Birch buds
What does Father George's monastery tea help with?
At the moment there are many sites on the Internet where they sell various versions of this widely advertised
Supravaginal amputation of the uterus with appendages progress of the operation
Supravaginal amputation of the uterus is understood as a surgical intervention during which the body of the uterus is removed
How long can you not have sex after cauterization of erosion, after what time can you
Cervical pathology occurs quite often in women. Various methods are used to treat it.
Why do the labia darken, what color should they be?
Discharge in women is a normal reaction of the body. By releasing secretions, the body cleanses the microflora of the reproductive organs.
Inflammation of the uterus, treatment with folk remedies using tampons
In the treatment of many gynecological diseases, tampons soaked in some kind of drug are actively used. For
composition of terzhinan
Terzhinan for thrush: how to use and will there be an effect?
Unbearable, sometimes intensifying itching, discharge resembling grains of curd, swelling of the mucous membrane - these are manifestations of thrush,
Why do mood swings occur during menstruation?
Why does a woman's mood change during her period?
Zefirka > Medicine > Why do mood swings occur during menstruation? Any girl knows
Treatment of cervical cancer without surgery
Diet for cervical cancer after surgery and treatment
If a woman is diagnosed with such a dangerous and serious pathology as cervical cancer, she
What to do if the dominant follicle does not mature? There are reasons for this and appropriate treatment is required.
Follicles are special round-shaped formations within which eggs mature. Their number is specified
If pimafucin tablets do not help with thrush
If pimafucin tablets do not help with thrush Almost everyone knows that candidiasis or thrush
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