there is a high probability of endometrial pathology.

With low body fat, poor diet, or for some other reason, the endometrium becomes very thin. In this regard, when the follicular phase of the cycle begins, it is rejected quite quickly, because of this, menstruation becomes scanty and stops by the end of the second day.

Often such periods are accompanied by a decrease in sexual desire. Insufficient thickness of the endometrium is a common cause of infertility, because in the thin mucous layer a fertilized egg cannot implant properly.

There are cases when menstruation occurs irregularly, several times a month, due to pathological growth of the uterine mucosa - endometriosis. Then the woman notices that her periods are too heavy, long and painful, and some time after they stop, repeated bleeding may occur, scanty, spotting, which ends very quickly, after 1-2 days. These symptoms require mandatory consultation with a specialist.

Endometrial insufficiency is also often accompanied by decreased libido and infertility. Such a woman is unable to become pregnant. A fertilized egg cannot attach normally to a thin layer of the endometrium. This pathology is considered one of the most common among women diagnosed with infertility.

Also, the lack of proper treatment for concomitant diseases leads to their progression, which causes even more problems for women. Therefore, after identifying oligomenorrhea, you need to visit a gynecologist and diagnose the body. It is recommended to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, undergo general tests and determine the level of sex hormones.


All medical procedures for primary or secondary oligomenorrhea are aimed at obtaining an answer to the question of why it occurred. And then medicinal and physiological treatment procedures are prescribed to eliminate them.

If a girl’s monthly bleeding is very short, a gynecologist first gets acquainted with the patient’s complaints, studies the previous medical history, and evaluates her mental and emotional state. Only after this is a gynecological examination performed, a general health examination is prescribed and a number of necessary tests are taken.

The main methods by which it is possible to identify the reason that a girl’s period lasts 2 days or less are:

  • a blood test, during which the level of concentration of sex hormones in the patient’s body is determined;
  • ultrasound examination, which helps to determine the presence of pathological formations in the internal genital organs of a woman;
  • basal temperature fluctuation chart.

After completing all the procedures described above, the gynecologist can determine an individual course of treatment for the patient.

Why do my periods come twice a month?

The onset of menstruation 2 times within one month can be caused by external and internal reasons. If the failure occurred once, the nature of menstruation has not changed, and no associated problems have arisen, then there is no reason to panic. After the end of your period, it is advisable to see a gynecologist. He will be able to determine the cause of the disorder and tell whether treatment is required.

But more often, women are faced with a situation in which their periods begin again a week after they have ended. During the examination, it is necessary to determine whether the failure occurred under the influence of physiological or pathological factors. In the first case, the condition normalizes on its own, and if pathologies are detected, treatment is necessary.

Physiological reasons

There is no cause for concern if menstruation begins 2 times a month in patients who have just started taking oral contraceptives. Over the course of 3 months, the body can react in this way to the supply of hormones from the outside.

In a teenager, the occurrence of menstruation 2 times a month is possible during the period of formation of reproductive function. Within 2 years from menarche, the hormonal background is formed, so periodic disruptions are considered normal. It is necessary to monitor the amount of discharge so as not to miss the onset of bleeding.

In premenopausal age, due to a disruption in the production of sex hormones, there is a risk of malfunctions. Menstruation has the right to repeat 2 times a month, delay for several weeks

During this period, it is important to regularly check with a gynecologist so as not to miss the onset of diseases that are the causes of failures

In the postpartum period, after miscarriages and abortions, there is a risk of developing disorders. Their occurrence is due to serious hormonal changes taking place in a woman’s body.

Pathological causes

If you receive complaints about frequent periods, the gynecologist should, in addition to the examination, prescribe an ultrasound. If problems cannot be identified, then it is necessary to take tests for hormones, blood clotting and infections transmitted through sexual contact.

Among the most common pathological causes that provoke the appearance of menstruation twice a month or more often are:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • diseases of the uterus, including inflammatory ones;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • fibroids;
  • endometrial polyps;
  • adenomyosis;
  • endometriosis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • dysfunction of hematopoiesis;
  • cystic formations.

An increase in menstruation may be associated with an ectopic or non-developing pregnancy or miscarriage. This is possible if the patient had her period during pregnancy, and then a complication arose. Most often, this situation occurs during ectopic egg implantation.

What is considered a normal variant?

A woman's menstrual cycle lasts 21-35 days. It is customary to distinguish several phases, each of which is accompanied by certain changes in the woman’s body. Menstruation marks the beginning of a cycle. It is accompanied by the rejection of the inner layer of the uterine lining, called the endometrium. The duration of menstruation in women can vary. It ranges from 3 to 7 days. During this period, 50 to 80 ml of menstrual fluid is released.

Menstruation without blood is a pathology. This indicates the development of certain negative conditions in the body. Scanty and short periods are also considered a violation. If they last for 1 day or a little more, we can talk about the development of a disease such as oligomenorrhea. It can be primary or secondary, depending on the reasons that cause it. Physiological and pathological oligomenorrhea are also distinguished.


Reasons for prolonged menstruation, why periods take so long

Women do not always realize what the physiological and psychological reasons for long periods may be, and why periods take a long time. Not all women understand what prolonged menstruation is, they do not know how to distinguish ordinary heavy discharge from uterine bleeding, and in general, what menstruation, what menstruation can be called heavy. The greatest danger to women is posed by 2 types of menstrual irregularities:

  • Too intense periods (over 150 ml per day).
  • Prolonged menstruation.

If your period takes a very long time, if menstruation is not only protracted, but also extremely intense, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor, as it poses a threat to the life and health of a woman.

There are many reasons for the appearance of long periods, when periods take a very long time or menstruation lasts longer than expected. The following are the most common reasons for the appearance of long periods, when periods do not end for a long time. So why do periods not end? In the vast majority of cases, prolonged menstruation occurs due to:

  • ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage (in this case, blood comes out with clots and is accompanied by severe pain);
  • the cause of very long and long periods is a consequence of medical abortion;
  • a sharp change in climatic zones can also lead to menstruation taking longer than usual;
  • psychological stress can lead not only to a delay in menstruation, but also become one of the reasons that menstruation will not end for a long time;
  • installation of an intrauterine device (an IUD that provokes heavy and protracted periods must be immediately removed);
  • taking hormonal contraceptives in some cases may not lead to a delay in menstruation, but to the appearance of very long menstruation, when menstruation lasts for a very long time (in this case, heavy and long periods should be discussed with the attending gynecologist who prescribed them);
  • hormonal imbalance caused by natural causes (childbirth, menopause, etc.);
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • blood diseases sometimes lead to the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom as very long periods;
  • adenomyosis (sprouting of the endometrium into the muscular walls of the uterus);
  • uterine polyposis may be the reason why menstruation does not end;
  • uterine fibroids (a benign formation characterized by heavy and prolonged bleeding that occurs, including during the intermenstrual period);
  • Malignant tumors in the uterus sometimes become the reason why menstruation does not end.

The above reasons for the fact that menstruation does not end on time are the most common, but this does not mean that the causes of prolonged vaginal discharge cannot be other physiological or pathological reasons. The sooner a patient suffering from prolonged menstruation is examined and the necessary tests are taken to determine the cause of this deviation, the more effective the treatment will be. Therefore, at the first signs of prolonged periods, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Hormonal contraception

A short period of menstruation is often a consequence of the installation of an intrauterine contraceptive system, the action of which is based on regulating hormone levels. This leads not only to a decrease in the duration of bleeding, but also to its complete cessation. Special hormonal components of the IUD installed in the uterus do not allow the endometrial layer to develop properly. Therefore, its detachment does not occur, and therefore only a small amount of blood and the remains of an unfertilized egg are released from the vagina.

The same effect occurs when using oral contraception. The cause of oligomenorrhea is the same.

In the case when these funds are used with the knowledge and advice of a gynecologist, there is no reason for concern.

Prevention recommendations

To avoid disruption of menstrual function, experts advise not to self-medicate, follow certain rules, and also have some information:

The age at which menarche begins should be between ten and fourteen years. You need to come for a scheduled appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist once every six months. It is important to follow a diet, maintain water balance and adhere to the basic canons of a healthy lifestyle. Minimize any emotional turmoil. Monitor the level of hormones in the blood and the general condition of the endocrine system by regularly taking tests and visiting a specialized specialist. Maintain a personal menstrual calendar. Give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drug use). Take any medications only in consultation with your doctor.

A normal menstrual cycle is the main indicator of the proper functioning of the female reproductive system. That is why every lady needs to monitor the timing of the arrival of the next regulations, record their volume and other characteristics in a special calendar.

The problem cannot be ignored, as this will aggravate the current situation and lead to the progression of the pathology. You should not practice self-diagnosis on the Internet and take medications without prescription.

Symptoms and signs of oligomenorrhea

A striking external manifestation of oligomenorrhea is a deterioration in metabolism, leading to excess weight gain and the appearance of acne in many parts of the body. About half of women affected by this disease have male pattern hair growth (excess hair on the face, chest and limbs). These women have more developed muscles and a skeletal structure similar to that of men. Changing the concentration of hormones reduces female libido and makes it difficult to conceive a child. If other factors are less noticeable, then the problem with procreation, which comes to the fore in the woman’s realization, may be the first reason that helps identify the problem of oligomenorrhea.

You can affirmatively declare the presence of pathology after consulting a gynecologist and a corresponding examination. The ability to conceive with infrequent periods is very low; successful fertilization is achieved with the help of medical intervention.

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