Tablets "Mastodinon" for mastopathy: reviews from doctors, contraindications, side effects
Many women know that if they have pain in the mammary glands, they urgently need to undergo
Is fibroadenoma capable of self-resorption?
Last updated: 10/07/2019 The first question that interests a woman diagnosed with uterine fibroids is “Can
Hydrocortisone ointment for vulvitis in girls 1
Vulvitis in girls and vulvovaginitis: symptoms, causes and treatment of diaper rash on the labia
Treatment of vulvitis with ointment is an integral component of the treatment regimen for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs.
Frozen pregnancy causes
Hormonal imbalance after a frozen pregnancy. Recovery after cleansing a frozen pregnancy. When to start a new life
Consequences of curettage during a frozen pregnancy When curettage there is a risk of complications during the process or
woman touching her red Adam's apple
Interview. Medications for the treatment of infertility
Many women planning pregnancy experience endocrine infertility. This pathology is characterized by various disorders, resulting
Lindinet for endometriosis: use and patient reviews
Tablets Women of reproductive age face the problem of endometriosis. This pathology significantly reduces the quality of life,
The ointment is used to relieve inflammation in the uterus and ovaries
Vishnevsky ointment in gynecology: use will cure infertility
In the distant twentieth century, there lived a great man - the Soviet surgeon Alexander Vishnevsky.
Iodine and soda for thrush: benefits, contraindications for use and useful recipes
Soda and iodine for thrush - one of the most popular phrases found on search engines
Laser for fibroid removal - surgery has become easier, rehabilitation has become more fun!
Laser therapy in gynecology is actively used to treat pathologies of various origins. Treatment is prescribed for infertility,
Woman holding her stomach
For what reasons do menstruations not come, but only smear?
Each female body is unique and requires special care and attention. Any woman of childbearing age
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