Can Trichopolum tablets be inserted into the vagina?
Trichopolum is a vaginal tablet with antimicrobial and antiprotozoal action used in gynecology. This dosage form
What does it mean that the ovaries are pulled towards the uterus?
Causes of the pathology The main cause of displacement of the appendage is adhesions in the pelvis. For the occurrence of adhesions
Menstruation after laparoscopy of ovarian cyst
no periods after laparoscopy of ovarian cyst
The technology of laparoscopic surgery in modern tumor surgery on human tissues is positioned as one
Period of viral diseases
We donate blood correctly for hormones: on what day of the cycle should we take a TSH test?
To make a correct diagnosis and effectively get rid of problems associated with the female reproductive system
Urogenital trichomoniasis
Incubation period of trichomoniasis in women and men: symptoms and treatment, how long it lasts
Trichomonas are single-celled protozoan microorganisms; only three types of parasites pose a threat to human health:
Efficiency and features of use of the drug Norkolut
The use of Norkolut for ovarian cysts
Today, many women are faced with all kinds of cystic formations. With most of
50 years old is a beautiful female age
How to quickly lose weight without dieting after 50 years at home: the best exercises, menu
How to really lose weight at 50? What diet do nutritionists recommend? How to stop weight gain
How to stop uterine bleeding with endometrial hyperplasia
How to stop uterine bleeding with endometrial hyperplasia
Signs of uterine bleeding can occur in women of any age - both teenagers and
Chinese medicinal tampons - what are they for and how to take them?
Good day! My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At 28 years old myself
Answers to questions about Chinese Clean Point tampons part V
A new fashionable way of cleansing the body has appeared, as well as a new method of treating gynecological diseases. Last thing
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