Composition of Lady's formula for menopause, enhanced formula

Menopause is a difficult period in a woman’s life when her body undergoes a restructuring. At this time, she begins to be bothered by various unpleasant symptoms that worsen her quality of life. Many gynecologists are convinced that only hormonal drugs can cope with menopause. But now pharmaceutical companies offer many non-hormonal drugs that perfectly eliminate the problem. Lady's formula for menopause is an effective vitamin complex that includes dietary supplements and microelements. It helps cope with the symptoms of menopause and normalizes menstruation.

There are a lot of good vitamin complexes, including those designed for women in premenopause and menopause. The best ones should include the following vitamins: E, A, C, D, B1, B6. It is in this composition that these compounds improve the functioning of organs and systems, exhibit antioxidant and antitumor effects, improve metabolism, strengthen blood vessels and stabilize the functioning of enzymes. The drug Ledis formula is one of these.

To enhance the effect and in addition to the complex containing vitamins, the doctor may prescribe a dietary supplement, which includes very effective herbal ingredients - Lady's formula menopause Day-Night. However, as a rule, the drugs are prescribed separately.

Lady's formula for menopause. Enhanced formula – biocomplex for women

Biocomplex Lady's formula ® Menopause.
The strengthened formula, No. 30, made in America, has won the trust of hundreds of thousands of representatives of the better half of humanity during the onset of menopause, since natural products combined into a single herbal formula help eliminate discomfort with the characteristic symptoms of menopause and prevent its complications. Lady's formula for menopause, enhanced formula, does not apply to medications. In the article you will find instructions for use, information about contraindications, reviews and prices for the drug.

Side effects

Due to an allergic reaction to a separate component of the dietary supplement, the following symptoms may occur:

  • skin redness;
  • itching;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • formation of spots on the skin;
  • heart rhythm failure;
  • sneezing;
  • convulsions;
  • cough.

Side symptoms when taking Lady's Formula are possible if it is used incorrectly, or if you are allergic to its constituent elements.

Adverse reactions occur rarely, and in most cases the drug is well tolerated.

How does Lady's formula work?

All components of vitamins: natural or analogues have an enhancing interaction. While increasing hormonal balance, they do not aggravate the pituitary gland and reproductive organs. Rejuvenation of the body occurs due to the beneficial effects of:

  • B vitamins on the nervous system and their participation in active cell division;
  • pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) on lipid metabolism, which reduces the subcutaneous fat layer and the load on the blood vessels and skeletal system, reducing the likelihood of cancer;
  • vitamin E on the function of the sex glands, reducing discomfort in the vagina, as well as on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, eliminating discomfort in the sternum;
  • selenium, which prevents free radicals from damaging cells, i.e. tumors and heart attacks appear;
  • manganese on connective tissue, which restores its elasticity, its participation in the removal of toxins and the prevention of inflammation;
  • magnesium oxide on the blood vessels, expanding and calming them, thereby relieving cramps and muscle pain and headaches. By regulating the functioning of the nervous system, the trace element relieves tension and excessive emotions;
  • folic acid on blood circulation, which activates the supply of blood and oxygen to tissues, restores cardiac function and prevents hot flashes. Vitamin B9 eliminates insomnia, nervousness and neoplasms;
  • maitaki extract on blood vessels, restoring blood pressure and freeing them from cholesterol plaques, reducing the concentration of glucose in the blood;
  • Peruvian bedbug extract on the functioning of systems: nervous, hormonal and cardiovascular;
  • cohosh on metabolic processes, reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis and other pathologies;
  • clover extract on immunity due to its effect on estrogen receptors in the reproductive system, preventing cell degeneration;
  • Vitex sacred on the work of the pituitary gland, eliminating the manifestations of menopause.

Art Life woman's formula: composition and release form

The drug is produced in a white plastic jar containing 90 tablets weighing 0.5 g. Each tablet includes: - calcium carbonate - 100 mg; - magnesium oxide - 25 mg; — potassium chloride — 10 mg; - iron sulfate - 10 mg; - silicon oxide - 5 mg; - zinc oxide - 3.75 mg; - chromium picolinate - 0.1 mg; — potassium iodate — 0.062 mg; - sodium selenite - 0.037 mg; — manganese sulfate — 1.5 mg; — vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) — 25.5 mg; — common hops (cones) — 27.5 mg; — alfalfa (extract of the above-ground part of the plant) — 25 mg; — agrimony (plant extract) — 25 mg; — Angelica Chinese (root extract) — 15 mg; — ginkgo biloba (leaf extract) — 2.5 mg; — Schisandra chinensis (fruit) — 7.5 mg; — curly thistle (tops of shoots) — 7.5 mg; — freeze-dried garlic — 4 mg; — Korean ginseng (root) — 4 mg; — cayenne pepper (fruit) — 4 mg; — damiana officinalis (plant extract) — 7.5 mg; — inositol — 15 mg; - choline bitartrate - 15 mg; — lecithin — 5 mg; — bromelain — 5 mg; — lemon bioflavonoids — 5 mg; — L-methionine — 4 mg; — L-cysteine ​​— 4 mg; - para-aminobenzoic acid - 1.65 mg; - gammalinolenic acid - 1.5 mg; — octacosanol — 1 mg; - royal jelly - 1 mg; and also, vitamin premix 1-03: - vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 20 mg; — vitamin B3 (niacinamide) — 5 mg; — vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) — 2.75 mg; - vitamin B5 (calcium D-pantothenate) - 2.1 mg; — vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) — 0.5 mg; — vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate) — 0.5 mg; — vitamin B2 (riboflavin) — 0.4 mg; — vitamin A (retinol acetate) — 0.37 mg; — vitamin B9 (folic acid) — 0.15 mg; — vitamin H (biotin) — 0.05 mg; — vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) — 0.0027 mg; — vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) — 0.0009 mg.


Oksana, 62 years old

On the doctor’s recommendation, I took this drug in tablets for 3 months, 30 pieces in each box. I felt that the number of hot flashes began to decrease.

I was glad that the balance of hormones had normalized and the risk of tumor formation had decreased. Menopause passed almost calmly, the pressure gradually decreased, emotions did not go off scale, sweating and “fever” appeared occasionally in the first month of the course, then everything went away. I recommend it to anyone who is not allergic to the composition of the biocomplex.

Natalya, 57 years old

The drug Ledis Formula Menopause enhanced formula, table. I started taking No. 30 after meals on the doctor’s recommendation to relieve increased irritability, weakness, dry skin and vaginal mucosa, headache and hot flashes with fever and active sweating.

The tablets are effective and contain natural substances. They do not cause nausea or other side effects. I consider the slow effect of the complex to be a disadvantage. In the first month of taking it, almost nothing changed, only the headache began to hurt less and the pressure dropped.

After 2 months and after a month's break, the doctor prescribed me a repeat course together with another form of Lady's Formula - Lady's Formula Menopause Day + Night, No. 30+30. I took the first drug in the morning with food, the second before bed (an hour) after meals, so as not to spoil the stomach. It has become much easier to endure menopause.

Vladimir, pharmacist

I do not recommend thoughtlessly purchasing Lady’s Formula medications for yourself and your friends without consulting your doctor and taking them for more than 3-6 months without a break. The intake must be approached individually, taking into account the body’s sensitivity to the components, since the composition contains natural products - herbs that do not grow in Russia. Dietary supplements really help. In case of severe manifestations of menopause, you should combine Lady's Formula Menopause enhanced formula and Menopause Day-Night, 1 tablet with food and after it. Your doctor will advise you on the dosage regimen. There are no shortcomings in dietary supplements.

Ekaterina, doctor

I recommended that my mother-in-law take Lady's Formula Menopause enhanced formula because she did not want to take hormonal medications. The results pleased everyone: the mother-in-law began to feel better due to the reduction of hot flashes and tremors inside, and a constant state of stress.

Relatives no longer got into trouble because of their mother-in-law’s mood swings. As a result, wrinkles smoothed out, bags around the eyes and blue circles disappeared, a fresh and healthy complexion returned, and sleep became better. The main thing is that there is no need to take stronger hormonal medications, although the biocomplex is not a medicine. Menopause passes without any loss to health.

Olga, 55 years old

I took the complex for one month, then switched to vitamins from the Lady’s formula for nails and hair series, since this worried me more than hot flashes. I hardly felt them and didn’t sweat. My nails stopped peeling and my hair stopped falling out, although not immediately, but after 2 months of use. You should not count on a quick effect. You definitely need to consult a doctor! A little expensive, but health is more expensive!

Biocomplex Ledis Formula Menopause enhanced formula helps: activate the body's protective functions, reduce the symptoms of menopause, slow down the aging process, bone destruction (osteoporosis), eliminate hair loss and splitting of nails, return all the pleasant sensations during sex.

Enhanced Ledis formula for menopause - a lifesaver for menopause

Modern medicine and pharmacology offer many effective ways to get rid of unpleasant sensations during menopause. Among the many drugs, one can highlight products containing vitamins, since they have a number of advantages compared to the currently popular hormonal formulations. It is harmless, non-addictive and has no adverse effect on one’s own hormonal balance.

There are a lot of good vitamin complexes, including those designed for women in premenopause and menopause. The best ones should include the following vitamins: E, A, C, D, B1, B6. It is in this composition that these compounds improve the functioning of organs and systems, exhibit antioxidant and antitumor effects, improve metabolism, strengthen blood vessels and stabilize the functioning of enzymes.

One of the well-known and very effective remedies of this type is Ledis formula for menopause, a strengthened formula.

What changes occur in a woman’s body

A feature of the restructuring of the internal functioning of the body during menopause is the gradual cessation of the production of female sex hormones:

  • estrogen;
  • testosterone;
  • progesterone.

It is these hormones that have a significant influence on the functioning and smooth functioning of the body:

  • provide nutrition to blood vessels;
  • promote egg maturation;
  • improve blood quality;
  • promote tissue elasticity and bone strength.


When these hormones are lacking, the entire body begins to experience a lack of vitamins and minerals, and the functioning of the systems adapts to new conditions.

Also, against the background of a decrease in sex hormones, the level of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones increases.

Hormonal imbalance is the main cause of menopausal symptoms - it is the lack of estrogen that contributes to disruption of the body's thermoregulation, which leads to hot flashes and other unpleasant symptoms.

A general hormonal imbalance causes a malfunction of all organs and systems.


Vitamin and herbal biological products in this series were developed by Farmamed (USA) in full compliance with the international GMP standard and certified by Eurasion Conformity. The products are selected very precisely and allow you to replenish a woman’s diet during menopause with the necessary substances.

Lady s formula for menopause, enhanced formula

This complex includes essential vitamins and microelements.

  1. Vitamins: B1, B2, B6, niacinamide (B3), pantothenic acid, E.
  2. Micro- and macroelements: selenium, manganese, magnesium oxide, folic acid.
  3. Plant extracts: maitaki extract, maca root, extracts of Peruvian bedbug, meadow clover, chasteberry, black cohosh.

The combination of vitamins and macroelements, and especially in combination with plant extracts, enhances the formula of the drug, which produces an almost healing effect on the woman’s body.

Lady s formula menopause, Day-Night

These tablets for menopause contain a balanced combination of herbal components (alternatives to female hormones) and a variety of herbs that regulate female hormonal levels. For convenience and effectiveness, the drug is divided into tablets used at different times of the day. The package contains tablets of day and night formulas, which must be taken at the appropriate time of day.

Components of “Day” tablets (daily formula):

  • cohosh root extract (extract);
  • American ginseng;
  • green tea leaf extract.

Ginseng and green tea gently stimulate mental and physical activity; it is because of these properties that extracts of these plants are included in the daily formula.

The night formula includes extracts of plants that soothe and stabilize the nervous system.

Components of “Night” tablets (night formula):

  • cohosh root extract;
  • valerian root extract;
  • passionflower herb;
  • hop cone extract.

Tablets for menopause are selected so that during the day a woman can maintain her work and life activity, and by night the drug would help her calm down and fall asleep.

What is the difference from the Day-Night formula

The enhanced formula, unlike the Lady's Formula Day-Night, has a richer composition - in addition to herbal components, it contains microelements and vitamins.

“Day-Night” is used when menstruation has completely stopped .

When severe hot flashes, headaches, dizziness and other severe symptoms of menopause appear, it is advisable to use a strengthened formula. The drug not only eliminates severe symptoms, but also nourishes the body. And the microelements included in its composition ensure the normalization of the nervous state, which leads to psychological balance during the day and deep, sound sleep at night.

Release form

Lady's formula menopause bioactive products are available in tablets. This form is very convenient to take; the drugs can be carried in your purse, since the blister is made of high quality.

Tablets of the product “Menopause, enhanced formula” are packed in a cardboard pack of 30 pieces (2 blisters).

The packaging of the drug “Menopause Day-Night Formula” contains 2 (or 4) blisters, each containing 15 tablets. However, the blisters are different - one contains the formula for daytime, the second - for nighttime. The tablets are also different in color, which makes them much easier to take (cannot be confused).


The cost of the complex depends on the number of tablets in the package and the dosage of active ingredients:

  1. Lady's formula Menopause Strengthened formula tablets 860 mg 30 pcs. – from 700 rudders.
  2. Lady's formula Menopause Day-Night tablets 700 mg, 800 mg 30 pcs. – from 450 rubles.
  3. Lady's formula Menopause Day-Night tablets 60 pcs. – from 650 rubles.

The dosage before the course of treatment is selected only by the gynecologist based on the data from the survey and examination of the patient, as well as the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of both products is similar due to the inclusion of plant components, but they also differ, since Ledis formula is a strengthened formula, compared to the second variety, enriched with vitamins.

Mechanism of action of Ledis formula (strengthened formula)

The preparation includes 7 vitamins, 4 microelements, 5 medicinal plant extracts.

Thanks to this tool:

The drug contains no hormones. However, an excellent and professional selection of plant extracts with hormone-like effects makes the drug no less effective than hormonal agents.

Mechanism of action of Ledis, day and night formulas

The biologically active preparation contains 7 herbal components that act both separately and in combination.

  1. Relieves or completely eliminates adverse symptoms at any time of the day (flax seed extract, ginseng root, green tea leaves).
  2. Normalizes the emotional state (extract of passionflower flowers, root valerian, red clover).
  3. Increases performance and increases activity during the day (ginseng root extract, valerian, common hop cones).
  4. Eliminates symptoms of osteoporosis, normalizes metabolism, calms the nervous system (cohosh extract)

What is the drug

To improve the physiological and psychological state of the body during menopause, the use of drugs is normal practice . Modern remedies can significantly reduce the symptoms of hot flashes and ease the severe course of the period. One of the latest drugs is “Lady Bon” and the “Ladys Formula” series.

"Lady's Formula" is a complex that consists of plant extracts and vitamins. The product is a dietary supplement. The unique composition allows, without the use of hormones, to improve the condition of a woman’s body during menopausal changes.

The drug is presented in the form of two types of tablets - daytime and nighttime, which have different compositions in accordance with the effect on the body. The complex helps not only to cope with the symptoms of menopause, but also to strengthen the immune system, normalize the functioning of internal organs, and stabilize hormonal levels.


Symptoms for which Menopause medications are prescribed:

  • menopausal symptoms that interfere with well-being (hot flashes, poor sleep, irritability, sweating);
  • in complex therapy of concomitant diseases (risk of heart attack, stroke, osteoporosis, vascular atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • libido disorders, vaginal dryness;
  • surgical interventions on the reproductive system (removal of the ovaries), any other pathologies that disrupt the functional rhythm (menstrual disorders, etc.).

As practice shows, if the symptoms are not very pronounced, the doctor will most likely prescribe a day/night complex containing plant extracts; if you feel very bad and do not improve, you will prescribe a Lady’s formula with vitamins.

Indications for use

The drug is used in the following cases:

  1. Menopausal syndrome , which is accompanied by increased sweating, hot flashes, dryness of the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls, frequent mood swings, and decreased libido.
  2. Predisposition to the development of pathologies before the onset of menopause. Among such ailments are atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, and coronary heart disease.
  3. The course of menopause with complications . In most cases, it is practiced to take a vitamin complex together with hormone replacement therapy.
  4. Early onset of menopause. Surgery to remove the ovaries should also be considered.
  5. Cardiovascular pathologies and osteoporosis. The drug is taken for preventive purposes.

Lady's formula is widely used not only by women, but also by men instead of hormonal drugs to treat many serious pathological processes. However, it is important to remember that the remedy is not a panacea for all diseases and requires mandatory consultation with a specialist before use.

How to use

The drugs in the series are taken differently depending on the type.

Strengthened formula - take one tablet once a day with meals. It is better to shift the intake to the morning. If the sedative effect is excessive, the drug can be taken with dinner, but not later than 18 hours.

Day/night tablets for menopause Ledis: one day tablet should be taken during breakfast, one night tablet - an hour before bedtime.

Sometimes the doctor can increase the number of tablets, but doing this on your own is not recommended.

Side effects

Side effects from taking this series of drugs are observed infrequently. However, due to the rather intensely active substances and very active plant extracts, a slight disturbance in well-being is still possible.

Side effects (allergic manifestations) from the use of drugs in the series:

  • itching;
  • blisters on the skin;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • runny nose, sneezing;
  • difficulty breathing.

If such health problems occur, you should immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Woman's formula: properties

The complex of minerals in the Woman's Formula satisfies the mineral needs of the female body. A woman needs calcium to support the health of the skeletal and muscular systems, as well as the processes of hematopoiesis and metabolism. Magnesium relieves menstrual cramps and restores sleep. Potassium is involved in energy production, regulates the water and acid balance of the female body, and removes excess fluid from the body. Iron is necessary to compensate for monthly blood loss during menstruation. A woman’s well-being and energy tone depend on iron. Silicon is necessary for good absorption of calcium, healthy blood vessels, skin, hair and nails. Zinc supports healthy immune and reproductive systems. Chromium is involved in the metabolism of cholesterol and sugar, helps maintain ideal weight, and reduces cravings for sweets. Iodine regulates metabolism and body temperature and is essential for healthy thyroid function. Selenium is one of the most effective antioxidants that protects the body from premature aging. Manganese helps the body absorb vitamins and maintains bone health, especially during menopause. Vitamin C is the most famous and sought after nutritional supplement in the world. It is a powerful antioxidant, protects against viral infections, promotes wound healing, and normalizes cholesterol levels. Hops regulate water-salt and fat metabolism in the body, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and regulate the menstrual cycle, especially during painful menstruation. Alfalfa isoflavones have hormonal properties and are used in the treatment of disorders associated with hormonal problems in the female body, such as endometriosis. Alfalfa also helps overcome hormone deficiency and relieve menopausal symptoms. Agrimony phytosterol stimulates the formation of hormones in the body, organic acids protect against salt deposits in joints, saponins remove inflammation. Angelica has a beneficial effect on the organs of the woman’s reproductive system and normalizes ovarian function. Angelica is used to treat menopausal and other dyshormonal disorders in a woman’s body. Natural estrogens and essential fatty acids of angelica increase the sensitivity of receptors to their own sex hormones - estrogens and maintain the balance of prostaglandins, which helps reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Ginkgo leaves are a powerful antioxidant that protects and dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the brain, improving memory and mental clarity. Schisandra stimulates cardiac activity, normalizes digestion, and improves performance. Schisandra is an active biological stimulant. Curly thistle (bitter thistle) is indispensable for cardiac disorders and poorly healing wounds. Thistle improves memory, regulates the menstrual cycle, and helps with insomnia. Garlic is a natural storehouse of vitamins and minerals with immunostimulating, antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. Korean ginseng activates the production of sex hormones, increases the overall tone of the body and performance. Cayenne pepper is often called the “miracle herb.” The plant improves heart health and venous structure, purifies the blood, and suppresses putrefactive intestinal microflora. Cayenne pepper activates the flow of fluid to tissues and improves the body's ability to absorb nutrients. The Mayan peoples used damiana as a means to increase sexual desire. The plant is an excellent aphrodisiac and improves the overall tone of the body. Damiana strengthens brain vessels and supports the health of the endocrine system. Inositol and choline are lipotropic vitamin-like substances that prevent cardiovascular diseases, improve the condition of skin and hair, and activate the regeneration of liver cells. Lecithin is a vital substance for the body, necessary for the health of the nervous system, renewal of damaged cells, and support of the functional state of the liver. Lecithin transports nutrients to cells and is a powerful antioxidant. Bromelain is a digestive enzyme that helps improve the assimilation of nutrients from food in the gastrointestinal tract. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Bioflavonoids improve the absorption of vitamin C from the intestinal lumen and prevent its destruction. Bioflavonoids also have anticarcinogenic properties and are excellent antioxidants. Methionine and cysteine ​​are amino acids that help restore muscles and other body tissues. Methionine is an essential amino acid that prevents excess fat deposits and prevents nail and skin diseases. Cysteine ​​is a sulfur-containing amino acid that protects against chemical toxins and restores liver cells. Para-aminobenzoic acid (vitamin B10) increases the body’s resistance to ultraviolet rays, poisons, infectious agents and oxygen starvation, improves skin tone, and protects it from premature aging. Para-aminobenzoic acid normalizes metabolism, improves lactation, and takes part in the production of red blood cells. Gammalinolenic acid (Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid) stabilizes metabolic processes in the body, regulates the functions of the gonads and adrenal glands, and has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. Octacosanol is a fatty alcohol that is the active ingredient in wheat germ oil. Octacosanol increases physical endurance, relieves symptoms of stress, and increases the body's endurance. Octacosanol is an excellent antioxidant. Royal jelly is food (produced by the allotrophic glands of nurse bees) for feeding the larvae of worker bees, drones up to three days of age, as well as royal larvae. The queen bee feeds on royal jelly throughout her life. Royal jelly helps strengthen immunity, health and longevity, has a beneficial effect on the skin, and improves body tone. Vitamin premix 1-03 contains a complex of vitamins necessary to support women's health, youth and beauty. Vitamin premix 1-03 contains optimal doses of vitamins that allow you to completely replenish the supply of vitamins in the female body.


Due to the fact that the products contain absolutely natural ingredients, and thanks to competent development, proven by clinical trials, Lady's products have virtually no contraindications. Exceptions include individual characteristics of patients, for example, intolerance to any component, including vitamin sensitivity. The patient must inform the doctor about this, who will make a note in the medical documents. Such actions will avoid complications during admission.

special instructions

Like every drug or biological product, these drugs have special instructions when taken:

  1. Childhood. Before reaching 12 years of age, you should not take any medicine from the Lady's series.
  2. Lactation and pregnancy. The drug is intended for use in certain hormonal disorders, therefore pregnancy and lactation are relative contraindications for taking these drugs.
  3. Alcohol and smoking. Doctors strongly do not recommend drinking alcohol or smoking during treatment.
  4. Liver and kidney failure. Manufacturers do not provide specific data, however, due to the fact that when taking these drugs you need to drink a lot of fluid, if the patient has serious health problems, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.
  5. Drug interactions. It is not recommended to take formulas together with other vitamin products.

Advantages and disadvantages

A review of reviews and opinions showed that patients like Ledis Formula products, and many note a positive effect.

  • efficiency;
  • convenient dosage and packaging;
  • precisely selected components;
  • relatively short course - from one month to three;
  • absence of chemical substances and hormones.

In addition, many women like the design and the absence of unpleasant taste and odor of the pills.

The disadvantages are, according to patients:

  • high price;
  • quite slow effect;
  • cases of allergies (in patients sensitive to plant components).

Some complain that the large size of the day and night formula tablets makes them difficult to swallow.


Since this medication is a relatively expensive drug, most patients try to find cheaper substitutes. It is worth noting that there are no drugs with identical composition, but products with a similar list of indications and effects are produced. These include:

  1. Ovariamin.
  2. Trisequence.
  3. Cleverol.
  4. Femicaps.
  5. Bonisan.

Replacement of Ledis formula with an analogue is carried out only with the permission of a specialist.


I only heard about hot flashes from commercials until I experienced this condition myself. The head is plagued, there is some kind of weakness all the time, irritation comes in waves - then you hate everyone and would run to a deserted island, then again you smile sweetly at everyone. I don’t know how much longer I would have endured this condition if a colleague had not advised me to try taking Lady’s Menopause day and night. Oh, what a good remedy, I don’t even know how to thank my colleague: I began to sleep better, these constant worries and nervous disorders went away, I gained strength and a desire to work and more. Now I myself recommend Ledis to my friends.

You never think about the difficulties ahead in advance - it seems that everything will pass by. In short, until the rooster pecks... My years have flown by and the problem has crept up unnoticed! At work and at home I'm all irritated. Fortunately, a friend suggested: “Try Ladys.” What do you think? Now I have become calmer, I am getting enough sleep, and my family, as a reward for tolerating my periodic nervous outbursts, has received a calm, gentle, loving mother and a passionate wife.

Lady's formula Menopause Enhanced attracted my attention with the presence of 4 types of phytoestrogens: clover, angelica and chaste vitex and maitake mushroom extract. In addition to maitake extract, the drug contains Peruvian maca root extract, so if you have a problem with decreased libido with age, then the drug should help, since it is the action of this component that increases sexual desire! The presence of several types of phytoestrogens in the biocomplex complements each other's action and contributes to a more effective action (even after the complex is discontinued).

Good afternoon I am 48 years old, menopause began at 45. After an examination, the doctor advised “Menopause enhanced formula.” I felt the result in the third week. The hot flashes became shorter, my mood improved, and my blood pressure stopped jumping. I took it for 2 months, now I’m taking a break. This dietary supplement suits me, I will definitely continue the course.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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