How many days after birth control does your period start?
Oral contraceptives (OC) are one of the popular and effective methods of contraception among women. Modern
Hijama for infertility in women and men: principle of action and features of the procedure
Capillary bloodletting or hijama is an effective method against many diseases. The point of the procedure is
Health check of a 50-year-old woman
Symptoms of endometriosis and treatment in women 50 – 55 years old
Questions discussed in the material: What changes occur in the body of older women What diseases in
lower abdomen hurts
What can be the consequences after surgery to remove uterine fibroids? Doctors' recommendations and prognosis
Are uterine fibroids removed independently or together with the uterus? Uterine fibroids are a genital disease
How does the lower abdomen hurt during pregnancy before the delay?
Every representative of the fairer sex experiences a delay in menstruation from time to time. Someone perceives her
sore throat during menstruation
Every time I get a cold before my period
Why do illness and critical days coincide? Sometimes due to the simultaneous onset of a viral infection and menstruation
8 Ways to Get Rid of Perimenopause Symptoms
Recently, many adherents of healthy eating have been talking about maintaining intestinal microflora. Everything is very
What happens if thrush is not treated for both partners?
Today, a variety of pharmacological drugs represents a line of modern means that reliably and quickly
How to get rid of discharge with an unpleasant odor at home: treatment of leucorrhoea, white, yellow discharge
How to get rid of discharge with an unpleasant odor at home: treatment of leucorrhoea, white, yellow discharge
Women experience whitish vaginal discharge during a certain period of the menstrual cycle. This phenomenon
How to take royal jelly for infertility in women
Every woman is born to give life, so the diagnosis of infertility sounds very scary and unbearable.
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