The structure of the myometrium is diffusely heterogeneous, what does this mean?
The myometrium is an important constituent layer of the reproductive organ. Its task is to ensure normal extensibility
course of medical abortion
Blood clots after medical termination of pregnancy
Main causes of discharge Discharge after medical termination of pregnancy is normal. The woman's body cleans out the cavity
vulvitis in women symptoms and treatment
Treatment of vulvitis at home, inflammation of the labia
The term “vulvitis” refers to inflammation of the vulva - the external female genital organs. The main symptoms causing
Organic feminine hygiene products or What do we know about pads?
Every girl, from a certain age, begins to use hygiene products during menstruation. Pads and tampons,
Bartholin's gland removal
Recovery after Bartholin gland surgery
A Bartholin gland cyst is a pathological cavity with rounded shapes, its own wall and purulent
Is it possible to drink alcoholic beverages (wine, beer) during menstruation?
The menstrual cycle is a series of cyclic changes in the body of a woman of childbearing age, indicating
Ligamentous and supporting apparatus of the internal genital organs
Ligamentous apparatus of the uterus Ligaments forming the apparatus Connects the uterus to the walls of the pelvis Paired wide uterine ligaments Supporting ligaments of the ovary Proper
Laser treatment of cervical erosion (laser coagulation) - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Allara Today
Cervical erosion is a common pathology, expressed in changes in the composition and properties of the cells of this
Borovaya uterus for uterine fibroids: how the course of treatment proceeds
When benign neoplasms appear in the body, they try to get rid of them quickly, but at the same time
Light brown discharge at 40 weeks of pregnancy
Periodic discharge from the genital tract accompanies a woman for almost the entire 9 months of bearing a baby. Some
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