Menstruation comes or doesn't
Among all the unusual signs that characterize menstruation, for many the most frightening are intermittent periods.
Garlic treatment with folk remedies in gynecology. Garlic in gynecology
Tampons with garlic Garlic is a plant that helps cope with many diseases. Beneficial features
The test is positive, there is a pull in the lower abdomen and lower back as with menstruation, but there is a delay
Cycle failure The first menstruation in girls appears at the age of 11-13 years. With hereditary predisposition
E. coli in a smear during pregnancy, impact on the fetus in the early stages
At 6 - 12 weeks, a woman is registered as pregnant and then
fibroids on ultrasound
How many times a year can you do an ultrasound of the uterus for fibroids?
It is now difficult to surprise anyone with a diagnosis of uterine fibroids. About 25% of the total female population often experienced
When should your period start after Postinor?
If you take Postinor during your period. Menstruation after Postinor – when should it start and what to do if it’s delayed
Postinor is the most popular modern drug that helps prevent unwanted fertilization of the egg and further
Menstruation. How to Relieve Period Symptoms with Herbs 3
How to cure scanty periods with folk remedies
In spring, despite the renewal of nature, our own vitality fades away. There's nothing to it
No periods after Regulon: why does taking or stopping the drug cause a delay in menstruation?
Today, there are many hormonal drugs that are used for contraception and the treatment of certain
Gonadotropin 5000 is a medicine whose main action is aimed at eliminating problems with sexual function
Results of using Chorionic Gonadotropin 5000 for infertility
Human chorionic gonadotropin is a pharmacological agent and belongs to the group of hormonal agents. More often
How are surgeries done?
How long does urology surgery take?
Although it is believed that the body is a complex self-regulating system, sometimes without surgical intervention
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