Discharge after Postinor: bloody, brown, white, is it normal if it doesn’t go away?
Question: After taking Postinor I have thick white discharge. Did the drug work? The site provides reference information
Marker Ca-125 is localized in the ovaries
CA 125 for endometriosis: definitions, preparation for analysis, norms | vrachmatki
Quite often, when diagnosing diseases, as well as for monitoring the effectiveness of treatment, doctors prescribe
woman examining breasts
Why do the mammary glands hurt and swell before menstruation and how to relieve the pain
According to statistics, about 95% of women feel pain and swelling in the mammary glands before menstruation.
Why do women have pain in their sacrum before menstruation? Why does the sacrum hurt during menstruation?
Coccyx cyst Coccyx cyst is a serious disease characterized by a pathological change in the tissue in the area
Normal hormone levels during menopause, hormone replacement therapy, treatment with phytohormones
Every representative of the fair sex experiences menopause at a certain age. This period of time
Can cancer be diagnosed based on ultrasound?
Ultrasound diagnosis of skin tumors in planning the scope of surgical intervention
Cancer diagnosis using ultrasound For diagnosing cancer in the early stages, ultrasound is simple and effective
Propolis in a woman’s medicine cabinet: treatment of “female” ailments
Tinctures, ointments and vaginal and rectal suppositories with propolis in gynecology are widely used in
What are the benefits of birth control pills in the treatment of uterine fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are a benign nodule-like tumor. The presence of such fibromatous formations in women
How not to grow old during menopause: causes of changes during menopause, what lifestyle to lead and what to take against the aging body
Menopause is a natural physiological process in a woman’s life, accompanied by a number of symptoms. At this point
Sage - to accelerate the growth of the follicle and endometrium in the first phase of the cycle
When a woman’s inner layer of the uterus does not gain the required thickness after ovulation, this may
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