Water pepper extract after childbirth: purpose, release form, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications
Tincture of water pepper after cesarean section. Tincture of water pepper after childbirth: why, how to take
Water pepper has been used in folk medicine for many years. One of the advantages is
Suspicion of polycystic disease: tests to confirm or refute the diagnosis
Forms of polycystic ovary syndrome Polycystic disease can be primary or secondary: With primary polycystic disease, symptoms will appear
Hot flashes and male menopause
Male menopause (andropause) – what, how, when and why
Hot flashes are a sensation of intense heat that spreads throughout the body and is felt to the maximum
Deformation of the cervical canal
How to get rid of a vaginal cyst: treatment methods
What is education? In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD10), the cyst has code N89.8 -
Inflammation of breastfeeding breasts during breastfeeding
Transition from lactostasis to mastitis Incomplete pumping or a long break in feeding the child leads to
How long does discharge last after cesarean section: types of lochia and their causes
As in the case of natural childbirth, after a cesarean section (CS), the female body must
Removal of the fallopian tube - indications and preparation for surgery
Laparoscopic tubectomy (salpingectomy) is the surgical removal of the fallopian tube using endoscopic equipment. May be
Pimafucin for men with thrush: release forms
Thrush (candidiasis) affects not only women, but also representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Candidiasis balanoposthitis
The girl was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst
Causes and signs of the development of an ovarian cyst in a girl during adolescence
Women at any age are susceptible to gynecological diseases, for example, an ovarian cyst in a teenage girl
side effects of fluconazole
How quickly does thrush go away after taking fluconazole?
Generics The popular drug soon had analogues. Based on the Fluconazole component,
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