Normal ovarian volume according to ultrasound formula
An ovarian cyst is a capsule filled with secretory fluid. It is one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies
Prostate biopsy results
Can a biopsy be wrong?
Error in biopsy A sample of the collected tissue for subsequent histological analysis can be obtained by the most
Ureaplasma 10
What is ureaplasma: consequences and symptoms of the disease
Ureaplasma parvum is one of the types of ureaplasma, which are opportunistic bacteria. They are capable of being in
Is it possible to use Viferon suppositories during menstruation?
The effect of Viferon suppositories is a complex antiviral drug based on interferon. The composition of the medicine includes
plant root
Burdock root for uterine fibroids: reviews from doctors
Beneficial properties and composition Timely measures for fibroids increases the chances of a complete cure, achieving
Epigen spray during menstruation: is it possible or not to use an intimate spray?
The drug "Epigen" during menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding is a reliable antiviral agent Viral pathology
Cytology, cytogram, Papanicolaou smear/PAP smear
Leukocytes in a smear for flora are almost always present, which ensures the health of its microflora.
What is a polyp in the cervical canal of the cervix
Among all benign types of mammary gland pathology, the fibroglandular form of mastopathy is the most dangerous in
Duphaston or Visanne, which is better? What drugs are used to treat adenomyosis?
Adenomyosis is one of the most common diseases in women. This disease is characterized by pathological growth
What can you eat
Nutrition during chemotherapy for ovarian cancer: list of prohibited foods and necessary diet
Ovarian cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed women's diseases. The correctness of its treatment depends
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