Couple wants to have a baby
Hyperkeratosis of the squamous epithelium of the cervix: signs and treatment methods
Dermatovenereologist Khasanova Alina Rashidovna Experience 8 years Make an appointment Hyperkeratosis - common name
Proper nutrition during and after radiation therapy 
Treatment of the disease with radiation radiation Radiation therapy for cervical cancer involves exposure to atypical
medicinal plant
Treatment of endometriosis during menopause with traditional methods
Borovaya uterus is a medicinal plant that is used to successfully fight gynecological diseases.
Ovarian dysfunction during the reproductive and premenopausal periods
Ovarian dysfunction - what is it? Symptoms and treatment Ovarian dysfunction is a pathological condition
Drugs for treatment
How can you treat salpingitis at home?
Oophoritis is an ovarian disease of an infectious-inflammatory nature. Most common among other pathologies of the female genital area
postpartum metroendometritis. diagnostics. prevention.
Metroendometritis is an inflammation of the uterus, namely, an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane and muscle
Treatment for a small uterus - folk remedies
Subtypes of a small uterus The normal dimensions of the uterus are considered: Longitudinal - at least 7 cm Transverse
Why does cervical hypertrophy appear and how to treat it?
The uterus is the main female organ, the main purpose of which is to bear offspring. During
Features of the use of Nystatin for thrush in women
Principle of action Nystatin and thrush are two incompatible things. This drug is for pharmacological purposes
Cervical amputation
Cervical dysplasia 2 degrees - symptoms and treatment
Medical certificate To understand the essence of the pathological process, it is necessary to understand the anatomy of the reproductive system. She
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