Is it necessary and how to protect yourself from pregnancy after 50 years?

Menopause is a complex process occurring in the body. It is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and hormonal imbalance. In the initial stage, a lot of estrogen is synthesized, which can lead to endometrial hyperplasia. Bleeding and pain may begin.

This phenomenon can be prevented with the help of hormonal therapy, where progesterone will regulate the synthesis of estrogen. However, hormonal medications are a difficult therapy, which is fraught with consequences such as excess weight, bleeding and addiction.

Action of the Mirena spiral

T-shaped device with 2 antennae. In the body of the Mirena coil there is a cavity filled with hormones. The body receives an equal amount of progesterone daily in the form of levonorgestrel - 20 mcg. The hormone belongs to the group of gestagens. Prevents the formation of the endometrium and the growth of cancer cells. The Mirena spiral balances progestins and estrogens. Does not interfere with the functioning of the ovaries. Prevents the development of pathological processes in the pelvic organs, reduces the manifestation of menopause. Used as a means of contraception. Its effect is especially useful at the initial stage of menopause, when you can still get pregnant. The spiral thickens the discharge and prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterine cavity. Prevents the development of hyperplasia and endometriosis.

Use during menopause

The menopausal period is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Premenopause normally starts at 45 years of age. The ovaries begin to gradually synthesize fewer hormones. The pituitary gland, producing follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, stimulates the hormonal activity of the ovaries. Such changes lead to hormonal imbalance, which provokes changes in the menstrual cycle.
  2. Menopause or menopause is the last menstrual cycle. It is only diagnosed retrospectively. If after the last menstruation there has been no independent menstruation for a year, then menopause has occurred. Normally, menopause occurs at about 50 years of age.
  3. Postmenopause lasts until the end of a woman’s days. At this stage, the supply of eggs formed during the girl’s intrauterine development has already been completed. The ovaries gradually atrophy and the body has low levels of sex hormones.

Gynecologists recommend that women install the Mirena spiral during menopause. In premenopause, it not only prevents endometriosis and other pathological processes in the genital organs, but helps reduce the intensity of menopausal symptoms and is a reliable intrauterine contraceptive.

After all, a woman can still get pregnant. In postmenopause, the spiral is also installed, but only for women who do not have diseases related to contraindications for the drug.

According to the instructions, the spiral is not recommended for women over 65 years of age.

Mirena and uterine fibroids

One of the reasons for the development of fibroids is hormonal imbalance. There is a high probability of a tumor appearing during menopause. Uterine fibroids provoke painful, heavy periods, bleeding during menopause. The Mirena spiral evens out hormonal levels, prevents the development of neoplasms or helps reduce them. While a regular IUD is contraindicated, Mirena is recommended by doctors for the prevention of many diseases. The product regulates estrogens and prevents the development of the endometrium. Scanty menstruation may be present in the first months of treatment, then disappears altogether.

An increased amount of estrogen provokes the growth of fibroids. As reproductive functions decline, the amount of estrogen in a woman’s body decreases, but it is replenished with drugs containing a synthetic hormone. As a result, a situation arises with a high level of estrogen. The spiral allows you to balance this level. Since it contains progesterone, it is possible to use drugs with estradiol. But the treatment regimen must be selected by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. According to women, Mirena copes quite well with fibroids. It either remains at the same level or disappears completely.

Hormonal IUD against menopausal diseases

Sex hormones take part in many processes occurring in the female body. With the onset of menopause, their levels decrease and unpleasant symptoms appear.

If, despite a decrease in estrogen production, its level significantly exceeds the level of progesterone, then endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and uterine bleeding may develop. We will dwell on all the diseases described in more detail.

Endometrial hyperplasia

With a high estrogen content in the body and an insufficient amount of progesterone, endometrial hyperplasia begins - endometrial cells grow. With the development of such a pathology, a woman is bothered by the following symptoms that reduce her quality of life: pain in the lower abdomen and spotting.

If the disease is not treated, the process of malignancy of pathological cells and the development of endometrial cancer, which is very difficult to treat, may begin.

Installing the Mirena IUD helps reduce the effect of estrogen on the endometrium due to the fact that progesterone will be released locally - into the uterine cavity.

At the same time, estrogens will continue to have a positive effect on bone tissue, preventing the development of osteoporosis. Also prevent high blood pressure, frequent urination and dry skin.


With endometriosis, the endometrium grows beyond the uterus. In the early stages, the disease is asymptomatic, and then menstrual irregularities, heavy periods and pain appear.

In its advanced form, the disease leads to the development of infertility. The disease requires complex therapy, which includes insertion of the Mirena IUD into the uterine cavity.


Uterine fibroids are the development of a hormone-dependent benign formation in the muscular layer of the uterus or its cervix. There are 3 main forms of the disease and several combined varieties.

The Mirena IUD is included in the complex treatment of certain forms of the disease. It is inserted into the uterus in order to reduce the influence of estrogen, which provokes the growth of fibroids.

Uterine bleeding during menopause

With the onset of menopause, a woman may begin to experience severe bleeding, with an unknown nature of its origin. They are called metrorrhagia and are very difficult to stop. For this purpose, the Mirena IUD is inserted into the uterine cavity. The effect will not be immediate, but after some time the woman will be able to return to a normal way of life.

Benign tumor

The presence of benign tumors in the mammary glands is not a contraindication to the installation of the Mirena coil. Benign formations that develop in the mammary glands include: adenoma, consisting of glandular epithelial cells, and fibroadenoma, formed from glandular and fibrous tissue.

The Mirena IUD releases levonorgestrel in small doses, and it works in the uterine cavity. The hormone practically does not enter the general bloodstream. Therefore, it has no side effects on the organs and systems of the body, including the mammary glands.

Drugs used to treat benign breast formations combine well with the Mirena spiral. The IUD does not affect the course of the disease or the therapy used.

Heavy discharge after insertion of the IUD

When using this remedy, spotting and spotting may be present during the first 4 months, which is normal during menopause. This is how the body adapts to new living conditions and the hormonal levels stabilize. At the same time, the risk of developing inflammation is high. Often, pathology is the cause of bleeding after installation of the coil. Firstly, the body tries to free itself from a foreign object, and secondly, the hormonal background changes. If bleeding occurs, you should consult a specialist. Even if there are no other alarming symptoms.

The principle of action on the female body

The IUD operates 24 hours a day. Up to 20 mg of active substance is released. Mirena does not affect the normal functioning of the ovaries; it balances hormones. As a result of this, the uterine epithelium becomes elastic and smooth, and the endometrium does not thin out and does not grow. He is within the normal range.

Without the influence of external hormones, the following occurs:

  1. The amount of bleeding is reduced.
  2. The endometrial layer grows, but does not separate; its thickness gradually increases.
  3. Over time, spotting appears, endometriosis or other neoplasms develop.

The UPS is valid for 5 years.

How long does the bleeding last?

During menopause, the Mirena coil helps to avoid spotting and bleeding. During the first 2 months there may be heavy bleeding if the IUD was placed at the beginning of menopause. But after 4 months everything returns to normal - there is no discharge or the discharge is too scanty. Bleeding lasts from 5 to 7 days. After installing the Mirena spiral, the doctor should consult the woman. Tell her what consequences await her. In what cases should you seek help from gynecologists? In general, you should visit your doctor twice a year. And also 1-2 months after installing the spiral.

When can I remove the coil?

There is no strictly defined age at which women should remove Mirena coils, unless the latter expires.

Experts from the reputable British organization Womens Health Concern recommend that women remove the IUD after a year has passed since their last menstruation.

And when a woman wants to stop using the IUD before reaching menopause, she needs to switch to other forms of birth control if she wants to protect herself from pregnancy.

Some women decide to use Mirena coils until the end of their life, even if menopause has begun. In such cases, the doctor can give specific recommendations.


The product is not suitable for everyone. Before installing the Mirena spiral, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the whole body. Contraindications are:

  • oncological tumor;
  • mammary cancer;
  • bleeding of unknown etymology;
  • individual intolerance to synthetic hormones;
  • thrombosis of veins in the legs;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • genitourinary tract infection;
  • endometritis in the present;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart;
  • abortion 3 months ago.

Fundamental differences between hormonal and non-hormonal IUDs

Each body has a number of individual reactions, which is why so many different contraceptives have been created. You will definitely find what you need, but sometimes you have to try several options. There is also a choice when choosing a spiral. Both types are similar in appearance and are a small device on a plastic base in the shape of the letter “T”. For ease of installation, an applicator is used; thin antennae are used for removal. They are slightly felt the first days after installation, and then they no longer interfere. Once every six months you will need a preventive examination to confirm the absence of side effects.

Non-hormonal types contain various additives, the basis is copper, there is a certain percentage of silver to prevent inflammatory processes.

Spirals of the second type contain a hormonal component, which is released into the body in microdoses, and is localized in the area of ​​the reproductive organs, providing an additional therapeutic effect and reducing the negative consequences of hormonal imbalance. During the period of age-related changes in the body after 40 years, a sharp increase in the number of medications taken is possible. This occurs due to exacerbation of chronic diseases provoked by hormonal changes. I don’t want to add another pill that I have to take over time. Therefore, the Mirena coil during menopause will greatly simplify the care of birth control. It contains the hormone levonorgestrel, which inhibits ovulation, making conception impossible.

Consequences of installing a spiral

At first, side effects may appear. If they are not significant, continue to use the product. Otherwise you will have to abandon it. What could it be?

  • headache, migraine;
  • jaundice;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • development of a malignant tumor;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • stroke, myocardial infarction;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • weight gain;
  • cysts in the ovaries;
  • dizziness;
  • acne on the skin, allergic reaction;
  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • emotional instability.

If the body accepts the remedy without side effects, the disappearance of menopause symptoms can be felt immediately. Headache, excessive sweating, hot flashes, irritability, and other unpleasant symptoms of menopause go away.

However, there is a second side to the coin. Progesterone promotes fluid retention, possibly swelling of the legs and weight gain. An allergic rash and acne appear on the skin. There is constant nausea, an incomprehensible state, a foggy state, laziness and apathy appear. Facial hair may grow and fall out in clumps on the head. Doctors usually say that the system improves the condition of hair and skin, and fewer wrinkles appear. If the above symptoms are present, you need to double-check your hormonal levels and consult with specialists. You may have to remove it. Hormone deficiency and excess have a negative effect on the body. Doctors allow such negative effects of the system for 3 months. Then the body adapts to the new living conditions, excess weight goes away, and the woman feels healthy again, without side effects or symptoms of menopause.

Using Mirena during menopause

The doctor installs the product after a preliminary examination of the woman’s body. The procedure itself does not take much time. Immediately after installation, the woman can leave the gynecologist's office. Lifting heavy objects is prohibited for 2 weeks. In the future, when using the spiral, you should avoid heavy physical activity. There is no discharge during menopause. The use of Mirena requires constant monitoring by the gynecologist, the woman herself. If pink or bloody discharge appears, you should consult your doctor. Otherwise, the woman leads a full life.

Using Mirena prevents unwanted pregnancy. In the first years of decline of reproductive functions, conception is quite possible. However, it is almost impossible to determine pregnancy by your own feelings - they resemble manifestations of menopause. Menstruation may be absent due to menopause. The pregnancy test is also not as accurate as it used to be. Since the level of hCG during menopause in women is increased. Corresponds to the first weeks of pregnancy. Thus, a negative test result may mean pregnancy, while a positive test result may deny it. Using Mirena allows a woman to have sex without the threat of conception.

Reviews from doctors

Gynecologists speak positively about the use of Mirena during menopause. They are offered to women quite often.

Davydova Marina Igorevna, endocrinologist-gynecologist:

“Mirena keeps the muscles of the genital organs toned and restores hormonal levels. Balances the amount of estrogens and progesterones. Side effects are rare. Well accepted by the body. Overdose is excluded. It protects against pregnancy much better than a regular IUD. The risk of developing inflammatory processes is minimized. Installed for 5 years. For most women, menopause comes to an end during this time. Thanks to hormones, the development of many gynecological diseases that arise against the background of fading reproductive functions is prevented.”

Contraception during menopause

Many women believe that it is impossible to get pregnant during menopause, but this is not true. During menopause, the uterine lining continues to renew itself, eggs continue to mature in the ovaries, and fertilization is very likely. Oral contraceptives are not advisable in this case, since they contain the hormone estrogen. During menopause, estrogen-containing medications are not prescribed due to the high risk of thrombosis and other complications.

During menopause, it is unwise to aggravate your already poor health by disrupting your hormonal levels. Therefore, the best option is Mirena. Together with a condom, you get almost 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy.

The Mirena spiral is installed for up to 5 years, but throughout this time, every 6 months you need to be examined by a gynecologist. The fact is that constant contact with a foreign body can cause inflammation. If a pathology is detected, the coil is removed, after which a full examination of the patient is carried out.

Reviews from women over 40 years old

You can leave your reviews and impressions about the Mirena spiral, its installation and the subsequent period in the comments to the article, they will be useful to other women!


“When the first symptoms of menopause appeared, I immediately went to consult a doctor. Have heart problems. Taking hormonal pills is contraindicated. But the doctor found a way out of the situation - he prescribed me Remens and put Mirena on me. With this treatment, she survived menopause without any particular difficulties. I continue to have an active sex life. Do not worry about hot flashes, sweating, chronic fatigue, insomnia. There were no side effects!”


“For fibroids, the Mirena system was installed. During the entire period of menopause, the fibroids did not increase in size and did not cause any difficulties. I didn't care about hot flashes, sweating, or headaches. The symptoms of menopause were hardly noticeable. I went to work, enjoyed life, and slept peacefully. Sometimes there was strange irritability and aggression, but everything went away without any special treatment. I took valerian. Now the menopause is coming to an end. I will remove the Mirena system after using it for 5 years.”


“At the beginning of menopause, if you have fibroids, you must install the Mirena system without fail. During menopause there is not enough estrogen. The deficiency is replenished with hormonal replacement drugs containing estrogen. However, a large amount of them in the body provokes the growth of fibroids and provokes cancer. Mirena controls the balance of hormones, thereby treating fibroids. I had it for a year after using the Mirena system. Then she disappeared. I checked my hormones periodically.”

When should you see a doctor?

IUDs should be removed from the uterus when their service life has expired.

Women who are sexually active and still doubt that they have reached menopause should consult a doctor who can perform certain diagnostic procedures that can help confirm or refute the onset of menopause.

In addition, those women who wish to remove the Mirena coil due to reaching menopause or due to the expiration of the coil's service life should be referred to a specialist.

A doctor can offer qualified medical support in dealing with the symptoms of menopause.

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