Reviews from gynecologists about Chinese phytotampons Beautiful Life and Clean Point

A new fashionable way of cleansing the body has appeared, as well as a new method of treating gynecological diseases. The latest craze is “herbal” vaginal tampons, marketed under the names Beautiful Life and Clean Point (meaning beautiful life and Clean Pearl, respectively). These Chinese herbal tampons (some believe that they are supposedly Japanese), according to the manufacturers, are capable of curing almost all diseases of the female reproductive system - candidiasis (a disease better known as “thrush”), uterine fibroids, polyps, cystitis, endometritis, cervical erosion and even infertility of unknown etiology. Here is a banner from a site selling herbal tampons Beautiful Life and Clean Point:

Plus the manufacturer claims that. that the miraculous Chinese tampons contain medicinal plants, and therefore there are no side effects.

The Internet is full of both positive and negative reviews about these miraculous tampons. Let's figure it out together.

These tampons are essentially mesh bags filled with herbs. This is what phytotampons look like:

Chinese tampons photos

phytotampons Clean Point

This article is written specifically by women who have not yet taken the ill-fated step in their lives. For those who have already tried these miraculous tampons without visible consequences, I write: “ Stop before it’s too late!” "

As evidence, at the end of the article you will find a video (albeit partially in Ukrainian, but everything is clear there!). This is the only true video I found on the Internet! In the video, special bacteriological analyzes were carried out, an examination of the composition was carried out and explanations were given by a gynecologist.

Composition of tampons

Phytotampons (reviews of some ladies note that while using the product, itching and burning in the vagina may be felt) have the ability to fight pathogens. Prevents aging processes.

The most common are phytotampons Beautiful Life and Clean Point (reviews note the similarity of their composition and say that the former act more delicately and softly than the latter). The products contain plant herbs that successfully defeat diseases that destroy the female body from the inside, these are:

  • Antihypoxants. Help prevent and replenish oxygen starvation of tissues. Stimulates energy metabolism.
  • Phytoncides. Refers to herbal antibiotics. They inhibit the development of a pathogenic environment and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Stimulates active production of antibodies. Suppresses the development of fungal infections. They have bactericidal activity, which is several times greater than the effect of medications. They are completely safe for the human body.
  • Flavonoids. They are natural polyphenols. Involved in redox processes. They make the walls of blood vessels stronger. Increases the body's resistance to external negative factors.
  • Antioxidants. Fight free radicals. They inhibit the withering of cells and tissues of the body.
  • Phytohormones (phytoestrogens). They are as close as possible to female hormones – estrogens. Prevents the occurrence and development of hormone-dependent formations. Normalize hormonal levels. They help eliminate gynecological diseases in this area (symptoms of menopause, menstruation, and others).

Therapeutic phytotampons contain extracts of herbs such as:

  • angelica, which is characterized by disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiseptic and tonic properties;
  • Monnieri root, which has antifungal, antibacterial, antiallergic, antipruritic properties;
  • Stemona root, known for its hemostatic, vasodilating, antitumor, antimicrobial and anthelminthic properties;
  • Kochia broom, which is used as a cardiotonic, diuretic, tonic and laxative;
  • Japanese motherwort, is a hemostatic, hypotensive and stimulating plant;
  • smilax, has a pronounced carminative, tonic and cleansing activity;
  • Ligusticum mutellinum is characterized by antibacterial, analgesic, sedative and vasodilating effects;
  • borneol is used as an antiseptic, analgesic and antipruritic agent.

The composition of the product is completely natural and safe for the female body, which has been confirmed by thousands of ladies using these products.

Indications for use

Phytotampons have a fairly wide range of applications. Reviews point out that during the use of these products a lot of “dirt” comes out, these are blood clots, mica-like discharge, etc. The products are recommended for use for almost any female disease. The main indications include cysts, thrush, vaginitis of various origins, inflammatory processes, as well as cervical erosion. It is recommended to use Clean Point phytotampons for hemorrhoids, premenstrual syndrome, endometritis and cystitis.

Reviews from ladies note that after a course of treatment with this product, there is an improvement in sensitivity during sexual intercourse. Also, Chinese products are effective for dysmenorrhea and incontinence. The drug is used for polyps, fibroids and infertility. Give a positive result for adhesions and obstruction of pipes. Eliminate viral infections.

Therapeutic tampons are produced under conditions of absolute sterility. They do not contain chemicals and do not harm the vaginal microflora.


Despite their effectiveness and naturalness, phytotampons cannot be used in all cases. Reviews from some women claim that you need to be careful with their use, as they can change hormonal levels and disrupt the cycle by up to 52 days.

The products should not be used by virgins. They are not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women due to the strong concentration of active substances that can penetrate the placenta, breast milk and negatively affect the child and embryo. You should not insert tampons if you have diabetes, as well as in a postoperative state, when the body is weakened and has poor blood clotting. Allergic reactions of the body to one or another component are contraindications. In this case, treatment with Chinese products should be completely stopped.

Chinese herbal tampons (reviews from some doctors say that they can cause a burn to the vagina, and their use should be treated with extreme caution) should not be used during menstruation. Here you need to wait 3-5 days after the last day of your period and 7 days before the start of your period.

During the treatment period, you must completely stop drinking alcohol. You cannot have sex at this time. If such a need arises, then you can have sex 3 hours after removing the phytotampon from the vagina and douching with a solution of chamomile flowers.

It is not recommended to take hormonal contraceptives while using tampons, or to use tampons with a similar effect.


Therefore, pain in the lower abdomen when starting to use tampons is considered quite normal. We will respond to you by email. This product is recommended to be used three days after menstruation.

The pathological layer of bacteria, toxins, and dead cells is gradually separated and absorbed into itself. There are also positive reviews about the use of miracle balls from China, and there are many of them. The gynecologist told me that there is erosion, there are remedies for dryness, that’s why I want to use tampons. Before using tampons, consult your gynecologist. Natural products have virtually no contraindications.

Instructions for use

Chinese phytotampons (reviews claim that the tampon is so small that it is not felt at all after use) are advised to be inserted slowly into the vagina to a depth of 5-7 cm. It is recommended to carry out this procedure before bed and after evening hygiene procedures. Before this event, you should thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with any disinfectant.

Before opening the package, you must ensure its integrity. If there is damage, the product cannot be used. Next, you should remove the tampon from the packaging and unwind the thread that is located at the base. This is done so that after the procedure the product can be removed from the vagina.

The phytotampon is placed in the vagina for three days, after which it is removed by pulling the thread. There may be mucus and discharge on the tampon after it is removed from the vagina. Take a break for 1-2 days, then insert a new tampon for three days and so on until the end of treatment, avoiding critical days. At this time, the product cannot be introduced into the body.

After the tampon has been removed, you need to make a bath or douching from a decoction of herbs such as chamomile, rose hips, St. John's wort. A decoction is prepared from clean filtered water.

The course consists of six procedures, but this is only if gynecological diseases are present. For preventive purposes, it is enough to use phytotampons (reviews from gynecologists do not recommend using this product, since it is not a medication and has not been sufficiently studied) 1-2 times a month.

A tampon used for prevention inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora. Significantly reduces the likelihood of hormonal imbalances. Helps support women's health during the cold season. Promotes rapid healing of wounds.

You cannot put tampons in the second half of the cycle if the woman is not protected from pregnancy, as it may be terminated. If there is dryness in the vagina, then before the procedure the product is placed in boiled water or olive oil for a couple of minutes.

If a phytotampon is used for the first time, it is recommended to administer it for several hours.

During the treatment period, you should drink a lot of clean water, at least 1.5 liters per day, this will make the procedure more effective and help remove waste (toxins) from the body.

Chinese medicinal tampons - an effective and safe remedy for women's health and beauty

How to cure endometriosis without surgery? With 4 courses of medicinal Chinese tampons you can get rid of endometriosis forever .
This remedy has no analogues in the world; it has already helped thousands of women! Therapeutic phytotampons can both cure endometriosis and eliminate its causes, thereby preventing recurrences of the disease.

Surprisingly, endometriosis, which today is treated by at least 30% of European women of fertile age, is not at all familiar to Asian women .

This fact will seem mystical only to those who are not familiar with wise Chinese medicine, the effectiveness of which has been proven for centuries.

Using natural ingredients, it miraculously activates the healing capabilities hidden in the human body itself and recovery occurs very quickly, and, most importantly, without side effects or injuries.

How phytotampons eliminate the causes of endometriosis

Stunning results in the treatment of all gynecological diseases, including endometriosis, are obtained from Chinese herbal tampons , which relieve inflammation, heal wounds, overcome congestion and normalize the immune and endocrine systems. Their main advantage is that the effect is aimed directly at combating the cause that provokes the disease, and not at its manifestation.

Causes of endometriosisThe effect of phytotampons
Incomplete removal of rejected endometrial cells from the uterine cavity and vaginaThey pull out dead endometrial particles and fluid from the pelvic cavity, preventing them from entering the abdominal cavity and taking root
Hormonal imbalanceBring the endocrine function of the genital organs back to normal
Decreased local immunityStrengthen the immune system, stimulate the body's defenses
Abortion, cervical coagulation, abdominal manipulation, intrauterine deviceHeal damage, relieve inflammation, prevent infection

Why are traditional treatments unsuccessful?

Modern medicine in 3 out of 5 cases is powerless to help a woman suffering from endometritis, and all that can be done with conventional therapeutic methods is to relieve pain and make symptoms less painful.

As a result, the disease develops into chronic endometritis, the treatment of which is considered almost impossible.

Chinese herbal tampons are not just a worthy alternative to useless procedures and medications, but the only effective way to date to be completely cured without relapse of the disease and its tragic consequences.

Comparison criterionChinese tamponsTraditional alternative
Treatment effectiveness100% cureThe likelihood of a complete cure is low. The maximum that can be achieved is to overcome pain and make the manifestations of the disease less noticeable.
Painfulness of the procedureAbsolutely painlessMost procedures are so painful that they are performed under local or general anesthesia.
Impact on appearanceImproves skin color and conditionIncrease in body weight up to 70%
Preventive effectEndometriosis is defeated once and for all, recommended for use for preventive purposesDue to the high morbidity and side effects, the methods are not applicable as preventive measures.
Chinese tamponsTraditional alternative
Treatment effectiveness
100% cureThe likelihood of a complete cure is low.
Painfulness of the procedure
Absolutely painlessMost procedures are so painful that they are performed under local or general anesthesia.
Impact on appearance
Improves skin color and conditionIncrease in body weight up to 70%
Preventive effect
Endometriosis is defeated once and for all, recommended for use for preventive purposesDue to the high morbidity and side effects, the methods are not applicable as preventive measures.

By choosing Chinese tampons, a woman makes a choice in favor of health, happiness and a fulfilling life. They are not only a powerful means of treating endometriosis, but also the best prevention, available to everyone at home and practically free of contraindications.


The principle of operation of phytotampons

Chinese herbal tampons (reviews from some women claim that they can cure uterine fibroids) work to cleanse the vagina of blood clots and dead cells. Helps eliminate pathogenic flora.

There are several types of discharge that occur after using Chinese tampons, these are:

  • Light clots. This means dead vaginal cells that have stopped working and only contaminate the uterus.
  • Water. It turns out that there is an infectious disease or a cold.
  • Blood clots are dark in color. Remains of menstruation, along with which pathogenic bacteria are released.
  • Brown discharge. Observed with prolonged inflammation in the pelvis.

All these symptoms show that not everything was in order with the woman’s genital organs and tampons removed all unnecessary “dirt” from the body.

The medicinal herbs in the product not only cleanse the uterus, but also heal it. They direct the action of the active components to the problem area, even healing old wounds. Stimulate blood circulation and saturate the injured area with all the necessary nutrients. Plants in the product heal wounds and successfully fight pathogenic environments.

Phytotampons from China have four main functions:

  • bactericidal qualities that help remove pathogens;
  • anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • restorative effect.

For certain diseases, it is advisable to carry out complex treatment. Before using tampons, you should fully examine the gynecological area and consult a specialist.

Diagnostic features

In order to detect the disease in time, it is necessary to conduct regular examinations with a gynecologist.
In addition, establishing the fact of the appearance of this disease is very complicated by the fact that the clinical manifestations of its development are quite similar to the manifestations of other diseases. That is why, if a specialist suspects the formation of this disease, he will definitely prescribe comprehensive tests. Typically these include:

  • Examination on a gynecological chair.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Laparoscopy.
  • Hysteroscopy.

Only comprehensive research will allow us to determine the occurrence of this disease as accurately as possible.

One of the most serious and severe complications that occurs if this disease is not treated is infertility. Its occurrence is observed in more than 50% of cases.

If the disease affects the nerve trunks, then the woman may experience neuralgic disorders.

With frequent bleeding caused by the disease, anemia may occur, which, in turn, is accompanied by the following unpleasant phenomena:

  • Weakness.
  • Pallor.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Pain in the heart area.
  • Headache.
  • General weakness.

Another very serious complication that can occur if endometriosis is not treated is malignancy. This phenomenon implies malignancy of the altered tissue.

Additional benefits

Beautiful Life herbal tampons (reviews of some ladies note that their action gives only a short-term effect, but after a course of treatment all problems return again) in addition to the stated positive results, they have additional “bonuses”. By cleansing a woman’s sexual organ, they have a beneficial effect on the entire body from the inside.

The products narrow the vagina, which is why they have earned particular popularity among women in labor. The herbs included in the tampon provide a tonic effect to the pelvic muscles, which rejuvenates the entire body. They restore hormonal balance, which causes the disappearance of age spots. Improves and evens out complexion. Renew and rejuvenate the vaginal mucosa. Phytotampons help normalize microflora and eliminate many female diseases. Increases the chances of successfully conceiving a child.

Side effects

Unfortunately, treatment with herbal tampons does not always produce a noticeable effect. Many ladies experienced negative effects in the form of itching and burning when using Beautiful Life and Clean Point. The manufacturer advises not to be afraid of these symptoms, since, according to him, there is an increase in blood circulation in the vagina, which makes the treatment more effective and causes similar discomfort.

During therapy, disruptions in the menstrual cycle may occur. The developers of tampons do not advise you to be afraid of such a reaction, because medicinal plants, restoring the functions of the pelvis, normalize the natural cycle, and menstruation will eventually come on time.

Some women experienced headaches and back pain when using Chinese products. This indicates a violation of blood supply in the body. Don't be afraid of them and stop using tampons; they will disappear over time.


Endometriosis is a gynecological disease in women. With it, the cells of the inner layer of the uterine wall (endometrium) grow beyond its boundaries, as if migrating to other parts of the reproductive system and even beyond its limits. The causes of the disease have not been precisely established.

The main clinical manifestations of endometriosis are usually cyclical. This is pain in the lower abdomen, which is becoming more and more intense. Dysmenorrhea, irregular periods, painful intercourse, fever during menstruation, dysfunctional vaginal bleeding, nipple discharge, and infertility may be associated with endometriosis. It is estimated that 15 percent of women aged 25 to 44 years have endometriosis.

Standard treatment for endometriosis involves surgery to remove some endometrial tissue. Drugs are also used that suppress ovarian activity and slow down the growth of endometrial tissue. Surgery is often only a temporary measure because endometriosis recurs in most patients. Treatment with synthetic hormones suppresses the symptoms of endometriosis, but the disease itself is not cured and symptoms often return after hormone therapy is stopped. In addition, the side effects of these drugs can be significant.

Cost of products from China

Beautiful Life herbal tampons (reviews say that they should not be used at a young age, but best for women after 40) are not affordable. So, for 12 products they ask for 1200 rubles on Russian sites, and for 5 pieces - 500 rubles. On the Russian market, the price range for these goods is quite large and the difference in cost sometimes reaches a thousand.

You can buy tampons on Aliexpress and save a lot. There they charge 350-400 rubles for 10 tampons. The price range here is not as wide as in Russia. It is best in this situation to choose a trusted seller and read reviews about the store. The more positive recommendations, the better. The cost of Clean Point phytotampons is no different from Beautiful Life brand products.

Chinese herbal tampons: reviews from gynecologists

Not all doctors in Russia know about these tampons and welcome their use. Therefore, opinions about them have varied. Some doctors note that these herbal tampons can cause severe chemical burns, negative hormonal changes and cycle disruption. Reviews from doctors recommend not to rush into this purchase at the first advice of a friend, but to first seek advice from a gynecologist. When using, take into account all contraindications and specialist recommendations. If allergic reactions occur, you should immediately stop using Beautiful Life phytotampons.

Reviews from gynecologists note that the products cannot replace medications and affect the obstruction of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, since they simply do not come into contact with them. In this case, completely different treatment methods are possible.

Doctors also recommend that you pay attention to this purchase and try not to run into a fake. Throughout the course, it is advised to regularly be examined by a gynecologist. It is believed that tampons cannot replace a medication, they only complement therapy.

What can you do?

The main thing a woman can do to cure this disease is to seek medical help as quickly as possible.
As a rule, if the disease was diagnosed in the early stages of development, a favorable prognosis is given in 50-70% of cases. That is why it is important to undergo regular preventive examinations and consult a doctor when the first symptoms appear.

If, after undergoing diagnostics, a woman’s diagnosis is confirmed, then the main thing is to start treatment as early as possible. As a rule, during the influence the following tasks are solved:

  • Reducing pain.
  • Reducing the spread of the disease.
  • Restoration of the reproductive system.

The choice of treatment method is made by a specialist based on a fairly large number of different circumstances. As a rule, the following are taken into account:

  • The degree of manifestation of symptoms.
  • Severity of the disease.
  • Woman's age.
  • Number of pregnancies.
  • General state.

Most often, treatment is carried out with medications.

Mostly drugs are used that cause artificial menopause in women and slow down the growth of the endometrium. Treatment with surgery and medications is less commonly used.

Phytotampons: real reviews

The products are new to the gynecological field. As a result of their use, a number of very different reviews have been formed. If the result is positive, women consider the Chinese herbal tampons Beautiful Life to be almost a panacea for all ills. Reviews from these ladies claim that they quickly relieve the inflammatory process. They cure thrush. It is noted that the product effectively affects the vaginal microflora. Eliminates pain during menstruation and ailments during menopause.

The women tolerated the treatment well. At this time they did not experience any significant ailments. They say that when a tampon is first inserted, too much mucus, films and other harmful elements come out. With each administration, the amount of such substances noticeably decreases, and the vagina becomes clean and narrow, which cannot but please women who have given birth. These people order them repeatedly, and the products are a kind of lifesaver for them.

Some note the short duration of action of Chinese products. They say that after using them all problems come back. They believe that they give a temporary and fairly short-term effect. Beautiful Life herbal tampons did not cause any side effects for them.

Negative reviews create a completely unsightly picture. They note severe chemical burns, which required long-term recovery treatment. They claim that the use of these products only aggravated the disease, causing serious disruption of the menstrual cycle, changes in hormonal levels, and bleeding that was difficult to stop. They indicate unbearable itching and burning after tampons. They note that their use had to be stopped.

Herbal tampons Beautiful Life and Clean Point should be administered after consultation with a gynecologist, otherwise the consequences of their use can be sad.

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