Scheme for using Utrozhestan during pregnancy
Brown discharge after Utrozhestan: all reasons
"Utrozhestan" is a synthetic analogue of the pregnancy hormone - progesterone. Progesterone is a gestagen that is formed in
Hormonal background
Hormonal imbalance in women over 40 years of age - dangerous changes
The hormonal background in women is often subject to changes; it cannot be called stable at all. Moreover, the data
Woman at the mammologist doctor
Types and causes of breast discharge before menstruation
Reasons why a woman can detect colostrum before and during menstruation Mammary glands
Basal temperature before menstruation
Basal temperature before and after menstruation. Rules for measuring basal temperature
Rules of measurement Before talking about specific values, it is important to find out exactly how to measure
pain at 39 weeks of pregnancy
39th week of pregnancy: harbingers of labor, discharge
Position of the fetus in the uterus By this time, the fetus occupies its final position in the uterus. Places
List of birth control pills for endometriosis
The mechanism of action of birth control pills is as follows: each tablet contains a dose of estrogen and progestogen, which
Ovarian cyst removal - recovery after laparoscopy
On what day are ovarian cysts discharged after laparoscopy?
Diseases of the ovaries, such as cysts, cystomas and other neoplasms that may affect
Is it possible to pump up the abs with uterine fibroids, play sports?
What is the essence of Bubnovsky’s technique? Dr. Bubnovsky has developed a special method for treating myomatous nodes. She
cervical erosion
Cervical erosion and menstruation after cauterization procedure
Cauterization of erosion often goes away without any side effects. However, many gynecological procedures have an impact on
Is it possible to go to the pool if you have thrush: how to protect yourself
When a woman is being treated for candidiasis, even minimal violation of hygiene rules can aggravate the disease,
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