Candles Neo-Penotran Forte
Is it possible to use Neo-Penotran suppositories during menstruation?
The main method of treating gynecological diseases is drug therapy. The most popular means are considered to be those
Sharp pulsation in the lower abdomen
Does the Gender of the Child Depend on the Ovary in Which Ovulation Occurred?
The female reproductive system is aimed at procreation, and predict who will be born, a girl
Delayed menstruation with IUD
Delayed menstruation with IUD reasons
Many women have recently preferred to use an intrauterine device as a means of contraception. She doesn't
Clotrimazole discharge after it during pregnancy
Characteristics of the drug Clotrimazole belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic category of antifungal agents. In gynecology it is used locally. Indications:
Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in women before menstruation
Many women are accustomed to considering severe pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation as the norm. However, it's far away
Reasons for the development of thrush
Thrush before menstruation: causes, symptoms and treatment
Many women complain of thrush appearing before menstruation. Why does thrush start just before menstruation?
When is the IUD placed - before or after menstruation?
Installation of an intrauterine device: when and how to place an IUD
Modern gynecology offers an impressive list of methods and means of contraception. The intrauterine device is the most effective
Blood clots during menstruation: what are the reasons, what to do?
Every woman experiences menstrual bleeding. They first appear at the age of 10-15 years, and
Herbs (Horsewort, Red brush, Sage, etc.) -2.
The hog queen (Ortilia unilateral) is a modest and undistinguished plant in appearance. But therapeutic possibilities
Girls' first periods
Red day in the calendar: girls' first periods
No amount of technological progress or skill in handling an iPhone can protect a modern girl from
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