How to cure vaginal chafing
Classification of injuries to the female genital organs received during sex Unlike men,
Ectopic pregnancy is one of the causes of hypomenorrhea
Bleeding during menstruation with polyps
Causes of delayed menstruation - what they are One of the most common causes of delayed menstruation
sad girl looking in the mirror
Is it possible to do peeling during menstruation - the opinion of dermatologists
What women expect from peeling Natural renewal of facial skin occurs daily. Under the dead cells
Types of Medicines
Is it possible to take Lindinet for uterine fibroids?
When is conservative therapy prescribed, and when is surgery? There are cases when it is preferable to choose conservative treatment
Bloody and brown discharge with cystitis in women: bloody discharge after cystitis
Cystitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the bladder and is accompanied by frequent painful urination.
girl with thermometer
Basal temperature 37 and above: what does this mean?
Basal temperature 37 and above: what does this mean? If a woman looks after her
Basal temperature during pregnancy - measurement rules, charts and interpretation
Is it possible to measure basal temperature during the day or evening?
Basal temperature is an important parameter for women. According to the values ​​of this indicator, girls can do
Can terzhinan be used for bleeding?
Composition Active ingredients: ternidazole - 200 mg, neomycin sulfate - 100 mg (65,000
Menstruation after taking Postinor, how to restore the body
How can you recover after “Postinor” When, in a fit of passion, men and women forget about
During pregnancy, the uterus is low
The female body is strikingly different from the male one. This statement is well known, but not every person
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