How long before ovulation does egg white appear?

Ovulation and conception of a child, how pregnancy and childbirth proceed. How to determine the sex of a child, nutrition during pregnancy, yoga and exercises for pregnant women

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What should vaginal secretion be like in women?

Gynecologists say that clear mucus can occur at any time, and it does not require treatment in the absence of:

  • pain;
  • itching, burning;
  • swelling of the labia;
  • painful urination;
  • pus and other strange lumps;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • green, bright yellow, dirty gray.
  • a sharp increase in body temperature.

Each woman has her own characteristics of the body, including the functioning of the reproductive system, so in some patients gynecologists note a constant secretion of cervical mucus without fungi or infections in the smear. In this case, the vaginal secretion changes slightly, may become more liquid or thicker, but still retains the consistency of a chicken egg white.

Normal vaginal secretion has the following features:

  • volume up to 5–6 ml;
  • increasing the amount of fluid in the middle of the cycle;
  • yellow spots on the panty liner after drying;
  • viscous character (stretches like mucus between the fingers);
  • homogeneous state;
  • transparent, white or slightly beige shade;
  • lack of odor or unsaturated sour aroma;
  • slimy, jelly-like, snotty consistency.


It is impossible to say exactly how many days the described secret will last, because several options are allowed:

  1. Two or three days. This applies to ovulation, the period of consolidation of the fertilized egg and other times characterized by high levels of the female sex hormone.
  2. One-time occurrence. Reaction of vaginal microflora, sexual arousal, consequences of sexual intercourse, ingestion of male seminal fluid.
  3. Almost every day. Does not apply to pathology if there is no discomfort or pain.

And there are also situations (pregnancy, the period after childbirth or surgery) when the mucous fluid of the cervical canal appears systematically. The reasons are the protection of the fetus from infections, a signal of complete cleansing of the body, as well as healing of microdamages.


Why do I have discharge that resembles the white of a raw egg? In a normal situation, such secretion can be caused by:

  • the period before and after ovulation (monthly ovulatory period);
  • early pregnancy;
  • the process of gestation;
  • approaching birth;
  • restoration of the body;
  • excitation;
  • normal reaction of the reproductive system;
  • high concentration of estrogen (thin mucus);
  • predominance of progesterone (thicker secretion).

In all these situations, the occurrence of this symptom should not cause concern, but if you have any doubts, especially during pregnancy, it does not hurt to consult your doctor.

Useful tips

Simple recommendations will help you navigate your reproductive health more easily and maintain it for many years.

  • When assessing the nature of cervical mucus, always confirm the data obtained with other methods - measuring basal temperature, ovulation tests. This will help to quickly distinguish normal from pathology, and the onset of a fertile period from an infertile one.
  • If discharge during ovulation causes discomfort, use sanitary pads, but avoid using tampons . Their use can cause stagnation of cervical fluid in the vagina and the development of bacterial vaginosis.
  • If you are too diligent in washing off cervical mucus or douching, you can overdo it , which will jeopardize not only the likelihood of conception, but also your health, because a small amount of mucus increases the likelihood of penetration of pathogenic bacteria.
  • During ovulation, wear loose underwear made from natural materials . Such underwear does not compress and does not interfere with blood circulation.
  • When the characteristic sticky mucus appears, a woman who is planning a pregnancy should begin to have unprotected sexual intercourse , and women who want to avoid pregnancy should refrain from unprotected contact, paying sufficient attention to contraceptive methods.

A specialist in the symptothermal method for determining fertility talks in more detail about the reliability of the method for determining cervical mucus in the video below.

medical reviewer, psychosomatics specialist, mother of 4 children

Shortly before ovulation, the discharge (cervical fluid) becomes copious and resembles raw egg white. Transparent and slippery (stretch more than 4 cm). The woman feels increased humidity. In such an environment, it is much easier for sperm to overcome the cervix. This is the most favorable time to plan a child.

In this article we will dwell in detail on such a delicate topic as vaginal discharge, we will describe how the nature, color and amount of vaginal secretion changes according to the phases of the monthly cycle. This is another method of calculating favorable days for conception.

Changes throughout the cycle

The appearance of discharge like egg white before or after ovulation is a natural signal of physiological processes in the body. It is necessary to take into account that each woman has her own concept of the thickness and consistency of cervical mucus, but there are certain conditions in the reproductive cycle that are characteristic of everyone.

After menstruation

At the beginning of the cycle there should be no secretion, with the exception of postmenstrual discharge, which may have a slightly pink or brown tint. At this time, a new egg matures, and to protect it, a very thick cervical fluid is produced, which prevents the entry of germs, infections and sperm.

But just before ovulation, the discharge becomes abundant, transparent and liquid, it is white or colorless, slides and stretches up to 1 centimeter between the fingers (see photo).

In this way, the body prepares for possible fertilization, creating favorable conditions for sperm penetration.

In some women, discharge similar to egg white appears shortly before the ovulatory period, while in others it occurs only during the release of a mature egg.

In the middle of the cycle

When a couple plans to have a child, the question begins to worry about how many days before ovulation mucous discharge appears, because it is they who act as one of the signals of the right time for conception.

A few days before ovulation, the very thick plug of the cervix liquefies, so clear, viscous mucus comes out. This is the first sign that the egg will soon be released from the follicle and will begin to move through the fallopian tubes. The time between mucus liquefaction and the onset of ovulation varies for each woman. It may take 24 hours or three days until the egg is released and ovulation occurs. Therefore, calculating favorable days for conception based on discharge is not a reliable method.

Sometimes slight brown mucous discharge or pink discharge like egg white appears in the middle of the cycle, which is acceptable (see photo).

They are caused by damage to the follicular sac. Bloody discharge appears several hours before actual ovulation and lasts no more than two days. Using this sign, it is easier to calculate ovulation, but it is characteristic of only a small percentage of women and not in every cycle.

Discharge during ovulation has the following characteristics:

  • cloudy white tint;
  • medium viscosity;
  • stretches well between fingers.

As soon as the third phase of the cycle begins, the secretion will again become thick and creamy. The entire ovulation period lasts from 3 to 7 days. Its duration depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. The released egg is ready for fertilization within about 48 hours, that is, ovulation itself lasts only two days.

Before menstruation

After ovulation (end of the cycle), such discharge disappears in most women. Mucous discharge before and after ovulation is identical. Immediately after ovulation, the secretion again acquires a sticky or sticky character, gradually becoming watery and disappearing completely.

In some situations, discharge like egg white is possible before menstruation - about two to three days. The mucus thickens, resembling a sticky paste.

It is because of this consistency that it is difficult for sperm to move. And this time is the least favorable for conception, therefore it is almost impossible to get pregnant.

What kind of discharge occurs after ovulation, if conception has occurred?

One of the main signs of successful fertilization is the special mucus that comes out of the cervical canal 7-10 days after the egg leaves the follicle. This mucus is in small quantities, and its consistency resembles jelly.

There is also spotting or blood clots in the mucus a week after ovulation. They appear due to the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus and damage to small vessels. Read more about implantation bleeding here.

Discharge after ovulation on days 7-10 may contain blood if conception has occurred and the zygote has implanted into the uterus

It is important to know(!) With active planning, red-brown spotting (outside the period of possible implantation) may be signs of an ectopic pregnancy or a threatened miscarriage. If these symptoms appear, especially against the background of pain in the lower abdomen, you should consult a doctor.

According to statistics, about a third of women experience thrush (candidiasis) during pregnancy. This happens due to changes in hormonal levels after conception, as well as a natural decrease in immunity (to allow the embryo to gain a foothold in the uterus).

If you experience itching or discomfort, redness and swelling in the perineum, it is recommended to visit a doctor and use ONLY local antifungal drugs (if thrush is confirmed). For example, Pimafucin.

Young, inexperienced girls, and sometimes older women, find discharge similar to egg white before or after ovulation and get scared. Discharges always exist. Some have less, others have more. An increase in their number and some change in consistency largely depends on the characteristics of the organism. In some women, the discharge becomes larger during puberty, in others the discharge changes after defloration, in others - after childbirth.

In the middle of the discharge cycle, a woman always has

Discharge of mucus from the vagina as a sign of pregnancy

If there is a significant delay in menstruation, and the presence of sexual mucus of the described nature, there is a possibility that conception has occurred. Even an ultra-sensitive test may be inaccurate, so to be 100% sure, it doesn’t hurt to visit your gynecologist.

The following features are characteristic of discharge in the form of egg white in the early stages of gestation:

  • viscous and thick consistency;
  • transparent or slightly cloudy shade;
  • sour smell;
  • greater volume than on normal days.

In some women, doctors note so-called implantation bleeding, when a similar secretion streaked with blood occurs. The presence of a red, brown or pink tint is associated with the ratio of mucus and blood, which may appear due to the attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. This does not last long, two to three days maximum.

It is important not to confuse implantation bleeding with pathological conditions during pregnancy (spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy, etc.). In the first weeks, even in a normal situation, minor painful sensations may occur, but they do not bring severe discomfort to the woman, as happens against the background of problems with pregnancy.

During pregnancy

Mucous discharge from the vagina like egg whites during pregnancy is considered normal, so the expectant mother should not be unduly concerned. Most of this fluid will be in the first trimester. The fact is that during the first 12 weeks, progesterone predominates, which is responsible for the optimal development of the fetus, maintaining pregnancy and ensuring its normal course.

This hormone also forms a mucus plug, which protects the reproductive system and fetus from the external negative effects of infections and other harmful factors.

After the end of the first trimester, estrogen will predominate, which thins the cervical fluid. But vaginal secretion should not become too watery, because such a consistency against the background of unpleasant sensations and deterioration in the woman’s well-being may indicate problems with the fetus, especially if there are traces of blood on the panty liner.

As well as copious mucus, it can be observed shortly before childbirth, when the mucus plug comes off. If it comes out immediately, then there is about two tablespoons of liquid. But the latest harbinger of the onset of labor is the release of amniotic fluid and contractions.

What's happening?

Women consider a change in the amount and density of cervical mucus to be one of the signs that ovulation is approaching. This is a truly convincing symptom that allows us to judge that the hormonal background has changed and the period most favorable for conceiving a baby is approaching.

In the first half of the female cycle, the concentration of estrogen, follicle-stimulating hormone, predominates in the body, and against this background, the secretion of the cervical canal is below average. This means that little mucus is produced, just enough to protect the genital tract from bacteria.

As the follicle on the surface of the ovary matures, the hormonal background also changes . The concentration of luteinizing hormone rises and the cervical canal receives a new “command” - to secrete mucus with special zeal. The fact is that “ovulation” mucus takes on important reproductive functions - it protects sperm from increased vaginal acidity, partially neutralizing it, thereby helping male reproductive cells move forward to meet the egg and somewhat accelerating the movement of sperm. Some researchers argue that cervical mucus during ovulation also acts as a filter, sifting out weak and defective sperm from living, mobile and healthy ones.

As a result of delivery

Approximately 6-8 weeks after the birth of the child, the female body cleanses itself, so vaginal secretions with blood come out. Doctors believe that it is the mucus discharge that signals the complete restoration of the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the cervix).

If such secretion occurs before the specified time, or it is periodically replaced by blood clots, there is a reason to consult a doctor. There is a possibility of disruption of the process of cleansing the uterus, so you should not be happy if normal secretion is observed one to two weeks after birth.

Why does discharge occur?

Colorless, like egg yolk, discharge is necessary for the female body to function normally. They serve as a kind of lubricant in the vagina, and are provided by special sex glands located in the vestibule of the vagina and near the cervix. Without these glands, a woman would not only not be able to have sexual intercourse, but even basic walking would be difficult for her, since during walking the vaginal walls rub against each other. The mucus on the walls softens this friction in the same way as it happens in mechanics.

Does the absence of discharge indicate any violations?

Most of these cases, when a woman ovulates without secreting mucus, are not harbingers of pathological disorders in the reproductive system. But in some individual cases this may indicate problems such as:

  1. changes in hormonal levels in the female body;
  2. infection of the vaginal microflora;
  3. stressful environment;
  4. use of low-quality cosmetic products for intimate hygiene.

If we talk about hormonal imbalance, then here we are talking specifically about the slow growth of the follicle-stimulating substance, on which the level of dilution of the secreted secretion depends. When the growth and development of the follicle does not occur in the proper order, the secreted secretion may not change its properties, and the woman, without noticing any changes in the structure of the secretions, thinks that ovulation has not occurred. A predisposition to such a pathology can be identified during a medical examination at a gynecological center.

When the absence of discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, itching or burning in the genital area, this almost always indicates the presence of infectious diseases in the vaginal microflora, which also adversely affects the secretion of secretions during ovulation.

As is known, the normal microflora of a woman’s internal genital organ consists of beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms that have a protective effect on the delicate tissues of the reproductive system of the female body. If for some reason opportunistic bacteria are activated, then a sharp decrease in the number of beneficial microorganisms in the microflora occurs and the lumen of the cervical canal narrows.

Thus, there is practically no risk of infection spreading to the uterine area, and this, in turn, leads to the cessation of discharge during ovulation.

A stressful environment also has a great influence on the secretion of cervical mucus during ovulation. The pituitary gland, being in a stressful state for a long time, ceases to produce the required amount of hormones in the female body, the level of adrenaline begins to go off scale, which, accordingly, blocks the activity of the woman’s reproductive system.

The use of certain intimate hygiene products can also disrupt the natural functioning of the glandular layer of the cervical canal, which produces secretions. Most cosmetic products intended for washing the delicate mucous membrane of the genital organs contain various chemical components that cause irritation of the glandular tissue. Similar composition elements can also be included in the contents of lubricant gels that replace natural lubrication during sexual intercourse.

Important! In addition to the factors described above, the fact that there is no discharge during ovulation can be influenced by a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome, as well as sudden weight gain due to some reason, or, conversely, weight loss after following a diet.

In some cases, a woman may simply not feel discharge from the vagina; even a feeling of dryness in the vagina is acceptable, which can happen due to some individual characteristics of the woman’s body. Under such conditions, it is unlikely that fertilization of the egg will occur, but such a turn of events cannot be ruled out.

Hygiene rules

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Vaginal discharge during ovulation can cause discomfort because it is quite heavy compared to other phases of the cycle. A woman cannot change the amount of mucus, so she should follow some hygiene rules to improve her well-being.

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To absorb excess secretions, you need to use sanitary pads. They will help prevent mucus from getting on your laundry and creating an unpleasant odor. Tampons should not be used, as their use at this point in the cycle can disrupt the vaginal microflora and lead to the development of bacterial vaginosis.

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There is no need to use intimate hygiene products. Excessive removal of cervical mucus creates a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, you need to wash yourself daily with clean running water and not take a bath.

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Wear loose cotton underwear and change it daily. If liquid gets on panties, it is recommended to change them as many times during the day as necessary to keep the perineum clean and dry. Just in case, it is better to have a spare pair of underwear in a clean bag in a woman’s bag so that you can change clothes in time.

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During these days, it is recommended to avoid unprotected sex unless the woman plans to become pregnant. Otherwise, the likelihood of infection with chlamydia, trichomoniasis and other sexually transmitted infections increases. The risk of developing vaginal candidiasis increases.

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One day before ovulation

As the endometrium recovers under the influence of hormones, the nature of the cervical mucus gradually begins to change. Gradually its quantity increases and becomes average. It also thins out, becoming less jelly-like and wetter. Gradually becomes more viscous, viscous and transparent. About a day before ovulation, when characteristic symptoms appear (pain in the abdomen, lower back, etc.), the discharge takes on the character of egg white.

By the nature of secretion, the onset of ovulation can be approximately predicted. However, this method is not a sufficiently reliable and informative method; therefore, it cannot be used to determine the time of egg maturation, especially when planning pregnancy.

Characteristics of cervical mucus during ovulation

Discharge from the cervix is ​​formed as a result of the work of the glands of the cervical canal. Under the influence of estrogens, in the first phase of the cycle the volume of mucus gradually increases, reaching 0.5 ml per day by the time the oocyte enters. At this time, the water content in it increases, which makes up at least half of the volume of secretions. Therefore, they acquire a watery character.

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A mixture of water and proteins (mucin and other peptides) forms a hydrogel. It has increased elasticity and ductility. Cyclic changes in cervical secretion during ovulation are an important factor determining the successful penetration of sperm into the uterus for fertilization.

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Signs of normal cervical secretion during ovulation

What should the discharge be like?

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Normally they are light, but may contain a small admixture of blood or turn pink.

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How many days does it take for their character to change?

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Immediately after menstruation, the secretion is scanty and dense. About 5 days before expected ovulation, the mucus begins to gradually thin out and become more viscous and elastic. Before ovulation, cervical mucus from a dense plug turns into the so-called egg white - transparent discharge, elastic, stretching well for several centimeters.

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Weak pink discharge in the middle of the cycle (1.5-2 weeks before the expected menstruation) occurs when a mature egg leaves the follicle. At this time, the level of estrogen increases and there may be a slight rejection of the internal tissue of the uterus - the endometrium, which is accompanied by minor bleeding. Such signs occur in a third of women and are the norm.

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When pinkish mucus appears in the middle of the cycle, it must be taken into account that the probability of conception is somewhat reduced, since the rejected endometrium reduces the surface of the uterus functionally suitable for implantation of a fertilized egg.

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If a woman has recently given birth to a baby, she may have pink discharge when ovulation resumes.

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Simultaneously with the change in the nature of secretion, a woman may notice other signs:

Can ovulation occur without mucus discharge?

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Yes, this is not an absolute sign. For many women, no external changes occur in the body when the egg is released. Vaginal dryness is a fairly common problem that interferes with normal conception. It can be caused by low estrogen levels or the individual characteristics of the female body.

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The absence of discharge does not mean that a woman has not ovulated, much less that she is infertile. Although this makes it somewhat more difficult for sperm to penetrate the uterus, pregnancy is still possible, especially during the “fertile window” - the next 5 days before and after the egg is released.

Egg white - characteristics, frequency, duration

Discharges like egg whites become most viscous and profuse during ovulation. Only at this moment can you stretch a drop of the substance with your fingers a few centimeters.

Discharge during ovulation stretches strongly, several centimeters

Now let’s see when we observe this phenomenon and how many days before ovulation “egg white” appears. Normally, the process of liquefying the cervical secretion is completely completed one day before the cell is released. But we know that the body works according to unique trends. So, it is difficult to say exactly how many days before ovulation the egg white appears; there is no standard. For some, the first manifestations are possible within 2-3 days, while for others, “egg white” is released during ovulation for half a day or just one night.

Important: There are “empty” periods in a woman’s life when “egg white” is not formed. However, if this situation continues for a long time, you need to pay attention to this. It is possible that ovulation does not occur either.

After ovulation, the egg white lasts for about 1-2 days, after which it thickens as the corpus luteum grows on the ovary. It provokes the production of progesterone so that it controls the process of fertilization and pregnancy development. If this does not happen, your period comes and everything repeats itself cyclically. To understand in more detail how long before ovulation “egg white” appears, it’s worth watching the video:

How does ovulation manifest itself?

Ovulation is the moment when a mature follicle ruptures and an egg ready for fertilization is released into the lumen of one of the fallopian tubes. It is here that it meets the sperm, fertilization occurs and the resulting zygote moves into the uterus, where it attaches to the endometrium.

The danger is that the zygote may remain in the fallopian tube and begin to develop here. This particular condition is called an ectopic pregnancy, which requires surgical intervention.

At the time of ovulation, vaginal discharge becomes similar to egg white. The mucus produced by the cervix contains a large number of white blood cells. These blood cells are able to penetrate the walls of capillaries. Therefore, leukocytosis detected in a smear is not always the cause of inflammatory processes. This is one of the characteristics of some women.

Discharge during ovulation is usually clear in color.

Estrogens produced by the body thin out vaginal discharge, making it seem as if there is more of it. This mucus helps sperm move through the fallopian tubes. Ovulation occurs within 24 hours. The viability of the egg remains approximately 48 hours.

Sperm are more durable. An egg can be fertilized by a sperm that enters the body 4-5 days before ovulation. Therefore, a week around the middle of the cycle is favorable for conception. During the period of ovulation, a woman changes in appearance. She becomes more attractive, excitable, passionate. The breasts are enlarged. Discharge like egg white when ovulation occurs is absolutely normal.

There is no need to worry or panic when there is no discharge during ovulation. This may indicate that the production of the hormone responsible for fertilization has decreased. This happens during stressful situations. The body is designed in such a way that stress and a woman’s nervous state can block reproductive function.

A decrease in discharge can sometimes indicate infection. This factor is influenced even by low-quality hygiene and cosmetic products for the vagina.

Pathological causes of secretion disorders

In most patients who ovulate without discharge, this is not a sign of pathological damage to the reproductive system. But in some cases, secretion is disrupted for negative reasons.

The following possible health problems are being considered:

  • violation of the level of hormonal substances;
  • infection of the vaginal microflora;
  • stressful conditions;
  • use of intimate cosmetics.

Lack of discharge may occur due to hormonal imbalance. The liquefaction of the secretion depends on the growth of the follicle-stimulating substance. At its low level, the secretions do not change their properties. In this case, ovulation occurs without the appearance of mucus. Also, the loss of a secret is accompanied by the absence of an auspicious day. In this case, background failure affects the activity of the ovaries. The growth and development of the follicle does not occur in the proper order. To detect pathology, a woman needs to visit a medical center.

The problem may also be infection of the vaginal microflora. Normally, a healthy woman’s microflora consists of beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms. These bacteria serve to protect the delicate tissues of the reproductive system. Under the influence of various negative factors, microflora can change its constant composition. In this case, opportunistic bacteria are activated. They have a detrimental effect on beneficial microorganisms. In this case, the lumen of the cervical canal decreases. This feature helps prevent the spread of infection in the uterine cavity.

Infection can be identified by additional symptoms. With negative disorders, an unpleasant odor appears from the vagina. There is also itching and burning in the genital area. If such a symptom appears without visible discharge, you need to consult a doctor.

The reason for the lack of discharge may be a stressful situation. When exposed to stress for a long time, the pituitary gland stops producing normal amounts of hormones. Adrenaline occupies the main place. It blocks the activity of the reproductive system. To eliminate the unfavorable factor, you need to visit a psychologist. It will help you get rid of stress.

When to see a doctor

If, during ovulation, impurities of blood, pus, or the smell of rotten fish appear in the discharge, all this indicates an inflammatory process in the body, and this means that you need to consult a doctor without delay, especially if a woman dreams of becoming a mother.

If the discharge is cheesy in nature and irritates the skin and vaginal mucous membranes, this indicates the appearance of candida fungus. This fungal disease is popularly called thrush, and in medicine – candidiasis, and requires urgent treatment.

How many days does discharge last during ovulation?

The egg is capable of fertilization in about 24 hours. Even up to 24 hours before its complete destruction. Therefore, the secretion characteristic of this period begins to thicken after two days due to increased production of progesterone.

Discharge after ovulation, if conception occurred on the basal temperature chart

The absence of discharge during this period may indicate insufficient estrogen production (again, each assessment is subjective). If mucus is not released at all during ovulation, it is unlikely that the egg will be released. However, the possibility of conception should not be completely ruled out. It is better to choose another way to determine ovulation, using tests, basal temperature or ultrasound.

White or creamy discharge on the days of ovulation may also indicate that the date of release of the egg has been incorrectly determined and you still need to wait, or, conversely, the release of UC has already occurred. In addition, an anovulatory cycle is possible.

Composition and functions

The cervical canal, which gives the name to the mucus it secretes, is located inside the cervix; it connects the vagina and the cavity of this organ. The composition of mucus is quite complex: it contains glycoproteins, minerals, water, enzymes and carbohydrates. Its amount depends on what the woman's current hormonal background is . Cervical mucus is an alkaline environment; this property does not allow bacteria to survive, but allows sperm to survive, for which the acidic aggressive environment of the vagina is destructive.

Usually mucus is transparent , and its color can vary depending on its density. The fluid is constantly produced in order to protect the uterus from harmful organisms on any day of the cycle. If inflammation occurs, the secretion doubles and the discharge becomes more abundant.

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).

  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell NA, Reece JB, Urry LA ea Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.

Symptoms of the beginning of the fertile period

If a woman does not have discharge during ovulation, you need to pay attention to additional symptoms. The onset of the fertile stage can be detected by the following characteristic signs:

  • increased sexual activity;
  • soreness of the mammary glands;
  • nagging pain in the area of ​​the active ovary.

Before ovulation, an increase in luteinizing substance is observed. It promotes the growth and rupture of the dominant neoplasm. The substance is produced in the pituitary gland. This part of the brain is responsible for the development of sexual activity and reproductive function of women. With an increase in luteinizing hormone, the nerve endings of the cortex are irritated. For this reason, a woman experiences sexual desire. This feature of the body is observed 2–3 days before ovulation and throughout the entire fertile period. After ovulation ends, sexual activity decreases.

During the growth of luteinizing substance, the level of prolactin increases. The hormone helps the mammary glands prepare for feeding. Milk is produced in the glands due to the high content of prolactin. Before ovulation, prolactin causes minor changes in tissue. The breasts increase in size and may become painful. Soreness appears due to the expansion of the glandular ducts necessary for the excretion of milk. After prolactin decreases, the pain gradually goes away on its own.

In the absence of discharge, it is recommended to pay attention to discomfort in the lower abdominal cavity. Pain occurs in the area of ​​the triggered ovary. The symptom occurs during the period of rupture of the walls of the dominant follicle. Also, unpleasant sensations can accompany the contractile activity of the uterus. Contraction is necessary to move the reproductive cell towards the uterine cavity.

Based on all subjective signs, a woman can determine the onset of ovulation. But these symptoms are typical for all women. If a favorable day passes without discharge, you should use home methods for detecting ovulation.

Reasons for changing the nature of discharge

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Each month, under the influence of hormones, one egg is prepared in one of the ovaries for fertilization. At the moment of ovulation, it leaves the follicle and moves along the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. This time is best for conception. Therefore, physiological changes occur in the body that facilitate this process and increase the likelihood of fertilization. One of these changes is discharge during ovulation.

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Thinning the cervical mucus allows sperm to penetrate the uterus faster and also creates a favorable external environment for them.

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How long does discharge last during the ovulatory phase?

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Sticky transparent mucus is noticeable only for 2-3 days. After the release of the egg, progesterone will begin to be synthesized in the ovary. Under its action, the contents of the cervical canal will become denser. White discharge is a sign of completion of ovulation.

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If a woman uses a calendar method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, determining ovulation by discharge can help her identify “dangerous” days for conception. Sperm can survive in the vaginal and cervical mucus for up to 5 days before the oocyte is released and for about the same amount of time after that. This is a favorable time for pregnancy.

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How to determine ovulation by discharge?

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Creamy white dense mucus becomes more liquid, viscous and elastic, taking on the appearance of the white of a chicken egg. This happens on the day of ovulation and for 5 days after it.

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Not all discharge in the middle of the cycle may be normal. Knowing the symptoms of the pathology, a woman can suspect the disease in time and consult a doctor.

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Deviations from the norm

In what cases can such secretions be considered pathological? It is worth paying attention to the following signs:

  • “Egg white” appears before or after ovulation, but not during it - this may indicate a hormonal imbalance or an inflammatory process;
  • The appearance of purulent impurities in the discharge, as this indicates an infection;
  • The appearance of bloody impurities on some days other than ovulation and menstruation, as this may indicate neoplasms;
  • The appearance of such secretion is accompanied by severe abdominal pain;
  • There are signs of a different type of inflammatory process - increased body temperature, intoxication, etc.

Any of these signs is a deviation from the norm and should alert you.

When is discharge normal?

If the discharge remains colorless and does not have an unpleasant odor, if it does not go beyond the physiological norm, then whether it is abundant or scanty, it is normal. Copious discharge can only indicate the individual characteristics of the body, the hyperfunctioning of the glands.

You will learn about the features of discharge during ovulation from this video:

Clear, colorless discharge with a light, subtle odor of musk, and the consistency of egg white, when ovulation occurs, is the absolute norm.

Minor discharge after ovulation, about a week before menstruation, which appears within 1-2 days, may be a physiological feature of the body. In this case, the blood must be clean; it seems to indicate that fertilization has not occurred.

Home methods for detecting fertility

If the fertile phase occurs without discharge, you need to use a home method. The following methods are offered to detect ovulation:

  • use of special test strips;
  • use of a microscope;
  • building a graphic table of basal temperature.

A common method is to use special test strips. The test can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy. The package contains 5-7 strips for one-time use. Using the tests is simple.

The first use should occur on days 7–9 of the menstrual cycle. The date depends on the length of the cycle. The lower it is, the earlier you need to use the test. The study is recommended to be carried out after 10 o'clock. During this period, the highest concentration of luteinizing hormone is observed. The test has two zones: control and study. The control zone is saturated with a substance that reacts with urinary fluid. It is constantly painted in a bright color. The area being tested can only come into contact with luteinizing hormone. The intensity of coloring depends on the amount of hormone. The more substance is contained in a woman’s urine, the brighter the field under study is colored. A positive test is considered to be uniform coloring of both zones in the same tone. From this moment on, ovulation should occur in a day.

The microscope has the greatest accuracy. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy. But it has a high cost. The price of a microscope ranges from 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles. The study is carried out using saliva. It has been found that a woman's salivary fluid also responds to changes in the level of luteinizing substance. With a significant increase in the level of the hormone in the studied area, an image resembling a clover leaf is detected. If a woman finds such a picture, but no discharge appears, ovulation occurred on that day.

It should be understood that these methods are based on the amount of hormone. The growth of a hormonal substance is not always accompanied by rupture of the follicle. To understand whether the egg has been released, it is necessary to plot the basal temperature. Correct construction of the graph allows you to fully see the course of all phases of the menstrual cycle.

How to make a schedule correctly

To build the curve, a woman should measure her basal values ​​every day after sleep. The thermometer is placed in the rectum for several minutes. The obtained data is entered into a table. Each result is placed along a horizontal line. The height of the point is regulated by a vertical ruler of temperature indicators. Connecting the dots gives a graphical picture of the menstrual cycle.

It is easy to determine ovulation using the chart. On the day of the luteinizing substance surge, a sharp decrease in basal temperature is observed. This period is called sinking. Ovulation should occur the next day. When the follicle ruptures, the indicators increase. The temperature difference can reach 1 degree. If, after sinking, the curve does not rise, there was no ovulation in this cycle.

Discharge in the first phase of the cycle

In the first phase of the cycle, discharge like egg white is uncharacteristic. This is due to the fact that the endometrium is not ready for embryo implantation and the body's goal is to prevent the next fertilization until the endometrium is ready for it. This is achieved through hormonal regulation, under the influence of which cervical mucus thickens and its amount decreases. It is transparent or slightly whitish, jelly-like, not wet. If a secretion similar to egg white appears in this phase of the menstrual cycle, this may indicate a hormonal imbalance or an inflammatory process.

What to do in case of deviations?

What to do if there are deviations from the norm described above? In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. After consultation with him, a blood test for hormones will be prescribed, as well as a vaginal smear to determine the presence of sexually transmitted infections. In many cases, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is also prescribed.

In the presence of an inflammatory process, treatment is carried out with broad-spectrum antibiotics. When diagnosing a hormonal imbalance, treatment is carried out with hormonal drugs. When a neoplasm is detected, treatment approaches may differ depending on its nature, location and accompanying symptoms.

Basic functions of selections

Why, in principle, are secretions of one type or another needed in a woman’s body? This discharge represents the secretion of the glands of the cervical canal (cervix). These glands work constantly, but the activity, as well as the nature of their functioning, are significantly influenced by hormonal status, therefore, during the menstrual cycle, the nature of secretion changes along with changes in hormone levels. Their main function is to regulate the processes of fertilization and pregnancy, preventing it on the most unfavorable days and stimulating its occurrence during the most favorable periods for pregnancy.

So, after menstruation, the discharge is insignificant and for the first 2-3 days it may seem as if it is absent altogether. But in reality this is not the case, since the secret is always present, just in very small quantities during this period. It is quite thick and dense, due to which it creates a mucus plug in the cervical canal. Through it, sperm cannot penetrate into the uterine cavity, therefore unwanted pregnancy is prevented. Since at this stage the endometrium has not yet been sufficiently renewed and the fertilized egg will not be able to attach.

As you approach ovulation, the amount of discharge increases and becomes thinner. And by the 12-15th day of the menstrual cycle, the same discharge appears, which is usually described as egg white. They are present during ovulation and for about one to two days after it. Then they liquefy and change their characteristics.

Why are such selections needed? They are more viscous, but still fluid enough to be mobile. They do not make a mucus plug. They help sperm penetrate more quickly into the uterine cavity, where active eggs are located during ovulation, resulting in a very high probability of conception.

As soon as this period ends, the nature of the discharge gradually changes again. They become thicker and acquire a whitish tint. They remain in this state until the very beginning of menstruation, that is, for about a week. They may stop altogether one or two days before the start of menstruation. With this type of discharge, pregnancy is possible, but its probability is not as high as during ovulation.

When does discharge appear?

The vestibular glands and cervical glands work constantly, producing mucous secretion. This secretion also includes cells of the integumentary epithelium of the vagina and cervix, microorganisms living in the vagina, and vaginal transudate. During the day, 1-4 mg of secretion is produced.

During sexual arousal and intercourse, the Bartholin's glands are activated, which also release a mucous fluid that lubricates the walls of the vagina.

Vaginal discharge is:

  • scanty during the period of taking hormonal pills, menopause and some diseases, and it is also worth noting that scant discharge is an anomaly that interferes with intimate relationships, but it is not a disease;
  • normal, which indicates the health of the genitourinary system;

Thin people usually have more discharge

  • abundant, in which the amount of discharge increases before menstruation, in a state of sexual arousal, before intimacy, and sometimes before ovulation.

Normal, physiological discharge should be glassy transparent. At the beginning of the cycle, after the end of menstruation. They have a somewhat thick consistency.

Doctors drew attention to the fact that thin women have more discharge than fat women. Discharge in thin women has a more watery consistency. This is due to the fact that estrogen accumulates in fatty tissue in fat women. It changes the consistency of mucus. Thin people have very little of this hormone, so they have a longer menstrual cycle, up to 40 days, and they more often suffer from a lack of ovulation.

Not only hormones accumulate in fat layers, but also nutrients that protect the body from stress. This is important to know for women who are on starvation diets in the name of a model appearance.

Fasting may cause your period to be delayed

Medical method for determining a favorable period

If a woman passes a favorable day without discharge, she should seek help from a specialist. He will offer a method carried out in a medical setting. This method is called folliculometry. It is carried out using an ultrasound diagnostic device.

The doctor conducts the first examination one day after the end of menstruation. The specialist needs to study the thickness and growth rate of the endometrial layer. The functioning of the ovary is also being studied. After identifying the dominant, a repeat examination is carried out a day later. Only this method allows us to state with certainty that ovulation can occur without cervical discharge.


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