How is hysteroscopy of uterine fibroids performed: indications, conduct, rehabilitation period
Currently, uterine fibroids are among the most common pathologies of the female reproductive system. IN
Glandular epithelium structure
What is glandular epithelial proliferation and how to treat it
Proliferation of the glandular epithelium is an increase in the number of glandular cellular components that are localized in the canal
Cervical erosion during pregnancy: is it possible to give birth, discharge (brown, bloody), treatment, how does childbirth proceed?
Can cervical erosion bleed during pregnancy?
During the period of bearing a child, all events are perceived with particular impressionability. That's why all the relatives are trying
How long before ovulation does egg white appear?
Ovulation and conception of a child, how pregnancy and childbirth proceed. How to determine the sex of a child, nutrition
Discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor: causes and treatment
There is nothing more delightful and wonderful than the birth of a child. The woman is waiting for a long 9
Metronidazole during menstruation: can you drink or is it better to refuse
Metronidazole during menstruation: you can drink it or it’s better to refuse The substance metronidazole is an assistant in the fight
gynecological ultrasound
Carrying out gynecological ultrasound. Preparation
Ultrasound examination has been successfully used in gynecology for more than 50 years. It is modern, informative and
What is the best position to sleep in to avoid leakage during menstruation?
How to avoid night leaks during menstruation? Choice of products and underwear in women's lives
Differences between pipe and zig endometrial biopsies: what is it, what does the study show, how is the material taken?
The endometrium is the inner lining that lines the uterine cavity. This is a unique tissue of the body that is found in
An ovary with a cyst on the diagram
Indications for the use of boron uterus for polycystic ovary syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome is considered today to be a common gynecological ailment of a hormonal nature, which
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